Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Feb 1907, p. 5

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t. . - it it c ’ggi HICHJIUNI) No.1,, 0er Feb. 28, mo? r’k‘le. Miss- Annie Boyle leaves today fora two months’ \isit to \Vltluipt'g. Man. The legislature may pass worthless bills, but good ones are what. get the bargains at Atkinson & Hwitzer. :l‘ulipaare in full bloom at. Sunny} Hill Farm, the home of Mr. and Mis. ‘ .lohn Sinagc. Mr. H. C. Argue and Miss (it‘l‘lllltk‘ Aigne of Milihroott ate spending it ill-w days with the Misses Marsh "Elms .e.t." Mr. Lauder, Prince Edward County, spenta few days with his son-inâ€"law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1’. lilitss. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Boyle left Friday tor Owen Sound to attend the luneial of the late Mrs. Spiagge, the latter‘u mother. There will be a. full Choral Service in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening. March ilUth. l’rogratu wrll appear next wet-k. Mr. Holmes Crosby, who has just finished a course at the Central Busi- ness Uolltge, has taken a. position in i he Standard Bank here. Miss Dils and Miss Henderson of At- tcrclifl'e. who had been iii Toronto, came tip and spent 'lhursday night with Mr. T. l". McMahon and launily. Mr. and Mrs. \V. l‘}. \Vilt-y and Mr. and Mrs. J. L). Alt-Kay drove down lioui Newniaiket Sunoay and spent. the day with Mr. and Mrs. (7‘. \Viley. A meeting of the EleCllliVe Com- mittee of the. R. H. & Y. S. Agiiculâ€" tura.‘ Soviet) will be held in the Uouncil t'haniber Saturday of this week at 2.30 p.m. The Rev. H. Horne. L. L. B., secre- tary of the Upper Canada Tract So- ciety, \“lll conduct the services iii the Presbyterian church next Sabbath, both nioruing and evening. Coming to handâ€"A full lot of \V. U. {t R. white dress shirts, coat style. and a special lot. of negligee shuts most of tlntn coat style and extra value. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. Alex. Boyle of St. Johns, N. B. inane a shoit visit at his home hereon his way from Owen Sound wheie he had attended the funeral of his giaud- mother, the late Mrs. Spiagge. Next Sunday morning Rev. A. P. lirace will preach in the Methodist church. Subject, "What the Snow teaches.” In the evening the service will be taken by Rev. M r. Littlehales. Miss Emily (‘ampbell returned Mon- day to her home. at lslington. after a visit; with Mrs. Alexander. She was accompanied home by little Miss Marian Alexander who will remain a month. Mr. “Miter Fi-isby of Victoria Square, who is attending the Normal (Iollege at Hamilton, came home for it week or tWo. liming had an attack of mumps. btit retuiued to Hamilton Sattnday. "The Richmond Hill second seven Jotnneyed to Schoniherg on Monday evening and Were defeatcd by the Shamrocks of that town in a fast. clean game of hockey, by six goals to 4. The return game will be. billed shortly. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Robinson of [his village and Mr. and Mrs. D. \V. (‘lubiiie of l‘llcriu Mills attended the marriage of Miss Annie Louisa Robin- son to Mr \Vin. HostiaWst-r, at Smith~ field. Etobicoke. on \Vednestlav oi last \veck. . ‘ There has been a lot of good skating,r In the rink this winter, and the ice has been kept in fine condition, but it is only natural that a number of otir citizens are asking: " Does our council not _ptlrpose ghing us even one <‘-'Ilnl\'8l':’ _.\lr. Alex. Marsh a few mornings ago slipped on the ice when returning 1 from the barn, and ieceivcd a severe . - fall. 1!. was feared that some t'ihsi were. liacturctl. but such is not the case. He is able to be about tilt“ housi- again. I ‘ . The Muni 'lllil‘l \Yorldpnts the matter in this light: “ if you Want to injure your town. buy nothing at home that ‘ You can get elm-\vln-i-o, ind it you ate iirbnsivo-w don‘t :iilu-rtise." There is a good deal of sound Sense ciowded into it small space in the alunc. Rev. A. ll. [have of l')t’l“ll""'”. f'itlicr if Ri-v. A. l‘. lil‘nt‘t'. was in town on Monday. and arrived in tinn- lo address thv- .lunioi League. which was it great ilcliglit I.» the boys and gills. Mr. lilac“ \\“-\ on his way Hamilton to buiy an old friend. it) if you are constipated. dull. or bilious, (l' hate it srillow litt-lrs con-- plcxiou. iiy l.:i\'-i'[.