Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1907, p. 3

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in iiisrisiiiii BE PROHIBITED? ..,_â€"â€".â€" _ l The Osrulatory Process Denounced by_ Scientists as Extremely Dangerous â€"Ilow the Danger Can be Removed. A keen discussion is being carried on L, some of the best scientists as to the dangrr and “crime” of kissing, led Ly Dr. Sonmrs, Health ()Itlcer of Atlantic 015’. and Dr. Natpassc, of the Medical 'Faculty of Paris. 'lhcy charge the kiss with spreading grippp, scarlct fever, measles, mumps, whooping: Cough. I)" [hold fever. (llplllllt‘l'ltl, vrys‘ipclas, incn- F‘I'Igitia tuberculosis and many lllft'(ll‘ (YUS skin ill>CtlSt‘S. They suggest legis- lation on the subject, and the posting 15' noticcs in railway stations. slrccl cars and other public places, but they ray it \voiilrl'lc usclt-ss to post them in viranduhs. in Cosy coi‘nci's. port‘ln“. shady nooks, or moonlit lawns. 'I'Iii‘y aiso pi'oposc some compulsory Icizisla- t'ion for methods of disintpciion of the mouth and purifying the breath, csprci- allv with a view to thc proli-ction of M'll'f‘t't‘lil halos~ who are litll'ilUllllll'll' Filip-cl to infection The grcatcst and n:-ist tIIcclzvc piti'! and gcrm dr- slruvcr known to incdical seicncc tt-r thr .Illt'llllll. Iliixial and breath. as well m ['u‘ the htrod. stomach and lung. is I’sychiizc. that triumph of the incdi-. cal xvii-lit that l.\ attracting almost unim wrsal attention lif‘CalISt‘ of the wonder- .‘ul i'csults alii‘n-ling,y its use. One of its icccnl triumphs is told as a matter ‘o-t {xii-pencil in the following brief stam- nicn‘: ‘l stifli‘l't‘tl {ctr CYCI‘ l\\’I‘ B'f‘ars rrnlll :atarrl: of tho. head and throat and .stomach. and an obstinate hacking cough. 'l‘hi: sligliicst cold or change it weather would cause the disease to re- ini‘n worse than before. Doctors gavc me no relief. I saw Psychine and Oxo- n‘iulsion advertised in the newspapers. and dcziidm‘l to use them. They had a Splcndid cficcl in my case. I obtained the permanent curc I had so long and so anxiously desired. I‘sychinc appcars to be a pcrfccl germ destroyer. I shalt (it: all in my power to increase the pr» pularily of thr Dr. Slocum remedies in this vicinity. I always kccp I’syclnnc in our house. It is cur only doctor. “LEGER I.. HARDY. "St. R-tsil (‘l'3 I‘nntncuf. Our." Psychinc, pronounced si-kccn. is Com- ienrled by all doctors and si-icntisls who havc‘ interested themselves suflici- cntlv in their profcssion and in the n'clfare, of the public to investigate its marvelous qualiiics. and consider in an unprcjudicc’ manncr its i-csulls. as the most wondcrtu‘. of all disease and gcrm- dos ioytnz' agencirsfl For building up the rundown systcin and curing: all forms of stomach troubles and diseases of the chest. throat and lungs or head. it is si‘nply iiiiapi’rvichahlc. II R deâ€" stined to revolutionize many of the old theories, and furnish a reliable home treatment. For sale at all druggusis. 