Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Feb 1907, p. 1

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AT THE USEML PRIRTING & PueLIsmne HOUSE mammal) EIILL,0NT. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. i ‘70!" c.1113 by day and night promptly at- tended to. Lioenua Auctioneur [or the Caunty of Y0 k Goods sold on ooasignmonz General Rule! 5300 etc urompsly attended?» an romsouanh rates Heeidunoo Uninuvule l'docnse Auctioneex {or tbeCouuty of You ro- pocdnlly sohmts your patronage and friendly influence sales Mtpnded on the shortest, notice and n: ransonabetates. P. 0. address King I'HURSDAY MORNING J '1‘ Saiueon. Maple Licensed Auctioneers for the Countyof York. Sakesuteudodbo on shortestuoticasud a. mu.- connblo rates Patronage solicited ’v‘Vill occupy his predocosmr‘s office and i~' [)rppared to do gene-“(ll practice and :ulsu to treat eye. wu'. nn'se and throat. diseaxes. 7'6 R Gouldmg. Newton Brook. agent. for the above “'ill be JOHN R. CAMPBELL, E‘. F. MQMAHON. DR. H. W. ANDERSON, Dentist," J. H. SANDERSDN, Francis Block, THORNHILL. Ont. Ofiice hours; Tuesdays, 8~12 a. 111.; 7â€"8 p. m. Repairing of all kinds. Se card at once. Organs cleaned and tuned. Mason 8: Risuh Pianos. AGENT RICHMOND HILL, SINGER Sewing Machines ])r- E. J. V‘Voods DENTIST, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Cor. Carlton and Yonge Sta. Tel-unto 7i” be in Richmond Hi“ on Wed nesday nt' finch week. Office, next (1001' north of Stand- ard Bank. Ol‘flcu Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. $1 per annum, in advance.) “ @115: afiibmi ” Turuum Office, 450 CHURCH ST. Riehnuond Iâ€"Iil! DR. . VETERINARY SURGEON, BU M. R. 0. 5L: L. H. (.7. R. Eng. (SUCCEHSOH T0 DR. DEAN) XXIX. Salgeon (k McEwen. IS PUHLIHI‘IED EVEBY USINESS CARDS. 'Plnornhill. Emron u Psovmu‘on J. II. PI entice. D. G. BLOUGH, Wtwinnm m ‘xlfiml. mum. BOYD. M. B. .‘HIGK Send a post J K McEwan Wusmn BARRISTER. Somcnou. NOTARY. ETC. TOI'IIHLH Office. 33 Richmond St. Wnsr. \V’esley Buildings. Richmond Hill Office. Standard Bank Building. Every Saturday after- 11mm. MuplP, Thursday ufternmm. Mmmy to 1mm at Five Per Cent, (57;). Mulocl-z, Lee, Milliken Clark Private and Tx-INL Funds to loan at luwust current rate-s. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E.‘ TORONTO, Canada. FRANK BENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. DUKN \V. MULOCK BOULTBRF Barrister, Solicitor. Etc, Richmond Hill Office. south-vast rur- uer of Lux-ne Bldg” every Thursday afternoon. A G S Lindsey.K C G (6r F Lawrence W Riduut Wadsworth MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES Barristers , Solicitors. Notaries, 160. Home Life Building (formerly Frs-e hold Loan Bldg.), 00:. Adelaide & Victoria SL5" Tux-onto. Barristers and solicitors. Money to loan ouland andchnuel mortgages“ lowest rates Auroraofliceâ€"eroved to me old post oflm.’ one door west of the entrance to the Outano Bank Newmurket ofiiceâ€"Three duors Ionth of the postouice T HEBBEBTLRNNOX G S'rV MORGAN HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E 14G1N MIIJLJSZE COMMISSIONER, CONVEYA NCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AM ERICA ASS. COS. Underlakers & Embalmors, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept gt. both places. 1w. T‘EEFY. * NOTARY PUBLIC Richmong I-Iill RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1.007 JAS. N EVVTON Danton. Dunn 8:. Boult'bee Phono Main 311 Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, Toronto Office, 36 Tux-onto street- H. A NICHOLLS \V. Comer King & Yunge Streets, Ripaus Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabulea: at druggisu. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL Commissioner, Cnnveynncer. etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. ENNQX é: MORG Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth. . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers, Salictm‘s, Etc. WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS, J. M. LAING COMMISSIOEEBIN 1‘33 TORONTO. must. Aurora. In Essentialg Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” (i STV Mono“: Phone M311: 2964 Ilewvmm‘ket .AN Miss Olive Kinnve of Richmond Hill. visited friends in the village. Cummllniun service Wm held in tha- Pwshyteriun church last Sunday morning. Rev. Colin Camphofl of Toronto is opo‘Led to pruth in St. Andrew'a chm-ch next Sunday morning and mining. The funeral uf tho late Gmrge StewarL Bell, at “no time an older In the Pl-vshyu-I-iun church, in this villugn. uka plnco on Tllvsduy "fit-w- nnnn frqu Elder’s Mills to St. Paul’s cmneh-ry. The {enlains of Mrs, J. Hunt of Emery were intern-(1 here last Satur- day afternoon. Miss Lizzie Rumblp entertained :1 huge number 01 friends at, a. party at hQLhnflm last. Friday evening. The Vaughan Milliystvrinl Association ms-t at, the Manse. \Vnndhridge on Mundny. A paper was read by Rov. H. A. Fish of Klviuhm-g “ Preaching fruln the standpnint of the Pulpit :md Pew," ThPIIIHIIbt'I‘S were “fen-wards outs-ruined fm‘ ten by Mrs. (Reva) McKinuun. Now the spatial services- hnve closed the league resumed its antings on Tuesday evening. The tnpic “Lives of the Patninrchs" was taken by Miss F. L. Lundy and Mr. L. Nichulls. va. Mr. Bruce also took part in the meeting. Rev. ’A. P. Bruce met the Trustee Board 0f tlw church here on Tuesday :qut-rnmm to discuss the temporal affairs-(If thrichun-h of this place. Mr. Juhn Clifi'urd has hum; removed to thv huspntul in Toronto and is pro- glf'fsirlg‘xf‘tfi;ffIAVUl‘dlIIY.‘ " Mr. Will V‘Vellnmn alld Miss Hattie VVellman of Elgin Mills visited our town un Sunday. Mr. \V. Harper is the proud poss- esswl of ten uf the hPaviest mosteis in this vicinity. One weighs eleven puunds and a. quarter. the‘nther Pieven pnnnds. Can you beat this? If so Just, inform Mr. '1‘. Read who is looking for a lurer hird. A good progl'mnme and a good crowd are expected at the oyste-r supper and Pntetainment in unnnection with the C. O. C. F‘. this evening. If you are constipated, dull, or bilious. or have a sallmv lifeles cum- plexion, try Lax-eta just once to see what they will do for you. Laxâ€"ets are little toothsome candy tablets â€"nice to eat. nice in effect. No grip- ing. no pain. Just a gentle laxative effect that is pleasingly desirable. Handy for the vest pocket or purse. Lax-ets' meet every desire. Laxâ€"eta come to you in beautiful lithograpbed metal boxes at 5 cents and 25 cents. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Report for January:â€" IV. Classâ€"Roy McDonald. Muriel Kinme. Mary Uznnemn, Furrest Bighup. Srn'ior lII.â€"Lizzie \Vhitp. Bertie Puterhaugh, Joe Bishop. Bertha Mur- ray, Flussie PnLerhnugh. Madge Jur- x-ett. Seliim- II.~â€"Dun'uld McNaughton. Laura \Vataon, Viola Jun-mt. Lizzie Fenwick. Junior Il.â€"AgnPs McNaughtnn, Johnnie Greenwood. Senior Part. ILâ€"Roy VVilsun, Olive Farr, Gal-field Farr. The following is the report of the puAbliq school fo}‘_Jal)ua£y:â€" Junior IV.-â€"Eddie Clark, Lloyd Whitmm'e, Charlie Bowes, Norman Bowea. Edward Riddell. Euston Hur- rison. Dessa. Poole. Louise \Vitty, Leigh Page. Senior III.â€"Chm‘lie Blnng, Millie Vanderburgh, Russ Fisher, Willie Rudd. Senior II.â€"<A1-chur BOWes, Hida El- lis, Helen ‘Vhite. Grace Gordon. Isaac Buker, Bertie Baker. Gm-don Ezeard. Gertie Evans. Fred Gordon, Howard Baker. Haul Page, Lily Evans. Pal-L II.â€"Fanny Evans. May Rudd. Ernest Clarke, Melvin W’itly, Harry Poole, \Villie Olin-lg, Ida__\:V‘i_tty;___ Junior III.â€"Ruhy Hewgill, Alnm Hewgill. Bax-Hey Farr. Glenn Hur- x-i:~}¢_m,_Jennjf‘BEh(-pt Junior Part II.