Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Feb 1907, p. 7

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PtlliItlElllltll’S BRAVE RESCUE ._,_'â€"â€" Woman and Child Taken Prom Burning Building in Montreal. A despateh from Montreal says: Con- stable l-‘rcnch rescued a woman and child from a burning building early on \K’edncsday morning on St. Catherine Street cast. He noticed the fire and sent 1'] an alarm, and then started to rouse the occupanls of the house. They turned out in their night clothes, but after a short time the woman and child were missed. lly this iinic the house was a mass of flames. but Constable French dashed into the burning building and up tne. dark. snio! ~stit'ling stairway. The house was strange in him. and the dark- NO FEAR OF ANARCIJISTS. Eduard Went About Freely in Paris L'nattcnded. King A despaleh from Paris says: The, mightiest Sovereign in Christendom walking about unattended and with no more fear of Anarchists than of ghosts was the spectacle the Parisians have had during the past few days. King Ed- ward and Queen Alexandra during theirl stay here mingled fieely with the public and were freely received with the most hearty expressions of welcome. They visited the leading theatres, and during the entr'actcs King Edward walked about in the lobbies smoking his cigarette like any ordinary spectator. Nowhere was the slightest attempt at mobbing or storing. After bowing and showing dis~ erect marks of deference, those present 'stood aside, treating the King as one of themselves. There were no signs of ob- trusive curiosity. The King and Queen have delighted and tickled the vanity of l‘arisians by thus mingling with them like private individuals, and the Paris- fans, by their tactful politeness. have in turn won the hearts of King Edward and .of Queen Alexandra. v D‘s TRAIN BURNED AT BELLEVILLE. Twenty-Five Freight Cars, With Conâ€" tents, Werc Destroyed. A despatch from Belleville, Ont., says: At a late hour Friday night fire broke out among some loaded G. T. R. cars which formed part of a train that was eastward bound. The train was upon a side track in the company's yard, about a mile east of the station. Before the Howard wm. flames could be checked, some ‘25 carsv Army and Navy Gazellei is dead' ness was intensified by smoke from the bunting building below. _ groped his way about, and presently lll one. of the rooms stumbled over those whom he sought. The woman and child had fallen to the floor. overcome by the. fumes of the, fire, while eiideavoring to make their escape. The constable goth- ered them up, and a moment later they were safe on the sidewalk, where the keen morning air quickly restored them to COHECh’HlsllPSS. Dzinmge to the build- ing was not \ory great. as the firemen succuedcd in extinguishing the shorlly after the rescue. flames HIS “'IIOLE FAMILY FROZEV. ._._‘ Western Sclfler Who Got Drunk Found Them Dead on Return. A dcspalch from Winnipeg says: Arthur Congdon, wholisale merchant, Winnipeg, has received word from a merchant at. Alameda, that a German settler’s wife and five children were found frozen to death a few days ago in their farm house north of Bienfait. The farmer had gone into the village to get. fuel; there was no difficulty in securing fuel there, but he went to Estevan, where he became the worse for liquor, and on arriving home, three days later, dis- covered that every member of his family had perished, being without fuel. >X< A SAD HONEYMOON. Bride and Bridegroom Found AImOSt Frozen on the Prairie. A despatch from Maple Creek. Mani- toba, says: John Duncan, a well known rancher, was married Monday, and started for his ranch on Skull Creek, with his bride. Their team wandered from the trail, and they were found on Saturday almost dead. They are in the hospital here, and Duncan‘s feet will have to be amputated. .Many reports of people perishing in the storm are being received here. -â€" â€"+â€"â€"~ SIR [IO\VARD RUSSELL DEAD. .