Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Feb 1907, p. 3

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WNHHM u++++++++++ will Every woman suflering wixh pains in the head. back and bowels. bearing-down ioelings, nervousness. creeping sensations up the spine. melsncholy desire to cry. hot flashes, wen-mess. or piles from any range, should sit right down gnd send her name and address to Ira. (‘ora B. Killer. Box ‘582. Kolomo. Ind.. and receive by mail vfree of charge in plain wrapper) a Sitâ€"cent box of bar mun-Hons medicine: also her valunbla book. which every wo- $++++++§++++++++v++ also her valunbh man should have Remember this ofler will not last long. for thousands mud xhousands of women who are mfi‘erin; will take advantage of this generous menu; of getting cured. So if you no filing. do not suffer mother day. but send your time and address to In. Killer for the book and medicine be~ bu the 310,000‘00 worth in all gone. S\V( and Million Women use It. More than a million women hrre usrd Mrs. Miller's remedy, and no waiter where you live. fill!) can refer you to ladies in your own locality who can and will tell any sufl‘ere: that this marvellous. remedy reslly cures women. Despiw the fact, that. Mrs. Miller's businem is very extensive. she is alwnys willing to give aid 3nd ad- vice to every sufier'mg woman who writes to her. She is a. generous. good woman. and has decided to give away no women who have never used her medicine 810,- 000.00 worth absolutely FREE. ends, sprin immediater French I ounces 0] Sugar, tw of new 11 and put. butter, Mrs. Miller's New Residence, Earned In Less Than Onei Year. vaeral years ago Mrs. Miller learned of a mild and simple preparation Lhac cured hersoll‘ and several friends of female weakness and piles. She was besieged by so many women needing treatment that slie decided to furnish it w those who mighl call for it. She started with only a flaw dollars' rupiml. and the remedy. possessing true and wonderful merit, pro- ducing many cures when donors and other remedies failed, the (R111an grew so rapidly she was several times compelled to sm‘k larger q‘narwrsi She now 0(‘cu- pics on:I of the city's largest ofiice build- ings, which She nwns. and almost one hunâ€" dred clerks and sténographors are re quired to :L-tsim, in [his great business. Million Women Use It. Until a few yurs ago Hrs. Cara B. Miller lived in a manner slmaiar to that. of thousands of other very poor women of the average small town and village. Rhe now resides in her own palaLiaJ brown-stone residence. and ‘is considered one of the most successful business wo- men in (he Tinned States. of a mi) cured he! weakness so many she dcelc Started a Capilal, One Mrs. flora B. Miner Makes a Fortune tir N 0 m )UI w h ‘m \\' HI; WU .1 d 11y few Years 390 with N5. and Now Employs Nearly llundrcd Clerks and Slcnographcrs. )I 'an( m” dd] 1t 1n into a bm should he Ul Tw 1 wit eaten 11 11 .H' th Led pa wingers Preswih 'Pomio Stuffing for Geese or Ducks-â€" Mix together two cupfuls of hot mash- ed potatoes, one loaspoonful salt, one leaspoonfu] onion juice, four‘lablespoon- fuls of cream. one-fourth teaspoonful side turn Them. W sides pul some 1) rut the cake on it, 1 another and :put on send to table. The ¢ Ker if sent. '10 the 1 cr two on plate. digéstiam ‘vs Mluw norm If you neen. 'and run dov Idruggisis at IQ D [‘31 l‘rufl‘l und und aunt" EMI am up :onlen and t the 1 UI P 9P9 1‘1 ll fin 1nd 1pm l‘hf .lf 11 one 0;: IT] five [0N USE! Ui from 'lure becon Chestnut. scan, 1\\'( 'STL'FFINGQ )HE 1t .one-fourth teaspoonful one tablespoonful chop- u1e tablespoonful of but- volks of lwo eggs. Beat are becomes light. Chestnut. $lullingâ€" One \V( mbs to myself as well as comfort I fiml it almost universally and (he aged with whom the and the lymphatic conditions \V} burnir )1 U11 ..J '« Q _. ml pi HINTS ake Ill )r M E: 11)!) e able avi‘n 1H 1V in be smooth on "e done on one DI‘OWH on both on the plalei f the top, bake )uuev top, and are much bet- :with only one reen Peppers crumbs, one aâ€"quarter tea 1 onion juice mum pour ufilt‘ h}; nutes aka 1 »und trufâ€" 'me. marâ€" oacon and m a turn en put in and peel- Lhi ‘me 1t a pepper ions, put mm sim- ger, and lie] Hominv and 11 HI nuls 83/ take OII a plenum commend (ed with \quarte bread celery, melted Al all bottle. UV O 560 fil' 1t with mm: rim both add also but ram l\\‘0 the rm It in Paris to an astonist Ercole is and by h. succeeded te!‘ of WI $100,000. oi $20,000. He proposed marriage, and was accepted, but just before (he cere- mony he told her his real name, adding that he was the natural son of the Due de Penzhiwre. Mme. Durcampf, who .