50c... and $1.00. or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 17'.) King-street. west, Toronto. When a girl gets hold of a young man‘s heart strings she proceeds to tie them in a bean knot Is there anything more annoying than having your corn. stepped upon? ls there anything more dclighliul than gctw ting rid of it? Holloways Corn Cure will do it. Try it and be convinced. He talks and she listens during the courtship. but after the marriage the plan is generally reversed. Fortlly Yourself against pulmonary troubles, including consumption with Allen's Luu Bal- _aa.m. It will loosen the cough and phlegm. Cure soon follows. Many young men do not propose be- cause thcy tear that the girls will say «W53. I Externally or Internally, It is Good.â€" When applied externally by brisk rub- bing, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil opens the pores and penetrates the tissue as few liniments do, touching the seat cf the trouble and immediately affording -relief. Administered internally, it will still the irritation in the throat which induces coughing and will cure affec- tions of the bronchial tubes and respir- atory organs. Try it and be convinced. ONE ENOUGH. “1 say. auntie, uncle said this morn- ing that there wasn't. another woman like you in the world.” “Ah, the dear Icllowi Freddy ‘2" “Yes. and hi- said it was a jolly good job, too." Did he really, ISSUE NO. 15â€"07. i‘ lBiiiiNUAsiiES, Stu: COAL -TIIERE I5 PLENTY 0|" llli\T IN YOI'Il , . BACK YARD lll‘l -\l'. Pennsylvania ‘Shoemakcr‘s â€"»More “'armth in Aslirs Than In Anthracite. Whilc sitting,r at. his bcnch cking out in living with hammer and awl. John ‘Ellmorc, a cobbler of Altoona, I’ennsyl‘ Vtinia. for twcnly years has been re volvini.1 in his brain a problcin that he .has finally solved to his own satisfac- liion. and that apparently is destincd to revolutionize thin qucstion of prodiicinll Discm cry i :Imai. lillmorc says he has discovered 'a method of making: ashcs burn. and a practical dcmons'raiinn has convinccd! furnicr sri'ptics. Iillniorc not only makes, aslics lllIl‘lI and produce that. but he" produces considerably inorc heat from a given quantity of asth than can tic ’c‘ihiaincd lt‘nlll the same amount of pure bituminous or anlhraciic coal. At ths‘:i plant of thc (linens Iilccliic Company} lit: the othcr day was allottcd onc (fi licn limiters. and with thrcc liu‘slicls oil ashes he pruduccd inorc hcat than was oblaincd from ihc other nine. This de- mon~iralion wa< witnessed by Several hundred pcrsmp. A SIMPLE PROCESS. Ellinorc is carefully guarding his so- crct, and has applied for patent rights I“: process i: very simple. He takes" tun parts of ashes to onc part of coal and over this sprinkles a small quanti-i tv of a compound which causes thc‘ combustion. IIc says that for 25 ccnts 'suII‘icicnt of this'conn‘roimd can be pro, pain to last an ordinary family our winter. wilh a coal consumption of less than our ion. In his shop he has uscd llcss than half a ton of coal this winter. and he declares that a ton will last him two years. DISCOVERY NO ACCIDENT. When he opened the doors of the boil- cr in which his compound was burning the other day, spectators gazcd' upon a tho that glowcd. brilliantly and had a bluiin tinge. rounch by ashes and the ashes ,qlowcd «vac ai'ipar‘ntlv ni diminution in thci amount of heat during ihmscvcral ll<\lll‘\'t that the demonstration continucd. till- ntnpc szn'fi: his disrovcry “1'14 “(it till {It‘- cidcnt. Ills li‘llll‘l' thorc him had con- celvcd thc possibilin oI obtainingY llf‘ftl‘ from azhes. but had not livcd to dcmon- i strain it. GREATEST FIND IN AMERICA. Thc younger Ellinorc has: been ex» 1 and it was about ciolit months ago that h-l finally obliiincd the right solution. Before giving his SCcrel, to thc world its practicability. and was satisfied ai~, 1m tm had mndc loss than a half hm cf coal produce more heat than he here- tofore had obtaincd from ten or fifteen tons of coal that he held probably thc greatest discovery that has been made in a century. 