The speakers at the Seed Fair here last Friday gave many practi- cal suggestions to farmers as to the best methods of cultivating their land. and making the most out of their farms. But no sounder piece of advice was given than that of J. Lockie Wilson who advised young men to think twice before giving up their Ontario farms and moving to she North-west. Farmers in many instances, say with limited ï¬nancial means, and with large families of sons, are to be commended for seek- ing homes in the west, but in ordin- ary cases Mr. Wilson was right when he said “stay in Ontario." “By that legislation not only has there been enlarged the monopoly of the liquor trafï¬c and its entrench- ment strengthened, but the require- ments of the three-ï¬fths vote to carry or repeal local option has placed the best sentiments of the province at a disadvantage for ï¬ghting the traï¬ï¬c." “Mr. Starr pointed out that with- out any previous intimation the legislation was intrOduced into the Legislature and carried through. The banishment of the bars was the people's demand, and if Mr. Whitney refused to lead, then there is another, continued Mr. Starr, ready and wait- ing to do so. Furtherjuggling with the liquor question was not to be tolerated. He hoped the Dominion Alliance at its meeting here in a few days would put itselt on record as prepared to follow any leader, Con- servative, Independent or Liberal, who will make the banishment of the bars an issue at the polls. FRIDAY. March lâ€"Credit sale of Farm stuck. implements etc.. lot 28, con. 5, Markham. the pmperlvanohu G. M usturd. Sale at 1 o'clock. To:me 8 months. N. E. Smith, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY. Feh. 27â€"Aucti0n sale of farm stuck. implements. household furniture. Etna. nn Int 1. cun. 5. King. the, pmperty of Frank Smelser. Snle at 1 o'clock. Terms, 9 mos. D. G. Blnuqh, uuct. MHiï¬HWW+++++H+++ TUESDAY, March 5â€"Aucti0u sale of farm stuck, implements. furniuue etc.. on lot. 64. lst 0011.. \Vhitchurcb. Bond Lake the property of Fletcher Thomp- son. Stsle at 12 o'cluck. Lunch pruvided. Terms 7 months. Blough & Snigeon. auctiuneers. Having a complete X-ray and static electricity 21p amtus, I am able to locate foreign odies in the body. and examine fractuws of homes. Also to treat NERVOUS DISEASES. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. MORBID GROWTHS, such as Cancers. etc. Bving a graduate of Mnorï¬eld's Eye Hospital. England, I am prepared to examine the interior of the eyes for disease, and test for glussas. If a patient should require glasses 1 Older them for him. Nose and throat work a. specialty. Oï¬jce convenient. tn the Metropoli- tan and U. N. 0. Railway stations. Hon.J_ P. Whitney’s liquor law is being condemned in many quart;- ers. Many well-known Conserva- tives are speaking out strongly in condemnation of the three-ï¬fths vote required to carry local option. Rev. J. E. Starr, pastor of Berkley St. Church, is reported as follows:â€" Piles get quick Nlief from Dr. Shonp‘s Magic Ointment. Rememhm‘ it's made alone for Pilesâ€"and it. works with certainty and satisfaction. Itch- ing, painful. protruding. or blind piles (lisuppuer like mngic by its use. Try it. and SH! W. A. Sandeum). 6++++++++4°++++++++++++++++ all†ï¬ihtml. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Rpadily gvtlpositiom as Stenng- l‘aphvrs. Bookkeepors, Invoice Clerks, Cummercial Teachers. SlmI-thand Teachers, etc.. at; gourd salaries. Demand fully vanty times our supply. Such a. demand does not 899m pnssihle but is true. Our superior work is well-known. Enter now. Catalogue free. Graduates of the Popular RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO DR. S. J. BOYD (Cor. Yongo and Alexander Sta.) 0. Sale Register. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. A$Jo .. ‘RT'FO nun! . Feb. 2l. 1907 \VEDNESDAY, Mar. 6â€"Fnrm stock, implemems and furniture, on lot 11. rear con. 7. King. property of Samuel Ireland. Sale at one o‘clock. Tvnus, 8 mus. SATURDAY, March lGâ€"Auctinn sale of hnusehuld fmniture, the propel-Ev nf Ed. Malwond. lot 32, con. 4, Vaughan. Mitch lBâ€"Farm stock and imple- ments. thv property W. Cooper. Int: 25. cop: 7. >Vafu‘ghin mm 1- Klginhuyg: A WEDNESDAY. March 20â€"Auctinn sale of horses. cattle and vehicles. the prnpt-rty of Wm Jones, lot 27, con. 2, Vaughan. THURSDAY. March 21â€"Credit sale of hnrsps, colts. fresh milk cows, springers and ynung cattle at the Maplé Leaf Hole-l Yards. Maple. SATURDAY. March Zâ€"VF'AI'H) stuck and nuplements. the property of E. J. Kurtz. near Nashvillv. March 4.â€"-Faun stock and imple- ments, the pruperty of R. Taylor, Unstlemm-e. Tun-onto Gm-e. MONDAY. Mulch 4â€"Fm'm, 101', 21. con. 2, King, the property of A. H. Green. March 5â€"FM'm stock and imple- ments. the property of Alfred Gowwn, lot 8. con. 2. Alhiun. Mal-Eh 7â€"Fdl'll) utlnck mean. the property of annsview. Mnrch lQâ€"Fux'm stuck and imple- ments. the property of D. and R. McGeachy. near Coleraine, on Did plnnk load. WEDNESDAY, March 27â€"â€"Auctinn sale of household furnitm-P, the property of Miss S. H. Watson. Kleinhgrg. March 6â€"Farm stock and imple- ments. the property of \V. M. \Vilsnn. County Peel. near Mayï¬eld. SATURDAy. March 9â€"Hhi-ses and cults at Stewarts Hotel, W'oodhridge. Terms 9 months. March IZâ€"Farm stuck and imple- ments. the propel-Ly of Thomas Dunn, Int 12. (Jun. 9, Vaughan. March Iiiâ€"Farm stuck and imple- ments, the pl-npelty of G. W. Vern-211, lot. 20. con. 1. Ewhicuke. March 29â€" Farm stock and extra. herd of registered H'olsteins. the pro- perty of Samuel Mackin. two miles from Stl-eestille. THURSDAY. FPh. 2Sâ€"«Fann stuck, implwue-nts, eta. property hf James Cameron. lot 30. con. 5, Vaughan. Terms 10 mos. Sale at 1. Max-ch Sâ€"Ffll‘ln» stock and impleâ€" ments. the pruperly of ’1‘. A. Farr, Thistle-town. FRIDAY, March Bâ€"Farm stuck and implements, the property of Chas. Hal'l‘isnn. Int 20, cm]. 5, Vaughan. MONDAY, March llâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements etc, the pruperty of Alfned Stung, lot. 16. ohm. 1. East ank. Lansing. March Hâ€"Fnrm stock and Imple- ments. the prnpelt‘y of G. W. Veu-al, Int 30, con 1. Ebobicnko. March lâ€"Furm stuck and imp]?- mean. the property of George Mills. ï¬ve uni/lea fruu: ï¬chthf-rg: March l4â€"qu-m stock and imple- ments, the property of Thus. Alepine. near Duwusview. March 15â€"me stock and imple- mente. the prupelty nf James ZubPr, lot 20, con. 2. Tecumseh. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 27â€"Fm-m stuck, implements, elc.. property of Uul'u. Camemn, near Thistlelown. Terms 10 mos. Sale at. l. Feb; 26â€"qu-Iu stuck and imple- ments. the property uf \V. Minick, lot. 30, can. 6. Albion. TUESDAY. Feh. 26â€"Farm stock, Im- plements. etc" property of R. Vander- huI-glh. Int 24. con. 2, Vaughan. Terms 1011193. ‘Salgat l p. m._ WEDNESDAY, Feb. 27â€"Furm stock. implémeuts emu. Int 11. [WW con. 7. King. Terms 9 mos. Sale at 1 o'clock. SAIGEON 8r. MCEWEN'S SALES. FRIDAY, Feb. 22â€"Fm'm stock, imple- ments etc" on lot 19. Con. 4. \Vest York. the pruperty of James Bull. Terms 9 munlhs. Sale at l. Saigeun 6; Mcvan. auctioneers. Feb. 27â€"FaI-m I smck and imple- ments. the property of Guliu Cameron, Etuhicoke. Feb. 224Fu1-m stuck and impleâ€" ments, the property of R. Shaw. km 7. cup. 5, near Bragu‘ptly}. SATURDAY. Feb. 23â€"St0ck. house- hold furniture etc. the property of