Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Apr 1907, p. 7

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in the prison yards, other recreations. liirE W A SWISS l’RiSONAK'PDUUTQBS USING lCONVlCTS \VOL'L-I-TNOT LIKE TO LIVE PATENT MEDICINES ANY\\'lll£l-ll£ ELSE. P The Honest Physician is Anxious to Cure and Uses the Best Avail. able Remedies. ,__ .Exceilent Menu, (Iurds and Other Recre- ations and Afternoon Trips to the (Jules. The discussion of‘ the bill now before the Dominion Parliament for the reâ€" gulation of the manufacture, and sale of patent or proprietary medicines is one of the utmost importance, and is .recciving' :3. great deal of attention, not ' I” “”5 l"‘””I l’ill'ilillsi‘ the conyill‘ [only by the proprietary medicine. manir .ditilas ll-lil‘i lllvt‘lll.‘ 'l‘liry farfcstumllilii- , facturers. but am) by the rem” and (His '. it iii-ur. ii‘lil" one (i an ux- . 111.1,.3V'unld H“, ilCClIlllflititliilllng \vardvrs wholesale drugglsts. Every manufac- allowcd them to \’l.\ll the cafes and “”3“ 0" reliable and high ““35 1“” placrs of amusement in tho town. medics welcomes the bill as a step in (irandci' and (icrlu-r were the “favor- the right direction. The discussion has lies" at the prison Lcrausc tlicy had brought out the fact thait the best physicians in Canada and on the con- nioney, which they spent freely on wines and tobacco. sharing them with ”mm approve of and ”WENâ€"me p55,- the other pi'iSoners and the wardens. chine in cases of the most difficult Finding their resources diminished, character. In a recent instance of however. they securrd “leave of ab- fiery Seriouslthjrtzit and'luni; trcifiblee scare" from the prison in order to ob- “ 1° WK“rut ‘18 ’09" “5mg SY? 7‘ - lain funds by highway robiwry and .T,w° “Mall”! United States specialists were consulted. in addition to two burglary. , _ . .eminent Canadian physicians. Upon They “worked’ the entire Einmcnihal ilearning what the patient was using, a. By the arrest of in o escaped convicts .nuiiicd (il'lllllli‘i' and ticrbcr at. ltandrr- isiag t‘llllil'ldll‘hr i‘t'Vl‘lilllullS lime liccn: ‘lllfltlc regarding.r C‘iIlVlL’f lili‘ at the p11» :son of 'i‘liirln'rg. near the Town of §\\ ussrn, Switzerland. Valley, and were returning to 'l‘liorbcrg )sample, of Psychine was taken and with their booty when arrested. Roth analyzed, with the result that the convicts denied vehemently that. they Physicians advrsed its continuance. They prescribed no other medicine but Psychinc, with the result that the pa- tient. has fully recovered and is a. splendid walking and talking adver- lntcndwd escaping, declarinpr that they were never so comfortable as in prison. in his defence Grunder related a re- markable story of life in the prison. in tisement for the wonderful curative proof of his honesty he recalled lhaf. power of a. remedy that will ”stand on one occasion the chief warder allowed Up" before the keencst professional criticism and analysis. As a builder up of the system and restoring all waisted conditions. Psychlne has no equal, and the best and most earnest physicians recognize this fact. “A: the age of 25 my lungs were in a terrible state. I had la. gripne tihei 3’98? before; it Settled on my lungs him to go to \Vasscn. where he bought, five gallons of wine. tobacco. cheese. etc. On his return he was censured for not. buying schnapps for the coffee as well, and early ilie next. morning he went. 17'le to the town and purchased two quart. bottles. . . ~ , . .. and I kept steadily growing worse CON\IV‘M‘ CON\ICT’5' " till I got down so low I was in bed He afterwards met some fellow-con- for six weeks. I had a consultation victs who were out. for a morning slroll, g; STEPS. ande Ehfinzaig‘hihnes; 5:911:16 v ‘ - \. 