Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Feb 1907, p. 4

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’i‘nmil. RICHENDTEILL. ONT.. Feb. 28. 1907 CONVENTION 01“ WEST YORK S. S. ASSOCIATION. The 17th Annual Convention of the West York S. S. Association Was held in the Methodist church on Thursday and Friday last. It is 16 years avo since it met here before. and on that occasion it was the inauguration of its existence as a separate county. The convention was opened on Thursday with President Douglas in the chair. The organ was presided over by Miss \Viley and the singing was led by Mr. A. J. Hume. During the morning session Rev. J. McP. Scott of Toronto gave an excellent talk during the quiet hour. In the. afternoon Normal Diplomas to those who had successfully passed the four parts of the Teacher Training course Were presented by Rev. A. P. Brace to seven graduates and certificates of standing to four others who had be- longed to his class but had not finished the complete course. Mr. A. J. Hume gave a paper on " The Scholar and the Book " which was very favorably received by those present. and heartily endorsed by those who discussed it. Mr. Ambrose Kent took part in a very carefully prepared -address on the importance of the work. and of looking for the salvation of the youth. quoting Wonderful statistics showing that 96% of all who are led to the better way are. Won before 25 years of age. and that the. chances of change after that age are only 4%. In the eVening session Mr. Brace. the pastor of the church. gave. an address of welcome to the convention. Some. excellent music was given by the combined choirs. and a solo by Miss Ethel Swithr which Was iuucb appreciated. Rev. W. E. Hassard gave an address on the up-to- date Sunday School. The Words given by the speaker will not soon be oigotten. and if we only could come nearer to the ideal which he set up we should do much more efiicient work in this field. On Friday morning the convention was opened by Mr. J. J. Gartshore who called on Miss Hitchon of Toronto to give a talk on “How to obtain Teaching POWer." This subject Was very ably and scripturally presented. and many said that it would be a help to them in the days to come. Mr. T. P. Padget then present- ed the claims of the. homedepaitment. which werediscussed freely by the delegates and heartily endorsed. At this stagea resolution was presented to the convention deploring the fact that the dates of this convention and that of the Dominion Alliance had clashed. and a strongly worded resolution denouncing the "3-5 clause” was heartily adopted and ordered to he presented by them in their inter- view with the Provincial Parliament that day. Mr. Wm. Douglas was next called upon to give a talk on “Peisonal Work with the Scholars." The paper and its discussion seems to have made adeep impression on the convention. and much good must come. of its iii- spiring Words. The reports of the Primary Department and the, Teacher Training were given at two different periods. and heartin accepted by the convention. Mrs. Abbott had done yeouian service among the Primary workers, and was ie-elecled to her position. The Teacher Training idea \u as accepted as a grand idea. but some of the remarks of Mr. Clenimer. the Supt. Called foith warm discussion. In the afternoon session great trea ts were In store in the addresses given by Mr. H.W. Brown. the present Teacher Training Sec‘y of the. Province. and Mr. E. A. Hardy his predecessor in office: the former also gave the last Sunday’s lesson in Model form illus trated by the. blackboard. The last evening session was all that it Would be desired to be. The singing by the choir. and the song service was excellent. Solos Were also sung by Miss Marsh and Miss Switzer. Rev. James Murray of Toronto gave a fitting climax in his most enthusiastic address and left Words which will long inspire those who heard them. He took the importance of the work among the young. and quoted the strongest facts and figures to show that it was not mere sentiincntalism but the shrewdest business to consider the. youth as the most valuable of the chutch. Then was closed one of the most helpful and inspiring conventions ever attended by so many of the delegates who so warmly expressed themselves. They all spoke in the highest terms of the royal welcoineand hearty hospitalâ€" ity which had been given to them dur- ing their stay. '1 be following resolutions were passâ€" ed by the Convention 2â€"â€" 1. Expressing thanks for the success that had attempted the Work since its formation in this church 16 years ago. when Mrs. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott and others who are now present were and have been since enthusiastic workers. Thth our respected friend. Mr. \Vm. Harris‘on. who was elected the. first president having presided during the time between the division of the county till that convention 16_ Years ago when be (Mr. Harrison) was electe d. 11. That a. letter be sent to Rev. Mr. Grant expressing our sorrow that sick- ness has prevented his being present with us. F111. Thatn letter be sent to Mr. O. ‘ 1"». Stanton expressing our regret that he has lost so faithful a wife who was aISo so loyal a. worker in Primary work. 1V. Endorsing the Cradle the Home Departments. V. Recommending: the Teacher Ti ruining Conise to our schools. VI. Urging the observance of toll and ‘ Decision Day. I VII. Recommending to the churches to which we belong the benefits \‘tiIIh ing ftom their supplying the schools , With the necessary supplies and allow- " Iing the offerings of the scholars to be used for Miasions other benevo- leiices. l VIII. Suggesting separate. rooms or curtaincd ufl' places for each class for the best work. 1X. That the temperance pledge be ‘kcpt before our scholars at suitable times. . X. That thanks be given to the. oflirers of the past year and to those Who have duringthe Convention so ‘lldllllt'ithly contiibuted to the success of the Sessions and in between in any way. ('1' --o A NOVEL BAROMETER. THE LIBERAL has received from the, Canada Printing Ink Company. Toronto. a calendar which may be said to be both useful and ornamental. The calendar is much llike the. ordinary calendars. but the barometer is made on a different prin- ciple to those usually seen. It bears the picture of a well-fed donkey to which is attached the regulation tail. ' We cannot tell of what material the terminal a pendage is made. though it looks li e ordinary woollen yarn. The directions are as follows:â€" Hang outside. and if you find the tail dry the Weather is FAIR: if tail is Wetâ€"RAIN: if tail is swinging~ WINDY; if tail is Wet and swinging â€"-STORMY; if tail is h~o7.enâ€"â€"COI.D. We have no doubt that if the directions are followed the donkey will prove a reliable weather indicator. « Piles get quick relief from Dr Shoop‘s Magic Ointment. Remember it‘s made alone for Pilesâ€"and it works with certainty and satisfaction. Itch- ing. painful. protruding. or blind piles disap earlike magic by its use. Try it not seel W. A. Sanderson. 5_â€"-â€"â€"."__=â€"-. Auction Sales. SAIGEON & MCEWEN‘S SALES. March Iâ€"Farm stock and imple- ments, the property of George Mills. five miles from Schomberg. FRIDAY. March 1â€"12 heavy draught horses. at Brown’s hotel. Toronto Junction. property of J. A. Johnston. SATURDAY. March 2 â€"â€" Horses. vehicles and household furniture at Temperanceville. the properly of Theo. Carscadden. SATURDAY. March 2â€"Farm stock and implements. the property of 11}. J. Kurtz. near Nashville. March 4.-â€"Faim stock and imple- ments.ythe property of R. Taylor. Castle-more. Toronto Gore. MONDAY. Mulch 4â€"Farm. lot 21. con. 2. King, the property of A. H. Green. March Sâ€"Farni stock and imple- ments. the property of Alfred Cowton. lot 8. Con. 23. Albion. WEDNESDAY. Mar. 6â€"Farm stock, implements and furniture. on lot 11. rear con. 7. King. property of Samuel Ireland. Sale at one o‘clock. Terms. 