-.. . ....‘. w... Eli!) 6 :ggwrml RICHMOND HILL. Ont. Jan. 24. ism? l‘rlARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. According to statute the council met at 11 o'clock on Monday. The clerk administrated the declaration of ofï¬ce rud qudil'lration and the members t ok their seats as follows 2â€"â€" Itecve, Jonathan Slater; Deputy- ) eye, \V. H. Lapp; (liilllli'llltii‘s, Jonathan Nigh, Gen. 13. l’adget and (in'!!. G. Morrison. Applientions were reeeii'ed from Nan-Issah it. Fretz and Elijah \Vismvr 11‘ the position of assessor for the on" half of the. township. and from \T'ni. Brown for the. west hall'. A comniunieation was read from K. "-. McKay, Sec. Ontario Municipal l.-=30eiali0n. asking council to petition i re Legislature through the member 1 vr the riding. toreiieve iriulriitipilitiesl Ii heavy responsibility where injuries are incurred throuin uoIi-iepair of highways. and to repeal See. (Woof the luniripnl Act. Nigh -pl.dg(.[_'phntl u“. “1],â€..in 15 des. lot 35. con. 8 Vaiiiéhau. (fog tax be. refunded, being wrongfully assessed :â€"Gen. (:‘rtn niley, one dog and |"1f‘ hitch. $3; ()hris. linger-man, one tit"; $1: John l’ll'llllltlllgï¬â€˜ï¬‚yv ~t\vo dogs 1""4'1'5Un. Iirru' "\Vt-stnu. 'l'ei'iiis lti Hills. 1: Mr. .1. Thomson. Samuel Milli-r, La Sherrard and Jos. \Vidi-nian. one tl "L" t'iieli. M '. 'l'tios. Hugeiiiian. rupnrted l1;l\’â€" 11"““l'k. IH‘HI' mil-ill."- i g seen N. Ogden and \V. 11. Stivr-r. I -t~iaims for damages to their lioi'sr s through getting hurt, hyge‘tting a foot through hole in rulreit in fun L'on.. 1 vi. 1') and 11. Each \\'anted $10 (Liniaizes. l’adg‘etâ€"«Nighâ€"That the treasurer I run is liereln' authorized to pay the liobinsou Bros. $3 for ('llllitlg thistles i'iid noxious needs on Canadian her-thorn Railway. situate in road liii. No. 2 east Alarknam. and that. the clerk forward account. to Railway ('0. for payment. and if i-elused that he enter the. aerouut in {‘Utlt‘l} for culâ€" lectiun. A number of general -2u:rounts were raid. 1 Tat? collectors were relieved from taxes amounting to $7.17.").84. Lappâ€"Morrisonâ€"’l‘liat the clerk be authorized to pay each deputy-return- ing ofï¬cer the sum of $3 and mileage. r-icli poll clerk $2 each '(‘tilistvalilt' $1 and for each polling booth :53. Nighâ€"l’adgetâ€" l'liat Mr. Morrison he Coinmisioner to repair euhert opp. Its 21), con. .‘s'. also to repair bridge imtwri-n lots 25 and run. 7; amount ]- Iyable (in his order when completed. Mortisonâ€"Lappâ€"That Mr. Padget- it‘lid Mr. \Viiieh he rominissioners to prospect for grmel on lot. 18. eon. 2. Piltlgt‘l-‘ngllâ€"l‘llilt the clerk ruthorim-d to procure six copies Municipal \Vurld for 1907. A by~law “as passed appointing ‘Vm. Brown assessor for Mesa hall mud Elilal-i \V-lflultl-l ‘l‘or eim‘t. half. and Jim. 1". Davis‘un and \Valter Scott,1 auditors. ' A by-law was passed pi'miding for the maintaiuanee of the Township r-iads between Markham and Vaughn. and to deï¬ne his duties. J. 1‘). lt‘rani-is was appointed coiniiiissioii=~r at $25 and $60†a -t- apart for maintenance. A l.-_vâ€"la\v was pasSed appointing Vin. llloiikmaii. J. A. Mitchell and l‘a\ id James a board of health in eun- gunction with the were and L'lt'l k. and' tuber-t (‘anrphell sanitary inspector at $31Maday and 51:. per mile lllill'i‘lgt‘. l-app ~1’adget.