@112 ï¬ihmï¬. Our stuckâ€"«Argument. is our stock. Alkmmm k watzur. Mn. \Vm. Alcomhrac of Toronto Spent. Sunday and Monday with his in other. chuxnxb HILL. 0mm, Feb. 14. Miss Vinh‘t Storey. Tomntn. has horn mnking a visit lh'h‘ and is n. ' ‘Annin Buyie. M). Blnvk. n student from ' (‘nllu-ge. Hill Lake Rm‘. M 1'. \vurk m) Um L‘il'l‘uiL next Suud Our star-k prm-Srlvs which to chnustuvâ€"EVH‘ yuu cash. Atkinson 1% Mrs. Alcnmln-ac bus returner] "flour :mwu \vcvkv‘ sLny wil'h hm' daughter, imButfnln, whu has hem wry ill. Boots and slxue9.-â€"Im{ius’ pruan Ulippvrs with nlnsliu ankles. #229 3. 201-, Worth 5001:]. Naughqu Ewen, Elgin Mills. The brindle (kg has len found. How (mind the uwner fail Ln ï¬nd him after the (h-scthLiun given in host “Week‘s paper. Mr. G. P. Allen uf \purchusud of Mr. Jumc u-sidunco suulh uf the. Richmond Hiâ€. Miss Duncan will he enterlam mp [numbers 0 (Huh at. lil'l' hull]? on evening, Feb. 20. Next Sunday nun-Hing va. A. P. Braco will preach in Hm Mozhudier. church. Buhjr‘m: “Christ touches us to be anxious.“ Mr. IL L. Brnwn, ‘Veswm Agent, Allan Lixw Sin-unship Cm, \N'innipvg. visitw) with his [nu-ems hey? \In his way lt‘: MUHM'HIL A in}! churn] SI-rvirowill hp held in 1h.» Methodist- clmrch on Sunday evening 2A» inst. The programme win be given in mu man. \\'("r‘k. Am-mia Runner~ Mr. S. Hill rrf Virtuviu Hun-hm; and Mr. James Hill hf Richman 19H]. WH'P in town Visit- ing friends nu “'ednesdav. The Rev. Dl' xinn Secwtary via-s in U)? umruiug and next. Huw dn you 'nike'. Mr. John Mlt‘hahy, harristpr. of the ï¬rm nf Gunu & Mulcyhy‘ ()l'illiu. madv .n \‘izyil with hisgrand-parents, Mr. :1le Mrs. Tecfy, a few days ago. Mr. Rauwr of Blumuington whu has lwon appointed manager «If the grain elm-altar to be erected at. the C. N. 0. static)“. has lpaspd Miss Cnultrer's brir-k residence rucvutly vacated by Mr. Lwnsemm'o. .The Bell Telephone Company is not. shnwing up too well in the investiga- tion now being lwld. The girl 0me tors in the Uin deserve the, sympathy and assistance. of tho pululic in their request, for better treatment. The aunqu meeting Board of the Victoria. met an Tuesday after: of the year was taken the ofï¬cers “New all I the ensuing year. Pm encouraging. The annual (mnvpptiun at the W'est York Sabbath Srluml Assuciution will he hold m-xt Thursday and Friday, Illst and 22ml. This is an opportunity fnrinspiraliuu which should (mt, be missed. A programme of exceptional interest is px-epmed. The. convention will npeil at 10.15 or. Thursday moruw ing in the MeLhudist chm-ch: “N0 SMOKING ALOUD HERE The above nnlico is posted up in a fashionable tailuring establishmem. nut. fur {rum Lhis uflice. 'L'he request In frequenlm-s of H)p5hnp,mut.tu Lmusâ€" gress. will nut be cnnsidt-n-d unreason- able, as it mme be said that the pruprivtur has ever bruken such a rule himst-lf. The annual seed fair nmlm' thisl auspices ul‘ the Agricultural Society will be held in \hs- Luer Hull, 10- murruw (Friday) ufceuumu. Many; exhibits uf grains, semis and pntutues E are expectul. M1" Simpson Rennie (zfi the Department; of Agri‘culuu‘t‘, } (ltmwu. uud Mr. Luckie \Vilsnmi Supt. of Agricultural Smrimivs furl Outul-iuau'u expected to give addresses, l The exhibits are Lu he in pusit'mn by 1 ' pm. The directors expect, a guod‘ jun. 