of v sior “A bslomu only words ï¬gure :errin ma pound leek higl inches 5 amount. pound w one ihat slmcied a the visit «:1 Jaqoph seated on coming of Besides this. ing the day of and the signs shows the eri sun and mom the cZOPk s|ril quarlex' hour. evolulio 0f lian bvc lit, and “mud in I' ï¬rst drew ( momen But : of “‘0 this n- AHL‘I‘ Comh' diffm‘nl sized the real work lain ger lngu‘m'ous Frenchman “'ho is 'Iomex'a qu 1m: ‘d that Mis tamer hour. This wondorf ,rO‘ Munch adm AN ODD CLOCK \ND ITS “HUGH hi kvilke, 0n lid th< )d and andorhx Ma 0 he lOl my The Dr Elmo n finally l the :en ur ant “\\'l )K‘HI‘S agrams on hi time Hun ISSL'E NO. 9 ~07 Rf ah radc mcir npan ‘\'il och Ian ‘0 W [UK the Me and an as: Herod his. 1h nlv 11 of a l‘oorllousv ntil the i przxciisnd m O \V an ex; pph Jl went M a u: n! 1V Many la] .' 10 almsno of buildin Q the wm an ‘OT when nughl bout 1w a Ck had him h no.an ifhstan SUIT! OO- m are conlained in and it took Julian 1d it. The work .1 at odd iimes he spent only spare are and scolious" are the aving the vowels ill heumau =m' H 953 on ard \v< to cal hamplon thlehem. yalchmak lh 56! MOTH at m ean when he a beautiful ed my life.†young lady, )Jd him for when I was forefathers. that crippled success the n 1827. and makers. Al : pain orange An lnmnk at and nll 182 {in ::?'ai;sz:~sz!zm-BUK SAVES o ropr eta] ape inlrl the) u n13 ‘enn VIIT il' €BBOOKS’ NEW (SURE L 60 With ‘Whicl ia I'ge I rom dies “My! but there must be somel awful the matter \x'id the Missus," : the chambermaid; “consumption, n hap.†“Why do ye say that?†deman the cook. “1 jusht heard the doctor 1e her mat. her lungs is ‘normal.’ D Jen-1.6611: F'a'EéI‘" ‘ WY . I c E. BflooKS. ,m Brwka‘Bldg.. msmu..ucn. Bmoks' Applhnce. New discovery. Wonderful. No obnoxious spring or pnda. Automatic Air Cushions. Binds and draws the broken out: together as you would a broken Inna. No salvea. No lymphol. No lles. Dum nbl_9m£eap._l’_gLS§pt.10.'U SEBJfQEIiEjEEL cured . " FILES (j Wobbwood see that I saw it and “'1‘01 Zam for $2.50. trial box. and ï¬nally healed ECZEMA (:URED‘ of 349 Wilson St “Every winter I u‘ LII the back of my I was especially ba [0 be off work for suffering aculely I Zam-Buk and did 5 1r hat 5 Ki Admir Kind Lady nnex‘. you wugh: “P‘ SOME HICKS‘TIONXL PROOF ITS "HUANG ['(HHCR. if “’h on from .- -“q- mu... .uuuw "Lulu “Itâ€: DAGEiiVRE rm;ch COMPANY gage 0; High Carbon Wire.â€"we'll prove it to an pukes it stfll stmdéér inuéér‘iicre.‘ UI'C‘ \Vf 30 m 3U are Bnl‘ RI 31K comp ain is '1’] ll Jl wood.’ and then when I came in.†rheu. and Zam- mer (ll'lilil). M a! l’f L-um’l i> “All III" II \linpis an Altitude of “motion. LL'CKY MEN K \le-ILS ’1'!) DH )Nl, 1U dn 'Ont A FARMER'S ARM tisn \VI lSOflC feared af U11 hand du up ain my HABI am: Mr. Han 31' 11H!) bad 11]: weeks. advised could n. \VO at an FOR mp in dr unds mbn an H] “'Cl :on, may- demanded somethin H lri 1 Don‘t Syrup continues to occupy a place among remodips [01' cc colds, and as a preventive of Always the lungs. IL is a slandax‘d an‘s life that. widens its sphere of asure 25 year by year. If you are i] )be free something to rid yourself of le reme- or cold. you cannot do better Healing leckle‘s Svrun. Mr. \V 31] ‘ be fr 9 rem treat“ I simp $l0( 3]] I f “'1‘ Mr IBUOH ox [in $21K any m M All stays taut ASTAMMERTEITS feels tempted to 12 do you suppose it Wise. “Oh, yes, Iailh Ncwliwed. “Are you sure? man to resist lhe 1 “Yes, but he u subsut day and then she's 1m with the babies.