Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1907, p. 1

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VOL. XXIX. UBERAL PRHH'ING a PUBLiSHING HOUSE RICHMONDHILLDNT. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Is PUBLISHED EVERY BHURSDAY MORNING \Vill occupy his predecosmr's 011109 and is prepared Ln dn gene-M practice and alum to treat eye. ear. nose. zmd throat. diseases. '1‘. F. McMAHON. calls by day and night, promptly at- tended to. 98. H. W. ANDERSON, Dentist. Our. Carlton and Yonge Sts , Toronto “'ill be in Richmond Hill on \Vei nesday of each Week. Office, next dam- north of Stand- ard Bank. Lie-nun Auctioneer for the County of Yo k Good: sold on consignment General sales um: etc promptly attondedco at. remounnlt rune! Residence Unionville JOHN R. CAMPBELL, #67 R Goulltmg. Newtun Brook. agent for the above J.‘ H. SANDERSUN. VETERINARY SURGEON J ’1‘ finigaou. Maple License Anctiunee! to: me County or Yon re- pmthlly solicxts your patronage and friendly influence sales attfluded on the shortest notice sud Uta-easonaberatea. P.0.nddress King Licensed fiuotionaers torthe County of York. Suuanteudedho on shorfiestnocirennd 3. rec.- sonnhle mtos Patronage solicited Oflice hours: Tuesdays, 8- '5â€"5 p. m. SINGER Sewing Machines $I per annum, in advanCe.] Dr- E. J. \‘7oods DENTIST, Office Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. ‘4 Toruubu Office. 450 CHURCH ST. Riolnnoud PI ill DR. S. J'. BOYD. M. B. BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Jl‘horuhill. M. R. (3. 8.: L. R. (,‘I. 1).. En; (SUCCESSOR TU I‘m. DEAN) RICHMOND HILL Em (Eibeml Sal Emma 63 Pnormnoa J. ll. PI entire. I}. G. ISLOI'GII. geon a: NlcEwen. marinara: mutual. ned and tuned. sch Pianos. PETHICK full kinds. Send a post AT THE AGENT HILL, flcutal. J K McEwen Wesmn Eng; Rip-ans Tabules cure dizziness. ONT. Rinahs Tabuxes: at drugglsm. m.; LENNOX & MORGAN Muuev to loan on land nndchsuel mortglgonnt lowest rates Auroranfl‘iceâ€"Bemoved to film old post ofhca one duor west of the ontrlnce to 9.119 Ontario Hunk ‘ Newmarket ofikceâ€"Three doors south of the past orfice T HBBBERTLRNNU! G BTY MORGAN Rit-hmund Hill Office. sonny-vast vor- m-r of Lorne Bldg.. every Thursday afternoon. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. BARRISTER, Soucn‘oa, NOTARY. ETC. Ton-unto Oflire. 33 Richmond St. \Vpst‘, \Yesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Office. Standard Bank Building. every Saturday after- 1100”. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to 1mm at, Five Per Cent (5%) Mulock, Lee, Millikan Clark DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. (10mm- King & Yunge Streets TORONTO. Private NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E.. TORONTO, Canada‘ FRANK BENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBEF A G S Lindsey.K C G G F Lawrence W Ridout Wadsworth Barristersfiolicitors. Notaries, am. Home Life Building (fm-mcrly Free hold Iiflim B!dg.), 00:. Adelaide & JAS. N EWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN LIILLS ‘7 3L hams??? ' Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. NOTA RY PUBLIC. OOIIIBBIONEI IN 1‘11! Richmonu Iâ€"Iill (‘OM MISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at. both places. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Phono Main 311. Barrister, Solicitor. Etc, Tm-nnln Office, 36 Tux-onto street. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.&¢. (Indertakers d: Embalmers. H. A“ NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers and sollcllors. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNIâ€"IILL Commissinnm. Cnnvayancer. etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer nf Marriage Licenses. J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC enton. Dunn & Boultbee Lindsey. Lawrence is w adsworth. RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1907 Burristels. Solicitors. Etc. Baqristers, Snlictm‘s. Etc‘ WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS, J. M. LA ING Vic wrist-SIS; Tm-ontu and Trust Funds tn loan at, lowest current rates. flual. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity. ox G Aurora. Phona Mums“ Nawmm-ket On Thursday afternoon. March 28. 1907. after in few hours“ illness. Mrs. Ann Lynett, widow of the late David Lynett. quietly passed away from the seenes of her earthly lal’mrs. It is not , quite a year since her genial and faith- tul husband was laid to rest, and as neighbors. how much we have. missed him: and now, another visitation has removed the faithful and devoted partner of his joys and sorrows. It is not my purpose to write nuything‘ biographical. but. simply as a neigh- bor, to \‘(ilCP the sentiments of the connunnity in a slight tribute of re- Speet to our departed friend. In country places there is a wide range of acquaintance of a Casual kind. but there is an inner (-ireleâ€"those who mutually assist at, “threshing,” “butchering.” and the many other things that bring near neighbors to- gether in a farming community. It is there we get a more intimate and all- round knowledge. of each other than rould otherwise be obtained. For over thirty years this has been our privi- lege, and when I recall the. scenes of those bygone years the tears, unbid- den. fill my eyes. If I were asked to describe the late Mrs. Lynett accurate- ly 1 would refer you to the last chap- ter of Proverbs. from verse 10 to the end. Truly, as a wife. and mother. as a neighor and friend, she has filled her place, nobly and Well, and her life will be a fragrant memory in the minds of all who knew her. ‘When sickness entered our homes she came with sympathetic heart and willing hands. to help in time of need. She loved peace and friendship and no dis- turbing element ever proceeded from her tongue. but. on the contrary. she always tried to pour "ml on the troubled waters." and take the best possihle view of people‘s motives and actions. A quiet. modest, unassuming woman. she shone her brightest in the home and hearts of her husband and family: no duty ton arduous. no num- ber of steps too many to minister l to their comfort and happiness. Home will lim'einhe the same again. but may her example be copied. and may her memory ever be fresh in their hearts. “Vtht, is home without a mother?" No one knows till she is gone, Till the tired hands are folded. Till the sweet-toned voice is silent. Till yuu see the vacant chair; Home a scene- uf desolationâ€" Mnther’s missing everywhere. “What is home without a mother?" A fm-lm'u and loney spot. Scene of sacred. sworn-st memories. Which can never be for‘ggg. The subject “Resolved thnt Environ- ment is more cunducive to Success in Life than Ids-“ls” will he delmtvd at the Epwm-Ll) Ledgue Social on Friday evening. The affirmative will he taken by Rev. A. P. Bruce of Rich- mond HI” and Rev. J05 E. Wilson 01 Maple, and the negative by Mr. R. A. Shaw 0f Richumnd Hill and Mr. J. G. Mchnuld uf anlP. Rev. H. A. Fish of Kleinburg. will act as chairman, and will also sing. 0n ‘Veduesday of lush week Mr. J. Mullny and Miss Ida. M. Rumble were married in Tun-(mm, by Rev. Isaac Cuuch. A short honeyumm. was spent at, Barrie and other northern plures. On Tuesday evening the Ma le Methcdist choir, of which Miss Mafiny was a. member. assemhlwd at hH- home and presvnted her with an address and an 0sz rocker. The ymlng couple will reside nvar Nohle< tun. They have the hush wishes of all their friends for their future happi- ness. Mr. Ray Hpnry and Mr. Revsm‘ visited friends in Benmsville over Sun- duv. Miss M. Morrison spent from Friday till Tuesday visiting in Toronto. Qllilt‘ u numbernf visitors from T0- ronm and other places visited in the villuge over the holidays. Th9 following is the school xepm-t for March. Senior lV.