ha! 1 ihoug poliliciun and [’11 down w nountnix leï¬unce fl trium} â€"and all stomach S and bowel disordas. A Make: puny babies plump and rosy. Proud ° by 50 years' successful 9 use. Ask your dmgist for ix- Nurses’ and Mothers’ Treasure [50111 b M: New 'In January of last year I cut the mid- dle finwr of my left hand severely and blood poison set in. The wound was so very .painful that I could not use the whole hand. which began to swell -and inflame. I consulted one of the leading doctors of Toronto and for two months I was under his care. The wound got no better, and one day the doctor said, ‘lidwards. the only thing I can do with this finger is. take it off. 1: can never be‘ cured.‘ A friend Advised me to "fry Xam~Buk before you have it taken off‘.’ I did so 1 bathed the wound and applied some tf the balm. and that night I got a lit‘ tle sleep. Next morning the wound be gun to bleed. whereas, before, it had onlyr discharged pus. Within a few days I could do away with the sting in which I had carried the hand. Ind in a few weeks" time there was not a trace of the wound to he soon. To« day~ my ï¬nger is as sound as a bell. whereas. had I not used Zam-Buk, I should have been a finger less. I paid over $20 in doctors' fees, and when I think of the trifling cost of Zam-Ruk i am amazed at its wonderful value. Zam-Buk is a cure for eczema, itch. scalp sores, ringworms, blotehes on the ‘ace and body. chipped places. cold Iores, piles and enlarged veins. As an! 1 am amazed Zam-Buk is : Iculp sores, rin ‘ace and body. mos, piles and mlbrocutinn it Mr‘. \Vm. C. Edwards. P.D.C.R.A.O.- f2, P.G.M.I.0.0.F. and P.P.O.A. Shep~ herds one of the‘ most widely known non in friendly soc:er circles it is pos- )ible to meal. is the subject and here 3 his experience. Interviewed at his home in Peter SL. Tomnto, he. said:â€" lAM-BUK SAVESA FAMOUS BUD-FELLOWS FINGER To the success of the campaign no loubl. may be attributed the great dc- :rease in the number of persons killed ny wolvesâ€"in 1904, 244; in 1005. only [53. Before dismissing this subject it 5 worth noting that the Bengal Govern- nent in September last offered a special reward of Rs. 200 for a man-eating tiger which killed seven persons last year in Goilkcm Forest, Singbhum district. The ordinary reward for a tiger is Rs. 40. During 1905 more dangerous wild )easts were killed llmn in 1904. The miciul ï¬gures are: Tigers, 1.355; 100- }ards. 4,811; bears, 2,236; wolves. 2.016; 'md hyenas. 55/4. Well-known man-eel- hg tigers were killed in several dis- ricls. A regular crusa e against wolves \as been carried on in parts oi the Conâ€" ral Provinces where these brulm are nost numerous and must troublesome. The number of persons killed in India a 1905 by wild beasts was 2.054. as \Iuinst 2.157 in the previous year. and he number of deaths reported from make bit.9(21,797) is also a little smaller ban that, of 1904. A feature of the 1905 returns is the hcrense in the number of deaths. both if human beings and cattle, attributed n leopards. It. is suggested by a writer n Baily's Magazine that these beasts leek their prey more readily than they ~lsed to do in the neighborhood of vil» hges. The fact that more licenses to )ossess firearms were held in 1905 than n the previous year may be noticed; )ut. it has long been recognized that it s impossible to discover any relation )etween the number of ï¬rearms in nn.-l ive hands and the number of deaths‘ tom wild beasts. m lccord of a Single Year in lndia»Wi|d “03:18 Kill 2.0M. ce at the foe. som- 1mph, regardless of m‘ks at my heels." 1 he meant it, loo The Campbell Milling Co. Limited Toronto Junctinn, Ont. wi ‘lin in Etna [Inn a pure Mamloba flourâ€"at is better lint: a pure Ontario “wtâ€"being blended it combines the bed qudiu'es cl boih. 