0 ___._..x. Worms cause fcvcrishness, morning and rcsllessncs< during sleep. Mother Graves‘ Worm Exterminator is pleasant. sure and effectual. If your druggisi 'has none in stouk, get him to procureX it for you. Miss Oldgirl: “Yes. tircly from choice." Miss Perl : choice ‘2” I am single en- “Whose After Wasting Fever: hasten recovery to health by the use of “Ferravim.,' It is the best tonic. It builds, strengthens and gives new vitality. Try it. it will make you feel stronfl. I When a man is hanging by his toes from the corner of a building, and ino- nicntarily expecting to drop, nothing satisfies him more than the discovery that he is safe in bed at homc. To Those of Sedentary Occupation.â€" Men who follow sedentary occupations. which deprive them of fresh air and exercise, are more prone to disorders of the liver and kidneys than those who A lump of coal was sur-i l!l\'(‘ a “rd of burning anthracite. There, I {could man. tiniidly. that you \\lll ionsidci it 1”.) \ogomhto pl”; n”, n SWIM»). {wept pm-mmmmg far more than twcnty years. “mad [.lwk to am“). ,hand in marriage." Ellinore demonstrach time and again munei-alivc.“ lead active, outdoor lives. The former will find in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills a restorative without question the most efficacious on the market. They are easily procurable. easily taken, not ex- peditiously, and they are surprisingly cheap considering their cxcellence. Mistress : “Did you turn on the gas in the bedroom, Bridget 3’" Bridget: “Shure an‘ I~did, mum; can't you smell it?" For Years Canadians have been using “ The t D. & I." Menthol Plasters and the sale for them is , greater than all other i side for backache, hea. ache, sciatic pains. CHALEUR BAYS “Fl llE-SI IIP." According to Prof. W. I”. (ianong, the traditional “Iire~ship" of ‘the Chaleur tasters combined; a spe- t Bay, New Brunswick. appcai-ing usually before a storm. has a l‘iasis of fact. It is t '1 hemispherical light. with thc llat sidei Howard the \\a'cr. gluwnig .\ illtt’lllnt’s: lwithoiit iiiiicii «halite 0i form. but at1 lolli-xr llllli‘~ innit: .n‘n 5lt‘lhl"l‘. moving Ct'llllliil>. in which :in cumin] iiiiasinii-l ion might I‘u'i‘."_"l'i’li‘ ‘li' Illilll n; iig; ngi (it a slip. 'l‘lic gv‘lltl'u. t‘xplni'iril. ii.[[..1-. ‘will is that ti.i< il‘jcct is a Ii.ftlllf«'sl:lt.tvn of St. li'i'ii-i's 'll'i‘. an t‘ltnll'l'ul pig-no. Inicpcm; t- it flu-I l'i'lelIl l I' its :‘ippczii‘imr only on (r Ii‘ 'ii‘ the biliali iir lkiy is itol‘ known. , Mistress ’wlx: has given In? maid a, tit kct for the tlic'i‘ri-l: “Wt-ll, haw dzdi yiiu like the llCl‘li'll‘Ill-‘Ili‘t‘ 7" Maid : “Oh. I i'. was splendidnia‘am. Youslivniidhavc hoard how a servant girl sauccd her missus I" ' FORCOT'I‘E‘N FtlflfZEPS. \hsciiidliudcd I.I‘II l‘ail' it Forceps in “’oinan‘s ltody. Surgicon \ twi‘wai'kihln cos” of nigh-rt on lip part if a ! .lal ~‘1l‘,_-'«4‘ill l‘ Illt‘lllllIIl' All in Irii- Ihihdi Melt-mil .Irizi'nal. I'lr . iSicwart. tit \Iil‘and .lllllt'lnlll. \\i‘~‘. ThlBCOld‘Water Stare}! 