â€"'l‘hat the mover and .311: Morrison he a Committee on print ing and report: at next meeting. Nigliâ€"i‘iiil‘l'is':il-â€"'l‘l1:tlr Mr. Pridgit be appointed commissioner to repair stone crusher ready for use in spring. Nighâ€"Padgetâ€"l‘hat a grant of $10 ilie tiiadevli) the Sick Children's Hos- gftal and authorized the treasurer to 1p. y the Same. A resolution Was passed that. lilt' council meet on the second Saturday in each month during the year, except- i‘mr days fixed by statute. ‘lie Reeve and Niin and Padget were appointedaciariniittee on ï¬na rice. Nighâ€"Padgetâ€"That we allow the lie (ll Feb. 10. Come prepared to give libt‘I" ally the eause of missions. The Sunday Heliool llt'lt' are attend~ ing to-duy the annual township ron~ s'eiition being held in the Lutheran church. at Sherwood. Mr. Llini. \Villiaiiis r 1 ~- or Sale. ()iie fresh milrh eou’, lot l‘l.tl‘l{li;|ill. l". ELLIOTT J at (‘03). of Toronto. spent Sunday at his home here. 3)? 7 A “'ri’mmni] Hi†i" 0' . («noâ€"f | . N Amen Daltvs- i intone W 8.31th EARNED): & Mcl‘ZWEN's SALics. ‘ SATURDAY. Jar). Zt‘iâ€"vl'lorses and (.‘olts. at Stuart's hotel. \\'iv.alhridge. property at J. H.15iilliiigei'. Terms .lUmos. Sale-all. 7 77777 N r _ SATURDAY. li‘eh. Z‘A l‘arin. lots 51 p. illltl :JZ, Markham, til. the Palliii-l‘ OI, House. llieliiiiond llill. Sale. at"; ; MW,“ \\'r:ii,\‘i-:sn.n'. l"t‘ll. (i~'l“lt‘~ll inilk‘ cows. spt'iiigei-s and young rattle, at the l'annvr Holist‘ yards, tiirhuiond Hill. 'leiiiisiimos. Sale at Z. 'l'llt'ltls‘lMY. l‘l‘h. 7â€"Jlioiougli-bi‘ed Thirty ti isr‘ ofstoiit- for ‘r'oiiiz-rsti'ert, south of liirluuond llill. J. lC. FRANCIS 3).! 'l‘liui'tiliiil House. and lot. immediately south of High Selim-l. lZii-hnannd llill. For iii- i'oi'iiialioii apply to .l .\ .\l lCS N if \V'l‘t )N. .15-tf lill ‘ Mills. cattle, sheep and horses, at llil‘ l‘jagle fl , ___ v _ in†1.†Uoust‘, \\'eston, property of ill. Uarilâ€" Ce house. 'l‘eriiis 1U mos. F ’5 s i TUESDAY, li‘eb. lZâ€"«l’arni stork. iui- 01 ha“ 8 pleiin-iils. t-te., pit-pein ol' \\'. 6L .1. -â€"â€"«~ Lynn. (irayel ltoad. Terms 111 runs. About 4!) sheep good bier-iiingewes Salt-at 1. supposvd in he in lamb in one of TUESDAY. Feb. 124Faiiii stoek. iiii- Lloyd .lones register-d rains. ‘l'iuir plemi-nls. etc. the property of Isaac: oi rash. Terms \V. \V.\\'lli.\‘(i'l‘t).\i Lot 31. (Ton. 2. Vaughan liltzia Mills 1’. (‘. It) iuos. Hale-‘11]. \\ EDNICSDAY. l“t'll. 13~l«‘.~.rm sing-k. implements. ete.. the property l h c , «. .saii-m l. PLEASANT lv’ili. ’l‘iitrirsiuY, Feb. ll~~l“ai'iii stock. ‘ _ * "“"" ‘ V. iiiiplerneiils. ete.. the [illipr'lly of Mr. 71h" l“"l"l"l“" "i l‘“"‘â€â€™â€ ‘ V“ ’j'..““,» in “I... lleid llr-lsirin (‘aiiin and Breeder-oi ‘ improved (7l1~~:-lt‘t' \\'hiie Hogs. la-l.‘ 213. 1st. Uon.. Vaughan ('i‘hornliill) has l'oi s Ilt' some good \"lIlllig slot-1;, Salt) til i. Finiu‘r. Feb. 15â€"’l‘heioiigliJn'tui and grade cattle. property of .llillll “ lx'eadnian, lot. 31. eoii. ti. Vaughan. lll"""'lfill‘l""l “‘1†“1" [mg k“l‘t fԠ1‘..an 12 ml“... Huh. “1 ]_ serx it‘e on the premises. SATURDAY, IV‘Q'lL lliï¬lt‘ul'lll, in lots l). G. GOODERHA M. k mkm‘éâ€"xzsg = v “an . 4£n&.&"“1m ¢ as \Vw'ï¬'l'da‘t'u'ï¬y‘ \.-,.~ 5r; .2L :.' . a Elie s it Gin? c «- '"s 4'23 ' <3 .i . q».