'l'l turnout. IA()(3‘ A To stop a cold with " Preventics“ is safer than to let it- um and cum it. afterwards. Taken at: the “sneeze stage" Prvvvntics will hmd ul'f «all. culds and Grippe, and pvrlmps.s:|vc you fl-um Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Prereutics are little tuutllsmne candy Lnld cure tulllels selling in 5 cents and :35 cent buxvs. If yuu are chilly. ii ynu begin to smwze, try Plevenlics. They will surely check the (-nld. and please ynu. Suld by \V; A.Sm1(lersou. Atkinson 1% SWH'LM‘. Argument. is our stock. SEED FAIR McLzu-en. Home MN will conduct. the ser- Preshytorian church. evening, uu Subhath aecing of the Tx-uscee arm-in Square church zlfkornuuu. Thewmk taken in review, and 9 a†re-appuinted fon- ‘. Prospects were very our vnlentine? be pleased to of 1906 \tht Torunto has Nc'wlnn the High Suhnul. plF-nty {mm huice saw-s “’eduesduy il)’ 'ichu'iu Irwm's 1907 ‘ It‘s a pic-asul-e Ln tell mlr rmdprs ‘ about u. rtuugh Curr. like Dr. b'huup’s. Fur years Dr Slump has fnght against, “he use uf Opiulm ()hlumfm-m. or nthrr unsafe ingrediean cnmumnly ,fnuud iu Cnugn rmnndios. Dr. Shnnp, it svems. luau welt'urned'thv Flu-e Fund and Drug Luw recently enncwd. fur he ham wurked along similhrlines muny ywra. For nemly ', 20 years Dr. Shnnp‘s Cough Cure cnn- miners have had :I. Warning printed on thvm‘ugninSbOpium and utlwr nm-cntic yoismm. He has [hm-z made- it, pnasihle nr-muthms (.u pron-ct their children by simply insialjng m1 having; Dr. Sh’zâ€"mp’s Cough Gut-e. Sold by \V. A. Sande-won. Mr. Geo. 3owie is advertising for a house slim-r. one who has bad mm: or tWU years Experience at. the tmdc. Apply immudiutvly. It's a pleasure to tell mlr rmdprs FINDLEYâ€"«At High: Mills. February ~4 9. Lu Mr. and Mrs. \Villinm Findley, u (laughter. Déci’used is mother of Mrs. Jen-y Swim; HOLLISGSHEADâ€"«On Argyle street. Tnmnm. nu \Vrdnesduy evening. Rd). 13. Mrs.'Tlms. Hollingsheud, aged Mr, Gm. Nulson Kidfl. Conservative \1. 1’. P. for Umlemn, (had uf’Lypbnid fever. Owing m :1 quing off in attendance the tvl'nsttws of Markham Public Schonl are (musidt-riug the advisability of reducing L1H} sud? to three teachers. A meeting: of the Plï¬mc Lihmry Bnnrd \vus hr-ld in the Library Rum" Tuesday (We-Hing. Feb. 12. A quorum nf Iuemhem WHS present, ulsu the,- Lihmriuu, Mr. Umviu. Minuh‘s of last meeting read and adopted. A repurt, fn-m (he secretary showed Lhuc the m-L lPCr‘iplS of the entertain- ment iwid New Yrur’s night Were $30.00. A communicatinn from the Village Clerk stutml that the Unlmcil had appointed My. 1’. G, Suvage', ammnhw nt‘ the Library Board fur one year. and Mr. \V. A. Sundersuu for three years. An account fmm (he secrvmry for printing. fruight, (‘11 hooks etc., $3.75 \ww m-dewd (0 1w paid. Thy vlominn of nï¬inm-s resnlwd as followszâ€"Chairman, \V. H. Pugsley: Secretary. '1‘. F. McMahon: Treasurer. \V. A. Sandal-sun: Bonk Committee“ Shaw. Hume, BI-ydml, Pugsley; Room Cnunnittee â€" Savage; Sanderson. MnMuhun; EnnvrminnmntCommittee, Shaw, Hume, McMahon. mwsmmymmm ,._._.__._ ____._ vi, , , 'Blttousness, constipation retard re; covery. Cure these with Ayer’s Pllls. Having a complete X-ray and static electricity apparatus, I am able to Insane foreign lmdies in the body. and examine fractures 0f hunvs. Also to treat NERVOUS DISEASES, CHRONIC RHEUMA'I‘ISM, Monum GROWTHB, such as Cuncel's‘ etc. Being :L graduate of Mnm‘ï¬eid's Eye Huspiml. England, I am prepared to vxmuiue the interior of lhv'eyx‘s fur HORSE-S H OER \VANTED such as Cancers. etc. Being :L graduate of Maori Huspiinl. England, I am p1 vxnmine the interior of UN disease, and test. for glam patient. should ruquire glass chem fur him. Nose and thrnnt work a S; Ofï¬ce vunvunient. tn {he tun and C». N. 0. Railway st munwumg‘ Ru PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD The best kind of a testimonial - " Sold for over sixty year.