â€"M:u‘y Lowery, Emily Rankin. Gal-landLmIgslnfi. Junior IV.â€"Alicev Page, Gladys Ball. Buyntbu \Veldrick. Emma Chap- mun. Senior 11].â€"-Rnhhie Lowery. Inter. I}Iâ€"-Nellie Page, Lizzie Rankin. Irene Chapman. Junim‘ IIKâ€"SLewm-t Page. Amv Bull,‘Jne Ireland. “'ellingtuu Monk- umn. Nathan Chapman. Senior 1Lâ€"Katie Chapman. Junior II. â€"Ellswol'ch \Veidl-ick, Kat-hiern Rankin." Seninr Part. II.â€"Dennis “"hite. Junim‘ Pan. II.â€"-Russell Monklnan, Donald Dun-y. Part Lâ€"Enid Di-nx-y. Lm-nie \Veld- rick, Georgie La'ngslufi, Elva. “'eld- rick, Dudley “’hitt. And the toils of life are done. IN MEMORIAM. Langsbafi. Maple. â€"K NEIGHBOR. The. home of Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Cluhine was the Scene of u pretty double wedding on Wednesday after- nonn. March 27, when their daughters. Mary E. and Clam L.. were united in the hands of holy matrimony hy the Rev. G. McKinley, pastur 0f the brides. to Mr. J. R. \Vells uf the firln of \Vt-lls & Beutty, Palmyra. N. Y.. and Mr. G. A. Lowery, eldest son of Mr. A. Lowery nf Thornhill. Out. At 3 p. m. the brides entered the drawing roum, escorted by their father (while the strains of Mendelssuhn’s \Vedding March Were being played) and by whom they were given away. Miss Mary was very prettily dressed in a point ('1‘ esprit «mar cream tnmoline silk. trimmed with sequins and pearls mud the usual bridal veil. She carried a. bouquet of roses. Mr. \Vella was supported Harold Ke-rfnot, (If Mim'sing. Lowery by Mr. Sidney Fisher ham. The bridal party stnud underu white arch decnruted with smilux, with a ha _c_kg1-Ql‘1_nd> (gf ferns. M1: \Nvlls’ gift Lu the bride was a. crescent nf pearls and dinmn'uls. and MLLuwery‘s a Igng gold watch chain. The number of g‘ilasbs who partuok ufftzhe ngegl)_vr was filly-fife. Mrs. VVells' going-away dress was a. grpy tweed with Parisian trimmings with hat. to match. Mrs. Luwery’s going-away ecstume was reseda. green qluLh with silk braid and Parisian trimmings with hat, to match. The presents were numerous and useful. and showed the high esteem in which the bride-sure. held by their friends. The invited guests Were: Mrs. Oakley and family, Los. Angeles. (Juli- fornia; Mr. T. Brown Laughlin. Mani- toba; Mr. and Mrs. McBran, McGreg- or. Manitoba; Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. New York; Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis. Newark; Miss S. \Vells, Clifton Springs. N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark and family, VVulsworth. N. Y.; MI". and Mrs. R. VVrlls and family, Percy- ville. N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. G. '1‘. Clu- hiue. Newmarket; Mrs. E. Ulubine and family. Newmarket; Mrs. Steph- ens. Newmarket: Mr. and Mrs. A. Flint, New/market; Mr. and Mrs. \Vis- ner, Schomhorg; MI. and Mrs. G. Watson, Laskav; Mr. and Mrs. J. Uluhine. Laskay; Mr. and Mrs. A. Brillinger. Concord; Miss G. Clark. Toronto; Miss F‘. Singer, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. Lowrry. Toronto; Miss V. Keeun, Newton Brook; Mr. and Mrs. A. Ireland, Unionville; Mr. and Mrs. W. Lowery. Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Uudlnus; Mr. and Mrs. 8. Elliott. Russelton; Mr. and Mrs. \V. Hickling, Allanwood: Mr. and Mrs. S. Elliott, Allanwood; Mr. T. Kerfoot and family. Minesing: Mr. and Mrs.A. Foiston. Minesing: Mr. and Mrs. W. Caldwell. Crown Hill; Mr. and Mrs. E. Cusely. Thornhill; Miss A. Chen mun. Langstal’f: Missrs Agnes and ‘mily Boyle, Lungstafl’; Mr. and Miss S. Peal-Son. Lungstafl’: Miss J. Brown. Lungstaif: Mrs. R. \Vells.‘ Clifton Springs, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Star. Palmyra, N. Y.: Rev. George and M rs. McKinley. Thornhill; Miss E. Sweet- apple. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. Stock- ley. Dauphin. Mam; Mr. H. E. Clu- bine. Morden, Mam; Mr. and Mrs. A. Lowery. Thornhill; Mr. J. Findlvy. Thornhill; Mr. and Mrs. A. Findley, Eollur: Mr. Sydney Findley, Mark- am. Come and have ice cream and cake. for Qcts. Senior IV.â€"Annie June-s, Annie Hoiles, Flurence Nixon. Gertie Thunms. Minnip \Vntson. Eldon Wade. Ethel McQum-rie, Myrtle Mc~ Quarrie. Juhinr IV.â€"â€"(A) Ross \Valker. “7illie Orr, Elmer Hudwcn, John Crank. (B) Ella Wade. Emma. McQuun'ic, Hattie Nixmu. Elmer Orr. Juniui- IIIâ€"Joseph Heine. Gertie “’indas. Edith Clement, Pickering McQuan-ifi. \‘\1l_l_igHgi_l§§: 7 Senibr III.â€"- Lester \Valker, Stanley \Vatsnn. Roy Crank. ’ ’séuim- 11'.â€"Wim-.-d \Vindas. Johnny Orr, Maud Junes, Fanny Gray, Alvin Beg‘x'y, Juflinr II.â€"Alvin Walker, Flussie “‘utson. Bertha. Levee, Sidney Jrnes, Emma Gl:ny._p?“-’l YVudmnRoy Esgey. Put-t, IIIâ€"Vera 0n. Vict'or 'Or'r May Jnnps, Pearl Jones. “'iud Senior I.â€"Isaac McQuzu‘l-ie, Hadwen McQuaI-rie, Earnie “'iudas, Rugsell Espey. Junior I. James Gray, Johnny as. DOUBLE WEDDING. S. S. N0. 5 VAUGHAN. by Mr. and MI. of Mark- “ Preventics" will promptly check a cold or the Grippe when take-n early or nt the “snesze stuge." Prevention cure seated colds as well. Pl-eventica au'e hula candy cold cure tablets. and Dr. Slump. Racine. \Vis. will gladly mail you sample-s and u lmok nu Colds free. if you will write' him. 'l‘hr- snmplt-s prove thpir mvrit. Chat‘k ggu-ly Cold with Preventrics and. stop Pliéillfiulfighr Vsrnld in 54: and 25c box by \V. A. Sanderson. Do You Think 02.4 you open your mouth like | your rd gulp down whmvet food or medl- Lne ma be oflemd you 1 drugzlfis 1‘ The makers of Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Pre- scription. for the cure of weak. nervous. run- down. overworked. debilitated. vein-racked women. knowing thismodiclne no he nude up of ingredients. every one of which has the strongest, possible indommeut oi the lendin‘ md standard authorities of the sever-.1 schools of practice. are perfectly willinz. and in fact. are only too glad to print. as they do. the formula. or list of ingredients. 0! which it, is composed. in plain English. on every bottle-wrapper. The formula of Dr. Plerce’s Favorlte Piv- scrlpuon wlll hen the most critical exunlnr than of medlcul experts. for it. conulns no alcohol. narcotlcs. lawful. or lublL-(ormlnz drugs. and no Itth enters into it that 13 notl highly recommended by the most. ndnnced and leading medical machers and tumor mes of their seven] schools of practice. These anch-Itlesgomgend thgjngndlmts (rm-é of No other medians for woman's in: [an my such protaslonnl endorsement L: Dr. Piemo'l Favorite Prescripuon has received. in the un- qualified recommendttion of each of its several ingredients by scores of leading medi: cal men of all the schools oi’ practice. Is such on endowment. not worthy of your oonsidention 1 N. J. Glass Fire and Life In- A booklet. of Ingredients. with numerous nuthondve profulontl endorsements by the leading medical authorities of this country. will be mailed fun to my one sending name uni address with request. for same. Adam- DA. 8. V. Pierce. Bun-lo. N. Y. Deering Farm Im- plements Richmond Hill Get my rates and prices before do- ing business else- Where.- Pupil of A. S. Vogt. Mus. Doc. (Piano), and J. H. Anger. F. R. C. 0. (Theory). “'ednrsduys and Saturdays. Room 11 Cul‘ltun Chambers. cor. Carlton and Yongc Sts., Toronto. J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist Instruction in Piano-playing and 'Thenry Vex}qu [Single copies, 3 cts. rercé's J: lhg g Agent for famed surance theisawme ailmgnts for For Yourself ? nvorlle :ure 0! medicine AND i'eScflption ls advised: No 4:) mm

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