8 mos. March fiâ€"Farm stock and imple- nients. the property of W. M. \Vilson, County Peel. near Mayfield. THURSDAY. March 7â€"Colts and cattle, at McCarter’s Hotel Yards. Nobleton, property of Allan Fuller. March 7â€"Farm stock and imple- ments. the property of \V. Bmilit', Downsview. March &â€"F'arm stock and imple- ments. the. property of T. A. Farr. Thistle-town. FRIDAY. March 8â€"Farm stock and implements. the property of Chas. Harrison. lot 20. con. 5. Vaughan. SATURDAY. March 9â€"A farm at the Queens Hotel. Aurora. SATURDAY. Mar 9â€"Fai in stock. ctc.. property of Mrs. Newton, near Clair- ville. SATURDAy. colts at Harris Terms 9 months. MONDAY. Mai-ch llâ€"Credit sale of farm stock. implements etc.. the property of Alfi ed Stong. lot 16. con. 1. East York. Lansing. March ILLâ€"Farm stock and imple- ments. the property of Thomas Dunn, lot 12. Con. 9. Vaughan. March 13~Farm stock and imple- ments. the propeity of Ur. VV. Verral. lot 20. con. 1. Etobicoke. March Hâ€"Farm stock and imple- ments. the property of Thus. Alepine. near Downsview. March IBâ€"«I’aiin stock and imple- ments. the property of James Zeber, lot 20. con. 2. Tecumseh. FRIDAY. March 15â€"â€"Farm stock, im- plements. etc.. property of \Valter Benson. Richmond Hill. SATURDAY. March ltiâ€"Fm-m stock. implements. etc.. property of Mr. Mt'Cai tei. near Schoniberg. SATURDAY. March lUâ€"â€"Auctiou sale. of household fziinilure. the property of Ed. Maiwood. lot 32. con. 4. Vaughan. MONDAY. March l8â€"«Farm stock. implenn-nis. etr.. property of I). Leek. March 18â€"Farin stock and imple- ments. the property \V. Cooper. lot 2.5. con. 7. Vaughan near Kleinbui'g. March 9â€"â€"Horses and Hotel. Schoinberg. l I intents. the property of I). and Ii. 1I‘vic’di-achy. near Coleraine. on old V plank ioad. i \Vl-ZliNlCSDAY. March roe-Auction- sale of horses. cattle and vehicles. the property of \‘i'm Jones, lot :37. con. 2. I Vaughan. 1 \\'i:ii.\i:sinxv. Mar. {IOâ€"Farm stuck. implements, e-te.. pioperty of M. Davis. nea r S bombeig. Turn-1:... \' .\i;ircli 21~Credit sale of oils. fresh milk cows. springers iand young cattle at the Maple Leaf Ilolel Yards. Maple. \VEDNESDAY, March sale of household property of Miss lileinL-urg. horses. v IIIâ€"Auction furn iturc, the S. H. \Vaison. Match warm-m stock and Vim le-i . P l HOCKEY TO-I'IGIIT. Those. who enjoy a good game of hockey should not fail to see the match to be played in the rink this ('l‘hursday) evening. between the J. F. Brown septette and Richmond Hill‘s first seven. The game. will be called at 8.15. and the rink will be open for all skateis both before and after the match. Admission to skaters and non-skaters. 15 cents: ladies and chil~ dren. It) cents. The City team holds an enviable position this winter. and the local seven are pin-pared to give a good amount of themselves. Every-i body invited. CHANGE IN STORE. Mr. Frank E. Sims. who has pur-v chased the property known as the Metropolitan Store. next door north of the \Vaititig Room. has issued a circular stating that he will commence business early in March. He Will have a new stock of grocei ies. confectionery. oysters. fruits. and almost everything else, to be found in an up-to-date grocery. Mr. Sims solicits patronage. and will be prepared to fill all orders promptly. Butter and eggs will be, taken in exchange. Mr. Sims will carry a full line of wall paper samples at reasonable prices. A PLEASANT SHOWER. Saturday afternoon. 23rd inst. at the home of her cousin. Miss Mary E. Lane. Toronto. Mrs. A. G. Savage was honored and surpiised by a kitchen shower in \1('\V of her entering a home of her own. The decorations of the dining room. where refreshments \vere served. consisted of crimson ca rnations and smilax. On ieturning to the drawingn-oom, the guests seated them- selves in a circle. the seat. of state be- ing reserved for the honored one, of the occasion. and she was asked to oc- cupy it. Following this a large wicker b sket. laden witligifts and suspended from the centre of the room by crim- SUI) ribbons. showered its contents upon Mrs. Savage. Very pleasantly for all assembled. the shower passed away. -W ______ Audi-Almâ€" “FFâ€""i" i OHJCS J. H. PRENTICE’ SALES. SATURDAY. Mar. :5â€"â€"Valuable. farm. being east. half of lot 22. con. 5. Mark- ham. containing 111 acre-s. the estate of the late John Pingle. Sale at Queen‘s Hotel. Uiiionville. atZo'clock. TUESDAY. Mar. 5â€"h‘arm stock. implements. etc.. on lot 2. con. 8, Markham. the property of “7m. Ash. Sale at 1. Terms. 