It is hoped there will be a large number present at the public meet- ing to be held in the Lorne Hall Monday evening, relative to the by- law to raise money for the purpose of improving Centre street east, lead- ing to the CfN. 0. Station and for other purposes. Nothing will be lost by having a frank discussion of the subject. Every citizen 'should show an interest in the welfare of our village. Under the new regulations adopt- ed by the Ontario Legislature the percentage of ï¬ction upon which a grant shall be paid has been increas- od from 20 to 45 per cent. of the total sum paid for the purchase of books for use in a Public Library. In future all novels must be classi- ï¬ed as ï¬ction. A bill to incorporate the Artesian Water Company was considered in the Legislature on Tuesday. The company are asking for certain rights to enable them to deliver their supply of water from artesian wells in the neighborhood of Lemonville in Whitchurch, to Richmond Hill, Weston, Toronto Junction, and North Toronto. The bill was opposed by a. large number of farmers, and mill- owners from Whitchureh, Markham, and Scarboro, on the ground that the wells will rob the springs and streams on the lower-lying farm lands. After discussing the pros and cons the Government decided to ap- point a skilled engineer who will go over the property and make a report. If it can be proven that the wells will not injure the springs and streams. in all probability the re- quest of the company will be grant- ed. Any person who has seen the volume of pure water pouring up through the pipes will certainly think that such a luxury should not be kept from those who require pure water for drinking purposes. Premier Roblin and the Conserva- tive party in the province were re- turned to power in Manitoba last Thursday. The majority will prob- ably be 15. Little surprise is expressed that another hockey player has been kill- ed by an opponent in the town of Cornwall. The game has got to be so tough the wonder is that more deaths from the so-called sport are not recorded from time to time. A series of meetings have been arranged in cunnectiun With the TllUl'nl)lll Branch East Yolk W'muen's Institute. The ï¬rst meeting will he held at, the home. of Mrs. N. Chapman Friday. 22nd inst. at, 2 p.11). Papers on “How to manage an lncuhumr" and "Gardening." will be given by Mrs. Finch and Mrs. Carruthers respectively. The programme for the evening will he as follmvs:â€"Viulin. Mr. Thompson: Music. Miss Hurrisnn: Reading. Mrs. Carlyle; Song, Mrs. Cooper; Talks on Home Reading, Mr. D. James. The Methodist church was well ï¬ll- ed Sunday evening. Rev. A. P. Brace preached on the subject. “Is the Church Service ldeul?", and the song sex-vice was led by Mr. Hume. Snlns were sung by Mr. A. E. Glass. Miss W. Hume, and the pastor. The ful‘ lowing is the programme given:â€" Invocation. Anthem. “God be Meltiful." Hymn 245. Rlouuorm HILL. Prayer. _Solo, “Keep me, Saviour, near thy Side." O Anthem. “Como Holy Spirit." Snlu. “Pour Li‘l' Brack Sheep." Anthem, “My Shepherd is the Lord my God." Announcements. Sermon. Anthem. “Thou art the Father.†Hymn 280. Benediction. lst, Lesson. Snln, “Beyond the Gates 2nd Lesson. Hymn 514. SONG SERVICE. LANGSTAFF- , March 14, 1907 Fur Cutarrh. h-L me send you fun), just, Ln prnve merit :1 Trial sizv Box of Dr. Shm-p’s ()aturrh Remedy. It is a. snow white. cx-vauxy. healing antiseptic lmlm that given- instant relin to Cutarrh of the "use and throat. Make the free test, and see. Addx-vss Dr. Sbunp. Racine, \Vis. Large jars 60 cents. Sold by \V. A. Sundersun. Rvport for the man! h (If February: Senior lV.