\c(‘omplishml Don Juan Lived in Luxury I1) Frauds on “’omvn. pears laugh, so that the leathers do not, easily push through, a coating 1‘ warm castor oil, applied with a brush or with ‘the fingens, will improve mutâ€" ter-s considerably. A generous diet. a rusty nail placed in the drinking cup to give the water the effect-of tonic. and a trifle of brandy or sherry wine will help the patient through this try- ing time. A bird rarely sings during FLhe moullimg season. flow? Bee with that 56 “heartburn,” vaese unpleaa given upon Bilezm dissolv EVER HAVE HEARTBURN? poisons restored 1ppeti le vent. iight lhe new plum sun are to be pears tough, He ,ole COBBLI‘IR‘S SON AS MARQFIS 0“ AC“) [HF'I‘INGS OF FOOD? , hem sloma drugg from nlim the Bileans End These Symplomg arm the £35â€" WUUNCH' Your iinle one: are a constant care in Full and Winter weather. The will catch cold. Doyou knqw 850-th iloh'ni (1i; to be the only disasses d lhe rlles‘ is K diseases 0! lhe an’ passages 11 his nbsolme‘y harmless and take. his guaranteed to cure or; is returned. The price is 25c. and-nu dcalcrs in mzdicinc sell {11' \Vfl EHEL@H the re'Lin licatc‘ )bbler‘s son nn who masquerade Aubin and SI. : les, was sentence ; to five years im ml the 6 box higrcmg-giy should be in cvczy househo'w ‘ one just en and 1 {11' care Mm U16 leaving 3 A§issl went to Durczu Th Ire \RE OF BURDS mess so u entc 11 My ind after it; nt “feelings our digestiv the time. T fl\'( with th wh :compl pex‘sor :ll'l lam nt [K m In they am '55, carria \Y hen cenis relia‘ [1 8C E‘SSQTV 16. The‘ 5 been 11 the stem V liberal h at onc NICE \\'( emule 111 In mm of healthy am all digestive ileans also cure .11 n tr Inter awn Pub] Jding U]! y elegant th .011 he other day .onmenl. after 1nd. {II Toronto mgTonic. and 1y? h is said cmedy for a“ Dieudonm he Marquis ‘ Comte de 111116 If aire 9 skin an anthers dc coating 1 where a tort :es, and u ll-ot-anns War, \‘it- rth d returns you have or any of 11] ntestin dis also cure ailments, ', kidney the I‘E‘IHOVC fulr 31811 00d 15$ and heath BYE us In num 3m 0 slylt 0 pm stron money boulc. ant lo 811 Fla Jan ntly 3X act H .Id (flu-ism] a large poured. needles made 101- (racmn lies of pus; the pins for pinning mortem needle 0 of these little ins omen times final shm'penir papering. and wrappng pur; it prevents rus There are m: needles. First‘ arewsome out One needle is a pretty small item, but 111* daily consumption of something like 3,000,000 needles all over the world makes a pretty big total. The manufac- ture of a single needle includes some 21 or 22 different processes, as follows: Cutting the wire into lengths: straight- ening, by rubbing while heated; point- ing the ends on grindstones; stamping, impression for the eyes; grooving; eye- ing. the eye being pierced by screw presses; splitting, threading the double zneedle by the eyes on short lengths of :line wire; filling. removing the “cheek”- left on each side of the eye by stamping; breaking, separating the two needles on the one length of wire; heading, heads filed and smoothed, to remove the burr left by stamping and breaking; harden- ing in oil, the needle is thus made brit- tle; tempering; picking, separating those crooked in hardening; straightening the crooked ones; scouring and polishing; blueing, softening the eyes by heat; drilling or cleaning out the sides of the 3f One ne th‘ daily 3,000,000 makes :1 mm of a nr- 9‘) rii Many Varieties 0i These Delicate moms. at 2 liam 1rding n [ meal 1 1ade on ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. ANL} whw. gWQMéGMMWWQQ'O ade for 3w able ,ldres 1h MA NYFACTIIRE 0F NEEDLE he i. The veterinary surgeon 11 outfit. also. The cook‘s wonderfully, {eul'fully mad 1g needle is used to sow larg zal together. The trussing n on purpose Lo insert mell 1' sauce right inlo the Vila imas turkey. [l is hollows ge opening. into which lhe 5 3d. Nor less interesting 2 05 which the upholstercr u n DAT , softening the s or cleaning out th ad grinding; pointâ€"s lurpening; final [)0 g. and finally, 1: 1g, purple paper is Me “It Sec»th EmulJt‘on is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphitcs prepared so that it is easily digested by little folks. Consequently the baby that is fed on Scott'J~ EmaLrt'on is a sturdy, rosy. checked little fellow full of health and vigor. baby. 'l n wwa @fifiéWQéééfi-fiééé '1'? ml In: ting any [it n; Make him a Scott’J EmaIJt'on .11 EEI ll Is your baby thin, weak, fretful? “My ha unti ALL DRUGGISTS: 500. AND $1.00. of t 1911 HAMILTON INCUBATGR COMPANY, Li rious pattern. 101115 are thin ‘fll )m 310 1U )l lwic 1‘1 NDIA Hing shin uellin II 11 kind H has his needles 9. His 1K Id bu r‘ld ant: .OnL lmplc 1blel then 1H 1h 111 ilis meml DI'. expr Ham and me live, and who has Pink Pill failed. I‘ of your 1 give lhes I“ Winter after winter from ocean to ocean I) la grippe, or intluenz the deadliest, troubles l mate. It starls wit ends with a complical strong man on his 1 him with fever and and backaches. It 19: an easy prey to pncur consumption and other You can avoid to grit your system with Dr Pills. You can cure it effects with this same pills protect you; the) tip-build you; they ban effects. Dr. Williams’ otl all winter ailments blood and nerve disor the greatest blood-but tonic science has yet your neighbons, no m live. and you will If 1h tic 11 lanadn Again Being Rmished by Epidemic 01 This Disease. 11a] in bone mis) In its e, No Hu: .1! Que my DEADLY [A GIHI’PP at! u” 11K ;; [In n U! Height ;e pill.- .vory, mmdl dumB imprm is om of U HIS CONFESSION ll UNI-ll 1T1 m int file prir m badly int MI m 3111.} ed] liams’ PL lments. disorder )Od-bllildi [I 1V Jni‘S lll HON 11L U n needlz at call I The In 11lroduc 1n hi nth Limits: lo-d $10.00¢ open an 1 mam little. )I JET iI ’31

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