V‘V‘ . S\\'EDISII llANDlCIlAFTS. [Ionic-“ode Articles Ontnnmber the Factory-made. ' Sweden is the homo of the handi- crafts. In addition to manual training taught in scliOtila. the most exquisite handwriting, laceâ€"making. brass work, even pottery, is done by the peasants. 'l‘ltll'll district. Iii'f4 its own rpatterns. “'Ilit'li the peasants make a d wear, deeming it iinpatriotic to have. alight to do with patterns of other IOPflIiiiQ§_ Because of the handicrafts. Sweden has not many textile factories, says- it". Craftsman, although there are some e.-tiere'coiidtlions of Work are. for the most part. that]. The people. however, are (nouraged to continue. band-weav- mg and to hold to their liIllt‘-llt'infil‘a?ll minim-hit customs rather than to take the risk of a disturbed {Iup Li a market plotted with shoddy trash. In all Sweden lfhr-re are tin-day :iily about 10.00 factories of all kinds. {-iiiploying in all a little more than 36:3,- BOII \VH'IVIICIhâ€"llt’il a great number out it a total population at more than 5.- )0.J,t:00 â€".,P_ fHE Govrrrnrii AND ZAM-BUK SI'RYEY Ol'T FROM FORT “‘lL/LIAM TAKES A SI'I’PLY OI" THIS USEFUL BALM. Zam-Iluk, the favorite household balm ind salve, is now adopted as “the I)er- Kir†by leading parties engaged in sur- CL‘iltl'tillIC order} I UNLUCKX SIIIPS' amsaors. Sailors-Say That “A Mascot Ashore Br- conies the Opposite. Afloat.“ .\/Ir. J. Gordon Bennett's magnificent ,steani yacht. the I.yi.~trata, which was so badly damaged in a recent great gate in the Mediterranean. is a ship with a ‘ mascot. This is the owl. a bird regarded by her own r as icing the emblem of good lurk. They are everywhere atrnird of Ibereâ€"stuff d owls, plaster owls. iisai'ble owls. gold owls, of all sizes and iii ‘H’ery pisilioli. ()wls peer into llb‘ iSIIII-C'dllll'x on the dinner-table. forai tprpper-limes, seals, handles to «burs. illI'('~II‘(lIIS, paper-knives. and er: ii gaze op Mil miin at the visitor from bottoms of teacups and plassos. .\ii enormous 1,qilt owl, two. fiii'iiis the yachts figure- lii-ad: and another, of equally imposing pi't‘iportioiis. decorate< her stern. Yet. she hits Iit‘.‘tl a most imliieky nail, and the same may be said of many otli r vessels owning maseots: which would ~eeiii to prove that there ‘is truth iii the saying. common amongst sailors, with a loss of 334 lives. and on board which lzor-seshois predominabd, much as the owls do on tiie Lyistrata. The. iiiif li‘l‘lilttI-O Victoria. too. whit-Ii in 1x03 carried with her to the bottom of the sea Adm rai 'I'iyon and 358 ollieers and men, possessed a mascot in the shape of a huge black cat. Then, again. there was the case rf the French liner, loiii'gognc. whose cap- reyiiig.r various parts of the Dominion lands. M. Ilenry Ilall.‘ writing from Fort William. says: “Having,r proved how beneficial Zam-Buk is in cares of cuts, skin injuries and diseases. I determiin to keep a supply handy. Ill‘illt.‘ engaged to go on a survey. I thought it would to a most useful thing,r to take along. t obtained a supply in Fort William Ind very well it was I did so. I may lain insisted on cai‘ryiiig.r with him “for iiiek“ a case of stuffed kingfishers, birds abhorer by British sailors, but regard- ed as mascots by French. and which was lost all Sable Island Willi 5'13 pas- seng rs and crew. .__,_._.xv_.