â€"GH-tie Thomas. Annie Jones. Annie Huiles, Minnie Watson. Flurmme Nixon. Eldon \Vade. Ethel McQuarrie. Myrtle MuQum-rie. Semm‘ III.~â€"Rny Crank, Edna VVnt- sun. Stanley \Vatsnanestrer Vanker. Representative frnnl Europ». Asia or Africmâ€"l. Nora McMahon. Japanese Lady. 2 Nnrnm Mun-gun. Jupunesv Girl. 3. Huzol Switzwu Spanish Girl. 1. R. W. Ht-m'y. 16th century. 2 E. P. GihSUl), Chinnmun. 3 H. H. Palmer. Amhinn. Representative fI-mn nature, Alt m Fictiunâ€"l J. Gamble. Queen: of Diamonds. 2 G. Harris, Dnlly Vurdml. 3 E. Hill. Pnpcm-n an-Hl. l H. Burnt-Lt. Clown. 2 T. Wiley, Brnwnie. 3 F. Bnedin. Fictinn. Ruces:â€"Buys under 12 yrs.â€"â€"-1 W. NiLugbtnn. 2 F. Bl‘vednn. Juniur IV.â€"(n) Wilie Orr, John Crooks. Leonard Clvnwnt. Elmer Hud- Wl‘ll. Russ VValke-r; (h) Elmer Orr. Etta VVudP. Junior III.â€"Juseph Hm-ne, Cecil Slny. Pickm-ing McQum-riv. Edith Clement. le'tie Windas, VViHit- Huilvs. Dun. McMillan. Part II.â€"â€"Mav Jones. Pearl Jones, Vern. Orr. Victm- Orr. Senior I.â€"Lizzie Jnlws. Junim- I.â€"Isaac McQuarrie. Had- wvn McQuarrie, Em‘nie \Vindas, Rus~ sel Espey. The Newsâ€"No Pure Drug Cnugh Cure Laws would he needed. if all Cough Cures were like Dr. Shonp's Cnugh Cure isâ€"and has been for 20 yea! The National an now requires that if any poisons enter into .1 cough mixture. it, must be printh nn the label or package. Fur this l‘HlSUl) mnthers. and ulhers, should insist on having Dr. Sh(mp‘s Cough (lure. No puisim-markson Dr. Shun 's labelsâ€" and none in the medicine, lse it must by law he on the label. And it's not only safe. but it is said to he by those that, know it best, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take nu chanr‘e. partic- ularly with ynur children. Insist on having Dr. Shnnp‘s Cough Cure. Compare carefully the Dr. Shunp package wiLh others and see. Nu pnisun maiks there! Yuu can ulWays he on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shnnp’s Cough Cure. Simply refuse to accept, any other. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Biys undo-r 21 yrs.â€"â€"I Clarence Munkman. 2 ann Nuughmn. I Reprvsentative from Britain. Unn- adu. or U. 8,â€"1. Isabel MrKay, Gun- ndu. 2. Gertrude Den-v. Union Jack. 3._ Mabel Vanderhuugh-Highland Ln» sne. seniiw lI.â€"Jnhnny 011-. Frank Burns. Fannie Gray, Wilfred VVindus, Maud .lmws. .luniur II.â€"Della. Wade. Emma. Gray. Sidrwy Jnnes. Flussie Watson. Bertha Luise. Alvin Walker, Roy Esgvy. John A. Duncan. hue manager of the Bank of Commerce at Ayr. was arrested on a charge of raising a. voucher suule thirteen hundred dollars and falsifying the books to cover the muuunt. Notwithstanding the mild weuthm', the carnival in the rink last. evening was quiLP a. success. The ice was in fair Cinnditiun, and the many SkHLl'I'S thoroughly enjoyed the exercise. Mr. W. E. Wiley and Mr. Dnhlll uf va- market. assisted Mr. Hume- in furnish- ing nguud musical prngramme. There were nmny beautiful custunws. and the races were particularly vxciting. Messrs. J. H. Sunilvrson and H. A. Nicholls acted as judgn-s nml cnndux‘t- ed the racvs. The fullnwing are. the prize-winners:â€" Mr. Elliott, G. Stevenson of Detroit was aappninted Supreme Chief Rnngvr of the Independent Order of Foresters. The lute Dr. Oronhyatekha left, his estate to his