Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Apr 1907, p. 1

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AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING dz PUBLISHING HOUSE moammnmmnm. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. IS PUBLISHEDEV’EHY EHURSDAY MORNING d iat'ilm \Vill (Ir i< [H‘t'p 1‘. F. McMAHON. \\'ill I) Liconseu \uctione'er for the County 01’ Yo I; Gudu sold on cnaslgnmem General sales Itoc etc promptly amended no tn. reason-mm. nines Residence Uuiunville G R Goulxlmg, Newton Braokmaem for the \‘0L.XXIX. c-xlls by day and night promptly a.L- tended to. J ’1‘ Smigeou. Map‘e G R Gaulxh above Licensed kuctiouoers forthe Couutyof York 3 Has “sanded to on shorcasnmtivmnd a. row ponable rates Patronage sulicxted Li'mnwe Auctioneel for the County of 111‘ re. pom’uuy sohcns your patronage and friendly tnflunuce salonttnnded on the sLax'best notice and at reasonabatatds. P. 0.ndureus Kinfl J. H. SANDERSDN. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Alarge stocknf Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. RICHMOND HILL 81 THORNHILL Full line of Funeral Furnishings «\1- wuys in stuck. I)1'- C. J. VVoods DENTL'SI‘, $I per annum, in advanCe.] (I Frmwizs Block. 'I‘IIORNHILL. Ont. Olficu hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 a. n; â€"S p. m. linden-takers & Embnlmers, Uul'. Carlton and Ynnge Sts , Tot-unto ‘ in he in Richmnnd Hill on VVefl nvsdny nf (-mzh Wl'Pk. Office, next, dmn' nnl'lh of Stand- ' an! Bunk. I! irehnlnnd I’Iill Tux-unto Oflic DR. S. Ripus Tabmes cure dizziness. BUSINESS CARDS. M VEFERINARY SURGEON, 'Fhoruhill. mpans Iabules: at druggists. Undertast and Emhnlmm's '. R. (Y. 5.: L. R. (7. P.. Eng. (Succwssnn TU Du. DEAN) Elle gihtral Sui: ton é: chflwcll. Ll' WRIGHT BROS, Knight & Lawrie upy his p Hal [0 d“ I'd-Ht, rye, H. W. ANDERSON, [{mu's E 31103 L' P BOPBIETOB H)xanti..~‘$. D. G. ISLOI'GII. «‘flmrinury II. P: calico. Hfl‘dit‘al. J'. BOYD. M. B. annual. Maple .-. 4.30 CHURCH ST‘ Nlocosmr‘s nfllrte :Iuvl gl‘mwul practice and H'. nose mu! throat 30 :L. m. to 5 p. m. J Ix McEwen Westun A G S Limlaay.K C G G F Lawrence W Ridout Wadsworth Barristers . Solicitors. Notaries, Jrc. [Imuv Life Building (formerly Free hold Lunn Bldg). Cm. Adelaide & Victoria. Sls.. Tm onto. LENNOX & MORGAN Barnum-s :nld solicllors. Mouev to loan on land andohatbm mortgages“ lowest rates Aurumufliceâ€"Iwmm ea :0 the old post OflIOJ one door west of the euuance to the Ontario Bunk wazunrket (miceâ€"Three doors south of the p )5: mfiua I‘ Bunnmm LENNox G 81'" MORGAN Aurore. Newmnrket Richmond ,Hill Office. south-vast “‘1'- uur of Lorne Bldg.v (-vm-y Thinsdu} :1ftvrm-0n. BARRISTER, Snucx'ron. NOTARY, E'rc. ’I‘m-nntn Office. 33 Richmond St. \Vnst. W'thon Buildings. Richmond Hill Ufl‘ice. Standard Bank Building‘ every Saturday after nunn. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST RATES Mulock, Lee, Millikan Clark Muplo, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at, Five Per Cent ( NATIONA L TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E.‘ TORONTO, Canada Burristels. Sulicitm-s. Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Corner King 8; Yunge Streets, TORONTO. Private and low FRANK DENTON, ooumssxouxnm THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, tic. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFI( 1E. NOTA RY PUBLI C3, Richmonu Hill JAS. N EVV'I‘ON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E 14(5‘rI1V 311141495 “’ s: ; * TE 151337 . Instruction in Piano-playing and Theory Pupil of A. S. Vogt, Mus. Doc. (Piano), and J. H. Anger, F. R. O. 0. (Theory). \Vednesduys and Saturdays. Room 11 Carlton Chambers. cur. Carlton and Yunge 81.3., Toronto, CUM )IISSIbNER. CONVEYANCER. ETC. XGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. Danton. Dunn & Boultbee Phono Main {311 J. M. LAING Barrister, Solicitor. Etc Tm‘nnLn Officv, 36 Tux-onto slrm-t H. A N ICHOLLS J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth. Commissime Cunveyancer. ( Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer Of Max “age. License-s. J. EDWARD FRANCIS mum PUBLIC REAL ES'JJATE, E‘ THORNIâ€"III RICHMOND HILL, ONT” THURSDAY. APRIL H, 1.907 L\ OTARY PUBLIC HERBERT L. Dirxx WILLIAM COOK Barristers. Snliclm‘s, Etc‘ W. MULOCK BOULTBEF Trust Funds (4: loan at, st curn-ut rates. 33mm. In Essenlialc, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." K. C. Phone Main 2984 E, ETC To the Editor of THE LIBERAL: SIR.â€"â€"ln Yuur lust, week's issue hf THE LIBERAL a ('Ul‘l'ospnndk‘lll snys that in the pun-1852. wln-n llu- Nu: th- ornâ€"now :l hmnvh Hf lvln- Uri-and Trunk Railway-mu'ns built, (ht' Cllll'f Pnginevl' H-lmltml that the distuncv Irelwmrn Tmonlu :Iml Brmll’md wns 42 mile-s and [lint there were 721ir-e'nsml 1m t'l'lls in that distuncv "lung Yongu Street. He- ‘dvsires tn knmv hnw lmmy LICENSED llnu'lk‘ now exist lwâ€" LWI't'l] thi- city «if Tnmnln uml tlxe tmvn uf Bradford. LICENSED holds have diminihsvd cunsidt r nlily in -n’mn- lwl~ sinct‘ lln‘ your 1852. 'l‘lmr‘e': t pres- 1-ut in I'xlsm’llue :u-v, us fu- as we can ascmtuin. as fullmvs: mm at I)H‘l‘ l’mk. mm at York Mls‘, three at Aurora, unv at Holland Landing. and two at Brndfnrd~svven in number along the whole line. ’ 'l'he diminution in lln- nnmln-x- nf hutel licenses hm; arisen frnln various causes. The pl'vsenL funllltltâ€"‘s fm- trm‘vlling nnd shipping have (innu away with much (If the l\(‘(‘('s,<lty fur an many lmusos nfaucnmt'tlntinn fur the travelling public. su that, apart frnm the laudulvlv :u-tivilim and tho earnvst ef‘fcn-ts of the. ll(l\(ICHl.(’S of temperance- principles. the applica- tinns fm hnlvl licenses have- how) cun- tinunlly lu-cmning less in nlunlwl'. I last Saturday. 2 Trafiic on the Grand 'T‘rnnk ¢ usually heavy (In Sunduy. us fourteen ungim-s going nun afternoon. r ‘ Mr. Austin RubinSHn 10f day fur St-zu bum. whar-rr' he il runmin for smne {inn-4 tinunlly lwcnming lvss in number. Take our mvn village as an instance At that Linw we had in lively opera- liun seven licensed hotels (us many as nnw along the wlmle lilw nf Ynnge street, of forty-(Wu milm‘). and six licensed grow-rips. will] u distillery in the rear with 11s fires blazing night and day to keep up the supply of stim- ul; ing lIeH‘l'ngP. \thn thv farms-19 uf Maikham. Vaughan, \Vhitulun-I-h. King, Gevrgi- n», and tho (iwillinihluys desired in those days tu reach the Tul‘tiuhi market. they came (lnwn Ynngv SIH'PL in long prncvusinns «if ltIHIlHl tennis. smuvtiuu-s twt’nty in line. until they swannr’d in every hotel, blunkerl up oveiy driving shed, and patronized e-u-uy har. After the advent Hf the Nut-thorn Railway llttlHlt'le‘ of these farmers from the north “'ll't‘. never again seen uu Yunge Sheet. Between Richumud Hill and Tut-nu- to in the days uf tho nld uninihus l'(’~ ginm, every lmsinvss man going tn the City had Lu run the gauntlet (If inur- [I’Pll jtillyâ€"fm-ml lHntlltIl'db. all on the lnuknut fm- rwuguitinn