Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Mar 1907, p. 5

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25hr D. i2“ ) HILL. 05711. March 21. I‘ll)? Haunt: I.M(l>(7 A H.933. llave you stopped to read the taleof the Nine (‘cnt Hale? Next Mbndav will be. Decoration Day at the lunior League. ‘ Everything;r here is bright. frpql“ and Reasonable. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. E. Mason. Toronto. spent over- Suuday with relatives and friends heie. Mrs. D.'Ilill and son Albert It’ich Inontl :ite s pending a few Weeks in. I't’tt‘l'lloro. ‘ The W. (‘. ’l‘. 17 will meet. at. nio' Parsonage next. Tuesday afternoon at. 3 o'clock. Miss Billah Ihydon is visiting with ' her sister. .‘ilis. \V. B. Gardner. 'l'oronto. Mm. Shun-r, 'l‘hoz-nbill, announces her Easter Millineiy Display Openingr on another page, display (lay, Thursâ€" day. March 28. , Miss Janet (‘lark starlet] Monday to take tln- course of a professional nurse in the 'l‘orontoGeneral llospital. égitiral. , s. ‘ \Voi. Bro. 'l'lench. S. If your child wears a size 10 boot you will be surprised to see what Stir. will do for a pair at Naugnton‘s at the lilgiu. Thomas l)outh\\'aite. for many yeat s a resident hero. died in Aurora. and Wits‘inlt'rt'etl in the Aurora Cemetery 'l‘uestlay. The Canadian Northetu Ontario Railway will give single fare rates (luring the Easter holidays. See adv. onunotherp-Ige. ‘ ' Miss Cecelia Riddr-ll of St. Mary’s who is attending 1‘11'Un'0 College of Music visited oH-r Sunday with the Misses Maudie. Mr. Sidney Boyle has been tians- ferred from the Standard Bank hereto a position in the Standard Bank in the (Tity ol' Btantl‘otd. I Mr. Samuel \Vimpeuny, Toronto, spent, Satin-day afternoon with his biother, Mr. Harry \\'impenny. ruin- positor at ’l‘ntc LIBERAL ()t‘lire. Miss Florence Lloyd of Aurora is sa-ntling a few (lays \\'l.‘ll Miss L. Bchahon, and Miss Mabel Lloyd spent yesterday with Mrs. \\'. l'lt‘wisott. His Honor the LieutenaIII-Governor in Council has bet-n pleased to appoint Mr. H. A. Nit-bolls an Issuer of Marriage. Licenses at. Richmond Hill. Next Monday night the Iprx-rth League will be in charge of the misâ€" sionary department. A good program will he provided for the evening. All are welcome. Mr. D. Hill as representative of I\'y Lodge, N i. 114. is in 'I‘oroutolhisWeek attending heannual meeting of the (Irand Lodge. .~\.U.l.7.\\'.. in the Temple Building. The “’ouiau’s Institute of Victoria Square. will meet on Tuesday, March 26, atzh‘t) p. m. at the home of Mrs. It. F. Klinck. Subject: "Hints for Spi ing Cleaning." Chair taken by Mrs. \V. Scott. Atthe Methodist church next Sun- day morning Rev. .\li. Marshall of’ Victmia College, will preach. In the . evening Rev. A. P. Brace will preach, subject: “\Vhat the Searchlight Reveals.” Mr. John Michael left Tuesday for Yorkton. Assa.. takini.r with him a car load of heavy horses. He was accompanied by Mr. E. Bond. for some tilne past a \voodWorlu'r in ’l‘rench‘s Carriage \Vot ks. A few gentle reinindets of spring: regular étle. window shades (wilh brackets) at 230: Regular $l.(l0 steel frame umbrellas at 59C: \Vall paper as low as 1c per roll. Tooke‘s (lt)ll;tl“ shirts in sizes 15 and 15.}; at 50c. Naughton’s at. the Elgin. Good salmon. :3 tins for 25th; Fraser River retl sockeye salmon. Regal. brand, 17c. tin; Monarch brand. 