son. Dr. Acland Omnhyatekha, and his daughLex', Mrs. Percy J. Johnston. The seventh annual meeting of the Ontariu Library Association will he held in Tux-onto, Easter Monday and Tuesday, Apl il lst and 2nd. Mr. Tinmthv Eaton left an estate valued at, $2. (399, 942.94. General Bunth, head of the salvation Army, gave three addresses in Massey Hall hefme cmwded audiences. Farm Laborers and Domestics I have been appointed by the Do- minim] Government tn place Immi- grants flom the United Kingdom in positions as fan-m laborers ur du- mestic servants in this vicinity. Any pen-mu requiring such help should notify me by letter stating fully the kind uf help required. when Wanted, and wages olfered. The number ur- riviug may nnt be sumcient to supply all requests but every effort will be [mule to provide each applicant with help iequin-n. Canadian Government Employment- Agent, Richmond Hill. Ont. 34â€"tf divans Tabules: tor sour stomach. tinans Tabmea. Ripans Tabules cure flatulencs. S. S. No. 5. Vaughan. DRESS CARNIVAL N ews N ones. T. F. MCMAHON. MONDAY, April lâ€"Fm-m stuck imple- ments. on Int mm 2. East, York the prnpwl-Lyv annhn Courtney. Sak at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 uumths. SATURDAY. March 30â€"High-hred Jersey cattle on lot 22, can. 3. Scat-hum, the pmporty nf Frank Glrndr-ning. Tt‘l ms 8 months. THURSDAY, March " â€"Fm-m stuck and implvuwnts. east of Dm‘isville the property nf Fred Piplwr. Sale at, l n'c'lm'k. Tm-ms 8 mnnths. SATURDAY. Max'uh 16â€"Auctinn sale of household fmniture. the property of Ed. meoud. lot 32, own. 4, Vaughan. MONDAY. March 18â€"Farm stock, implements. etc†property of D. Le9k. March 18â€"F-(u-m stock and imple- ments, Lh-J property W. (Jumper. 10(925. con. 7. Vaughan nem- Kleinlnm'g. March 19â€"-Fnrm stuck and imple- ments. the property of D. and R. MuGeachy, near Culeraiue, on old plank mad. I- l .m A,,,.:,,,, MONDAY. March 25â€"Farm atnr'k and implrme-nts. nu Int 16, mm. 10. Mark- ham. the pl'npprby Of David Hare. Sale at 1 (ft-luck. Tel ms 8 nmnths. TUESDAY, March 26â€"-Fm-m stock. impleuwnts, etc" the pmpr of Thin-thy Ruchfnrd. con. 2. Int, 14 from Bay. East Yul-k. Six nmnjhs' credit. W‘FEI'DVAY; Mai'ch 15~Faru| stock, imâ€" plements. elm, pruperty of \VulLer Bensnn. Hirhumnd Hill. \VEDNESDAY, March 20â€"Auctinn sale- of hill‘Slâ€"‘S, cattle- and vehicles. the prnpvrty of “7m Jones. lot 27, con. 2, Vaughan. THURSDAY. March Zlâ€"Credit, sale of horses, cults, fresh milk cows. springers and yuung cattle at the Maple Leaf Hntel Yards. anle. J. H. PRESTIGE" SALES. FRIDAY. Mar. lbâ€"qu'ln stuck. im- pleuwnls, etc†on lot. 35. um. I), Scat-hum, th prupvrty nf Mrs. D. Mun-inn". Sale at 1. Terms. 8 months. SATURDAY. Mart-h 16â€"Farm stm‘k, implements. etc" Int, 9. con. 2. \Vest Yul-k. the prupm-ty of E. A. Al‘lnstrung. Sale at l. 'l‘t-rms S nwmhs. MONDAY. March l8-Farm stuck. ilnplr-nwnts, out. nu Int, 26. mm. 5. Sunburn, tlw property of Jan. Stun?- hnuse & sun. Sale at 12. Terms, 9 months. SAIGEON & MCEWEN‘S SALES. March léâ€"b‘mm stock and imple- mwntx, the prupelty nf James Zeber, Int 20, con. 2. Tecumseh. ~8XTUï¬ï¬AY, Man-ch 16â€"Fm-ln stock, inlplt‘llIl-‘llLS, eta, pl-uperty of Mr. M ('CNI tel. near Schumherg. V ‘VEISPIEVSDAY. Mar. 20â€"Farm stock, implements, etc., pmperty of M. Davis, m-ar Suhnmbeljg. TUESDAY. Mar. 19»â€"Fm~m stuck. implmm-nls, PtC.. nn lot, 16. run. 2. “’est York, the propel-w of .103. Jack- sml. Sale at. 1 nclock. Terms. 