AT THE §;IBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. AGENT PRICE \IOV'“ HILL. :Calle by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Lioonaau :kucmu Goods sold on col not etc prom; «rates Kosiduuc aalls by day and night plomptly at- tended to. 'Lioonae Auction“ for tueCounty of Yor re- pencfnlly whens your patronage and friendly influence sales “traded on the shortest notice and u reasonabemtes. P. 0.uddress King J 'L‘ Buigeon . Map! 6 Idem-ed \uctioneers tor the 'saleutneudeu no on shorteslu Ionable rule» Pntronnge so V'ill be F. J PETHICK G E Gaul-In: above Repairing nf all kinds. Se and at once. Organs cleaned and tuned. Mason & Risch Pianos. SINGER Sewing“ M aohines JOHN R. CAMPBELL, \Vill occupy i4 pxepmed I also to tun-1L diseases. I‘HURSDAY MORNING OH. H. W. ANDERSON, VOL. XXIX. Oflice hours: Tucsd 7â€"8 p; m. VETiHIN A‘RY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL ard Bunk. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5p Dr- E. Jquomxâ€"S~ DENTIST, Francis Blnck, THORNHILL, Ont ‘6 Ofï¬ce, next (1m): $1 per annum, in advance. L‘I . F. MGMAHON. DR. S. J. BOYD. M. B. Cor. Carlton and Yonge Sts Toronto Ibe in Richmnnd Hill on ' nesday of each week. VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Phornlnill. ‘ul'u BUSINESS CARDS M. R. U. S uto Ofï¬ce, 450 CHURCH ST‘ E112 «3%me IS PUBLISHED EVERY EDXTOB £3 Pnopmm‘on .I. ll. PI malice. D. G. Ii llfll Dentist, geou a: 'IcEWe CESSOI hlnnnd l'lill 01" all kinds. Send a post, hisï¬pl U do e Uniu’uvihe ‘. Newton 3 3%! ‘dit‘al uuvl [or we County 0! Yo k lsignmeub General sales rt‘ y Lanendev no at. reasonable SANDERSON. eleriunry mum redeceswr's afï¬rm and general practice and ear. nose. and throat . R. C. P.. Eng. T0 DR. DEAN) nnx'th of Stand- ays, 8 ook. new for the Gll county of York. )Llceand a. tea.- iciced J I: McEwen Wesbon ‘SODuDIQ ONT We :1 111. A huge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. U u den-takers & mealmoâ€"rs. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHllL aoumssloxnnmrnl HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. Newmnrk t oï¬iâ€"Enghl-ee doors south J.é.§-..NEWT0TN 5 p )8: olï¬ce 'I‘ HERBERTLENNOX Monev to loan on land andchanel mortgagesat lowest rates Auroranï¬iceâ€"Removea to the old post oflhe.’ one door west of the entrance to the Outarm Bank LENNOX & MORGAN BARRISTER "lmnntn Ofl‘ire. 33 Bi \V 95f W Pslev Buildin 3.3 Richmond Hill Oflic: Bank Building, eveiy Sn 1mm). A G S Lindsey, K C G 6 FL Lmvmuce W‘Ridout W ausworth Barristers,301icitors. Notaries, 3m. Home Life Building (formerly Free bold Loan Bldg.), Cor. Adelaide & Victoria Sta. Toronto. Mulock, Lee, Millikan & Clark Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. ,Um'nvr King & Yunge Streets, TORONTO. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBEE NOTA RY PUBLI ( ,_ Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to 1mm at, Five Per Cent (5%). Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. south-past car. new of Lorne Bldg., every Thursday afternoon. MONEY TO ISSUER MARRIAGE‘LICENSES Ripaus Tabules cure dizziness. Rinans Tabules: at drugglsts Danton. Dunn & Boul’ibeé rivate and Trust Funds to loan lmwst current rates. Phone Main 31-1 ssuw MARRIAGE LICENSES, i Public Meeting- 314€}[N MIIJLK '_’]:l_1»_‘Plnl‘nlic Mmjng heldflil REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL H. A NICHOLLS Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Tm'nntn Ofï¬ce Lindsey. Lawrence w adsworth, . