C. P. F 7.40 Q . 8.4( 2. 8.40. 10.4 1.40, \Vedn a late c: I).- "111L651 A. "M; 7.20. 8.20. 9.20. 10.20, 11.20. P. M. 12.20. 1.20. 2.20, 3.20. 4.20, 13.20.620.120, 8.20. 10.20.n_ _ iiHï¬ron 86.). Arrive, A.M. 7.40. 8.40. 9.40. 10.40. 11.40. P. M. 12.40. 1.40. 2.40, 3.40. 4.40, 5.40. 6.40, 7.40. 8.40. 10.40. GOING SOUTH. Newmarket (Huron St.). Leave. A. 1 . 5.45. 6.45. 145+. 8.45. 9.45. 10.45, P. M. 12.45, 1.45, 2.45. 3.45, 4.45, 45+. 6.45. 8.45. Ne 'umrket Statima A. M.. 6.00. 7.00, v. 00. 11.00, 12.00. P. M. 00. 2.00, 3.00, 4.00. 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, "lam-11A. M. 6.15, 7.15. 8.15. 9.15, 10.15, 11.15. P. M. 12.15. 1.15., 4.15, 5.15. (1.15, 7.15. 79.15. C. P. R. Crossing(Turnnt.n). Leave, - 4A. M. 8.00. 7.00. 8.001. 9.00. 10.00. 11.00. 12.00. P. M. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00. 4.00. 5.00, 6.00%. 7.00, 0.00. Thnrnhill A. M. 6.35. 7.35. 8.35. 9 30 10.35. 11.35. P. M. 2.35, 3 35. 4.35. 5.35, 6.35. 7.35. 9.35. Richmond Hill A. M. 6.50. 7.50. 8 00 1.50, 2 50 9.60. 10.50, 11.50. P. M. 12.50. 3.50. 4.50. 5.50. 6.50. 77.50. Bhï¬'d'ï¬k'e Junction A. M. 7.05. 8.06. 9.05. 10.05. 11.05. P. M. 12.05, 1.05.205, 3.05. 4.05‘ 5.05. 0.95, 7.05.Ԥ.o§._1'0.0§. 3.“), 0.11:. mu], 1.1-). a. Bond Lake Jung-1101171. M. 6.30. 7.30, 8.80. 9.30, 10.30, 11.30. P. M. 12.30. 1.30, 2.30, 3.3515 1.311. 5.30. 6.2}l)._7:§0.9.3(_). Richmond Hill A. M. 6.45. 7.45. 8.45. 9.45, 10.45, 11.45. P. M. 12.45. 1.45, 2.45. 3.45. 4.415, 5.45. 6.45. 7.45. 9.45. Thornhill A. M. 6.55, 7.55. 8.55. 9.55. 10.55. 11.55. P. M. 1255.155, 2.55, 3.55. 4.55, 5.55. 6.55. 7.55. 9.55. C. P. R. Crossing, Arrive, A. M. 7.40. 8,40. 9.40. 10.40, 11.40. 1’. M. 12.40 1.4-0, 2.40, 3.40. 4.40, 5.40, 6.40, 7.40. 8.40. 10.40. u yup-v..."- B ‘1' of 1"empornncu-Meou an: Wodnonduy Melon montn ‘fln Brigadeâ€"Moon am Monday of our! numb Â¥ublie lenty nnd Bonding Roomâ€"Open Tuudny. and Saturday eveninzl. Epwonh Leagueâ€"Meets ovorv Homle "'MOBNING' EVENHG N. B.â€"â€"R0glsterad letters must be handed in u. least Fifteen \Iinutoa earlier um: the Above mentioned hours for closing. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Poatmllter. \Vednesdny and Saturday ewnings a late cur lean-s C. P. R. Crnssing for Newnmrket and intexme-diate points at 11.30 p. m. .. . in.I Toronto & Ydrk Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION r‘ “"' " _ I 1‘Cuunect With Scbomberg & Aurora. Railway. EXTRA SERVICE ON ALL HOLIDAYS. W. H. MOORE. Manager ‘iï¬h‘im‘uERJREQ'J '1? ‘12.}: A u .45.“. Mon- dsv on or before 9111 mpog -_. .,_; Every \Vednesdny and Saturday night u lute car will lehve Newmnl-kpt Station fm- Toronto and intermediate poiyts at, 10.45 1‘). m: I, , W n. A .._<,_- Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"Meah thiri Wadnosdny ex “011 month Cunp Exams 0 S â€"Muu sound and tom“: 4W3dges:}uy -. . - A m-;_--.l-.. Change in Time able Metï¬ud {£12,611 urch ~â€"Boxvico§ 1310.30 7-7.7 m.. and 7 p. In. Sunday School at. 2J0. General prayer mggeï¬ng Thrllfï¬drluy. ervoging; V Until further notice Mails will be cloned at the Richmond Bill Past Oflico as follow-:â€" MORNING..... .............. .. 835 EVENING" . .....6.85 Church of Euglnndâ€"Serflcol u 8p. In. ht. 9nd Ind 4th Sunday. Third Sundny at 11 a m‘ Proubyteriun Churchâ€"Services at H I. m..n_nd V. In. Sunday School M. 2.80. Prayer monhng o dnesday evaning. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on uter- It}! “Sunday! at 9 >3. :9. “If: 10.:30 a. m. ‘ j nun. vu v. . .. u“ wwwâ€" 0mm Ricgl;0;li, A 0 Fâ€"leetl aooond nnd 0331111 Fglday __.._. _- . ... . _,,‘___;__ Hours for i797 POST OFFICE NOTICE Beginning July 30th, 1906 GOING NORTH Village Directory. MONEY ORDERS mm m: mâ€" on :2 gagsagg 2.3506666 New patterns, new designs, for 1907. Bought in the best factories for cash, and the purchaser will have the beneï¬t of the price. Pay for what you use and return the balance. Bordering to match paper at the same price as paper. WALL PAPER Large stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, and Ready-mixed Paints. from the best makers. Full stock of Furniture at less than Toronto prices. We buy for Cash and sell for Cash, and the purchaser gets the beneï¬t. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond. Hill We have our stock on hand now. Prices range from $35.00 up to $52.00. McLaughlin Cutters P. G. Savage A lot of remnants on hand which will be sold less than half price. Jacob Eyer & Son ' I want to quote You a price on my Chatham Incubator, â€"-sold ON TIME. want to send you my Chatham book. This incubator book is (recâ€" I'll send it to you (or just a ostal card. It tells you a lot you ought to know about the oultry busmessâ€"it tells you how to make money out of chickensâ€"it tells you how my Chatham Incubator will make v you more money than you can make with hensâ€"far more, and with less trouble. 5 This book tells you how my Incubators are madeâ€"why they are the best ever Inventedâ€"and why I. sell them ON TIME and on a 5-Year Guarantee. "ï¬Wilrlmf'éu write (61' my béok today? Do it now while you thmk of it. Just say on a postal “Please send me your Incubator Book"â€" that‘s all. Address me pegsoqglly. President _ The Mar" ‘" Campbell Co., Ltd. Dcp Fl“ Chalhun. 0M. NO’I‘Eâ€" . any l-rgc stocks and ship promptly from branch houses at Calgary. Altn.. Montreal. Que‘; Bran don. Mam: Halifax. N. S . Victoria. B. C.. and tactoty at Chatham. My Company has been in business in Canada for over 50 years. We are one of the largest wood-working factories in the country. We also operate a large factory at Dctrott. Mich. We have the In- cubator and Broader busine§s_dowg to a §cience. Cï¬Ã©tï¬izï¬hi Incubatqrs and Breeders will make you money. for a Chatham Incubatotwm hatch a live. healthy chicken out of every ferti_l_e__§_gg put info It'. in 21 d_ays. 1“ rMansQn Campbell Let Me Sell Yuan a Chatham Enwbaï¬m Do you know there is big money in raising poultry? Do you know there is more money in running a good incubator than in almost an hing else you can do for the amount of time and trouble t takes? Do you know my incubator will pay you a bigger proï¬t than any other thing you can have on your plaoe †'Well: all these things are true. and I can prove it. Thousands of peopie all over Canada have proved it every year. for tpg last ï¬vg yearrs.’ _ ++++++++ and all other horse furnishings are of the best quality, style, materinland ï¬nish. We sell l'ellahle goods at reasonable prices. and in fact everything in t-hP line nf HARNESS. BLANKETS. ROBES. MITTS. COATS, GAUN’I‘LETS. and many other articles necessary fm' your Iml‘nvss room, and your comfort when driving. We have solid comfort in the way of BLANKETS AND ROBES FOR MAN UR BEAST OUR ARNESS aising poultry? Do g a good incubator for the amount of my incubator will Ling you can have ‘ I can prove it. ve proved it every hatbam Incubator, ny Chatham book. it to you for just a to know about the nake manty out of qubator will make th hensâ€"far more, |adeâ€"why they are 1 TIME and on a fnr (“vs-r sn \mnre Have just received a car cement. A. R. HALL Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL \Vil] be at the yards, Thum- hxll Station, G. T. R., even Wednesday and Saturday to wait on those who wish to draw their own coalV 7 Thoroughbr‘éd hill and bag kept for service on the premises. D; G. GOODERHAM. W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Having purchased the above business from H Winger 81 Son I am prepared to give every satisfactinn to my patrons. I have on hand a good supply of Hard and Soft Coal which will be deliv- ered at lowest market prire ‘lsb Com, Vaughan (Thm-nï¬ill) has for pale sotpg gqogi yfpung r_slucl_i. SHORT LINE Toronto ........ Parry Sound CANADIAN NORTH EHN ONTARIO RY. OOOOOOO, OOOOOOO PARRY SOUND - The .proprietnr of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of lgxpyqvgfl Chf§te1‘_Whli'£(‘e Hugs. Lot Parry Bound Toromo . The property known as the Head fmd Store and Post Ofï¬ce. Half acre of land. gnnd stalllez out. Apply nu the premises to Apr. 1 G. A. MCBRIDE Washuzo Toronto“ PLEASANT VIEW FARM ORDER EARLY. SUPPLY LIMITED. Spencer Seedless Apple “0 of EAL, WOOD WM BEMENT Willï¬nd ‘ita great convenience to pay their patrons by check on The S'ufndard Bank of Canada, instead of in cash. Check; :13: inrthemsdves 7th: Béétrvreceipts. This batik extends every accommodation for the conduct of cheese accounts. THE SWDARD BANK WIN‘I‘ ER SERV ICE PARRY SOUND PASSENGER Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. Thornhill P. (). E. M. Byrne, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT MAPLE. MARKHAM AND STOUFF‘V‘LLE WASHAGO LOCAL Spencer ï¬eedless Apple For Sale RICHMON g“: .. u. udANCH N031 1130mm Nonwaaouxn Sou-taxman) BET WHEN Sounmouxn OF CANADA Head Ofï¬ce - - - - Toronto eCUeSS A. pple 8t Victuria. Street CHEESE COMPANIES mLeave 6.25 5. Arrive 10 00 a .Leave 8‘8“ 9. Arrive 3.10 p‘ Leave 9 30 9.. ,gnlve 4.10 p. Propx-ieto r 2,7â€"07 1 yr ISTABUSNED 1'73 [M ITED. AGENTS W‘ANTED. no of Toronto, leibed us tn residence may be sitisï¬ed by such person residing with the faiher or mnthor. 'W'. \V. CORY, Deputy Minister of the Interior. N. B.â€"â€"Uxmuthurized publication of this advertisement will not, he paid fur. 34-61): Six mnnths’ notice in writing should hr gin-n to th Commissioner of Du- ulininn Lands at; Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. The hmm-stenclex- is required to per- im-m Llw cunditiuns connected there- with nndm mw of the fullmving plans: (1) At least six months’ rt-sidencu upon and t-ultivntinu (If the land in each year for three years. (2) If the father (our mother. if thc father is dw-ensvd) uf‘ llw homesteader resides upon a farm in the \‘it'inity of the land putm-ed fur. the requirvngeqts (3) If the set lm- has his permanent residence an-n farming land owned by him in the \iuinity of his homestead. the requirements as in residence may lw satisï¬ed by residence. upnn the said land. Each Tuesday the rink will he npen for hockey from 12.15 to 2 p. m.; for skaters frzun 2 to 5 p. m. Admission, 5a.; skating at night. 10m: also every Saturday evening. admission 10c. Until further notice. the Skating Rink will he open to Hockey Players evsx-y Munday night from 7.30 to 9.31). Admission, 10c. NY vw-n munhexed section of . Dominion Lands in Manitoba; Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, nnL I‘Hservvd. may be homeâ€" sh-advd by any pvrsun who is the 50]? head nf a family, or any male over 18 yeals nf age, to the extan of one- quax'lel- section of 160 acres, moment- A pair of skates and boots, Saturday evening. heLWH-‘n the rink and Mum Ruszs’ stm-e. Finder will rvceive rc- wzu-d by leaving with Miss Ross. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Threshers’ Coal on hand. Entry must lw made perssmally thk- lucal land uï¬iu- for the district. which {he land is situutP. SYNOPSIS OF CA1 A UlA N Vi‘lHTH-WEST Richmond I-Iill Feb. 7, 15m Tor-mm. Canada. Coal and Wood Delivered. Prices Right. Michael Bros.. HOM ESTEA D REGULATIONS Richmond Hill Skating Rink yI-‘Huw. Size and flnvur similar to Baldwin [mm-9 juicy). EXCr‘Hl‘llb keeper. Fleesâ€"hardy and thrifty grnwnr. Abundant hmu-i-r. Petallvss hlussmns. frnsb and ruin pl'tmf. Suimhlv for all apple growing aoc' tinns of Canada. Svedloss \Vinter Variety. Beautiful red color. dntu‘d wi'h Lost WOOD in