7 umnths. WEDNESDAY, Mar. 20th â€" Farm slut-k, implmnents. (40.. 0|] Int con. 1. Markham. the prupm-tyof R. Cusely. Sal» at, 12 u'ulw-k. Terms. 8 munths. THURSDAY. Mm‘. illâ€"Farm stuck. implenwnls, Hm, nu Int 10. mm. 2, East th‘k. the- prnpwrty nf .lus. Smith. 8211+- ;u, 1 u‘clnck. Terms. 8 mnnths. FRIDAY, Mar. 22 â€"â€" Farm stuck, impleuu-uls. Mm. nn Int 1, mm. 2, Vunghnn. the- pl'npt‘l‘tvy of Jnn. Mc- Bridv. SHIP M, 12 o‘clock. mens. 9 Illnllthï¬. SATURDAY. March 23Aâ€"-anu and imph-nu-ms. on Int 31. ( Sum-I‘mI-n. th prupe-rty of John Sun. Sale at 12 n'rtlnrk. Te: months. FRIDAY. March 2‘ ~Farm stock, im- plemvnts, etc.. on Int, 26, con. 4, Vaughan. prupertv of estate 0f the late Adam Dim-mun. Terms. 7 mos. SATURDAY. March 23â€"â€"Huusehuld fm-niturp, eLc.. at Richmund Hill. the pxppertyof E. J. Cable. Sale ablo‘clock. Terms, 3 months. A good seven room brick house. with twu acre-s of land, being the nortb~ west quarter of lot, 48. lst con. Vaughan. 1; miles west of Richmond Hill. 0n the premises are a stable, hurd and soft water, f1 uib trees, cellar PM. Possession given at; any Lime. MONDAY. March 25*Farm plements. eta. lot '24. con. 2. East York. property of Charles Fisher. Terms. 7 months. WEDNESDAY, March 27â€"Auction sale of household furnitur», the pmpH-ty of Miss S. H. Watson, KlPinhm-g. - FRIDAY, March 29â€"Cx'f'dit sale of a. car load of gpneral purpuse and draft horses, at, Stuart‘s Hotel, \Nuodhridge. prnpprty (:fJ. H. Brillinger. Terms. 7 Months. ‘ April lâ€"Auctinn sale of a farm, lot 10. con. 9. King. at Mc- Carter‘s Hotel. Nobleton. Price, Rinans Tabules cure biliousnesa. Ripans Tabules cure nausea Compleï¬e Bhorthand or Book-kaeoing Course bv Mall including correction of of exercises and full instrut‘tion. Print- ed lessons $1.50. Send caeb to-day be- low our supply of lessons runa out. $292 A Month CORNER YONGE & BLOOR TORONTO THE BRITISH CANADIAN 500. ApprY to JAMES \VIGMORE Richmond Hill P. Aucuion sales Auction Sales. For Sale Jnhn Jul Terms stuck on. 2. Juhn- \Vhl-rvus, in mdvx- In prm lllr l‘m'llw said it. is expediwnl In imm- u Dr‘lwllL- ure of the mud (lul'pululltlll In Llle amount nf $1000.00 hem-mg Hutu-Est, :IL 45 per cent. pPl' annum. and Uni. Slll‘ll principal shall ln- wl-nynhle' in yt-urly sums extending ()\'!'l' a pr-iml nf ï¬n- yeurs l‘rmn the date (If mam- uf such Dehenture uf sm-li amounts lel Ilu- uggx-o-gnm-nmnum pinynlnlr- fur ptimri- pul and inleresl in nnv year in respect, of the principal shall be equal as near- ly as may he Lu whul is [)Hyulllt’ fur principal and iIm-n-st (luring mull uf the other ywu's (-f suvh pvriud, and When-ens it will wqune the sum nf $227.79 to he mist annually as afar?- said by a special rate- nu the whole rateable pi-uperty in lhe‘ said Village for the paying of Lhe said debt and in- terest; VVherpas it is desiruus and nvcus» any that Cmntn- Smwl, East should lu- widened and imprmed. and that [he nfnresnid land shnmd h.