â€" \'eteran War Correspondent Succumbs at 86 Yeaits _of Age. A despatch from London says: Sir Russell, editor of the He with their contents, were destroyed. iwas eightyfiix years of age. He was a The flames Spread "CW rapldlyi O‘Ymglf‘amous war correspondent, and in that to the fact. that one of the cars contained a tank laden with oil, and the latter caught me, sending burning oil in all directions. The local fire brigade were called out and rendered some assistance by the burning cars being shunted up new a hydrant. The cars destroyed were laden with grain, apples, and general merchandise. The loss at the very least will be $30,000. The fire is said to have been caused by an explosion in one of the cars. .x- INCREASE OF REVENUE. Advance of $6,403,875 Over the Same Period Last Year. A dcspatch from Ottawa says: The ‘K‘tateinent of revenue and expenditure shows a revenue of $50,658,603, compared with $-’it,251i,818 for the some time last year, an increase of $6,403,875. The expenditure for the same period was $33,327,361, a decrease of about $600,~ 000 compared with the same time last year, or a betterment at over $7,000,000. There was, however. an increase of over $1,500,000 in the capital account. lcapacity served the London Tiniq; at tie Battle of Bull Run. __â€".>X¢ VICTIM OF EARTHQUAKE. iMayor of Kingston, Jamaica, Dead â€"â€" Injured While at Council. A despatch from Kingston, Jamaica, says: Charles Tait, Mayor of this city, died on Sunday at. the Public Hospital, as a result of injuries sustained in the earthquake. He was conducting a meet- ing of the Council and the building collapsed. Mayor Tait was 68 years old and of Scotch descent. â€".__,z._____ T0 REPATRIATE EXILES. Australia Will Help “‘orkingmen Six-an. (led in South Africa. A dcspzitch from London says: The Chronicle’s Melbourne correspondent says the Commonwealth and State Governments are negotiating a scheme to i'epiitriate Australian workmen stranded in South Africa. ATMOSPHERIC NITROGE Can Be Extracted By Means of Electricity Says Prof. A despatch from Ottawa says: The progress of agriculture in Canada and the practical results obtained by the ex- tension of the experimental farm sys- tem formed the subject of an address by Professor \Vm. Saunders, Director of Government Experimental Farms, before the Agricultural Committee on Wednes- day morning. As an illustration of the growth and importance of experimental work Professor Saunders stated that in 1890 his correspondence amounted to about eight thousand letters in the course of the year, while for the past. seven years the average had been (33,797 letters. In 1887 the number of seed sam- ples distributed amounted to 1.140. while last. year the total was 13.8.85. Contrast-i ing the wheat production of the various countries. he pointed out that Great Bri- tain came t‘iist with 30.05 bushels to the acre, and Gai'iiiaiiy second with 2‘25 bushels. Canada was well up. the avei: age for Ontario being 13.02 bushels per, acre. Manitoba 1.8.45 per acre. and the Northwest 17.13 per acre. lixpez'iiiicnts with Canadian lied Fife wheat in Eng-l land had been laud)" wfied out, and, proved remarkably successful. With re-l Saunders. ders said that while goose wheat had proved eminently successful in corkun localities, he could not advise Canadiar famiers to plant it generally. Referring to recent