a; + + ’- 4. + + + + + Q. + + + + + + + s 4. 4 + 4. + + + + a to. 4 + s + ¢ 9 + + + y ¢ + + f 4. Face to Face coco OR,GERVA5E1UUKMANS AMBITION. 4‘; ' #+‘+'+'+‘+‘+'#++‘+‘+++++i + CHAPTER If.â€"(Continu-ed). "Are you? making yet awhile, for pily's sake. When were postage-stamps inventcd? IVhat was Nero’s leading virtue? Upon .what principle were Greek armies raised? \\l'ho first used hair-pins, and Whl’? I hope you know something be- sides how to chatter French, miss, since your education is finished.†It was growing dusk when they reached Noufchatel. The lights were be- ginning to twinkle out in the streets and 'to double themselves in the clear and :wavclecs lake, and, as they gradually drew nearer to the hotel whither they more bound, the memories of the few tdays Edward had passed with Alice be. came more imperative; be especially felt tthe power of those moments during fwhich they had strolled alone together lo the little inn upon the. downs, and it. seemed to him that what had then passed hetween them, unspoken though it was, could never be erased from either life, whatever spell Paul‘s passionate woo- .ing might since then have cast upon her. The first glance in her face, when they met, would tell him all, he thought. and this pulse quickened. and a subtle warmth quivered all through him, as he saw to the piling of his sister‘s luggage on the omnibus, while the moments fled which were to bring him face to face with Alice. “Let us walk on, Nellie," he said at ,Iast, rebelling against the slowness with which the loading of the omnibus went on, and he led her along the streets at a pace which took her breath away. down-hill though the path was, and did not stop till they found themselves in the broad hall of the hotel. inquiring for Mrs. Anneslcy‘s apartments. Two ladies were in the shadowy. unlighted room: one was Mrs. Annesley, who rose with her accustomed stateliness and folded Eleanor in her arms with a welcoming kiss, and then received Edward more coldly, and formally thanked him for es- corting his sister from school. intima- ting that Paul could have done it equally as Well, and politely conveying to him Ibo impression,-which was but too cor- rect, that he had much better have re mained in England. “But, my dear aunt," he replied, re- volting against this cool reception, “1 had intended from the very first to be one of the Swiss party, if you remember. We arranged it all in the spring, and I only/delayed joining you because my leave could not conveniently begin be- fore.†' "We have heard so little of you since 'the spring, Edward," she replied. icily. “that. it was not unnatural to suppose you had thought. better of your inten~ .tion.†'. These words he felt. were a prophecy oi what Alice must have been saying in her heart, if indeed she had ever given him .a thought, and he turned to the other lady, from addreSsing whom a strong shyness had held him, and who, though she had risen, yet. remained in 'the deep shadow of a recess by the win- dow; looking her for the first time full in the face. he met the dark. sweet gaze. of Sibyl, whereupon his own eyes fell and his shyness with it. and he shook ihands with her with a cordial greeting and uncmbarrassed smile. “Do say you are glad to -f‘iickman," he said; “my cruelly crushed me that f comfort from somebody." “I am glad to see you, though prised, pleasantly surprised," she .plied, with loyal simplicity. and as she spoke Edward suddenly and unaccount- ably began to think of Viola. when she held that memorable conversation with the duke, “I am all the daughters of 'n_\' -fathei“s house. and yet 1 know notâ€"-â€"â€"" What connection could there be be- 1ween Viola and .sltiyl‘.’ Yet ever alibi-1' he could not think of Viola unless asso- ciated with Sibyl. "And I know somebody else will be pleasantly surprised to see you," she added, with a gentle smile, and then his heart began to beat again. and he lis- tened for the beloved name. “Perhaps you do not know.†she added. guile- lcssly, “what a liking Licrvase, has for see me. Miss, aunt has so require some .9111†1'0- you.†, “Gervase ! oh. Gei'vasc 3' he echoed. disenchanted. “So your brother is here? That is all right. lie was afraid, I re- member, he would not be able to leave his business.†“Gel-vase always contrives to get his. way somehow. business or no business." ' (ix she replied. )ttt here he is to speak fori himself.†And Get-vase came in and received him with the greatest cordiality. though he too expressed surprise at his appear- ance. "Your telegram to Paul gave us all a pleasing shock." he said. “Paul quite turned pale with pleasure.†he added. laughing. and uncousumcd by the fiery glance which Mrs. Anneslcy's blue eyes darted at him. “And wheie is Paul?" asked Edward, whose eyes kept turning expectantly to the door, and whom some unaccountable feeling held from inquiring for the one object of his soliciiide. “And where is Annesley. by the way?" echoed Gervasc. turning to the ladies with an indifferent. air. “I think," replied hrs. Annesley. “that they went on the lake. together. dear children! It is getting late for them." . +++++++++++++++++++++h++o+++++++++++++++++Â¥+ “Who are they 1’†Edward asked. with \Nelt. don't begin match- iii'ini'ciistomcd roughness “Do not ask too many questions. you I , . brownie fellow: never call attention to these things. I must leave you now." she replied. “(ioniru Nellie. child. you will scarcely be ready in time for din» nci';" and Mis. Aiii‘icslcy swept from the. room like snine majestic frigate of old days, with her niece in her train as a little gun-bout; while Sibyl followed at some distance, with a look toward Eil- ward which be was too imte to perceive. but which meant. “I should like to tell you all about. it and relieve you from causeless fears.“ “Look here. Rickman.“ cried Edward. turningr around and facing him with a glance so flaming that iiermse was obliged to meet it. “Tell me the, truth. will you? Is l‘aul engaged to Miss l.in- gard or not '3" “Noâ€"" was the word surprised from him by this iinexpecled assault. “Ah! that isâ€"l mean You heard what your aunt said. "these things are better not talked zi‘iouf.‘ To call attention to, them often spoils them. Things. you see. are just now in a most delicate state. There is no doubt whatever about tfhe issue of it: but the engagement is not yet announced, that‘s all. You've dropped upon us at an awkward mo- ment. you see. and your hunt. is not overcnine with rapture at. the sight of you~an outsider makes a certain dis- turbaitchâ€"precipitates matters. I fancy they would like to prolong the present undecidt’xt stateâ€"to proclaim the engage- ment would draw attention in them- srlves. which, of course, is a frightful bore.“ “Then the sooner the engagement is proclaimed the better." cried Edward. grimly. “My aunt should be more care- fut of a young lady committed to her charge. 