Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Feb 1907, p. 2

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mm is what I call downri flame," said Mrs. Higgins. “What has OCCuii-cd‘f" inq husband. “The neighbors who ween“ mm. door are going In have m'lhey sent in to borrow our 1091:: rug. 'I let them have it. We while they came back and didn‘t think it was handsome 4 go with their furniture. and c0‘ [mm the money to buy a new 'Iar $2.50 mam-Buk is an aI'-round household him. It. is compounded from purely kernel! essences, and cures eczema, ul- ewrs, sores. chapped hands, bruises, (1335‘ bums. etc. It also cures rheuma- usm, sciatica. neuralgia, and rubbed we?“ in over the chest in cases of cold mmves the lightness and aching. An muggists and stores sell at 50c. a box, at post free from the Zam-Buk Co.‘ Toâ€" mato. upon receipt of price. 6 boxes firs. S. J. Holden. of Hannah St. W., Hamilton. says: “My lillle girl had a ~mm:ng sore on her leg which defied at! manner of treatment. Within atew days of trying Zam-Buk [here was a fist-incl. improvement and the wound is now completely healed. l have since used Zamâ€"Buk for other skin diseases, I;th and find it excellent." ‘Kam-Buk is an al'-round household balm. It. is compounded from purely annual essences, and cures eczema, u}. mars, sores. chapped hands, bruises, am bums. etc. It also cures rheuma- usm, sciatica. neuralgia, and rubbed wait in over the chest in cases of mm Here are lwo powerful instances of Elbe s/nried ways in which Zam-Buk the mat. herbal balm. is doing good Mughout the Dominion. Have you get enjoyed its benefit? Milan on by a Horseâ€"Bad Bruises. Mr. D. Cumming, of Springmouni rflnt), says: “1 have proved that Zam- Buk has extraordinary merit. l was Mpled on by a horse and my fool was all black and swollen. I could smmely move it, [he pain was so had. A [ew applications of Zam-Buk cured the pain and removed the discoloration. The tool was soon all right again. It a wonderful balm.” mm for 1906 Was 27 Millions, the Largest on Record. lord Desmrough. who was re~elected ‘mirman of the Thames Conservancy the other day. gave some interesting figures in reviewing the work of the year. The registered tonnage of ships en- and leaving the Port of London Am- the year 1906, he said, was 27,145,- me, which was not only a record for the River Thames, but was greatly in yzmess of lhat of any other port in the world. The figures for the previous m were 25.861000 tons. He was pleased to say that the num- ber of large vessels entering the per! mad also greatly increased. By large mels he meant those of 5,000 tons and upwards. Of such vessels 262 en- .lsred lhe part during the year 1909, as mainst 64 in the year 1900. 3 POWERFUL INSTANCES mooning He was mylum. Meal book "OW LONDON THE (iflli‘TlCST PORT. ‘OF ZASLRUK‘S \VONDERI‘I'L HEALING. 4r “a; '1 ' "nil-d I moved to be the case. He had bor- l a gun a! Slough and had told of his friends that he was going ing with the mug. was subsequently conveyed to an in. it appears-mat. the man is a bookmaker, who has suddenly lost ason. KING A an! fl Running Sore [It-aled. INSULT T0 [NJURX hin‘ th . udh} 'I 115 rok m Jors wuo H‘Cenlly moved : going to have company. .n to borrow our drawing- lel them have it. and in a sy came back and said they was handsome enough in furniture. and could I lend 03‘ to buy a new one." running noblem vim: hcz enj Ma Ill He. '“sm the l‘ m {I n .vl Ill uL .110 Star 5 doing there, wered strangely. f gold from his 'epcr if he could d now come on ions the keepers was insane, and se. He had bor- and had told u) to him, and thought he had inquired iin gm im; 1n All the Re: the keé lil ut UM )m )ur gun and the ‘ "Why, Dusl “Then buy ‘ 53 as to have all round. '1‘ those directio scription and be a different And, as the doer rubbed grocer. get “He does “Just. so. grocers for little Chan; baker?” The doclor shook his head and looked serious. “Hum.” he said, after feeling the pa. tient‘s pulse and taking his temperature. “You're very ill indeed." “Y~you don‘t say so, doctor,” gasped the man. as he turned pale. “Am I going to have some serious illness?” “You are liable to‘ sir, unless you fol- iow out my directions to the letter. Let‘s see. Do you go to Scragg, lhe butcher ?” going to have sc “You are liable icw out my din-cc see. Do you go I “Yes, doctor.