- purclmsvd fur clgvatur and uthvl- put-pusvs, and Now. therefore. the Unrpulntinn nf the Village nf Rirhmnnd Hill enacts as follnws:â€"- 1. That. the Reeve ul‘ the Uni-puru- Lion of the Village. «if Richmond Hill. be. and he is herebyauihnI-im-d Lu hur- row the said sum of $1000.00 Im the credit of the Umpumtiun. for the pur- poses aluresuid. and [u issue A deheuL- ure of the said Unrpnmtiim fur the sum of $1000.00 payable at lhe ulï¬ce uf the Treasurer ut‘ the said Village; 2. W'ithin the said pen-3nd uf ï¬ve years, there shall he raised and lmied annually lny a special .ate, inudditiou to all ()Lher rates, upon the whnle mue- ahle property of the. said Village the yemly sum of $227.79 fur the payment of th': debt and interest; of th': debt and inn-rest; 3. The said delwntnn- shall hear date as (If the ï¬rst (lay of June. 1907, and shall be signed hy the Herve and Treasurer. and svalvd with the seal of the said ()Ln-pm-aliun; A By-law to provide lor the raising of $1000.00 by way of Debenturc for the purpuse ul' widening and improving Centre Shl't‘et luast in the Municipality ni' Riclnnund Hill. and also for the purchase ut land on said street. [.0 he used as a site for an elevawr building and for other purposes. Whereas it. will I'W'qlllll'l‘ lhv sum Hf $1000.00 to make such nnpun mutants. and Whex‘vms the gem-ml :lvlmnl Ill 9 dvht of the said Villngv :Ilnuuntx‘ tn $38!,i7n 57. of which no purl (If l.hI-‘ prim'lpal 0r inteuest is in m rear. and Whu-eas $1000.00 is the debt inlwmlvd tn this BV-lnw. and 4. This Byzlaw shall come into fm'ce on th: 28thrduy of Mawh 190?: 5. That the VU'.r'S of the eleuturs of the said Municipality, whu are entitl ed to vote on {his By-law, shall be taken on MONDAY, THE 25TH DAY OF M ARCH 19m, (:umuwncing at nine n’clock in the Kunming and closing at ï¬ve u‘clnck in the uflermmn, in the Cuum-il Chanth in the said Village uf Richmond Hill: \Vherema thv uuu'nut, «If th whule rate-able propm-ly uf t‘ln- VIHHgP of Richmond Hill. :wrmdmg Lu lhl' lust, Revise-d Asia'sxmenl. Hull nf the Sand Vi_l]a_ige is $175.31 I.(JU, .um 6. That on SAI‘URDAY THE 2.3RD DAY OF MARCH 1907. at the hour uf ten o’clock in the forvnmm. the Reeve of Richmond Hill shall attend at the miles of the. Village Ole: k. for UN pur- pose of appointing In writing signed by himself. two persons to attend at, the ï¬nal summing up hy the Village Clerk nf the vntrs pulled on this By- law. and ulsn of appointing (me- pun-son to attend at the pulling plzu-e- on he- hnlf of (he pprsnns interested in and desirous of pxyuunting the pusmng of this By-law, and mm persnn to attend at the Said polling place on behalf of the persons intereslud in and desirous of opposing the passing uf this By-l ' By=LaWN0.= Somewhere between Elgin Mills and Fahey's gate. a. Saskatchewan mbe. The ï¬nder will be suitably rewarded by leaving thp same at, Cosgrove‘s Hotel, Elgiu Hills. 312 7. Thnt 7m TU ZSDAY, THE 26TH DAY OF MARCH 190". at the hnul‘ of ten o‘clock in the fol-enonn. the Clerk of the said Village Shul] attend at. his otï¬ce to sum up the number of votes given for and against this By-law. - “Read a ï¬rst vzmd sa-cond'time and read in Cnnunittee the 11th day of February 1907. Take notice. that the above is a. true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken intu consideration by the Municipal Council of the Village of Richmond Hill. and which will be finally passed by the suid Council. in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, after one month frmn the ï¬rst publicatinn thereof in the Richmond Hill "Lib- eral." the date of which publication was Thursday. the 215i; day of Febru- my 1907. and at the hour. day and place therein ï¬xed for taking the votes of the electors the polls will he held. A. J. HUME. Clerk. CLERK’S NOTlCE dl Ira acme. 1m (hon woo wrfle nmn a Co..Porun.nd, puny“) rage; Lost. nformt HIP numunt uf ht- Cn'utml Ivy whom Ml um OTIUE is hereby given pnr- stmnt to the "Rewsed Statutes of Ontario. 