17c.: Horseshoe brand, Is.-.; Clover Leaf, brand, 1&1: 3 tins good corn. for 2.5m; 3 (ins good peas. lot 2%.: 2 tilts good ‘ tomatoes. for 254:. Atkinson K Swit- zer. , : Nature studies should be found in all grades of public schools. ftom the. kindetgatten to the college: that it is‘ of utmost impoi tam-e. since it appeals to our pI-ar!ical lite. and for (le\ elep- ing our highest and lit-st. good, by bringing us rinse to nature's heart. and near to nature‘s God. i l The Liberals of \Vt‘st York \\ ill tum-L lu tonvention at \Veston on Saturday of this wet-k at 2.3a pm. to select a candidate to represent tln‘m in the next elu‘tion for the Iagisljitiyp Assembly. Arch. Campbell. .\I. l’.: .‘\. G. Mt'K:l_\'. .\l. I). l’.: (i. \V. \ierral and other prominent Libeials will I... ptesent to adt’liess the meeting. All Liberals are im ited to attend. Do not fail to read the poster giving particulats about the Nine ('ent Hale Ill [‘1‘ III'lIl ill (lil‘ 'IVQ'IIl'H'Iilllthl' Ililll ll," ‘tho \V. .\I. S. on 'l'urstlay. the Slth of April. The admission fee is H tents. but every ninth petson gets in free. Refreshments Elvrnls. and many Itse- t'ul and oruainental articles will be on sale at 9 cents Htt‘h. Choice pro~ utanune of music etc. in the evening. ‘ . e . held in Toronto, Easter Monday and . discussionsonpraclicallibrarymatters. . methods. "evening. and Inspector Leavitt will ‘ I’rogiams at THE LIBERAL Utl‘tce. Here are close prices for good goods: wFull count sulphur man-hes, 10c. per , box: l’i incess pat lor match. IUUU count. 5c. box: cold blast. lantern glnibes, 51'or23t:.; large size flint. lamp : rhininies. .3 for 2-312; medium size, 6 for 25in: llianmntl l'il'fllltl maple syrup, (ptatt tin. 2.3m: golden syru 35am: golden syrup, 2 lb. tin.lllt:.; (‘om- adra figs. 5c. lb.; piuurs. size 90 to lllllI tie. 1b.: SIYH (It! to Ttl, Sc. per 1b.; sizce Ht) to «Ill, llc. per 1b.: Califotnia seeded raisins. .\lt. H-umlton brand, full lti oz. parkage. Ilka; ltam‘s IIoIn brand. [2. oz. package, 0:. Atkinson (\2 Switzer. MASONRY. Next Monday being Past Masters night at Richmond Lodge the Past valastcis will lilll the chairs as below: V. \\'or. Bro. ~\lt'.\lalnln. \V. M.: “'ol'. Bro. Hill, l. l’. .\I.; \V'or. Bro. New- beiy, S. \\'.: \'. \Vor: Bio. Newton, \\'.; \Vor. Iiro. Lamou. SectyJ l).; “'or. Bio. Savage, .3. I).: “or. Ilio. Leek. S. 3.: \\'or. llro. Elliott, J. 5.. R. \Vor. Bro Nit'holls. I. (i. ANOTHER LAM l’ NEEDED. A suggestion has been made. and we believe it is a very reasonable suggestion. that the Council place a lamp at the corner of Lorne Avenue and (illtlt'l‘l) sticet. near the park gale. ’i‘bat is a dangr-ious corner on dark nights. and hundreds of people pass there every Week. going to the park and rink both summerand winter. It is hoped the Council will act. on the suggestion oil'ered. Bl'lld) US HOUSES. lthas fallen to the lot of many of our citizens to travel through all parts of t‘anada. as well as in various other ('tvtltlllli's‘ both in search of business and pleasure. and withoutauyattempt to llatter this section of country thev lllll litnlly say that no town or village has yet been found that equals Rich- mond Hill as a Iesidenttal centre. All that is required is a class (-f men who haul money and enterprise. who are prepared to build houses for those who would gladly