0 ing nior 0 .. =3 . - and they emptied one of the botths. ed to use Psychinc. I took the medicine (Jl'llntlel gait the SLLUlld bottle to the for more than a year. It certainly did head warder. ~ wonders for me. I am now as strong t‘vriinder added that. he would never an I was before my sickness. have left the prison to rob houses and "MRS. H. HOPE, travelers if he had not lost all his mon- "Morpeth, Ont." ey gamblingr with the other prisoners. Psy'dhine, Pronouncm S’i'keenv ’5 the Here is the daily routine in 'l‘liorbrrg greatest of tonircs, building up the sys- ~ ‘ . 4 .. f'te. urif - Prison. as (irunder and Gerber dcscrtb» fig'ufgcgfigniiggedi$2350!“ 3.3.1 333:5 ed ii to the examining magi'straie: directly upon ”10' throat and iungs, 7 a.ui.â€"llise; receive hot water from a warder; clean cells. giving tone and vigor tofithe entire system.OAt all druggists, 500 and $1, 8 Consisting of cor. or Dr. T. A. Slocum. Limited, 179 King fee, milk, hot rolls and a liqueur. Street weSt- Toronto- 0 to 12 dunâ€"Cards, games of bowls ”â€"‘i‘ IMPOSIZD UI‘ON. “Look here. sir," she said. as she enâ€" icrcd a sewing-machine oilice the other .lay. “your uucni. has imposed upon me." “is it possible, ina‘am‘? in what rc- speci?" “Yes. sir. he has; your machine!" “flow has be deceived you 1’" q, | f it .‘ w . “Why. he came into my house and told "mm 0 10' prisontrs objected to re- me that your machine was the best in ‘ :i ' v i , 'x . . . .~ ‘ lildlllllei Ootllmtli‘lmlbllidiclilll‘v €11}:st 38:32: the world. 1- have Inglnesscs and can . c .v ‘ j prove every word of it. necessaiy for the piisoners to make “But that was not some concessions to discipline. The ma'am n convicts held a meeting. and ““0" a “Rush was! i hadn‘t the machine two bitter debate It was Voted to adhere to days before another agent. called and flip 9 o’clock rule.“ ‘ ‘ . said his was the best ; and he banâ€" a cir- '“md‘l and GUI)“ are [0 be tried eular to back it, up. He had hardly get for ”escaping," and further interesting out of doors when another called and revelations are expected. said his machine had taken ion medals." irâ€"~â€" “But we have taken fifteen, ma'am.” SMART BOYS. “Oh. have you 3 Q ‘ . . “And we have issued a challenge for a M“ .amson Riggs ‘5 a schoolmastei, public trial, which no other machine whose precept and Practice of the bless- dare accept." ings 0f punctuality “0‘ as a rule. {31‘1“ “Is that so? Then your machine is the less. Should a lad be five minutes late best. after all?" ' in the morning, he is “kept. in" ten niin- “Certainly." uies after school; if ten minutes, a pen- “Then yd” will please excuse me. 1 ““90 of twenty ”mums is imposed, and thought I had been imposed upon. and S) 011- Bill 0"?“ ”0m” n0d5~ and 10! l'm afraid i was a little hasty. The Mr. Samson Biggs was a whole half other agents must have been the de- hour late himself one morning. Among ceivers.” the pupils there was the usual smart. boy. who was not slow to remind him of his offence. nor to quote from some of his own lectures on the subject. “Yes. boys," said Samson, when he had listened to the smart boy. “Nichol- son is quite right, and, as l punish you, it is only fair that. you should punish me. So you shall all stay and keep me in for an hour after school this after- noon l" Noon.-Dinner, consisting of soup, a roast. with vegetables, plain, sweet cof- fee, with liqueur; wine. Afternoonâ€"“72.11: through the townzl visit to the cafes or an excursion into thi- mountains. 6 p.m.â€"Supper. followed by a smoke, and more games of cards. 9 phi-Retire. and I don‘t want deceiving you, .. â€">X<~â€"â€" QUITE PROFESSIONAL. A good story is told of Rufus Ciioaie, the eminent American lawyer. By the way, a good many stories are told about him, but this is a new one. One morning when he entered his oflice, his clerk rose and said :â€" “.\ir. Lilioaie, a gentleman has just left here who wants you to undertake a case for him.” “Ali! and did you collect the regular retaining,r fee?