1 should never permit anything of the kind in the case of my sisters." “Nor should I, Anncsley. to be quite hank," returned ltiekman. becoming suddenly confii'lcnfial. “I have but one sister. but I should be extremely sorry for the, man who ventured to pay markâ€" ed attentions to her without coming to the points-very sorry for him." he. added. with a grim pleasantry that was lost upon his bearer. “But, you see. Miss Lingard is not your sister or mine teifhcr. and Mrs. Annesley is not under our charge, and Switzerland ranks next to our own beloved and befogged island as a free country. flave you found your room yet? I hear it is next to mine. and has a splendid outlook over the lake." Edward followed him. vexed at his momentary loss of self-control, and after taking possession of his apartment and finding there were some moments to be filled yet before the hour of table d'hote, strolled out by the water-side with Rick man. The glorious autumn sunset had silent- ]: consumed itself the rich colors were all calmed down iiilo a tender primrose glow in the west. and the pensive twi< light \\ as dreaming with evi-r-dcepcning intensity upon the bosom of the clear. dark waters. Lights from the town looked. half ashamed of their own in- significancc, into the pure lake depthst one or two pale stars gazed steadfastly info the deep heart of the waters. boats glided silent and ghost-like over the still stufncc. voices came softened through the quietiiig €\'cfiiii;_". the noises of the town blended nuirniuringly. the ninjas: tir peace of the mountains brooded over all The tumult iii Edward‘s warm .ymmg heart quieted beneath these sweet. calm influences. some feeling of the nothingness of human emotion in the presence of the Infinite came upon him. amt he felt that he could meet Alice and part with her with beroiiiiiig ciilni. even cheerliilncss. tllftt clasp Paul’s hand with brotherly warmth in congratulating him. “Dear old Paul! lb-uvcii bless him i" he said within himself. 11c \witrhrd a boat containing two figures. glide noise- lessly toward the tiny quay in the hob-l grounds. An attendant caught the painter and moored the dim fork to the landing: the oarsmtin hoped to land. and turning. 11$ itltlllttt‘tt a second figure. .a lady‘s. out of the built. Then the two walked tlI'Ill in arm with slow, lingering steps toward the terrace wall. over which Edward and (‘iervase were leaning. and passed along beneath them. There is if certain inan- llt?!‘ of walking. it kind of pensive punsâ€" ing upon every step as if to finger out the pleasure of it. with a certain inclina- tion of the taller heart to that beneath it. accompanied by a low and liquid in. tcinition of the voice. which Edward tiad always been pleased to Consider as pro- pei to lovers. and 1Li\'(‘f‘~‘ only. and such. be tb\$tIt't‘t1 himself, these two people un- Lhuibtedly were. The lingering step bore them just be» fore and beneath the wall on which he leaned. and a shaft of hot and piercing pain shot throuin his breast. as in the nearest face he recognized Paul's. transtigui‘ul by feeling. and knew that the graceful figure at his side must be that of Alice. There was no need for Rickman to draw hiiu aside with an no svrvation to the effect that they had bet- ter not‘disfurb the Irma-fete. fie shrunk at once into the shadow and let them pass well out of sight. and then return- ed silently to the lighted 110tv1. “Well. I don't think any one can spoil +o+++++++++++++++++¢++ tit party were flli'tifl-'it to how li.i:i out iii the cold. and by his iiii'uiigwiiwnf \\iii'd s chair was plat-iii lf1'\t Silo l .\. l‘iinl \\il'ii 114'4tft1 1ff> ciifcr-if. l-Zil\\:ii-il. tiiiic bonds fliit \iinl liciii;r iin ‘iiinlilcil il\\('1i‘ti1|li‘ttl 111111.titillf'ittlt'tliltt not found it ttftltft‘t111t1l|‘tI'IltI1.Il11tIittt' (tios»,i-il sonic i-i-iisiiify :ini'l :iff'i-i'fioiizito \\‘til‘i.1\' tll 1'11i'il1ltil'. \\tlll \ttt‘fI] :1 awe of fur t‘\.'ltti’tt itiiisniun. Mrs. .\ii- ineslcy \\as in li~'i' must seruphir mood 'ZlIlIt said pleasant things to i-\ci'\limlv. Silly] tl'lt‘i'l ttl iilIi‘_\' tii‘l' tit'it11l4"l".