Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Feb 1907, p. 7

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A despuléh from London says: The worst (llsaslcr for muny years in the history 0! 1h? busy cross-channel lraflic between England and :he c011!me oc- curred Guns-g a note“! gale shortly ba tore 6 on ll‘naay mc-rmng. when the Rot- terdam man slcmner. Pat-rim. {rom Har- wbul- to Hook 9! Holland. having 33(er mannered the hunicane, was suddenly wmcked as she was entering port. The terrific seas but. up ll! steamer wiih such awful suddcnm-ss Lhal all 0110115 to save Life appear In have been utterly hopela. been learned. GERMAN OPERA SINGERS LOST. The Berlin carried pastengers and crew to the numbcr or 15!. Among those drowned are hint-lw-n nmmhers of the German Opera Company. who had just concluded their season at, Covent tiar- den. The manager of the (Jovent Garden confirmed the statement that nineteen members 0! the German Opera Company left on 'l‘hursday night, on the steamer Berlin. “So tar as we know." he said. No cause ye: has been assigned for the terrible accident. and it probably will never be known how the steamer came Lo miss the channel. which‘ al- though three hundred yards wide and well buoyed and lighled, is always dim- cul! of access m rough weather. It is conjectu'ed lhal some derangemenl, of 0m englnes or sleet-mg gear may have rendered lhe \'es'~:el uncontrollable. CaplQin Procims of the Berlin had a good record of fourteen years' service. The Lisl of passengers on the fated steamer was km. and all the names of left on 'l‘htusday night on the steamer Berlin. “50 fur as we know.” he said, “these did not include any 0! the star artists, as the party was made up of manbem of the chorus lemming to their homes. They made arrangements directly with the railway company, so that we are not yet able to get an exact tist or the mum-s. The disaster has mused the most intense alarm among the othu‘ members of the company, A despn‘um ti-om London. Ont.. says: Mrs. Bessie Doidge, wife of Motorman George Doidge. an employee of the Lon- don Street Railway Company, jumped from a Lhird~stox~vy window (A! the ma- Iernity ward of \‘ivtorin Hoxpitai an Fn‘day evening and was killed. Dr. Ferguson says that Mrs. Duidge was the victim of temporary insanity, induced by her illness. Sim cunnineg induced the nurse to raise the window on pre- ‘ence of securing uii'. hnmediateiy her back was turned she jumped through. Her husband eiiten-d the room white the nurse “its downstairs. Finding the room empty he immediately outta! the the nurse to raise the \x‘indov ‘ence OI securing uix'. lmmedi back was turned she jumped Her husband enlervd the r0 “)9 nurse was downsiah-s. Fi] room empty he mmxediutely ( nurse. who di "ox'ez'eti the bodj Woman's Suicide at Vkloria "Ospilnl, London. Saturday morning depth of 230 feet 0 west corner of lot nay township. the s gush of oil ow acres. Thousands last. l-prem afl)’ entered: and that l in the WM wt. '1 run hundreds of 1: has [cm-n thought t down further than tound. Steamer With 180 Passengers and Crew Driven Ashore. A \Vondcriui SIPi'iP Reported in Rom m'y Tl)\\llshi;1. SCORES PEBISH IN WREUKLE Serious hre .11 a I London jured in a fin Trunk planing laidc and in night. Firen Soon are in ‘ reported to he A daspulch {mm Winnipeg says: lohn L. S‘rus. real stale dealer. com- mined Slade in the Sirathcom Hotel kn Fn‘day evening by shooting. Social and finm1cLa‘ :1-.41L:cs are belim'cd 10 be the cans-3. Scott arein reported to be ken is the wor: ken nb and so and beam Dav injuries. and F :ured about the amount Lo $3M John L. Slnls. flea! Hsnau‘ beam. Shem: uimseu m Stramwm fluid. {Ten Million Do" ufi‘gcinl amour) provide 1907308 A despnlrfiw 5mm 1 rename 'l‘lms Azmex Dean and J. mam aim we JUMPIID FROM A \VH’DOVV. desanch from BRITISH \ E!“ Y HST!