†“Wh with her husband? Why her?†“Oh, he puts in ; lating {or an eighbhour workingman." “A Grave yard Cou h" is the cry v‘f tortured lungs for mercy. Uivet em Allen’s Lung Balsam. which is used with good effect even in consump- tion's early stagcs. Many gone, Syrup T0URS;¢ From $193 in 3.34,: F0! ‘ 1"pr Igrammn, write ‘1“ 5 Rev. Dr. \Vithrow ‘ TORONTO, ‘ mr [roubles if It on hand C,A‘ R. Station the The ARNOTT I'lETHOD Is the only logi- cal mnhod for th: Cure of Stan-Inning. It treats the CAUSE. not meroly the HABIT. and lnsures natural speech. Pamphlet. par- ticulars and relerences um on request. " 1 had been suffering for over two ml In obstinate cungh, as had alsn my We tried several remedies com mon to more without obtaining any apparent [act we were growing worse. I got a. Coltsfoote Expect-nth from my dru'vgi ride of two days the cough was cnrecr. a Hilts so permanent and rapid that we d keep Colt-emote Expecburant in out I: iinually." THE ARNOT'I INSTITUTE elfectiv GagiéffféiprE Is your husband keeping his promise abstain from drinking?†asked Mrs. an H And solâ€"well She simply And hm wid by ,xlhin ald‘ H is ten or woman! She won and then she's 1:1) mm the babies.†“What‘s uer husband? Why do GOOD FOR OLD LVD YOUNG. PERFEC'I'LY HARMLPL‘SS. CHILDREN LOVE IT. SUBSTITUTE FOR DRINK among and a Do Your Children Cough in the Night? jen IIOW’ SHE GOT EVI try UK m. B )ntinu 1h h whict )Il Dre Throat. Lagrip gCough. Bronchiti rilated and inflamed treat or chest. It my UT BERLJN. ONT. CAN 3n( 11’ nt med EXPECTORANT should be without it. It i , family medicine [or the; world has producmi. Keel ROBERT PALF‘.N LED â€"not crimped. This ted “'HITE over heavy I‘ got throw kind that n' or patience here was In ml}, she got fault \x‘ilh her faithfully 3.1' p re emp‘at :115 me my hOl there c you ar ourself ventiv stand augh talk mother I :e waver: no use. hildr 25 have come Anti-Consum cupy a forc- over twu months with 1 also my little girl. that we'decidél in our home c my driwgist and ls cnrecr. and the that we decided on Hy 1V his day ‘\'al~ rk Ll‘l h i Lis What sha )d without the 1 5111 h is lim ten 8V d medici usefulm‘ in need hard for a lied Mrs ll) ing frined nsumptiv forem o: ughs an n 1' (mg mm wart ha vhen the mac JI‘ Balsam? } 11' m any dru; relief, i1 bottle 0 111 Ottsxw ‘Cough. Croup. Asthma save if 1 HS and at ab 11L and I Like I bad habit a. skin disease growa. Scrotu- lmn humors, oczama ¢nd all eruptiuus may be cured with Weaver‘1 Comte. painted internally by Weavsr‘s Syrup. All Dmgglsu. try to ambitk mum; lgoin‘ 1 This Ustical 1901, bered, Where 100 to square mile, the the square mile. to 2/. per 1,000. that, they will r and prevent th certainly come ' ment. of these ‘ restorative [thaw rank. lmpur action 0 impuriti What should be Forgotten ? Everything that mars. What should not be forgotten: “ The n 55 I." Menthal l’lasters ; a pnstive cure for muscu- la.r rheumatism and neuramm Mn: Di tauk t< tam) ailwa an [YANKEESTa/ORSHIPHTLESI lume of ‘l‘icultura .\I\RK 'l‘\\'\l\ I‘HICDICTS )IONU’HIIH I70“ 'l‘llli HEPI'RLIC. Mistr ppm 31 Dr. Shm‘pp long time 1'. Dooley : Math 1.5 thc 31101 'Imou.