experiments made by Sir \V'il- liam Crookes with a view of extracting by‘ means of electricity nitrogen from air, to be used as a fertilizer. Professor Saunders said that when the scheme was perfected it would i'evolu‘ionize agriculture. At Niagara Falls on Ameri- can company had sunk a million dollars in endeavoring to establhh an industry on these lines, but the cost of electricity was too high to allow the project to be successful. it seemed that if electricity could be produced for this purpose at a 9,152 of $1 per horsei'iower the extraction of nitrogen from the aliiiosphere and the production of nitrate of time for fertiliz- In ing could be carried out profitably, Norway. where there wvie many ln‘ \\’alt?I‘-p(‘i\\’i‘l‘5. a company ! .rl ‘..' tablishcd and w as conniving ! 2 successfully. in the supply The matter was an important min. had been estimated that the \Mrtd's sup. ply of nitric soda would run but ill nine- , i... L" .k. teen or twenty yeais, and it was heels; itsnfire in a shaft near sary that something should take .gard to spring wheals Professor Saun- pine-3.. fie hurriedly . al.‘ wâ€""I râ€"__â€"â€"â€"~_â€"â€"â€"._â€"â€"_â€"_ ’iiiiiiiii itlllllllli}; lllillglliflTS llltl‘. \1 HT L'H'S. i To: Hi I’m 13 \Hini’ (hilario- .\ii. '3 \\]i W \\.l:“'.. TH‘,“ 'i‘l 712.1". N i. 1,: l’L‘i. :u‘ lv 71"... .\~. 2 lll‘..\i'i.i To lozilizw, l xiilllltiiiwlr .\w. 1 hold. 539: N1“. l :lli‘l‘iitv‘l'll. \‘iw: L‘ lliliil"l‘ll, liciiiiir filly 52v lulu» p il‘l~’. t'ois \ i. '3 white. 1:01.31: in 10c, To 1killitll l. L) lll.\t‘ii. Z'hlihit', TO liq/BC. I’l'il>~$h‘ ti ,\lw iviilsiilix f‘oi'iiâ€"<\'o. :l yi-l‘ow. .\llii‘l'lf‘tlfl. 515% to 511‘. Ullinliil“. tnitui". \. file to tie. bust: thallium fie glils. Iliickulimit-«521- llyc~0tto to TU". ., til .MC. Baileyâ€"No. ‘3, 51c to 52v; .\'o. 3 extra. 4..” iii 3iii‘, Flourâ€"dhilario. 01 per Cont. patents $1.05 inked. $2.09. lliti: Manitoba. first piilonts. $1.30; sounds, sf; lvzikeis', 5.3.1"). )iI‘zlnir-lelll'lllll)‘ 921 bid lot-oily. Shorts~5|tl in $3”. Cljtl'X'l'llY l’lti‘iDL‘t'l-Z. Butterâ€"There is little change in iili‘ condition of the lllttl'i(~ t. Creamery. prints . . . . . . . . . . . 20011127“ do solids . tilt-loin Dairy prints .. filletofifli; do tubs . . . . . 10c102lc Cheeseâ€"4351: for large and tic for twins. liggsâ€"â€"l\‘ew laid, 28c to 200; select. kfc to 200; SiOl‘flgC.~2’tC§ limed, 22c. l‘oiilti'yw'l‘lie market is very quiet, with practically no change in prices. Chickens, freshâ€"killed . 1th to 12c inferior, frozen stock .. .. 8010 00c Fowl SetoOflc Ducks ... .. ...... .. 10010120 Geese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c to He Turkeys . . . . . . tie to 12c Honeyâ€"Firm at 11c to 12c per pound for pails and $2 to $2.50 for combs. Beansâ€"$1.55 to $1.60 for hand-picked, and primes $1.40 to $1.15. . Potatoesâ€"Ontario are quiet at 750 per bag; eastern, 75c to 800, in ca lots here. Baled Hayâ€"Prices are generally weak at. $11 to $11.50 for No. l timothy and $3.50 to $0 for No. 2, in car-lots, on track here. Strawâ€"$7 to $7.50 in ear lots, on track here. 700 to I‘ h'IONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Feb. 12.â€"Buck\vhcat â€"â€" 56c t3 56%.0 per bushel. Cornâ€"American No. 2 No. 3 mixed, 65c ex-store. Oats~0n spot. No. 2 white. 52%c; No. 3 white, [Axe to 42c; No.