Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1907, p. 5

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Miss Mnun and Mrs. Van. Loan. Tumult). spent part. of Guml Fnduy with Mrs. James Humble, the latte-1’s aunt. The quality, of men's furnishing goods \nL Atkinson & Switzers is maintained at, the top notch. and prices at, Lbe hotuuu. Mr. N. Stnng. Postmaster at \Voud. hridgv. was in blu- villuge yesterday and called at, THE LIBERAL Office. Mr. John 1).“ Patterson of \Vuudstnck vnlhad nu friends here last, Saturday, including Rev. J. A. Grant who is 51.111 in a week cunditiuu. Mr. P. G. Savage spent m-m- Eustvr with his son Mr. A. S. Sewage, in Ayhnvl‘. Rev. \V. G. Smith. M r9. Smith and sun, went in the village nvvr Sunday, and wm-u' guests of Mrs. Trench. Nevvr mind if ynur old w did Now MT in a March gale. & Swime hum their spring slm‘k. Those who attend theuftermmn 9ct. Sale in the Temperance Hall will he gin-u checks to admit them to the evening sale and concert. You cannnt gather figs from thistles, lmL yuu can get very Hive rigs at Atkinson .s: Sw1tzer’s 101' 4g uLs. per “1. .‘Il'. Percy Hill and Miss Keith Hill apt-ML fmm Thursday Lill'l‘uesday visit- ing nt Prim-hum. Mr. J. \V. Osbm-neJ manager of the Standard Bunk at, Cuban. was :L guesL :IL “L.Mellmnd.~."the home ut' Mr. John Duncan. uwr the holiday. Mr. A. R. Duncan of the Bank of )ounncx-ce Stuff, Market Brunch. Tu- I'OIILU, spent luster Sunday as the guest of Mr. James E. Skeele. At the Methodist church next Sun- day evening Ml; Brace will give an- uther Of his series (if sermons nu " Religivn as related to business life." n‘clofik. Miss Teluplutnn uf Newfoundland, who is attending Haverng College. is spending the Week with MisSes Olive and Huzvl bwitzer. Mr. \Vill T. Storey, junior. annntn, visited with relatives and friends bcrc th'l‘ Sunday uml Munday. The Easter Thank-offering meeting of th \\ . .\l. b’. will he. held at All-s. Ln \filvy‘s, Thursday, (Lu-day) at, 3 Reeve Pugslvy has been confide to his room during the Week hut, lmpus L0 be out again in a day ur qu. The Agl-iculuu-nl Society met Satur- day afternoon. The prize- lisl was re« viwd. and Lhe judges appointed for the various classes of the Fair to be held as usual 01) the 24th of May. For Catarrh, let me Send you free. just, [0 pruve merit a Trial size Box Of Dr. Shoop's Cat/arm Remedy. It is a. snow whit». creamy. hauling antiseptic balm that gives instant relief to (hiturrh 0f the “use and throat Make the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop, Ratcimz \Vis. Large. jars 50 cents. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Mrs. Charles Everston and Mrs. Peter Shr‘ppurd spent lust Saturday with Mrs. J. Humilcnn ut the Elgin. The Rev. M. McKinnnn, VVood- bridge. will cmuluct the services in the Presbyterian church ‘next Sabbath luUl'lIlllg and evening. Hennath to have your change ready for the 9c!“ Sula. Mrs. A. J. Paul nndtwu little- daugh- [ill low; nf Ban-iv. are visiting at Mr. G. has )lusun's. I \Vho originated the saying. ‘.‘ you can‘t please; everybody?" Alkiusun & Switzer do It, every time, their stock is so large that n.” tastes may be SUN/{Id- “'e will muke Lo'your measure a. fine black Cheviot. suit. everything first-class and latest style for $18.25. Money back if not. suited. Atkinson J: Switzer. - In answer to "Farmer" The “'eekly Gluhe will he sent- to any address, from THE LIBERAL Oflice nub only from pi-esentdme tn end of year fur 25 cents. but a full year from date. This nffer holds good during the muulh of April. At a. curling meeting held on Thurs- day evening in was derided that neither the Smith medal mu- Lhe Slater trophy has been won by any rink dur- ing the past sousuu. These trophies will. therefore. he held by the Presi- dent, Mr. C. P. \Vik-y. till nexcseasun. All persons contributing articles for the 9cL. sale. will please send them in this week. E111: EEihcml.