Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Mar 1907, p. 6

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dl tol H10 fume unconsck died on Mrs. Mc( from L: rammed \ an M: “'onmn Asphyxialvd by Natural (ins at Welland. Important New Bill Introduced By the Government. (1.1). R. at Mackenzie River station, 14 miles east of Port Arthur. was stabbed to death Friday evening: supposedly by :1 tramp, who attacked him on the track. The young man had been in town 0nd; visit to his parents, and the road being blocked by a storm and no trains run- ning, he left early in the afternoon to walk back to his station. Saturday morning the sectionmen covering their section of the line west of Mac- kenzie found the body of young Ironside lying alongside the railway track. There was every evidence that. he had come to his death by foul play. They made fur- ther investigation, and were startled to see that the young: man had two wounds in his neck, inflicted with a knife. The coat was torn, and there were evidences that a struggle had taken place. The snow was covered with blood. A short distance away from the body was found ,the weapon with which the deed had been done, an ordinary jaeleknite. It was cm'ered with blood. ' GAME AND FISHERIES ACT line. and the an disastrous. Eng aler applied the. 11 was [00 late 1 sluck bravely 10 Two “'ounds in "is NN‘k. lnfliclod With a Kniic. A despatch from Port Arthur says: Ernest Ironsidm night elm-ator of the (I. 1’. R. at Murknnzic River station, M An invc Maul train jurou‘ Two Express Messengers Killed 0n the C. P. R. .Suun while slu we 10“ 1:15 Slim-on juslm r0 and juri BURNED TO DEATH IN WRECK \‘K Montr \\X\l The express from 'l‘ol'onlo. which 3“ last night and was due in Windsor Elation al 7.35 Friday morning, had uslx roundcd the curve west, of Moun- ain Station. when she found a freight min. which ought to have boen clear 1 the siding, in [msessinn of the main ne. and the effect of the hnnact was ‘x'miued 111 uu A despalch from Welland says Mcf‘onncll \vus nsphyxialcd he 9 fumes of nalural gas, being,T J AS ln Iln ha OPERATOR DEAD BY 'I‘R'\(‘.K. MR5. Mt'llt)NNICLL'S DRYI‘II. H) 1d Queen. cu! on having. [In fine a]. cum Jvel‘nmcn 11 ms 011 Salim ‘onnell [Il'l'l “INS 3111 KILLI‘II). NILE! [OI .SON [011 1116 I'll L‘Il 1i INJURED m Monlri lision he 1 y )ll pa<seng fill l'l :m. 10 have boen clear possession of the main ect of the impact was new Hurtney immedi- emcrgency brakes. but 0 avert the crash. He his post and held [he l‘hur VCX fumt ll xpr .\I 'hmond ’[ the 1nd bl! Hand says: Mrs. I Yeomam‘y yxiated heretrom said it was ;as, being found that marr. afternoon. She ageous tht ‘ning. Mr. and that the 5: st removed here tedty deve her body being War. eray afternoon. L] that the (him The Clo up and had not causing (ti 1t xpx ,1 ll] 1t from by UK ) pass out TI 11 'n mun in the ilul in] m; ‘ mes [Iom'i Owen shock X15 enls 0n St. the the 1w nmpul were not Testimony in Superior Courage in tho Bnlish Commons. A dos1 mony w moms on mons On We( ior courage 1 course of the tary's army commanded Yeomanry in said it was II that married ageous than minivon Exprt years. giving his employers. Supreme Chief Ranger vol Independent Foresters Suddenly Called. spndi them they ll aur Mr On a]. llS DEATH 0|" I)“. ORONIIYATEKHA. x-ovex'ed, but 1 md identilicalil Mr. Nitholson rk 1h (MARRIED MEN THE BRAVEST [hi Hm 1n four 3n of shall on 1' Ave: Hilchil about mm the diss< 11'lv < orlion mun ,q 1d that hi mat one .ated. The aich from