\‘ just once to me what they will do tor you. Lax-ch :lll' lilllc tooilisoino I'.Ill(l_\' tablets nice to rat. n'.: c in elfcct. iittg, no pain. Just a gentle laxative cllcct that pleasingly ilx-sirablt'. llandy for the \est pocket or purse. lox-ets meet every (it'\ilt'. Laxâ€"ets r- toe to you in ln-aur’ful lithogiaphed lll.‘{,tl ooxes :it :3 cents and 2.3 tents. Nolil by \V. :‘1. Saudi won. i. herul. No grip.' I The stoiy which appears in “‘eekly Globe this Week is The Vicar of \Vaketii-lrl, by Oliver Goldsmith. In the following issue will be given "The last days if l’oinprii. by Edward Bulwer Tyttini. The \Veekly Gl-hf‘ ran be got at 'I‘ni-z Linux“. for 25 Cents to the end of the present year. “'t- have decided to go out of the ready-made clothng business. To this end we will sell any .suit in stock for $0. The valticof these reach $l2 and sizes range from 3:") to ~10. \Ve will cut the price of men‘s oild Coats in half. Ask to sit‘t‘ our boy‘s suits and we will surprise yoti with the pi ice. Nangliton Bros», Elgin Mills. The (‘huirh Anniversary at Head. ford came off very successfully last. Sunday. The sermons, morning and evening. “'t'l'c pi'oaclit'tl by Rev. A. P. Brace. The music Was well rendered by the choir. and Mr. Chas. Newton. one of 'l‘orouto's leatliin,r tenors sang two solos. at each servico. The olfeiu ings of the day amounted to nearly $90. I.LOYD'[‘O\VN. A \‘l'l‘y enjoyable time was spent last Fiiday evening when Mrs. James Brydoilof Lloydtown. cutertaincd a large number of frieiids and relatives. in honor of hot niphew, Mr. \V. T. l’t'tikeiton. who is spending a few weeks with relatives in this vicinity. Guests were there from Toronto, Gan- nington. Lindsay, Richmond Hill and other places. CHALLENGE. Just to create a little more enthus- iasm in hockey circles in the town. the Richmond Hill Second Sm cn challenge, the Richmond Hill Fiist Seven to play a game of hockey on the home rink. both teams to be composed wholly of home men. Officers of lhe first seven may arrange for the said game. with any of the following: .l. T. N. Burnett. it. D. Palmer. J. l’. Naughton. Everybody present must have en- joyed the social hour spent at the Epworth League Monday evening. Alumt fifty of those present were called upon for ct-ntiibutions, and many responded with short speeches, iiiusicalselections,stories,coutunliunis, Iecitations etc.. so that. the entertain- ment did not lack variety. The chair- Ill-Ill, Mr. Home. never allowed the interest of the programme to lag. One of our citizens who occasionally wipes the dishes for his wife. became tired of the job and iefnsod, saying that "it. is not. a man's \voik." Not feeling disposed to lose his help she brought out the Bible to comiuce him of his error and road as folloWs {min 1]. Kings 21: 13: “And will wi in Jerusalem as a man wipeth a disll. wiping it and turning it upside down." it is needless to say that he is still doing his occasional stunt. On Monday next the Epwoith Dengue will have a very strong pro- gramme. The address of the evening will be given by Mr. James Simpson, tut-st poptilar in this country as a liabor Leader and \ice-prisident of the great Trades and Labor Uoiigiess. His strength in Toronto will be known when We remember that he has lwen this year elected as chairman of the Board of Education. Mr. Simpson will speak on “The Young Man in Business." About a year ago Toronto Satiriday Night passed into new bands. the old Company selling oilt to a new one. of which Mr. H. Gagnier is the head, and Mr. 1*). E. Sheppard being succeed- ed in the editorship by Mr. Joseph T. Clark. As stated by one of our ex changes, the new management has made good. and Saturday Night is in a class by itself in Canada. Any of our readers can get. a free sample copy by sending“ a postal card to the pub- lishers, 26 Adelaide Street “’cst, To- routo. JAMES HUGH ES‘ DEATH. Mr. James Hughes died at his home in Thornhill early Saturday morning, after an illness of one week. He had had a sort-re cold, plt-nrisy and pneu- tnouia followed, and death iesulted about 3 a. m. The funeral took place it om his late l't’tiitlt'ltt’l', Monday, Feb. 25, iuteiment taking place