‘ Sm en is a lucky number. 1) Tuesday. nine " Lakes the cakr KlCHMUND HILL, 0m. April 4. 1907 BP r9de tn buy \Vhalvvel' lulu-s ymn’ eyp. Buy fancy article-s gulm-e. At, 961:. and no mow. IJ()(3 AIJC. ynm- old winter hut March gale, Alklllsul] heir spring stylus in but next The High School closed Thursday afternoon for the Eustm- vacatiun with an interesting debate on the subject: "Resolved that Environment is mare conducive to a Man‘s Success in Life 1 than his Ideals." The chair was taken 1 by Rev. A. P. Bruce. and the judges i were Mr. T. A. Lanmn. Mrs. Mcâ€" Cnnaghy. and Mia: Scunlon. The af- firmative was taken by Mr. \Vylie ,Czu-lemn, Miss Nora McMahon and Mr. Lloyd Soules. The negative by Mr. Garnet Dickinsnn. Miss Adz; Milne and Mr. Uhueuce KinnvP. After a. careful summing up. the dPCision was givrn in favm- of the negative by . one pnint. \Vllile the judges were de- ciding. weitatinns were. given by Miss 1 Jean Scott and Miss Stella Campbell. The fulluwing were visiting at, the pm-sunugt- durlug the holidays: Mrs. D. Unx-ruLlwrs, uf \Villuwdnle; Mrs. S. Park nl' Grm‘enhurst; Mm. Ander- snu ‘(vf 'l‘urunto; Mrs. (Rt-V.) A- H- Bruce and Lincoln Drama of Pl-Lt'l'hnl'U? \Vm. Brace of lhu Medical College. emd Mrs. Dr. Aikins uf 'l‘uruntu. Mrs. \Vnnds fell while cunning down steps in the l’l-eshyterinu church b‘uLuI-duy fownuun, fracturing n lmne in the hip. She was carried (m It sh-etcher In hex- hmue un Ut‘llll‘e tau-eel. and made us cnmfm-mhle as possible till the Llncun- arrived. The pubic-nu has since suifered much pain. Mex: Monday evening will he an exceptionally interesting evening at, the Epwm-Lh Lvugmn \V. H. Shaw Esq, nf annnlo, Plesidunn nf the Central Business Unllvge. nnd one of 'l‘m-mnv’s must prnnnnenc husilwss mun willspw-k. Music will he furnish- ed by lbs chair of the- church. The chair will he taken by Principal Shaw. nt’ uur nwn High Sulnml. The follmving talented perfm-lners have hL'PlI Naked 10 Lake put-L in the prugmm at the nine cent sule on Tues- dny nextâ€"Muss lduGluss: Miss \Vnmi- fred Hume; Miss Mary Trench; Miss Luum Duncan: Miss Alexinu Mhl'Lsun; Mr. A. J. Hume; Miss Ethel Swilzer; sts Irene McMahon: Miss Margaret Teasdale; Miss Genevieve Han-is; Mr. H. Sanderson. There- was an generous l-espnnwe to the appeal fur EasLe-rcuntrihutions fur the Sick Children‘s Hnspitnl frum Kichmund Hill and vicinity. Five- large lmxvs were carefully packed Gnud Friday afternoon at, THE LIBERâ€" AL Office, including fruit. jellv. eggs, hunks. (lulls. hutLer, urnngvs. pictures. toys, em; also a. hug nf apples. The ccmmittee- feel thankful to all thusH who am cheerfully rvspunded to the appeal. An interesting and appl‘npl'iiltt’ pm- gl-zuume was gvven at, the Epwm-th League on Lhe evening (If Easter Mml- duy. Papers wax-e rend by Mr. F. \V. Hurrismn and Miss Mary Trench, the furnwr (In “Easter Customs," the lat- ter “11"“1‘119, First, Easter Mun-n." Miss Genevieve Han'is sang a. solo. and Mr. Allwrt Glass and Miss Idn (Hus-s con- tributed a \'(|(7Hl duet. Mi.“ Millie Trench and Miss Lurine \Vright acted as uccunlpnnists, and Mr. 1‘. F. Mc- Mahon presided. MAPLE. . Mr. H. C. Bailey uf Maple is circu- lating unuthol- attractive spring cin-ulur. He Says that, there is plenty ()f uppusiliun ilL Muplv. hut rejoice-s in the fact. that "oppositlmi is the life of trade." Quotaliuns are ghen un Urum's prints, finm- nil ulnth. linnlenm. hunts and shims. that are sure bu draw customers to his SLHIr. Two more cars of Anwrimn Kiln dlied ye‘lluw corn are on the way which will he Suld at, 60 .09an u bushel. Call and see him at, the Post Office SLm'e. A (fUllL‘Q‘l'L will he gin-l; in Victuria Hml. 