___ NOT \\'OIITII HAVING. lie was employed by a city firm of dealers in bi'ic-aâ€"brac and old furniture say that pretty nearly every day it was called into requisition by one or other 0' the party for cuts, bruises. bu‘f‘ns.r-r some injury or other. It is wonderful how quickly Zam-Biik takes the sore ncss out of cuts, burns. bruises and iii- luries: and on our survey it earned go‘den opinions from all who had oc- casion to. try it. I have found it very line for skin disease, and I can strong- ly recommend it as a household balm." Mr. Lascelles Scott. one of the lead- ing Government analysts, says: “I have no hesitation in certifying the entire purity of Zainâ€"Buk, which in my opin- ion is excellently adapted for skin in iuries and diseases." Zuni-Bak- cures cuts, scalds, burns, bruises, eczema. scalp sores, ringworm. ulcers, abscess- es. chapped place, Spring piiiiples.blood poison. chronic abscesses. etc. As an embrocation it relieves rheumatism. neuralgia and sciatica. All druggisfs and stores sell ‘at 50c. a box. or from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. for price. 6‘ boxes sent for $2.50. Send lc. stamp and we will mail you free sample box. â€"â€"â€"â€"'X< She. (after breakingr the wish-bone): “What. did you wish?" lie: “I wished that you would let me kiss you. What did you wish?" She: “I wished that. what you wished would come true.†Corns cause intolerable pain. way's Corn Cure removes Try it, and see what amount of pain is saved. Teacher: “Is there any connecting link between the animal and the vege- table kingdoms 1’“ Bright I‘iipil: “Yes, niuni; “there's hash." Spots and blotchos on the face and neck are ofton merely signs of foul blood. Ap Iy Weaver‘s Cemto to obtain immediate rel-Ia and take Weaver's Syrup to rid the blood of pollution. Fortune Teller: “I see by your hand you‘ll die when you're twentyâ€"seven." tk'illie: “But, my dear woman. l‘m weiity-nine now.†Fortune. Teller: ‘\\'liy. my good man, you should have ieen dead two years. You're living uider false pretences i" Bickie‘s Antilkiiisuinptive Syrup is in unparalleled remedy for colds. mighs. influenza and diseases of ti“- hroaf and lungs. The fame of the me- liciiie rests upon yeiins of successful we in eradicating llit‘St‘ affections. and n prote~ting_f mankind from the fatal avages of consumption. and as a neg. ected cold leads to ruiisimiplion. an.» unnot to too careful to fight it in its to scour rural districts in search of anâ€" tiquilies. and suddenly he espied an old- fashioned cottage nestling at the foot of a hill. Surely here. in this old-world spot, there would be something in his line. lie knocked sharply at the door. and a weary-looking woman answered: “Do you happen to have any antique furniture, madam ‘3†he inquired, “or any old ornaments, such as heath-en idols, or such-like things 3’" The woman looked puzzled for the moment. “I think I've. got. one." she. said at length. Agog with expectation, he followed tier into the house and to a room where lay a hulking fellow who was fast asleep on a couch. “There it is." she replied, pointing to the couch. "Ile‘slhe only idle thing I‘ve got in the placeâ€"hasn‘t done any work for years, he may do for you; but he's certainly no ornament." >X< SIIADISD ROADS. The majority of the Iiigliroads in Bel- gium are. now planted with trees along the way. to the great pleasure of traveb ters and to the advantage of the country. bi a total distance of about 4.775 miles there are no less than annual) of these roadside trees. Allltiill.’ them are/in- Hotlo- chided 300.000 elms. 17t).l;,ltl oaks, 70.000 “‘9 {I‘Ol‘mt‘ evergreens. 