Mrs. H. F. Hopper. Richmond Hill. Sale at, l. Tvl'ms 3 muntbs. Snigeun & McEwen. auctioneers. Feb. 23â€"Farun stuck and imple- ments, the property of \V. Dnnuclly. lot, 22, con. 8, near Beetnn. Feb. 25â€"Furm stock and imple- nu-nts. the property of Norman. H. “ï¬nd, two miles from Palgravc. moans Tabuiea cure flatulenoa. Riuans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure buiouanecai Open the year round. Enter any time The oldest and strongest busi. ness school. All facilities are of the heat. Students receive ex- pert instruction and personal attention. Write for catalogue of this live. up-to-date school. is. ï¬t. Q5. 3. ï¬lm, flung: & imam ï¬ts" Eurnuta gritiah gmeriwu ï¬nsima mullrge T. M. WATSON, Aucnlon Sales. Principal and imple- \V. Bnuke, VVEDNEBDAY, Mar. 13â€"AFnrm stock. implumrnts. etc., nu Int 22. Con. 1, East York, Ynnge strvvt. the property of BiltonBrus. Salem, ll. Terms, 9 months. THURSDAY. Mar. 14â€"Farnl stuck. implmnents, etc., on lot, 10, con. D, Scarlmrn. the prnpvl'ty of Jno. Dix. Sale at 10. Terms. 8 munths. FRIDAY pleuwnts, Scarlml‘u, Murrisun. months. MONDAY. March 18â€"Fm‘m stock. implements, etc.. nu lot 26, cun. 5, Scarhm-n, the prnpvrty of Jun. Stone- hnuse & sun. Sillt‘ at, 12. Terms, 9 months. TUESDAY, Mar. 19â€"Fm-m stock. implmm-nts, etc., on lot. 16. con. 2, “last ank, the, property of Jns. Jack- son. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms, 7 months. VVEDNESDAY. Mar. 20th â€" Farm stuck, implmnents. elm. on Int. 35. con. 1I Markham, the prnperty of R. Casely. Sale at, 12 n’clovk. Terms, 8 months. TUESDAY, Mar. lZâ€"Ful-m stuck. implements. etc., on Int 18, con. 2. Markham, the property of F. H. Helmxuy. Sale at 12. Terms, 8 munths. THURSDAY. Mar. illâ€"Farm stuck. implements, etc, (m Iut 10. con. 2, East York. the prnperty of Jns. Smith. Sale :1L 1 o’clock. THrms, 8 months. 7 SATURDAY. March 23â€"Farm stock and implements, an Int 31. con. 2. Scarhm-u, the property of John John- son. Sale at 12. o'clock. Terms 8 months. MONDAY, March 25-Farm stock and implements. on lot 16. con. 10, Mark- ham, the property of David Hare. Sale at 1 o’clock. ’l‘el ms 8 months. MONDAY, March llâ€"Farm stock and implvments. on lot 12, con. 2. Mark- hum. [he Pruperty nf A. B. Elson. Sale at I. Farm» 9 mnnths. -Vl'-“‘RIVIV)1;Y, VMmu 22 â€" Farm stuck, iIuplepwan.‘ (*th nn Int 1, con. 2, Viï¬lilrgrhnn, {he pllnpul‘ty uf Jno. Mc- Bride. Sale at, 12 O’clock. Terms; 9 munths. THURSDAY, March 28â€"qu-m stock and implements. east of Duvisville the pmperty of Fred Piphm‘. Sale at. 1 o‘clock. Terms 8 ulnnths. MONDAY. April 1â€"â€"Fm-m stock imple- ments. on Int 3. own 2. East York the property of Jnhn Cnurt‘uey. Sale. at l u'cluck. Terms 8 months. TUESDAY, Mar. 5â€"~Fm-m stuck, illlplt‘lllO‘lllS. etc., on 10L 2. con. 8, Markham, the pruperly of \Vm. Ash. Salvatl. To-rms.9munths. \VEDNESDAY. MM. (J'â€" Fnlm stuck, implmnents. et(:.. nn Int, 23. con. 5. Markthn, the prnpl-rty 0f Jas. Ogg. Sale at, 11. TPI'IIIS. h‘ mnnl hs. THURSDAY. Man-ch 7â€"Fm'm stock mud implr-ments. on lot, 2. 0 n. 2. East, York. lhv prupvny uf Mrs. Mary Robertson. 5:11th 12 o'clm‘k. Eight months. FRIDAY. Mar. 8â€"â€" Farm stock, implements. etc., on int )3. can. 1. East York. the pI-an-ty nf John Denhy. Sale an I. Tex-ms, 8 months. SATURDAY, March Dâ€"qu-m stuck and implements. an Int 22. con. 3, Scurhnru. the prqperty of John Hvrun. Sale at l o’cluck. Terms 8 months. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 1897. Chapter 129. Section 38. and amending Acts. that all persons having any claim against the estate of Julia Ann Carver. late of the vil- lage of Richmond Hill. in the County of York. deceased. who died on or about the 30th day of December. 