A Beme doctor has uncovered that. tea made wilh melted snow is a cure for mus diseases. The doctor declares that. he has cured people with this elixir when all other remedies have failed. He melts the snow over a slow ï¬re, and 1km boils the water. flapped places, eczema. ringworm, running sores, bad leg, enlarged veins‘ ~wiles, scaling sores, etc. As an embro- enation it cures rheumatism, sciatica. ï¬zeuralgia‘ and rubbed well on to the diast- in cases of cold cases the tight- .m and aching. sul’druggists and stores sell at 500. a box, or post free from the Zam-Buk ‘89., Toronto, for price. 6 boxes sent :39: $2.50. Eamon: “Painling my name on the in- gifle of this umbrella." Hobson: "‘Do you W that will prevent anyone from stealing it; Dobson: “Well, if lhe fel- iww who owned this umbrella before I did had painted his name inside, I don't. heï¬eve I would have had the pluck to mm" Mrs. Goring, of Longfou 'Eam-Buk is a wonderful worm. I tried everything wrought of, but nothing 1mm until Zam-Buk came mnedy." ‘Flmn: “Here is an item thai says a new anesthetic has been discovered that will enable a patient to watch himself Iking operated upon." ‘Dul’f: "Eh! Supposing you were bor- ï¬ag into the back of his head ‘2†' rSE'uk’s healing power: Three children in one family in Burk's Falls have becn cured of seri- ous skin diseases by Zam-Buk. Mrs. Minnie Elliff, of St. John‘s \V’ast “Welland County), says: “My baby had I ’kz'nd of rash on his head-quite a lot In! small red spots and pimples. 1 ap- plied Zam-Buk and was delighted with Wts‘imu on Your Feet and kee syou there M's-what, “Ferrovim†does for 31 those re from wasting diseases. It is the best ionic inoxistance. It stimulates, nourishes and hildguptho system. ME YOUR CHILDREN RN! 430%. RINGWURM 0R ULGERS? TBA MADE “7 I‘ Robson 1M 5‘ that ’ your children are troubled with 1115, give them Mother Graves" Worm erminator: safe. sure and effectual. ' it, and mark the improvement, m 1' child. aimâ€"Clad Momch in England Expmc Children In “intry Vigor. illI-Bl'li \VILL Sl'IHCLY (IRE um son: “What are n: “Pain’ing my r .‘this umbrella." H‘ that will prevent Wimh! ecently He never r 11m?†“D lSSL'E N0. 8â€" uld [acts NO-H.\'l' BRIGADI they [ ims of t suffc AN EXCEPTION fur T115 10 lawyers can’t split hairs " “How do you know ‘Because there’s nothing of Longford Mills. says wonderful healer of ring- TH MELTED SNO\V be. a very ham any bills to my one will ever tru. In the that could ï¬e was able to It is a ï¬ne a] am wer -nt. 1 m doing W put-t Ibs- r ith th ml HUT am 2U Since 1: have gon Sooner or later bargain counter and tested the sez 1he chauffeur’s sea The plaintiff 01‘ a landaulette bed by Mr. Lyons; but lhat there was It mom in the mot snace between 'th an opporiunity money enough There was an amusing interlude to the pmceedmgs in the Brampton County Court (England), recently, when in an action bmughtlagainst Mr. Joseph, Lyons, of West Kensington Gardens W.. concerning a motor car. Sir William; Selle. the judge, led the jury into me street, where the vehicle was standing. and tested the seals in the interior (mod the chauffeur’s seat. kolinquishing “'ig and Gown. Dons Borrowed “Plug†and Tests Aulo. never on the shoals, there seems certainly no reason why its flesh should not be appetizing enough. The dugong’s upright attitude in the water and habit of clasping its young to its breast gave it a queerly human appearance in the eyes of early marin» ers and explorers. and it has perhaps not yet ceased to appear stuffed in travelling shows as the authentic body or a mermaid. lts decline from this romantic role to the level of mere tinned meat is doubtless characteristic of our prosaic and industrial age. isp “That man is so honest he wouldn‘t steal a pin,†said Mr. Geode. “I never thought. much of the pin test," answered Mr. Cayenne. “Try him with an. um~ brella.†Tommy iwaddles: “Oh, I don to go to school.†Pa Zl‘waddles don’t you want a good educ Tommy Twaddles (ingratiatingly) pa; I’d rather grow up to be it Sunny Slope, California, enjoys the distinction of being the largest vineyard in the world. It is situated amidst the most beautiful scenery of that favored land, two miles from San Gabriel. Of a total of 1,900 acres, 735 are devoted to grape vines. the remainder beingr dis- tributed among orange, lemon, and olive trees. Do not give up in despair. on who suffer. from obstinate disï¬gurements of t eskin. Annoint the sores obs with Weaver‘s Cerate and puxify the bloo with Weaver's Syrup. All druggists keep them. YO U pear on the Londm 1:015 from Northern the Country Gontlem The dugong, which mal, and no ï¬sh, is of the shallow watch" land coast, and as it consuming the seagl on the shoals, there no reason why its [1 Epi sort tunitg dune] me many :[ Parme ng‘ this ahd I ' "cnuéé'u: fn’iii“'l V Y I c E. BROOKS. Brookn' am. IAESHALL. men. Binds and draws the broken yam tonether as you would a broken limb. NI) salves. No lymphol. Nouns. Dur thelflmp-JE“ 51% “I301- Slam '.9go___'_'1'_i_ljn'|'.