“ “1 only collected twenty-five guineas, sir.” The regular fee was fifty guiucas, and Mr. (lliutllc >11ltl:â€"» “lint that was unprofessional; very unprtifessinnal.” “Bul. sir,” said the clerk. apologeti- colly. and anxious to Pkiiiit‘i'tlle himself from the charge, “1 got all he had.” “Ah!" said Mr. Climate, with a differ- ent expression. “that was profcssit'inai; yrs. finite professional.“ yes, \. Saves time, because it. makes _ironing easier. Suves linen, because it: gives a better gloss with alf the iron-rubbing. DRINKING \Vl'l‘l'l l\|l’.,»\l.$. The average pcrmn should drink about Saves bother, because it ,lwu and a liiird lllllf.‘ (if water a day. needs no cooking,..just ‘ . iiind their is )0 harm in drinking as cold water. And it linuch as a pint at tlilllli'l‘. lloi \\iili‘I‘ ii; a dislinci aid to sluggish digrsiii n. and a drink of water lad thing at night and iird thing: ill the morningr is con- tlllCth‘ it} good lli‘illlll. It takes sarcastic women and busy boos to administer stinging reproofs. The Church of linciand ivislinpric of lilza'kcnzic liner in British North Ameri- ca is five times as large N: the L'niled Kingdom. The Nassau Bank of New York has " x... c 0 feet 101* and 20 f-‘i. .- . ade 0: ‘h a safe 5 16 u “Ida M es itgtfil stronger in service. ISSUE NO. 15â€"07. Carbon Wire,â€"we'll rove it to you. b stays taut. an. ’pfiGEJVusI: ”FENCE COMPANY. LIMITED, SI 'NKEN‘ SHIP'S END. Bermiics the Home of All the Creatures of the Deep. Nurses’ Moiiich’ Treasure . â€"most reliable medicine for baby. >3 Usd over 50 years. First compounded "‘ by Dr. P. E. Picnult in 1855. Makes Baby Strong \Vllfll lw‘iiii-‘s (l the ship that Sinks ill iiin-u'cai'i‘.’ if it is of wood it lUl\I‘> il' llli‘ 11l‘>l plla'i‘. a (‘(ill$ltll'l'filll(‘ time h... Redor“ [he 1m]: mean, to perfect l for it it re uh the li ‘l. i:;. in a bun- g health. Gives ,ound sleep, without ‘ill'i‘il or lift i" fi'lmrii‘ of water. :i (lliili‘â€" . resorttoopiumorotberln‘uriousdmgs. l“! ‘l “H l" m' “’1” "HEW lit-file Hit" 44 Aldruugisls‘,25c.6boncs$l.25. ,Sllll' l‘i"i lli‘s llln l 'i'ziii's‘ lwl. ll sliiltc l I . i ‘snwly. and vuwii ll.” l: ‘1.:n :- it-Iii ‘l' leii it fall~ ;_'“llll} lift. the y. it < we lt'l \\',“I llii i"i‘.i~ll . i‘ lll'v:l{llll:, (iii-‘iI .siiizkr E: CLEABIING % WASP”. Hi. a ship lll“'1l’lli‘.§ the [my of tho LADIES’ ' . I ourmo .p. antic.“ inlialii'anb of the «nan. who sun's _ , Oubcdonoperloctlyb! our French Proceu Try“ MHHH“ “\‘I‘ ‘I‘HI ‘lH-Mlijl‘ ”1“ glll‘dl l-V‘i'll "tins" AMERIOAN ovum: co and duke it ilicr llililll‘. .sidis this. ilr-y i"'\l‘l' (rim-\- :nwh.f IONTBEAL TORONTO. OTTAWA b QEEBEO {You reiiiiiii NationnlD 3&ChcmiulCo Lid Montreal ..-t*-. ‘: uw» . .r. .. lib. lvrii \vil‘i a lll(‘l\' iayi r if bow. 'l‘lii~ ialvru time. of i'iiii‘sc. and who TOLD ‘rilli' Pch-inIiu'iliuii di 5 another t‘l'dllilliil‘N‘ FREE l. \\'i‘ll\' uniil Ruddy the ship is s: ladt‘n Send two rent Itamp with birth due and I will ”mi you a pen plrtliro n1 your life from the men. to in. grave All Inntlern .yr Lupin"... in", m-r- Mp] rings nuit nuiin, [llillltly told by (in Kreult‘l‘ A-irniognrllviim. I‘ltrunl ntnufulirdllldnli-EML PIOF.LE0AMllyD°P'~ 13, BRIDGEPORTJUNN. \\:ili licivv l|i< i'iisfaiiivns. corals. swing s l.:iiii:ii*le<. that lllt‘ creaking ti'iiâ€" ii. 1-. fall apart mid .‘slii\\'l}' lilll surely lore abswi‘lwd iii the waste at the sea- bottom. 'FI. r; __..p Sonic persons are to colds than others. i-onlrawiin;r dr- ‘_ l‘dnfll‘llll‘lll< of llli‘ pulmonary organs . ‘ from llll‘ .xllfililt’Nl t':ill<t"<. 'I‘lit'Si‘ Sliiililll . A pure, hard '4 - .. always liavu at band a li-‘illc of Rirltbi's ‘ - A , ‘ . AiitiJoiisiiioplivi» Syrup. ilio vi'rsciil ManltOba’ -' -~ ' " ’.“ li'ziv s dew-git i'ciiiv'dv for i-oiic'l-u. i'ziâ€" lill‘l'll :iizd inilainnialion of the long». 