and anxious tn help tn 3 â€"a‘uiilv. By the time we gut hack must. (If us we're within tipsy limits. Rapid transit. gem-ml rvfm-matiuu. :Iud lht‘ l’Xt‘l'liSt' uf uunumm sense siucv then han- g1 eatly le<svnvd the frequency of these eccentririties. By the murtosy of the Ille-ti-npnlitau Rail- way Cl). we can nmv gt) tn the City. (in business. and. if we like, l‘t'ltllll snhvl‘. In fact. “'0 tx-th-l so fast in those days that We dnn’t haw tinw tr) takv a (ll ink. The last slurp licvnsv i<- sin-(l in this village Was in 187-1. The applivatious ft‘l‘ hntt-l licenses duindled du\\'l] to a Hinglv one. and that was extinguished by lncal nptiuu in 1906. Undm'weur :n {1 sun 8: S\Vitz01"s. WM. HARRISON. Riclnnnud Hill. April 17. 19U7. in the person of Mrs. J. llraddnck. On Thursday morning uf last, \wrk she was stricken with paralysis. and passed aWay the fullmving aru-x-unun. The funeral took place nu Munday. After [he interim-ab a nwnauial svrvice was hold in the Methodist, chluch. Among the floral ntTH'ingS was a handsome wreath from lhe \V. M. S. of which the (ha-eased was a member. ’J‘h» son-owing huslmnd and family have the heartfelt sympathy of all In llwirwlcl hereaxenwnt. The Bell Toleplume C-umpuny is puLLing in 2: lim- hvtwven Maple nnd 'l‘rs‘tun. nnd cmnuwnced wmk on it ust, Saturday. HELP YOL'h PAPER. Don't, hv afraid lu let, the editor know what is going un around yuu. W'hen yuu can cmncn'elwly do so bring the news to w-nr local paper. \Ve are always plmw'd to have our readers send or bring us items of neWS. W'th friends visit you kindly let us knnw, and if you take a trip try and call un us lwfm-e you go. If each one of nur list nf readers would give us an occasional item mn- paperâ€"your puperâ€"â€"wuuld be nmrv interesting every week. You like to read about the movemvnt of your friends and acquaintances. Give tlwm a chance to read snmething about yourself occasionally. THEN AND NOW. Maple MI in tho nnmht-l- nf 1*; “risk” fI'UIIl \‘nl-ious pl'vsenh facilities fur shipping have dun» underpricvs HL Atkin- mnk was un- , us many as nuth m the 10ft (Ill Mon- he intends tu Nuptinls of Dr. C. W. Freeman and Miss Florence Mortson. April ll. ’l‘ho hride- is :1 (luughh-r hf [he lillt‘ 'l‘hmuus Murison. fmnivrly uf this villagr, and a sister uf Mrs. \Vm. \Vushingtun, junior, of Elgin Milk] vaa has just. horn rrceivod frum Chung King. China, of tho Innrriuge uf Dr. (3. \V. Fl‘t‘UHHlH. formerly mul- l(:.‘ll supmmlendvnt, ut' the Hamilton city hospital, and Miss Florence Lil- lian Mnrtsun, furIm-rly of Hamilion, and a sistvr of Mrs. Edward ()rmrfnrd uf this city. It was :umminr‘ed in the culumns nf this pupm- in NUVl‘lan'l‘ last: the (le- parture (If Miss Murtson from Vancou- wr. with some twpntv ()mmdiun mis- sionaries. huund fur Ghent“. (lhina. Vi-‘l Chung King. The party was met. -hy Dr. Freeunm early in Fi-hrunry on the Yungtse Kiung rivvr, several days’ journey from Chung King. ['l‘hv fullmving marriage tnkvn film) The Hmniltnn v ()u arrhing :u. Chung King party remained over to attend wedding, which took plnuo in British Consulate at 2 p. m.. Fehru 20. Bishop Spellmvyvr, uf Uincinn Ohiu, performing (h- (t0l't‘lllhlly. ’ wvuLlu-r was delightful. The building, which is a handsome structure, Wus lwautifully dew-“rated with British flags and a. profusiun of fluwms, palms and ferns. The bride, unattended, lm-kod charming in a. wedding gown of whiLe, with the usual veil and orange Mus.» sums. and carried a shower bouquet of rinses and Chinese