++++++++++++*+++++++++ half cup cream. one In] two tablespoons grate pepper, cayenne. Heat pan, put in butter, an add cream. Slip in the time. sprinkle wilh sa}: few grains of cayenne. are nearly ï¬rm sprin'r Finish cooking and 56! least. Strain cream O\‘ ‘v w+++++++++++++++++++++ EXCELLEX'I‘ EGGS. slice Shirred l 'Covcr Imlh *el‘ crumbs. and carom with seas bak fir-m shOl Lhey 0V6! slem end slip in a DCPPCR ‘ he w! 1 butt Started a Capiml, One Mrs. {For Until a :few years. ago BJâ€˜ï¬ (‘ora 'B. Miller lived in a manner similaT m that of thousamis of other very pom“ women of the average small town Vana village. She now resides in her own palatial brown-stqne residence. arid. i‘s nsidereii one of the most eucéessful ‘bus‘iness wo- men in “10. United StvaWi. .Mrs. Miller's New Residence, Earned In Less Than one Year. Several years age Mrs. Miller learned of a. mild and simple preparation that ‘rvured herself and several friends of female weakness and piles. she was besieged by so many women needing antment that lube decided to furnish it to those who might call for it. She started with ‘omy a few dollars' capital. and the remedy. possessing true and wonderful merit, pm. ducing mmiy 1‘ul_‘eï¬ when doctors and other remedies failed. the demand grew so rapidly 5h“ was several times compelled w seek larger winners. she now occu. pies one of the city's largest ofliee build~ “Igs, which she owns. and almost one hun- dred clerks and sleqographers are re. quired x0 - * ist in this great business, 111‘ ll( Million Woman Use It. More .tlmn a million women have used Mrs. Miller's remedy. and no matter where you live. she a)“ refer you to ladies in your own locality w_ho can and will 1011 any sulfa-er that, this marvellous remedy really cures women. Despite the fact. that nu. Miller‘s businoss is very extensive. she is always willng to give aid and ad. vice to every sufl‘ermg woman who writes to her. She is a gengrous. good womim. and has demde to give away to women who have never used her medicine $10,- 000.00 worlh absolutmely' FREE, L 0m unv uâ€"-‘ 000.00 wlo absolutely FREE. Every woman euï¬ering wilh pains in the head. back and bowelsa beating-down feelings, nen'ousnesS, Pref-“ling sensations up the spine. melancholy desire to cry, hot flashes. wenriness, or piles from any cause. should sit right down and send her name and address to Mrs. Cora. B. Miller. Box 4583. Kokomo. Ind.. and receive by mail (free of charge in plain wrapper) a meant box of her marvellous medicine; also liar valuable book. which every wo~ man should have. Rememb’er this offer will not last. long. for thousands and thousands of women who are suffering will take advantage of this generous means of getting cured. So if you are ailing. do not suffer ancther day. but send your name and address to Mrs. Miller for the book and medicine bo tore the 810.00000 worth is all gone. Maui me House hunt in a and 111K GDP-1 mozler Few Tears Ag and Now limpll Hundred Cir-rli Slcnogrsphors. Bra 8. Miller Makes a. Fortune m ï¬r Suiss‘ H isse.â€"Four eggs, one one tablespoon butter grated cheese, sall Heat a small omcle Ler, and when melle‘ in the eggs one at ilh sall, pepper and lyenne. When while sprinkle wilh chees: incl serve on buttere 'mm (NP? ihe toast. 