1-’\.u\lralia. l‘t‘t'0i«l\ thi- :iri~nviisi;inc.~s 4. gets ironing-day over tlic case. No opcri‘id 1'” a woman iii-mid a pan of form-its in Imr lnlCll. .'I‘iic forrcps wcrc nr‘ni'ly Ti inches in l lcng’h. and lltv wzdih across the handles was about ‘2 inchcs. and they had bran "lctl in the woman's body after an opera» ‘i'on ten and a half wars below. “That thc fort-cps should Iiiit'c Jtlllllllul the po- Lsition III which thcy wcrc found with out t'all‘ltlli death is f‘\‘ll':ttii’tlllltll'_\'.. ,Ili‘, Stmvart \\r.tcs:‘ "‘I'lnuigjli thc pati- tnl's llt‘nllll halt Icvi‘ \\i-'Iciicd durum Hose years. 'tlll 'I part .,i it”. ‘liiic spi‘iil ll Iv‘i “ and! 3. quicker, with less wear on the ironer's muscles and far less on the starched pieces. ;-., Gives a beautiful gloss. . Needn'tbeboilel. .yet cannot .- It's natal-ch you'll like. litigi' zit i'lif.' Ill not lit't‘ Ilial ~ii‘ lluit‘ Ilt‘i‘\tl‘lil‘l‘v It‘ll \\«‘l‘ (‘ni‘illgli lil lni'It- mn'w lit tlciiiit-s, I iiuvr‘ STRAWBERRY 'ltHN'ill to lv‘lli‘\'t‘ that int l‘tt-ti'tl at Hit-l RASPBERRY Iuri‘nii illli‘lil'liill "Hit It» llttllltl in II. an s that” m‘ [tic llu<l t.i‘. whom it n..- Iiil' Ii l‘ltlvl‘l.‘ BLACKS ERRY :i.‘ Inadiuzvzirietios, T \.I.l‘lh" __ _ _ .5- .. ..._... tins of Mind ptitfltnflw‘. t'ata- i lumionndprirolist iron. I,_ V; gimp.) .',ig.~\. :t all is n "i .i‘ l‘hiiso intarostwl u'itl plp'iso , , I ,, i , ' . . ‘ I:lel’lifitlt‘l‘.3.< this) advt. nill "‘ H" n 1““ \ “NI, “\ ““ l’Hl mm“ not ammiracain. iifu’lw'l l‘ .‘II’«t “ii i- Mi .lli n th- tll’ t JOHN DOWNHAM. \wliipn till .r .l ~lti\-|l|'__" Miami-l rt lltt .I Strathroy. 0n! Iii-.inchinl lui in out lungs Ilia? I‘i'llll l u. . . W.. . « ‘]fw this «rul’ilz- fur the titlininliy \if'llill OHEN'LLE CURTAINS is :i iir~l aid Hill“ is izulhiiiu' in tin-i IndnllklndlofhouseHnngian.Ilso llitllt’l\ lilt‘dlt'llll‘ llil" s‘» ii'l'lil'll lit (Ilia, DVEE a: CLEANID tivii I‘t‘~llll‘ il~ tiii‘li’t- s Anti-tinnsiiiiilu' “(a NEW. .. . w . i. ‘ Wrmm“. .bou'youm lily. Stiiip. lhi l-rlmxilltlit iiiiitd, i'oi Ill‘l’llll Alumna nnmc emu: ‘58. Mann-:21 "0 ‘1‘ “‘1 l "““'r‘!"" ‘ llHVt'lli ”\ L‘tl‘ltl tlvn' tl i-wit-ls ttll llIL“ S ti,ri|i:ititiii tit t:iii\ twink. I‘tiwcll: “I , \ - I « \ i ;- ,- ; v The ARNOTT nETHoo Is the only loin. I‘m“. ‘ '. “1"” l ““ ., ' ""‘l "‘-‘. culmsthodforthecurcof Stamm'rlng. It mommv I'm” l' V'""“‘” "' WWW "Wt treats the CAUSE, not meroly the HABIT. ‘almil. and | haw ltt‘t'll {ithllN'l for: . nndlnsuresnaturalspeech. Pamphlet. par- “mum ,thl- .1”. ,._ dealers and references sent on request. THE ARNOT'I INSTITUTE; BERLIN. ONT. CAN, Tlny tubercles on the skln of .«crofulnus paci-I ple produce the hi loony dismme called lupus. Weaver's (Karate. used in time, will save the skin from destruction. A ply to all affected parts. Cleans-a the blood with Weaver's Syrup. I “IIcnry.” asked tho tcachcr, “what is the coiiscici'icc conscicnc‘c.” answered little IIcury. ryNV »~.~râ€"â€"â€" I Sunday-school . ~ ’ “ I lit“ u “ticoi’ipc.” sht‘ said. “liclorc we \vorci g: iIlIIII‘l'It‘tl you \\'t‘l't‘ atuay giving inc pic- what you liavc after you have hccn cai-‘l Mums \\ m dun-t H” mm. mm” MM ing,r cake and 1am and things out of thci ,mvihmg m,“ H“, Wm.