lilies; Pill'kt'l', J. \V. T. Jellit’, Mr. Knuf‘funln, 3 R. B. Sun-ling. .l. B. Pilluw, J. H. and Mrs. Kelli-r. J. S. Dudley. J. Sheridan. [ Mr. Campbell. J. and Mrs. Stunhunsv, J. Featlwrslunhungh. Unptnin Tudd. Livllt Yunge. Dr. Keir. Dr. Bunchel‘. ‘Dr. Mciklejnhn, of the British gun- ; hunts. . Canadian partyâ€"va. R. B. and Mrs. McAmumnd. ReV. E. J. and MIS. (Busun. Ri-v. \V. R. and Mrs. Sibley. Dr. Frank F. and Mrs. Allan, Rev. E. - \V. \anlaue. Rev. E. \V. Mm'gun. Rev. , \V. E. Bmvles. Rev. C. J. I’. and MIS. ' Sullifiv. Rev. H. D. and Mrs. Rnlu-x-t- sun, Miss Brimstin. Miss \Vuodswm-th, ; Miss Steele. Miss \Vellwood. Dr. .lnnu-s ;R. Cux. 0f the Canadian Methndist mission, and Dr. Asa Hall. of the l Americun Baptist misxion. at, the cluse of the cexemuny the wed- ding man-ch was played, Mus. McAm- nmnd, nm‘ of the Canadian party, pre- siding at the organ. 0n the arrival (If the bride at the cutlsulntv, the hymn. "The Vnire that Bu-gxthed ()‘er Edvu,” was sung‘ and Afu-r [he (rel-enmin u very Pnjnyuhle receptivn was held, the -hri(le and groom receiving cungratnliuiuns from many old as “ell .15 now friends. A plvusing feature was due tn the fact. that. several of the- male nwmhers uf the Canadian party wm-u college- mates i-f Dr. Fret-mun, and it can he. mnre misin imuginod thnn- desrrihvd huw the Mir rung with good old home-like Vii-,turiun reminders us “gund-hyes" wrre living said to the Canadian purly which \Vuuld shortly m-ncm-d (m ils joinnry lu Chvntu. Dr. and ~Mls. Freonmn left in svdzin rhuirs (m a hnneymunn to be spent. at Dr. Mcâ€" (Jzu-tnv)"s summer cottage in the hills across the the Yunglsi, which is the sumnwr resort nf [he Ellrnpvflll resi drills (If Chung King. ~ The hridc was the recipient. of many beautiful presents. The l‘ulluwing are [he mian (‘.f inâ€" vited guests: Rm‘. A. E. and Mrs. (llnxtun. Rm. J. and Mrs. Pul'kl'l’, Dr. and Mrs. Kirkwnml, uf the Landon mission: va. K. A. and Mrs. Myers, Ri-v. \Villium and Mrs. Crawford. Rm. R. L. and Mrs. Torrey, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. MtUau-tlwy. R('\'. J. F. and Mrs. P55”. Miss Dm-uthy Jones, Miss Hiti-hcuok, Miss \Ve-lls, Miss Galloway, Dr. Agnes Edmunds, Dr. Mury Ki-iring, Re-v. J. G. and Mrs. Uni-now. Sui Ling. Bishop and Mrs. Spellnwyor, (Tim-in- nnLi, Ohio. of the Methndist. Episcnpnl misssinn; Her. A. H. and Mrs. Brnmn- hull. R. B. and Mrs. \Vhiulcsvy. Rr‘V. Ii. Uuulvs. Miss B. Ramsay, nf lhe China Inland mission; Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Maw. Rev. A. \V. and Mrs. Davidson, Rev. AlfrcdandMrs.I).1\'i(l- SUN. Miss C-umlwr. Miss Madge Jnnes. (if lhe Flivnds' missinn; va. \V. U. Cnnsumers should carefully note the following yalueszâ€"anle syrup in quart, tins 24 cts.; Maple syrup in quart. gem jars. jar and syrup 25 <-ts.; also in bulk. 25c. er imperial gnllnn; new crop 1907 and Sue quality. Atkin- son & Switzer. and Mrs. Hnnkvr, of the American Bible society: Rev. James and Mrs. Murray, (-f the Scottish Bible Suciety; Dr. de. Germain (-uusul: Dr. Asy; A. Hunvlwuwv. P‘lé’lll'll consul. and Mls. Hilljl'llL‘L'Ul't‘. Musmi M it uhe-H. Amni-icnn mme and Mrs. Mitchell. 11. H. Bristun, British enunsul; W. 