- ~ this. @ E ° . “1‘9â€: (7: Elli as. ï¬liilfliw ' Do you know there iS hi: manor ' ralsinw r-odtr"? "-0 . . - A" ‘ ‘ 011 14.570“; than: is more liit'nt'y in run ‘1': .1 uni-i- awn-hater hail in almost anything Clsc _\i‘>‘.1(‘;;n no li-l‘ :1â€: amount (if time and trouble, i: tc-7.u::‘? pay you a big-,1; on your place? Well, all these things are true. and I can nerve it Thousands cf people all ovcr Canada have pmvo .t trot): year for the last live yearn. I want to quote you a price on my Chatlzam Incl-that ~srild ON TIM 19. lwarit to send you iry Chatham l»... 5:. -'I‘his incubator bank is {rc‘câ€" Hi {:11 it to You for inst a postal card. It teits you a lot you ought. to lichw aimlit tac- l’oultry businessâ€"4t: tells you how to 1131i '1t-I.’."}' out of ; chiclzcnSâ€"it tells you how my Cl1.li‘ iii Iatulmtnrwili make " you more money than you can main with tansâ€"tar ziiczu. ' and with less trouble. 1).) you know rio’ _ V incubator win or pron: 1.11:1†any ut‘ or thing )‘ul: kmil tai’s . Li . \ This book tells you lrnv my Incubators ire m.:r‘.»?â€"~wli\' they are is; l the best ever invented~and why I 5311 than): ON ’1‘1Ali;';.;;d 'ou a i 5-Year Gimrantcc. My Company has been in business in Canada frr over 513’031‘5, We are one of the largest wood-working {ac CS in the 0.1.1â€... We also operate a large factory at: Detroit. M We have the lu- i cubator and Broodcr business down to 3 59,32. . . u Chatham Incubators and Brooders will .‘ii .. > . to? It Chatham Incubator will hatch 23. lives, beat "‘71 Did???" 1“. . FA Riv} i Will you write for my President The Manson Campbell Cm, Dept. . Chad-mm, Ont. B. C.. and factory at Cliatham. of 5 and ltd acres. near lL'mei-y. propâ€"_ |‘“ l l'lt'l“ t CH) of \V. .l. Hutchinson, lot It), eoiiu +~ r - h I v Richmond Hill his: ating Bin}: ti. Vaughan. Terms 1‘) mos. THI‘RSDAY. Feb. Zl~l<‘aini stock, Earl) Tuesday the rink will he open for hot-key from 13.17) to 2- p. m.: for implements. rim. the. property of skatri‘sfi‘hiii 31o .3 p. in. Admission. (.‘rlarenre “ray. run. 21. lot ti. King (old surrey). Terms 1†mos. Sale at 1. Sin: skating at night. 14in: alsnevery fiatuiday evening. admission 100. ' ’.l‘ui£si).\\'. Fen. 26â€"Hour stock. im- pli-iiients. etm. prop rty of R. Vander- burgh. lot 31. ron. 2.. Vaughan. Terms ltl mos. Sale at 1 p. m. ._ “WEDNESDAY. Fri). 27~Farm stock. implements. ete.. property of Uolii. (iilllitN‘tili, near ’l‘lristletown. Terms , I I . 10mos. Salt-at '1. lilllll i'mthv-r notier. th- Skami,r THURSDAY, Fell. 28â€"Farm Slot'k. Rink “'i“ “P *‘tlij'i l“_â€"""°)’ Pl“. , iirihleruents. ete.. prolwrt)‘ of James """l." ll““‘l“.\’ I'll-(ill “"1â€7-3lllt’9-3fl- ii. (Taiiierou. lot 13â€. ron. i). Vaughan. A‘l'IiES-‘l'mvlllV- Terms lUmos. Saleatl. ~~~â€"--*v~--â€"- â€" _ Application to Parliament Auction ($8.198 Take notice that an applir-atioii will he made to the Legislature of the Pimiuire of Ontario at its next. Sesv'l sion. for an Act to incorporate it (Join- p-iny to be known as "l'lie Artesian Water (3m. Limited," with power to‘ surrey lands in any part or purts ol' he ('ounty of York: to sink \Vr‘lis oi tunnels; to dig trierielies in or through private or puhlie property: to lay I'l sink pipes or mains; to convey water in and through sueli pines from or to any point or points in the (futility oi York; to examine >ll4'l] \\‘t'lls‘. tunnels, THURSDAY. Feb. 7-Fitrlli slot-k. l11|~ plemeiits. vie... lot 11. con. 3. Vaughan. property of Get). liraman. Terms .