[Joan-e Auctioneox to? theConnty of Yor re- Ipoasfnlly whens your patronage and friendly influence sales “waded on the shortest notice sud n zenaonaberataa. P. Qumran King Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J '1: Baigeun. J 3 M58“; an‘e Weston Salgeou a: fllcEwen. Licensed Auctioneers forthe Coumy of York Salesntaudedbo on shortesnmmcennd a ran. nonnblo rates Patronage solicited Lloonud Auquuno‘er for the County of Y0 k Goods sold on cunsxgnmenn Genera.) axles non etc promptn'y utendeu so at reasonanh r3391 ï¬eudeuce Uumnville Repairing nf all kinds. Send a. post card at uncv. Organs €193le and tuned. Mason & Risrh Pianos. RICIIM G B Guulalmé; ï¬uwtoh Brook Above calls by day and night promptly at- tended to. SINGER Sewing Machines AT THE UBERM PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL.0NI‘. ’1‘. F. McMAHON. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, \Vill m-cupy his pl-Pdecosqur's nï¬â€™lcv and i< prepared to «in gl‘lle'fll practicv and a-lsu to treat eye, ear. nose and throat diaeasks. VOL. XXIX. Cor. Carlton and Yonge Sts , Toronto “'ill be in Richm md Hill on Wed nesday of each week. ()mce, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"8430 a. m. to 5 p. m. IS PUBLISHEDEVERS‘ L'EURSDAY MORNING m. H. w. ANDERSON, Dentist, Francis Block. THORNHILL, Ont. ‘ Oflice hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 21. m.; 74 p. m. h H. SANDERSDN. VETSHINARY SURGEON Dr. E. J. VVoBds DENTIST. Toruntu Oflice ‘C $1 per annum, in advance.] Riclnnond Eli" VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fhornhill. DR. S. J. BOYD. M. B. RIC EIMOND HILL BUSINESS CARDS. M. R. (T. S L R. (7. 8.: L. R. (Y. P.. Eng. (SUCCESSOR Tl) DR. DEAN) @112 mm E one: (x Pnoraxnon D. G. BLOUGH. Wetsrinary Wflit‘nt. ileum. TTTEHCK a 450 CHURCH ST. Iclllice. . stem [or the (\V'Y Alarge stockof Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Underlakers (k Embnlmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCER, ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA A85. 008. Richmonq Iâ€"Iill JAS. NEWTON Barristers and solicitors. Mouov eo loan onland sndchnnel mortgage-n luwesl rites Auroraoflicoâ€"Remored w aha old post 0810.; one (1001' want of the ammuce to the Oncnrw Bunk Newmnrket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the p mt otï¬r‘e T ï¬namcm‘Lsnnox G STV “one†Aurora Newmuhat NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2!) KING ST. E.. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DEXTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. MULOCK BOULTBEF' Barristers,$alicitors. Notaries. kc. Home Life Building (formerly Free bold L'Qim B!dg.). 00:. Adelaide & BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, E'rc. Tm-nntn Ofï¬ce. 33 Richmond St. West. \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce, Standard Bank Building. every Saturday after- noon. Muplp, Thursday after-mum: Money to [mm at. Five Per C LENNOX & MORGAN A G S LindseyJi C G G F h3wreuce W Ridouc Wadsworth N1. ’FEEigf .\‘(,)'1‘AR,Y PUBLIC. Mulock, Lee, Milliken & Clark ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E [JGIN 1V1 IIJLS Barrister, Solicitor. Etc, Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. south-vast cur- ner uf Lurne Bldg, every Thursday aftvrnoon. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST RATES Danton, Dunn & Boultbee ‘rivat-e and ’I‘x'nsL_Funds to loan at lmvest current rates. REAL ES'JJA Phone Main 311. RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1907 Barristels. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS. \V. Corner King & Yunge Streets TORONTO. Commissioner, Conveyancer, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. OOHMISBIONERIN 1'!!! this}! COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. Star of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. 5113.45.14 ES'LATE, ETC. 'i ("ERNHILL I 'm-onLn Ofï¬ce, 36 Tumnto street. Lindsey. Lawrencs w adsworth. NOTARY PUBLIC . A“ NICHOLLS WRIGHT BROS EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers. Snlictors, Etc WILLIAM COOK Vic toria.‘ Town to J. M. LAING Tahules cure dizziness. Hules: at drugglsm. £29m. “In Essentials, Unity; in Phone Mainflsl ’ex- Cent (574). Newmukn W. G. Back who also accorande the mnuruex's t0 the Aurora Cemetery where the- remains were laid to rest in the family plut. At. the cemetery many relatives and friends ft'mn Aux-um, Toronto, Richmond Hill, and other places were awaiting the arrival of the hearse, and lit-re ulsu “are evidences of deepest sympathy frrvm those with whom Mr. Lluyd had spent, the early yea ['5 of his life. Mr. VVln. Mal-wood dird \Vednesdny evening of last week, in hiw 50th yvur. IntermenLin the Lnthemn curt-{Pry the-followingf‘ridny. Mr. \Vm. \Vilsml. une of the oldest residents here passed away Tuwday, aged 80 years. Funeral (0-day. (Thursday), to Maple cemetery as; 2 o’clock. Many of our citizens have been laid up with bad cnlds. Auctioneer E.aij.,vr-nn had an attack of quinsy. but he gut, relief Tuesday night. and will 3mm be in good voice again. Special reduced prices fur {xn‘cy \vrappel-ettes: hem-y, “Hm-h. regular 15c.. ful' l3c.; heavy, winch, x-ugulnr 1112. for 9§c.; funvy Chvt‘k, Nglllnr 170.. for 10c. Atkinson & Switzer. “ Finuigan'a‘ Band." «t5. So V‘VQ’HV‘d‘i'd he take that he responded to cucures us much as three times. The lion of the evening was H. Btu-t Lloyd of Tumult“, u prufvssinnul descriptive pt'l'ful'lllPI‘ who rendered sehctiuns ruch :13. “My First, \V‘ife." Margaret \Valsh. of Torunh», gave Be\ eral cmuic sn-lvut‘iuns which were appreciated by all. By request, Thos. Butt. of King ()il 3' gave a selection nu- accompunied; this “ brought down the house." Styles’ orchestra of Kettlehy. gave seven-l selections in their usuul pm- flcient style. Miss Byrl Phillips of King City, enchanted the audience with a solv. Miss Jenn Phillips gave two selecv tions in clug daucmg. It‘s a. pleasure to tell our readers almutucnugh Cure like Dr. Shunp‘s. For years Dr Sbnup has fnnglnngainst the use (If Opium, Chlumfm-m. 01- other unsafe Ingrediean cmnmrmly fnnnd. in Cough reuwdivs. Dr. Shnup, it seems. has welcomed the flu-(- Food and Drug Law recently enacted. far he has Wurked along similm-lines many years. Fur nemly 20 years Dr. Shrmp‘s Cough Cure um- miners have had a warning printed on them against Opium and other nan-cutie pnisons. He has thus made it possible I'm- mothexs tn prutecb thrir children by simply insisLing on having Dr. Shuop’s Cough Uure. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. President \Nalkingtun helix-1g detaian at home on account of sickness in his family. the chair was occupied by Mr. J. '1‘. Snigeon, the. secretary. Miss Daisy Saigeun opened the concert by rendering an instrumental selection. 