Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1907, p. 6

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[Human pm Eur [00‘ $0113 pose m. tree seeds nr clonars from Ice, is put. {Ion-banighl. V 82m L610; Awful Act of Demented Woman on THBEW HEB CHILD INTI] SEW Sup; This left (my unls despatch u of Mar win he sufficiu ymenl. for a ia lll‘liflll (“Ill-IV TU FLAMES. crops lll’lh Tnko Muvh Lnnm‘r to Raise, and inleresi annum interest annum Cullmlk‘ UV agricultural czjop rates of rc~f0resli which is loo no< 11111 “(CH IRON 1h [1' really TRICI in im fifty 71'! 1h arth m my in PH c lidifir‘r at Murimillo. B rde m Ground. 30 \V Claims in tit and tn : Nuw York says: The ed mother who threw 1 infant into the 5011. ed to folloth. was rs (J the steamer Ko- arriwd here on Fri- sacred v to! “SOS m-seal gays: The :r'h had the mis- Icge Omy a few visited with an- ;omplele duh-110- an shun U! (QRMN Onr HELD m 0N rse. And done with the Grain cent moih n‘iy-nmq 2 all Jerna :enl l1] th 1n Ill is put away xl‘ {Orly-nine )f the second [he time the t annular ten Supposeth'm .his fime (or rates of trees :h theix arketcd 1hr M) fl” ten dc at the Echo grain ‘dur ; until Um [\‘Cfl 3T1 '11} a Liner. bf! 1h 111' years . aim have which sup- each lr( Mrs hus \‘CS ‘l'lC I]: unprecedented ach‘c leaving $40,000 to his parish was silu he had secured (I from the people. w of Rev. Father Des; ish priest of Slanfc Nicolel. He left 1 shares of the stool Onlal‘io Navigation makes the people ( lees. The clause 52 lh-un'xh [or .Hvrr... h‘yin g port h of [he l’n’esl Leaves Forty Thousand Dollars to "is Parish Town. Charges Against Montreal Abattoir Companies. A despntch from Montreal says : Mon- treal is to have a stockyar‘d investiga- tion thal will bompare \x‘vith Chicago‘sa if Ald. Lariviere‘s information can be believed. Aid. Luriviex'e said 10-day:â€" “A statement has been forwarded to me asserting that. two big abattoir compan- ies in the city which have special char- ters from the Legislature. are using cat- th, which die of diseases, and they are converted into lard. I shall ask the- Council to appoint a SpL‘ClB] com- mission to inquire into the whole mat- ter It is asserted by parties who havg written me about the matter that an in- vestigation will prove that animals unfit for human food are being boiled down into lard." believed. Ald. Lurivicre said 10-day:â€" “A statement has been forwarded to mt asserting that two big abattoir compan ies in the city which have special char tors from the Legislail'ure, are using cat in which die of diseases, and they an converted into lard. I shall asl the Council to appoint a spccml com mission to inquire into the whole mat ter. It is HSSerted' by parties who havg written me about the matter that an in bul I r-arll‘ derst were All 8110 “n of Professor lnvitz ol the howm'c tor contracted measles and were sent to l~he.ship's hospital. The mother's mind became affected and last. Wednes- day Mrs. Aquila thrust. the infant through a port hole and attempted to follow. A scaman had seen the body at the child fall from the port 11019, de ltl 0\ \.\l' Cl'STOMS BEVICNI'I‘ J] W FATHER DE‘EAL'LNIER'S “'lLL. had ‘ eliminated. He emphasized t ince of this work to the a 8624 Lurucr Than Last Year ['1 DISEASE!) C.\TTLE USED. 111 im {430' 11 It: )elwcen K n Tuesday M “([31 1d not an unusually n prevafied. Most ‘ad’when picked up infant INSECTS AND l-‘ROGS nu him [all and while attendants [101} from Montreal says: The nted action of a parish priest £0,000 to the town in which was situated, because he felt acured the money in taxes people. was taken in the will lth‘f‘ Desaulniers, the late par- of Stanford. in tle county uf He left the mu licipality 500 the stock of the Richelieu & tavigation Company. and he 3 people of Stanford his lega- clause states that as the peo- jven him the money in taxes turning it to the people. ' rests t1 Thom Descends on Country Near Kalamazoo. Maine ' would an mm ‘cimens ll :ll T \' was rescued. D body was found 'eat- Daws NIHV GIL-“NS. my Red. In the new qualities of both