'i will i‘llf‘l‘l a (‘lll'i‘ nu llllllfl‘i‘ how scvi-i'i‘ 'lll", cold may be. You cannot afford to be without a remedy like Richie‘s. for ll lS llli‘ lil‘>l. niorp susceptible “ flour for bakers and others demand- 4 " ing strength, color and uniformity. STRRNG an-lll'E '9 AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS ”Emma“ SUPPLHD wm, At Santa Barbara. California. is an noon AND FEED. w...” pi ‘ orchard conlaining.r itmotl olive trees. 3pm walnut. 4.0m) persimmon. 10.000 almond. and 4.000 other fruit trees. WE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN ClTY,‘ A BLENDED HOUR - THAT HAS CAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL . HOUSEHOLD 'ALL PURI’OSES' FLOUR. Regain Vour Strength by taking "Ferrovim." It's the best tonic even-impounded. If. nourishes and strengthens the whole system.. “You think your nevi speech will make an iini'ircssion?” “i do.” answered the candidate. “Have you any new argu- ments to place before your opponent?" “No; but i have a lot of new names to call him." An applicant for the post, of mistress in a coiinlry school was brim.t ques- tioned by those in authoriiy. “And what is your position in regard to the whipâ€" ping of children ‘1" one member asked. “My usual position." she replied. “is on a chair. with the child across my knees, face downward l" The Flagging Energies Rivivrd. 4 Constant application to business is a tax upon the «‘ncrcies. and if llil‘l‘f‘ in not relaxation. lassdude and depression are sure to intervene. These mini-s from :li’iiiiachic troublis. 'l‘hc want if exercise brings on nervous irregulariâ€" ties. and the stomach coast-c lo assimi- late food properly. in this condition I‘armclcc‘s Vegetable l’ills will be found a i‘ccliperaiivc or rare power. rislwi'ing the organs to healthful aciion.(iispclling depression. and reviving the flagging energies. Are your corns harder to remove than those that others have had? llavo llln'y not. had the same kind‘.’ Have they not been cured by using,’ liolloways Corn Cure? Try a bottle. AFIlAlD TO RISK IT. Tom : “If. as you say, Fear] is such a jewel. why don‘t you marry her?“ lack : “l‘m afraid there is a flaw in the mother-ofpearl.” Fifteen years ago the average number of fatal accidents in the Swiss Alps was 24. Now it is nearly three times that number. i The healthy glow disappearing: from the cheek and moaning,y and resifulness at night are sure symptoms of worms Putout theme in a hot itching unhealthy “1 Cllll‘ll'en- D0 “0L ““1 to gel 3 1301‘ i skin with Weaver’s Uerate. Use it for eczema. lll of Mother (iravcs‘ Worm iixicrmin-l nettle rash.tetter Maw” Them" alor; if is :in effectual medicine. ~ llambui‘i.Y has more fii'rmrn. in mm- \\'ON OUT. parison with her population. ‘than any Beckem, after a year‘s absence: “smother ’eiiy. . There are 300 firemen to She finally gave you her hand in mar-l 9‘9"! 100110" POOP!“- riagc, ch?” Pct-kein: “‘ch. I guess so; at least slit now has me under her thumb.” ' A Good Name is to be Pi‘iyriil.rTliri'c have been imitations of Dr. Thomas“ iicieciric Oil which may have inch in jurious to its good name. but if so. the Sieeplcssness.â€"thn the nerves are injury has only been temporary. Unstrung and the whole body given up1600dnpgg must always come to the to wrelchrdness. when the mind is filled front and throw into the shadow Willi gloom and dismal foreboding. the i which is worthkss. So it has been with result of dvrmifzenmni of lhe ditlt‘fili\'e,Eclet-iric on; no iinitalion can maintain organs. sleeplessness comes to add icing-ii against the genuine artcle. the distress. if only the subject could sleep, ihcre would be oblivion for a while and temporary relief. Parmclees Vegetable Pills will not only induce sleep, but. will act. so beneficially that the subject will wake refreshed and re- stored to happiness. A MUSEUM Oi“ MUSIC. Vienna will shortly possms a museum exclusively devoted to music. in the modern world. at, least, no city could