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers and solicitors. *ommissinner ichmonci Iâ€"Iill H. TEEFST. N OTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1907 WRIGHT PROS Insurance: Barristers, Solictors, Etc. WILLIAM COOK J. M. LAING SOLK‘I’I‘OR, NOTARY. ETC AOAN AT LOWEST RATES Hill oéï¬Ã©e. Standard A UYOI‘E “£21,131. ‘, 36 Turnnto street. Conveyancer. em Fire and Life. In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials u 51“? MORGAN Saturday aftél; Richmond St. Phone Main 2984 Newmurket of the - Reeve Pugslt‘y. who was elected chairman. explained why it, was necvssal'y to submit the luv-law. and referred to unions places where more money could he spo-nt, to advantage. Mr. Pugsley was followed by other speakers. including. Wm. Han-ism), Wm. Innvs. S. M. Brown, Isaac ()rnshy. P. G. Savage, J. H. Brvdon, John Bastard. T. F. McMahun, J. Oasvly. J. H. Sandersun, H. A. Nicholls and T. H. Trench. As to raising the required money there was not a dissenting voice. and if there are any Nita-payers Opposed [0 the hy-law they were conspicuous by their alvsence. As there was such agreementufopininn in the thoughts expressed it is unnel'essary tu x-epvat the various spearhes, but we might say it was pointed out. that our taxes for many years past, have been much lower than nther villages in thr- Province. that we must be plepared to pay a little more if uur village is to make prngress. and that better times an» in «tune for Richmond Hill if we take advantage of nur opportunities. It was also shown that the tmï¬ic in coal. and lumhm‘, and freight. of various kinds on the C. N. 0. Railway to and from Richmond Hill is very heavy, and that good roads are an absolute necessity. The chairman suggested that all present take an interest in getting out the Vute 0n Monday next. and imprm ing Centre Street East, ana nlsn fur the purchase uf land in said street to he use-d as a site fur an elm-ntnr building, and for other purposes. Was not as WP†attended as might have hem†expected. The meet.- ing was representativv. however. and HI] present were unanimous in support- ing the Council in their efforts to im- pI-nvv the village~ B1 Idlv stxiws to foil God sp Chxist,decla1-ing only mama]?l Nut the Gndâ€"inuunute man; 'Ith denying. God defying. Well deserving Christian ban. Hail to Christ! the hnpe of nations! Vth now reigns in majesty, Lives Ln hvlp in life’s temptations. GiVilIi‘jny and liberty; m- us pleading, Inlet-ceding That from sin we might be free. Hail lo thletithe King of glory! Gnd l'PVi-‘EIII-‘d t0 nï¬m lwlmv; Came tn tell the wondrous story, And His Father's love to show, Hmn'pn fm-saking. Flesh put-taking. That our sm'l-mvs He- might know. Every nation yet will own ‘Him. AR the Lnrd. and King nf kings; In their governments enthwne Him \Vith the jny salvation brings; Him obeying. To Him praying. Their example in all things. His co-wm-kms here are striving W That, wit 1) (51128.) P. L. GRANT. Richmund Hiâ€, Mun-h 14, 1907. Th» Puhlic MwLing held in Lorne Hull Munday evening to discuss the hy-Iaw prupnsing to raise $1,000 by dvlwmure fur the purpose of widening “Son of God.†the “Word." “Create Death could not, retain its hold; Stone, and door, were but us vapor. At An elic touch they rolled ;, V abch excited, ’ Fall ul‘frighted. Dumbly wonder and behold. N0 devised OI“ “cunning fable,"' Had He not. indeed have risen Faith in Him would have been vain; Fivnds would mock in theirdm-ision, Hope would fuld hor- wings in pain; Faith relinguishpd, Jny extinguished, Life b96011)? one sobbing strain. Antichrist. the fne of Jesus, In Hxs strengthsull‘ihings endure. Songs of praise tn Christ ascending Vibrate tln'nugh the universe, With the praise (If angels hlvnding. Which heaven‘s gI-amophoues re- he-arsn; Verily the Lord has risen, Triumphea over every foe; Burst, the gates of death’s dark prison Gifts 0n mortals to bestow; Hope infusing, Light, diffusing. Giving peace believers know. Or dramatic scene to pen, But, a truth that will enable All, eternal life to win; ‘ Christ receiving, ' And believing, In His power to save from sin Tu (and! His <tandai'd pure. In their hearts Christ now is living Man’s salvation [.0 secure; Wrong decrying. Sulf denying, Easter Sunday. hues rising. m-ldc apprising. vaus, mvn chVPl‘Se. H †“Creator, ‘ , , Liberty; in all things, Charity.