0h muster-builder, blustm-ing as ynu g0 About your giant work. transform- ing all The empty wands into a glittering hull, And nmkihg lilac lanes and foot- paths grow Ax hard as iron nndm- stuhhurn snow;â€" Thruugh every fvuce stand folth a. marble wall. And \_\_Iindly hollows drift; to arches Build high your whit;a and dazzling palaces Strengthen your bridges. fortify your tun/91's. Storm with a loud and a portentous lip; And April with n fragmentary hxeeze And half a score of gentle, golden hours. Shall leave no trace of your stern workmanship. The Annual Banquet of King and Vaughan Plowmen's Association was held at the Maple Leaf Hotel, on Thursday evening. Jan. 3lst. The Banquet was held in the. spacious dining mum at the hotel and the antertuinnwnt in (he Masonic Hull. In the neighhorhnud of two hundred guests pm-tuuk of Lhe bountiful impuut prepared by mine hast. und hostrss Mr. and Mia. Shuuk. The rep-rust con sisted of Hyatt-rs, ham and sulmun, cakes and pies of every known kind. Eveiyhudy expressed Lhelnselws as highly Pit-a ‘ q with the supper. ml]. There comes :1 night, thut shall your might (>‘vr-thWW. BY A. E. “'E'I‘HERALD. Non-Essentials. Liberty; in all things, Charity." T0 FEBRUARY. Mame. ’ Tn Soninr [ILâ€"Jimmie Cnsgrove 511. \Vrsley Hoover 463, Gertrude Ou-sgrm'e 439. Esther Athermn 335. I Pearl Hunt i To Junior IV.â€"Jimmie Cosgrnvn £524). Elsie Hoover 4‘72, Maggie Baker I 460. \Ve-sley Hoover 437. Gertrude Cm:- [gI-nve 429. Rnlph Williams 380, Rnlpb Baker 347. Phyllis Clark 343, Carrie ‘Villiums 338. The tolluwing delegates registered and handed in theircredentialsâ€"J. R. Stallurd and U. \V. Traviss, New- Market: A. E. H. Pearson and R. Pemsnu, ’l‘hurnhill: J. Kin-tun and R. Tweedie. W'hitevale: J. McCle-ment. nnd A. D. Cal-Ivy. King; T. H. Trench and F. E. Sims. Ricbmund Hill. The delegah‘s Were wrlcnmed by Bi-o. H. A. Nicholls. D. (.1. It. and tliuse px-s-srut, proceeded to business. Mi. Nicholls l'i-‘fel'l‘t‘d tn the condition of Forestry in the District. which on the whole was Cunsidered satisfactory. District. Sub. Chief Ranger, Brn. Smllard; District Secretary-Treasurer, Bins. TI'PDCLI. Certain changes in the Genet-Ell Laws Were recumlnemlt'd, after which the following utï¬vers were elected : The District, Chief Ranger. Bro. Nicholls was Appointed delegate In the High Court meeting in August, and Bro. Kirtuu alternate. In case that, Disuict Courts are continued the next annual meeting will be held an. the same place as this â€" The delegates assmnhled exprede disappnnvul of the present. system of Disll'icK Cnurls. Pu‘lzt Lâ€"Allam Smith, Max Smith, Winnie Rnhh, Hal-old Williams. Haze-l Mun-Inn. Lam-u Aiming, John Snider. Albert Gihbuns. Senior II-â€"Rnss Anderson, Gr-rdnu Anderson, Alxin Ruhb, Roy \Vnrh‘y. Norman “’illiams, Curl W'ingcr, \Villimn Snider. Junior 11â€"â€" Edgar Anning. Senior Part llâ€"Rny Kei‘fer. Ada Robb, Elswm-Lh Ketfer, Lilly Lynn, Roy Snider. Junior lV.â€"Cm-H§anke. Cora Jack- snn. Alhm-t “‘illimns and Russ Kvfl'er equal. Edna HH-d. Russell Rul)b.Clall’M, \Villimns. Edward Rubi). Lulu-elm Keffer. Seninr IlI.â€"Frunk Mm-tnn. Junim- III.â€"~Laula Mnrtun. Warren \Vhitmnr-v. Edgar Williams. Grace Pnrter. Sid Smith, Jim Aiming. Runh. \Vhitnmre. Frank Locke, Milly \Vinger. J'uniur Pan-t, II.â€"â€"Joe Ketfvr, Annie ‘V’iv1gela_ Re ort fur Janual y. The ï¬gures are t o percentages obtained:â€" Cunt‘inuatinn Classâ€"Orb: Heise, 83; Clarence- Heise. 72. The following is th» result. of ro~ motinn exams. held last, week. he total marks in vach class were 600. The totaln are given belowL To Juniur III.â€"Isaac Nigh Mary Finley 428. Reuben Homer Emily Pond 317, Ira. Finley 99. SCEellLWbsent). Senior IV.â€"Laum Tennyson 86. Ella Noise 77. Ella Cluickshank 67. Lm-ne Cmss 66, Lizzie Lewn 65. Herb- ert Ground 46. Jnniur IV.-â€"H:1rnld HngH-man 74. Senior [ILâ€"Marjorie Forester 86. Fwd Thompson 75. Annie Cuber 89. Elsie Cube-r 68. Bull Gruund 51. Juniur Put-t lI.â€"-Ernes£ VVidernan gg Frank Thnmpsnn 63, Alfred Smibh To Senior II.