be more appropriately chosen for its musi- col associations. instruments, M58, MALTA DRY DOCKS. portraits.sculptures. and. in fact. everyâ€" thing associated With great, iiiiisicinns The two new dry docks in the Grand will be represented. The collection will llarbor. Malia. which have been undei'i be especially rich in its historical side. conslruclion for nearly six years, are{ It will include original scores by Bach, l | | now completed, and constitute an im- ilandel, Mendelssohn. Spohr, Weber, poriani. part of the improvements now Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms. There beingr carried out at. that port. They are will also be a complete collection of situated in a \vell-pi'oiccii-d position at pianos illustratingr the development of the top of l-‘rencli Creek. and are 700 and the inslruineni from its earliest begin- 550 feet loni.r respectively, with a width nings. of 10 feet. on the cope. and a depth of water on the sill of 353 feet. The. larger Japan holds a record in having put dock can be (llVldt‘tl into two docks by 1 5pm ions of Coal in a ship in 19 iiours’ means of an inner caisson. and both 1 work. docks can be lenglhencd by it) fi-ei whoni Before you get Pen-An gle garments a the shrink is ta k e n, o u t. Pen- H A n g l e Underwear fy as well as warm,because the g» short fibres that make some under- / node qarx j I n a variety of fabrics, style: a n d prices. in all sizes for women, men and children, and guaranteed by your own dealer. LBE RTA FARM LANDS*IN THE FAMOUS Wetuskiwin district; lists propositions tent on application. y Wutaakiwi u, Alberta. Li. D. Harris 5'. 00., Boq 252, ”6.: GOLDEN YELLOW um mm, is lulbl. . ii listen. Balsam. Comm, Calliopm Nuturtium. Mominz lorgJ’mny, Larkspur Jo a Team, Poppa. doldon Glow. . til-mp rugona, Colman. Pink Zinnia. Verbenln ion ey flout, Ewe-cl ocket Primron, Ice Plant Petunia, utor Oil Ileana. Portu um. : Cmdytutt. Sweet Pen. thai_ 5 °%“t”’sl°" U B . The Summer Hyacinth. Golden l,ll . Bummin ird. 61: I?” Gian bet-one ob mth (Julia, all n: bunti- tul collection of loads “lid bnlaazoni loo. én - ii veror on pl 0 pa the cost for coking and postage. Order nick and be lure of t grand omitâ€"only 10 cgntl. . CHA ELESTOWN BULB Bl]. GHARLETOWN, MASS. Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information abontcrops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Teiier 8i ngoed Eastern Selling Agents, 2i6 CORISTINE BUlLDlNO, MONTREAL. ONTO lll;\l. “No," said iii Tragedy, “i never lake a sleeper when l travel. I don‘t think liii’ berths ai'i- sanitary. and besides, in case of tilii‘idt‘iif» " “it‘s." interrupted Lowe Comedy, “I suppose walkini,r is safer." The number of Red lndians in the States has dccrsased 30 per cent. in 15 years. ‘ Dear Mother Your little ones are a constant we in Fall and Winter weather. The will catch cold. Do you know about 5 iloh'o Consum tion Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it a done for so many P It is slid to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children. his absolutely liarmlcm and pleasant to take. It is guaranteed to cure or your money is returned. The price is 25¢. per bottle. and all dealers in medicine sell 31‘ SHELQH Th medy should be in every household. is re .â€" â€"â€"â€"_ necessary. by the outer stops. moving the caissons to MONE TORNT ALL TIMES COILED â€"not crimped. This Painted \VHITE over heavy $00 â€"as in merit. demule. Tor-onto. y WHEN KEPT WITH US DRAW ACCOUNTSOF TO LOAN INTEREST AT FOUR PER CENT EXECUTORS PER ANNUMLOMPOUNDED' QUARTERLY . ANDARE AT ARESI’EC'MY: SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. gelvanizin -rua proof. Ezperienmd dealers g at. illustrated booklet; £111de prices before buying. Montreal. St. D'i'RUSfEE ' INVITE) ' eroctit. Leads u'l in sales John. Wkainipefi

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