'l‘hurnhill. under the auspices (If the: Ancn-nt Order uf Fol'usLH's. \Ved- nesday evening. tho lUlh 0f March. Thr pel'ful'lnrl's inclndr Jnnms Fax. U. Stupulls. H. C. \Vilsun. M. 0. King. and u numhm- of young ladies. Uhmr taken at s u‘cluck. Admission, 25 and 1") cents. About two weeks ago, (me even- ing after dark. the nmtorman on a freight (‘m' ohsm-ved some object. on the railway track about half a mile north of Elgiu Mills. He had barely time to stop the car before striking the object. which proved to he a. cedar post placed in such mposition us to do serious injury, and possibly cause loss of life. Inquiries were made. and County Constath Tomlinsun of Eglin- ton arrested Fred Frestone, a. Bernardo lmy, who had been in the employ of Mr. Geo. Newhery. The boy. who is 14 years of age, was taken to the City, where he acknowledged that he was guilty of the offence charged. He was taken to the Children’s Shelter, and will he sent buck to England. \Villinm Robinson nf thP Onlcntt Hotel was convicted by Magistrate Ellis for breaking the local uptiun law by selling inmxicating drink over the bar on Oct. 17 last. Sentence 0f four months in jail was pronounced on On Friday evening Mr. Shaw and 311-. Bruce will (rave-l to Maple to combat, in pulvlu: debate. The subject of delmle will be: "Resnlved that, Euvn-unmenb is more (-unductive t0 man’s success in lile than Ideals." Rev. A. P. Brace and Rev. J. E. \Vilsnn will uphold the affirmative and Mr. R. Shaw and Mr. l\lcl)mmld the teucheruL Maple. will contend fur the negative. CONCERT AT THUHNHILL. A VI LLAINOUS TRICK. EASTER OFFERINGS. PAINE‘UL ACCIDENT. EASTER SERVICE. H. S. CLOSING. COMMITTED. \V M. S [Dec. 22. Defendant, through his cuunsel, entered. an appeal. and Robin- son was liberated nn $400 hail. Sine? the time of his conviction. nut-hing was done to appeal the finding of the court and Police Magistrate. Ellis armed Chief Cnnstaible Morris with a warrant of commitment. and he tnnk Robinson into custody at, once on Thursday afternnun. The house-of Mr. H. R. Heise, nenr Victoria. Square, was struck by light- ning Tuesday evening of last week. about 10.20. Considerable damage was done. but fortunately the house did nut take fire. and nu erson was seriously injured. The nlt came duwn trhe‘ Past chimney. splintered the raftvrs. blew out the east garret windows. und pie-read the brick file- pluce. Part, of the charge went dmvn through thp cut-Ll stove near the centre uf the building. tore the oil cloth under the stuvp. splintered tho (Innr frame in the cellar, and New out two lamps in different, rooms. Mrs. Heise. who had her hand on the stove pipe at the lime, leceived quite a. shock. Thu place to buy the following goods of hr-Sl; quality and at lowest price is Atkinson & Switzer. Tapioca, rice. starch. sugar. cum-ants. prunes. raisins. twn, coffev. cocoa, chncnlnte. mince meat. matches, jelly powders. DRURYâ€"GOHNâ€"At the Manse, Rich- mund Hill, nn Thursday. March 28, by the Rev. \V. H. AlldPI'snn, va'ge Drury tn Mal-y. daug’htprnf Geo. Gnhn, Esq.. Markham township. HOPPERâ€"O'BRIENâ€"A't the Parson :Igt’.‘ by [1313129. B: D11ng nlisdug’. April 3. Miss Mug ie O‘Brien of Maple, to Mr. Flank ‘Ioppen of Richmond Hill. near Richmond Hill. on Thursday. March 28. Ann LPaless, widow of the 1329 Duvid Lyqetb.__ Internwnt' in Thnrnhill (R. Cemetery Sunday nfternuon. MUNN A CO.. of the Emma-“10 MIRICAL' con- tinue to act us Solicltnra (or l'zutenta, Guam. 'rnda Marks, Cu yrlgms. {or the med Staten. cum. Englund. ‘mnce. Germany. etc. Hand Book mug chnts bent tree: bins-given 19:11: cxpeflepoe2 ..~ H... "mm ....\.. w... ....,.-...,..v.... Puwmsobmmed thrnuuh MUNN .5: C0. are nouoed [n ma ECIKNTH'IC AIERICAN. the largest. best. and most widely cirrulated sclentlflo pa 1-. 