“ \TrF who were on board have not yet LAKE ()l‘ UIL ENTERED FIVE flREZMEN INJLHED anch from Chalham says: On 3n;an y morning when horirg al a l230 led on a well on the norlll- “med the mar 01 lol :Zl, concession 4. Rom- nship. the tools disappeared and of oil overflowvd the field forl A dospa Thousuzds of barrels of oil were ‘ Poland say xperh say an oil lake has been Street was and that the showing is the best by a band held yet. The well will probably killed the idreds of barrels daily. The well and two < \ “’lNNll‘i-IG SURIfo $304100. with no insurance ’Hl at vex-e 1 is and Hddel! whic injur 1 London. 0nl.. says: 19!]. A. Davis. A Scott, Moll were seriously in- lich gulled the Grand 1 a! the corner of Ade- Slreets on Saturday Ankens, Davis 3er 02" 9X]: 1 j uries 81H ng. r] ‘0d. hux' Ik pa3<9ngers and H. Among those mombers of me 3‘, who had just Less Than inning Mill in ies to his bu M have imam 1 Dean are 1 ‘ly called [11 body outside C11 reman sing a and m Ait a bro are as! ships exisp‘ng Armur Herbert. one of lhe lx‘u sengers. who was journeying 10 unent. was also lost. He was son 0! the mini Earl of l‘owls. on a mission to (he com-Ls? o hagen, St. Petersburg. Berlin air ,, -iu. owing to the {Hedwig and -...,J ......... 5. Arthur Herbert. one of lhe King‘s mes- sengers. who was journeying to the con- tinent. was also lost. He was a grandâ€" son ol the mini Earl of l‘owls. and was on a mission to (he com-Ls? of Copen- hagen, St. Petersbmg. Berlin and ’l‘eher- an. bearing important dwalrhcs to {he Foreign Ofi‘ncm a [hose capitals. DUTCH HEROES SAVED ELEVEN. A dapauh from Hook of llulland says: By dinl of noble wumge and‘ dogged psi-severance. which could nol have been exceeded by Hll)’ men in me world. the Dutch likhoal men and lug- men saved name women and eight men from the wreck of the Berlin on Friday attemoon. The refiners worked for nearly 36 hours in {lll‘ifilB sens, .smoLh-l eu-lng snowstorms and intense cold. They were repeatedly baffled by anes which threalened lo smash lhe‘lr small boats like cups against the pier m" wreck. They returned again and again4 whenever a change in the tide or a lem- ‘ .nA wreck. They returned again and again whenever a change in the tide or a tem- porary abatement in the ferocity of the gate calmed a revival of hope, however slight, that they might reach the casta- ways. They were all animated by a spirit, which was put into words by Prince Henry after he had made his first Visit to the neighborhood of the wreck aboard a tug. “We will not give up un- til we have saved them. \\'e must get them somehow," said his Royal High- ness. and not a man among the crews but had the same determination. Their heroism was rewarded. Even now, however“ their task is not com- pleted, for there remain on the wreck two or three women whom tear or ex- haustion prevented irom using the life- line, by means of which their compan- ions were rescued" Renewed efforis are now being direcied at saving them, and as [he gale has abated and the weather cleared some- what there is considerable hope of suc- eves. lie I: “heeled About the Grounds In an Invalid Chair. A despair-h from London says : An Er» [ termini; authoritative statement con-1 cerning the hualth oi Joseph Chamber- lain was published on Wednesday. It does not confirm the worst rumors, but it shows that Mr. Chamberlain is com- pletely broken physically, although he is mentally alert. He passes most of his time indoors at Highbury. his Birming- ham raidence, but when the weather is line he drives in a carriage in the grounds of his estate, or on unfrequented roads in the vicinity. He seeks to avoid ' the public gaze. He never stays outside the house more than forty-live iiiintites at a time. He sometimes spends con- siderable time in his orchid housm, as the temperature in these buildings suits liim‘ or he will be wheeled in an invalid chair about the grounds. lie occasionally lakes :1 short walk, supported by his! slout stick and the arm of his wife, but} the invalid chair always is at hand. chair ab< lakes a slou! stil me inva 'Killed the Postmaster. Two Clerks and Two Soldiers. A dospalcll from Warsaw, Russian Poland