~ .1ii"tli‘:\t with regard to 1‘111\\'ill‘lt. who was (ftfltv ready bi respond to her tjifltti‘11(1\'illl('t‘<. friendly. lint evci'y tlflll‘ flu- opened their was a simultaneous. though almi'ist imperceptible llithv‘llli‘llt cf Edward‘s head. and a subsequent look (;i' disuppouitnicnt on his face; the soup be swallowed might lune bccn ink. for all he kiicw or r-zircd:: the course \\:is‘ removed. and still \limv ttftt not appear. ttI1t1 llii iillt‘. Ni‘llit'it ttl‘tt1l'tft'L1 tiliiitlt it. “But where is Miss Lingaiif‘.’ asked :it last. “Dutii‘ Alice is it 1ifl‘ii‘ liltri‘t. She was out rather too long. I think." Mrs. An- ncslcy replied. with an illl' of lll)'.~t(‘l‘}’: “she will be quite ri'istori’wt to-inori'ow, no doubt." Then Sibyl explaincd to him that Alice cursion which she had recently made with some friends who were slaying at a village a few miles away, along the lake shore. Fttl't1lt'l‘. that Mrs. Anncslcy had intended to iii-be to meet her, but had been prevent-«l. and that Paul had gone instead. but in a boat: that he had lost an oar and thus bccn‘dclayed. The end of the history was. Alice was so coni- bout to the Iiiilc1. “I didn't go up the mountain myself foi the sunrise." was not ti'i‘1ill;_t equal to such a firing walk: but Alice is always perfectly well. and people never expect her to bi": over- fircd. it was a good thing Mr. .-\nncsley was with her. because he knew exactly how to treat her when she fainted.†“Did he. indeed 1’" responded Edward. And over a succession of pipes he pon- dercd IIltIt‘tl that night upon the sunrise excursion. CHAPTER III. It was not till the next flttt‘f’l'.’lOl'l, when they were at Coffee. sitting under the plane~trces by the water. that Ed- ward inef Alice: and by that time he had so schooled himself into acrepting Paul's superior claim upon her that. he was able to command a perhx-tly tranquil and friendly manner toward her. Paul and Gerviise had been closeted together all the morning. on affairs which seemed to have urgency. Mrs. Annesley had at times been admitted to llu‘ conference. and had otherwise pur- sued the extensive and interesting (or- respondence for which she was cele- bi'dted. Edward and Sibyl had taken the eager school-girl, who was half intoxi- cated by her recent -final deliverance from thralldom. to see such lions as .\‘eufchatel afforded. But all these occupations had now come to an end. and the whole party assembled beneath the sun-steeped plane-tops. with the clear. massive jewel oi the (leep blue lake lit-fore them. when Mice 1>>lIL'Lt from the hotel and joined them. was a change upon f‘uul's face. which was «iii-cried toward the take :it her coining. flint arrested l-‘.d\\‘tii‘d's tit- tcntion. and caused him to look round and catch sight of the figure in while moving slowly toward them. She was pale. but not i’itlierwise altered from when he lust saw licr. save that the look which had remained bcf'ore‘ him ever since he parted with her in the bustlingr street. at Medingtun was gone. and gone, as he feared. former. “1 \\iis‘ so sorry to be unable .\ on lust night." she said. with a tranquil .siiiilc. unit a slight pained quiver of the to see he gave it. while ttlt‘_\' both thought of the \\'itt'111[)1t'§\tll‘k‘ttt a l‘rw months siting He replied by some expression of re- gret for her illness. and handing: 1lt'1' his own chair. placed another for Illfll>CtI near it. iiiiroiisrious of the intensity with which the int-cling \\us being watched. f’aul had closed his mouth fiercely and firmly. while the lrl't‘ilttl came strong tillltt quick through his nostrils. and his hands clinched ttlt'fll\(‘1\'t.