“ “You must buy‘ some other shop of a change, I t Recently one woman detected in the act. of stealing money. was publicly as- saulted at a charitable fete by a wo- man whose indignation carried her away. The sight of one fashionably- dressed lady whipping another gorge- ously arrayed dame at an assembly at- tended by 2,000 persons created great excitement, and led to persistent en- quiries as to the cause of the encounter. Another “hyena of charity” was de- tected in the act of pocketing money and was compelled to disgorge her spoils on the spot, in full view of 40 rr so contemptuous spectators. She was searched there and then, and gold coins were extracted from her pockets, from the dolds of her dress, and even from her dainty shoes. Then she was driver from the building amid loud hisses and hoots. \‘v '1 hose who were shocked by these and still more astonishing devices for ob- taining money were told that everything was justifiable in the cause of charity. Unfortunately, further revelations have made it clear that many of these nominally charitable ladies appropriat- ed large sums of the money obtained in this way. One society belle, a pro- minent figure at all charitable fetes. systematically appropriated all gold coins paid to her and only handed over silver coins to the treasurer. Astonishing revelations are being made of fraud committed by society wo- men of Berlin, Germany, who make a practice of taking a prominent. part in bazaars and other charity functions. It is shown that these “hyenas rt charity,” as they are called here. have not only victimized gatherings legiti- mately organized, but; that they have been in the habit of engineering thea~ tricul tetes, where they sold cups of coffee at $1.25 and $2.50 each, and other articles of refreshment at equally extra- vagant prices. Revelations of Gross Frauds at Berlin, Germany. Does fit Doesn’ shrink u bate: than a pure Mannoba flourâ€"it is belle: than a pure Ontario flourâ€"being blended it combines the best qualilics of both. 'Quecn City" is an all-purposes flown. The Campbell CO. Llrml Toronto Junction, On Dealers Everywhere p Supplied BELLES ROB BAZAABS. HIS GRIM REVENGE “Queen City” _, .,v”..‘. n\ u “x v ~ Vlkllll.‘l\3 \anll gr 1L inlorc.:t. It p21 fills a “Into. mol~ Hod appearance in sumhinv, gradually turning from grey to black (1.5 a ram. Pen~ Angle I 1 1 Underwear slol'm uppx'uuchrs. The stone is com- ”er inf-{1‘19 52?; posqq of Clay" mire and rock salt. In dry while in yo lave uy' your meat after this a! up. It will be somewhat [ think. Does Gritz, the ur custom?" norâ€"all o.’ it in that line." be“ Campbell’s Limited l, oanQueen City at the u' brew comple bread somewhere else. mplele change in food all, I believe. Follow ilhfully, take this pro- it made up. and you'll in a week.” man walked out. lho ~31! o.’ it in that line." caulion you to change 9. Even that will be a DUI‘ diet. Who’s your 3751: your grocer [or m [7191‘ ‘d out. ‘ huckled 8"8 now i 202 Ladies to do 1: home. whole or Work sent. any Send stamp for 1 Manufacturing ( Women can always see the point of a pointless joke. A camel can carry twice the burden of an ox, or 400115. Hollowny‘s Corn Cure is a specific [or the removal of corns and warts. We have never heard of its failing to remove even the worst kind. Asparagus is the oldest known plant that has been used for food. In the tenth century a cat was held equal in__xz}}ue p0 two ‘hens. This is the glorious season when a scent’s worth of flowers cost a dollar. Pale, sick children should use Mother Gi-aves’ Worm Exterminator. Worms are one of the principal causes of suf- fering in children and should be ex- pelled from the system. She: “Why. it wasn’t two minutes be- fore he repeated it." Wife: “I came across a bundle of your old love letters to-day." Husband: “Did you read them over :7" Wife: “Yes.” Husband: “And what was the effect. 