were 901118 of their aefecls He emphasized the im~ her :ross-fertil marks by ed by the DesbribOs Work Done Guelph. Nine Months $5.697 icinity. large in size flora, together with rly covered the ter- amazoo and Battle ternoon. The storm Cloudburst. Frogs ‘om the port the ship was found Mrs. body throng :ientific authorities are not known, not have reached sually heavy thunt Most of the bugs Kalamazoo If insects o: :inity. lama H mise .1 k at th ugs Iollowed and students nsects home SiILS zalion. He samples of experimcnls se obtained olden Chaff In the new Jrst. F1 and incr DR! thmug :1. No 011 1e Uuelpl i and hy the llpl Michi a kinc‘ slature as up a com Aqu l lhc trace {1111 !1]%c 5/3 honed Oatsâ€"Per bag. $2 to $2.10 in car 1015 and 32.2010 $2.25 in jabbing lots. ton MONTREAL MARKETS. Monlreal, April 2.â€"Buck\vheatâ€"550 lo 56%c per bushel. Cornâ€"American No. 2 yellow, 55c; No. 3 mixed, 65c ex store. Oatsâ€"On spot, No. 2 white, 52%c; No. 3 white, 41%0 to 42c; N0. 4, 40%0 to 41¢ per bushel, ex store. Pe sâ€"â€"Boiling peas. $1 in carload lots and 1.10 in jabbing lots. smoked. Lardâ€"~Firm; t pails, 12%c. Potatoesâ€"Ontario. 85c to 900; east? 95;: to $1. in car lots here. B‘aled Hay~Market is firm at $11 $12 for No. 1 timothy and $10 for 2 in car lots here. ' Baler] Strawâ€"$6.75 to $7 ‘in car here Dressed Hogsâ€"89.50 for lighl for heavies, tarmers’ 1015; $8.25 in car lots. Beans~$l.55 $1.35 for primes. Potatoesâ€"On I at 50 and'differ you are U ' Ordinary Inferior .. Fowl. Butterâ€"Receipts are light, a show advance; Creamery, prmts d-o solids Dairy, prints . . . . . . do tubs . 4’ Cheeseth 140 if l'a'rg'e 'aiici twins. NEggsâ€"Quotalinns range fro patents $3.90. Turkey Poul lryâ€" fairly well are very Doris. 90} them, 85c Wheatâ€"h 90%c bid, Peasâ€"No 78c asked ( Oatsâ€"No. lme, 39%c Toronto. Ryeâ€"No. Branâ€"$20 freights to I Other prit Wheatâ€"0 71c Hayâ€"No. 1. $13.50: No. 2, $12.50; No $11.50: clover. mixed, $11; pure clov - $10.50 lo 811 per ton in car lots. Provisionsâ€"Barrels short cut moss 52 in $23.50: half-barrels. $11.75 to $12; Brar Manitoba Whe c; No. 1 north Whoa I. outs white win! ADING MARKETS qu< out of pickle, â€"Good fr 1] at from COUNTRY PRODUCI 8W Mainitot 011 New York ces are:â€" BREADSTUFI bid, M .u'e PROVISIONS. nusâ€"$9.50 for light and $‘ W 11 North Bay. 81c asked, c while. 384 ‘d, on a I'C md firm. 011 71c to 72c: N 3m. 8 North mix 150 to fit them bein law are f m: to hc mixed bid G70 U ye I‘S 86 KC hand-picked 911‘ Am / c; tubs, *d tut )0 cc bid. main cent rate to Ont il' m 19‘ bu II )1: to $8.50 patents )a, fire bakers Ell' oorrik ‘eiv fern ne( to 00‘ rolls, than 'them xious ll 81M lakt nor out 10; 20; in to 2U 10< 0U for 28c low Mrs. Burnett of St. bably fatally burned by falling downstaa' kerosene lamp in h thing was soaked wil She ran out of (10-0 creek. .into which 51 tinguish the flames. clothing was almost and when she was A despattch from Montrb sensation has been causew Catholic ‘oirctes by the actii bishop Bruchcsi, who. in a sued on Sunday, denouno theatrical productions in 1 names the Theatre Les N parllicul-ai'. The ground c bishop's action in regard it theatre is that it. posted ant lduring Holy Week a play Rafiale, which he claims is for suicide and which wa The Archbishop forbids the [attend the theatre. The san produced last year without tion. 3 Lably falally burned on Friday evening by falling downstairs with a lighted kerosene lamp in her hand. Ilei' clo- thing was soaked with oil and took fire. She ran out of doors and to a,snmll creek. into which she plunged to ex- tinguish the flames. By this time her clothing was almost entirely burned off, and when She was taken from the icy water she was in a very serious condi- tion. She is a woman of advanced age, and slight hopes are entertained for her recovery. A dospatch from London says: It is now known that the receipts from death duties during the fiscal year just ending beat all previous records. The total: in round figures. will be $95,000,000. Since the passage of Sir William Vernon Hat;- court's