76.000 ash-tries and 41.000 maples. A kangaroo consumes as much grass as [our to six sheep. When You Have a Cold. the air cells are flogged with mucous or (phlegm. Allen's Lung Balsam, in curing a. col , clears the tiny uin passages and heats the bronchial tubes. The largest winged insert in the world i»: the Atlas moth of (lentral Brazil. Its wings extend fourteen inches from tip to tip. A Benefactor to AILâ€"The soldier, the sailor, the fisherman, the. miner, the fariiiei', the lilt‘clltliilt', and all who live Ines oi toil and spend their cvistem-e in the dull routine of tedious tasks and uh. are exposed In iiijiirirs and ail- ments that thouse who toil iiot (It) not know. will find in Dr. 'I‘liomas' Eclec- ti'ic (iii an excellent friend and bene- faitor in every time of need. Ida: “George is so poetical. my ears are like shells." he say whether oyster shells 1" He says Irene: “liid h.- meant cat-oaiiiit or arty stages. Blt'klt‘li Syrup is the wea- on. use it. E I’.\it'l‘l.\ \\'il.l.tN(:. ‘i Maiden Lady (rescued from drowniiigâ€" , 1 her rescuer-l: “Ilow can I eier ttiaiik ou. noble young man 2’ led?" Young Man: “No: have you got a, retty daughter ‘2" ,‘ Are you iiltji'-‘ 'isféi-i; No.‘ iii you. V " ‘ obnoxious springs or pads. 't-iij lyed your bniivpich uncertainty (3an FOR New Brooks' Appliance. No dlicuvcry. Yondernt. ' ' t Automatic Air Cushions. I r Binds and draws the broken parts together as you would ‘ a broken limb. be calves. .> Nolymphol. Suites. Dul‘ abtemhcup. Pat.SepL.iu.'01. SENT 0N TRIAL. CATALOGUE FREE. 0 E. BROOKS. ivi. Brooka'Bidg., IIIS BI’AT S IUIIY. After an iinsatisfacl-iry l'illltilb'l th: Ian-33.; «I ll. t‘\l'Iilll_Ll “it: illli‘niltIL‘I‘ii ll.- lull>|llltl>lt‘l' :is [tillu'A‘ZW' ‘i'. IIlI.I'l .\\i- tan.- wiill not ,_. ï¬g“; ii, 5.x»... 1. tie-liwe. \in will tel U.- .,. [1.» but :iiiI ligrcst :of'ii-dniiiii' \lt‘ .1 \l , \z- d ‘zioi illlplildp" I’iwfzuwr tar;- I', U†l'J‘K‘. “.\t '. I. a‘timistei- tint :rntb then." .:“:i l"_‘.ti \\'t‘l 1::v b H I: \\ HILII'UII‘C‘IIy l It'l‘.’ ‘ .. .i :.:e tell .\.:I p i. : yin; that t: till . nu. >Lr. 'I'he.‘ it,†I, \t .l i it: says in: will" t'i'tiiL" “\r-ii r i i \ll ll 'g'i “ n v. 'IV-tl lam i t-v old had \‘.li‘.Ii I was in: yeais tiid.' tha' “a mascot ashore becomes the .ip- posite afloat." For instance. there was the case (‘II the Iilbi‘. sunk in the North Sea in Ir‘stltl, t 0XOIlltl sion l (DR. SLOCI'M'S GREAT SCIENTIFIC EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL.) Is the greatest food and tissue builder known. It. has no equal 115 a cure for all wasting diseases, zinc| ,throat. chest and lung troubles. It. is ii germ destroyer and strength produc- ei. nourishing and restoring.r the vita organs. It is a perfect food and valu able medicine combined. It is pleasant to take. it is predigestcd and easily borne by the most delicate stomach. Doctors Prescribe it Many of the most prominent medical men prescribe it in their regular prac- tice in prelei‘ence to all others. Dr. Norman Allen. of Toronto save: “As a , stimulant to nutrition in wasting diseases Cod Liver Oil Emulsion is: the host tissue builder. In Dr. Slociim's Oxoiunl ion :ill nauseating taste and nut value of the pure oii. , Dr. Bruce L. Riordan, Physician .1an Surgeon to theft/I‘ll... says: “Sumo of tho (lo-I Liver Oils iontho market, are valiioloqs on account of ro- cesses to render them tasteless. Such procee. are 1‘ removed the active principle of the oil. [tank giipon Siocum'sOxomnlsion as the beat. for the reason that it, is made of the pure oil in the very .Iiigiiest state of emulsion. As an emulsion of pure Cod Liver Oil I consider ()xoniulsion perfect." Dr. '1‘. Wylie, Grand Medical Examiner, Sons of Scotland, says: “ It affords me extreme pleasure to be in a. position to be able to recommend Sloeum‘s ()xomulsinn to invalids affected with consumption, scrofnin, or wasï¬â€™hz diseases of any ikiud. I have prescribed Oxomnlsion for years with great, Ieasure