Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1907, p. 4

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Speaker St. John’s condition has notimproved within the pass few days, and the outlook for his recovery is not at all favorable. This will cause deep sorrow in the hearts of his many friends. It 110w looks as if the political atmosphere may be somewhatclcared in the next few weeks. lnsinuations have been thrown out against the private character of "members of the Government," and Mr. Emerson, late Minister of Railways, has been charged with immorality. Mr. Emmerson has flatly denied the charges, has resigned from the ministry, and has taken legal proceedings against the Frederickton, Gleaner, the Halifax Herald and the Toronto World. If Mr. Emmerson is guilty of the charges preterred against him he must stand aside a disgraced man; if he is innocent his traduceis should not go unpunished. 1’i0neer,bearing on the “three-fifths clause" enacted by the Ontario Government. 0n the right stands Mr. J' Bengough, the cele- brated cartoonist has a clever cartoon in the last number of The Government. Un the right suanus “Temperance Champion,” on the left “Bax-«room Defender.” Hon. Mr. Whitney stands between the two contestants holding a heavy club which he hands to the man on his left. The following dialogue takes place by the trio:â€" @119 Egihernl. Tgmperance Championâ€"Is this your idea of democratic fair-play, to supply him with a club like that? why, that gives him a tremendous advantage ! Umpire Whitneyâ€"Er-er-well, ah‘ don’t vou see? I'll make it as fair for one as for the other. If you succeed in beating him in spite of this club, then you can have the club to keep him down. Bar-Room Good ! Who'll be the luckv ninth ones, at the 91:13. Sale, Tuesday the 9th? We quute the following from the Toronto News, undtr date of March 51h: Arithmos writes: Some of the state- ments in Mr. \Vhitney‘s reply to the temperance deputation should not pass unanswered. The Premier said: RICHMOND HILL. Rheumatic suite-rem can have a free sample of Dr. Shuop's Rheumatic Remedy with hnnk (In Rheumatism by simply writing Dr. Slump. Racine. \Vis. This hunk will explain how Dr. Shoop‘a Rheumatic Remedy success- fully drivee Rlieumutism (out, of the blond. This remedy is not, a relief only. Ituims to clear the blond en- tirelv uf Rheumatic pnisuus. and then Rheumatism must die a natural death. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. W.C.T.U. COLUMN. MR- WHITNEY AND THE PROHIBITIONISTS. â€"-â€"-¢.oâ€"â€" Defender - (eagerly) 0NT.. April 4. 1907 The following stanzas, issued by the W. M. 5., give nu excellent idea of what may he expected at their sale and entertainment to he held in the Tempvrance Hall. Tuesday, the 9le of April. he open wide. And for NINE Cents you "my go in- side, o And every lucky NINTH one Min go in flee and see tbc- fun. There’ll be bargain packages piled up On the NINTH. without. fail. Will he held the noted NINE Cont The doors of th}) Temperance Hull will high. And NINE round cents your chnice can buy. Ench nnv warranted to contain NINE Cents worth of certain gain. These Japanese curry neither firearm nnr gun. But they give you the cup when the tea is dune: Yes, the saucer, too. and ymu'll want, to own So pretty an addition to ynur tea-table home. Sale. I By the tire-less young ladies of the Methodist Band. Who not for one moment; fatigue would stand. You can eat ice cream for NINE Cents. So good you’ll forge-L all almut exponsv, And for fancy wmk you'll find a few At prices that end in NINE 01'50. It. may he a great surprise tn you To hear what things they have planâ€" ed to do; AL fmn- o‘clock you'll want to see NINE JapaneFt- ladies serving tea. At last. thn your mmwy is fully gone, You hate to leave the social throng. You’ll lwglr just a whisper of exquisite . smmd. Sn failjt. y9t_sn true. such tones full Thatvyuu tum to your neighbor who at once sets you straight. By saying. “Don’t, you know it is half- past‘ eight. The time fur the concert, the treat for us all, And then do you that, hour recall?" Sn remember. everyone. I pray, At halfâ€"past seven“ un the NINTH duy 0f the present mnnth. cmne wet or dry, l’léase gather to eat and talk and buy. Divisinn Com-t was held hPI'P yester» day. Judge Mm-gan presided. The fnlyrwing cases “'el-ngeayd: --. A. . Oster vs. \Vashingtou â€" Claim $170.70fm‘nnteandinterest. Defendant put in counterclaim flu rent. fiL-kuud etc. Judgment fur pluintifi $42 and casts of emu-t. Page \Vire Fence 00. vs. anm‘y â€"â€"()laimfursupplies $51.30. Judgment. for $41.30. No (casts. Hnwke vs. Hm-tâ€"Balzmcp of Wages as per contract $100. Judgmth for $60 and (mats. ViOstel- vs. Curran. Sliney (gar.)