Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Mar 1907, p. 1

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Call: by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Lieu!" Auctioneer for the County of Yor re- poadully aoliclts your patronage and friendly énnuenoe sales uttmn'ded on the shortest notice ‘nd It‘ramonabemtaa. P.0.n.dclresa King LIBERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. calls by day and night promptly at- tended to. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. suaunendedmonshorteunoticeand a. ten- soluble rates Patronage solicised Liconuu Auctioneer for she County of Yo k Goods sold on consignment. General sales “00 etc promptly itbendedso at reasonable tutu Residence Umunville J '1‘ Saigoon, J B M lupin Wes Saigeon a: McEwen. ’1‘. F. McMAHON. MG B Gouldmg. Newton Brookmgent for the thaw Will occupy his prodecesank nflice- and Is prepared Lu do general prm-tice and ‘1!!!) (u treat, eye. ear. nose and throat dist-“sex J. H. SANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL SINGER ‘Sewing Machines I8 PUBLISHED EVERY EEURSDAY MORNING “'ill be DR. H. W. ANDERSON, Dentist, JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Dr- E. J. ‘Voods DENTIST, Francis Blnck, THORNHILL, Ont. Office hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 9.. In 7â€"8 p. m. Repairing of all kinds. Send a post. card at Once. Organs cleaned and tuned. Mason & Risch Pianos. AGENT RICHMOND HILL. VOL. XXIX. F. J. PETHICK Office Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. S I per annum, in advance.] ‘6 Tux-unto Office, 450 CHURCH ST‘ Cor. CMIton and Yonge Sts . Toronto ill be in Richmnnd Hill on Wetl- nesday uf each week. Office, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Riclun’nond Iii" DR. S. J'. BOYD. M. B. VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Phor‘nhill. M. R. C. 5.: L. R. G. R. Eng. (SUCCIL-ssou T0 DR. DEAN) BUSINESS CARDS. @112 @ibeml Emma a Pam-3mm: D. G. BLO‘UGH, mtuiuary l. P: enlice. W‘dimt. AT THE Quentin. J B McEwen Weston ONT Monev to loan onlnnd andchnuel mortgageaat lowest rates Auroraotficeâ€"Removeu to the old pout omo.’ one door west of the onnrsnce to the Outano Bunk Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the postomce '1‘ HERBERT LaNnox G Sal-V Hoxam LENNOX & MORGAN BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. 'l‘m-nntn Office. 33 Richmond St. \Vr-‘stv, \Vosloy Buildings. Richmond Hill Office. Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after- noon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to [nan at Five Per Cl ooxuxsswxnnu ran HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. JAS. NEWTON Undertakers a; Enhalmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Mulock. Lee, Millikan & Clark S. \V. Corner King& Yunge Stree'ts NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada FRANK DENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK Boum'nmr A G S Lindseyli C G G F Lawrence W Ridout Wadsworth Barristers . Solicitors. Notaries. M. Home Life Building (formerly Free bold Loin? Bl_dg.). 00:. Adelaide & AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. Richmond Hill Office. south-east c-nr- uer of Lorne Bldg.. every Thursday afternoon. Private and Trust; Funds to loan lowest current. rates. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. Richmonc. Hill [SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN 31114118 Si: 'ri‘FCiEFYTM NOTARY PUBLIC. Danton. Dunn & Bdfiifigé COMMISSIONER, CONVRYANCER DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS. Ripans Tabules cure dullness. Ripaus Tabules: M W Toronto Otfice. 38 Toronto street. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Commissioner, Cnnveyancer. Insurance: Fire and Life. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL Barristers and solicitors. Lindsey, Lawrence w adsworth, one Main 311 . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1.907 C. A NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC WRIGHT BROS Barristers, Snliclm‘s, Etc. WILLIAM COOK lnrx-istexs. Solicitors. Etc .yn ~V.. o...‘ u Victoria. Sts. . Toronto J. M. LAING TORONTO. $mal. ox G Aurora. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." STV Mona”: 'er Cent (5%). Phone Main 2984 Newmnrket At the recent convention of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Al- ]iamcp. which was attended by nearly one thousand delegates. representing all sections of the pi‘m‘ince, many imâ€" portant resolutions were adopted. Having thus luid down its unswerv. ing allegiance to the fundmuentnl principles of the. Alliance. the conven- tion Went on to puss upon some prac- lieal legislation which is a. direct iSsue to-duy. The Three-Fifths Requirement. That section of the Bill passed at the last session of the Legislature which requires a three-fifths role to carry a Local Option hy-law was emphatically condemned by a standing vote. W'ith great enthusiasm the delegates unani- mously declared that “In the judg- ment of the convention the present requirement, for the three-fifths vote to Carry Local Option legislation is contrnry to justice. fair play, and the spirit of our institutions. and deprives municipalities of it right lung enjoyed. and that this piovision of the present Liquor Act should he at, once repeal- ed." The convention, by a unanimous vote. re-nt’flnnvd itq position in regard to prnvmcinl prohibition. and declar- ed its unalterahle stand by the pusi- tion. that. in this province. the liquur evil demands. and public opinion is prepared to endurse, such legislation as will abolish the har-rnmn, the treat- ing system, and the drinking in clubs, and will impose nn the liquor traffic such further restriction as will effect- ively (curtail its opemtiun and remeuy its evil. The experience in Owen Sound led to the passing of a resolution asking for legislation making illegal all sale of ale and beer by breweries within. or for delivery within. municipalities in which there is no license for the retail sale of the same. The ahovc declaration was. in the minds of the delegates. of prime im- poltalluv. The deputation which Wailt’l‘l upon the G(l\'(’l‘lllll(‘llll'\\'}l8 in- strueted t0 urgethatalone. and every- thing the convention could do was done to show that there was not the slightest yielding in regaid to this un- faii requirement. Hotels and Bar-Rooms. The next most important resolution was that which stated Ihat no licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor should be granted in, or for. any hulls? or place of puhlic eutertaimuent. The convention felt that the separation of the sale of liquor from hotels Would mean the S()l\lllg of the hotel prob- lem, and the clarifying of the issue in the Campaign for hat-room abolition. In this connection the contention also endorsed the pit-position that all hotels, whether under license to sell liquor or not. should be, under good license regulations and inspeittlon, and he requiied to furnish accommodation to the public to the limit of their capacity without. discrimination. The Local Option Principle. The convention sought that it further application: should he made of the Local Option principle. and recon» mended that the Govrrnment he re- quested to so amend the. Liquor License Act that on the petition of twenty-five- per cent. of the electors of any municipality. it. shall he obligatoâ€" ry on a council to submit a hy-law to the electors for the treduction of licenses. an(l_it shall also he ohligatory on the council of mich municipality to pass a hy-law in accordance with such votP. The Same power was sought, in regard to munieipalities regulating the hours of sale for intoxicating liquors. The convention was of the opinion that. in cities of thirty thousand and upwards. any Ward should have power to vote upon :1 Local ()ption hy-law in the same lllflnllt‘l' as any municipality. Securing Convictions. Legislation was recinmmrnded for the more effective detection of the illicit sale of liquor. If possible it. will he made compulsory that anyone arrested for drunkenness within a municipality undvr Local Option ahnll di\ulge under (with the source from which the intoxicating liquor was obtained. The conventmn declared for equal sufi'rage, saying tlmt was right. and therefore. in the interests of justice and fair-play the franchise