‘; Bro‘ disc Agentl Wanted In Every Town. moons, new wound The “ Hmwjpatv implied by yum-sou js gummlteed ahsn! 169: and odorless. and is reliehn women who did not dream of he] aid of 9. surgeon. Price $1.50 pl prepaid tn any address in Canada. .\ New Dclicacy From the Ausirnlian Why will you poison your systema with fake nos bruins when female truuhle should he *trenteli as you would treat a sore ï¬nger. GET AT THE EEAT OF THE TROUBLE “Have WOMEN Eving pro; ans, they erve centr Th ks' Ap Han wary. am 11011; apvjlpg PRACTICAL ENGLISH JUDGE re a Powerful-Nervin‘ derangement of tr THE EMANCIPATOR co.. 112 Yongo 5L, Toronto, Canada LARGEST VINEYARD TINNICD MEIHIAID d ahaofutely nntise rlesa. and is relie did not. dream of mes. defendant's counsel, amusement. of the bystand- lheir wigs and gowns and on a borrowed silk-hat to m of the carriage. His iifl’ derfu). No a! or pads. Cushions. 193(1ngratiatingly): “No, grow up to be just like of the carriage. Hi; i the chauffeur: seat. cut was entered for the Seas an who never misses say that there ain’t x‘culnEion to buy him. will ï¬nd him on the t to dea uls as t atable F showin is a local remedy email) '5 but Cwn cents aday anr 1y antiseptic. It is color is relieving thousands o! ~_eum_of help yrithpuc thf - “Oh. I don’t want Pa Zl‘waddles: “But good education ‘1" h is an aquadc ani< 5 common in some e‘rs off the Queens- it- is a clean feeder, grass which grows re seems certainly flesh should not be bowing that they e good results. By 0 the digestive or- equilibrium to the or tooth. Bomhn?â€| P 1 med an unusual! a he f.nxr-vunr..=.m I pa'r bottle, sent neâ€"Dyspep. the nervous 1y once en- with. There the efï¬cacy Is in treat- 1n i! tur tinned )n ap- mar- Mild in Tm getable Pills z tzon. They at stomach or CE SU many pills delicate can of unpleasant be administem posing the p( use of pills s the cook?†“The cook says there is no pride about her; if there was she wouldn’t be working for us." Miss G ddie: “Did you I spiteful hing Miss Meanlc on her wedding day ".7" Miss Ascum: “You me married old Mr. DOSember Miss Gaddie: “Yes. wished them both long MIC it is easier to prevent than it is to cure. inflammation of the lungs is [he Pompanion oi neglected colds, and once it ï¬nds a lodgmont in the syslom it, is difï¬cult to deal with. Treatment \V‘illl Bickle’s Anli-Consumplive Syrup will eradicate the cold and prevent inflam- mation from selling in. It costs little, and is as satisfactory as it it is surpris- ing in its results. Intelligent Trontment with Allen's Lun Bal- Iam brgnvsu che phlegm, stops the coug and pain in t e c est, overcomes those terrible cold: which, neglected, lead to consumption. “He said that if 1 would marry him he would conquer the: world.†“Well. did he?†“Not yet; he hasn‘t conquered mamma yet. l" “The kitchenâ€"maid is associate with the cook The roamn is it CURES everybody who takes itâ€"young and old alike. The chil- dren love Ltâ€"almost like honey. It. is absolutely free from hurttul ingredients. It. is the greatest. household remedy of the age. No home should be without it. It. acts immediately upon the irritated spot. stopping the cough. allaying in- flammation. strengthening the throat. and giving quick and permanan to those having coughs, colds, ( whooping-cough. sore throat. brony asthma and lung trouble. One mother, who knows. says : “ I have no hesitaney in recmnmenr‘lin Colts- foote Expectamnt. which I hue med lame and again, and considar M the best r9medy on eaflh for coughs and cold<. We keep it constantly in our home, and it is the best household remedy I have known. Cnltsï¬mle is like no other cough remedy I have ever used. it is so soothing and healing and I feel sure it is a purely vegetable preparation. " Mother! Falher! Do not let that boy‘s or girl’s cough run on wiihout atten- tion, thus endangering their l'ivm, whm a 250 bottle of Collsfoolc‘ Expectorant will cure it. Get. it {mm your dealer. Keep it in the home always. Throat and Cough CURE IN THE WORLD the People Who Know By Practical Exparlanse Have Unanimously Pronounced 'I'hc‘ Iw‘:n;x:l\;|h?«‘ " M21 w“ 7;'m~'.\;‘» " Infllw m 1'.» l'rhtml I\'.n;_;.1uvm i.