London says: Testi- barrel LS given in the House of Com- long i Wednesday night to the super- plate go of married men. In the (10.. $ ‘ the debate on the War Secre- DOCL ~' my scheme Major Seely, who chllld 10d a company of Imperial in six 5' in the South African War, Wind! as the general experience there kil'ei ried soldiers were more com-1810.25: hon the unmarried ones, andi C1106 same characteristic was admit- ifOl' \V reloped in the Russo-Japanesei Bull an serious arrival of . Hurtney, x passenge brake firmly, w fl hund was b ) 1' n 0 HUG 11 Centre in Get nsions. which mz lissolution of the I ill lit in ,cboria Hospital, w his hand was so me of his fingers The injuries of the me other I] . \V E). y, was from Cobourg. the service of the Do- Gmnpany for many best of satisfaction to iv n p .ll'owed [iron m In the train in Mont the injured engin ' train. was taker 1y stupefieu oncd in th 1bout in Germany 1D! all \vitl‘ 1xiou ms were at disfigur 10 hav 11v im, who Cobour m 3’ t H1 irty 3y wherc m fir result chstag. m had to others badly SH lh 1bli :har- nglh 1 be- 1n but hf 11 Whoa North‘ while, pa PIOViF>iOHS-Bfll'l‘e $22 to $23.5); ha] $12.50. clear fat, I. long cut heavy me barrels (10., $10.75 long clear bacon, ' plate beef, $11 to (10.. $6.25 10 $6.75; Manitot No. 3 mixed, the ox-smrc, Oatsâ€"On spot, No. 2 No. 3 while. 41%0 to Me: 10. 41c per bushel ox-sloro. Ra'sâ€"Boiling peas, $1 in $1.10 in jabbing lots. ‘ Flourâ€"Manitoba. spring,I to $4.60; strong bakers‘, $3 winter wheat palenls, $1 Sll‘aighL rollers. $3.60 to 3% bags. $1.65 to $1.75; extr: and CflI‘ LII LEADING MARKETS I‘lm ll 1- whit-c Bulk râ€" Montreal. March 56%c per bushel Cornâ€"American ‘c 10 5;]. in car 1015 here. Baled Hayâ€"$11 to $11.50 for nolhy, and S8 to $8.50 for No m 1013 here. Slrawâ€"Steady ,at $6.75 to $7 : Toronio, Mn 3. 2 white v 90 NE\\' YORK WHEAT MARKET 0w York. March 5.â€"Spol easy; 11H ultry msâ€"$l to $1. here :l<râ€"Fresh made medium grades is or half La‘ 1111. L x-eceiv ed at 11 print .le . while il‘alioix alive. I an MONTREAL MARKETS. cal. March 5.#Bnc-kwhealâ€"â€"SG« I\'l Unchnn Dealers and 1-5 11c to $2.50 m :11 M an )UNTI bacon. 12C to : $11 to $12.50; 3 $6.75; barrels half barrels do 81%0 10 10% 45 for Ontar BREADSTUFFS Whit me in, D ipts this Sh FOCK )i dress [or l, 320: limod and :eceipls this mo week there were 1t met “le flI' har 0 $7.40. '0 still quotin for colored e creamory. i PRODUCI at 300 MARK! Wheatâ€"Ontario 'xes 01‘ tubs, morning ,were ,lfl' $4.11) to $4 to $3.70; (10., extras, $1.50 9 indâ€"pi / I‘ll pound HS (3x ho 99 1 Whih‘ nrloud lots, 'U lllow 31 ll momin 11c 11 ()1 Steady ck $10 in car ul 13 $1. tern ,llh 20c 200 11( )Id l0 to Ml and care that they that, they shall he proleclvd {101 stock. The depurlmem does not ever, undertake to furnish seeds < bearing trees; such trees are h. oak, chestnut and walnut. 'l‘he be to start these is to plant the nut 01' itself. Sometimes there is danger of a 0115 growth of weeds among the h planted, [ions ar one season, trees enough to \plant up two acres of land. No one may get more than this number in one year. though this same number of trees may be given to the same man for several years in succession. He must pay the express charges on the trees from Guelph to his nearest railway or express station; this is the only charge made. He is also required, of course, to prepare his ground for planting the trees, to plant and care for the trees and guarantee PMVENUAL HNANCES by streams or olhei wise