0! that perusal ?” What Is the Best Thing to strengthen wank backs? “The D (k L" Menthol Plaster. It will cure lumbagu and rheumatism. 81 rolls makes veg 25_c plasters. Davis 4: Lawrence Co. A man who acts small n - ' mistake. Makes a b1 Wife:7 “I wondered which was the bigger foolâ€"you for writing them or I for marrying you after receiving them." um] A Sound Stomach Means a Clear Headâ€"The high pressure of a nervous life which business men of the present day are constrained to live make draughts upon their vitality highly det- rimental to their health. It is only by the most careful treatment that they are able to keep themselves alert and active in their various callings, many of them know the value of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills in regulating the sta- mach and consequently keeping the head clear. Poets are born, but good husbands are made. Mice have twenty sheep and oxen. 32. A woman doesn’t greatly object to confessing her age it she domn't look it. The Wretched Condition of thousands is due to the fact. that they ne lect the simplest care of their health. When in t is conditiun “ Forruvim" will build you up and give you strength. Fan: “1 don’t know of any y01 man, but I know it‘s a real diamond happened in when she was buying it‘ Nan: “I wonder if that’s a real dia- mond that Kitty‘s wearing on her fin- ger. Do you know who the youngr man eradic A Nag lng Cough drivos sleep.and comfnrt away. . len's Lung Balsam relieves hard breath- ing, pain in the chest and irritation of the thloat. (Fave it freely to the children. U? tur< in on ate m FRIENDSHIP‘S TRIBUTE )us mat a they ‘ TEN YEARS AFTER TH 3 or spare time, good pay any distance. charges paid for full particulars. Nationa us Company, Montreal. 0. HS WANTED. TERM DEFINED teeth ; rabbits, 28; ‘5 become we here.” ny young the any ar A doctor who was recounting some of his experiences of lxypnotism, related the following story 2-â€" "I once had a palicnl who was in with tconsumplion. and who ought to have gone to a warmer climate, but whose means were iusnumcienl, so I resolved lo try what hypnoUsm would do {Or him. 1 had a huge sun chalked on the ceiling of his room. and by suggestion induced him to mink it was the sun, which would cure him. The ruse suc- ceeded‘ and he was getting daily better, when one day on my arrival I found he was dead." “To what do you attribute your suc- cess?” asked the plain citizen. “To the abuse 1 have received," an- swered the politicai boss. Great Medicine. â€" Tonti. one of the pioneers of French Canada, lost a hand and wore an iron hook as a substitute. He was in the habit of boxing the ears of refractory Indians with this iron hand, and they have remarked that it was “great medicine." Dr. Thomas“ Eclectric Oil is great medicine; it, takes hold of pain with an iron hand and knocks it out of the system. Comfort by dny and sound sleep by night to]. low the use of Weaver’s Comte, {or skin troubles no matter how tormenting they be. This aim: went soothes and cleanses. Teacher: “Mary, construct a sentence with ‘dogma’ as subject." Mary (after careful thought): “The dogma has three puppies." Brooks’ Appmnce. New discovery. Wonderful. No obnoxious springs or pads. Automatic Air Citations. Bulls and draws the broken parts together as gnu would a broken limb. o salvea. Nolymphol. No Hen. Duh iDIe,cheap.A}:§t. 5:155 10.