- “WM pantry. and thcn you have. to take cats-upwinlro‘ ulm w” M”. M,” M ,1 “my? tor-oil, and that curt-us- tlic consticncc.” ‘Wn " Lip»ng mil 1., ;. my, .,,. hm. _ “Tâ€"‘ > ‘ caught f" 'lln'ti tIn- lit l'ii- t-oilcd may, i Prisoner: “My lawycr is unwell. I, “r 7 fl t “k lm’ «'l tl'l‘llll‘glll'< ‘l‘li'lln \li'll'lc'l'ill"i \ Sui-n iiiirn tar Ihmhn-hc. I'liiixiu. “I’lll- You" “1“” 0“. {"1‘ it lm'l'll'n‘lll 3) \\ l"- h-‘ai’lnnln‘. lit \\ ll "ll \\tllllt n iil'(‘ inm‘c you rascal, you \vci'c caught with your sum”, Hm“ ml.” hwmw.‘ w 1mm. .Hy hand in a pentlcnian's pockcll. \\hal ‘ your lawyer say?" I‘i'isonci': “'I‘hal‘s what, I'm an\ion< to know." began Stilllt‘ >lilttrt'l< that llll‘l' are nti‘ci'ly Ill'tl\-‘ ‘ll'dll‘tl. 'I‘Iic stomach l'r'lllN“ Iiirl.'aiid‘ lihcre is a constant (ll‘ll't‘.~"\i|‘fj’ cli'ori In? i the stomach ,fiviiii liil-i which haw lt‘t‘t‘ . l young‘bpmmp unduly swrclml Ihcrr‘. Parine~‘ “I presume. sir." the \""l’.\' I‘l““llllllllll‘ll1‘ l”? i" llll.‘"d‘l“31'l"illl‘ alive. and in nculralizing ihc ci'lecls it “till .WUl‘ dilut-‘hlm'fdlic intruding liile i'rlicvcs the prcssurc‘ , N" “l 8”» my b0.“ 1 (ii the nerves which caused the headache. rrspwiided Senator Slickguy. kindly. “I Tn. 1mm. darcsay your side grafts arc quih- pc.’ ‘ ' I MICHAEL rAiuiiAv. From a hiimlilc hiacksmiih's son. Far-3 'aday rose to hr one of tlic most distin-1 nuishcd chemists and natural philom-i pheizs in English history. lIc made grant. additions to the rangc of human know- lcdgc in regard to the science of clcc-l trinity and magnetism. Magiicto-clcc-. ltric induction, magnctisin of light. You Docor Can euro your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but-â€" why go _to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, andthenofhavinghisprescriptlon dianiagnctisiu. the, condensation (ll filled, whenyou can stepintoany gases into fluids and SOllLlSt were all l~‘araday's discoveries. 'I‘hcn. agaiii,, I~‘arada_v's “Experimental Ilcscarclies onl Electricity" wcrc not only of exlrcmcK importance in lllL‘IlIS‘th‘S. but thcy haw, been of thc iilniosi (jtillw'tltltfl'lC'i‘ lo‘ scicnce by leading to the latter-(lavch \‘clopincnt of llll<tgl’("dl force. GOOD BUSINESS Itl'l .ES. Do it bettcrl , I.cttin;: well enouin alnnc never raised a salary ul‘ declared an cxtradiviâ€" (lend, And what was well enough for yester~ , day is poor cnougl‘i loâ€"dayâ€" (In it. better, The neXt time you'liave 8 Rescue ttat Iitllc task from the maw of Fough or Com one It w'th dull routinewdo it better. drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH’S CURE forja quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twem‘y-five cent, bottle of SHILOH will cure you as uickly'! by not; do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four ears: let SHILOH be your doc- or whenever a Cough or Cold up ars. HILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement With a posttive guarantee. ‘ in all Strive not to cqualnstrivc to surpass. Do it better! Seek out the automatic act of habitâ€"~â€" ‘ (to it better. 1. Put another hour on the task well i; doneâ€"and do it both-r. klore you get Pen-Angle garments all the shrink is taken 0 u t. keeps you com- ], y as well as ‘ warm,because the s h o r t fibres that make some under- ", wear itch are taken ‘ 9c out of Pen- Angle wool. A NUNSNRINKABII’Z / Trade :7ch In a variety of fabrics, styles and n sizes for women. men 2 children, and guaranteed by' your own dealer. LRF I! l‘ \ FA RM LANDSâ€" IN THE FAMOUS J: \‘Volltl‘klu'lll district ; lists proposition. w i an :i vp it'atiuu. ll. I). Farris 6; Co. t5 Hutu};in u, Alix-Lia. ‘ oqm ilo'oiniiv filth? that an income of $3.000 a your in 5 years. Wolverton & cm; Nelson, of. I 59 BULBS 26 Cents. Will grow In the ‘ house or out of doors. Hyacinthl. 