1‘! DO V 101‘ Years Ago m'ilh ‘Nn 0w Employ; Nearly in fl] mu m cruml unlil~ w km 5in in ‘D W ["11 ‘dl lh 531 '6d cr t 111 and L11 while shirr ale 1 Tom m pu yolk 1h .'UIWF75‘Ie,--â€". Celery and App tart apples and Cl two cupruls of all lengths. Arrange cups for individua apples and celerg French dressing Rosy tinted apple 1 n the that knit the tar 11' If col'd 1ediale1y m JP Shellac :111 am, for nm the ll 1r ellac poured over ‘anile ware and m ï¬re 6) that, the -. will make them 5 end to 1reIully receptuck should n HR“) from 1TH and Apple 1m n] CELERY SALADS smut} clothes h 1 b3 enameled gure denim or lacked 10 it; b 1' of pockets sh ; in =th&e pooh mall - or 11001' am easily and {If 'I :is i11di<pensnble in a it is needed to keep thei pati-‘enl’s eyes, to guard ‘dmughts or to .shul out medicine bolting or any 3 W6 lpples. to mak i linen absorbent m had to be noes. cut a cap fro Etch, and remove me mm the celery ï¬ne «dressing and ‘the ‘t u] [an out in Ii] em bot! )malc m where screen “18‘ I’C 11 ï¬f! 1911 LCI'V {11 ms in] )I a paste wi ng cement ’3' china; 3 €11 avi ng them ul inl Hu waler ( m minuti 1s, and b‘ an equal < ; been spilled will harden it removed with shellac can cook :usable forza long 110111.41 be made 'kets may be k lotus, articles couon. surgeo tax-d papers, a thermometer. Arrnn nn ihe wom places r vessel held over waler over the minutes, men , and break in- equal quantin ~s, mix with {he rench dressing, and dress with h with whole th 85 or any E01 ‘ work is dent my be made i: use for a tram n while, then :rewnne slretet {one tacking 0‘ {d the 110 cu )0 caves nu w 3n- Ron \Zen m HIE 11 of di 11 One celery into {ether and éing, Chill :ups, and Ire three mix wnh half inch «as with with the | a plain \Vnsh and ) from the in Ty m 8‘ 0V ï¬rmly sake I‘Vin N11 paper me: anon Jr cut m i.\’ pfnl dire lin 3W 11 im 1h gm the for us†once But \ Their daddy's off at worl Their mammy’s tired 2 Both burdened down \Vi Dr‘ \\'illiams‘ Pink Pills Cuer Doctors llud l’uili‘d. Mrs. Quebec, ger of 1 known the city William severe 2 hope to says: “ with in ing efk (1 fly “or m in anaemia. hmduches and inticl<nches,g9n- (“Till weakness, nm‘vous debiliiy. neu- ralgia, rheumatism and the ,lorluring weakening 'ï¬â€™ilmenis that atilict wnmen and growing girls. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or, by mail at ‘50 cents abox or six box-es for $2.50 from The ‘Dr. \N‘il‘iianis’ Medicine «Ga. Brockviile, Ont. . 'lmeresling Gwssip About “'orId‘s 'l’rominent Mat. Charles Manners, the *{amous opera singer, is credited by a London expert with being mm of the ï¬nesL amateur rniIhners living. His creations are said to be equal 10 some of the best Paris models. Rear-Admiral V. (L, holds 1! mg “Father of mg the first 11 instilu’l/ed in 1.‘ seventy-mud 3 in 1834. One or a thousand good : Coquel'ug the great French a iatas that while listening to “II of a new play he fell ‘dSIOPp. 11101‘, much piqued. stopped ar him, asking.â€"â€" “How can a ma asleep form an opinion?" ‘ sir," said Coquelin, with a ya“ is an opinion.†W \V a. And and stain (I. Who \Vfl. , when 11 mn dozen JS lria meme 31 TORTCIH‘ID BY IND" 3ESTION nil 1T1)? 1m the 11' FOR PARENTS ONLY y strengï¬ â€˜errible hc '1 of the 1 th 1U attack simi ‘Abou 1h rld and ar In PEI SAL l'OlNT‘l-ZRS. Tr upon such of the no mi in m )n oweve 1-. He to receive it 1856. He is year, having 1d :beend m1 Charles Davis Lu proud ‘position of he Victoria Cross,†m. Dr hes, diz and sh [ion for m (h hey lable ment 3d he! .1 ion 0111 had alth in ik it, after good stories of ne am th King Some of the !People. mewher worn, arking 3m. .1c1<nches, 39n- (lebility. neu- lhe ,lorluring amict women can get these Ht y £1\Vll W1 Mr: \va m 11 111811 1.0m] fter it was now in his been born new 1 straight. lilments 1n un he 116 pl DIIVE H1 u“). 