‘ and burned to death. i be until doctors were secuped from Chap- FIFTEEN PERSONS UBEMll-TED North Shore of Lake Superior Scene of Terrible 0. P. R. Disaster. 'A despatch from Chapleau. Ont. says: (Lhaplcau threw their homes open to the i injured and the other survivors, many of whom were lltlllunt crazed with grief. AN OYE R POW'l-IlthG TRAGEDY. One PO‘JI' fellow named Goulding cah- lcd to friends in England, saying that he had lost his wife, his two children Then he added. A terrible disaster by which the west- bound Iniperial Limited was wrecked and fifteen persons, chiefly English ini- migrants, were either killed or burned to death, took place twenty-two m‘les west of here at noon on Wednesday. The train was running at a little over twenty miles an hour and was round- mg a curve when hemath the baggage car a rail broke. The car left the rails, was torn away from the engine and mail car ahead, and plunged down the embankment to a small ice-covered lake. It was followed by two immigrant cars. The cars and a ï¬rst-class coach crasli- cd into each other at the bottom of the. bank. The immigrant cars were crowd- ed with people who were engaged in cooking dinner. The acetylene lights were also burning. From these two sources fire spread through the debris with incredible rapidity. The wounded, seeing the names approaching. cried out pitifully for help. Many of them were pinned down beneath the wreckage. HEROISM OF THE RESCUERS. With sprndid heroism the train crew and passengers set about the work (1 rescue. From the battered cars almost a hundred persons made their escape bt‘lOI‘e the workers were driven back ry the flames. The fate of some of the ini- prisoncd passengers was horrible. One of the three men among the victims was caught by the feet between two coaches Until the flames surrounded him men tried to move the wreckage, persisting even after their hands were burned and bleeding. “IT IS TOO LATE FOR ME." Another, a young man, was caught above the knees. The rescuers had alv most freed him when the top of the car gave way, its supports having been eat- en through by the ï¬re. The poor fellow cried out, "Save yourselves, it‘s too late for me,†and thrust his would-be rescu- ers away. 7 It is impossible to say how many of the victims were dead before the the reached them, but as six of them were children, some of very tender years, they were probably killed outright and saved the more terrible fate. ' As the injured emerged, battered and bloodâ€"covered, the porters pulled out n'iatresses from the cars that remained on the track. and the more seriously in- jured were laid in long rows along the line and cared for as best they could for him and for others in like case was done by the kind-hearted (Zhaplcau peo- plt, before the removal of the passengers to Fort William. J. J. Nevins of Ottawa, mail clerk on the wrecked train, when seen, said he was in his car and witnessed the part- ing of the train and the disaster that followed. It seemed a miracle to him that the train rrcw were 'n~-t killed. They were in the baggage car. which was crowded with trunks. After the fire had paittially burned itself out Mr. Niven walked over to the blazing ruins and saw indistinct masses among the red hot iron fittings that represented the bodies of the dead. Most of them would be completely incinerated. as it was im- possible to do anything till the heat had subsided. , TIlE CASUALTY LIST. Deadâ€"Mrs. R. B. Champion and child; Mrs. R. Davidson, and child; Winifred and Susie Horton, of Cliaring Heath, Kent. England; William Day, London, England; C. II. Goulding. his brother, brother‘s wife and two children, of Pale- slow, Essex, England; Mrs. August Djorklund and two children, of Wor- cester, Mass. Seriously lnjiired:â€"Charl-es Coleman, Portsmouth, "England, hands, face and head burned. Slightly Injuredzâ€"Lewis Gillett, Lon- don, England; Wm. Williamson, Bran- don, Manitoba; Joseph Gilison, Salis- bury; N. Oomiss, Fort. William; Alphonse