‘ Humnri~l 1t 3n Otien 5F .1 II 1d A USTRA LIAS GROWTH uL {now ardel m \\ mkm ‘n anythin n life?" J BARGAIN HUN'I'IN( \'(‘l']ll \RL 111 M dep< nmjnl it \nd it iel 150 persons live to the deathâ€"rate averages 16 the death-rate jncreasa P11 m comp uen 1m lCI‘OflSII mnhh-s Ki a! i 1' HIE 1Y1 , Mr. Doolby me your at [‘5 a Ions: t< Dl’ rcas inha Lil 1b1 for 31' he um 1n wages." Mrs. Why you don't u don m x z mlhin tuner him it.“ Exiermina Dig Jr 158W abov :jdney thy va an Hal. the his :hy D0 {Ls H] work at ma‘am, yurk is ex; Lha an 303 and 1m )unt thing -\nwri d an tir 101 aPP)‘ an 156 am any pur Deér Mother Peafl: “1 am aqull_\‘ pretty trained nurse I axga-ged a homely one to Ruby: “Bu pulse." Pearl: "Yes 1 that she mig It i; only necessary k1 read rho tes- tunnniaLs' to be Cunvinced that Hollo- way’s Cdrn Curb is unvqualled for the remoV'a! of earns.~ warts, etc. It is a complete extinguisher. thing awful. His falhl‘ thing but a debt to him. Jack: “Then why is to send him away an a Eva ; “I suppose he w floating debt GENTS~LATE>Â¥T SELLING CRAZEâ€"m A daily easy for workers handling our pho. pumw cops: send at once fnr particulars befor- mmesone olse gen your territory. Cenh-Ll Supply Um, Dept. 3‘ 367 Richmond street" Damion, Ont, .Ifl’lu AKIHNMN DVEIMO 00.. I01 158. flmlrw L103 CURTAENS Agontl Wanted In Every Town. GET AT THE SEAT OF THE menu The “ Rmancipawr" is .1 local remedy easily applied by yolxrxelf, Posh but two can“ adayand is guaranteed absolutely antiseptic. It is color- less and odorless, and is relieving thousands of women who did not dream of help without Oh. aid ol .1 surgeon. Price 8L5!) per bottle. colt prepaid an any lddmss in Canada. WOMEN Why will you poison your systems with fake noi- trums when female trouble should be ï¬res-“d as you would treat a. sore ï¬nger. Z Trade flart In a variety of fabrics, styles and in all sizcs for women. men and children. and guaranteed by your own chalet. Teething Babiesq onstage CURTAINS The Campbell Milling Co. lelt: Toronto Juncucn. OnL ubcuudmapmMannobaflomâ€"inbdha dun L pure Omano flourâ€"bang Headed ll combine: the best qualities 0} both 'Quccn Clly' Is an alipurposes flux. Quickly relievesâ€"regulates the bowels ~ prevents convulsions. Used 50 years. Absolutely safe. At drugâ€"stores. 25c. 6 banks. 81$. National Drug 8; Chemical C0,, Limited, 501: Proprietors, Montreal; 4.1 are saved sufferingâ€"and mothcrs given restâ€"when one uses N urses’and Mothers’ Treasure Fall and Wink: weather. Th will etch cold. Do you know about 5 Job'- Conxumpdon Cure. the Lung Tonic. mad whalithudoucfor somany) [I is “H to be the only telilblc remedy for All disuse: of the air passages in daildtm. It's absolubcly harmless and plenum to uh. ltisgw-nleedtocmeotyom money iretumcd. Thcpticci: 25:. per bath. and all dalcrs in medicine sell 314 SHHLOH !big remedy should be in every 110111050â€- Deders Everywhm Supplied u! :1: kind: at houae Hnnzinn. I13. THE EMANCIPATOH (30.. 112 Ynuze 5L, Toronto, Candi. IN THE SI! ZK-ROOM “Queen City†lTINt But she D Y DYEO & CLEAN“ LbTALNS LIKE NEW. Writ. (41 um ghoul yours. on: are a column! can in squan med RID flxk your m [ar Campbell’s Queen City 1L mmrantep hav- he 1115 heart?" his father yat'ht '.’" ants lum jmlnus of that wish [my had :ulmd George." nly taking his moncy someâ€" aya he is no- HIM gonng