remove here. if they could not the necessary accommo- dation. Some of our own t‘llth‘lh‘ could fill the want it‘ they only made up their minds to do so. SINK CHILDREN‘S HOSPITAL. A number of years ago the children in the above piaiseWorthy institution were made glad at. happy Easter time. b_\' contributions sent from the friends in this \ illage and vicinity under the management of the \V. (,7. T. U. For the past few years the writ-thy task has been ou-rlooked. but it is again proposed to assist in throwing a g] -am of brightness among the little sufferers by olleriugs such as were formerly sent. Contributions ’of toys. fruit. eggs. books. and other articles Will be thankfully l't’t’t-lYt-tl at THE LIBERAL ()t‘l‘ice blood Friday morning. The ol’t'eiings will be carefully packed and sent to the hospital the. following clay. The committee hopes fora continuance of the kind and generous liberalit-y which made the uttering so successful some years ago. Many things are dear that are rated cheap. Atkinson &Switzer. l. COLLAR BONE BROKEN. Last Sunday morning Mr. VV. ()‘ll'onohue. familiarly known as “Yankee Bill.” suffered a painful acci- dent which will kecp him from his usual Work for the next two or three. weeks. Ar‘rompanied by a. friend he \vas walking north [award Elgin Mills for his morning exetcise. when the. milk car approached. \Villiam. who was feeling somewhat. cheerful from the bracing ozone. doifed his wide- brimmed hat. and saluted the motor- man in true Mexican style. He failed to observe. however. that he had just stepped on a piece of ice. His feet slipped, and he fell to the ground, aligllting‘ on his shoulder. The fall gave him much pain. and a visit to Ilr. Boyd‘s surgery revealed the fact that his collar bone was broken. 0. L. A. The cbming annual meeting of the Ontario Library Association. to be, Tuesday, April lst and 2nd, will be devoted largely to conferences and1 (line conference will be. on "How we port-base our books," and represent- atives: from some ten or twelve libraries will briefly outline their This is a live topic, and it will be handled in a live manner. DI. l A. II. I}. (.‘r-ltpthouu. Deputy Minister of Educatiotl. will give an informal talk on l’ublic Libraries on Monday] describehis plans let I avellinp,r libraries. Mrs. M utrh will discuss the selection and purchase of pictures for libraries. may be had from the Secretary. I“). A. llardy, (5.3 Czal'stl'cvl, Toronto. .2 IIOI'HI') BREAKING Sneak thieves entered the house'ofl Isaac Klint'k. lot 33]. con. 2!. Markham, ' ’l‘uesday lorenoon. “hen the inmates weie .~'.'\\'a_\', and (alt-it'd oil. several articles. int-hiding a No. :22 Ie\olve.r. I! pail s entl~ buttons. and enough fawn I I-oloieil I'll th for t\\':: suits ol clothes. The intruders ransacked cupboard. Sltlt'li-hli‘tl. trunk, chest. dresser etc, The tll\l'tt\(‘l y \vas made by Mr. Klinck t'IlllV atzrt dinner the shoe day. Two lit-sh its could be seen leading from the :n llll of the house to the window ‘ which th- {nit-res entetrd by lueakins: a pane of glass. ‘tnd unloi'king the \\'llnlo\\' lItIIIi lLr' ill\l(ll‘. ii}~ ll)!“ Ital-k made. one of the boom “as abou: 11 inches in length. width of heel 3’ inches. It is to lll' hoped c-\.-;~yln--.l_\'* “ill be llllt‘l..‘.\‘[t‘.l in l! catâ€" tho guilty paity. - __JÂ¥ Easter (‘ards and Easter Post Cards ‘ - . . ro ramme rendered was thorou hl p. .)lb. patl, .p g i g V THE BENEFIT CONCERT. 