â€"Nntv and interest. $171.17. Judgment, fur $155 without cosrtis. fillies; vs. Tuppvr-(‘Iaim and cultural-lain) to he tried in Judgus Chambers, T«,u-onto. The follmxiug paragraph clipprd frnin the Galloway Star, Scotland. March 6. relates to a former residan of King Township :â€" “During the lam; few days Mr, George Stewart, Canadian Gnvern- ment. Delegate. has been visiting Newtmi Stewart and nuighlmring towns. giving information regarding Canada as a field for umigralinn. Mr. Stewart, is himself a practical agriculturalisr. and well qualified to advise on all matters relating to agriculture in Canada. In nmsLnf the tmvns huge numbers visited Mr. Stewart, who was untiring in his effurts to supply all the varied inform- ation required. Mr. Stewart has a marvelluus store of knowlvdge on almost: all suhjt-cts and his lucid. pract icnl and straightforward addresses and talks, direct to those most, in- terested, must do much to remnve manny the wrong impressions held by many, as tn our grPal, colony. The Dmuiniun Government is making great efforts to secure the right, kind of men to penple and develup their great land. and there can he nu dnul-t but that, Mr. Stewart‘s visit; will be the means of securing many from this district. seuifil- lI.â€"â€"Alvin Robb. Roy “'nrley and Ross Anderson (equal), GUI-dun Anderson. Norman V‘Villiams, Howard Thm-nhack. Carl Wings-r. Junior ILâ€"Edgar Anuing. Senior Part II.â€"Adu Robb. Roy Kefier. Elsworth Keffer, “'illie Thorn- buck, Lily Lynn. Junior Pal-t II.â€"Joe Kefier. Annie Wingerl n u: I: ,, n...:LL Pain I.â€"-All:m Smith. Max Smith. “’innie Ruhb. Lam-n Anning. Humld “’illiams, Joseph Golds-n. John Sllidfil‘, Hazel Morton. Albert Gibbons. and 1-n'und (Published by request.) Division Court. NINE CENT SALE. King Ciny. Edgely. The High School Entru‘ncv Examina- tinus Will he. held at tho High Schnnls in Richmond Hill. Newnmrkel, and Alll'nl‘n. and Suttun, Mount Alhm-t, Quevnsvillc. and Suhumherg Public Schools. on‘W'vdm'sdny. Thursday, and Friday, June 26. 27. and 28. he- ginning at 8.45 each innrniug. A fee of $1 is payable un the first day. Can. didntes should notify the Public Schonl Inspectur before May 1 0f the place thi-y lllli'lld to write. The sub- jrrts fur fourth form and entrance an): PHIL 1.. litvl'utul'e. history. art, physiology. hygiene. and nature study. Pin-t 1].. reading (written or urul). writing. spelling, gwgmphy. grum- mur, (ruinpnsitiun and arithmetic. The literature shall einln-uce the care- ful reading and "wit-wing tho pwvious year of fnur suitahle works selected by the principal from a list of supple- mentary readings prepared hy the P. S. Inspectur. The \vrittvn l-‘ann- inutinn in reading will he based on sight passages and will he a test of the candidntr‘s understanding of what he reads. The non-prufessional lat-ach- er's and nther depurlnwntnl examina- timis will he on July 2 and continue until the 16th. Friday. A cup of ten and H. piece nf cake for 90m. A Japanese cup and saucer thrown in next Tuesday. From cover to (:nvm' the EasLer number of The Canadian Magazine is the. best, pnhlicutiun (If the kind that has evm- nppvarvd in Canada. It. starts off with a. fronmspiece entitled "Christ and the Magdalvn. and there are several other full-page repro- ductions dppicting scenes 'nnd char :wtvrs clnsely related to Christ. Tho letterpress begin: with an :uticlv (m “TUI'UntlI: A Turn in its History," by Guldwin Smith. Hun. .lnhn Charlton (‘(\nLl'il)lli.PS an article entitled ” How Mackenzie Failu ." Mr. S. '1‘. VVnod. a. well-known nature student. Awrites on “The Awakening ufSpriug." Mrs. Jean Blewetthus a. good Buster Stan-y. \Villiam Cumphell cuntrihutes eight pages. with photographs. on Scottish- Cnnndiun pueti-y. 'l‘hH-enre; as well. se-w-ral well-illustrated amides and poems. together with shm-t stories of seasunahle and entertaining character. All round. the nuth cuntnins an excellent variety of chnicv libpmry productions from Canadian writers. The News--Nu Pure Drug Cnugh Our-e- Laws would he. I)(_Â¥ed(‘dl.