'Queu: City' is an sum flour. VIII Dada-B . Saw“ but ore;. and 21.79T‘DH‘I 0F SNAKE BITE die 1d rub lighluo. . tree." z but my y in the Jnt Ind bowel disorders. A Niche: puny babies plump and may. Proud by 50 years' smeasful chum enlnrg cures ures rheumatism and rde over the chest re- ‘55 due to severe colds. druggisls sell at 50 >05! free from the Zam- J. 6 boxes for $2.50. flyin Den admit ICK Campbell’s Queen City flxk your grout for on the wing} the party last He looked a: ed the crating is to the wall. ditch. going and from the racy. hurling and for two care. The one day the only thing I When your character is gold you will not need any coinage slump to make it current. ing that fare fact it? “Yes. sir. an‘ I've been I [or three weeks. but I've been busy I hayen't had time to you about it." He was raised. 81‘ A year ago a manufacturer hired a toy. For months there was nothing noticeable about him except. that he never took his eyes off the machine he was running. A few weeks ago the manufacturer looked up from his work ‘0 see lhe boy standing beside his desk. “What do you want?" he asked. “Want my pay raised." "‘Whal are you getting?" “Three dollars a week." “Well, how much do you think you No flower strikes root more rcadil ' 32mm with greater blessing than ling? s. ' He who has many thoughts to hide never has any that men are glad lo cir- culave. To make a child profess a man's re ligion is to put him to school to hypo crisy. The only crush is he acter. The man who brags of being speedy doesn't ï¬gure on the grade he is on. Losing the temper takes the edge off the ability. A man never believes in honmly until he has some of it. g No favoring wind comes to him who will not pull on his oars. The more of a truth a man knows the larger liberty he ï¬nds in it. ’ The easiest way to {all out. of the Christian path is to sit down in it. Religion may have many forms. but they all have one face of love. Orthodoxy is apt to be conformity to my habits. Hiding sin does not heal it. Things are williout what they are within. Only veneer virtues [car had wonlhor. There is little love in long distance charity. Llnferlng. s‘ubborn old sores are erased from the at n by Weaver's Carats. The good work of blood-cleansing is completod with Weaver's Syrup. “How do you like our new wall-paper, dear?" inquired a lady of her next-dom- neighbor. “Well, dear." was the lallor's envious reply, "I'm afraid it‘sâ€"erâ€"ralher lou ." “\‘m. d'egr, it is," was the re joindcr; "that's why we selected it. We thought it might drown the sound of your daughter's piano-playing l" Holloway's Corn Cure is the medicine uremovc all kinds of corns and warts. and only costs the small sum of twenty- ï¬ve cents. Angry Wife (after a quarrel): “It seems to me that we've been married about a hundred years. I can't even nu member when or where we ï¬rst met." Husband (emphatically): “I can. It was at a dinner-party,'and there were thir- teen :11. table 1". Dear Mother RE\\'ARD FOR HARD THINKING Mr. Boltsâ€"“I think, my dear. I have at last found the key to success." Mrs. Boltsâ€"“Well, just as like as not you'll not be able to find the key hole." Inge. and as my ca sarin only advance Thibefun aullwlities gather troops and 1 for serious resistanc: try to force my way worlh?" 'our dollars. 'ou think so Mounted Messengers Carry News With Great Rapidity. Dr. Zugmayer, who has recently con- cluded a notable expedition in 'i‘hibet. expresses his astonishment at the splen- did system of uews-mrrying which he found in Thibet. even in ports of the country which were only populated hy nomads. He says: “As soon as I came into contact with these people mount- ed messengers were despatched at full speed to the next nomad chief or vil- lage. and us my curnvnn could neces- sarily only advance very slowly. the 'l‘hibetzm autlwiities hml ample time to gather troops and prepare themselves tor serious resistauuse in case I should try to force my way through." t gésâ€"“Yjes. exoch when lo convince a railway the kid is entitled to ri‘ at his boj' (This remedy :Hould be in every household. Your little ones-are a constant are in Fall and Winter weather. The will catch cold. Do you lrnow about iloh'u Comm ‘ Cure. the Lung Tonic. and what it 3 clone for so many P It is said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children. his absolutely harmless and pleasant to lake. It is guaranteed to cure or you? money is returned. The price in 25:. per bottle. and all dealer: in medicine sell 3:4 SHELOH SENTENCE SERMONS man whom poverty can who lacks the riches of char- EX( ANOTHER TROUBLE NEWS IN THIBET. I've been thinkin’ but I've been so. bla do you? 