Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Mar 1907, p. 4

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Rimes» HiLL. ONT.. March 21 . 1907 Our rate-payers will make no mistake if they vote for the by-law next Monday. We have much reason to be proud of our village. Let us not be afraid to give it a boost when we get a chance. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Council met. at Unionvillc on Satur- day. March I). All the» incinbcis were rcscnl. Reeve Slat-ar in the. chair. inntcs rcad contirincd. UonmruniCiilinns were rccciwd from Alex. McGowan M. P. P.. Toronto Automobilc (‘~liib and Mr. \Verrct. Nigliâ€"Padgctâ€"Thut [he Rccvc and Clerk put thcir signature to tho agrcc- mcnt belwrlcn the township of Mark- hum of tho first part and the Trustees of 1hr- Police Village of Mount Joy of the sccond part. and thc sainc bc known licrcafter as the Police Village of Moiiiil. Joy. Nigliâ€"I’adgctâ€"That we pay 0. Hour- ingway $16.66 hcing civil-thirds value: of our cwc killed arid one cvw injurcd by dogs. lhe ownci- of dogs unknown as loslil‘icd on oath. Lappâ€"Morrisonâ€"That thc clci-k b» and is hereby instructI-d to cntcr the following dcsignatcd roads in corn» etilion for prizes to be) given by thc oroirto Autoiiiobilc Club for road improvement :â€"on 8th con. 1 niilc fronting lots 16. 17,18, 19: on side linc 1 iiiilc bctwccn lots 10 and 11. con. 2. Lappâ€"Morrisonâ€"Jl‘hat t-lrc following gi-m cl accounts b- paid :â€" W. Rankin. 36 yds., ccrtifii d by C. R. James $3.60: Joscph (lollins. I335 yds.. bcing half amount $13.35. plaCcd on sold“ Townlinci Nighâ€"MIirrisonâ€"That Mr. Padgct be a commissioner- to sell shed ci-cctcd for soi-apcr shclter at Dollar cor-nor. Nighâ€"Morrisonâ€"That we givc a grant of ton dollars toward Lhc Rich» mond Hill and Yonge Strcct Agl. So- cicty and that the clerk I)? author- ich to pay the same. Morris:-nâ€"Nigliâ€"That, Dr. 0. Sislcy be paid $17.50 for professional sen iccs render I‘d Goo. Mctcalf. Padgctâ€"Nighâ€"That tho following general accounts he paid:â€" J. \VldPHIHII. storing sewer pipe and moulds $2.00. \V. J. Boynton. 51 hrs. at 15 cts. p(â€"'I' hr. as ovvrsecr $7.65. Arthur Betz. 3 hrs. at ISr‘ts. por hr. 45c., hclpcr, 2 hours at 10c, 20c: 75c. Jess» \Vingcr, for 7 12 in. tile at 90c. each $6.30. H. J. “’inrh. 30 hrs. at lScts. over- seeing D. W. 4 $4.50. I). Done-r. ecdar for culvert on Townliiie. VVhitchui-ch to pay half $1.00. Council adjourned to meet, on Satur- day April 13th. GORMLEY GLEANINGS. The town of "West Gorrulcy" is making rapid strides. and it is only a qucslion of a, short time till thr "old town" will becomc a sleepy suburb of its \Vcstcrn rind. The Gorinleyitm arc. rejoicing in the assurance- of a regular station on the C. N. 0.. which is alicady doing a lot of business thcrc. The company haw built stock and hog yards. and carloads of cattle and hogs have been handlcd. Mr. Alcx. Brucc of Car-rick Mills, has iinport- d a nunibcr of carloads of corn, which has sold like hot. cach to thc surrounding farincrs. A tcmporary platform has brcn built for the convcnicncc of pas» scngers and the. loading ot milk. thc busincss in which. from prcscnt indi- cations“ will soon assume iiiinicnsc proportions. Mr. Gco. Baker, the proprietor of tho North American Ocnicnt Block and Tile Co. adjoining