Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Mar 1907, p. 4

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iiilir iihrral. Mei-urban unifies... MarCh 7, 19m The death of Dr. Oronhyatekha. Supreme Chief Ranger of the In- dependent Orderof Foresters, occurred at Savannah. Georgia, Saturday rrciiing. He was formerly Chief of the Mohawk Indians, and for the last quarter ofa century was a notable figure in Canada. #‘ Mr. C. C. Robinson. a well-known lawyer in Toronto. Solicitor for Rail- way committee of the legislature. and formerly Solicitor for the County of York, died suddenly last Saturday. Deceased was a grandson of the late Sir John Beverley Robinson who was formerly Attorney-General of Upper Canada. and a prominent figure in the public life and legal circles of Toronto. M Mr. Plain of Peel. on Monday in- troduced in the House of Commons his motion in favor of repression of cigarettesmoking in Canada. The house discussed the matter in a very Icisurly way. the only. really point of interest in the debate being the Prime Minisrer's statement that there could ' lie no hope of considering a bill such as proposed this session. as he hoped that thesession would conclude early next month. - :# We are pleased to publish else- where in this paper a copy of an Open Letter which Mr. 11. E. Irwin of Weston has sentto the warden of 5. 8. N0. 6 MARKHAM. The following is the school report for February. V Class.â€" Ethel Morison. Senior I‘Y.~Stillllfi‘y Boynton. 823°: Herbie Sanderson. 627;. Junior IV.â€"â€"Grncie Boynton. 7579'; Vera Jn-nnimzs. 55%: Edgar Sander- son. 51“); :" Duncan Read. 40‘}... Senior III.â€"Ncltic Stone. 88%: Roy Glovi-r. 45%; Marjorie Jennings. 37er: Herman Mortson. 33%. Jiiiiit-i;I_II.â€"-Eva Deuuic. 35%: Olive GIUVPI'. . "70’. Junior II.â€"-CIILM‘IIC€ Glover. Harry Madill. Senior I’nrt II.â€"-\Villis Rcynar. Junior Port Il.~1€lmcr Boynton. I.â€"Marjori(- Johnston. Pmscnt cirry dayâ€"Stanley Boyn- ton. Vera Jennings. Ni-ttic Stone. Marjorie Jcnnings. Roy Glover. Eva Dennic and Marjorie Johnson. â€"â€"â€"â€"Qo Concord. The following is the- report of the public school for February. the names stundinii,r in older of merit»â€" Sciiior IV.chnIy Bowcs. Esta-Ila \Vitty. Ire-tic Gordon. \Vilt‘rcd Ketfci. \Vinnin- led. Junior 1V.â€"(}harlic Bowen. Lloyd \Vhituiote. Norman Bowcs. Louise ' \Vilty. Eddie Claik. Dessa Poole. Euston Harrison. Senior [ILâ€"I’e-i-r-y Evans. Chat-Iii- Biting. \Villio Rudd. Russ Fisher. Edna Fishcr. \Vtii. Cohen. Junior [ILâ€"Ernie I’oolc. Harrison. Lyle Murphy. Scnioi- Il.â€"â€"Arthor Born-s. Gertie IC\ ans. Hilda Ellis. Lily EHIIIS. Bet-tio- Baker. Isaac Baker. Grace Gordon. Holon \Vliitc. Fri-dilir Gordon. Part II.â€"May Rudd. Fanny Evans. Mcliiii \Vilty. Ernest Clarke. Ida \Vitly. Harry Poolc. l I’arl I.â€"W'illic Ellis. Bcrt \Vitty. Percy w-..- __ _. ‘ “Edgely. The following is the school report for February :â€" CIHSS V.-Gcrtit' Llit'kt'. Senior 1V.â€"Ro1and Kcfi'cr. Carl Smith. \â€" Junior 1V.â€"CUI:I‘JHCI(SIHI. (lora Lot-kc. Albcrt \Villiams. Ross Kci’fct. Edna Reed. Lawrence chfi-r. Russo“ i Robb. Eiwnnd Robb. Clara. \Villiams. Senior III.â€"Fr:i‘nk Morton. Junior III.â€"Sid Smith. \Vaiien \Vhilniorc. Rcub. _\VI)11III()I‘P. Frank the County of the York. “lid ulei/’meke. Jim Aiming. Grncc Porter. Mayor of the City of Toronto. The letter plainly shows that the country surrounding the. city does not. share‘ the prosperity it should from the. fact that Toronto and The Radial Rail- way Company so far have not come to terms as to the admission of the r idial lines to the market and heart of the City. Mr. Irwin does not up- hold or defend either theposition taken by: the City or the Railway, but points out the injusticevboth to the citizens of Toronto and the County of York. - It will be seen by the minutes of the last Village Council meeting. in another column, that a Public meet ing is called. to be held in the Lorne IIali on the evening of Monday. 