iii St. James‘ cemetery. Adjala. Sinicoe county,hisforniei-hi-me. Deceased was years of age. He leaves a widow atid five childrtn to mourn the loss. The late Mr. Hughes was highly respected by all who knew him. and much syru- pathy is felt for the bereale relatives. ADoctor’s Medicme Ayer’s Cherry Pcctoral is not I a simple cough syrup. It is a I strong medicine, a doctor’s = ' medicine. It cures hard cases, = severe and desperate cases, -‘ 3 chronic cases of asthma, pleu- . risy, bronchitis, consumption. ' 3, Ask your doctor about this. " The best kind of a testimonialâ€" .37 "Sold to: over sixty years. Alan; mauficturcru of 1‘ $qu APARSLLL -. tiers PlLl.S. We hnve no secrets! “UR VlGOR. “‘0 publish the {bx-mulls of all. our medicines. \ '. recovry by ,‘ “1 pt...» You will tak- ing; one of Ayer’s Pills at bedtime. hasten the BIRTHS. DARLINGâ€"At Elgin Mills on Ft'h. 23, 1007. to Mr. and Mrs. J. Darling, a I, (laughter. DEATHS. HUGHESâ€"At Thornhill, Feb. 23, James Hughes, aged 56 years. Srimon‘r-At Owen Sound, on Thursday. February 21. Maria Louisa Marsh, widow of the late John Crook ' Spragge. A By-law to provide for the raising of $1000.00 by way of Debenturc for the purpose of widening and improving Centre Street East in the Municipality of Richmond Hill, and also for the purchase of land on said street to be used as a site for an elevator building and for other purposes. \Vhereas it is desirous and neces- sary that Centre Street East should be widened and improved. and that the aforesaid land should be purchased for elevator and other purposes. and “’hereas it will require the sum of $1000.00 to make such improvements. and \Vhereas $1000.00 is the amount of the debt intended to he created by this By-law, and \Vhereas the amount of the Whole rateable property of the Village of Richmond Hill, according to the last Revised Assessment, Roll of the said Village is $175,314.00, and \Vhereas the general debenture debt of the said Village amounts to $3867.- 57, of which no part- of the principal or intel est is in iiirear, and Whereas, in order to provide for the said it is expedient to issue a Debent- ure of the said Corporation to the amount of $1000.00 bearing interest at H per cent. per annum. and that such principal shall be iepayable in yearly sums extending over a period of the years from the (late of issue of such Debenture of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable for princi- pal and interest in any year in respect of the principal shall be equal as near- ly as may be to what is payable for principal and interest during each of the other years of such period, and \Vhereas it will regime the sum of $227.70 to be raised annually as afore- said by a special rate on the whole rateable property in the said Village for the paying of the said debt and in~ tel-est: Now. therefore, the Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill enacts as follows:â€"‘ 1. That the Reeve of the Corpora- tion of the Village of Richmond Hill, be, anti he is herebyauthorized to bor- row the said sum of $1000.00 on the credit of the Corporation, for the pur- poses aforesaid, anti to issue, a debent- ure of the said Corporation for the Still! of $1000.00 payable at the office of the Treasurer of the said Village; 2. Within the said period of five years, there shall be raised and levied annually by a special rate, in addition to all other rates, tipt‘Tn the whole rate- .tble property of the. said Village the yearly stun of $227.79 for the payment of th- debt and interest; .‘5. The said debenture shall bear date as of the first day of June, 1907. and shall he signed by the Reeve and Treasurer. and sealed with the seal of the said Corporation; 4. This By-law shall come into force on the 28th day of March 1907; 5. That the Votes of the electors of the said Municipality. who are entitl» ed to vote on this By-law. shall be taken on MON DAY, THE 25TH DAY OF M ARCH 1007,commencing at, nine o’clock in the morning and closing at fiVe o'clock in the afternoon, iii the Council Chamber in the said Village of Richmond Hill: 6. That on SATURDAY THE 23RI) DAY OF MARCH 1007, at the hour of ten o‘clock in the t'orenoon. the Reeve of Richmond Hill shall attend at the. office of the