~ url HUM] 2n :1 rowan ilev‘wl by H!» Roar [' ’J‘xmlw, H.“ In In“ 11;; IiL’IH‘I‘~ .\!z-a n ..\- m J mu p .,.v ‘ A m n H“. n The Peï¬lar MRS. T). MAHONEY 127 Cathcart Street, Ham 8.1M EXPEGTGBANT MEAN OF HER 'ed to children wilhouw )enallies which follow so carefully prepared. {1P0 3 110 31130 . “Did you hear about the Miss Meanlcy said to May malr Quickest Safest Surest I he Tl 10 I) u mean May‘ who 11' Hamilton, Ont Get the facts befgre you roof 8 thing. of Oshawa She stuck up to “How about, alhin bronchit‘i One {or lhout im 1h 1n lid she reli 1d The \vedding‘h and the_presents “Suppose,†she should turn out “In that case,†vide lhe presents one inse hole ing, We All Have Mission: in There is a work lo do In on earth, more is a funclio for everything on earlh. ‘ inanimate. Everything hr and the mission of Dr. Tl tric Oil is In hon] burns of every description and colds, croup and all alIec respiratory organs. Suffrage Leader: "‘You don‘t least worried about the fact thu are crowding out men in ever sion.“ Sandy Pikes: “N0. mum never growd men out in the tr: fession, mum.†quently the ion numb workc lhrcc m number “Miriam,†said her Flaxham is an excellei with desirable family i upon the whole I have your receiving him on a but you must not allow upon lhe fact. that you present from him." “I we young t ['11 give time he Everyone Thinks his own crns: is the heaviest When conï¬ned to the house with a. pain in the do for instance: hug it>yvqu_l§l_ h.e quickiy to go} 1387 luv .u. Annual-v“, .. v .- .,, ,_ , , , ‘ an it “The D 65 L" . a mter was applied ’hoy only cost A trifle, why not try them? rnwlll oi He in the side of I g, played upon I musical instrumé sweet-toned {lube lssengn I3.0()l.00 ‘6: 1906 4.680 urs Th am The ‘th Tymu fund: [it TROUBLE A HI ml 21 l 31‘ BRITAIN‘S STREET CUKS II of Trull‘iv is linormnuk 000,000 l'assvngvrs in 1906 TREE Your Grandsons Will Be Old Men Before This “Oshawa†Roof Wears Out autho: 3mwa)‘ AHEAD OF THE CAMP {mm of m enuty. “If he gets ches him the clammy flippel blows in here." ms nlo Th 'om him.†f. mamma species in the 10 nam )8] ing‘had just been pulléd of! sents were many and costly. " she said, “our marriage out to be a failure.†859,†he replied, “we can di- Roof your buildings with “Oshawa " Galvanizad Steel Shingles this year! and that will be a. GOOD roof in 200?. We will give you a written guarantee, backed by $250,000, that such a roof, roperly put on, will need no repairs and no painting for at least enty-ï¬ve years. SHAW EHENELEE ute. 1887, 269; [878, 146.000,000 Net, receipts, I ‘6! make roofs water-tight, wind-proog, weather-proof, rust-proof. ï¬re-proof for a century,â€"our plum guarantee kee it so for 25 years withbut a cent of mat. to the man w buys it. ch THAT WHISTLE the the in w} mt 7\D FOR FEW udan Its .' llent‘ 10f “'1 l h ï¬l- 11 m: and 11 no ome familiar him to have ac molhe has Tho 1r ["16 if“ 11 lVE‘S rates and n puuéd of! oh'je 1nd :1er that 190‘ the proud 1d no \\'or]d~ every man to perform [mate and JD i0“ ape‘ am 91'. from Mtcr th coughs. Thoy' up prc 1nd to on It, )oting osum< pecu- open these DC“ men next. line ï¬fty Tl the 1h: an, md lh “I do‘ not. need n library," said the con- cnited author. “I wrile my own books." “Well.†answered the cynic, “there is one advantage in that. You run lea risk of having them borrowed or stolen.†distal Ill ï¬ Holtov MOB CURTAINS III?!" AIIIIOAI DVIIIG 03.. III I", Mound Your Doctor Higgins Live of rs bcncr khan a pure Manitoba flourâ€"4! is bale! than a pure Onlam flourâ€"being bicndcd it combines the best qualuics of helix "Queen City" Is an all-purposes flour. Dale“ Ezggvllue j‘k yaw "for The Campbell C0. lel‘! TMo Jmclion, Ont. OHEVNILLE CURTAINS SHELQH Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough 01' Cold ap ears. HILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement Wi'g‘l a. positive guarantee. The hext firiéwyoï¬vflhve Cough or Cold cure It with Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, butâ€" why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of havinghisprescription ï¬lled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE £052 quarter. Why pay two to ï¬ve dollars when a twent -five cent bottle of SHILOEl’ will cure you as quickly? gins: “Old Gotrox is a distant re- of yours, isnt he 2’" Wiggins: and the richer he becomes the more L he is 2“ tir my sad .1} kind. 0! house Hnnli-(I. lllo “Queen City†Write to In thou: yo]: heals and shoes cause coms. Corn Cure is the article '0 bottle at once and cure your ‘w Campbell’s ngueen City ovao A OLEAI‘IIE) um new.