Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Feb 1907, p. 1

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“ “Ellie @iheml ” E‘W‘l‘ A (i S Lindsey}! C G (l E“ lmwronce \V lli-lout Wadsworth Lindsey. Lawrence 2:. W adsworth. Baxristers,301icitors. Notarirs. are. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold LIuIn Bldg). Cm. Adelaide & ‘ Victoria Hts” Toronto. 'L is romasnimnvnxr L‘HURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE' Iiicnuoan HILL,ONT. 1‘. ll‘. MGMAHON, E error; I; P BOPBIETOB. Phone Moin‘mG-l BUSINESS CARDS. Burriau-rs at uni Solirllors. Money on loan onluud andlzhnltel mnrtgngesat lowest rates fa: Ian-II}; ’ DRE. J. BOYD. M. B. M. R. (l. 9.: II. It. (1. P.. Eng. (incwsaon 'ro DR. DEAN) 1%iclnnoud Plill “ i lnI-vupy his prelim-equine office and 3 prepared to do general practice and .-I.~I:I to treat eye, car. nose and throat Ilisr'IHI-s. one door west. of the culinnut to the Ontario Hank Newniarket nfilceâ€"Threc doors south of the 1. mt nilire 'l‘ HERBER'I‘LENNUX (i STV Manon: \urnru newniarkel WILLIAM £00K BAHIIIH'I‘ER, SOLICITUI’I. NOTARY. ETC. Toronto Office. 33 Richmond St. \Vest. \VeSlcv Buildings. Richmond . Hill Ufl‘li-e. Standard Bank Building, 'erery Salurqu after~ noon. ' Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at Five Per Cent (5"2). Visiieutal. V Dd. H. W. ANDERSON, Dentists Mulock. Lee, Milliken & L-In‘. Cal-ltofiLfinndeonge Ste , lark “'ill be in Richmond Hill on \Ved- ' needay of each week. Office. next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Office Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Barristcis. Solicitors. Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS. \V. Corner Kingfi: Yonge Streets, TORONTO. _ Private and Tl‘lh‘t» Funds to loan at, lowest current, rates. Danton, Dunn & Boultbee Barristers, Slvlictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E. TORONTO, Canada. FRAXK BENTON. K. (I. HERBERT L. DUNN l‘)rLâ€"E:_.II"VV;{J; DENTIST, Francis Block. THORNHILL, Ont. Office hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 a. m.; 7â€"8 p. in. Toronto Office. 450 CHURCH ST. m Slimmer}; JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fhornh‘ill. Calla by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. i. Ii. “SANDERSUN. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL ’c-Ills by day and night promptly atâ€" tended to. - W. M ULOCK BOULTBEF Phone Main an. J. ii. LAING Barrister, Solicitor. Etc. Richmond Hill Ofilce. south-east vorâ€" ncr of Lorne Bldg.. every Thursday afternoon. Toronto Oflice. 36 Toronto atreet. MONEY T0 LOAN yr L0\YEST RATES. JAS. NEWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ElaG‘rIlV RIIIJL.‘ Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Yo k M. “TEEFYT :3:“.1:“.°.::3:.i§“"z::1:35;.“ I NOTA RY PUBLIC. rates Residence Unionville oomuxssmnnglx “n G R Gouldmg. Newton Brook. agent for the HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. nbo'o Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ! RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. J. ll. Prentice. J T Snigeon. J K Mellwon Maple Weston Salgcon a: NlcEwcn. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner. Conveyancer. etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. Licensed Auctioneers ferthe County of York. onion “tendedto an shortestnoticennd I. ran.