11 Day surf 1t S€iZ 1L adc H14 mding 2e au- awoke 3n llO Dr lea 1' 11 be- .lI Address, THE HAMlLTON INCUBATOR COMPLH‘I, Limitedï¬r en i Wwwwawwmwwx Th Lord Allerlon, Chairman of the Great Northern Railway Company, 01 Eng~ land, has always been a man of prompt and energetic aciion. The son of a poor tanner. young William Jackson had lo rise before the lark to acquire such school lore as came his way in those days, and by six o‘clock he was hand- ling great. hides in his father‘s factory. When he was only seventeen his father died, a bankrupt. William took up lhe burden of his business, and by lhe lime he was twenly he had paid off his cre- ditors. and ï¬ve years later he was a weallhy man. William Jackson was made a peer in 1902. after representing Leeds in Parliament for upwards of lwentv years. He is now sixlyâ€"six and 1K (Mars. and tin wealmy man. made a peer in Leeds in Pal-1i twenty years. a widower. The crown jewels of the Shah of Perâ€" sia are warm many millions. Among lhem is the sister to the Koh-iâ€"Noor (Mountain of Light). It is a huge stone. 1%in.'1011g and lin. broad, but not very bright, and could be pamonably mis- taken for glass. It dates from 3,000 B.C., and is called the Darya-moon or Sea of ly the ym M 11L m nly Maj : hin with E$¢$¢¢@¢@¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢0¢é OWNED BY THE SHAH yet no pm inheritanc To feel that boy’s arm you; “ would think he was apprenticed to a i biackzmith. per) ha OWH King an 1m The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scott'J EmuIJI'on. A Boston schoolboy was tall, weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabby; He didn’t have a strong muscle in hm entire body. (LI..I) provision "é ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00 HAMII-TON, re I NOW : laaeubators am: Brena: takes only IL’I‘ON ban HAMILTON IL’I‘ONvï¬g'tcl-Jé's big. healthy. ï¬ufl’y HAMILTON Bmonnn will take c Write us m-day [or our big tree and easy terma‘ d Mncd 15 been only c 1Y3 and H} :ubnu nutes nr'dc 1m 1h. Dul a! \Y T mam, made augm- SKIWELTCE HIGH GF ADE M 1n \"ivnnu Polit'v KN n 0 \V telephone,†the mvcnuon 01 an eng neer named \\'eing0ll, and wllh a mu key which unlocks public lelephon boxes dislributt‘d at convenient» staee corners and public ofï¬ces. ‘1 he pocke instrument is used to eslablish count-A lion with the “exchange,†and to call u} subscribers in the usual manner, Dr .Leonhardt‘s Hem-Reid cures any; (arm of Piles. Internal, External, Bleak mg, Blind, Ilching. Suppurating. etc; are simply names of lhe stages through which every case will pass- if it com- linues. Piles are calmed by conga blood in the lower bowel, and an: internal remedy to remove (-11 Dr. Leonhardl‘s Hem-Rold- is- laken internally. and no case ‘ has ever been found it failed.‘ Money bagk if ll. docs 19:11:. $1.00 lit-:11] Fyle Cm, Lin Islands, ovvr m and the me hole a beehive :1 strange inadequal I‘l‘ Baby any n18} ntcd -â€"â€"-THE‘-â€" 1h Way Ron and QUEER Flslllxt The idea of catching H me twice supplied Lone.†U the BABY G \'.\Il}U 11h arsaw Own POCKET an with a ho! enough 0m :1y describ ï¬shermen "ho clap 1h sluggish t pulling U 1 the top. 0 ()ll.‘ NO DIFFERENCE 3L And r1 llal 'hi LEPIION‘I INDEX Yet this does a the method an in the Philippa [r apparatus dou Mom-feeding ï¬s‘ ‘iI‘ hands throug ll‘ilcl their victim 11' Milking suï¬ ï¬sh by means 0 n the t‘op at it i: M I. ll) 3P0 TH( Oll fhc \ s and 8% re, the (em therto pre an sfion :‘t it takes DOC men.