‘â€"\. ticrvusc gave fi-ne of his sidetong glances. and placing )one hand in his pocket. broke a pvncn vllttlt fi'agiiieiils with his fingers. t,\iincslcy looked on the pair with head itl'l’t‘t. and a pccubui- smile that her son 'ftnew. biil in this instance, did not no- |lice. Sibyl regarded them with a tenâ€" dcr. yearning gaze. II is \\Ulldi‘f'ttlt to ithiiik of the storm and tltflllItt of vary- iing passions that was stirred in these tdiffei'ent hearts by the simple incideiib ‘ot two people meetingr and exchanging ‘connnonplace observations in renewal of ‘an acquaintance of a few days formed a tfew months since. Eleanor alone eonâ€" tsidci'ed the incident too trivial for ob- ;srrvation. and continued chatting to her taunt about their pleasant morning ruin- J‘ble. and the delicious ices Edward gave t1lt.fll. (To be continued). â€"+ Ther some apples in to the hens as often as po§ibic. They will be relish- ed and are beneficial during the cold season. I Proceedings 1 .v’ \: f i s l ’, \Il‘ 1 ‘ A‘ A m A ,_. ‘ l _ \ A I“. '\ ‘.\l\.1s,v.i.i' i if 1 iii“ .‘. .‘z’: “i st :.it _i.K it \‘..Ftt liiiit‘ ‘i‘ tiiiiii‘ f ;' fi'wst; pi. ipicswiii‘.†\i i. all: iti_‘:' pimpfv \\.i'l'i‘ iltl"iltt)' p in: lit to 4t.ltfi< 1‘. fr 1‘ ii'fvt‘ lllilt"1ii \\1:i\})i'i'ti.\i’_.t bi Witt-'1 \' my title iic\\~ i‘llfi'fl Itlftt unity. hiiii 111‘ 1A 1(‘1,titt'i|\ ]iii\~t1>tl‘. biuniisw ttlt‘ last «if ttli‘ 11i1-' 1 The mlip \\if\ iii-.iix’y 111!1‘tli‘tt by lbw 1 sliiilx’i‘, xiii.~ iiM-tiislti‘ >ltti‘ of ttli‘ tiltiti'. tilit iiiiii-iyV 1lti'li-ill: {The little party \\it.< iiiiist [i1i'£1\illlt :initj tttiiil‘r -1’iiilniicr of 1‘i'iilif illlit Loss Account. iltl'i‘ tit“ had overtircd tlt‘f‘m'tt in a mountain ex-. pleter knot-kid up that but for PtllIt'S" ai'ni she could not have walked from the. she added. “because I tip. which he did not niidersfiiiid. and. \llt took the hand he offered as coldly as, Mrs. ,‘ THE. seclusion may. “““ of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Fleeting of the Stockholder:. General .1111: '11111i1\r<1kvt‘11 .\\_\t \| fit'.\l.1i\1 \11‘31'1‘1'1Vt'i (it: 11117. DOMINION 1.\\f\' ‘ is iii-wt :i.‘ tttt‘ tiitlltwtirf llniisw if if» 111‘ti111tt1I11.'1‘L‘I‘\|I110.011\\‘CLIIICS‘ t.i_\..li1111|.'if\ LtII‘ii. lZ‘IIT. I \ftt‘tfl‘, tli is‘ lil‘i‘w‘llt \‘.i*l‘i‘ lI-i‘li'i‘i1'â€"â€"~ . I,i~iit.-i f. .\r fir'iii'y 1'r13;itt. 1tt'. .\ll<l!i'\\ Sn .i‘h. lit'. t7. O‘I‘vci11y, MOSS“:- \\. ll. .\1Jtttl‘«‘\\‘. Julio‘s (bii'iiithi-i‘s. \\l't. flit-s. \\. 1i. lil‘di‘k, .1. .1. 1’0.“ A- -\t“ti'-l l"it"f‘. J. .1. 1ti\ 'fl. 1.. 11. li.ilif\\iii. \\'. tiJ‘irlftt Oshawa). Aciiiilitis Bald- \‘~tt~ 1“. -1- ltii'i'». \\. 4?. Harvey. \\'. .1. llmiii, .t. ti. thouscv. \\'. (Ti'ockcr, R. xiiiiii itt'Illtt. l‘. bouillcy. w. (I. (it"i\\'ttli‘l'. .1:l>. .\til'.ttl|‘\‘»>. 1t:i\iif Kidd illamii‘ ’>"'~ “- 't- Itiiiiisiiy. If. .\f. t1f'.‘b\‘_ .t. '1‘. Small. S. Suinuvl. .I. .\. l'i'oclor, W. tii'it 1W. ti. .\. lleyniibfs. \\'. ti. cusses. \\'in. lbnics. 1“. -1. 1'titttti'5- “- Gm" (lull .\1{li txt'lllil‘. .1. (iiii'itim .Iriln's‘. It. .1. Llii'istic. 11. 13. 11 »<1:_ill<. S. Nixon. Ira Standish. l).i\id Smith. .\. \\'. Austin. It. \\'. :\. Foster. tl:i\vthr;i Mutock, I". 1}. 11i‘lei'lfffflt. .fus'. Scott. 1’. If. floor-h. _-\, ll. lliiswcll, .1. 1’. lx'iivaiiiigh, A. 1'I"“.1't‘- 15. ii. 311114 ll. Victor iiiiwthra. \V. Mului-k. jl‘., I“. .1. Stewart. A- It ('i'ttlt’tflt- ftl- J. 1t. Trees. A. liwll. till‘liill’it Iii-own. ii. A. Rogert, and otheis 11 Wm moved 1i\' .\fr. 1,. Baldwin. :cciiiiitcil by Mr. 1’. D. Bi‘iijiifllini "10‘- .\tt‘. \\.. 1). \1'd t1lI‘\\.\t1t) Him the chair. and ttb‘lt .\f. l'.. A. fiogert (10 act its Stifl't‘ttil’y. .\1">\I'F..\.1i.1iit$\\‘(‘11 and \\'. (Ltiasscts \\t'.