the station grounds, has door a rushing lradc in coal this winter. Sonic going as far south as Iii-low Vicloria Square. Mr. Bakci kindly allows passcngcrs the- friendly shelter of his factory, pcnding the building of lhc station. Mr. D. \V. Hcis‘c has scciircd sonic village. lots from Mr. D. Doncr. on which he is preparing to crv-ct sub- stantial rcsidcnccs this summcr. Mr. I). Donor- is going to build a Iargc barn. thc building of which is let to Smith Bros. of Edgcly. Progress is in the air. "W’cst GOIIII~ Icy" lics high and dry, thcrc is abund- ance of ozone, and plenty of plll‘P Watcr. From the window's and vcian- das of its hoiiics can bc sccn tho \Vliol“ township of Markham and a little of Scarboro, not forgetting Richmond Hill. â€"â€"-~¢oo-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" TIIE BREAKING OUT OF THE “‘AII. Rcoi‘cs of writers and historians havc described the stirring times of tlic (IIIlIIl'Hlk of thc (‘ivil “'ar, but it is doubtful if any oirc cvcr drcw as comprchcnsivc a picture of tho cvcnts as docs (‘ai-l Sl‘lllll‘z in crows." in thc March Mcl'luic's. his “ Rciiriiiisâ€",~ N ews N ones The Toronto and York Radial Rail- way has purchased lands north of the I C. P. R. tracks for $17,000. The Provincial Trcasuiy has received $100,0th on amount of suc- cession dutics from the cstalc of the i late TIIIIHLIIY Eaton. Andrew Irvine: died in Toronto Junction. He was buricd on Tucsday riflhis wcck. Dcccasr-d was a prom- inent Conservative and Orangeniair. o LOOK AT THIS. ConipaiP lhc figurcs brlow with any othcr Canadian company and the rc- sult. is apparcnt2â€" Asscls, as at Doc. 31, 1906. $32,280,- 542.59. Paid to Policy Holdcrs, 551351229117. Applications Ri-ccivcd. $13.3lll.751.(10. Incrcasr over 19115. $4.89!),HSJNJ. Insurance in force, $112.57Z(128.39. Thc above is thu Slilll'llll'llt of tho‘ Canada Lifc for 1906. This is tho old- est, stroirgcsl, and most progressivc company in Canada. and has ovcr 43 pcr root. of its busincss on a lhicc pcr Ccnt. basis. You can makc no mistakc by taking out a. policv in this com- pany. and Mr. H. A. Nicholls will bc plcascd to take your application and give you furlhcr inforiimlion. ~~- 7 MARCH CANADIAN MAGAZINE. It is gratifying to SE" an influcntial publication likc tho (lanadian Magâ€" azine- continuing to llcvuLP a lai-gc part. of its spacc to [he coirsiilcratioii of art litci-alurc. and pal-Licnllrly to subjects in tliisconiicction that are espccially intci-csting to tho pcoplc of Canada. In tho March IIIIIIIIM'I' of this inagnzinc a Wcll-illustratcd article by .Vlai-garcl. E. chdcrson deals with the art of baskclry as pr-actiscd by llic Indians of British Unluiiibia. Tho nuiirbcr is rcplclc with oilicr coiili-ibulioiis of a varicd and cnlcilaiiiing ordci'. The art of china making and dccmaling' is considered iii an article cntillcd “Celebrated anlport China,“ and an- other illusLi-atcd EllllClP on the \vo_i k of King Edward‘s Armour-or is a valuahln contribution. The number contains in all clcvon articles. six of which arc illuslralcd: live shoit slorics. and SPVl-‘n pocms, besides thc usual dcpart- iiicnts. For Qatari-h. lrt lllP sciid you free, just to prch incl-it a Trial sizc Box of Dr. Slioi-p’s Qatari-h Rcrircdy. IL is a snow whitc. crca my, healing anliscptic balm that gives instant rclicf 1o Calai-i-li of tho nose and throat. Make tlrc frcc LPN, and scc. Addrcss Dr. Shoop, Racinc, \Vis. Laigc jars 50 cents. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. A “Gr-con Tca” under the auspiccs of th~ \Vomcn‘s Auxiliary, Was held in the Presbyterian church on l'ucsdaycvcning. Aftcrrcfrcshiiicnls Wcre schcd an address on St. Patrick was given by Rcv. ‘V. G. Back. Rcv. J. J. VVi-iglit of thc Yukon. oocivpicd thc pulpit of St. Andrew’s church on Sunday morning. Mr. R. Rosa of Hainillon has becn visiting forach days with his brother Mr. J. A. Rose and fairiiiy. Mr. and .\lrs. Geo. Kcifcr entertained a few fiiciids at a small party at. their home last Friday evening. Last Salurday iii0i iiiiig. Mr. Andrew Ir\'iiic,a fornicr l csidcutof this village. and I)I(ItIll-‘I‘Uf Mr. E. Irvine, passed away, aflcr a short. illlicss of prion- monia. at, hi~ hoiiw, Tor-ontoJunction. 'I‘hc funcial took place on Tucsday HI‘LI‘I'IIHUI], 'I‘hc monthly Illt’ktillg of tho \V. M. S. was hcld al the hoincof Mrs. Saigcon on \‘Vcdiicsday aftcrnoon. Mr. Fred Rumble of P. O. dopart- mcnt, “’innipcg. is home to visit his father a few days. . ‘â€"..HVA The tailoring we do Will satisfy thc most particular man, in boll) sinarl- ncss of style arid pcifcction of fit. Then the money saved by having us do the work will be gratifying to a careful man. 0â€"- l‘lgin Mills. Mr. Geo. Hamilton of Tillsonburg. is spending a short vacation with his iirothcr and sislcr licrc. Ilc has bccn quile busy hand-shakingand rciicwing acquaiirtaiiccs with his boyhood friends licrc. Miss Anna G. Kci-swcll of Maplc Leaf Villa, is spcndinga fcw \vci‘lis‘ with friciids and i'clatixcs iii Stratliroy and London. Mr. B. Grady has liceii ill for the last wcck with a slight attack of pncumoriin but is cxpcctcd lo be around again in a fcw (lays. \Vo arc pleased lo hear that Mr. Jacob Atkinson is rccovcriirg from his rcccnl bad allack of La Grippc. .\Ir. Ibiiiicl Kci'swcll is about to iinpi-ovc thc locks of our town by a supi'rb ncw i-osidcncc, [lic iiialcriul for which is now on the ground. Mr. Frank Ml-Unrk and llic two )Iisscs McGurk of Mayiicld. spcnt a fow (I.|_\‘S last wcrk at the home of Mr. B. Gi'iiiiY. llr. ll.’ I‘ll. Uoultcr, Dopiin Post- Bpginuing “‘“h [ho happpuinuw [h'l‘ Illél>l(‘l‘ (il‘llt‘lll. (‘HIIL‘II lull a f¢-\V (if Ills follmw-d thc election of ISlill. thc patriotic Schuiz arraigns l’i-csidcnl Buchanan's allil lid» and tho “cpidvmic coniproiiiisc" that iiifcclod tlic who!» country. The portcnlous first inâ€" :iugiiialion of Lincoln is pictiircd with the hand of a inastcr: arid the attack on Sointcr and tho inccplion of tho coiriict arc so dcsciibcd that thc (iran Tingrdy unfolds before us as 0’] a stzvgon Evcn tlic coin“in {oils of {rurle arc proscnt. for Schurz's droll wit l'i‘liOVPS lhi- srrnbor si-cncs with liuiiicrous pil lures and episodes. l i'iicnds Iliil" on Saturday of last \\‘cel>:. an- Illicnmatic ~iil'fcrcis can have a fire sainplo Ill'. 511m p's I{lll‘llllll|iic irf licinc-ly with llll.1k on Rliciiinatism by: _ IIIIL‘iIlt‘. \Vi». This bin-k will i-xplziin how Dr. , Shrimps lillclilnalir‘ IIcliicd)‘ sllcccisw >llllIilY “tiling Dr. .