†cough remedy. Take m: chance. pal ularly with your childrs-n. Insist having Dr. Shoup‘s Cough Cl Compare carefully the Dr. Sh package with others and see. pcisun marks there! You can nlw be on the safe- side by demanding Shnnp’s Cuugh Cure. Simply r01 to acvept any other. Snld by W. Sanderson. The Newsâ€"No Pure Drug Cough Clll'P Laws would he needed, if all Cuugh Cures wr-re like Dr. Shoup’s Ouugh Cun- isâ€"zmd has been fox-.20 yeais. The Nulinuul Law nmv requires that, if ‘uny pnisnns L’lltt‘l into n. cuugh mixture. it must: be priutud on the label or package. For this mason mnthex-s, and nthers, shnuld insist on having Dr. Showp’s Cuugh Cure. N0 pnismx-mal-ksnn Dr. Shoup’s labelsâ€" and mum in the mvdicine, else it must by law he on the lube-l. And it‘s not only safe. but it is said to he hy those that know it best, a truly l-emnrknhle cough remedy. Take m: chance. partic- ularly with your childrs-n. Insist on Mr. Chas. Dennie. has been ill with Urippe and was unable Lu take his usual trip tn Turuntn. Miss Bessie Hagermun is recovering from :1 sm ere attack of pneumnnia. Mr. John Mustard and family of the. 5th of Markham, left on Mnnduy fur the West. where he has taken up land near Tisdule, Sask. We wish them success in their new hnme. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Bnynton return- ed from their huneymuon lust Week and will reside in town in the residence fmmerly owned by the late Mr. Carver. Mix-s: Judges of ane. was the guest of M rs. Geo. Johnston on Sunday. Miss Smith of Ne\ visiting her friend. Miss Alice Glover. Rev. Mr. VVuodswm-th nf Torontu aechmpzmied the pastor, Rev. A. P. Brucm on Sunday and gave us a very interesting and appealing sermon un systelnntiv giving. Leaflets cvntain- ing ‘the nhligatiun of the Christian Stewards were distributed :unnng the congregation so tlmtanyune wishing to join this movement might. hm-e the opportunity to do su And give the tenth of their income to the Lord’s Cit use. Miss Troyer of Tumntn spent a few days recently with friends here. Miss Fanny \Villiams spent. Sunday at her home- here. Miss Gussie Whitmnre spent a few days last week under the parental root Mr. Edgar Atkinson has been visit- ing his brother Howard, V. S. of Enrbro fgr a_fe\v_ d‘gys. The Rev. H. VVai'JI-en of Strreetsville occupied the pulpit, in the Methodist, church here last, Sunday. He and Mr. Géfljmvpy exchanged work. Irwnas new on Saturday. Mr. Ed. Snidm- moved last week to a hpusg near Emery. Miss Reed of Cbleraine has been visiting with her parents here for the last week. Mr. L. Locke spent part of last Week With frivnds at. Niagara Falls. Mr. Men-it has moved into Mr. A. Whitnmre’s house on the ï¬fth line. Quite a number of farmers have already engaged men for the summer. VVngesz are high and men scarce. Oï¬l' town cat'n lmast nfune lvdcnat, as he Was seen quite recently dressed in his wgimentals. Assessor High struck our village on Saturday. Mr. G. H. W'hitmore, medicnl student of Tux-onto Junction, visited friends hus- (m Saturday. Ml. Thornhack hvas moved to Mr. M. Bmwn’s farm which has been occupied for the