should be accorded to women. Law Enforcement. Strong ground was taken on the question of law enforcement. and delegates were urged to do everything in their power tn secure the enforce- ment of existing laws relating to the liquor traffic. particularly in cases when-there is open and pronounced lawlessness. Gratification was exp! essod in regard to the action of the administration in liqum- cases. and the decided impruve- ment in the efiort to enforce the law. There was. however, a statement that, TEMPERANCE NOTES. Equal Suffrage. The advisability of organizing law and order committees in every muni- cipality to keep trace of the manner ()f1)hservancvs uf the Liquor Law, and to receive information of breaches of law was suggestpd. Delpgat-es were urged to always hear in mind that the character of flip municipal councillors is reflected in munner of law enforce- ment. in some cases lncnl inspectors were not doing quite all they should in this regard. It was suggested that those who knew of violation of the law should deal with the department directly in municipalities where the local officers could not be trusted to treat infqrumtinn confidentially. Unnnimity Strength. A striking feature of the whole convention was the thorough unan- imity. and the intense earnestness of the dolpgntes. There WM practical andenthusiasticagremnentinx-eference tnkall important conclusions. The convention was strong, not only in its representative character, and the number of delegates, but, in the thnrmigb harmony which existed, showing a must encouraging Sulidity on the part of the temperance forces. Ts-mpvrance hotel on Wednesday after- “0011. Mr. Frank Hollingshvad, son of Mrs. W'm. VVoul-ard of this place died at Pine Grove on Sunday. The inter- ment tunk place on Tnvsday aftPI-nnon. At. the Epwnrth League on Mundny. a programme- nf readings. quotations and sungs frnm Lnngfellnw’s poems, was given by the members. The uanth meeting of the W’ouwn’s Institute was held at the Mr. Roy Henry, of the Sterling Bunk Sant from Saturday till Monday in_[_}_xhr»ir_ige.> Miss Mi‘l-I'Ciu Wardvll of Winnipeg i1: visiling her friend Miss Agnes Mc- Veil. Easter Cards and Easter Post Cards at THE LIBERAL umce. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. GHHOWay will exchange pulpits with Rev. Mr. \Vau-en. of Sll‘PPtSViHP. .uin'utms of lust meeting read and cnnfiumed. The fulluwing bills were Ines -nted and ordered to be paid :â€" Jmeph Billings. mumhs salary $ 33 33 C. A. Davis. 5mg yds. gravel. .l 50 15 W. J. Badger, cum. for gravel grunt . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 130 75 S. J. Badger, com. for gravel grant and npening pit... . .l 175 74 S. J. Badger, hauling gravel on townline . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 90 G. A. Phillips. keepofindigentl l ()0 Chas. Billings, 5 Luise. stone . . . . 25 00 \‘VIII. Cooper, 3 tuise stone . . . . . 15 (10 The Municipal World, stationery 50 The Gupp Clark 00.. letter press Mr. Uecil H. Keys hnpes to npen up a General Store- ne-xt, dour south of the Masonic Hull un Monday next. 18th inst. Everything will be new and fresh and up-tn-date. Council met at Phillips Hotel, King City. up bauuday. Feb: 231d. ' On motion of Deputy Reeve Council adjuurned to meet at. Peter hichz-tex’s Hotel, Nobleton, on Sntulday, March 30th. Mwnbers pres'enL, Reeve. Deputy Herve. and councillors Burns and Ph [14's. Pbillipsâ€"Burnsâ€"Tlmb the Treasurer be and is herth authorized to pay the several D. R. Officers for services on June 7th last. Phillips â€" McMux-chy â€" That this council cunfirm the action 0f the Reeve in making a settlement. with Mrs. Bell in regard to the loss of her husband by an accident on the highwliy. Burnsâ€"McMurchyâ€"Thnt the Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Councillors Phillips and Burns, be a. cumuxitu‘e to meet Whitchurch Council In arrange about the maintenenceuf Yonge St. on the 23rd day Man-ch at Lemun's Hotel at. 2.30 p.111. undhu'nksn 756 F. W. O’Brien. repuirs to culvert. 2 00 Mchlwhyâ€"Phillipaâ€"That the fol- lowing persons he paid for erection of wire fences on highwayâ€"A. Hamhlc- [on $192. Thus. Kaake $640, Ruht. Aruhllmld $3.24». 