‘a'lroop. lolly d-ivcs llliciiiiralisiii out of thr- blood. This iiim-dy is lil'I :r i-clicf only. I‘ aiir's to l‘lt'.l1' tho blood on- ill't'lY Hf Iilll‘lllllllill' puisulis. IIIHI IIII‘II Itlici-rinalisin IIlll>I die a natural dz nth. hold by \V. A. Saiidcison. ' PHN'N. 6 horses and yoke of oxen, to THE C. N. 0. BUSY Mr. Milchcll. station agcnt. reports hemy traffic on llic (l. N. 0. from Richmond Hill and Goriirlr-y. Sincl- \Vcdncsday of last, wcck Lhc following may be nicnlioncd: Nt‘\VIUII Tanning Co., 1 car hide- triuiiirings. Inncs & Sons, 2 cars luiiibcr- received from the north. Jos.(T.u-r. Lake \\'iloox.c.rr of scltlcrs’ efi‘ccls. including 7 horses. to AI‘COIil, Sask. Richard Stcvcns, Aurora. scttlcrs‘ cfl’ccls and 5 horscs. katoon. l Albcrt Hunt and “'m. car oach of scltlers‘ cl‘fccts horses. to Tisdalc. Gm). Forcstcr,2 cars hogs and cattle. to Toronto Gco. Riildcll, Aurora. car of se-tllers‘ car of to Sas- l‘IllStllI‘II, a and 4 Saskatoon. Also a car of balcd l’my. chlrrday cars wcrc follows: Michacl Bros” car of coal. J. Shcarilown. car of coal. .Ncwton Tanning (7o., car of coal. L. Inncs & Sons, car of brick. Thc age-nl rcpoi-ts busiinss increas- ing every day. rcccived as 0.- A motion 5 ales J. 171. PiiicNTicE‘ SALES. FRIDAY. Mar. 22~l“:ri-in stock. iinplcmcnts. ctc., on lot 1. con. 2, Vaughan, tho propi-rty of Jno. Mc- Bride. Sale at, 12 o’clock. Tcrms, 9 monlhs. SATURDAY. Mai-ch 23-~I“lll'lll stock and iinplcmcnts. on lot 31. con. 2. Scar-born, lhc propcrly of John John» son. Sale at 12 o’clock. Terms 8 months. MONDAY, March 23â€"Fariii stock and iniplcmcnls. on lot 16. con. 10, Mark- ham. thc propcrty of David Harc. Silll‘ at 1 o‘clock. 'l‘ci ms 8 months. TUESDAY. Mai-ch 26â€"Fill‘") stock. implements, ctc.. thi- property of Timothy Rochford. con. 2, lot 14 from Bay. East York. Six monlhs‘ credit. THURSDAY, March 28~ Farm stock and iinplcmciits. cast of Davisvillc Lhc pI'UpPlly of Fred Piphci'. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. SATURDAY. March 30-â€"Highâ€"brcd Jcrs‘cy cattlc on lol 22. con. 3. Scar-born. the propcrty of Frank Glcndening. Tci ms 8 months. MONDAY. April lâ€"Farm stock imple- nrcnts. on lot 3, con 2. East York the- propcrty of John (lourliicy. Sal( at 1 o‘clock. Te-rms 8 months. Auction Sales. SAIGEON 8; MoEwnn's SALES. FRIDAY. Ma l‘I‘II 22~rl"aim stock, inr» plcnrcnls. ctc.. on lol. 26, con. 4. Vaughan, propci-lv of cstato of th: latc Adam chr'lllllll. Tor-ins. 7 mos. SATURDAY. Mai-ch 23~â€"Iâ€"Iousehold furiiiturc. etc, at. Richmond Hill, thv propcrtyof E. J. (lablc. Salcatlo’clock I‘m-ms. 3 months. MONDAY. Mai-ch 25â€"Farm stock.ini- plcmcnls, etc. lot 24. (ii-l1. 2, East York. property of §Uharlcs Fisher. Terms. 7 months. WEDNESDAY, March 27â€"Auction sale of liouschold furniturc, the) property of Miss S. H. \Vatsoii. chinburg. FRIDAY. March 29â€"(‘l‘l'dib sale of a car load of gcncral purpose and draft horses, at Sluarl's Hotcl. \Voodhridge. properly ofJ. H. Bl'llllllgPl. Terms, 7 Months. MONDAY, April lâ€"Auction sale of a farm; lot ll). coir. 9. King, at Mc- Cartcr’s Hotel, Nohlcton. Seed Potatoes About 40 bags of Boarin of Hebron seed potatoes, lot 27, con. 2, Vaughan. Apply HENRY \VILSON Elgii. Mills P. 0. Lost Somewhere betwccir the C.N.O. Rail- way stalioii. Richmond Hill. and Hcadfoi-d P. 0.. A small purse contain- ing two English Sovcrcigus. Rewardat (ico. Ill-urick‘s. Headford. J. AINSVVORTH. Hcadfoi‘d P. 0. 