‘1 mos. Sale at 1:3. o't'louk. J. 11. Prentire. aur‘t. 'litTESDAY. Fol). lZili‘ai-ni Stork. ini- plements, elm. on lot 1. run. 1. \Vvst York. the property of Albeit Monk. Sale at 1 Dit‘lut'l". Tt'l‘ln's ('asl‘i. J. l’reiiiioe. auct. \VEDNESDAY. Felt. litâ€"Thorough- lu-ed can In, Iii:t's‘t>‘$, sheep. implements. et«:.. on lot 22 run. 2. Vaughan. the lumpmt'v (,f putt... Busshuthnitc. :reiioht-s and pipes and keep them in. Sale at: 12 o'elork. Terms 9 mos. ""U'm' "1' l“ “ll†l‘l’ 3"""95 l†"rm" buildings. inaeiiim-i y. staiidpipes and for the puiposes of thi- t‘ompany, and build any plant iii-ers- \iil y to properly ear rv out the business or the (‘ump:iii_\'; to sell such water to individuals. iii-iris, i-oiporatioiis publie ind priiate. and municipal eorpora» tious; to expropiiite, purchase or other wise zit-quire land -o-- lands require ed for the foregoing put-poms; to enter into t:oirti'.-u:ts for tin-supply of water to the Miiiiieipal Corporations of the ‘Villages of Richmond Hill. Markham and \Vestori: ot the towns of North Toronto and Toronto Junction. and of the 'l'ownships of \Vhiti-liureh, Mark- ham. Vaughan and York respectively for lire St-l‘\lt.'9 and demetic use fora periml of twenty years or upwards. and for such further-rights and powers as n);:\' lit†tli‘t‘liwtl lii'i'ess‘ut')v [ti tilt-J Prentice & Sili'ersides. :lllt'lS. 'l'I'ESILXY. Feb. illâ€"Frame house. ;} war of land and houa hold furniture. the property of John 13m ns.’l‘horiiliill. Sale at 1. Terms cash. .1. H. Prentice, tuet. I"‘\l‘l \oirs $299. A Month C imploto shorthand or Book lteox-inr; Course by Ma I “win lino correction rif' of uxeiuises and full iaatrur'nion. Print.- (.d lessons $1 :10. Send cmh toainy be- fore our supply of lossuns runs out. THE Bitingii cranium CGRNER YONGE Sr BLOOR 1. TORONTO ‘ +++¢++H++++++++++++++ piope-r and legal eairying out of the lat ‘iueas of the ('trltipitliy. \V. A. \VEHRETT, 77 Vietoiia Street, v Solicitor for the Applirants. Dated at Toronto, 14th December, 1906. §+++ (roller-tows $113 each for extra work in + J. 27-5 , r . .CUllPt‘tlng taxes. + ,z , _. _._ -_ ‘ *u. + I + a » . + + EWiSo xi If you are constipated. (lull. or z Wu H l , i ’1’ liotis‘ or have a sallow lifeles cern- "' . ' . > + + "I 1 \ii i i plexton. try lizix-ets Just once to see + ~ .5. E P ‘ what they will do for you. Lax-ets + A SOUP-l: man as an 3‘- fl 1 A U ’ are little tontlisuuie randy tablets a ) wrentice to learn Watch- , - .-'a 74‘ ' p p _ _nire to eat. nice in effect. No grip~ E l l ’. ‘ k l 42: Vlaél‘r’ G‘ a’ln"r and ing. no pain. Just. a gentle laxative '1' making. mat“ )6 ’1')n?5t + Hanger shut; glut“? Plantain di'sil‘ill'l‘“ :l: and mechanically incltu : o ' an y or e veer poc'e or purse. .5. 4. Mn: . 1-.1 , Lax-ets meet every desire. Lax-ets 4- Cd- f Calm flom a Liatance promptly come to you in beautiful lithograplied {I To the apprcntice’ attended to. .Inetal boxes at 5 cents and 23;) cents. ’- ~ 1 b']; , 'i’ s s y 1 1 r #5.