- 4, 40%; to lite per bushel cx-store. Peasâ€"Boiling peas, $1 in carload lots, $1.10 in jobbing lots. Flourâ€"-l\fanitoba spring wheat, $4.25 to $4.60: strong bakers', $3.90 to $4.10; Winter wheat patents, $4.10 to $4.25. Provisionsâ€"Barrels short cut mess, $22 to $23.50; half barrels, $11.75 to $12.50: clear fat back, $21 to $24.50: long cut heavy mess, $20.50 to $22; half barrels, (10., $10.75 to $11.50: dry salted long clear bacon, 120 to 12%(2; barrels p'atc beef, $11 to $12.50; half barrels (10., $6 to $6.50; barrels heavy mess beef, $8.50; half barrels do., $4.75; compound lard, 83/,c to 100; pure lard, 11%c to 13c; kettle rendered, 13c to 13%c; hams. 13c to 11%c, accordingto size; breakfast bacon, 15c to 160; Wind- sor bacon, 15c to 16¢; fresh killed abat- toir dressed hogs, $10; alive, $7.25. yellow, 55c: Butlerâ€"Fresh made creamery, 24c; rrlls, in baskets or half barrels, 220 to 22%c', western dairy, selected, 22c; Manitoba dairy. 20c to 210. Rleceipts this morning were 340 packages. Cheeseâ€"October make is still quoted at 13%: and 13%c. Receipts this morn- ing were nil. Eggsâ€"New laid, 30c; selected stock, 260 to 26%c: No. 1 cold storage, 21c to 220; timed, 216. BUFFALO MARKET“. Buffalo, Feb. 12 â€"- Flour â€"â€" Steady. Wheatâ€"Spring firm; No. 1 Northern. 80%6. Cornâ€"Firm; No. 2 yellow, 50%c; No. 2 while, 51P/Zc. a Oatsâ€"Strong; wlitc, ilk/2c; No. 2 mixed, 42%c. N0. NE\V YORK \N’HEAT MARKET. New York, Feb. 12.â€"â€"Spot strong; No. 2 red 33:54:: elevator; No, 2 red. 85%0 fo.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 923/,c f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter. smc f.o.b. afloat. ' CATTLE MARKET. Toronto. Feb. 12â€"11 was the same old story. “Good cattle will bring the price. but poor stuff is off." The trouble is that the cattle being received now are prac- tically all inferior. There are. of course. exceptions, and the prices paid for them give one an idea of what really choice cattle will bring. Export cattle were firm and moderate~ Iy active. One extra choice load of 1,360 lbs. sold at $5.35, but the most of the cattle sold came in the light exporter e1ass,sclliiig from $1.05 to $41.00. One heavy export bull sold at 25. Butcher cattle were easier 10-day. but this was principally due to the quality of the stuff on the market. Choice cattle. continue in demand. pi'ovetiient. for the (listillerics. ito odds and ends. tinne firm. Milrh ct is are steady. with a fair de- -mand for choice. i Calves :ire steady and unchanged. ‘ Sheep are steady to firm. Winnion lambs are slow, and grain~fed shady. flog; are steady and unchanged at :3055, fed and watered. l â€"-â€"â€"+ Seven miners were suffocated by a \Vilkesbarre, Pa, ten Saturday. .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- lth ‘ hum He Also Shot Three Others, Then? Killed Himself .‘\ tll‘>rl-’lil‘ll from Penza. Russia. says: S A. Alexandrovsky. Gowriior of l‘enza, was shot and killed by a young man as' ilt' was leaving the theatre on 'l‘liiii'sdiiy inglil. lii allonipting lo esmqn‘, the as- \Jtsn'lll tll>0 killed the assistant Chief of I’oht-e Hill] a policeiiiiin tlllti wounded the lll.‘llltl;j‘.‘l‘ of the theatre. The Terrorist flu‘ii .sliol himself and dual in a hospital. the tl.\\{l\.\‘lll was not identified. The. it]l]]t‘!,\' which de‘ “\it‘l! siitixi‘qllolllly were discovered it) lit‘ lilil‘lilli‘ll. .\l. Alv‘xniiilrotslty. who was well ltiiown :is chief t'itlllllll‘Hlttllt‘I‘ of the fled (iross iii the hold duringr llio \\'tll' l‘t'l\\'l‘t‘l't ii!l.\~l.'t .