've bee EPTION manufacturer ;eems UDUSU cturer hired a was nothing xcept that. he he machine he .veeks ago the from his work eside his desk. he asked. h de lar )ndu try mount- at full or vi]- Snapping Turlle: and Raised in Bilean Co.. T< sent for $2.50 headache. debil female ailments malism. liver c and conta‘ning ideal famin m druggisls sell :1 seemed to do me no good. and mo pain I suffered was very acute. I‘tried six different remedies before Bilcans. but they did me no good. With Biloans it was quite different. I found they re~ Strange why people should not try the very thing which would do them good until lasl! Mr. Geo. La Porlwin, 0' 36 St. Paul St, Toronlo. fried six different remedies for dyspepsia, heali- ache. and heartburn before he tried Biloans. The six did him no good. Bilcuns have cured him! Ho says:â€" ‘I had heartburn, dyspepsia and wind after food. The nourishment I look seemed to do me no good. and lho pain I suffered was verv ucule. Liv-ind qiv WHEN 6 REMEDIES o flAD FAILED HE TRIED BILEANS., pale. The elderly man has evidently‘ lov- Pd and lost out. “I suppose." he said, “that my gray hairs do no't appeal to you." “Oh; I respect. the few gray hairs you have, rejoined shegof the refrigerator heart, “but somehow I am‘ unable to generate any a respect for‘ your bald One of the Lady: “1 do so like it. when you preach, Mr. Ledemc.†Mr. Lemme (much pleased): "So glad you appreciate my sermons." Lory: “Yes. you see, when you preach I always got such a good seat." ~ - Thu'e Is no (urnlnz a windmill with a air of bellows and there is no turning in your c ir if you have lumbzgo or lame back, but is would be quite easy if you had “The D aL" Menthol Plaster on your back- ,There is nothing equal to Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator? for de- slroying worms. (No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. V,- _..u\,w-,v to ordinary men tï¬an the opxmons of an expert. SKINS" AMERICAN DVEING GI Olunlng and Curling Ind KM Glam ole-nod Th- unhuntbymhwoz lacks: 91ml- The Carson Medicine Companyl 87 Wellington St. West. - Toronto. fEATHER DYElNG stomach and Constipation Bitters. A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood: Purifier. Price 50 com: per Bottle. 1! you are not able to obtain it in your noxghborhood. we will send to My ad- drosa two bottles upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR (500. per bottle) carriaau prepaid. Pamplflet cent FRI! cn applloatlon. “Health and Vigor depend upon {he quality and quantity of the blood??â€" Humanitarian. mmâ€" In a variety of styles. fabrics and prices, for women, men and children. Form-ï¬tted. Dealers are authorized to replace instantly and It our cost any Pen- Angle garmen! faulty in material or making. UNBERWEAR Dr. Carson’s Tonic Now He has Dyspepsia No More. There Ls nothing more unsatisfactory -..,::.