18th his. The object _of the meeting is to diciss the by-law to be submitted to the rate-payers to raise $1,000 for the purpose of widening Centre street cas‘. Tending to the C. N. 0. star ion, and for other purposes. We trus‘ that every r'atepayer will see his way clear to vote for the by-law. Vllage taxes have never been high, (oil we can welt afford to vote the money asked for. We hope to see R‘chiiiond Hill grow during the next few years, but if it does we must be prepared to spend a little more than formerly on improvements. Let every ratepayor attend the Public meeting on the 18th inst. LANGSTAFF. The following is the school report for Fobi nary:- Scnior IV.â€"Eniilv Rankin, Garland L-ugbif". Mary Lowery. Junior IV. â€"Alicc I’ngc. Gladys Hall. Emma Chapman. Boyuton \Vel- dl'it'k. Senior 111.»-Robbic LUIVI‘I‘Y. Inter. III.â€"Ncllie Page. Lizzie Rankin. Irene Chapman. Junior III.-â€"Stcwart Pagn. AiIiV BI”. \Vi-Iliugton Monkman. Joe Ire- limrl, Violet Cascly. Nathan Chapman. Sonior II.â€"â€"Katic Chapman, Junior II.â€"â€"Ellsworth “'cldiick. . Part II.â€"-Dei.nis White. I’art 1â€"Russcll Monkinun. Loriim \Veldiick. Georgie Langstnff. Donnie Drm-y. Dudley White. Enid Drui'y. Elva \Vcldrick. - -â€"â€"â€"§o.â€"â€"â€"â€" Rheumatic suffercis can‘liave a frce m nplc of Dr. Shoop's Rlicuiiu-tic “cloudy with book on Rheumatism by s‘inply wilting Dr. Shoop. Racine. \\'is. '1 his book will explain how Dr. Slioop‘s Rheumatic Rum-in success- fully (Livvs Rheumatism out of the blood. This l'r'llr‘lly is not a relief only. It :Iil’It\ to rlear the blood cu- tirclv of Rheumatic poisons. and then Iil‘icurim'Nm mus-1 din a natural drath. Sold by W. A. Watson. Edgar \‘Villiams. Laura Moi-ton. Milly \Vin'gcr. Senior II.â€"â€"-A1u'iu Robb. ROS" Ander- vson. Noi man “’illianis. Gordon Auder~ Sit", Roy \Vorlcy. \Vm. Snider. Cail \Vingc-r. _ Junior II.â€".Edgar Aiming. SPIIIUI Pat-t II.â€"â€"Ada Robb. Roy Kcfl'cr. Roy Snidci. Elsworth chfcr. Junioi Part II.â€"Joc KL‘Ifk'l', Annie \Vinger. 1’nrt I. â€" Max Smith. Harold “’illiams. Allan Smith. Laura Aiming, Winnie Robb. Albert Gibbons. John Snider. r quoiun __,._ .IEr FERSON. On Saturday afternoon. February 23. a very pleasant family gathering. including.r the Sons and daughters and grandchildren of Mr. Jas. IJK‘ggP. as- sembled at “Hillcrest..” the home of Mi. and Mrs. Hairy Leggc. to (ti-1r. bi'ate- a birthday party. At seven o‘clock about twenty-live guests sat down to a sumptuous rcpiist. and after justice had been done to all the good things. a birthday cake was cut. which consisted of four stories. each story representing omJ of the celebrated birthdays. A toast was proposed to the grandfather. who responde iii a most able [I]:lllll(‘1‘ by cxprtâ€"ssing his gratitude at being able to celebrate his 75th birthday surrounde by so many inenibms of his family. and also that. In- Would bc spare-d to again enjoy a real family re-union. The evening was spout in music and songs. and all dispersed with the ft-cling that the :llllthl‘lStll'y would be kept by this family for many more years to come. A.._...