38â€"1 38-1 I incry grim nirill i DISPLAY DAY ()3? IlillRSDAY. MESH 28 MRS. L. SfiUTER‘ l I market at 10.45 $229 A Month 1 i 1‘. .mplate Shortlinim or think ill c I!) ‘ (‘oui'sc by Mail invln do: w llrl'i ii of of oXt’H‘ISBB a‘nd lull rvwouvunn rr: ii I ml li‘bflllnii $1.50 h’wiid cuv n inalny nuâ€" l‘oi’n our supply of Ifi‘ssllli‘ runs ~|ll€. l THE BRlTlSH i CANADIAN CORNER YONGE 82 BLOOR TORONTO Farm Laborers m 'Dcme Itics I have been arppoiirlcd by tho I)... irrinion Govcrnmvnl to placc liniiii- grants from the lliiilcd Kingdom in pos'lions as far-iii labours or do. mcslic scrvaiits in this \'icinil_v. .\nv pcrmn rcquiring such liclp should notilv inc by lollcr stating l'ully Ibo kind of hclp i-cquiio-d. whcn \\'.rlllv(i. and wagcs oI‘I'v-rcd. Tho numbcr ar- ri\ ing may not bc snl‘licicnl to supply all rcqucsts but, cvciy i-l'h-il will bo niadc to providc car-h applicant wilh help icquirca. T. F'. l\l<‘\l.‘\lll‘N. Canadian Govci-niircnt. Eiiiplm‘incit Agent. Richmond Hill. ()nt. 34-if , iNT'EiiEsriNa if? lNSTRUCTlVlE. “doom @nglialiâ€" Eiinw in use it.” A MONTHL7 MAGAZINE DEVOTEI) TO THE USE OF ENGLISH. JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER. Editor. Partial contents for this Month. Course in English for lhc Boginncr. Course in English for the Advanced Pupil How to increase Ono's Vocabulary. 'I‘lic Art of Conversation. / Should and Would: How to use ilIPnl. Pronunciations(Ucnlury Dictionary) IlliI'I‘OCi: English in llic I'II'IIH‘. Correct. English in thc School. \Vliat to say and What, Not to Say. (hHII'SP in Letterâ€"W'riting and Punctu ation. I\lpliabctic list. of Abbrmriations. Business English for tho Busincss Man. Compound Words: How ti: “'rilc Thcm. Studics in English Litcratur-e. Agents Wanted. $1.00 a year. Send 10 cents for Sample Copy, CORRECT ENGLISH. Evanston, Ill. lilillSlil - .Bflillll. The Next Sitting of Divrsion Court for N0. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room, RICHMOND HILL __0N_. Wednesday, April 3, Commencing at 10 a. in. T. F. MCMAEON CLERK '1907 Liliéi‘iil Convention The Liberals of West York will meet in convention in EAGLE HALL, WESTON SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1907 At 2 3o 0’clocx p in For the» purpose of selectinga candidate to rcprcscnt them in the ncxt. clcclion for the chislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario Arch. Campbell, MB, A. G. McKay, M.P.P., G. W. Verral, Esq, and other ‘prominent gentlemen will be present to address the meeting A full altcndance of delegates is ex- pwctcd from all parts of the riding, and all Liberals are requested to aticnd. A. J. ANDERSON JOHN T. BRO \VN Prcsidcut Secrctary GOD SAVE THE KING Forfiaie A scvcn rooilicd cottage, brick humor in good repair with woodshcd attachcd and two acres of land on si-cond coir. of Vaughan within oliv. mile of thc corporation of Richmond Hill and closo to school. Apply to H. A. NICHOLLS RcuI Estate Agent iichmond Hill 1’. 0. LATE (JAR GOOD FRIDAY On Friday, March 29. a car will have North Toronto «C. I’. II. Cross- ing for Newmarkct and intcrmodiaié‘ points, al.11.30 for North 'T‘UH‘UIT" p. m. T. S. LIVINGSTON. Traffic Manager. I 7-tf leaving New- Rinans Tabules. Ricans Tahnlas cure muses. Rinans 'I‘t.bulcs cure flatulanon Rinana Turbines cure oonstlgatlou. 