1 The. concert given in the Masonic' Hall last evening by a troupe of fifteen colored artists from the City. under the direction o Miss M. Smith, for the benefit of Min. Maxwell. our oldest Citizen. was a success in every pal tit-u- lar. The hall was packed, the order was all that could be desired. and the enjoyed by all present. Rev. A. 1’. Brace made an admirable chairman. He extended a waim welcmne to the audience. and in a happy speech ex- piessed his pleasure at being on the platform with Mrs. Maxwell. who is 102 years of age. The programme con- sisted of solos. duets. recitations. etc.. as Well as an interesting (hauntâ€"“The Ugliest of Seven"â€"~which of course had a happy ending. The following numbers were given: 1,0peningr chorus Maple Leaf Forever. 2. Chairman's address. 3. Solo. Miss J. Green. 4, Recitation. Miss M. Hunton. 5. Solo, \Iiss E. Hunton. 6. Recitation. Miss M. W'ilson. 7. Drama in 3acts. S. SoloJ‘liss M. Smith. Hidden Chorus. 9 Solo, Miss J. Green. full chorus. 10 Duett. Miss M. Smith, Mr. Aithur (Ihickee. 11. God save the king. Most. of the performers responded to enrol es. III-tote closing a vote of thanks. moved by Mr. Nicholls, and seconded by Mr. McMahon. Was tendered Miss Smith and her company. the young ladies who so kindly sold tickets, and to all who assisted in making the entertainment the success which itwas. Miss Smith acknowledged the vote of thanks in a. pleasing speech saying it was a pleasure. for herself and her friends to come out and give her old friend. Mrs. Maxwell. a benefit. The receipts were $48.95. BIRTHS. III'M‘ERâ€"Ou Feb. 21, at 9(l0t'7olorado. A\'e.. Chicago. Ill.. to Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bitter. a daughter. MARRIAGES JAMESâ€"MELLISHâ€"At the Methodist parsonage, Calgary, Alta., on \Vednes day. March 13th. 1907, by the Rev. G. \V. Kerby, M.A.. .\'Ir. 0. 8. James of Carstairs. to Miss Louise Mellish of Toronto, Ont. DEATllS. MACHELLâ€"At 168 Ossington Avenue. Toronto. on Match 1“. I907, Samuel Mat-hell, in his 85th year. Funeral on \Vednesday, to Aurora. ‘5 Yes. 100,000 times each day. . Does it send out good blood . bad blood? You know, for f, ;. good blood is good health; i; had blood, had health. And 3 i; you know precisely what to ‘ ; endorsed it for 60 years. One frequent cause of bat] blond in a amgglsh ~ - liver. This produces constipation. Poisonous -._ 1 substances are then absorbed into the blood. , - Keep the bowels open with Ayer’s Pills. “ab...“ ,. .. _ . ....... We by J. c. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. .» A no manuaoturera or ’ , HAIR VIGOR. . liars AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. We have no secrets! We publish the f mum of all our medicines. ».. ..,.. y. m...» .11....h..~’ r, ,. . _. .5. n: ' . W‘sâ€".0“... Easter Term at. the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto, the oldest anti best business school in Canada, begins on April 2nd. Our catalogue explains our superior work. \Vrite for it. ’ T. M. WATSON, Principal «m___.... .. W- l Spring is here Gents’ furnishings Linen collars, 2 for 25c. A splendid lot of negligee shirts. in choice patterns; white shirts, and dress shirts. Men’s clothingf I I \Vo show an exct~-[)tion:tlly fine line in suits. Utfiisideiing mater- i and making, they are a great I Prices, $7.30 up. . bargain. The King hat Quality extra. style correct. Boots and shoes I In this line also the features of selection are appaieut. the stock being so \‘er attractive as to make its inspection a pleasure. ("nine and buy rubbers before I get ting your feet \vet. and catching cold. f+++++++¢¢++++++++ ++++ Arm. Savage {litmus Tnhules curia- biltousness. {titans Tabules: for sour stomach. rzipans TilDLlleS cure and breath. we .