says: The postolllce on \Vapolena Street was allacked at noon on Friday by a band of Terrorists who shot and killed the puslmastrr, ‘lwo pos'al clerks and two soldiers guarding lhe place. .A despaich (mm Hull. Qua. say<z} JLdge St. Juiim, at the conclusion of the, argumem of counsel in Ihe Buckingham? riot trial on Saturday morning, dis- missed the case against Alexander Mac-i luren. Chief Constable Kiernan and Baik! m Cummings. charged with max-n slaughter. The Judge declared thzit‘vlheé evidence showed the named had simply] acted in self-defence. They were amt-r dingiy (mam-god. i French Merchants Angry BPz‘flusc 113g.- \VBI‘ES “'erc Not PurchaScd. Buckingham Manslaughler Charges Di missed, 1'EHRUHI5TS ROB POST OFFICE DENOI‘NCE CHAMBERLAIN A “‘llI-ICK ACTED IN SEU‘-DI~IFICNCE h denunciations ave forwarded ir Tlil- “INS! A NS relation Ontario, Mu 10 450. luxsis (mamam freighb‘. ' Buckwheatâ€"55c lo 56c. Ryeâ€"~Nominally (DC to 66c. Barleyâ€"No. 7?. file to 52%c; No. 3 ex- tra. 49c lo 500: N0. 3. We to 48c. Flourâ€"Ontaxw. 9’) per vent. patents. $2.70 asked. $2.67 b'di' Manitoba firs! patents, $4.51); seconds. $4; bakersfi $3.90. buik Sh none Bufiler- . receipts and there is also {iced in quality. poor stuff having (II-«\amery. prints do solids Dairy prints do tubs .. Chaseâ€"14¢ lo prices practical Chickens, fresh Inferior, frozen Fowl Dm-ks . . . . . . Gme .. .. .. Turkeys Monlrenl, Feb. 26:7 Lou: murkei. is steady. Bulkahealâ€"Eyz’x: to 5624c ex-storc. Corn-Anwr'can, N0. ‘2 Nu. 3 mixed, 65c, ox-siorc Oatsâ€"0n spot, No. 2 No. 3 white, 41).;(3 to 4'24: 10 61c per‘bushel, ex-slot‘ Honeyâ€"SP ady for pails and Evansâ€"Market. hand-pickai, um primes. Pomb ciâ€"«Oniaz 836 to 356. in can 7 Baled Hayâ€"Market is easy at $9 $9.50 f.0.b., and SH t0 $1].50“~ill ‘ lots hele for 1 limolhy‘ and $8 lots Peasâ€"Boiling 11935. St in 1015; $1.10 in jobtving 1015. F10urâ€"â€"Manitom spring \\'h 1‘) $2.60; strong Lval<ers‘,:S3.fx) winter wheat patents, $4.10 straight rollers, $3.60 10 53.31. mg, $1.65 to $1.57; extras, $3.55. Millfeedwhlunitob to $22; shorts. $32 Otflario 1mm, in bu 55.2 to $29.50; mi‘ S25; straight gram Rolled Dansâ€"Per car 1011.5; $22 to Hayâ€"No. 1. $l: 3, $11.50; Clover. m \91', $10.50 to $11 1 ‘ Eggsâ€"New-laid ar' plentifully, and are Cheeseâ€"It. is repo not now amount to five and eight thong these 1313,10 and 1’10 English changed Manitoba m-urning. ored Provisionsâ€"~Barrc1s shx-rll cut. mess. -2 10 $23.50; half-barrels $11.75 to $12.- 5”; dear fa! barks, $24 to $24.50; long cut heavy mess $20.50 to $22; half-bar- rels £10., $10.75 to $11.50; dry salt long clear bacon, 121'- to ‘12}.3c: barrels plan beef. $11 10 $12.50; half-barrels do.. 550.25 to $6.75; bar-1‘05 11 \‘y mess beef. $8.50; half-barrels do.‘ . .75: compound PTH 13c; kettle 13c 10 16) bacon, '15: to 16340; \V he an Oatâ€"N rnlo; No Peasâ€"7S Bran» 7820 bid PoulLr) F.50 [or NO. 2 Siraw-Shady Bum NEW YORK \VHEAT MARKET. \rw York, Feh. ‘26â€"\\'heutâ€"Sput mar- :Lcady; No. '2 red. 81140 elm-axon 2 red. fiXc t.0.b. afloat; No. 1 non-(h- Duhxfh. 9134c !.o.h. afloat; Na. 2 ‘ Winter firm; No. 2 while. we. Com heady: 2 _\'el!ow,. {SW/.C; .\'n. 2‘ us, 51%c. Outsâ€"Firm; No. 2 white ;c: No. 2 mixed. haze. rn ADING flak at point of shipment rrsâ€"Svarce; price In OYfering. 158â€"144: 10 for twins. qnok’d $10 to $1 'l‘umn , M: 111 7S) Â¥ MONT REAL MA URI-1'1 Newâ€"laid are coming in more y, and are quoted at 32c. â€"IL is reported that stocks do amount to more than between eight thousand boxes. and [or X,“ and Ike is being asked. The market continu& firm and un. 10-day. Sixty-six shillings is rated for \\‘hi!€ and (586 for col- SDl'in {IOUNTR BUFFALO MARIN 57 to 16 fresh to $12.50; .75; bar-TEL; barrels do. [0 1039‘; p re: dered, l over. mixed. $11; to $11 per Lon in Nil) I‘)’ laid. 300.: st: Continues u any nominal shâ€"killcd SCCO!