- sonsble rates Patronage solicited D. G. BLOUGH. Limnao Auctioneer for theCounty of anv re- pawfully solicxta your patronage and friendly influence soles attended on the shortest notice Ind ntronaonnberntea. P.O.nddress Kine I J. EDWARD FRINCIS NOTARY PUBLIC ‘ COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY RUYA L AND BRITISH ‘ AMERICA ASS. COS. REAL ES'I'ATE, ETC. i TI OR ‘ SINGER 'I NEILL 233,5..- 93-4.\.‘,.,I.;r:;‘ . :=-. .,~:~ ‘w - I..'( .5... \-. WRIGHT BROS, linderlakers a Emhalmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILLE . . l Sewmg Machines! Repairing of all kinds. Send a post Aurornnflineâ€"llemmeu Lotho old post olhn.) ‘ ithat. prece-lcd her “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty - VICTORIA SQUARE. It was with reng-t that we learned If the (lo-nth of Mr. JohnTrudgoun. who died on Tuesday, Fol). Ill, in his 1 tifllh your and who Was huricd hcre on 'l‘hursday. FI-h. Zl. lie was horn on .lhe iuh run. of Markham, near lhi9~~ villain: and li\'l‘ll tin-re unlil .‘IlHIlIl l four _\'t'ill‘.\ ago, “in-II ln- l'l'lll't‘ll from fanning and II-mmvd ll! .\ll. .ln_\'. where lll' has since l'l‘\'l(l('(‘. \'i\ I‘ll luy lli< wifu' lfIvrIIn‘I‘ly (lullII'IiIII' Tipp, one Hill]. John l-lI-rhI-rl; :Ind liu~ Il-IIIghlI'Is, Mrs. J. Taylor. Locust llill: I (lI-Itrudo. NI-lliv. and Bertha at home. Mr. 'l‘I-uIlgI-un was .I sufferer from :llfll\(‘ wurk siIu-I- ho Il‘lll‘l'll. Gunivil, ,kinIl-hI-arII-(l and gl'lll‘l‘nllx‘. lll‘ mado many l‘IionIls. HUI-eased wae. with tlIP (-huil‘ Mo was a IIII-In- )‘I-:ll'\' wa< connected ’llf tho l'lllll'('ll lll‘l'l‘. politim was a life-long (‘voiismratiwu HIT. Mr. lmhann of Markham. who had charge- of the sm‘vil'v. preached a. Very impressive Sermon from l’.~aln| RI»): -l. Hl‘ referred to tho kindly dis- posilion and musical ability of the de- veaswl in fl’('lillg terms. ThI' ler-arvd family hau- lhe sympathy of a large (‘iI'I-h' llf friendx'. Although expected, deth (‘nmc 9nd- dcnly Uh Mr. John (llifl’ord of this phu‘l', on Thursday. Feb. 21. Mr. Clif- ful‘d, dropsy had been remole In the Genâ€" eral Hospital, Toronto, for treatment. in hopes of recovery. The deceased was in his Tlst, year. and had resided He was engaged in the building trade and was very widely known. The. re- mains weru brought to hix~ late rI-si- on Saturday afternoon at. ‘2. o'clock to Heiae l‘lill Conn-(cry. \th-re a largo numher of friends assembled to pay their last tribute to a, former friend. Elders H. Heise and 'l‘. Doner preach- ed and horn testimony lo the slerlin qualitiesof Mr. Clifford, who will he very much missed in this neighbor- llund. He had a long illness which he hore very patiently. He is survived hy his second wife, and tun sons, George of Toronto, John. and Mrs. J. Homer by a former marriage. many friends extend sympathy to the widow and family. Victoria Square, Slahtown. and Osterville Were l'epl'esPlited at, the. \VI-st York S. S. Convention h'eld in Richmond Hill, Thursday and Friday. Mr. Jess. (look took part in the vocal exercises at Bethesda League on Tuesday evening. the 19th Inst. Mr. \Valter Fl'ialny who has been home with an attaI-k of mm‘nps, has returned to his studies at, the Normal ‘ College, Hamilton. is‘ visiting her hiother. Mr. Gen. DI-IIâ€" ms. Messrs. Bunting of Toronto, and PethiI-k of Richmond Hill, accompan- ied Rev. Mr. Irwin on Sunday, and sang a duet. and .VII'. Bunting a. solo at the afternoon service. Mr. Murray Rnwhothnm of the Sovereign Bank, Unionville. paid It flying visit to the Square Thursday evening. Mr. Alex. Clifford of Cohocnnk, was down to attend his brother's funeral. 