1906. are requiled to smd by post prepaid or deliver to T. Herlwrt Lennox, Aurora. 0nt.. solicitor for the administrator of said deceased. (.n or before the 4th day of March. 1907, a full statement of their claims and fl)? nature of the se- cusity, if any, held by them. duly veri- ï¬e . WM. E. CARVER. Administ m tnr, East, Toronto. A Collie Dog. black. with long tail. Stmyed from the premises. lot 21. con. 2, Markham about the second of February. Reward will be given. FRED CLARK 32-3 Headfurd P. O. Notice in credimrs And further take notice that after the said date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amnng the parties entitl- ed thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have recpived notice; and the maid Admin- istratm- will not be liable for any cluims of which he shall not then have received notice. Datéï¬'iï¬Ã©isth day of Februuy, 1907. 33-3 SATURDAY. Mur. Zâ€"Vahmble farm. being vast, half of Int 22. cun. 5. Mark- ham. containing 111 nun-s, the estate (If the late John Pinglv. Sale at Qnm‘n‘s Hutu-l, UninnvillnfiutZo‘clnck. J. H. PRENTICE' SALES. MONDAY. Feb. 25â€"FnI-In stock. implement. etc.. on Int, 19, con. 4. Markham. the propm-Ly nf Fred Denuie. Sale at, 12. Terms 10 months. TUESDAY. Feb. 28â€"Farm stock, implements. etc. nn Int '5. con. 6, Murkam, th property of W. A. Noble. Sale at, 12. Terms. 9 lnnmhs. WEDNESDAY. Feb. 27â€"-â€"F.-n-m stock. implemr-nts. etc†on lot 33. can. B, Sum-hum the prupcrty 01' A. M. Hex-on. Sfllk‘ m. 11. Tt-nns. 9 months. THURSDAY, Feb ZSâ€"Fnrm stock, implenwnts, etc" on Int. 17, con. 4. East Yul‘k. the pruperly nf \Vm. Rise- hrough. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Terms. 8 momlw. '1'. H. LENNOX. Sulicitnr for Administrator. Auction Sales Mar. 15â€"Fm-m stock. im- etc., on Int 35. cun. D. thf’_prupm‘tÂ¥ (if-“Mrs. D. Salé {1t 1. Terms, 8 Lost A new variety uf choice white potatoes. No rot. Also Manscln-m'i Seed Barley. A stethoscope (m thv 2nd or 3rd of Markham, above Elgiu Mills side-rum], on Wednesday. Feh. 13. Th? finder will please leave at, nfï¬ve of Take notice that an application will he made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its next Ses- sion. for an Act to incorporate 3. Coin- puny to be known as “The Artesian Water 00., Limited," with power to survey lands in any part or parts of the County of York ; to sink wells or tunnels; to di trenches in or through private or pubic property: to lay or sink pipes or mains. to convey water in and through such pipes from or to any point or points in County of York: to examine such wells, tunnels, trenches and pipes and keep them in repair or to take up same; to erect buildings, machinery, standpipes and reservoirs for the purposes of the Company. and build any plant neces- sary to properly carry out the busi- ness of the Company; to sell such water to individuals, ï¬rms, corpor- ations public and private. and muni- cipal corporations; to expropriate, purchase or otherwise acquire land on lands required for the foregoing purposes; to enter into contracts for the supply of water to the Municipal Corporations of the Villages of Rich- mond Hill. Markham and \Veston ; of the towns of North Toronto and Toronto Junction, and of the Town- ships of Whitchurch, Markham. Vaughan and York respectively for fire service and dometic use for a period of twenty years or up- wardl. To authorize the Councils of any of the. above Municipalities with- out the. consent of the ratepayers to pass by-laws exempting the property of the Company from taxation or to ï¬x the Company’s assessment or to commute the Company‘s taxes. and for such further rights and powers as may be deemed necessary to the propel-and legal carrying out of the business of the Com any. ï¬f. A. WERRETT. 