(,‘ IipP‘ViT‘tt‘d scruunmrs' The Si'f'lt‘till‘)’ It'illt the llrporf of mo Directors to tho Shni‘eliohiei‘s, and T'Itiiuilt'd the Annual Slab-merit of the ilttftf'~ of the think, which is as fol‘ iiwsz 7» '1'“ the Shareholders: 'l‘hi- ttil‘ wtiiis beg to pi‘vsr-nf 11m [-llowing Stab-innit of the result of the 1'11>illi'~\ of the Rank for the your ending :llsl. 1)t‘t'i‘llltti‘l‘, 190131â€"â€" lb-i rinb-‘r. 100.3 ....$250,437 {-7 l'ioiit for iliir _\-.-;.i- uniting :iid iim-onilwi; iiioii. tlttt‘f' deducting charg- es of iii'iiiuge'm‘iit. «‘10,. (illit iiiiilxing priivwioi'i for bad and dollbt- ‘ flit (1v‘1t1\ ..... ..... 539,360 30 . . . . . . ...... ..... ...... ...... ............ $788,798 3?» $90,000 00 . 00.000 00 . 90.00†00 . 90.000 0t) â€"â€"â€"$360,000 00 Di\idcuil .i pi'i- cont. paid 2nd April. ti’t‘tt‘i . - Divid iii 2‘. per out, paid 3rd .lufy, 190‘} - - Dividend :l lwl‘ cent.. paid lst ()ctobrr. li’ftt'i Dividend 1’. per cent†lifl‘}'til.lti.‘ 2nd January. 1907 ’I‘i‘aiisfcrrnd to Reserve Fund . . . . . . .. 400,1100 00 760,000 00 Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward . . . . . . .. . . . . . $28,798 33 RESERVE Fl'ND. I __ Balance at credit of account. 30th Deciinber, 1005 ......$3.I)00,000 fill ’l‘iausferiw-d from Profit and Loss Account 400,000 Ct) 33,900,000 00' Willi iâ€"‘I‘I‘flt Pi‘i‘II‘Dt we. have to ri‘cord the sudden death in May last of Mr. Theodore ti. trough. the late General Manager, who had been in the service of the think i-oiitiiuiiiusly since 187."). lb.- was the Chit-f Executive. Officer for seven years. tttlf‘llljJ which short tillh.‘ he accuniplishid much for the derlopmcntand welfare of the Institution. MIN ‘5- A- “Hum-t, Manager of the Montreal Branch for eight years, and who ciitcrcd thi- lfaiik more" than twenty-five ytars ago, was appointed to sue- cicd him. On account of the continued expansion of the business of the Bank, your Directors have decided that it is an opportune time to issue the remaining one iuilfion dollars of authorized Capital Stock; and, having in View future require- ments which may reasonably be expected, have approved of a by-faw to be: submitted for your considemtion at the Annual Meeting, wiliCh DTOV‘des If†,3 further increase in the Capital Stock to the extent of one million dollars. [his will make the total authorized Capital five million dollars. I You will also be a~ked to consider a t-y-law increasing the number of Direcâ€" tors fi'oiiiseven tonine which it is thought to be advisable owing to the diversdy of our interests throughout Canada, and the gradual extension of our operations. During the twelve months just closed Branches of the Bank were established at. the following points, and. when expedient, desirable sites were purchased and suitable offices erectedzâ€"ln the Province of Ontario, at Chatbam, Dresden, Peter~ borough, 'l‘ilbiii-y, \\‘indsor, and in 'I‘ororto, at the corners of. Avenue Road and Davenport fluent and Oneen street and Dioadview avenue; in the Provmce of Alberta. at Calgary and Edmonton, and at Regina, Sask. . In addition we have to inform you that in December last the private bank- ing business of Messrs. John Curry it; Company. at. Windsor, was acquired un- der terms advantageous to the Shareholders. which transaction included the purâ€" chase of a commodious building, well situated in this important centre. It was found necessary to provide larger premises for our North End Branch, Winnipeg. and for this purpose a valuable property has been secured. ' r The Directors. following their usual custom. examined the Securities and (“ash Reserves of the Bank as on December 3lst.. 1906, and found them to be correct; they