0" ommnn sense is better than war, save your common cents by trading with Atkinson & Switzer. -â€" â€"‘-o | DEATH OF MRS. SPRAGGE. ‘ land “from Whose hourne no traveller returns.” This week. with sorrow. The Times chronicles the death of Crook Spraggc, a. lady wellknown to all the. old, and to a great many of the more recent residents of the town. Mrs. Spragge was horn eighty Voars . ago at Loriidge Farm, the old-family residence at Richmond Hill. win-lice, after her marriage. she removed tI. Toronto. After II. few years of city life shecame to Owen Sound, which was then but a small village. During her long residence here. she \valohmi, with keen interest, the village develop into a thrivingr city. Her gonlf‘. Kind- ly disposition won for her a. host of friends, who. during tho painful illness death, Vlt'd will) one another in kindly attentions to her and her family: hI-r large-hearted charity will long he, l't'llll‘lllllr'l'l‘d hy the humble poor to whom it was so I unosientatioudy tendered: her guilc- less hl‘lllt‘kt'l‘plng spirit (‘Xlrl'l'lsl’ll a henefivialef’fect upon all with whom she came in Contact. In Ioligi In she was a loyal member of the (‘Lnrch nf England. Besides her two 501s. Mr. Jlisf’pll R. Spragge. Toronto. II.d Mr. J. George Spruggt’ (if this lmn, tho ward at once. ' Organs cleaned and tuned. l A large stock of Funeral Furnishings Masmi &' Risvh Pianos. i kept at both places. F. J. PETHICK ' ' AG ENI‘ RICHMOND HILL, - I I l I l l I I I Ripaus Tabules cure dizzineaa. Ripans Tabules: at drugglm l ONT. deceased lady leaves to mourn 'I‘ v-r lIIas fiYt' daughters, Mrs. John Rubi nun of this town. Mrs. T. I). Gown-r of \VeL land. Mrs. J. N. Boer of llirlunnnd Hill, and [he .‘lias’rs Emma and .\l:IIIIl Spraggr, at home. Funeral from St. Gemge's church at 2.45 on \'a: urday afternoon.~Uwcn Sound Times. “0 i‘ \‘IIr-I ‘ "~‘ "M‘- IIIII-_., n. (lanel. Ml. .lny: and Miww“ LNNrIX & MORGAN, Brigid's din-aw. whiI-h kept him from ' wry 1 fund of muSiI', and for ll\'(‘l' l\\‘t‘l\l_\'- III-r of the Methodist ('lllll'l'h and in‘ who had lll'f‘ll suffering from a at Victoria bqnare nearly all hi“ life. , (II-nee heie, and the funeral took [dare I X 3 Sick?!) ordistross your child. Tth‘ Mrs. Jarvis Story of Bloominlz‘lun. ‘ One by one the early pioneers of. v Owen Sound are stealing away to the I Mrs. SpIagge. widow of the late John I l l. MASONIC GATHERING. An enjoyahle time waS spent in i Richmond Lodge, A. F. & A. M.. Mon- day evening. when If. \V. Bro. I). A. illadcliffv. l). D. (1‘. .\l.. paid the lodge, an "official" visit. Brethren were prom-III. l'II-m Aurora. Maple. Thorn- ‘ hill. and other plaNâ€"‘s. and altogether 31 I-egiSIeII-Il. After routine husmI-ss. a mnnlidate wa< raiswl to the Thild l)":_'l‘l‘l'. A brotherly criticism follow- ‘t-Il. and \Vor. Bro. 