‘ and $13450; N FLE MARKE toba bran $21 lo 8W. H0» 111;) DSTl 31 110 to 10 $2.50 are nul ome in ‘ good been )1‘ ~, 150 lo 80 lois here. eame or 11: dfiir 1mg 1 Wind $4.65 to $4.8: ed $1 MARKETS RODl't store Jl \n $22.50; Onlario $20 to $21; shorts mouille, $21 to S to $29 per ton. u. $2 to $2.“) in rim $4.10 to $19.25; 0 $3.70; do., in extras, $1.30 to nomina quiie so 114 ‘prox'ement portion of 3L jabbing lots 2. .951250; No $11; pure Clo barrels. 2m to srlecled. 22c; 2; receipts this L $1 to $1 11y per bushel yenow ulside; $19 here. 7.50 in 1nd quié 23c )I '1 0‘ 11c lk Cill' ml carK [0 Hr toOOC 1000c 1011c gram $4 6-0} )UI} and avy no‘ the 1n id 11( $20 10 ad ll t A ucspalch lrom Kazan: Rugsia. says: .\ correspondent of the Associated Press has returned here after a twenty-five ’days‘ trip through Kazan. Samara and Ufa. three sample provinces of the twenty affected by iaminr. The corres- pondent investigated the situation in all directions, travelling 500 miles by sleigh in districts rcmote from the railroads where the distress is most acute. He reports sporadic cases of scurry in all three provincw. Aside from the distri- bution of Government rations, the Red Cross and ioual municipal organizations are leading in L'l'g 210,000 persons, in Kazan 230.000. and in Samara 100000. A trip by sleigh into the northern part of Kazan province took the correspon- dent» into one of the worst sections 01 thg: famine region. In the hamlet of One Resuit of the Terrible Famine in Russia. hulclu mals, wan, says Ber. arrm with the farmer named [{0ch and three children ll dcmh. Radcliffe wa who came here {or night. ago. A neigl pine called at Radclil sence and round his h'ozen solid and no house. Further seam ciiffe and his team death on the ice in a with his sleigh load provigions. ii. is [311 lost his way in the s Radclifia arrived fr May and went hom Sex-gt. Leit, of the M firm ihe mpori by the bodies were 1m: on Wednesday n‘ghi. A despaich from Toronto says: mngcmenls have been made by M1 Armstrong, Provincial Inspector of lums, through the Dominion linm lion Department, for the deportatio five settlers who have, since their ar In Canada. developed insanity. All men. and all came from Great Br originally. One of them, who is at sent confined in Toronto Asylum, wi sent back to the Old Country in a days. Another will be removed Hamilton on Saturday. Several 1 persons of the same type will leave min a week from Saturday. A cons able number of similar cases of colo who have shown signs of mental \ness will be similarly dealt with shc During the last month 18 lunatics, came shortly before into the con] have been deported. Sample of No. 1 Haiti (inmn Near the (1in 0i Dmbon. \ Farmer. “is “He and Three Chi] dron lhe Victims. A despatch 1 Thompson on’ the Commons C a sample (If N was grown on Dawson. at 3 states that. (hm at coun g1 own. Raflway Blue Book Indicates the Past Year’s Record. n Arrangonwnls made In Rpm! Hawk ['1] desirable lunnl’grams. CANADA’S RAILWAY LINES uws, $3.50 to ,.50 to $3.25 3r cwt. Slocker‘s. cm H( Lambs, g1 mmon, $5 0 to $3.3 iex “HEAT FRO.“ 'l‘HII KLUNDIKIJ FROST “II'ES Ol'T FAMILY. Dl‘IPOR'l' INSANE SI-L'I'I‘LERS‘ mc were ( and St . $4.50 10 $4.00 mum quality. $4. 1| 30 |( tarlling led Rnd< :hi‘mltx'en icliffa w here (or quoted $3.80 30 ; common mw cumers, $1.25 €Xp( from England mesteading in J Mounted Police, yy wire. adding n-ought into Ma tlzu‘ cases of colonists gns of mental weak- ly dealt with shortly. nth 18 lunatics, \xho re into the country, :lifle, wit: had been as a ho rch uIs-r. of on 1_neighl Lied wit mught storm 8 'rom FL: nesteadi named Dav 1 \quesd: infm :nation hb ifrz W \bor named McAl- He‘s during his ab- wife and children Inc! or food in the :h also found Rad- of oxen Irozen to _neighb0ring creek, ed with coal and ought i‘nat he had :toz'm and perished. '0!” England last bulls. $1.50 to $2; ; short-keeps. $3.80 $4 per cwt. ‘5 easy at $6.". ighls and fals 11.5 an will leave Can v. A consider heavy 3 to $451 ) is at pre- Jm, will be 1 in a few oved from frozen lc nesieader U! a fort led McAl common in June , mixed. to $1.50 SDI PQISQNEB GRAIN All are Britain “on 01 arrival e area ambs )0 10 wr 3m- fat gra "rat Ar “t )1" Sudden Death 0! His Majesty‘s Repro- sentalive at Fredericton. N. B. A despatch from Fredericton. l. 3.. says: Hon. John Bunting Snowball‘ lllleutenanl-Govvrnor of New Brunswick. dropped dead on Sunday evening on Queen strenh while on his way to actâ€" ttend service in the cathedral. Sunday linoming he arose at the usual hour. 