___ W. G. & R. shirts. coat style. pleatâ€" ed fronts. regular $1.50 quality, for $1.15. Atkinson 8i: Switzci'. VILLAGE COUNCIL. The Council met on Tuesday evening in the Clerk‘s office. All the members present: iiiiiiutts of last iiiceting read undcoiifirmcd. Thefollowingaccounts were road. which on motion the treasurer was ordcrcd to pay zâ€"Jnn. Cascly. work on rink $10.40; H. Kitcliin. shoveling snow $1.30; D. Blanchard. shovclling snow $1.00; J. T. Stai-‘tup. Work on rink $24.15. A lcttcr was read from the J. J. McLaughlin Co. otforing five dollnis as st‘ttlcnicnt for (Inlllilgt's caused by their team. The clerk was instructed to write the company ace. ptitig the amount offered as settlement of claim in full. Ia-tters were read fioiii Messrs. Ct. Ncwbci'y and A. Praison acknow- ledging ri-ceipt of IIIt' L‘ouiicil's accept- ance of their tcndi-is for posts and fencing I‘t‘Spl‘CichIy. Also from MeSSis. Soulcs and Blanchard dvcliu- ing contract for digging holes. A resolution recommending government aid to the Canadian NoI‘lht'I‘lt Railway iwas passed. and the Clerk was in. striictcd to solid copies to thc Prime Miiiistcrof Canada. and the Premier of Ontai io. )n motion the clerk was ordered to procure 500 time sheets for the use of the village. "he Council decided to call a public meeting of the- citizens of the village. to bc held in tlic Lorne Hall. on the 18th of March. for HIV purpose of dis- cussing tho tiialtcrs in connection 1 with the by law. which is to be voted ' on by lht' i-afcpayers on tho 25th inst. 1 Council adjourned. A. J. HUME l‘lvrk. ’IIIIPII‘IIIEIIL'I. on lot 12. Con. 2. Mark-l .haui. the property Auction Sales. ' J. H. I’ims'rion‘ SALER. E FRIDAY. Mar. S-Faiiu stork.l -imph-uicnts. etc.. on iv-t 13. run. I.‘ ‘East. York. the priipi'rty of Johny ‘Dcnby. Salcnl 1. 'l‘crnis.8iuontlis. l SATURDAY. March 9â€"4’arin stock and implements. on lot 22. con. 3. Scarboro. the property of John Hui-on. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Terms 8 months. MONDAY. March ll-‘FHI In stock and of A. B. Elson. SJIIt‘ at I. Terms 0 months. TUESDAY. Mar. I‘dâ€"Farm stock. implements. etc.. on lot 18. con. 2. Markham. the property of I“. H. IIt‘IIIIKuy. Sale at 12. Terms, 8! months. Saign-on 8t Prcnticc. aurt. \VEDNESDAY. Mar. 13~Fnrni stock. Ilnpil'lllcllts. etc.. on lot. 22. Con. 1. East York. Yongc strm-t. the propci-ty of Hilton Bros. Salciit 11. Terms. 8 months. ’l‘iiUiisDAY. Mar. 11~~Farm stock.i iiiiplcim-nts. etc... on lot 10. con. 1), Srarlmro. tho propi-rty of Jun. Dix. Salc at 10. Terms. 8 months. FRIDAY. Mar. lBâ€"Farni stock. ini- plcuionts. etc.. on lot, 35. con. 1). Scarboro. tho property of Mrs. I). Morrison. Sale at, 1. Terms. 8 months. SATURDAY. Mari-h 16-â€"Farm stock. implcmcnts. ctr” lot 9. con. 2. \VPst York. [IH' propci tv of E. A. Armstrong. Salo at I. Terms 8 nwnths. MONDAY. March Iiiâ€"Faint stock. iuiplcnii-nts. ctc.. on lot 26. con. 5, Scatboi-o. the property of Jas. Stone- house & son. Sale at 12. Terms. 9 months. TUESDAY. Mar. 19â€"Farm stock. impb-nu-nts. etc. on lot. 10. con. 2. \\'vst York. the property of Joe. Jack- son. Sale at 1 o‘clock. 'i‘crtns. 7 months. WEDNESDAY. Mar. filthâ€"Farm stock. iiiipIi-uicnts. vita. on lot 35. con. 1. Markham. the propcrl y of R. Cnscly. Solo at 12 o'clock. Terms. 8 months. THURSDAY. Mar. ZIWFetl'lli stock. implcmi-nls, etc..' on lot 10. con. 2. East Yoik. the property of .los. Smith. Sale at. 1 o‘clock. Terms. 8 months. FRIDAY. Mar. 22â€" Farui stock. implemciits. 01.0.. on lot 1. con. 2. Vaughan. the propcrty of Jim. Mc- Bride. Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms. 9 months. . SATURDAY. Mai-ch Eliâ€"Farm stock and iniplcniciits. on lot 31. con. 2. Scarboro. the property of John John- Son. Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms 8 months. ‘ MONDAY. March 25â€"Fai-iii stock and implements. on lot 16. «on. 10. Markâ€" ham. the property of David Harv. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Tetms S tiioiiths. THURSDAY. March 2Sâ€"Fnrm stock and impleiiicnts. cast of Davis‘illc tho props-11y of Fred l’iplicr. Sale at'l o'clock. Terms 8 months. MONDAY. April lâ€"Farm stock implo- ments. on lot 3. con 2. East York the property of John Courtney. Salt at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. Auction Sales. SAIGEON 8; MCEWEN‘S SALES. FRKDAY. Mai-ch Sâ€"Farni stock and implements. the pi-opi-rty of Chas. Harrison. lot 20. con. 5. Vaughan. SATURDAY. Mai-clifiâ€"A farm at the Queen's Hotcl. Aurora. SATURDAY. Mar QHIFHI in stock. etc. property of Mrs. N-‘vI e mar Clo r- \ illc. SATURDAy. March 9â€"~IIoiscs and colts at Harris Hoth. Sclioiiibcrg. Terms 9 months. MONDAY. March llâ€"Credit sale of farm stock. implements ctr... the property of AIfll-‘(I Stong. lot 16. con. 1. East York. Lansing. March Ill-Farm stock and imple- ments. the prope-ity of Thomas Dunn, lot 12. Con. 9. Vaughan. March lidâ€"«Farm stock and iiiiplc- minus. the props-ity of G. \V. Vei-ral. lot 20. con. 1. Etobicoke. Mai-ch 1-1â€"Farm stock and imple- mrnts. the property of Thos. Alcpinc. near Downsvicw. March lbâ€"Faiin stock and imple- imciits, the propeity of James Zcber. lot 20. con. 2. Tecumseh. FRIDAY. March 15â€"Farm stock. im- plements. etc.. propertyi of \Valter Benson. Richmond Hill. SATURDAY. March 16â€"Farni stock. implements. ctc.. property of Mr. McCoi tei . near Schom berg. SATURDAY, hltll‘i’h Iiiâ€"Auction sale of household fuiniture. the property of Ed. Mai wood. lot 32, Vaughan. MONDAY. March l‘iâ€"Farm stock. implements. ctc.. property of D. Lock. | March Iiiâ€"Farm stock and impleâ€" mcnts, the property \V. Cooper. lot 25, con. '7. Vaughan iu-ar Kleinburg. March ISLâ€"Farm stock and imple- ments. the property of D. and R. } Colerainc. (in old [ con. 4. Mchath plank ioad. WEDNESDAY. Mai-ch 20â€"-Aiu~tion sale of hoiscs. cattle and vehicles. the V pi'opvrty of \Vm Jones, Int 27, con. 2. i Vaughan. \VICI)NESI)AY. Mar. 20â€"Farni stock. implcmcnts. etc.. piopcrty of M. Davis. near Schomberg. l THURSDAY. Mai-ch ZIâ€"Crcdit sale of . Ilt‘tll‘ horses. colts. fresh milk cows. sprinchs . and young cattle at the Maple Leaf! Hoth Yards. Moplt‘. SATURDAY. March 23vâ€"Hlllispltnldi furniture. ctc.. at Richmond Hill. the i property of C. (‘ablin Sale at 1 o'clock. . Terms. 3 months. i i WEDNESDAY. March 27â€"Auction isale of household furniture. tllcl l iropcrty of Miss S. H. \Vatsoli, 1, VIBIllbl'iI'g. I For Servma. A thorough-bud shin-thorn bull. lot ;2, con. 2. Vaughan. i JAMES B()\VES ‘ 33-4 Coli':t)l'(1 P. O. A Byâ€"law to provide tor the raising of $1000.00 by way of Debenturc for the purpose of widening and improving Centre Street liiist in the Municipality of Richmond Hill. and also for the purchase of land on said street to be used as a site for an elevator building and for other purposes. “'hci-cas it is desirous and ncccs- SHI'V that Ce-utrt- Strcel. Iiast should bi- “'IlIt'IIPII and iiiipi'ovcd. and that the nfotcsaid land should IIl‘ piiichasi-d for elevator and other purposes. and \Vlicrcas it will ri-qnii-c thc sum of $1000.00 to make such iinpiovcuicnls. and - ‘Vht‘l‘i‘flfl $1000.00 is the amount of the debt intended to be cicatcd by this By-Iaw. and \Vlicrcas the amount of tho wholc t'nte-iiblc property of the Village of Richmond Hill. accoidnig to the last Rci'isrd Assessment Roll of the said Villngc is $175.314.00. and \Vhercas the general dcbcntuic debt of thc said Village amounts to $38:i7.