'l‘. A. Lamou and his Uilll'v'l‘\‘ \\'('l'(‘ highly coIIIpliInentI-d on llll‘ mannv-I- in which the work was pvrfdrlned. After the lodge was “clos~ i rd" all l‘l'pflll'l'd to the Dominion l-lIIuSe. whore an cxcvllenl. spread had lII-I-n pleHI'P(l by Mr. and Mrs. D. ‘Smng. The hanquettinar hall was neat- lr aml appropriately decorated, hluc llPlllg’ thv predominilting color. An interesting programme of toasts, re- spmmvs, Songs. and instrumentals fol- lIuwml. Bro. Lamon presided. and on , hi< right was the gave! of tln- evening. After "The King: and the Craft" was pl'npnxl'd and responded to. the \Vor. ; Master proposed “The Grand Master Iand Grand Lodge of Canada." This was rcepondcd to by ll. “'01: BI‘IIS. D. A. Radcliffe and H. A. Nirholls. and V. Wor. Bros. Newton and McMahon. Next came the “District Chaplain," and \Vor. Bro. A. I’. Bl‘HI'C. B. D., the present, holder of the office. replied. “Visiting Brethren“ brought forth good Speeches from \Vor. Bros. Taylor and BI-aund. Amora: McLean. Bailey. Richardson. and McDonald. Male Riddell and Thompson. Thornhill: and A. Boyle. Montreal. \Vnr. BI'OS. Lamon, Neth-I-y. (lroshy, and Hill rI-plivd on hehalfnf “Richmond Lodge" A call for the candidate brought forth a neat speech from Bro. J. N. Morgan. ‘ Bro. Mr-Kcvhnie contributed Several violin selections, and Songs- were sung lay Bros. ‘Vright, Thomson, Uowie. and Newton. __...__ Group can positively he stopped in 120 minutes. No vomitingâ€"nothing to A sweet. pleasant, and safe Syrup. called Dr. Shoop's Group (lure. does the work and does it. quickly. Dr. Shm-p’s Group Cure is fol-Group alone, remem- her. It does not claim to cure a dozen ailments. It‘s for Group, that's all. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Maple. Afters long and painful illness MI. Adam Diceman passed away last Fri- ; day night. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon .to the Maple cemetery and was largely attended. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Boyd. formerly of this place will he. grieved to hear of the death of the lattei which took place a few weeks ago at Regina. Mrs. Boyd was the - daughter of the late Mr. .lacnhllnport. Mr. and Mrs. Carney of the “Son” are the (meats of Rev. and Mrs. J. E. l VVIlson at the parsonage. ' Mr. D. MaWe. of Barrie is visiting E at the home of Mr. Geo. Gal-row. Miss Ethel Rupert returned on Satâ€" urday evening from a. pleasant visit in Toronto. N ews N ones. Lieutenant - Governor Snowball IIdropped dead at, Fi-edI-ricton (N. B.) \Vhal is believed to he a lake. of oil was struck in Romney township, and waste. Duncan 0. Ross, the Liberal cnndi~ (late in \'Ve-st .l‘llddlUSl‘X was on W'wl- nesday of last week I-lectcd by 145 majorin over G. A. Stewart, Conscr- vative nominee. Mr. David .lohnx‘ton. over 0 years ‘of age, slipped and fell when going ‘ into the Aurora pn'sl? ufilce last week. His hip was fractured and he (lied the following Saturday. Devvnxed was .fatherâ€"iirlaw of lion. E. J. Davis. I ‘v...... ______ i “’9 will sell during the month of ‘MaIl-h: Carlil'urnia suede-d California prImI-S all sixes. fig". dates, cleaned curiants‘. now for a few days 23 lbs. extra granulated sugar for $1.00. and sugars. lower than Toronto prim-s for lit-st goods. Atkinson 8; 'SwiIZI-r. vâ€"râ€"AOM" llCHTRA\VSERâ€"ROBINSON. A Very pretty wedding \\':I\‘ SIIlI-mm i7.I-d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. JammRohinSon.Smithfield.Elohirokc, I-II \VI-(lnesday. the 30th (If Feliruary. . when their scrond daughter. Annie Louisa was mania-d ln MI. “'iiliani Hostrawscr. The ceremony was per- formed by Ilm‘. I7. .I. Adams in lhz- |)l'(‘.