‘01. ' _‘éinL6éth-: Ea'éérnl V Y E C. E. BH90KS, 3613 Brooka' 31:13.. mnsmu, men. sun- ‘qg;_‘fiéih’t BROQKS’ HEW (FIBRE “Six years ago I had la grippe. followed by systemnic catarrh. The only thing I used was Peruua. and Manalin. and I have been in better health the last three years than for years before." Mrs. Jane Gift. Athens. Ohio. writes: "Six years ago I had la grippe very bad. My husband bought me a. bottle of Peru- ua. I was soon able to do my work." Effective Medicine for La Griwe. Robb. L. Madison. A.M., Principal of Cullowhee High School. Painter. N.(7.. writes "Peruna is the most effective medicine that I have ever tried for la. grippe. It! also cured my wife of nasal catarrh. Her condition at. one time was such that she could not at night breathe through her nostrils." La Grippc and Systemic Catarrh. Mrs. Jennie W. Gilmore, Box 44, White Oak. Ind. Ten, writes : [CAUG J Th an \ ell POW‘ E RFUL SUGGESTION ABUSED INTO SUCCESS I don't." lone] (at young ion for military y reason WM 3" 1r- Ihl'PP vears? SHE DELIGHTS IN IT INNOCENT. that nail over there BY THE GRIP== ELEASED BY PE=RU=N£ Yes, Colon service): nu should Have you Addie Pale's FOR not. any “I am enurer cured All Dcaiers or The Limited. Niagara Falls W a" \ draw my breath, f! ‘ pained me so. I was 7'. nervous, short, .1 had breath. dizzi- Mrs. Robert Eaton. mess, loss of appe- tite. smothering and sinking spells, and I could not sleep. “Sometimes I would haw- lo lie down lo keep from falling. My hands and feel would seom 10 go to sleep and a sort of numbmss would come all over feel would se< sort of numbr me. ASTDNISHED THE DOCTOR- Physician Said She Might Drop Dead at Any Time. Debtor (calmly): “That. query reminds me of the old adage," Creditor: “What old adage?" Debtor: “The one about :1 [001’s ability to ask questions that. a wise man Ls un- able to answer.” A bottle of Bickle‘s Anli-Consumptive Syrup, taken according lo directions. will subdue a cough in a short time. This assertion can be verified by hun- dreds whmhuve tried it and are pleased to bear testimony to its merits, so that all may know what a splendid medi- cme it is. It cosLs you only 25 (:6an to join the ranks of the many who have been benefited by ils use. Creditor (angrily): “Say, when are you going to pay the $50 you owe me?" it takes 400 tons of beetroot k) give from 26 to 30 tons of sugar. FOR SALE. DELAWARE FR’UIT, TRUCK. POULTRY Farms. $700 to $25,000; splendid bargains; :ee catalogue; 01158511. H§MMQNP._ “Twelve years ago I had a severe n» tack of la, grippe, and I never really ro- vovered my health until two years ago. I began using Peruna. and it built. up my strength. so that in a, couple of months I was able to go to work again." Penumonia Followed La Grlppa. Mr. ’1‘. Barnecott, West Aylmer, Ontario. Cam, writes : “Last winter I was ill with pneumonia after having la. grippe. I took Peruna for two months, when I became quim well.” Suffered Twelva Mr. Victor Patneaudc Topeka. Kan, writes: Mrs. Chas. E. Wells. Sn. Delaware. Ohio, writes: “Amer a severe attack of la. grippe. I took Forum). and found it a very good tonic." Splendid 56 acre Farm. County of Elgin. 2 miles from Duart, good soil, fruit, and buildings. price $1,500. Apply at once. Western Peal Estate Exchange, Limited. London, Ont Ind Med Suits would look beam-d ad. I! no no. Dl oun in your Lovu. Iruo direct. can-ed. Box 15] in Pe~ru»naâ€"A Tonic After La Grippe- BRITISH AMERIoAu ovama co. MONTREAL. From uch s YOUR OVERGDATS OLD ADAGE COMES UP. Real Estate Broker, Milford. Dal. Antiâ€"P FOR SALE. ISSL'E N0. 7â€"07. Ha Years From 0! La Grippe. ng Dr Dr. Leonhardt’s Ami- tart I improved. I . look better. and al- ms made a new wo- ,1 red “The Doctor told me I had heart dis- ease and was liable to drop on the street at any time,” says Mrs. Robczt Eaton, of Duflerin, Ont. Wilson-Fer 00., ‘ Ont. Alter Madison 3;, afraid to breath, it Anti-

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