last; ï¬ve years by the late MI'. R. Selkirk. Mr. Llnyd Watson has been spending a couple of weeks under the parental roof. \Ve are sorry to hear that Mrs. C. Smith is not improving vex-y much in health. That life is indoed uncertain was brought to us very forcibly when the sudden death of Anson F. Stunten- burgh occurred on Tuesday mm‘ning, Murch 12th. Mr. Stnutenhurgh had been in mun] health until a few days Master Allan Boynton of the Queen City visited for a few days last week wig} hi_s_ parents here. Mrs. P. “F of Tomnln VICTORIA SQUARE- E d gely. lll'é“. lunp Pupil of A.S .V ngt, Must. %oc. (Piano) and J. H. A!) '(‘l'. I‘. (LO â€(thnTyL \\ edursdnysundSalu1d-tys, leul U Curlum Chmnlwxs, (-01.0411le an d Yunge Sts., Toronto. “ Preventios" will promptly check a cold or the Grrippe when tukvn early or nt, the “snwze stage.†Prevention cure smted cnlds as well. Preventics are little candy cnld cure tablets. and Dr. Shunp, Racine. Wis. will glvdly mail you samplvs and a. hook on Colds free. if you will write him. The samples prove their merit. Check early Cnld with PI-eventics and stnp Pneumonia. Snld in Be and 25c boxes by \V. A. Sandvx‘snn. Get my rates and prices before do- ing business elseâ€" Where. 3%]:ng me Im- plements oi the female? sysfem. In all stations of life, whose vigor and vitality may have been undermined and broken - down by over-work, exacting social duties, the too frequent. bearing 01 children, or other causes, will ï¬nd in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription the most potent, invigorating restorative strength- giver ever devised for their special bene- ï¬t. Nursing others w: ï¬nd itespecialc ly valuable i§iustaining elr strength and promoting n a. undant urishment {or the child. xp ctan too will ï¬nd it a. priceless e the sistem for baby’s comin t e ordeal comparative y painlexs. Wtegr cond__i_t_uio Fire and Life In- sumnce Richmond Hill Nursing Mothers and SYou can’t afford to accept as a. subgtiâ€" mte for this remedy ff known composttwn a secret nostrum o wflmam composi- tion. Don’t. do 11;. N. J. Glass Weak women. who suffer from fre uent headaches, back~ ache. dra. gingâ€" own distress low down in the ab omen, or from painful or irreg- ular monthly periods, gnawing or dis- tressed sensation in stomach, dizzy or faint. spells, see imaginary specks or spots floating before eyes. have disagreeable. pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, anta- version or retro-version or other dis laco- ments of womanly organs from wea, ness of parts will, whether they experience many or onl a. few of the above symp- toms, ï¬nd re ief and a. permanent cure by nsin faithfully and fairly persistently Dr. ierce’s Favorite Prescription. This world-famed speciï¬c for woman’s weaknesses and peculiar ailments is a pure giyceric extract of the choicest na- tive, medicinal roots without. a drop of alcohol in its make-1113p. All its ingredi- ents printed in plain ngiish on its bottle- wrapper and attested under oath. Dr. Pierce thus invites the fullest investiga- tion of his formula knowing that it will be found to contain only the best agents known to the most advanced medical Science of all the difl'ercnt schools of prac- tice for the cure of woman's peculiar weaknesses and ailments. If you want to know more about. the composition and professional endorse- ment of the "Favorite Prescriptvion send ï¬cstaiN card §equest to Dr. Pierce, uï¬alo,N . ,for his free booklet treat- ing of same. _ _ J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist Instruction in Piann Theory [Single copies, 3 cts. Agent for Over-burdened Women AVD playing and No 38