Village Clerk. for the pur- pose. of appointing in writing signed . by himself, two persons to attend at the final summing up by the Village Clerk of the votes polled on this By- law. and also of appointing one person to attend at the polling place on beâ€" I half of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting the passing of, this Byvlaw, and one person to attend at the said polling place on behalf of, the persons ililcl't‘s‘lcd in and desirous: of opposing the passing or this By-law: 7. That on TUESDAY. THE 20TH ‘ DAY OF MARCH 1907. at the hour of Ir!) o‘clock ill ilit‘ i'til'eiitioli, the Clerk of the said Village shall attend at his olh‘i-o to sum up the number of Votes ;;'i\ on for and against this l-ly-law. lit"|(l a first and second time and routl in (‘onunittee the 11th day of i‘I-biunl')‘ lilUi. V l CLERK’S NGTECE i Take notice that the above is :i truo‘ .mpy of a proposed l5)" l-‘t\\' which has. been iilkl‘ll into "llll\ltlt‘1‘.‘\[il'll by the Municipal Council of the Village of Richmond Hill. and which will finally piswd by the said ('onncil. in the c\'i’llt of the assent of the electors 1w iIv-iinz obtained llll‘l't‘lt'. “tier one ltltililll iroui the Iiisl publicatioio lln‘lt'lxi: iii the Richmond lliil "Lib- eral." the dati- of which publication has 'l‘liurstlay. the Ills! day or l“elu-u.' my 1007. anal at :lii- hour. (lay and placi- tin-rein ilXt'll l‘oi taking the \'I'[‘."of lllt’ t'lt Cloris tho polls will be iicld. } A. .l. ll[v:i1|.':,kylt'li§. Saturday, | I Graduates of the ;z; W-H'l-HHW-PMH++++'HH+++++++++' Â¥+++++++++++++++ as: ++++++H++++++M+M+HH++ H‘I‘HHM'P'P-l‘vfi'k'i-é'nW-F There’s Nothing So Attractive in Gentleman’s dress as neat collar and cuffs with appropriate neckwear. We sell ~ Men’s Furnishing Goods Spring styles? Yes. Pretty early but we have them. .«+++++++++++++++++++++++~ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Four=iii=llaiids in Browns, Grays, and Fancy, at 25c.; 21}, inch width, fine quality, in Black, Gray, Navy, Strawberry, at 50c. W. G. 82 R. Negligce Shirts, coat style. 4 ply Linen Collars, 3 for 50¢. "i" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++$+++ +++++MH+++++++++++++++++ H ++++++++ +++++++++++++ + ++ -t-t- +++~t~+ t++++++++++~++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ o l-40%"?1-H“+++++++4+++++M++++MMM++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++4 4'+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~r ++++++++HWM+H H++++++t+++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +4: ‘i‘++++++++++++++ +HW+++W- +H~P++W++++++W Richmond Hill Hardware Store After the holiday season we have a few Heaters to clear at reduced prices. BARGAINS IN RANGES AT 0. SMILES DR. S. J. BOYD RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Having; a complete X-ray and static l ++~tul~+++-t-+-2-++++++++++++++++ ; l Popular " v‘lectl icity apparatus, 1 am able to . v locatvl'oreigi: bodies in the body. and / icxauiins- fractures of bones. Also to ’ ,' ' ” l ' Niciivotts DisEAsEs (‘unoa‘it ,44 , I“, , tit it , V , , Zip/{K . ; ltiii-Lt'MA'risn, Monmn Giiow'rtis, v” j _ such as (Lancers, etc. a.’ l. NTO. ONT. 1 Being a. graduate of Mom-field's By»- ‘3‘ Readily get positions as Stequ- : ‘IHUspital. England, I am prepared '14- raphers. Bookkeepers. lliniltio‘ -t~ 19$:tiiitin: the interior of the eyes itrl’ Z (fit-pl“. t‘oi'unicrcial 'I‘e.u;i.or-t, ‘tlh‘t’let‘, and test. for glasses. It a shorthand Teachers. etc.. at 5 patient should icouirc glasses I oidri u'ooil salaries. Demand fully -t- 1| tllé'vtn for him. . twenty times our supply. Such Now and throat work a <1)t‘l'lilliy. Ullice convenient to the Metropoli- tan illlll (j, N. 0. Railway stations. Vv’ AL“ bx<S. +n‘no a demand docs not soon) possihlo lvlll. is line. Our superior work is “milâ€"known. Enter now. ( dialogue free. râ€"- i " if. v?i:N."iY;~i in- ‘*"il-'i'li‘ for in a»: the n ' uni ; itu W. J. ELLlOT’l‘. Principal. :t‘or. binge R..Li Alexanicrszf 4..‘....,..‘..t.++.‘.+.r.‘..;..‘ _ ' , ‘ . ++++++++++++ .. l‘ y i I I "i o ' n .L i "l 'l' L: 1 u - r+++++++< Maura-+4.“ ‘ll 3: Money back if you want it. ‘i‘ i Atkinson & SWitzer é February 28. 1907 4 "“.~â€" aâ€"w‘-..‘

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