\__._ W PEN-ANGLE TWO ()1) in at '50 )ronk 11“, die 50 IOHTM LIMIT. Japan )D FARMS. m where they have cans have quickly cause of their ra- res of indigeslion, omplainls, anemia. constipation, piles, irregularities, rheu- BlC‘ Put-01x herbal lcoliol Ilioy‘m‘e an Pearl Oysters are Japan. Pen-Angle Underâ€" ; wear is form-knit ‘ so it can’t help ï¬tting your ï¬gure, -â€"it's made of long - ï¬bred wool so it won’t shrink I â€"â€"and it’s guaran- teed besides. The whole idea is to‘ make it so good you can’t afford not to buy by the trgdemark (in red). All )l‘ if from the 6 boxes world from omia piles rheu xcl'ha dull and coun Mr. cord that motive. recrealive sleep, in order lc power. must be m duced by narcotic lence having the a reparalive sleep." mysle‘ ih the them cnnn that Young Medirro : “What is the secret of your success 1’" Expm'imccd One: “I make it a rule to ï¬nl out what the pa- tient wants to do, then I order him to do it." Love is would be as an eye Bickle's Anti-(Ionsumplivc Syrup islhe result of expert chemical experiments, undertaken to discover a preventive (f inflammation of the lungs and con- sumption. by destroying the germs that develop these diseases, and ï¬ll the world with piliable subjects hopelessly stricken. The use of this Syrup will prevent the dire concquences of neglect- ou‘ Colds. A trial, whiph costs only 25 cents, will convinne you that this is correct. ~ Children who are Pale and peevish want some- thing that will make good rich blood; there is nothing to equal “ Ferrovim " for this purpose. Mothers, be sura to get a. botda Mr A woman is seklom inheresled in what a man says unless she appears to be otherwise. lec's Vegetable Pills are compounded for use in any climate, and they will be iound to preserve their powers ir. any latitude. in [ever and ague they act upon the secretions and neutralize the poison which has found its way in- to the blood. 'I‘hey correct the impuri- ties which ï¬nd entrance into the system through dn‘nking water or food and if used as a preventive fevers are avoided. , A CUI‘C for Fever and Ague.â€"Parme-i l l The harvest of arliticial or “culture†pearls is Very large. but, unfortunately these are only little more than half- pearls. tor althcugh large. lustrous 11nd ‘oi fine quality. they are tlat on one side. This the farmer hopes to remedy in time; but the market for halfâ€"pearls is always very large. He has an additional source of income in the natural pearls which his oysters produce. for there is not lacking among them the usual proportion of perfect gems to be found among oysters of this variety. In May or June stones weighing six to eight pounds are sunk in shallow water, End in August the tiny shells begin to apear on them. llvro the stones remain {01‘ two months, but the young oysters cannot stand cold. In November. there- fore. all rocks in less than ï¬ve feet of water are moved further out, where the temperature is more even. At the end of three years. when the shells are about two inches across, they are taken from the water, nuclei for pearls are lnsérted in them. and they are put back again. thirty of them to every six feet square ‘of bottom. I" 5855 ny m< Japan also contains a unique in :1 pearlâ€"oyster farm. In the Ago 3 Japanese has established talion from which he is reaping vest of jewels. )ne cats in October burrow winter, coming out Most of them ar when lhcy are fro! days. according to the weather. young. as soon as they npponr. are in separate small ponds, and are Will} [iner chopped ï¬sh. They out during September and October. and .3 Jones: “Home is a letter I want to post. dear. It is to my milliner. Iermanding an order {or a has." Joms: “Hem: take this piece of and lie the lethal- to my hands, so I won't forget it.“ In ponds. Some of lhem m breeding ponds. Once a d: over lhoshores and mm 1 kels covérs up all new . Sometimes thousands of H kols are in sight at a lime plac where the eggs lie :1 the urt‘lcs from .scralchi from them. Halching requires from which a crop of tens of thousands of snapping turtles is Shipped every year. It is the property of a Mr. Huttori. says Professor Mitsukuri in the National Goo- graphic Magazine, and has solved the problem of preser'ving the supply of what. is to the Japanese as great a deli- cacy as the diamond-back terrapin is to some. The farm consists of ponds. Some of I breeding ponds. On over lho_shores and Il'l cos as their ge osed power or ' stimulants ll mental energy , or avoid lhe my. There is 4 “'0 F ;t the Thing That's Wantedâ€"A pill acts upon the stomach and yet is Jmpoundod that cei'lain ingredients preserve their power l) act upon inlealiual canals. so as to clear of excreta the relenlion of which at but be hurtful, was long looked )y the medical profession. It found in Pannclce’s Vegetable which are lhe result of much 0);- sludg', and are scientiï¬cally pre« 110 and Repose, rlh repeatin special exl: COn ctober burrow in the mud for the er, coming out in April onMny. st of them are sold in the market they are from three lo ï¬ve years at. which lime thcy are most. deli- \\'ORI{ AND SLEEP blindâ€"and a I: avoided it man opener. known in new (he appearance only of real eep." But sleep itself is a cerning whose nature we 'er a “hypothetical know- laxative an nciple :iple that. Doctor Hospital in Paris L recent article on but it is not the He has made imenls‘ and an- :‘al result mat the ‘ious alcoholic and increase physical md postpone fa- : chiefly lhem an : lie and Patching s of fatigue. is me form of ef- ;eâ€"sleep; and cise its proper The sleep pm- I toxic somno- lot qmnnsnea a plan is reaping a hur- an alterna’live 1a lh lit unique ï¬shery {n the Bay 0! of trouble } didn‘t act H1 rly to sixly deposits. wire bas- Jrking tho )revcnling the earth a number ‘L apart as man goes win: bas- are put re _ fed mt this nd late for the bas sits The MFS- l "UNEP- “($5, pains in the back and side, and a tired, weary feeling meal-1y all the time. “I tried almost every medicine. was treated by dactors and druggsts with little or no benem. “I Mir-d Dr. Leonhardt’s Anti-Pin. and [he resulls have been truly wonderful. I am so much better. Anti-Pill as a most wonderful remedy." All dealers, or the Wilson-Fer 00.. Limited, Niagara Falls. Out. Says Resulls are children name of/ been use fright JKC 01iveâ€"“ Ye saw her." A Few People can †wear out n cough,†but It is abuut the most dangerous experiment imagin- able. The other 99'): uf us weak ones had better take Allan's Lung Balsaxgat once and be on the sale side. Charily often met dough on the wake wealhet' eye for an come Hauling in. 5.}. Bowe, ï¬F‘iif‘E‘fi Informnlon furnished rs same on applicatiow MENING STOCKS and cums V" 'BOUGHT AND SOLD 0N ()OMMIS‘XION‘ DENNIS WIRE AND IRON WORKS Company. Limited, London. Ont easiiyu i quickly acting 8.! our representatives and taking: orders for GAMMNAMK Fame. This is the strangest, stiï¬osz. most unyialdin fence on the market. Essiesc fencing to sel , because a comparison with other: quickly shown shrewd {armors how much bottor it in. \Velladvertiud in loading (arm {themâ€"Mu! that mzkes it "ill easier to sell. \ '0 at good pro asition to offer you. Exclusivo territory an a. liberal Commission. Write 60-day. Agents Make Money MRS. HUï¬TER’S STORY A dose or two of Man-a-Iln ls aavisabie In slight febrile at' tacks. la grippe; colds and _nfluenza. MAN-A-UN can be relied upon to produce a gentle action of the bowels, waking pills and drastic cathartics entirely unnece<sary. Ask Your Dnlggist [or Free Peruna Almanac [or 1907. Remove Constipation and al of these ailments disappear. There are many ailments directly dependent upon consti- pation, such as biliousness, dis- colored and pimpled skin, inactive “yer, dyspepsia, overworked kidneys and headache. ennieâ€"“Di 5M Jï¬'ck ; )0. the ex iron. is a Phone 8 MAN - A- LIN is A Excellent Remedy for Constipation. Copyright 1908' Marvellous Thingâ€"When [he acted by Dr. Thomas' Eclectric ISSUE N0. 5â€"01. 1n ndced Imam orrup UBI‘V' HESS Ont I'FOP‘WOI‘ 'OU means thmwing sour (aters and keeping a an angel food cake to xpnuon I was sut Mr )[h l, by zha Mnnnliu Co. Truly \Vomlvrful hear have suffer By and live )I bilious headache. usncss. drowsi- pains in the back d, weary feeling used [0 frighlen 1 of Bah. the : general. It has ml for centuries. GOBALT ' of the awful \vodding day?" was there and Bai I38. COBALT. ONT Hunter. of H1 3811,1(ingslon. hr POD“ SOT" mo. izzi-