‘lllii .l:ii»:iii. iiltti 111st \it'lillt‘ll out of the titllll' of “11‘ llieiiti‘e when 2i. youth pushed lii< way illl‘l)ll;_“ll llio t'l'4'1\\'ii aiul :.tiot liti‘ fiu\'l‘t'flOl‘ in the neck. He fell (TI‘U‘T oii tlu‘ >pol. \\'lien the assistant chief of police, who was standing near the. door of the theatre. Stockers and feeders show little im- Dominion A few cattle were bought Ruddick, has given out a letter I'Cifci‘k'd but trade is linii'ixl from an influential Englisn importer of i’i‘ices, however, con- London. protesting strongly against the ti'ied to draw his rv'\'ol\'ei'. lie was shot dead by the 'l‘ei'roi'isl. Seeing that it was iiiipi‘ixsible to get through the. crowds outside the building. the murderer dash< int into the theatre. tiring wildly. Tho manager attempted to grapple with the murderer. who fired at him. but missed. and kill-wt a [lOllCi‘llltlll who was in the line of fire. in a second attempt. to catch the, assassin. the manager was severely wounded. The 'I‘errorist fled through what. he evidently believed to he one 0% Inc exits. but found himself in the ladies' cloak room. An attendant. realizing tlie' situation. point id to the stairs as a means of egress. and so soon as tho assassin iliszippeorml. the attendant locked the (tour behind him. The stairs, however. only led to a loft. and the mur- derer subsequently was [mind there un~ consciqu from :i bullet. wound from which he died later in the hospital. __________â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" ..~_â€"â€"â€":== IN DEPOT “'ITII THROAT CIJT. Kenora Man Lying in Smoking Room at Urban Montreal. A despateh from Montreal says: A sensation was caused at an early hour on Thursday morning in the Windsor Street Station by the finding in the smoking-room of a man with his throat badly cut. It was thought at first that an attempt had been made to murder him, but his possesmons were found to be un- touched, and it. was decided that he had tried to commit suicide. At the hospital it was found that, while his throat was badly cut, his jugular vein had not been pierced, and there were hopes for his life. The man's name was discovered to 1)»: Oscar Sundstrain, of Kenora, Ont.. as was shown by a cheque found in his pocket for 5,125 Finnish marks, as well as a promissory note for $50 and $3 in silver. He had also a return ticket from Montreal to Kenora. The Finnish marks would represent over $1,000 in Canadian currency. Sundstrain seems to be about 3: years of age. There is no clue as to the cause. of the deed. nor could the knife with which it was done he discovered. The police are working on the case *4.â€" \\'RECK OF N. Y. CENTRAL. Adirondack and Montreal Express Side- swiped Freight. A despatch from Ossining, N. Y.,says: The engineer and fireman of the Adir- ondack and Montreal express on the New York Central Railroad Were killed and five other persons, four of them passengers, were injured when the ex- press, northbound, “sideswiped” a freight engine a mile south of this vil- lage on Friday night. The dead are:â€" Wm. Kirk, engineer; James Armitage, fireman. Both men were buried in the wreckage, and it was some time before their bodies were recovered. None of the passengers were dangerously injured though two sustained injuries necessi- tating their removal to a hospital here. ._.._+.____._ TIIE OIL KING‘S GIFT. Rockefeller Gives $32,000,000 to General Education. A despatch from New York says: Thir- ty-two million dollars' worth of income- bearing securities is given by John D. Rockefeller to the General Educational Board, When it assembled for a special meeting in this city late on Thursday the benefaction was announced by Mr, ltockefeller’s son, John D. Rockefeller, jun. The donation is for general edu. cation throughout the country. It is the largest single benefaction for such purpose ever known. Mr. Rockefenpr pad previously given the board $11,- coo,000 for the same work. The Immigration Department at Ot- tawa consider the reports of the suffer- ing of settlers in the west is greatly exaggerated. The R. N. W. M. P. are patrolling with instructions to look out k),- 311 suzgti