'l‘ulipl. Glndiolun. Crorul. Fuchsia-.5, Oxnlia 'l‘ubcrouel. Begonanon u‘ilii. Daltodils. Ch neao Lily. Dewefi Gloxjnin. L In of ' t «v tha V alleyâ€"all po nt .2513. in nilva or coin. Au ramtum with them at I we will lend run 3 big co lectlon of flower leadsâ€"overall) kindl. Iumanot Nunory. Somarvlllo. MI”. Insure Your Horse for $1 .M .5 ‘ Our \‘eteiinamy Medical Chart saves rloctnrs' bill. and bones" lives. Nu horse owner should ho “'lll’litllb one. Worth tan timvu its weight: ingoh‘l. Price $1.00 Past Paid. Ago nts Wanted. The Veterinary Medical chart 00.. 1.14 Confederation Life, Toronto. _ . I -. TO U RS From $195 to $545. programme, write Rev. Dr. Withrow TORL NTO. Includes Irish World‘s Falr. For YOllR FORTUNE it’ll Sand two cent lllmp wtih birth date and I will lend you A pan pi-ture of your “to from the crldlu to in. {five All mum u! hmtneu. lo", mur- rtnzn ma health. plnln‘y told by nu grate-t Altrologur living. Patron. Antoni-had Ind utlunod. P505. LEO AMI]. Dark 13. “main”. cons. "All!" WALSH'S 9 FAHOI'S RECIPES. 'l‘he culebmteit old-fashioned Remedies used for years with perfect success. Cures rheumatism, pilei, female tronlik n; a. sure bus-t developer: roâ€" ilucas flash : make! gray ..a.irda:k. Electric Foo. Ease for sore and sweaty feet. Liquor and to- bacco habit, cured. Krary druggigt has me in re- dionts. Very inexpensive. Price SUN). Kit of these remediesis worth many tines the price. KAY a (70., Caxton Bldg. Suit-e “20, Chicago. is A pure, hard ' Manitoba ‘ flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. ISTRONE aWItITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH FLOUR AND FEED. WRITE U5. VIE ALSO MAKE 'CIJEEN CITY! A BLENDED FLOUR THAT HAS CAIHED “EAT FAVOR AS A GENERKL HOUSEHOLD 'ALL PURPOSE? FLOUR '- CA‘MI’BHJLMIELIIVIGCE Old Men Roof your build Send for FREEbookâ€" “Roofing Right,”â€" roperly put; on, will ne gwenty-flve years. SHAW so" I. They lock on agar" Get the facts before The FE yotilinrorof PE DP]. E of Oshawa Montreal surface area of any roof on Toronto Ottawa london 821-8 Craig 8:. W. 11 Colborne St. 428 annex St 69 lmnuu St. Y o u r Grandsons " Galvanized STEEL make roofs water-tight, windâ€"proof, weather-proof, rust-prod, fire-proof for a century,â€"â€"our plain guarantee kee s it so for 25 years without a cent of Cost to the man w o buys if. Made in ONE QUALITY ONLY,â€"of 28-gu3g6; semi-hardened S T E E L double-galvanized all FOUR sidesâ€"the shingle that need NO CLEATS. Easy to put onâ€"a ham- mer and a snips (tinners’ shears) are tools enough. LESS and last longer than any other roof. Tell us the tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it right. wm Be Before This “Oshawa” Roof Wears Out hi it}! “ a" Galvanized Sue] Shingles this year, and tho will be a GOOD roof in 20W. We will give you a written gamma backed by $230,000, that: such I 1003 no repairs and no painting for at! grammes N LY METAL Cost your place and we will Winnipeg Van 76 Lemma at. cow" 315 Panda: 5‘. m \V ritc--â€" .

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