Fcrladi, St. Marie Biance, Quebec; Ar- chibald Struthers, Cheltenham. Eng- land: S. Knight. Cambridge, England; Ernest Knight, Cambridge, England; Harry Williams, Manchester. England; John Tabeslall. Orkney Island; William Hamilton, Dumfries, Scotland; Joseph Townsend, Scotland: Arthur McCrea, Prince Edward Island: Patrick Harvey \‘x-‘hyton. Scotland; Peter Bueroff, Win- nipeg, Manitoba; Herbert Jacob, Athens. Ont.; A. Decharias, \V'oonsockct. R. 1.: Geo. Lacaloctre. Winnipeg; George Hickey. Athens. Ont.; Edward Collier. West Sliefford, Que; J. C. Savage. West. Shc-fford. Que; Frank Schmidt, Winni- peg; J. H. Starr, London, England; Rod- erick Davidson, Exshaw. Alberta; W. D. \\hite, Whiteside; James Clarke. Carle- ton. N. B.; Clarence Sproulc, New Glas- leau and other nearby points. It took some time to reach Chapleau, as the wires were interrupted and messages had to go round by Chicago and back to Chapleau from the east. The auxil- iary came up finally, cleared the line . and hauled back the six remaining cars gow. N. 8.: H. Saunderï¬g SChmehern and all the passengers. The people of On-L: R- Gamble» F0†wmmm' ~~â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"lâ€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"\â€"_ MARKET FOR ONIONS. FARMERS ~IN \‘VEST ARE ANXIOUS. England Will Take Canadian Produce Demand for [1pr is For Greater Than for Pickling. the Supply. A dcspatch from Ottawa says: A re- A dcspatch from Winnipifg .583'53 port received by the Department of Thursday witnessed another big inrush Trade and Commerce on Saturday from of settlers to the West. Seven hundred Mr. W. J. McKinnon. Canadian agent at came on the trains fromdttontreal. '1 he Bristol, says there is a great demand newcomers are all destined for pomts in the Mother Country for small onions suitable for pickling. This branch cf tiade has hitherto been neglected by Canadians. The onions should be ship- lposing to go to British Columbia, where ped unpeeled in bags holding 100' they will take up duties in the coast province; 375 Europeans who were also passengers on the Virginian, and 150 British who crossed the Atlantic on the Kensington. A large number are bent on going to Alberta, where many have already secured employment. Applica- tions for help still continue to be pour- ing in by hundreds to the immigration ofï¬cials, who are taxed to their utmost in providing suitable situations for the new comers. With the near, approach of spring great anxiety is being felt by the farmers, and the wages being offered show a substantial increase over the figures of a few weeks ago. Even as it is the number of available men is not pounds each. Importing firms would be prepared to take 100 to 500 bags on a single order. The present supplies used by the big establishments in England come from Egypt, Holland and Belgium, “It; h'll'lle supply being wholly insuffici- en . There is also a big demand in the Mother Country for small pickling glierkins. Sonic shipments have been sent 1mm Canada in the past. but they were too large in size. There is also an enquiry for Canadian-grown cauli- flowers. The British market at. present is supplied principally from Italy. but nearly so great as the quota of applica (the big pickle manufacturers would like “0115- p to hear from (Xanadu. and Mr. McKin- being felt in Manitoba. many of the men non offeis to put Canadian growers into preferring to cast their lot in Saskatch- toiieh with the inaniifhcturers if they OWEN. Alberta. and 13110511 C01umbia. will coumiunicato with him. * LORD CRO.\IER RESIGNS.‘ /- _â€"q4___. "as Spent Forty-nine Years in Govern- C. E. MASSON ACQUI'I‘TED. men, service. Some Doubt as to Who Struck the Blow‘ at Ilockey Match. A despatch 1mm Cornwall says: Charles E. Masson, who was charged with manslaughter in connection with the death of the late Owen Mct’fourt on March 6, at. a hockey match, was found not guilty on Thursday at the Spring Assizes, held by Mr. Justice hlagee, Although the witnesses swore positively that McCourt was struck and felled by Masson, there were as many more wit. nesses who claimed that a few minutes previously McCourt received a vicious blow from Chamberlain. The defence made a lot of this evidence, and the out- come was the acquittal of Masson. ____.y.