cases. COST OF I‘l'BLIC HEALTH. Companies Spend Thirty-Two Cents Per Dead. A despatch from Toronto says: Aside from the extraordinary expenditure of $20,000 at Fort William as a result of the typhoid fever epidemic. the cost (if niaintninmg health in_ the 49'? urban municipalities of this Province was only thirtyâ€"two cents for each inhabi- tant. This fact .was brought out on Wednesday afternoon at the quarterly: meeting of the Provincial Board of Health. Dr. C. A. Hodgetts, chief health officer of the Province, reported that the expenditure of 1107 urban munici- palities had been $60,040, of which 3%,- (YO was spent at Fort William. A mo- tion was passed drawing the attention of the Minister of the department to the matter of pollution of the Muskoka Lakes and pointing out the necessity |‘or immediate steps to maintain the purity of the waters of the summer re- sorts of the Province, especially Mus- tâ€"Loka and the Kawartha Lakes. MONUMENTS TO HEROES. Japanese Erecting Two On a Hill a! Port Arthur. A despatch from Harbin, Manchuria. says that the Japanese are erecting two monuments on Pcropelochny Hill, Port Arthur, to the memory of the Russian and Japanese soldiers who fell in the siege. in proximity to the monument to the Russians a Russian chapel will be built, hearing this inscription: “In: memory of the heroes who met. their. death in defence of Port Arthur." â€"â€"â€"â€"»r 61X m0an TO DEATH. Party of Wood Choppers Lost Near Darwin, Manitoba. A despatch from Winnipeg says: A report reached the city on Friday night. tr. the effect that six wood choppers in. the vicinity of Darwin, which is on the border between Manitoba and Ontario, were frozen to death a few days ago, having lost their way in the woods. Three of the men were Davis, Schultz and Granting. The first-named leaves relatives TILI'C. kâ€" CIIINOOK AVER'IS RUIN. Cattle in Alberta Now Have Easy Access to the Grass. A dmpatch from Medicine Hat, Alta“ says: The Chinook on Wednesday raised the temperature 90 degrees in a few hours, and, as a result, the hills are bore of snow and the cattle have easy access to grass. Ranchers regard the situation as saved. ___.__..x.__._. War is imminent between the repub- lics of San Salvador and Honduras, in Central America. It is stated in Berlin that the high protectionist party will be stronger in the new Reichstag than in the old. Nut hut HEESE AWAY Brand Was “ Brookville," But Message Was From New York. The J. .‘\a A despalch from Brockville : Dairy Commissioner finding in a cheese allegnd to have been Iexported from the Bri -kvillc section a gglass bottle containing a note. \\'li:n: :lilt' cheese was cut the bottle T‘CC-Tlf‘i lbiv knii in tin;- middle. and the Sf‘vltl rl.'.i-‘ gt of anyone partaking of tin: p24 illil'” cut from the Vicinity of that lio’tle ‘yt'fllliil'dMZV‘d. The writer roundly set w}. ilhls s.liy method of makers or niaiiiiv liiicturers communicating with .:us-. toinvrs. The incident reveals another case of the fraudulent exporter selling New lork State cheese as Brockville‘s. The cheese from which the bottle was taken was branded, “Brockville. registered No. 5-.. Dairy Act, 1807, Canada,” and the note was as follows : “When you receive this. please reply and tell me how yum Lix: my uncle's cheese. Address Miss D. lo‘ii'l McClary, Pulaski. N.Y.S.” ' i it: Brockville Cheese Board will take this matter up promptly, and lrrn'f'tilln how it is that a cheese pur~ porting to have been made in Brockville bf‘Ciion appears to have been made in New York State, and how it is that a. [Ilrockville registered brand is in use across the line.

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