9 months. VVEDNESDAY. Mai. (5~â€"Faxm stock. implements. etc., on lol, 23. con. 5. Markham. the property of Jas. Ogg. Sale at 11. Terms. H months. THURSDAY. Match 7â€"Farin stock and implements. on lot2. C: n. 2. East York. [be property of Mrs. Mary Robertson. Sale at 12 o'clock. Eight months. FRIDAY. Mar. Sâ€"Farin stcck. implements. etc., on lot 13. con. 1. East York. the property of John Denby. Sale at 1. Terms. 8 months. SATURDAY, March Qâ€"Farui stock and implements. on lot 22. con. 3. Scarboro. the property of John Heron. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. MONDAY. March Ilâ€"Farm stock and implements. on lot 12. con. 2. Mark- ham. the property of A. B. Elson. Sale. at I. Terms 9 months. IZâ€"â€"Farm stock. ’I‘UEsDAY. Mar. iiiipleiuents. etc.. on lot 18. con. 2. Markham. the property of F. H. Helinkay. Sale at 12. Terms, 8 months. WEDNESDAY, Mar. l3â€"-Farm stock. implements. etc.. on lot 22. Con. 1. East York. Yonge street. the. property of Bilton Bros. Sale at ll. Terms. 8 months. THURSDAY. Mar. liâ€"Farm stock. implements. etc.. on lot 10, con. D. Scat-born. the property of Jno. Dix. Sale at. 10. Terms. 8 months. FRIDAY. Mar. 15~â€"Farm stock. im- plements. etc.. on lot 35. mm. D. Scarboro, the property of Mrs. D. Morrison. Sale at 1. Terms. 8 months. SATURDAY. March IIIâ€"Farm stock, implements. etc.. lot 9. con. 2. West York. the property of E. A. Armstrong. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months. MONDAY. March 18â€"Farm stock. implements. etc.. on lot 26. con. 5, Scaiboro, the property of Jas. Stone- house & sou. Sale at 12. Terms, 9 months. TUESDAY. Mar. IIIâ€"Farm stock. implements. etc.. on lot 16. con. 2. \Vest York, the property of Jos. Jack- son. Salc at 1 o‘clock. Terms. A months. WEDNESDAY. Mar. 20thâ€"Farm stock. implements. etc.. on lot 35. con. 1. Markham. the properlyof R. (lilst‘ly. Sale at 12 o‘clock. Terms. 8 months. THURSDAY. Mar. 21-4mm stock. implements. etc.. on lot 10. con. ‘2. 1‘1:th Yolk. the property of Jos. Smith. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Terms. 8 months. FRIDAY. Mar. 23‘.’ a Farm stock. implements. rte... on lot 1. con. 2. i Vaughan. the property of Jno. Mc-’ Bride. Sale at IL! o‘clock. Terms. 1) months. . SATURDAY. .Iarch ZirfiFHI'lll slot-k- and implements. on lot .‘11. con. 23.’ Scat-born. the property of John J<:hu~ 1 'Sun. Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms 5 months. MONDAY. March 25â€" Farm mock and 'iu.p!enients. on lot 16. con. lo. Mark- ham. the property of David Hale. Sale at 1 o‘clock. 'l'eims 5 months. THURSDAY. March 2‘1â€"~Fuini ailK‘lii and implenn-nts. east of I‘lavisvilie the properi y of liiied I’ip'nrr. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. .‘vloNtiAY. April 1â€"Fai in stock imple- ments. on lot 3. A" [12. East York llie property of John (,‘oiirtm-y. Hall at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. "inaus Tabules cure constipation. moans Techies cure bad breath. { V'nuns 'l‘abulc: cure nausea xtlpam. Tabules: for sour stomach. \ merit. The Restorative reaches throughout the . ed mucous surfaces. heals local weaknesses and . strength. vigor. and energy. ..‘... * i. ‘ y... â€" w Chailiam lawless? On Time Do you know there is big monev in raisin"r you know there is more money in A than in almost anything else you can do ll time and trouble it takes? Do you know pay you a bigwer profit than any other tb on your place Well. all these things are true. and I c Thousands of people all over Can year for the last five years. Iwant to quote you a price on my Clutham Incubator. â€"sold ON TIME. Want to send you :n'.