83.20:: you Wnekly. Snicndld cumming-a an Interesting In. formation. Specimen copy of the Momma Amer- Ieln pent tree. Addreu MUNN & J . Scum-ma W Office. an Bmflny. New fort. Easter Term at the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Toronto. the oldest, and best business svhnnl in Canada, thins on April 2nd. Olll'CfltiLlUgllt‘ explains our superior wm-k. Write for it. T. M. WATSON. Principal We have a u. Md supply in everythng 1. he Gent’s Furnishing lnw. Hats and style. Clothing, the newest shades and latest cut, right up-to-date. Unless there is daily action of the bowels. poi-anon: products Ire absorbed, causing head- ache, billousnest nausea. dyspepsia, and mu: preventing the Sarunparilla from doing its best work. Aver'a Pills are liver pins. Act gently, a“ vegetable. Easter Greetings Our shoe stock is a specialty. Newest shapes in shoes for men, women, and children. A good supply of Granby Rubbers, ISt quality. If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilia you have known all your life. Your doctor knoWs it, too. Ask him about it. In Siver‘s old stand LYNETTâ€"On Int 2‘3. Gun. 2. Markham. We Trust Doctors STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. , HAIR vmon. ers AGUE cum CHERRY PECTORAL. W. have no acct-eta 1 We publish the {ox-mqu of all our medicinal. Hide b J. O. Ayer 00.. Lowell. Mann. A In manufacturers of Arm. Savage MARRIAGES. DEATHS. Richmond Hill dps, latest 5n:-+++++++++++M+++++++++++H+++++++++~ +++++++++++++M+ Tr+++++++++++++++m+++++++ +++++~z~++++++++++ +++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3; SPRING TERM opens Apru 2,anex- :1; :ellenb time to enter + {v + the great. + Canada's Best School of Business and Shnl'tlmnd ’l‘raming. De- mand for our graduates is far greater than the supply. Our magnificent, catalogue is free. Enter now and be prepared to accept a. gmnd position in the summer 01- fall. No midsummer vacation. 162222? . mn'n numn num ++++++++++++++++W++ +++++++++++++~b++++++ k+++ ++++++++++++++M+++M+++++++++++++++++-H++é' TORONTO. ONT. (Cor. Yonqe and Aloxander Sta.) For satisfactory dealing in all General lines of Merchandise Is Atkinson 82 TAKE TEASâ€"â€" There was never a finer assortment in town. “There are others” % * But The Piece TAKE DELICACIESâ€"â€" Why in these Atkinson & Switzer always did lead. AND STAPLESâ€"â€" It is merely a question of what you de- sire. FOR EXAMPLE TAKE COFFEES~â€" You will find the flavor and price Just right. If you are preparing to build, we are prepared to serve you with the latest Our prices are to your interest. Get them before buying. & We also stock Washers, VVringers, VVheelbarrows, Wire (annealed, steel, or copper), Paints, Oils, Varnishes THEY ARE ALL HERE And 1n prices there are no others 1n it with Atkmson & Switzer. Aplil 4, 1907 Richmond Hill Hardware Store We guarantee you a mechanical job on Eavetroughing, Roofing, and General Tin- smithing. / W. J. ELLIOTT. Prlnclpal. Builders9 Hardware G. SOULES Switzer’s A thorough-bred shorthorn bull. lot. 2, con. 2,_ V'yughnn. Being a. graduate of Moorfleld's Eye Hospital. England. I am prepared tn examine the interior of the eyes for disease. and test, for glasses. If n patient should require glasses I cider them for him. Nose and throat work a. specialty. Oflice convenient in the Metropoli‘ tem and C. N. 0. Railway stations. Having a. complete Xâ€"ray and static electricity apparatus. I am able to lncute foreign bodies in the body. and examine fractures of hnnes. Also tn treat NERVOUS DISEASES, Cunomc RHEUMATISM, Momma Gnowrau, such as Cancers, etc. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO For Service. DR. S. J. BOYD JAMES BOWES Concord P. 0.

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