unsuitable for regular tillage”; in other words. the land that will be found advantageous to devote io‘the planting of trees‘is land- which, through its lack of Lertiliiy 01' ils bad location, will not; pay to grow Iield crops on. A forest nursery was started at the C. A. Coilegesome three years ago, dur- ing,r the ministry of Hon. John Dryden, and a large number of white pine, black locust, tulip, and other varieties of trees are now ready for distribution. Mr. E. J. Zavilz; a graduate in forestry of the University of Michigan, is in charge of lhe nursery and of the distribution work. Any one farmer may secure, in any one season, trees enough to plant up two acres of land. No one may get more than this number in one year. though this same number of trees may be given The Year's Production Worth 22 Millions. 819 Distributed at Nominal Cost For the purpose of aidingr farmers in the improvement of their wood-lots and [he reâ€"foresting of waste portions» of their farms, a co-operative scheme has been set on foot by the Ontario Govern- ment. The aim is, primarily. to plant on waste land, or, in the words of the circular sent out, “the Department pre< fers to make plantations on such waste portions of the farm as steep hillsides, light sandy, rocky, or gravelly spots, swamp land, portions of farms cut off by streams or otherwise unsuitable for GUR MINERAL PRODUCTS1 1111 til rm $1 ,put 0‘ r05perity of Ontario Reflected in Budget Speech.‘ M dil. the 1 rodu :1 at n, 3595.563 The output .089 1f )f In TREE Sl-IEDLING mudt (he mine Silver, 5. 156 tor ni the table of metal] ‘55 value is 513,4 3,766. the value of 11' l’lunIing 11 mm 479 : Tl 89.0- I m ll) ’ an hree 66 Hi DOT 46-6 t :u‘l UH )1 31' u] )1 lame lillk for Forest H years in , express p11 to his 11' 3f 101,569 into pig rlh ‘UID In fM worth ;wziy Offil acorn any tria \V] pro lam Th me the 110 crealion ( that outs: slanily b: ownersth formed t campaign ganons Pollery, Quartz. 1 Salt‘ Ions Never in a great cm been such an extren popular will with reg policy. The Progrc lx‘ollcd London for 1: Mi SCW (now called 2-8: pendent. l'l soil firs sen ably in char to sand plain taken the (1 result An Extreme Reversal of the Populm “'ill in London, England. A rs 1k >n .Ll repud atic tha The old nee. \va Llural at m trolel m lph :lalité. cubic It kc. tons .. . . . . . onesly bbl‘ .md 1n year numt nl nu HI s haw nd-nn .lum M um. Imperial SOUIALISM IS (EIH'SIIED. Dir“ )n Ivanlag lrtmenl n‘l the plantations ll ll :1 nd it nothing.r s vu‘dict en L uch cases cultivation 1‘ two is advised. 1n HS 1n 1U run; (1 it go of the offer made b: 1; so far as known, lhl eon good. The sites cho lnnlalions differ consider 3191', from rocky hillside near the lakes. s, 36 Prc This la: )grcssives formers), bbls rm], ‘ ll'l : vival .vner has smanagex unls and perhaps public 1 ammunin has then me ’1'eversal of U11 gard to a party 0! z'ossives have oon 18 years. since [In )IlS )0.“ ill] ‘ndon- says: Soci e and overwhelm at the hands a The, result of UN an is the ChOiCl jr‘og'ressivcs, and last 000.1 )00 700.0(X‘) 860 .000 I‘itlay. 10 11 3.8.36 50.1.14 , 34 and J 5110 utlerl the 1.235 1m; haV Her 095 400 1h Jl mon nt uncil con Moderate: one inda in a muni olicy 1K and mi in 0th 1 :1 Ma exlrm surp alm ade for bk pul a con uicipu )' H121 reset! emnm 40 496 761 .541 65,000 3 ,586 367,738 365 .000 6 .000 3 .030 E62 ’13 6.006 1‘0 [1 5 ,OSQ M9 .04! y’Hfl ‘OOfi 5H3 one ,500 ()Ufl ‘ona lhl ue

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