__ The Toronto Board of Control fixed [the civic tax rate'at 18}; mills. King Victor Emmanuel of Italy aisiting King George of Greece. A despatch from London says: For- eign Secretary Grey announced in the House of Commons on Thursday Lord (ironier. the British Agent and ConsubGeneral in Egypt has resigned his post for reasons of ill-health, and Sir Eldon Gorst had been appointed to sue- ceed him. â€"â€".Â¥â€"â€"â€"â€" BOTH LEGS CUT OFF. Strathcona Citizen Run Over by Express and Killed. A despatch from Stratlicona says: E. J. McMillan, a well-known citizen. whose parents and family reside at Stratford, Ont., was run over by the midnight express in front of the C.P.R. station on Tuesday night. Both legs were cut off, and the unfortunate young man succumbed to his Injuries a few hours later. He formerly was a medical student in Toronto University. is and his blind brother. ' apparently not thinking of the ineon- ‘ gruity of it, that the blind brother’s dog was dying of burns. What could be done west of Winnipeg. many of them par; The dearth of help is particularly v that i LEADING__111“KET3THAW JURY DISAGREED Toronto, April 16.â€"Wheatâ€"~Ontario, No. 2 white winter. 71%6 to 72%c; No. red, 71%c to 72%0; No. 2 mixed, 71c to 71%c. Manitoba \\'hcatâ€"l\'o. 1 hard. 87c to 871/;c; N0. 1 northern, 86540, lake ports, 01%0 North Day; No. 2 northern, 85c, ports. Oats~No. 2 white. 300 to 30%c out- side; No. 2 mixed, 38c. Peasâ€"730 to 78%0. (‘A‘irn~.\'trong; No. 2 yellow American. 52%c to bite, Toronto and west; Ontario, 650 to 116C. RyiLGZlc to 63%c. Barleyâ€"Scarce; No. 2 nominal at 321/;c to 53%c outside; No. 3 extra, 520 to 52,14c; No. 3. Sir to Size. I’lOlll‘vâ€"Ollitll‘invftt) per cent. patents. S:l.70,asked, $2.67" bid; Manitoba, ï¬rst, patents, $1.50; seconds, $3.75; bakers', Q3110. Rran~$20 outside, buyers‘ sacks; nom- iiial. __ COUNTRY PRODUCE. Rutterâ€"Market continues firm. an insufï¬ciency of choice, grades. .. 27olo 230. with Creamery, prints .. .. do solids . . . . . . . . . . 25c, 1026C Dairy, prints . . . . . . . . . . 25c tu26c do tubs 2tcto22c tiliecse-Octobers are steady at Me for large and 1-10 for. twins. Eggsâ€"Prices are: 160 to 17c; splits. 1340 to 1/10. ‘ Chickens, live . . . . . . 10c tollc do dressed . . . . . . 120 to 13c I'It‘IlS, live . . . . . Re to 00 do dressed .. 10c to lie Honeyâ€"Pails. lie to 120 1b.; combs, $2.50 to $2.75 per doz. Beans*$1.50 to $1.55, for hand-picked and $1.35 to $1.40 for primics. Potatoesâ€"Ontario, 850 to 90C; eastern. 95c in car lots here. Balcd Hayâ€"No. 1 timothy is quoted at $11.50 to $13. and secondary grades $0.50 to $10.50. on track here. Strawâ€"$6.75 to $7.25. PROVISIONS. Dressed Hogsâ€"$9.35 for light and $8.75 for licavics, furnicrs' lots; $8.25 to $5.50 for car lots. Porkâ€"~Short cut. $23.50 to $24 per bar- ncl, mess, $21 to $21.50. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats â€"Long clear bacon, 110 to 11%0 fir tons and cases; hams, medium and light, 15%c to 16c; heavy. 14560 to 15c; backs. 16%0 to 17c; shoulders, 110 to 11%c: rolls, 11%c; out of pickle. 1c less than smoked. Lardâ€"Firm; tierccs, 12%0; tubs, 12%(2; pails, 12%c. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, April 16.â€"Buckwheatâ€"55e to 56}gc per bush. Cornâ€"American, N0. 2 No. 3 mix-ed, 65c. cit-store. Oatsâ€"On spot, No. 2 white. 