77 Victoria Street, Solicitor for the Applicants. Dated at Toronto, 14th December, 1906. “ï¬iéï¬ié ï¬EEB' KEFSGEEVM‘dï¬IY ngBTI'VGGBXVVG mg“! notice, (“119m charge in the Anyone sending a. sketch and deactigtion may Quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention in probably lamentable. Communicw "on! strictly conï¬dentlnl. Handbook on Patents 5350. free. Owes: ngeucy‘fostcun‘ng‘pate A handaomely mustrated weekly Lara/eat ch‘» cuhtion of any scientiï¬c numnl. Terms. 83 I gr 5101mm. 81. 80 d by nleewsdï¬alex-E. MUNN &_Cn,js_s:Eroasvaai‘é'émii Elma: Tabnles cure combating Rims 'I‘aoulea cure bad breath. litmus stuiea: Cor new 317012116: Skiéï¬mic Emmaâ€. ‘B'riia'ci: é‘maaféas F St. Washibafen. u APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT For Sale R. L. LANGSTAFF. M. D I want to quote {bu a price on my Chatham Incubator, oâ€"sold ON TIME. want to send you my Clullmm lH-ok. This incubator book is {rceâ€" I'll send ic toyou inr just a ostal card. It tells you a. lot you ought to know about 11m oultry busmessâ€"it tells you how to make mmmy out of \ chickensâ€"it tells you how my ClmLham lncubatnnx-Ell make. you more money than ya: can make with hcntï¬â€"{ul‘ maze. and with less trouble. 5 This book tells you how my Incubators are madeâ€"why they are the best ever mventedâ€"and why 1 Sell them ON TIMI; and on d. 5-Year (.‘xuaranteef Lost W. T. COOK. Do you know there is big. money in rafsing pnuitry? Do you know there is more money in running agood incubator than in almost an thing else you can do for the amount of time and trquble It takes? Do you know" my incutntnr will pay you a burger proï¬t than any other fling you can have on your pla'c_e †Let Me 5&3 Yma a Chaï¬ham Emwkaizw m 033. Time WW, 'WellZ all these things are true,anrf I can Drnve it. Thousands of people all over Canada hava provcil it every year_ for tlu; last ï¬ve years. I Hope. rmmmmmm‘ Threshers’ Coal on hand. Heart Strength. or Hem-t Weakness. manna ‘3 arm Strength. or Nerve Weulmessâ€"nothim: more. Pu;- itively. not one weak heart in a hundred is, in is- nelf. actually diseased. It is almost always a. hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at: limit. This obscure nerveâ€"the Cardiac. or Heart Servo â€"simply needs, and must havu. more DO'J’H‘. mom: Itability. more controlling, more governing ltreugth. Without that the Heart must mutinle to fail. and the stomach and kidneys also Luvs these same controlling nerves. Having purchased the ab0ve business from H. Winger 81 Sun I am prepared to give every satisfaction to my patrons. I have on hand a good supply of Hard and Soft Coal which will be deliv- ered at lowest market: price. This clearly explains why. as a. med‘cim. Dr. Shoop's Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hunts. Dr. Shtro‘p ï¬rst slough: the cause of all this painful. pulpituting. mffomw- ingheart distress. Dr. Shoop'a Rustomtivrrth'g popular prescriptionâ€"is alone direch to (hum weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds: It strengthens: it offers real. genuine heart help. Have just received a car of cement. A. R. HALL GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Hem It strengthans: it offers real. genuine heart help. If you would have strong Harm/s, strong di- cesaion. strengthen thew nervusâ€" ryustablbha than as needed, with SAL, W303 AND GWEN \Vill be at the yards, Thorn- hlll Station, G. T. R., every Wednesday and Saturday to wait on those who wish to draw their own coa}. LWERY Michael Bros., Richmond Hill 031 and Wood Dellvered. Prices Right. 'l‘hornhill P. W. A. SANDERSON COAL «FE a FM! WOOD @w flx