-r++-tv+-2-++4-+++++++++ +4‘+++++++++++++++++4‘++++++ i I: MWéMh‘+MMH+MP+M++++++‘ r+++++++++++++++ 9:1. .-.' wig-g o _h§F¢. .-,.. ..,- 3i i i i l i Mi- ++¢~+++++++++++++++++ No overcharges J No bad debts No stale goods No guesses At___ The Concrete House , Richmond Hill Bcause Atkinson 6: Switzer Conduct their business on the affirmative plan. ‘ There are Fresh Goods Cash Entries Low prices and~ M. 44.4.+++++++++++++++++++M++ twww-t-M++++++++++++++++ +++++++~t~+++++++++++++++++ Groceries I. v Of the very best brand always on hand. We will make to your measure a fine Scotch tweed suit, stylish grey overcheck, for $14 goâ€"money back if not suited. March 21, 1907' ++++++$++++++++~§fi~+~ +40%++~§++++é+++++++++++++++ +++++++é+++++++++++%++++++ ++++++++++M++++m+++++++ '§"‘:"+++++ i‘+'§"§~§"l‘++ 9. 3‘ ++++++++++++++++++++®§é+++++ +++++M++++t§$+++$ '& .g. + ~5- 4' .g. + + + ~5- .g. 'i‘ '3‘ '9 .§. + .§. .§. 4‘ 4- + .g. '1' + 'l' 'l' 'I' '9 + «2' .§. ~§° ‘l' ‘2‘ .§. + .5. .,. .g. 4‘ ‘i‘ ‘3‘ .§. .§. 4. in 't‘r + + .§. 4. i: I +++++H+++++++’P+++++H++++ *+++€'+++++++++++M$+++++% ++++i++§~++++++++++++++++++ **++MM*+++%+~PM*++++H+ llichmuml Hill Hardware Store I Let us Supply you, be- cause we can supply all your needs. Our stock is fresh and complete. We carry besides mixed paints, a. full line of oils. varnishes and dry colors. The qual- ity cannot, be equalled. Our prices are right Washers, Wringers, Wire ’0. SOULES h “DR. s. J. BOYD +4~++++++++++++++++++++++é+ ‘2‘ SPRING TERM opens April 2. an ex- .z. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO If: :ellent time to enter 5, .5. the great 4. Having a complete Xa'ay and static -? + electricity apparatus, I am able to “‘ t locatet’oreigu bodies in the body, and / ELLIOTT examine fractures of bones. Also to 52 ' , treat NERVOUS DISEASES, ("nausn' (/{I/MW M IUIEUMA’USM, MURBID Gnowu‘ns, «’ such as Cancers. etc. Being a. graduate of Moorfieltl‘s Eye TORONTO. ONT. - " , Hospltal. England, I am prepared to ,examine the interior of the eyes for idtseasc, and test for glasses. It' a Canada’s Best School of Business and Shot-[hand ’I‘rantiug. Ile- Inaud for our graduates is far greater than the supply. Our magnificent. catalogue is free. Enter now and he prepared to accept a good position in the summer or fall. No midsummer \‘acaticn. patient should require glasses 1 older them for him. Nose and throat work a sporialty. Oliice convenient to the Sietiopoli- tan and C. N. 0. Railway stations. ‘Edét. Somewhere between Eluin Mills and ltahey‘s gate. a Saskatchewan rolr. 'l'heiindet will be suitably I't'\\":ttletl by leaving the same at L'osgton-s 37-2 W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Car. Yonge and Alexander Sta.) +++++++++++++++++++++ + - . . +~t++r+++++++++++++++++++++ 1 Hotel. hlgm Mills. ,

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