to myself as well as comfnfl Ito my patients. I find it almost universally ladapted to children and the aged with whom the di estion is feeble and the lymphatic conditions be our nor mal." If you need Cod Liver Oil, or are weak 13nd run down use Oxomulsion. At all ldruggists at 35c and $1.00 per bottle. THE GREAT NOR'I‘II COUNTRY. Nimrod was a mighty limiter. but had he hunted in the “'l‘emaganii" region he, would have been a mightier one. Nim- rod hunted for glory. but 'l'emagamiaiis limit for game. Those Indium who made the first canoe of birch bark long ago, were our greatest lieni.‘factors. The children of these ndians know the canoe, and they know how to use it. and if you go to 'I‘eniagami this suin- nier they will paddle your ratio-e in their own superb way. They will be the best guide; ywu ever had. Students who ("imp in the summer along the Temaga- iii; lakes are able to do two years' work in one. Finest of fishini,r and limiting. Easy of access by the, (ii'tllld Trunk Railway System. For information and beautiful discriptive publication sent smell are flthlflflll. while retaining all the modici- i DID GOOD WORK IN NORTH ANNE“. III-SPORT OF THE NORTH- \\'l-IST MOI'NTED POLICE. Nothing] Yet of Train Rubbing Gang in British Received for Capture Columbia. The. annual rcpt-rt of tin Department t “We I‘l'l'vt‘lited to I‘arhzimcni the ollr‘i' t. y by Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The total stl't‘liglli (ll the [Hive till Ili‘i‘. Ixt Iu>t 1was ti’m‘ men. .371} horses. and 3:» dogs. ‘ tl‘illlllii\\IiIIIt‘I‘ Perry says Inspector ‘II wvziril and the deiaeliiiicnt under :Ch‘lllillfllltl. L'1lll>l\llii‘,{ of six men, have. limrformed e\C~IIetit service in the ‘iAretic i'epiiinz. I’ive whalingr shim. Twilh crews nurnberinpr ‘13th men \\'in- ‘tei'ed at llersetiell Island last \Vinter. t'I‘Iie presence of Inspector Howard and this constables at that point was most. itlrsirable, both for 'lhe unfortunate News and for the preservation of law ‘zznit order. The crew/s oi the live what- I'i‘.~ were evidently a bad lot, and some ‘lhiilling stories are the matter of fact. details containwl in Inspector Howard's prietical Il‘Olifll‘I. The captain of the American ship Olga shot, and killed his engineer. An iii- vestigalion was held by Inspector flow- ard. (but it is a qiiestioiiwvtiether the murder was committed in Canadian ‘wa ters. ‘ CAPTURE OI“ TRAIN ROI‘. HEP-S. 4 Attention is called in (ioniiiiissioner Perry's report. to the capture of train robbers iii Iiritish Columbia. Rewards of $5.000 were offered by the Dominion Government. and the Canadian Pacific liaitway Company. and $l.500 by the British Columbia Government, in dli $t|.5l'i0. for the capture of the robbers. On behalf of the members of the force who effected the capture the commis- sioner applied for the rewards. but to had not. received any portion. nor had he bien informed whether they would be paid. The convictiom in the two provincos of Alberta and Saskatchewan had grown from 1.250 in 1001 to 4.250 :n 19h}. During.r the year 3i members of] the force wtre dismiwcd for bad cou- ‘LliiCt. drunkenness being the cause in nearly every easy. Sixty-four men pur- chased their diScharge for the purp0se of bettering his conditions. There was a marked falling off in the number of applicants for engagement. Na special free apply to J. D. McDonald, D. I". A.. Grand Trunk Ry. System, Toronto. Mrs. li‘enpcck (who insists on buying tier husband's clothes): “I want. someL thing nice in trousers.