5" TRADE MARKS Dzsmus COPYRIGHTS ac. Anvonc sciullug n SItPH'II nnd dcscrrmlon may qulckly usccririiii our opinion frecwliotbcr ml Invention ls prlrinibly paionlnblo. (‘oininixnlcn- lions srriclly confidential. Handbook on Patent. arm from \lldnst nur'ncy for so 1mm: V-“l‘mfi- I’nlontn trikon tiirongh .\ & CL). rccalvc special nutr‘tr, Wlihriut charge in the Scientific radian. A handsomely lllustrnimi vc i‘. 1v 1 :rrgmt clr. onlnllon of nor wioniul.~ j nus: ll. ’l‘crma. $3 a your: four inontl; a. $1. Sold 1 3' all "\‘WMII‘WIE‘T‘K MUNN & iiew ‘lgik “ran '1 (mice. 5‘25 1‘ .‘h. \‘.'.r 1m vifi My Stock 01 VVoolens for FALL AND WINTER is now complete comprising Black and Blue Vt orsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy 'l rouserings, Overcoming, etc. Best quality. Low prices A. J. H U M E, WTEIIIOI‘LRIOIIIIIOIId Hill p. in.; and NPWUIHI'RPL’ Stomach ti'miblr- i: but. a symptom of, and not in it if u truc (l2 “V.- tliink of Trysncpsia. non-.1.» rcal discus-s, yet. t1 5‘ arc symptoms only of a cciuiii specific Ix'oiw c sir inch-nothing 3* -. corrrt‘tlylwl111251100!) .f that now vcry i (ix-HM: Stomach (mint; dircm; 7i i that success Tm - i? Pr. Simon's Rvsfor. tn the. 11031‘\‘i‘5.alr7."” null favor in Dr. Show; ‘. 1' . With- out iiiat "p19, no em ii his o mhad. . usncss. bad , llnw I'ompl‘ xioir. t'” Dr. Simon's lni‘ath â€"Tu,blcts or Liquidâ€"Lin 1 sm- for your- s--'i' what it can and will do. We sell and cheer- iully Icquncnd A W. _____ Nll’llClx Tg CREDITURS In tho iiial tr'l' of the cstatc of Solomon ()slcr. late of lhc Township of Vaughan iii lllr‘ (‘ouiity of York, Car [)I’IlII'I', Llcccascd. \1 O'I'IVI‘I is hcrchy givcii piii'â€"- A \ siiaiit lo ilil‘ "Raw lSl‘ll Slntutes of ()iilarin. 1.597. (‘liaptcr 120,” that all l‘I‘l’lIIlUI‘.\ ull'.l otlicrs liming claims :igi'insl llic t'slatt‘ of Solomon Oster. lalc of the Township of Vaughan iii [hr County of York, (‘arpciilcig dc» ccascd. who dicd on or about the 22nd day of Dcccinbcr, 1905, at, tho said 'l‘inviisbip ol' Vaughan. arc rcquircd on or bct'oi'c the 2nd day of Api “.1907. to send by post, prepaid, lil (li‘li\‘(’l' to thc umlcrsigncd solicitors for Mary Ustcr, llic Administiali-ix of tho estate- ol' Lhc said dcccasod. their christian and surnamcs, nddrcsscs and alcscripâ€" tions.l liofiill particiilai-sof Llicii-claiiiis. thc slatcmciit of llicir :n-counls and lllr‘ nulurc of tho sccurilics. if any. licld by tlicni. Arid l'iirlhcr takc noticc. that zlflcr thc said 2nd day of April. 1W7. the said Adiniiiislralrix “ill prwccd to distribulc llio asscts .rl' Lhc said dc~ t ('“ilNl'lI l l among lln- Ibll'rll'w‘ ciiLiLch llivi-cto, having rcgriid only to the claims of which \llI‘ shrill tlicii have nolicc and [bat llic said Administra- , lrix will not bc liable for ll.» said as- : sols so distribuch or any purl LhPl't‘~ l of lo ;i_ii_\' )M‘l'snli or pvl'sons‘ of whose: ‘claiiiis iiolicv shall not lizrw- ln-cn rc« lL't-ih'll by Il‘.‘1‘21l;IIIllL‘Ufblll’ll distribu- ‘ tion. ' DENTUN, DVNN «\' lilll'I/l‘BEE, l 20 Kim: Si. Eli-4t, Toronto, l Solicitors for tho .\'llllllli<ll:l[1'ix. l Dato-rl llic ZSLh day (If Irl‘IlI'lI-‘ll'y, A. D. I loin. 3.3.4 1 l i For Service. A tlioroliuli-bwd sliorlhorii bull, lot 7:, con. 2. Vairgll-in. JAM ES 130W~ 13:4. 35.; (ilill'fi'll'lI I). 0. 9 Eric? LZQEEQEZ'L. ' 3100 IN ADVANCE.

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