- 57. of which no part of the principal or iiiti-vcst is in xiii-car. and \thrcas. in order to provide for the said it is expedient. to issui- a. Debi-ht» tire of the said Corporation to the amount of $1000.00 bearing interest at 45 per cont. per annum. and that such principal shall be icpayablc in yearly sums cxtcnding over a period of tin- yonrs lrom the (late of issue of such chcnturc of such amounts that thi- aggirgiitc amount pnyablc for piinci- pal and iiitciest in any year in respect of the principal shall be equal as iii-ar- Iy as may be to what is payable for principal and intern-st during each of the UiIli‘l' years of such period. and \Vhi-i-cas it will requiic 1hr sum of $227.70 to he raised annually as afore- said by a special into on the whole i'ittcablc property in IIIt' said Villagc for the paying of thc said debt and iii- tercst; Now. tIIPrefort'. the Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill i-uacts as followsz-- 1. That the Reeve of the Corpora- tion of the Village of Richmond Hill. I be. and he is hereby authorized to bor- row the said sum of $1000.00 on the ‘ credit of the (airmn-ation. for tho pur- pose-s :iioresaid. and to issuc a debt-nt- ore of the said Corporation for thr- sum of $1000.00 payable at the oftico of the Ti casurer of the said Village; 2. ‘Yiihill the said period of five years. there shall be raised and IPVItd annually by a special rot». in addition to all otbcr rates. upon the whole ratc- able property of the s:iid Village the ycui Iy sum of $227.79 for the payment of th- dcbt and interest; 3. The said debenturc shall boar date as of the first day of June. 1907. and shall be signed by the lie-mo and 'l‘rcasurcr. and sealcd with the Seal of the said Corporation; 4. This By-Iaw shall conic into force on the 28th day of March 15-107: 5. That the votes (f the electors of the said Municipality, who ill'f' cutitl cd to vote on this By-law. shall be taken on MONDAY. I‘HIu‘ 23'I‘H DA Y OF MARCH 1907. commencing at. nine o’clock in the morning and closing at five o'rlock in the .it'lo~i-iiiiiiii. in the Council Chamber in the said Village of Richmond Hill: . 6. That on SATURDAY THE 23RD DAY ()1" MARCH 1907. at the hour of ten o’clock in the forvnoirn. the Rceve of Richmond Hill shall attend at the office of the Village Clei k. for tho pur- pose of appointing in writing signed . by Noise”. two pcisoiis to attend at the final sunning up by the Village Clcrk of the \Utt's polled on this By- ],uw, and also ofappointiiig one [)I‘I‘Sllll to attend at the polling place on be- half of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting the passing of this By-law. and one person to iittcnd at the said polling place on behalf of the persons intercsle'd in and desirous of op )osiog the passing ofthis By-law; 7. "hot on TUESDAY. THE 26TH DAY OF MARCH 1907. at the hour of ten o’clock in the forr-noon. the (‘-lcik . of the said Village shaii attend at his office to sum up the number of votes . given for and against this By-Iaw. Read a first and Sl‘t’UIHI time and read in Committee the lllh day of February 1907. CLERK’S NOTICE . Take notice that the above is a. true copy of n proposr-d Bylaw which has been taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Village of {ichniond Hill. and which will br- finally pnsswl by the said Council. in the (Hunt of the assent of the electors living oblaincd thereto. after one month from the first publication thcroof in the Richmond Hill “Libâ€" oral.” the date of which publication _ was Thursday. the 215i. day of Febru- .tll')’ 1907. and at the hour. day and place iIli‘l‘t'In fixed fol-taking the votes‘ of the electors the polls \villkbe held. A. J. HUME. Clerk. .iiiiiiSIâ€"liiiitiiiiii. ‘ The Next Sitting of Diwsion Court to: No. 3. County of York. will be held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL \Vedncsday, April 3. Commencing at 10a. in. T F. McMA‘iUN Fiat-nu 1907 Let c sell you a CHATMM Incubator On Time Do you know there is big money in raising poultry? Do you know my incu- batorwill pay youabig- ger profit than auv other thing you eat: have on your place? Well these things are true. Thousands of people all \ Over Canada have proved it every year {or thelast five years. I want to quote you a price | on my Chatham Incubator.