“ Assistant. (with a merry twinkle): “Yes‘m. \\‘ouid I come anywhere near your ideal, mum ‘2" The superiority of Mother Graves' \V'orin Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase a bottle and give it a trial. “Now. then." said the teacher of arith- metic. “what is ‘above par “1 think I know.“ ventured a small boy. “Well?†sked the teacher. “It's nfa." Chemists Have Trouble in getting iron into such a state that the system will absorb. and beiieftt‘by it, In “Ferrm‘im,†the best tonfb perfection has been achieved. It builds and strengthens. Mrs. De Iv‘asiiioii (to her new tiliinese Cook): “John, “by do the Chinese bind the feet of their women 1’" John: “So they not. trotcc ‘round kitchen and bolti- eree cook." They Wake the Torpid Energies.â€" .\tacliinery n it properly supervised and left. to run i‘aelf. very soon sliowsfaiilt in its working. It is the same \viththe digestive organs. Unregulated from time to time they are likely to become lorpid and throw the whole system out of gear. I’ui'iiietces Vegetable I’ills were made to meet such cases. They restore to the full the flagging facul- effort was made to recruit. ROSS RIFLE SIIOVVIED DEFECTS. The commissioner says the Ross rifle. was put to a severe test at the annual target. practice, and serious defects were discovered. As soon as they had developed the practice was suspended. as it was thought some serious acci- dent might happen. The Colt revolver, which was issued to the men at the same time as the Ross rifle. had proved to be an admirable weapon. and there was a marked improvement in revolver shooting. Sixtyoiie remounts were pur- cliasedoiiriiig the year at an average price of $113. Sure Regulators. -- Mandrake and Dandelion are known to exert a pow- erful influence on the liver and kidneys, restoring: them to a healthful action, in‘ (lilifiilti a regular flow of the secretions and iiilltlt'ltllg to the organs complete pawer to perform their functions. 'I'lit‘ise valuable ingredients enter into the com. position of I’armelec's \'c,;.ri:iiable Pitts. and serve to render them the agreeable and salutary medicine they are. There are few pills so effective as they in their action. \ titadys: “I refused Fred two weeks ago. and in; has been drinking heavily since." Ijtliel: “Isn't it about time he stepped celebratiiig‘f†Put up In $I Yard Rolls. The famous “The ta... and bring,r into order all parts (.I ‘the mechanism. ‘ MAKING I'l' \\'0Il$li. Itewiitly. in a case at one of the Lon- don ])Ulik‘t‘>tfl)tit‘t5, one of the witnesses, evinced some disinclinatioii to state her: tlgt‘. “Isâ€"is it. really necessary '7†she asked. , ('oyly. ‘ t “It is absolutely necessary. madanify backache, sciatica. neuralgia. 12th., are also put Davis A': Lawrence (11)., Montreal. o “Ito's a good friend of yours, isn't be?†“Oh. only medium." “\Vlltlt do you mean by inediuin'." “Uh. he Ii\tl'lt.~' while I tell Iniii all of my troubles; but in also \\‘ltIll\' me to lisbii while. he tells me all of his." ,the magistrate assured her. 1 “\\'ell,‘ sighed the Illilftll‘ll, “if 1 mad; ‘I suppose I mii~l. I don‘t see how it; lt‘l'llltl ]-<l>\ll_ll)' attict the t,‘ii.\t‘. for you :59,» ,a,“ i ' "Madam." ubsei'ied the iiiagistiuitml lrather t1ll‘lI}'.“l Illlialtl>li_\tit1|liit to fur- ther waste the time obthis court. Kindlyi state your age with rut ilil'lilt‘l‘ iii-lay." l "I am. that is. I was â€"-" she stain- lIIt‘l'Ftl. lIlltlllli‘ to piamud. ! . “.\l.i<t:iin. I inust be; you to hurry!“ “l-Zvi ry minute . lll Uliii'esl the niagidrale. makes it worse. you l~.n--w I" l .\ \'l-ll‘.\ nib xioinb . I t I'lixre is a lad man! to tire stwiy III the lllt'll‘UIill )i‘vllii'l'\ Hi the l'~il’ili,_rlli‘~i‘* \\ ~:l.-!i use \\l"~i. b'.