'purtook of breakfast, and attended ser- vice at the Mellmdist Church. lie had dinner at the usual hour. and spent. the greater part of the afternoon quietly 3n Ins room. He seemed to be in his usual health, and made no complaint to those who were in conversation with him. He left for church at 6.4.3 and had walked ‘li-ss than a block and a hall from the hotel. when he rmnorked to Mr. Mat:â€" kenzie Niall the was not ideling very well. “I always walk too fast," saint lie. “when I start out.” Saying this, he immediately started to return to his thotel, Mr. Maul-.enzle taking him by the arm. Thry had only proceeded a short distance when his Honor sank to the sidewalk. Help soon came, and the prostrate man was carried to his room in the hotel‘ where Drs. Atherton and {\lcfiralh were quickly in attendance... in there was no sign of tile. The doc; l tors said heart disease caused death. Alnnzlzipshal-k. many parsons sullm‘mg from ergolmn were {mud in seventyâ€" lour out of seventy-eight houses Visited. The symptoms 0! this malady are a lmming semauon in the liver. follow by chills. spams and a permanent'oon- lracllon of lhe limbs. and finally blind- ne$ and idiocy. A total of oneâ€"lam): a! m? populallon has been permanently disabled. Almost every house visited presented variations of this disme. Four-fifths of the callle in this dislrifi have been killed by lhe same poison. and fully five per cent. of lhe crop is ergoti.» I'm pmuwnls are fully aware of lhe una \x'holesomeness of lhe grain. but they- llave no allemalive and must e31. what they can gel. Thousands of cases at nrgolism occurred before me (lovem- menl was slirl‘ed l0 acllon. The malady ' now dimlnishlng. LlEL’T.-GO\'. SNOWBALL DROPS DE \5‘ be. “when immediate hole], Mr. arm. The Young Elerlrir to A desnatch from Toronto says: Wil- llun Powell. '2’: years old. who had been employed by the Toronto Electric Light (unmpany, was elcclrouuled about 5.30 o’clock on Sunday afternoon at one of: the Niagara power switches in the sub» siatlon ail 'i‘oruuley street. Powell was up on a ladder engagrd in repairing a wire on the upper part of the lower switchboard when by some means ha lost his balance urn] fell backward across the terminals or a switch below him Fred B. Murlin. foreman in the simian. was behind tho board at the time-amt heard Powel (all. When he found him his pulse was, scarcely stirring. Dr. Walter P. Thomson of Carlton street was summoned and Powell was oon~ weyed in St. Michael's Hospital in the ambulance, but he was dead when the ambulance arrived there. Powell was unmarried and had no relatives in Can- adu. Company, was elm o‘clock on Sunday the Niagara power siation at TPruuley up on a ladder eng wire on the upper Mackenzie 51 have purchased John Railway. A despalch from Winnipeg says: A: the result. of a dmnken debauch Baptiste Prince. Rosie Smith and George Kmiac were burned to dealh in an Indian lepeo about :1 milé wwt of the Indian [adm- h-ial School at Middlcdnurch on Sunday morning. The three victims are Indians from the Bmkonhead rtsarve. and were (:rnmuled :15, “my in)‘ stupefied from the effects of hquor 'm a miserabie Lepee con- structed of bark. saplings and mud. l-‘ire Dem'nys an Indian Tepee al Middlb l'lllll‘L‘Il, Manitoba. l 995 KILLED ilHiI-I Bl‘flNED TO DEATH . . . . . . . . . . . . 51253224865 2' 0! Iain] amidean in 131! l durmg the three preceding ian‘s Sud End in Toron- Poxu‘r Home. BY \ LIVE “IRE many [)9 aons summing Mann are reported to Jebec & Lake St. Icab mm mm 3 w. .392 ._ 188 533,115 540,649 986,912

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