also veriï¬ed the ilead Office Balance Sheet, including all accounts 11th with Foreign Agents. Every Office of the Bank has been carefully twelve months. and each Branch has teen visited by since his appointment in May last. The Itepurt was adopted. inspected during the past the General Manager E. B. OSLER, President. [iv-laws were passed increasing the number of Directors from seven .to nine. and providing for an increase of $1,000,000 in the (.apital block, Which Will make the t-Jttlt authorized Capital of the Bank $3,0ti0.l)ot). . v. I The thanks of the Shareholders were tendered to the Pi'eSidcnt, \ ice-Presi- dent and Directors for their services during the year, and to the General‘Man- odor and other Officers- of the Bank for the efficient performance of their r-eâ€" ‘ii"'t'\‘t‘ duties. _ é‘U'J'lhe following gentlemen were elected Direct rs for the ensuing year 2- Messrs. .\. \\‘. .\ustin. \\'. R. Brock. .1tl11i(‘\' (Zarruthers. R. J. (,hi‘istie. T. Eaton, .1. .1. Fov, 1{.t1...\1.f..:\.. \\'ilniot 1). Matthews. A. M. )Ztllttill and E. B. Qslef‘iMJ - At ii suitsrqucnt meeting of the Directors. .\fr. 13. fl. Oslci‘.ftf.P.,y\as elected President, and ;\tr. \\'ilniot D. Matthews, \ice Presuienf, for the ensuing term. GENERAL STATEMENT. LI.\BILITIES. Notes in Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232,691,986 00 . . -' 'l f llepi'isits not hearing iiitcrcs .. . . . . . . . .d ..l.-S,9.),3Uf-,018 a3 Dl‘li'l’1t> bean-inn interest (including inleicst accrue o ' I ‘ ‘" .. ..31..’)12,137 9i. (1 dc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 36376.13“; ‘7 ll posits by other Bil121\\ in Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193,340 (’6 Balance due to tillllttt ii Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,129,862 93 ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' Si2.491345 Sf 'lotal Liabilities to th* lublic . . . . . . . . ‘ , fliiiii‘nl Stock ltilttt Ill) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000,000 00 iiiLi-nn l-‘unil . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ..S3.9tltt.tttl0 ttfl [lufuiit'o of I’liillts t'tll'l‘l‘ \t tof‘WdI‘it .. ~ 23.79% 33 l) vidend N i. 1'7. payable 2nd January. 100i .. .. .. .. 90401) l": rincr I)‘\idcnils unclaimed .. .. . lit-served for Exchange. etc. . . . . . . .. ttI.1/}4A ii 122.983 1.3 Reserved for rebate on Itills Discounted-- £203.03 In 29,694,379 2“} \SSI-i’rs . Specie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sf.tfti.t3f it lininiiiion (imei'nnienf Di'lllttllil Notes .. . .. 3.’i65.530 0t) DupusEt with Dominion (iiivcrninent ror Sf‘wtll'lty of - Xbo- tlirruiafion . . . . . . .. l.i0.000 OI) axle; of and (itic'ques on other Ilimk~ . .. .. .. .. 2,113.53] El!) 1;:i'aui-i-s due from other thinks lll‘thitflfltli'l .. . .. 1,032,744 45 liaianccs due from other banks t'1.'\'0\\'tft‘l'x' than in Catiâ€" ada and the L'iiihul lx'iiigiliii'i . . . . . . . . .. .. .. 1.121.390 (39 $9.fil.'i.ll’27 67 p,.,r,~;i..c;;il (‘Itl\{.'1'lltlt(‘"t Kevin-to; . . . . . .. .. .. . 239.302 85 (Zunadan Miiiiiwipiil Securities and Britisf or Foreign or (internal Public Securities: other than Canadian. 600,130 79 Railway and other Bonds. Debentures and Stocks _ 2.1491650: Loans on (jail secured by Stocks and Debentures: . 3.703.134 50 $13.801,161 48i- Eills D1<C'IU111(’\I and Advances flurrciit.. .. .. .. ..$::’i2.9f:’i.267 70 (net'due Debts estimade loss provided for) .. .. .. . 21.51641) Bank Premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. 950.04") 00 Other Assets not inclu-ftd under foregoing brads . 7.633 70 r- 33,893,217 80 $i0.694.379 28 c_ A. BDDERT, Tcronto. 3st December. 1906. Geneial Manager. r,