Finance Act twelvp years ago the total receipts from death duties have exâ€" ceeded $1,000,000.000. The largest sum paid on one estate was 31.500.000, on that, of George Smith, generally known as “Chicago Smith," who lived at the Re» form Club at an average rate of 18 shil- \\'or( A despaich from Shanghai say {amine-stricken Chinese have bee: Using cannibalism in localiiies the distress is most acute. AL cated cases have thus far been is it is feared that cannibalism will unless relief can he mom sneedi Receipts in Britain Last Year Bo: Records. Mrs. Burnett of St. Dmid‘s Fell Down Stairs With Lighted Lamp. A dt‘srvah‘h from Niagara Fall: srvs: Ml 9| dragg quote r2118 11; Ste Archbishop Bruchosi 1u Acute Distress Among Starving People in China. FEVER, RAIN AND FAMINE wanlod. ne or lw rdinary A'Iilch'oows are ( 1L here are few of- Calves are quoted Sheep and lambs H< FOUR BOYS KILLED ON TKXCK ark an; 10 demand ally for an $95,000,000 IN DEATH DUES Returning to “1‘ I’I'TS BAN ON TIIE.\TIU “'ITH CLOTHING .\ BLAZE I11( 3P6 LIVI 31'. The ground of action in regard to is that it. posted and Holy Week a play ( which he claims is z Holy Week a play entitled‘La which he claims is an apology de and which was produced. hbislmp forbids the faithful to ie theatre. The same play was 1 last year without any objec- 3V it th [[011 from Niagara nott of St. David .1131 burned on Fri downstairs wit lamp in her hanc soaked with oil a1 "JV quoté 1t of choi m of ‘ c and Apr run. quot by a Pastoral )I anon! markc an ing I‘O( was mam buy< \V'HEAT MARKET ' cattle. from $4 qudted uf‘ them 1 d mm a .â€"Ex1‘ :port 1 show RHIth Trip. ‘9 quality, 11118 trade 3n MARKF bout Ihe snnL only insignvifi qui at [linue JllSCS if a M It ‘& now are firm 40 to rom pastoral is- ‘es immqral general and 'oveaules in 2 been prm [flies whet Authenl H and lll 30 1.0 $6.50 firm. will‘ the Arch ihe latter advertised Svnsation D! \V Roman ? Arch- Ilunl upm‘f 1mm 1‘ the VCI'V av) all T} Tl Tn in t 1 1â€"786 In New Buildings for Industrial Buildings Win cgst 33,000,000. A despalch from Fort William. Out. says: 'I‘ms spring will see a great de- velopmenl in the industrial progress of Fort William. Plans already prepared for buildings and factories will take a total of 335500.000. A (lospatoh from Montreal says: The Pl'Olr‘StEltlt Board of School Commissiom' 61's have been notified of claims for damages on behalf of the families who lost their c-t‘iildren in the fire at the Hochelaga School. The claims. regre‘ sent a total of $12,800, or 8800 for J Child. All the parents have placed t ‘eir interests in the hands of the Rev. Remy Jekill, rector of St. Mary’s Church: who is acting with the advice of two pretty inent legal firms. Sensatinnal Despatch Wired From Home to Paris Paper. 0‘ two casts of dyn foniein mine. One killed was an Amem Harvey. The explos time when the mine téped preparatory lo native tamper-ed wi which explodc‘d. Four v insr’ant sixteen expect‘e 0‘ hvo tum man 'l‘ho Mnnlrvul Protestant School Board is Notified. Torriblo Explosion in Mim zu Dreiion tvin. Soulh Africa. th ntion visim {amine [11 million ta DEATH CLUNIS OF FIRE VICTIMS HAS ALFONSO CONSL'MIYHON? il‘l [hmwonu Killed by a Train :1! Vaml rollil S .Ilinn. ll. Singrr ['mlmhly Killed in a Runu 1m Tl all hb [I] .\[1 KINGSTON 'U n FORT \VILLIA‘“ BOOMING FOI'ND [bl-2H) 0N PRHRII lflrf it; D".\';\\II'I’F. IN \ CRO\\'D 811 m ind THRO\\' \' FIFTY I-‘I-IFYT me He 3T itch from Johannesburg: _says taxed to | e dislrihnt x [hp rplip ll \\‘ arled 'ith ' t Thur: Tl I'll \I'vitlvnl approximMely ha” famine relierorgama lhe‘\ulmost in sum: Hon of Mid and i M “Turk‘ which no‘ of dostitute Chinest appealing for mor nt ll Int ar suit, Lly. M “ed in Mr JI‘C )rled QUAKE badly alum miles A m l h 1nd thrown st 3 board med lo his [es south of ) Tuesday. singer, two )1‘ the miss- ‘at. about 8 they found s from (he 11‘ ;da-Ly night, the city on .mm John- ge, whose killed on on by be- onal Lim- I‘he sfipl filled a bu m frac- ut and HT arly flI “"d he

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