‘ Clintliam book. This incubator book is {755â€" I‘ll send it tovon for just 2*. ostal card. It tells you a lot you ought to know about film oultry busmessâ€"it tells you how to make moi/L'yoirt. of chickensâ€"it tells you how my Cbaiham lncuharorwiil r 2 , _ you more money than you can make with hensâ€"tar n-w .~ \ ' and with less trouble. This book tells you how my Incubators are niadeun’hy the: 1 ~ - the best ever inventedâ€"and why I sell them 0N TIMI; and k... a 5~Year Guarantee. My Company has been in business in Canada for over 50 verrs. We are one of the largest wood-working factories in the Cour. We also operate a large factory at Detroit. Illicn. We have tit-.- ln- cubator and Broodcr business down to a science. Chatliam Incubators and Brohders will “ISIS? you money. f ' c Chatbam Incubator will hatch a live. healthy chicken cut oil e v fertile. egg put into it. in 21 days. Will you write for my book today? Do it now while you think of it. Just 5 iy on r. postal "Please send me your Incubator Book"â€" that‘s all. Address me personally. Manson Campbell President The Mar * - * Camp-be“ Cm, Ltd. Dco F145 Chntham, Ont. NOTE ~ . .rry lurgcatocks and Iihlp promptlyfrom branch houses at Calgary.Alta., Zvlontreul.’0uc.: Bran don. Mart; Halifax. N. D . ‘i'icmria. B. C.. and factory at Chatham. .22; assume-w ..~ _ pollltl'T'? Do a good incubator 11' the amount of [my incubator Will mg you can have an prove it. ads. 1131‘?!) proved at every Guaranteed 1' ive Years 2... l Ari"? has it . i APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT To stop a cold with “ Preventics" is safer than to let it inn and rule it afterwards. Taken at the “sneeze stage” Preventics will head off all colts and Grippe. and perhaps Save. I Take notice that an application will you from Pneumonia or Bronchitis. be made to the Legislature of the Preventics are little-[(HIIIISUIIIP candy Province of Ontario at its next Sese cold cure tablets selling in 5 cents and .I sion. for an Act to incorporate a Comâ€" 25 cent boxes. If you are chilly. if ’ pany to be known as “The Artesiaii you begin to sneeze. try PHWPIIIICS. Water Cm. Limited," with power to They will surely check. the cold. and 1 survey lands in any part or parts of please you. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. the County of York ; to sink wells or ___.... . tunnels; to dig trenches in or through It is nut easy t” “mm m keep a privateorpnblic pioperty: to lay or housph.)ld “runnn “(wk it“ "t mm.“ sink pipes or mains. to convey water A young husband gave his wife a neat ‘ '" “ml ,l-h'M'Sh 5"“h Pill?” hm" ”" t” liLL19,".t “Wk wen”). huund find any plill)I-.UI‘ points in County of York: designed to be inviting in appn-aranre. ’ t" “mum”? .SUCh W"““v “‘“nelsv H9 also gave he]. rm}, dunmx‘ "mi ' trenches and pipes and keep them ii: said: "I want you to put down what I ‘ "PW"? U" L“ “'1” "P “‘“I'Pi 1“ “'9‘” give you on this side. and on the other i hulldmgs~ nmchinr’ry. "(it"dl’ilfi’i'l and write down the way it goes. and in "ffi‘rv‘m's f"" lhf‘ Pullmsw “f th“ two weeks I will give you anolher (")“lpi'nyv ""d hmm ""V I3lam "009*." supply." Two Weeks later he asked l Silly L" PI"’P*‘1‘IY CRII‘Y Out the l’11?”- for the book. “Oh, I have. kept that" "ms of thy Guinean)“: t“ be“ such account," said the young matron; , Wi‘lt’l' 1" [llledufllSv firm". “OPPI'I‘ "here it is." And on one page was I “PM” puhlm "I‘d Px'lvuu‘v um] mnni' inscribed: “Received from Fred fifty " c‘lMl “""P‘fl'dtions: .tO 9xl”‘”l"'l"l"v dunms‘n and m. thp “ppmjte was [his purchase or otherWise acquire land summary, inspent “Inn.” oi lands required for the foregoing . ‘ purposws; to enter into contracts for . the supply of water to the Municipal Corporations of the Villages of Rich- “ iiiond Hill. Maikham and \Veslon; of the towns of North Toronto and Toronto Junction. and of the Town- ships of W'hitchurch. Markham. Vaughan and York respectively for fire service and dometic use for iv period of tWenty years or up- wards. To authorize the Councils of any of the above Municipalities with- out the consent of the ratepayers to pass by-laws exempting the property of the Company from taxation or to fix the Company’s aSsessment or to commute the Company's taxes. and for such further rights and powers as may be deemed necessary to the propcrand legal carrying out of the business of the Company. \V. A. \VERRETT. 