â€" soId ON TIME and on a. 5-year guarantee. I want to send you my Chatham book. This incu- bator book is frt‘Eâ€"I'II send it to you for just a postal Card. It tells you how to make mam: out of chickens. Chatham Incubators and Breeders will make you money. for a Chadian: incubator will hatch a live. healthy chiChen out 0! every fertile e Into ii. in 21 days. u p“ Will you write for my book (0-day? Just say on a postal "Please scnd me your Incubator Bock"-tliat's all. Address me personally. Manson Campbell President The Hanson Campbell (30.. mt. Dent. . Chunm. 0m. NOTEâ€"1 c large flocks an ship promptly horn brunch house! at C31. Ci‘ryiAIu-tMon- (real. Que. ;Bun. dun.Man.;Hall- fax, N. 5.; VIC. ‘ toria. B. (2.. anjL . ’ : factory It CK“. ham. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and desert tlon may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether nl Invention is probably putcntiible. Communmp tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent. sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. l Patents taken through Munn 5; Co. receive spa-sin! notice. without charge in the Scientific fineness. ‘ A handsomely illustrated weekly Lowest i oulatlon of any scientific. journal. '1 crms. $.11 year: four months. 31. 8011 by all ncwmlr-rilers. ‘ tiiiiiitl E. {increment i’ew York limo ‘1 (10313-3. 6‘25 F St... \‘r':isliin;:i..;ii. T). C. l l Mt stock ot \Voolens for FALL AND WINTER is now complete comprising Blot ix and Blue \\ oisted ’1 “11in. 5C0't h Tum-eds. liaiin 'I roosei‘ings, chrcoating. etc Best quality. Low prices A. J. HUME, Tailor. Richmond iiiii c- s * ' A _ Nol lct‘. TU CRiDiTURS . A__A ‘ In tho matter of the estatw of Solomon Usti-r. late of thi- Township of Vaughan iii the County of York, Uni pt’llil‘l', di'conscd. i ‘ CTICE is hereby givent pur- i suaiit to thc "Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1807. Cliaptcr 120." that all creditors and others having claims against. the estate of Solomon Oster. late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York. Carpenter. dc- ccasi-d. who dicd on or about the 22nd day of Dcccnibcr. 1005. at [11c said Township of Vaughan. are rvquired on or Ilt‘fHH‘ thc 2nd day of Apti1.1907, to send by post. [)l'i'pllitI. or dI‘IiYGI' to the undersigned solicitors for Mary UStPl'. thc Adiiiinistiatrix of the estate of thc said den-cascd. their christian and surnames. addresses and descrip- tions.thoiull partictilai-sof their claims. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities. if any. hold by them. ' And further take notice. that after the said 2nd day of April, 1007. this said Aduiiiiislratrix will proceed It. distribute the assets of the said dc- ceased among the parties entitled thereto. having i-cgaid only to thc claims of which SIN' shall then have i notice and that the said Administra- tI'ix will not Itl' liable for the said its- scts so distributed or any part then-- of to any pi-rson or persons of “'htl’st‘ claims nuticv shall not have been rc- cvivcd by her at time of such distiibu- tion. ‘ DENTON. DUNN d; BOL'LTBEIC. ' 2U Kiiij‘ St. East. Toronto. Soiicitnis or the Adiiiinistratrix. Dubai the- ‘J'M “ ' .}' Hf I“cbI'uaI‘y. A. D. 1007. . 8.3-4 / A.“ ....______i

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