‘lif all Onugh Cures Were like Dr. Shnnp’s Unugh Cure isâ€"and hus’heen for 20 yams. The National Law nmv requires that if any poisons enter into at cough mixture. it must he printh on the lznlwl (-r package-J Fur this mason nmthers. and others, should insist on having Dr. Shonp‘s Gnugh Cure. N0 pniSmI-lnarksnn Dr. Shnnp’s labels-â€" and none in the medicine, else it must by law he nn the label. And it’s not only safe. but it is said to he by thnse that know it hest. a tlnly renmrkahle cough remedy. Take nu chain-e, partic- ularly with yunr childrs-n. Insist, on having Dr. Shmnp's Cough Cure. Gt-mpzu'e carefully the Dr. Shunp package with others and see. Nu puisun marks there! You can always he on the safe- side by demanding Dr. Shnnp‘s Cough Cure. Simply refu<e tn act-Ppt any other. Snld by W. A. Sander-son. APRIL CANADIAN MAGAZINE. 40~L. f. A springng c plgs._ 0n the premises. Concord. 1). well- hred Durham hull. also a welLbred Yorkshirp “'hite Hog. MAURICE EVANS Mrs. Margaret Potts. wife of Rev. r. Potts, died in Tux-mm) on Good â€" periences of angler: ers and campers, 0 Adventure with f. for and lar 0d STREAM]i or send us twentyâ€"five cents for four weeks trial trip. A large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, fishing, natural his- tory and yachting. A new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its surroundings. Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for six months: We send I free on re- quest 0 u r catalogue of t h e b e s 1; books on outdoor life and recreation. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. 00. 346 Broadway. New York. AWE}: ENTRANCE EXAMS. For Service 'J'bHN DEVINE Lot, 42. con. 1, Vaughan N ews N ones For Sale. terested in country life, ask your newsdcaler for “FOREST AND ow, and six young Concord P. 0. If on likey to read of the ex- , shoot- ‘ yacht- mg; or if y_ou are m- Farm Laborers and Dome I have heen appointed by the Du- mininn Government tn plum- lnnni- grants hum the Unitt-d Kingdom in positions as fm'ni lahurvrs nl' (lu- nwstvic sm-vunts in this vicinity. Any pm-mn requiring such help should nntifv me by letter stating fully the kind of help reqniwd. wlwn Wuntt‘d, and wagvs (lfi(‘l'(‘d. The nnm‘am- urâ€" i-iving may not, he sufficient to supply all requests lint, vvm-y ufi'nrt will he- [nude tn provide each applicant with help )equil-t-a. . -â€". -. .. .run‘n Canadian vam-nmvnt Emplnynwnt Agent. Richmond Hi”, Ont. '34-tf A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH.‘ JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER. Editor. Cunrse in English fur the Beginner. Course in English for the Advanr'ed Pupil How to increase One's Vocabulary. The Art uf Conversation. Should an(1\Vuulrl: How to use tlwm. Prnnnncintions (Ci-ntnry Dictionary) Curl-e01: English in the Hume. Correct. English in the Schnnl. What. to say and W'hnt Nut to Say. Cmu-se in Letter-\VL-iting and Pnnctn nt‘iun. Alplmhetic list hf Ahhrm‘intinns. Business English for the Business Mun. Compound W'ords: Huw tr. VVz-itP “Li‘vurrrctt Q’mgliahâ€" Efiuw w 115'» it.” ThPlll. Studies in English Lih'l'utnl'fi‘. Agents Wanted. $l.00 a year, Send IO cents fm Sample Copy, CORRECT ENGLISH. Evanston, HI. 40-1 thwman Jeffvrsnn P. ( inm Hnuse. Blind Lake of British Navy Tuhm-cu. ' D. HILL 81 GO. Notice is hexeliy given pursuant to R. S. O. 1897. Chapter 129, Sectiun 38 and Amending Arts, thatall persons having 'claims zigainst the estate- of James McLean. late of the Tuwnship of Vaughan, Farmer. deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of Jem- nnry 1907. are required tn send on or hefm-e- May lst nr-xt, tn Eliznleh Mc- Lean, widow of the said James Mc- Lean. Richmond Hill. a full stulvnwnt of thvil- claims and the nature of the security, if any, held lvv them. In And take further notice- that uftm' the said last, mentioned date. the said Elizabeth M'LPnn will proceed to dis- tribute the nssPts of the Said deceased anumg the pm-tiev entitled thvretn, having regard only to the claims of which she shall ilwn have received notice. Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Anson F. Stontenlwurgh, late of the Township of Mnrkhnm. in the County of York, Farmer. Dem-used. Takv notice that pursuant to R. S. O. 1897 Chn pter 129 and Amending Acts. all parties haying claims against the said Anson F. Stoutenhurgh. who died on or about the 12th day of March lust. are required on or before the first. day of May noxt. to send to \Villinui Cnnk. Barristvr, 33 Richmond St. \Vest, Toronto. Solicitor for the Executor-s. a. statement of their claims and the nature of the security if any, held by them. A . oL_.. ,J And further, take notice that after the said last menlinned date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estatv. among thP pal-Lies entitled. having regard only to the claims of which they shull then have received notice. Dalegi April 1. 1907. may ___ ,7 _ r u U mum on ‘5 to $23 per dny. Some ban n.n.-d on: f-Ilu-dny Ellhar WK.’0¢DR¢ID‘|L Wm not required. You “saluted (rec Those whom .3 a“ GOLD \VILLIAM (‘4)0K. 33 Richnu-nd St. W., Toronto. Sulil'ilul' for the said estate. ‘uted the 271!) day uf March, 1907. Cumplete Shortbund or Book keenipg Course bv Mall including currecfiun of of exercises and lull instrur‘tion. Print.- ed loambe si160. Send oath today beâ€" fore our supply 0! lessons tuna nun. CORNER YONGE & BLOOR TORONTO $29.9 A Month Partial contents for this Month. THE BRITISH CANADEAN WILLIAM COOK INTERESTING the pal-LEM regard unly she shall x‘ht ‘J‘. F. MMIAHON, fllvdl u: nun-o. bul (but who “in Snmou lCo..Porunnd. lunemfll recein (no, full informuuon Ibaul. Iol'k which [he] run do. sad Mn 5‘ homeJhM will pay Lost, Richmond Hill Bakery Toronto. INSTRUCTIVE. D. and the e, :1. Unddy Reward. ‘tics 5‘. medicine specifically prepared to reach those controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone, is futile. It is a waste of time. and of plenty” well. If your back aches or is weak. if the urlno scams, or isdark and strong. if you have symptoms of Brights or other distressing or dtmgerous kid- ney disease, try Dr. Sheep's Restoratlvea month- Tablets or Liquidâ€"11nd see what it can and will do for you. Druggist recommend and sell SPRING AND SUMMER Notice is hex'uby given pursuant to R.S.0. 1897, Chapter 129, Sectinn 38 amlzuncnding Acts. that. all persons having any claims against the estate of Adam Dicnman, late (11' the Town- ship of Vaughan in the County 0f York. Farmer. (lvcvdsf'd. who died nu or about the 22nd,day of February 1907. me require-«l tn svnd. on 01' before the first day 0f May tn \Villinm Henry Dicemun, Testun post ofiire, one of the executurs of the said Adam Dice~ man. a full smtwueht nf their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And Luke nntice that after the last, mentioned (late the executors will proceed Ln distribute the assets of the I said dram-used “mung the pantie-s lenbitled tlwretn, huvin§ regal-d onlv . m the claims of \vhivh t ey shall then 1 have received noticeL ‘ Weak Kidneys. surer point to weak kidney Nerves. The Kidneys, like the Heart. and the Stomach. find their weakness. not in the organ itself, butin the‘nerves that. control and guide and strengthen them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative in eak ‘ neys [About 40 ha; seed pULHlUCS, Apply--. 39-2 Fresh milt-h cow. with calf by side, young (secnud calf). Apply ARTHUR QUANTZ. . Lot; 13, cm). 2. Markham. TRADE MARKS Dzsmns Cowman-s (cc. Anvnne sending n sketch and descrl "on any qulvkly nwnrtnin nur Opinlflll freow Mather nu lnwmlnn N prnhuhly pulentnblo. Communica- thins strictly mnmlom‘m]. Hnndhnnh on Patents 50m {rem “Hes! Mummy for sm‘urmg patents. Patents mlme l'nmmzh Mulm & C0. receive "win! notice, without. charm m the Tidy maid wanted in a family of three, to dn light; housework and wait, on table. Nu washing. A hnndsomely “Instr-Marl wnokly Lin-cast. clh cnlntlnn of nny aolenunc jmmml. Terms. 83 l year: four months. $1. Sold b)’ull_pewsdf_nierg. Notice to Creditors MU‘NNEQCEEGE ?T°“.’?T”5Â¥' New .YQrk """ WILLIAM UOOK 33 Richmond St. \Vest. Toronto Solicltor for Execumrs. Dated the 27th day of March 1W. 1"}lllC. ()Vrl Best; quality My StocL Scientific Hmcwican. Erhbbi) 6min: :lL‘k TWIN is now complete wanpr'mng W, A. SANDERSON Seed Potatoes Maid Wanted. Tailor. Richr Applngt :7‘01‘ Sale. 'fixE LIBERAL OFFICE CNRY \VILSON Elgin MiHs P. U of Benny ur' Hahn-0n t 27, ($011.2. Vaughan. 2. Markham. Lnngstat’.’ P. 0. I'ICQS sted

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