'Philiips â€" McMurchywâ€" Twit, this council uflirm the view of Mr. Ed. Mai-shallone of the sheep inspectors of this township that, Clause Nu. 1V in the report of the executive of the Dulniniun Sheep Breeders Association should be left, out. Pliillipsâ€" McMul-chy â€" That; \Vm. Gun-ow be refunded $1.00 dog tax for which he was not liable. which be was not, liable. Phillipsâ€"McMurchy â€"Thut, S. H. Lundy’s tender for the township print- ing for the Year ending March lst, 1908 be accepted. By-law No. 192, to determine salaries of members of council and Oflicvl's received its several readings and pagsed. Phillfpsâ€"McMurchyâ€" That S. H. Luudy be paid $35.00 balance due on printing cg‘ntrfgq f01-_1906. King bouncil Maple. 13 90 l 00 25 00 15 (10 50 EN. J. Glass “ Preventing" will promptly check a cnld or the Gl-ippe when take-n early or at, the “sneeze stage." Preventio- cure seated colds as wvll. Prevention are little randy cnld cure tahlrts. and Dr. Shnnp, Racine. \Vis. will gladly mail ynu sample-s and a hook on Cold- free. if you will write him. The sample-s prnvs their mm'it. Check early Cnld with Preventics and stop Pneumonia. Sold in EC and 25c boxes by \V. A. Sander-sun. To overcome the well-grounded end reasonable objections of the more intel- ligent to the use of secret, medicinal conr pounds, Dr. R. V. Pierce, 0! Buil'nlo, N. Y., some time ago, decided tomake a. bold departure from the usual course pursued by the makers of put-up medicines for do- mestic use. an so has published broad- cast and o y to the whole world, a. full and comp list of all the ingredients entering in posltlon oi his widely celebrated es. Thus he has taken his numer trons and patients énto his full on ence. Thus too he has re- ' edicines from among secret Déering Farm Im- plements Get my rates and prices before do- ing business else- where. Fire and Life In- Instruction in Piann-pluying and Theory Pupil of A. S. Van. Mun. Doc. (Piann), and J. H. Anger. F. R. C. 0. (’l‘hrnry). \Ve-dnrsdnys and Saturdays, Rnnm ll Curltun (‘rhmnhersu cur. Carlton and Yunge 83.8., Toronto. ' fioc only doe; til-e évnp :- of every bottli of Dr. Plemg's Gold_cn Me QCUADISCOYBW. the; famous medicine for weak stomach. torn d liver or bilionsness and all catarrhal dlseu wherever located. have printed n n It. in lain English. a full and complem 18?. of m _hejngredipnts compog'mg 11:. but a small Richmond Hill book has been comflileJ from numerous standard medical wor s. of all the diii'erent schools of practice. containing very numer ons extracts from the writin of leading practitioners of medicine. en orsing in the stronawt possible terms. each and every ingre- dient. contained in Dr. Pierce's medicines One of thtse little books will be mailed tree to any one sending address on stal card or by letter. to Dr. R V. Pierce. ufl'alo. N. Y.. and requesting the same. From this little book it will be learned that Dr. Pierce's med- icines contain no alcohol. narcotics. mineral agents or other poisonous or injurious agents and that they are made from native. medial. nal roots of great value' also that some of the most valuable ingredients contained in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for weak. nervous. overworked “run-down.” nervous and debilitated women. were employed. long years ago. by the Indians for similar ailments affecting their souaws. In fact. one of the most valuable medicinal plants entering into the composition of Dr. Pieroo's Favorite PW scription was known to the Indians as “Squaw-Weed.” Our knowledge of the uses of not a few of our most valuable native. mv dicinal plants was‘gsined from ‘the Indiana As made 11 by improved and exact. pm cesses. the “ avorlw Prescription” is smost. efficient. remedy for regulating All the wonr mly functions correcting displacements. ts prolapsus. antevm‘sion and mtorverslon. overcoming palngxl periods. toning up tin perves md bringing about. a. perfect sum of mum. Sold by 311 dealers 1n medicines J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist [Single copies, 3 cts. Agent for A Bold Step. surance A\ID 3; wheel-1 No 37

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