‘ culling ti :iei'. I. ligili :I illiil'i' t‘t‘iu‘I \ it i _I' lift pull not ;_':\i- ~:; '3 ~2iii 1 It riw-zip ill all left ‘h- wiirkl 'I'lii 153m, "Hop 1,, I.“ .5. gratingful. were i: -! fir t'w In“. IX: iri iii Illitlv: !. \,t i. I .i' t‘i-i :iii ii 'I'Euy M... u l v. ‘l"" ll * . \1mr- "\\‘»tlllvi l ‘4'l w v i' \F:- rd: “\\ ‘ie \w‘ \I i, ‘ II.- if; “I! I t. ‘I...\~’i‘.rt l to iy : y ': 'l‘. .s3 n‘ \Zl'. “\ "'l'ia ‘s l l.‘i II- i In. if to it \cl\: ‘5 L f-‘t’t Yr ’ Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, butâ€"â€" why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescription ï¬lled, when you can step into any ' drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH’S CURE ' for a quarter. l Why pay two to ï¬ve dollars . when a twenty-five cent: bottle of SHILOH will cure you as uickly? by not: do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirtyâ€"four years: let SHILOH be your doc~ t tor whenever a Cough or Cold ap ears. HILOH will cure you, and all i «t the “(bat North-\Vest Milliilti'ti 1mm, childrm his , t'\'I'll‘IlII_\' beyond I Dd: L" Menthol Plaster; which cure lumhagoH up in one yard rolls for physicians and family use. i ‘1 _â€" [PEN-ANGLE liâ€" Pen-Angle Unden- wear is form-knit: so it; can't help ï¬tting your ï¬gure, â€"it’s made of long - ï¬bred wool so it won't shrink . and it’s guaran- teed besides. The whole idea is to make it: so good you can’t; afford not to buy by the trademark (in red). 2015 ’ QNWRWEAR In a variety oi styles. librics and prim, tor women. men and Form-ï¬tted. Dealers are authorizrd , to replace instantly and lot our cost any Pcn- Angle garment faulty : in material or making. “Queen City" is better than a pure Manitoba flourâ€"it is better than a pure Ontario flourâ€"being blended it combine! the best at both. ' "Queen City' is an all-purpose: flour. Deals: Everywhm 3mm The Campbell ‘Miiiing Co. Limited Toronto lunct'nn, OM. .2431: your grocer for Campbell’s Queen City TWO or Threl good Turners. ' " APPLY STANDARD BEARINGS, limited. Niagara Falls, Ont. Dyeing i cleaningl tor a. very ton-Ind you work In th- †III‘I'IIII AIIBIGAH DYIINO M." [not (or nut In your ton. a! and (in... Muuodfl‘oronto. Ottawa. Quehg SHAWA' p I Galvanized Steel HINELES Thecheapestgood They do shin 1e is the castles “Os awa.â€Gooa for a century’s weather-wear. Guaranteed for 25 years without your even paintingâ€"“ Oshawa ’ ’ double-galvanized shingics need no int: to outlast an roo ng there is. M e roofs fire-proof, too, â€" guaranteed in every way you want. Cheap in ï¬rst cost as com- mon wood shingles, yet more durable than slate. Sold under a written guar- You can’t afford any other kind :ReiVWa‘rhï¬ï¬rfï¬'solwva‘cm. . 733.39er With a hammer, a snips, and horse- sense an body can roof bui dings right with “Oshawa 7’ Gal- vanized Steel Shingles. They necd no cleats. They lock on all FOUR sides. Made in only one gradeâ€"- of 28-guage semi-hardened sheet steel in the pat:- ented “ Oshawa †way “ Oshawa " es are an invest- ment, rot an Easyto put on More than 100 farm Lightning buildings. w e r e proot, too damao'ed in On- tario alone last year by lightning. Not one of them would have been banned if they’d been “Oshawa’ ’-roofed. These shingles insulate abuild- lugâ€"make it safe against every element. Let us tell you What it; will cost youbo roof the “Oshawa†way. Get our free book ‘Roof- in RI t’ Deï¬ne 3%?) RoofaThing .x.,-.»-.. druggists back up this statement With a posmve guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with Eegdfiéezrï¬opie 0t Oshawa. Montre at Toronto LordCs Sit-5 Cra JV]. Ii L'ulborno E) Di'udï¬J Ottawa Winnipeg Vancouver 1 3 . uth Till method C I’cnilcz‘ .. .l 1.1. ;