†DR. RICH M 7 smsmumu. Mars We have no secrete! We ubnnh the fonmflu of m our In nines. News Nones. ma b J. O. Afar 00.. Levon. A Io mmnmtureu of DEATHS. BIRTHS. of Hm 60d: lrg gear; 0ND HILL, ONTARIO I SARSAPAILILLA. ,rs PILLS. I HAIR V1602. a users“ I We u):th u of I“ our In omen. constipation retard re- these with Ayer’s Pllla. Clgm‘l‘e tongn M R cevm ‘, C‘ . T ,. , n. can ave one ur' on. 3." ‘ ‘. u‘1533:1fï¬'ï¬fl‘gaaï¬nfflé ,, Ever bo ahouldjoin the Mustlual Liberar Mu- ! m ( umt'hxlmw ($u:l'ld:[ " Bio 0111 02 merica. Thereisnnthingeisa l :9 it 'n:;, dun] Bl‘mk 1,30†anywhere. It coats almmtnothingw join and the n Uâ€. " Huerggmi‘} ] beneï¬tsiiwves amwondï¬-fui. Itevabies you w WAN Nico aw notin 1 purchase booksnnd period Icala, music and musical :A (M Mr“; ,0“ “'1’â€, instruments at special cm. pric‘cs, It secures rc- mpw. V )()i] ‘yw‘, ! ducod rates ucmauy novels. Izauswemquesuona ’..,1 “g.†vim, h ireeofchuga. Iv oflers scholarships and valua- . “Hume Amer hie cash prizes to mcmbew. it maintains club ‘ N h u)†N “mum roomsm many semester 1m members. in addition. N my thx‘ ‘ (Wary mem he: receives the amend magazine enn- tied " L‘v’ry Manna†afnbllcarionin aciass by itseltJucluding 6 pieces 0 high-class vocal and in- ‘"#* 1 strumonzal musicu‘uii size; each month without I :5 J extra char etggleces in one Harman you . . . A CAN GET I THESE BENEB‘A'IS FOR AL- MglsiTtN91TEINF'me m f 10 Du r] 7 , v~ v on our-m era eosneonor AND “1114- 015?] AR“) which youyneciau above. 32d you may wgzhm x x z '52:, a ‘ 3372:] [ENTH’IC ~e. hm “one ton Irma manna. Eminent!" receiu mnlinu About work 7 hich . par dly. Same have H31. young Mold 01‘9"“l E 1-1,â€..."4‘ mm at not (man. A}! I an. is Mnm‘ï¬eld‘s Eye am prepared to at lhv'eyes fur ' glussvs‘. If a glasses I on Ller mcilety. _ M o-m-pnh- utions. «W-H+++++++++++++-H++++ .I' 1 nnnnnnnnnnn §+H~$MWW+++MM+M PENNYROYAL WAFERS. H-+++++++M+$+++~Â¥+¢i~++++~b++i ï¬+++++++ Watch and BXMock Repairing. Grad'liatés of the i Popular + inâ€) ELLIOTT //r Ii Readily gut positions as Stsnng- l'nphvrs. Bnukkeepprs, Invuice Clvrks, Cummeroinl Teachers. Shun-{hand Teachers. et.c.. at gnnd salaries. Demand fullv twe-nty times nnr supply. Suc a dvmand does not, 599m possihle hut ia true. Our superiur work is “wall-known. Enter 1mm Catalogue free. $+~§~++++++++++++++¢¥ Â¥++++++4 Chance to Join a Club That w m 1 1 Make and Save bloney for You. ‘ Ever bo ahoukuom the Mutual mural? my} 310 cm of. mericn. Thereis nothing else l to it‘ anywhere. It coats almost nothmg to join and the beneï¬ts “wives are wonderful. I: names you to‘ avenue books and period male. gamut: and mm:ch Instruments at mental cut. prices. a secures re“ ‘duced rates at. many hotels. ’. answem questions free of charge. In otters scholarships and valua- ble cash prizes to members. It maintains club rooms in many amen to: Its mam hers. (u addition†wear them be: Iacelvea the ofï¬cial magnque encl- tled " Ev’ry Month†1; «nbllcauon in a 01558 by ItseltJucludlnz 6 pieces 0 men-class vocal and In- stunneth mus_l_c((ull My!) each mqnth__wlthout SEEK-Ewé'h'ï¬ 