â€"EIsie DOIIN‘, 52]. Ervie Hunt 517. Em Conner 511. Juhn McCagnn 492. Ruth Hnover. 491, Ethvl Scholl 490, Fred Cnsgrove 427. Haber Mchgue 422. \Villie Hnl-ner 342. Douglas Road 337. Bessie Finley 887, Gas†anlvy 115. Jumur [ILâ€"Uhuncie Conner 80. Gmhnm Flu-ester 80. VVPsle He-isv 60, Annie- Lever 65. Mabel Side-1' 65, Fred Tennyson 56. Seï¬inr ILâ€"AIPX. Cruit‘kshank 74. Mary Cross 70. Bo-ssie Hagernmn 63. Tommy Smith 62. Flnssy \Videman 60. Louis VVidt-umu 58. Elm Ground 50. Junior ILâ€"Ada (‘mmer 79. VViIénn Juhnsnn 55. Buy Smith 51. Pearl Ten- nyï¬snn‘50._ 'Seniur Part ILâ€"Fled Widumnn 83. Ella Cnhel- 74. Percy Cuber 70. Alvin Smith 63. Edna 'Widonmn 62, Luuis GI-uund 61. Rnsiv Heise 58. Vinla Thumpsum 55. Muhel Hunt. 48. Part Lâ€"Mm-ray Smith, Wesley Sider. Lvdia Sldur. The fullowing is the school report fur January :â€" V.â€"-Gertiv anke. Sc-nior IV. â€"-Uarl Smith, Rolly Kr'ï¬'er. ‘Al‘. S. S. No. 7, Markham. S. S. No. 4. Markham. Edgely. FRED T. GRAHAM. 443. Ida Get my rates and prices before d0- ing business else- Where. JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner and Repairer Mr. Anderson Will come to Rich- mond Hill :my time fur two or threw (-ustomm‘s. Kindly leave orders with Mr. Armand G. Savage. Recommend- t-d by Mann's. Gum-lay, Winter &; Lueuiing. and Newcumbe Plano Cu. nf Tnl‘untll. 32-1 Pupil of A. S. Vngt, Mus. Doc. (Piann; and J. H. Anger, F. R. C. 0. (ThenryL Deering Farm Im- ' plements Richmond Hill Fire and Life In- surance As sureiy as the general health suflers when there In de gement o! the health of the dellcnw worm. organs. so surely wh ubllshed In heal e witness mtbe actln Ngarly melon ypmgn Mound health and It Is astonishing how great a change a few years oi married life often make in the appearance and disposition of many women. The freshness. the charm, the brilliance vanish like the bloom from a peach which is rudely handled. The matron is only a dim shadow, a. faint echo of the charming maiden. There are two reasons for this change, ignorance and neglect. Few young women appreciate the shock to the system through the change which comes with marriage and motherhood. Many neglect to deal with the unpleasant pelvic drains and weak- nesses which too often come with mar- riage and motherhood, not understanding that this secret drain is robbing the cheek of its freshness and the form of its fairness. N. J. Glass .voriw FreseripugflI It. flakes weak wom- en strong and sick women well. Ingredi- ents on labelâ€"contalns no alcohol or harmful habit-formlng drugs. Made wholly of those nafive, American, medle- lnal roots most. highly recommended by leading medical authorities of all the sevâ€" eral schools of practice for the cure of wgman‘s ppcullaxj _uilment_s. happjpes InJuLath o For nursing mothersor for those broken- down in health by too frequent bearing of children, also for the expectant mothe r to prepare the system for the coming 0 baby and making its advent easy and almosgdpainless, there is no medicine quite so go as "Favorite Prescri tion.†It can do no harm in any condit on of the system. It is a. most otent invigorating tonic and strengthen ng nervine nicely adapted to woman’s delicate system by a physician of large experience in the treat- ment of woman’s peculiar ailments. Dr. Pierce ma be consulted by letter cc of charge. ddress Dr. RV. Pierce. nvallds' otel and Surgical Institth nflalo, N. Y. J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist Instruction in Piano-playing and Theory Women Who Wear Well. [Single copies, 3 cts. Agent for A\'D Eierce‘s F;- 2 3