â€"Mury Greenwood. Alex. Bishop, Gem-g9 VVhit.e. Gladys Hesp, Susie FenWick, Edna Puter- haugb. Séhior Part I.â€"Levi “'atson, John- ny Juliqt}. ‘ Senior IV.â€"Hem-y Howe-s, Estella Witty. \Vilfred Kefier. Irene Gordon. “'innie Rudd, Vera Reanmn. Junior III.â€"-â€"Percy Harrison, Ernie Pnyle! Ly}; Murphy. R Pm 1.43m Witty, Willie'Euis. NELLIE M. JEFFRIES, Teacher. VICTORIA SQUARE- S. S. No. 9, Vaughan. Concord. Maple. Thcmonthly movting nf V'unghnn Council was held in the Tuwnship Hull. Vellum, Tuesday, Feb. 12. The nmmlmrs wore all present. Reeve Dew-ins in the chair. Minutes uf last. meeting read and npprnve-(l. \‘Cilliams -â€"« Cmneron â€"â€" Tlmt, the lrmsnwr is hereby unthm-izml to pay the following gcnvrnl ammunts:~â€" Dick BI'HH., damage to threshing machine. by hrcuking through culvvrb on lllh cm). . . . . . . . . $ 7 05 “’m. Miller. Jns. \Vatkins and David Bnyceu 33 days each at $2 a. day, guarding small-pox patient at, Mr. Lewis Train’s . ,198 00 J03. Ryder. Lnuis‘ Green and Burt Gnnn. 29 days each, at, $2, gum-din snmll-pux patient; at Messrs. iihn L. and Luck Uurd.. .. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. 17-l 00 Municipal \Vorld, supplies for (clerk ... .... . . . . . _ . . . . l 53 Richard Jarrett, 12 cords hurd- wnud . . ll 90 Richard Jarrett“; curds hurwund 3 ()0 Arch. (Julmnings, cutting wood. 1 10 Amh. Cummings. 2 bl’tKHDS' . . . 50 \Vundbridge Public Lihrury,reut of Hall for Divisiuu Court sit- tings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 3:15. O‘Connor. balance or) con- tract; of stable. and material .. 35 00 â€"Carried. Lnnghouse â€" Thrumns -â€" That the tn-usuwr be authorized to pay the following mud accounts:â€" Arthur S. Fry,sharpeuing picks. Goods that tell their own storyâ€"- Eddy’s telegraph matches 16c. box; telephone matches 150. box; princess parlor match. 1000 matches in box, 50. box; silent parlor watch. 500 in box, 5c. box, kodak a. first-class sulphur match full count, special, 11c. box. Atkinson & Switzer. etc. . .. ‘ . . . { Berwick \\'el(lrick,4()yds. gravel at 70., in Road Div. No. 2 . . . . Camm-nnâ€"Thnumsâ€"That the tre nrex refund the following amounts:- Tn Thus. Cousins, taxes. not; able to collect, same . . . . . . . , $ 4 Tu \V. Cluhine, no bitch . . . . t . 2 Tu D. Thomson. no dug .. .. . .. 1 â€"â€"Uan~ied. A communication was received from Mr. J. Switzer, requesting the council of Vaughan township, in conjunction with Richmond Hill viilage and Mark- hum township council to appoint of- ficials for the purpose of enfoxcing Lllpdl Option. junior IV.â€"â€"‘(2l) Ross Walker, Lenn- ard Clement, \Villie Orr, Elmer Had~ wen, Jnhn Crooks; (h) Emma McQuur- rie. Hattie Nixon. Elmer Orr. Elm \Vade. Lnnginruseâ€"Thonmsâ€"Thut in re- gard to the communication frum the Quarterly Board of the Richmond Hill Methodist circuit relative to ap- pninting an utficial fur tbs purpuse of r-nfulcing local option. this cunncil does not think it advisable to take any action in the matter. as we have every confidence in the Inspector for \Ve-st, Yulk. Also, if any charges are made regarding a. VlUliLLlOl'] of the law. we think the charges should be laid before the Inspector for East York. â€"();u~ried. Following is the report for January: Senior IV.â€"â€"Florence Nixon, Annie Hoiles. Gertie Thomas, Eldon Wade. Ethel McQuan-ie. Minnie W’atson, Myrtle McQum-rie: Senior III.â€"Lester Walker, Willie Barry and Stanley Watson (equal), qu Qmok, Edn‘a Wgtso-Q. J'uniox‘ III.