77 Victoria Street. Solicitor for the Applicants. Datgd at Toronto. 14th December. 1906. 14-; NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Solomon ()ster. late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York. Carpenter. deceased. OTICE is hereby given purâ€" suant to the “ReVisetl Statutes of Ontario. 1897. Chapter 129." that all creditors and others havit.g claims' against the estate of Solomon Oster. v late of the. Township of Vaughan in the. County of York. Carpenter. deâ€" ceased. who died on or about the 22nd day of December. 1905, at the said Township of Vaughan. are required on or before the 2nd day of April.1907. to send by post, prepaid. or deliver to the undersigned solicitors for Mary Oster. the Adniinistratrix of the estate mumusmembme suppository remedlwhile Dr. of the said deceased. their christian 51.00va Restomuveig wbpny an internal treat, . and sinaianies. addresses and descripâ€" ‘ tit.ns.thefull particularsoftheirclaims. jthe statemth of their accounts and ithe nature of the secutities. if any. ihrld by them. ' And further take notice. that alter the said 2nd day of April. lflu7. the .said Adiuinis'ratrix will proceed to ldistribute the assets of the said de- iceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard onlv to tlr- ‘L‘i‘dlllls of which She shall then have notice and th'it the said Administra- trix will not be liable for the said a‘. . sets 5o distributed or any part there- of to any person or personsof whose claims notice shrill not have been r.-. ceived by her at time. of such distribu- tion. DENTON. DI'NN 8; BOULTb’EI‘I. 2U King St. East. Toronto, Solicitors for the .‘Xillllllllotl‘atl ix. Dated the 25th day of February. A. l). 1807. 3.3-1 It's a. pleasure to tell our readers aboutacougli Cure like Dr. Shoop’s. For years Dr Shoop has fonghtagainst- the. use of Opium. Chlorofoi-m. or other unsafe ingredients commonly found in Cough remedies. Dr. Shoop. it seems. has welcomed the Pure Food and Drug Law recently enacted. for he has worked along similarlines many years. For neatly 20 years Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure eon- tainers have had a warning printed on them against Opium and other narcotic poisons. He has thus made it possible for motlieis to protect their children by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. % Sale Register. FRIDAY. March 1â€"Credit sale of Farm stock. implements etc.. lot 28. con. 5. Markham, the property UfJnllll G. Mustard. Sale at] o’clock. Tei ms 8 months. N. E. Smith. Auctioneer. TUESDAY, March 5â€"Auction sale of farm stock. implements. furnitiue etc.. on lot (54. 1st con.. \Vhitchurch‘. Bond Lake the property of Fletcher Thomp- son. Sale at 12 o’clock. Lunch provided. Terms '7 months. Blough (it Saigeon. auctioneers. limit Wanna To weak and ailing women. there is at least one my to help. But with that way. two treatmcnm must be combined. One is locfil. one is constitu- tional. but both are important. both essential. Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is the Local. Dr. Shoop's Restorative. the Constitutional. The formalâ€"Dr. Shoop's Night Cure-is a topical . entire system. seeking the repair of all sane. all tissue. and all blood ailments. The “Night One". as its name ’unpllcs. does its work while you sleep. It soothes sore and inflam- (lischomes. while the Restorative. eases nervons exchement. gives renewed vigor and ambition. builds up wasted tissues. bringing about renewed Take Dr. Shoop’s Reswmtiveâ€"I‘ablets or Liquidâ€"as a general tonic to the system. For positive local help. use as well git 53’s giii A bias

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