31"â€7'2' ‘XZEQSTHoBB‘EeE-EB‘EH1' 011 0112133? _0 msz Emma-s FOR A1» The mu yearly membership fee Is One Denm- for} whlch you get an above, and you may with-n draw any time within three months It yam ‘want to dose and at your dollar back. I! you‘ lclon‘ceme to lpen $1.00. sand 25 cents (or three‘ months membership. Nobody can aflord to ans um one: by. You will et our money bae in {value man times over. m particulars will be sent free 0 charge, but. it you are wise you will send In your reqnelt {or membership mm the Rape! tea at once. The 25 cm. three months mem- ramp of!" will noon chance. “ï¬lm at. (mot; ad- dmsingyour Sewer and cnclostng $1.09 for full yearamfmbeuhm or twenty-ave came (01' three mm a o MUTUAL LITERKRY MUSIC CLUB No. 1507Nngogg§i._. N. Y. ct:y_.__ JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner and Repairer Mr. Andeveou will cume to Rich- mend Hill uny time for 1m: 01' three cnstmnH-s. Kindly leave orders with Mr. Armand G. Savage. Rccnmlnend- Pd by Messx's. Guuz'lay. \Vimez- & Loeming. nud Newcwube Piano C-n. of Turuuï¬u. 32-1 TORONTO. ON 1‘. I have again secured a. helper an the repair bench and we am now able to keep abreast with our work. If you have a clock you want " overhauled †or an old keepsake watch which needs much repairs, or a 30 hour grandfather clock which you would like changed to an eight, day, or a keydvind watch you want changed to a stem winder or any job in our line of repairs, bring it along we will see to in early and make a job worth all you pay us for it. (Car. Yopze and Msxandor Ste.) JERRY SMITH w. J. 'ELuoT‘r, Principfl. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER mutual-“‘5'. 50 adle m' pains'nn IV branch Now und by over Liu‘vm Indies Unceuml willunagam. Invmmue. “new organ. Buy or your drugzlu only those w“): our n] mar-um Acros- (amount/cl. Avoid-nub: Hum Ended rarnoumm [mum ‘zc Hnmp.’ $1.00 per um. Mingus», EUREKA CHEMICAL UOMFAN). 081x011. man. mgmas: plumes -:~H-+++-:-++++++++++++ ~2- +++++++++++++4+4 ++~§~++++++++ +4-++++++++%++‘H+WH++ +++M+H++++++++++++HH++ +4~+vl~i~+++++§°+++ ++++++ {'4'+‘H‘M‘i-+++4~+++++++¢~5M++++++MM'PQ'HW'Pénï¬Ã©â€˜Ã©â€˜ï¬-ï¬' A Man is Known By His Deeds Note these prices and values: Heavy, 36-inch. printed \Vmpperette, regular 16c. fm‘ 1131:, way. 29-inch. printh \Vmpperette. rvgular 10c. for 8c. Hmvy. 36inch. striped Flannellette. 10km yd. VVomzm’s Black Cashmere Hose. plain or ribbed, 25c. pair. Our Aim We quote: Fine Maple Syrup, in quart tins, 25c. Fine Golden Syrup. in 5-lb. pails, 25c. Fine Golden Syrup, in 2-H). tins 10c. Gem} Corn, 3 bins fur 2'30. Guod Pens. 3 tins for 25c. 1000 Good Parlor Matches. 5c. Prunes, 90 to 100 size, 60, 1b.; 60 to ’70 size, 31b3, fur‘i Figs, 5c. lb. Atkinson & Switzm Febmary 6, 1907 Richmond Hill Hardware Sim After the holiday season we have a few Heaters to Clear at reduced prices. BARGAINS IN RANGEE C. SOULESa A store by Its values and “satisfac- tion guaranteed." Putting us to the test costs you nothing. Test our prices and you’ll be a satisï¬ed customer. Is to please not onï¬y on the price but where real value lies, in the quality. If we make mistakes tell us of it; we want you to feel satis~ fled with purchases here. +++§++++F++++++++++'Â¥++++++++++++++9 *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++¢ n is Known is Deeds tore by Its values and “satisfaEâ€" “ A.- '*?*?+++++++$+#Â¥+?++ P*++++*+++%+++¢#++++&+i