1897. Chapter 129.†that all creditors and others having claims» against the estate of Solomon Oster- late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York, Carpenter, de- ceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of December. 1905, at the said Township of Vaughan. are required on or hefore.the 2nd day of April.190’i, to send by post, prepaid. or deliver to the undersigned solicitors for Mary Oster. the Administmtrix of: the estate of the said deceased. their ohristinn and surnmnes, addresses and descrip- tiunmthefull particulwlmof their: elatims. the statement of their amounts and the nature of the securities, if any, hold by them. Pain in the headâ€"pain anWhere. has its cause. Pain is congestion. pain is blood pressure-nothing else usually. At least, so mys- Dr. Sheep. and to prove it he has created a litsle pink tablet. Th“ table‘sâ€"called Dr. Shoop‘s Headache Tabletâ€" coaxes blood pressure away from vain centers. Its uï¬uct is charming. pleasingly delightful. Gently. though saiely. is surely equalizes the blood chair lation. If you have» headache, it's blood Dream If it‘s painful periods with women. same canâ€. If you are sleepless, restless. nervous, it's blood congestion-blood pressure. That surely is I. certainty, for Dr. Shoop'a Headache Tablets stop it in 20 minutes. 3nd the tablets simply distribute the unnatural blood pressure. In the mutter of the estate of Solomon 0%91'. late of the vanshi of Vaughan in the County of @0119 Carpenter, deceased. Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets W. A. SANDERSONW NOTICE TO CREDITORS l ) Bruise your ï¬nger. and doesn‘t it get 1136,8111! swell. and pain you? Of course it does. It's eon- gestion. blood pressure. You'll ï¬nd it where pun lsâ€"always. It's simply Common Sense. brix will not he liable for the said as- sets sn distributed or any part there-. of to any person 01- pm‘snnsvof whose. claims ntltiCP shall nub have heen r9- Ct‘iVPd by her at. Lime of such. distribu- Lion. And further take notice. that after the said 2nd day nf April, 1907. the said Adluinisll-ntrix will prmteed to distribute the assets of the said (19- ceased among the partivs. entith-d thereto. having rvgard unly tn the claims of which she shall then have. notice and that the said Administra- brix will nut he liable for the- said as- BENTON. DUNN & BOUETBEE, 20 King St. East. Toronto. Solicitors for the Adluinistratï¬ml Dated the 28th day of Fehnmry, A. Puféï¬ï¬s' inken EEFEGEE'quï¬n 51:63-54:00" mega! noticu. wltllout chnnze In the a.» " TRADE MARK: DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ac. Anvone sending A sketch nnd dosnflyllon my qulckly nsfermln our ovinmn free w xother u )nveuxlun I! [mum‘th pntentahle. Community nuns nrluuy cnnudam lal. Handbook on Paton“ sonyfrcg. {erjest agency for Br‘run‘ngaputenl A handsomely illuntrnmd woekiy Largest dr- oulnmm of any actenuflc jnurrmL Terms. OI l v\_1r [1103* . 1. Sold byungewnds-plerg. MU‘NN £303 We sell at. 25 cents. and cheerfully recommend FALL AND WINTER t‘ unc\ iruusrnngs, ()wrcnanng, etc Best quality. Low pri: A, J. HUME, M\ bl-mk u! \’V(I()|rllc~10r Scientiï¬c Emeritaâ€. A thorough-bred shorthorn bull con. 2. Vaughan. (It lirun H 6:335: Is now cumplete cmnprising ‘k um. blue V\ msth l‘wills. 5mm 1') 'l \vrcds, Taitur, Richmond Hill {333.813 5?! ADVANCE. For Service. JAMES BOWES Concord P. 0 A?! ’ ‘8 IBroadmy‘ Low prices ‘- Flaw york