â€"â€"â€"Juseph Home, Edith Clement. Cecil Smy, Willie Hulles, Pickering McQuarrie, Gertie Windus, Dan McMillan. Senior ILâ€"Wilfred Windus, Maud Jones, Alvin Bury. Johnny Orr, Fun- nie Gray, Thomas Judges, Fred Judges. Frag]: Iqu-ns. \Villlinmsâ€"-Ca.memnâ€"-Thab in regard to the application of Mr. Miller of the Sterling Bank to deposit part of the Township funds in that institution. ths Council does not: deem it advisable to transfer any of the township money from the Standard Bank at: Maple. Can'ied. The Council adjnurned to meet Tuesday, the 9th of April. Vv'illiamsâ€"Thmnasâ€"That the reeve and Meser Cameron and Longhnuse be A committee to iIJtPl'vit-W Mr. Train of Kleinhmg, and Messrs. John L. and Lock. Card with a. view of receiv- ing from them Lhe muney to be paid Lu those men who guarded the small- pux patients.â€"Can-ied. JJnior II.â€"â€"Sidney Jones. Della] Wade, Alvin \Valker. Flossie Watson. ; Emma. Gray. Bertha. Leece, Royl Es_pey. __ Pai-t II.â€"May Jones, Pearl Jones, Victor 011'. Senior I.-â€"Lizzie Jones. Junior I.â€"Isaac McQuarrie, Earnest Windas, Hadwen McQuarrie. Russel Espey, Albert O’Brien. \Villie Jones, Johnny \Vindas. Jamds Gray. 0. MONKMAN, Teacher. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. S. S. No. 5, Vaughan. $180 $400 100 280 Gen my rates and prices before do- ing business else.- Where. Group can nsitiv9ly he stopde in 20 minutes. 0 vomitingâ€"nothing to sickPn or distress ynur child. A sweetr pleasant, and sufe Syrup. culled Dr. Slinnp’s Umle Cure, dues the work and does it quickly. Dr. Slmopla ()mup Cure is for Group nlnne, mumm- lmr. It does not, claim to cure a. dozvn ailments. It‘s for Group, that's all. Snld bv \V. A. Sanderson. Pupil of A. S. Vogt, Mus. Doc. (Piano), and J. H. Anger. F. R. C. O. ('l’lfiory). Deering Farm Im- plements Richmond 3111 Fire and Life In- May be only 8 tired liver, or ‘e' starved liver. It would be a. stupid as well as savage thing to beat a weary or starved man because be logged in his work. So in treating the legging, torpid liver it is a. great mistake to lash it with strong drastic drugs. A torpid liver is but an indication of an ill-nourished, enieehled body whose organs are weary with ever work. Start with the stomach and allied organs of digestion and nutrition. Put them in working order and see how quickly your liver will become active. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery has made many marvelous cures of "liver trouble" by its wonderful control of the organs of digestion and nutrition. It re- stores the nonnai activity of the. stomach, increases the secretions of the blood»mek- ing glands, cleanses the system from poi- sonous accumulations, end so relieves the liver of the burdens imposed upon it by the detection or other organs. . It you have bitteror bad taste 1n the mom- lnz. poor or lable appetite. coated tongue. foul breath. co sup. or Irregular bowels. spondent. frequent perhaps nausea. . throat after eating. and km of weak stomach and mid n glue wlll relieve you more promguz or cure N. J. Glass a put of tEe n56ve symptoms will be present. at one time and yet point. to tomid liver or biliousness and weak stomach. Avoid all hot bread and biscuits. griddle cakes 3nd other indigestible food and take the "Golden Medical Discovery" regularly and stick to its use until you are vigorous and strong. The "Discovery" is non-secret. non-alco- holic. is a. glyceric extract, of native medici- nal roots with a. full list 0! its ingredients printed on each bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. Its ingredients u'e endorsed and extolled by the most eminent medical writers of the age and are recommended to cure the diseases for which it. is advised. Don‘t accept a. substitute of unknown composition for this non-secret. "DICIRB 0F KNOWN communes. J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist 'Ou ehtl th ‘ ' )0 en Medical Discovery. Perhaps only Instruction in Piano-playing and Theory [Single copies, 3 cts. Agent for A LazyIjver 811131108 AVD

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