“de w. A. Sanders“,,_ § “11th mechanica .a 1 .ty, 2 Miami“ CL. LICIIMOAD HILL ~oâ€" : who is :eriergetic and l A w ~ 7 H * # Edgely- :1; comes here in good idllli, 3:} ‘ , ' u b ‘ wt 0 O > ‘ ‘ I Some of our townsnien attended 1' i I,““†guarantte to teaCh I: l the meeting of the. “fest- York Lilier~ lllm tne art 0i watch- .;. 5 GD it's. in “’estoii, on Monday afternoon E , .: ‘ . ' . ‘ ‘3' l G .' . y and evening. .mnlung 1t)(lt1(lll:g drait 3:; .5 Mr. JINISE‘ \lyingor inattï¬dfa car this i f ing and calculations. and i -. w ek wit 1 je y. ete.. ma u actured at . . : - , ! tie mill here. \Ve understand Hit-Car l I: a 'nafter xneci‘ilnlc 3: Zj :11, G, (3. ideal}? I was billed for St. Cathmines. l + of hum. 1‘ or cond‘tiong .} E s' ‘ ~ ‘ s. ~~ t 1. At ti meeting of the Sunday School l ~t< ]. ‘ A ,._ , “3* e - ' "'il So 1“ 1 my“ a i l-rcgntly. Mr. Louis Locke was again i i p‘c‘lse “a†pe‘bonaâ€) ' i & Eat“). a J" L up oiuted superintendent. He is the 3 .g. + ‘~ . . _ . tip 1‘. man in tlIPrl‘lglll. place. i + I '3' Open the leartirfliénd' Enter any The regular Quarterly Service of i I; 5. 'I this (‘irt‘llit will he held on Sunday. l .;. Elk 4. a y 7 f’f 77 MW “"7 F biliary 3. at Maple. and t‘ie hiisi.‘ \I‘ '. i ‘ . ’ nezs meeting on the following Mom I ’- 1!†“MP†“Ml Filling?“ him“ ‘ my. ' i. ~ r an... anti. All fariliiirsaie of . Considerable sickness preiails in our ’2‘ H... Lost students “Kw-"ï¬t. (.x. i 1“ ash (i‘llit‘ “ """llm' “‘4'qu “"d" “l†i ‘2: put in tieetii r ""1 iii-i“: in] d .-t az's e 11‘“. Vile ho w that they \til' Jug - -, . 0. .._._., .. ii 5 ‘ ‘i‘ 'IԠi' ' L l i i ' i-ili' 'r'++++++-{ Mini.“ ++j ‘1 iiiteiiiieri. \Vt‘iit‘ for Catalogue s» in h- n-stored to health. “[331, \r (Tut Smith entertained at fey if his young Friends nu Friday :3 "n'ng and :~ ‘1. in port a g vM1‘ime. 'l‘li“ "H any? v: ; xvi" “‘3 in UN†1‘“"'- l! l" 't - ‘31! ruled. Hi; .823 Tacuies cure bad breath. Rloans Tributes euro nausea Rtmms- 'l‘abulea‘ for Sour stomach Plum“ z. ;; it this live. up-to-date school. . g . T- . _ _ “l. in. V: {lib/.31“, Princrpal E .EEEâ€"ir;% uteri Tree‘s: on .5 '1'" :E 1;â€, y ‘ chase money to he paid to the Vendor's iv I Solieitocs at the tim - of sale and the. _ ‘ balance wizliin 30(1215‘3 thereafter with- ‘ ‘ out interest. ‘Couditiwzs of sale. app“; to Under and by urine of the putters contained in :i trei lain iiiorlpagi- which will be produrerl at the tier- or" sale. llii-ie will hr- oll'eieil for sale by l’ulilie Aiiriou by .\1 r. .l. ’l'. Hansen“. illi'lllilli‘I i'. at the- i’..lmer House. RICHMOND llll.l,. on S.\’l‘l.'lll),\ Y. iiil‘jl‘iiilleIY 2nd. lWIT. at the hour of 2 n't-loi l. in the afternoon. all and singular. Firstly. those (-t-rtaiii parcels .n- irawts of land and premises- >|ltiiile lVlllf." and being in the 'l'ownsliip ul’ \lai-ltliaiii ill the t‘ounty of York eon- iainiog by a(lilieasiii'erizent our llllll- tired and twenty liu- :u-rt-s he i lie-satire inure or has hello: (-oiiiposr-zl of parts. of lots numbers :31 and 3:2 in llil‘ liist I'niii'wssioii ol' the said Township oi" .