'l‘hurlnw Lny. cmnmissiuner (if (-uslnnwz Mr. and Mrs. Hume, J. \V. and Mrs. Nirhulsnn. U. M. \Vatsnn, Mr. Omlin, \V. E. Summers. L. Ahrvudts, \V. L. Pul'kt‘l‘, J. \V. T. Jellie, Mr. Knufl’mzm, R. B. Sun-ling. J. B. Pillow, J. H. and Mus. Keller. J. S. Dudley. J. Shoridnu. MARRIED IN CHINA. nntice is Hmzlld of mghh-r hf mry mti, The the the Thm-e has recmtly been a revival :Lmnng tlw members of the Ancivuc Order of Fnrvsters nf this place. Swen members hnve been initiated in Cum-L Uninn. and us mimy more have hunde in their applicatinnm The cum-wt lwld in Vintul-in Hle uudz-r thvullepirwx uf thv Inca] 'cmu-h \Vvd- m’xdaly evening of lust. wka was snvcessful. 'l‘hnngh the n ght was way dark there was :1 fuir-sizvd Illldil'nl'i‘. and :m t‘llinvnlllt‘ nrugrnmme :Imlin-m-n. and :m t‘lljnyzlhlt‘ prugrnmme was pram-INN]. Juwas Fax gave a number of new svlw'tinns. and pI-uw‘d himsvlf the fM‘m‘ilo lw always was in Thm-nhill. Messrs. thpe-lls. \Vilsun and Kingdid well in flu-h- respective parts, and tho yunng Indies in thvir oulistluvnic (hill won well merited zlpplauso. Thv nlrunv friends of va. Father- McMnhnn regret. to learn from Lima, ('0 timv that he is very ill, and dove nnt regain stn-nglh. Are said often to be buried six feet. under ground. But, many times women call on their family physicians, suffering, as they imagine, one from dyspepsia, another from heart disease, another from liver or kid- ney disease, another from nervous pros- tration, another with pain here and there, and in this way they present alike to themselves and their easy-gain or over- busy doctor, separate diseases, or which he, assuming them to be such, prescribes his pills and potions. In reality. they are all only symptoms caused by some uterine disease. The p sician. Cause oi sufienng, until large bills are m cl patient. gets no bette a wrong treatment. but. probably wors . r m di in ‘ ' _ ’ E. O A 3' o by Ex's'pell'mg a” those axsfieE‘ ing'symp: toms, and lnstitutin v‘comfort. Instead of prolonged misery. t has been well said. mafia disease known $511M! egred." _. Dr. Picrce‘s Favorite Prescription is A scientific medicine, carefully devised by an ex erienced and skillful physician, and a a ted to woman‘s delicate s stem. It. is ma eof native American 111 icinal roots and is 99352ng harmless in its efiepts in (Tim; F rIpTiL Ks a oweriul lnvl crating tonic "Fa- vorite reseription" mparts strength to the whole system and to the or ans dls- tinctly feminine in particular. or overâ€" worked. "worn-out.” run-down,” debili- tated teachers, milllners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "Shep-girls,” house-keepers, nursing mothers. an feeble Women gen- erally, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription Is the greatest. earthly boon. being un- equaled as an appetizing cordial and re- storatlve tonic. DOGTORS MISTZIKES As a. soothing. and strengthening nerv- lne "Favorite 1rcscription"ls unc ualod and ls lnvalunble in alloying an sub- dulng nervous excitability, irritability. nervous exhaustion. nervous prostratlon, neuralgia, hysteria, Spusxns. St. Vitus’s dance, and other distressing. nervous symptoms commonly attendant. upon functional and organlc disease of the uterus. It induces refreshing $109 and relievg‘smenpal‘gnxlety and desPO ncy. .n n _ r _ . _ . N. J. Glass Deering Farm Im- plements Get my rates : prices before «. ing basiness where. Fire and Life In- - “1.); Fiérc§’§_?ié5§§ni Penets invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. One to three a. dose. Easy ho take as candy. I. evening of lust wka sful. 'I‘hnngh the n ght dark there was :1 fair [Single copiés, 3 cts. Agent for Lv rem'px'ga lfigdisease surance Thornhfll. d irgc MW 11101} conaflum AVD 1211M ESQ WOU‘

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