\(>'lIL'l-' of .Ilmnl, sevvnlv relatives and intimate friends. i: down edly popular was the recipient of a large, numlwr ofprrzente lmLh Imp. fill and beautiful. After the Cl‘l‘l‘llIHlH' an excellent. suppI-r waq partakeu HI. and the l1~llal toasts followvd. Thi- fI iI-ndx‘ separated at a. Svasonahle hour. with many I\'l\llP\' for lill‘ l'nIurI: linpplllvsx and pInspI-rity (If the punt; mnplo who had heun joined togI-LIII-r. E while walking to church Sunday night. . 'I‘IIIJ III-Idi- whl. , of “'ond ’5 Haste n Buy a pound coffee at Atkinson & Switzcr‘s, I-l either 30. 35, Ill or 450. per "1., and enjoy the highest perfection pfiSsillll‘ in coffee. What Do They Cure? The above uestion ls often asked con: eernlng Dr. lerce‘s two leading medl- clnes. "Golden Medical Discovery” and “Favorite Prescrl tion.” The answer lspthat "Golden Medical Discovery ” is a most, potent. alterative or blood-purifier. and tonic or inwgomtor and acts especially favorably In I; cura- tlvc way upon all the mucous llning sur- faces. as of the nasal passages, throat. bronchial tubes, stomach, bowels and bladde , urlng a. large er cent. of catar- rhalc .s vhether e lsease affects the nasal pa. 3 s. the t at. larynx. bron- chia, stomach as can r l dyspepsia). bewelsdas mu 0‘ . bladder. i is a powerfu yet. gem y acting nwgrah lng tonic and nervine. out, over-worked womenâ€"no matter what has caused the breakâ€"down, “ Favorite Prencri tion "will be found most. effective In buil ing up the strength. regulating the womanly functions. subduing pain and bringing about a. healthy, Vigorou condition of the whole system. ‘ A book of particulars wraps each bottle giving the formula of both medlcmes and quoting what scores of eminent med- Ical authors, Whose works are consulted by physicians of all the schools of proctICe as guides in prescribing. say of each Inâ€" grcdicnt entering into these medicines. The words of praise bestowedpn the several ingredients entering into Doctor Pierce's medicines by such erters should have more weight, than any amount. of non‘professional testimonials, because Such men are writing for the guidance of their medical brethren and know whereof they speak. Both medicines are non-alcoholic non- secret, d contain no harmful habltâ€" forming ru 3, being composed of glycerin extracts of t e roots of native, American medicinal forest plants. They are both sold by dealers In medicine. You can I. afford to accept, as a substitute for one of these medicines of known composition. an secret. nostrum. Sr. Plerce’s Pellets. small, sugar-coated, ' easy to take as candy, r ulate and m« I vlgorate stomach, liver an bowels. l N Juices I Agent for Fire and Life In- i l l surance l , A.\ID I Bearing Farm Im- I plements IRiehmOmI ; Hill. I several thousand barrels of oil ran to I raix‘ins, I Get my rates and prices before 010- fing business else- Where. , l. EMILE NEWTON Pianist lnrli llL'fll‘ll iI}lll:I::il;j-lilzl)‘ing :IIIIl l’upil In A. S. \'Infl. .‘Ilu~. llnu', IP‘nIIIII. and J. H. AngI-r. I". ll. ('. l). (Them) 1. \\'wan--Il:Iys and Saturdays. ltImIn ll (' lll‘Hll ('lInIHlnd'", r'nr. ("llllnll :IIIIl Yong“ 515.. Toronto.

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