‘léll’kliiilll more partieularly zli-si-i-ihnil‘ is follow s. that is to say :~L‘o:zi..r¢'iu'- mid lot number 51 at. a (llsliiltt'i‘ of i-liainsm. tsured iioitherly alt-nu~ Westerly limit of said lo: litltltli‘ r lili' 5i Stilllil-W'r's’l of, tlreiir'e iioilii 71 d grams alothr Illi' northerly liui t or now Ii\\'ll"tl by one .laiii~-s [{I-i'swell. :31) chains and 3" links to the lord of Hire l":ilit'_\‘, lllt'ilCi' north 0 degrees west along the \\'eslv-i l_\' limit of the land of the said Fain-y. 2.3 eliairis and 3 Links to the Southerly limit of the formerly ouned by orie.’l‘mistlale. now owned by one MrNaii'. them-e South 71 degrees west along the said southâ€" erly limit of s.rid :‘dt-Nair’s land, .30 ehaiiis and 33’ links to the easterly limit of Yoiige Street. thence south 9 degrees east alongr the t‘itSl“! ly liiiii.r of Yoiige Street. 2'3 chains and 3 links to the plat-c of Iii-ginning: Seroiidly, those certain prtl't‘els' or trar-ts of land and premises- situ rte lying and being in the said '1‘.-\riisliipot' Markham eon- tainiiig by adineasurenieiit slxty-six and two~lhirds acres of the easterly part of lot/51 and the easterly part of a southerly portion of Lot 52?. iii the First CoiiCessiozi of the Township of Markham and more particularly de- seribed as follows, that is to say:â€" (ioninieneing at. a point. in the st uther- ly limit of lot 51 at- the distance of 1?. chains 82 links westerly from the from angle e ist. south easterly angle of said lot 51 'l‘hencv westerly along the southern limit of said lot 51, 2.3 chains 63.5 links to the easterly limit of the land owned hyJarues KersWi-ll. thence northerly along said easterly limit and continu- ation thereof Ztl chains 21 links more or less, 'l'henc-e easterly parallel to the s-rutlieily limit of lot 51, 25 chains 5'1 links more or less, thence Soutlierly parallel with the. easterly limits of lots :32 and :31, Zti chains 21 links more or less to the place of beginning. On the proprrty firstly described lb‘ situate a. large hrick house and coin- - modious outbuildings. On the property secondly drsm'ihed is situate a hrick house and outbuild- ings. } 'l‘he propnriy is located 1% miles north of Richmond Hill and has a frontage on Yoiige St.†rt and Elgiu Mills P. 0. is within a l'rw iods of either farm house. TERMS :~Teii per cent. of the pur- l’or further pal-tiritlais. term; and' DONALD .x- M [LLlClL 15135.12'13' Sltr'rt 'i‘m'o‘itn Solicitors for Vend-ii. s 'l. '. "’ -i ' .7 i 7 28:: I? JEQTZJJ. . e: as: ; fertile egg put into it. in 2] days. today? Do it now while you think of it. Just say on :1 postal “I‘lenss send me your Incubator 13ook"-- that‘s all. Address me personally. Manson Campbell NOTEâ€"I carry large, stocks and chip promptlytrom branch houses at Calgary. Alta.. Montreal. Que.: Bran don. Mam; Halifax. N. S . Victoria. an: at a poiillr iii the \Vostei l)‘ limit ol‘l there-f land 5 laiitl , thy cincigcu out of crury book Ltd. unranteed Five Years . ‘N firing , wt: L). LT-ir; ’ lid wili do. the H. Having above Winger 8. Sun I am prepared 'to give every satisfaction to purclia wed business from my p'rtrons. l have on hand a good supply of Hard and Stilt Coal which will he deliv- ered at lowest market price. Will he at the yards, Thorn- hill Station, G. T. l\’., every \Vedriesday and Saturday to wait on those who wish to draw their own coal. Have just received a car of cement. A. R. HALL @7310 rnhill P. () . LEVER GOAL W000 Coal and \Vood Delivered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. iThreshcrs' Ct-al on hand. ichael Bros. 1%i1?51311()1id I 1i]? .1unell.1l1i:3