52%c;No. 3 white. Inge to 420; No. 4-, 40%0 to tie per bushel, ex-store. Peasâ€"Boiling peas, $1 lets, $1.10 in jabbing lots. Flourâ€"Manitoba spring wheat, $4.25 to $1.60; strong bakers’, $4 to $4.10; winter wheat patents, $4.10 to $i.25; straight rollers, $3.60 to $3.70; do., in bags, $1.65 to $1.75; extras, $1.50 to 81.55. Millfeedâ€"Manitoba bran in bags, $20 to "2' shorts, to $22.50; Ontario bran in bags, $20 to $21; shorts, to $20.50; mill mouille, $21 to $25; straight grain. $28 to $29 per ton. Rolled Oatsâ€"Per bag. to $2.10 in car lots, $2.20 to $2.25 in jobbing lots. Hayâ€"No. 1, $13.50; No. 2. $12.50; \lo. 3 $11.50; clover mixed. $11; pure clover, $10.50 to $11 per ton in car lots. Cheeseâ€"For fodders 12%c to 12%0 is quoted. but receipts are very small. Eggsâ€"Price of new-laid remains un- changed at 170 to 18c per dozen. Butterâ€"280 to 200 is being quoted for the new make of crcamery butter. For winter make 24c and 250 is being asked. while 230 to 2’10 is quoted for lower grades. Provisionsâ€"Live hogs, selects, $7.45 to $7.50; mixed lots. $7.10 to $7.25; culls. Stags. $4.75 to $5; sows. $5.75 per 100 pounds; dressed hogs, abattoir dressed, ’310 to $10.25; country dressed. $8.50 to per 100 155.; smoked meats. hams. extra large. sizes 25 lbs. and upwards. 130; large sizes. 18 to 25 lbs, 13%c; yellow, 550; in carload ~~, medium sizes. selected weights. 12 to 18 lbs. ltc; extra small sizes, 8 to 12 l’os., 14%c: hams. boned, cut. rolled, large. 14%c: (10.. small. 15c; English ilionclvss breakfast bacon. 150: “Tinker ‘bacon. backs, 15c: compound lard. 8%(3 to 914m kettle lard. 130 to 13%0; pure lard, 11%0 to 12%6. BUFFALO MARKET. Buffalo. April 10. â€" Flour â€" Steady. Spring wheatâ€"Steady: No. 1 Northern, 80c; Winter, strong: No. 2 white. 70%c. Cornâ€"Strong; No. 2 yellow. 516; No. 3 white. 40c. Oatsâ€"Strong; No. 2 white, 117 to 471/,c; No. 2 mixed, 43%0. Barleyâ€" Firm; Western afar shipment quoted at 70 to 75c. Ryeâ€"Quiet; No..1 in store, 70c asked c.i.f. NE\V YORK \\'HEAT MARKET. New York. April libâ€"Spot firm; No, 2 red. 83%0 elevator: N0. 2 red, 81%c f. o b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 0t,ch opening of navigation f.0.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 86%c opening navi- gation (.o.b afloat. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, April 16.â€"The run at the City Cattle Market this morning amounted to 116 cars, which included 1.000 cattle: 1.166 sheep and lambs, 1.000 hogs and 41:3 calves. Trad-e was good for all kinds of cattle and there was no shortage of offerings. Export cattle sold well. Seven Stood for l‘lurder and Five for Acquittal A despatch from New York says: Af- tcr having struggled for nearly two days to reach a verdict thc Thaw jul‘y reported a disagreement late on Friday afternoon and was immediately dis- charged. The ï¬nal ballot stood seven for conviction of murder in the first dc- grce and five for vauitlal on the ground of insanity. Thaw was at once taken back to the Tombs. Application that he be released on bail will undoubltxlly be made very soon, but it is regarded as almost cor. lain that the application will be denied. Instrict Attorney Jerome announced im- mediately after the jury's discharge that Thaw would be tried again, though not for several months. The scene in the court when the jury announced its disagreement, though ac- companied by all the formality usual on such occasions, lost much of the drastic quality it would otherwise have pos- sessed for the reason that 'l'liuw and all the members of the family were aware that no agreement had been reached, counsel for each side having been told of this by Mr. Justice li‘itzgcrald before they entered the court-room. TIIA\V IIOPEFUI. TO THE LAST. The young Pittshiirgcr had earlier in the aflcmoon again bundled up the mass of letters and documents which he meant to take with him from his cell. He was even at the eleventh hour hopeful of ac- quittal. He thought that the appeal of Mr. Delmas, who pictured him as a Sir Galahad. rescuing forlorn damsels, would impress the jury so'grcatly that he would be liberated before-the setting of Friday's sun. When he was told by Mr. Peabody and Mr. O‘Rcilly of his counsel that the result would be a mistrial, he dropped his bundle of documents to the floor. The bitterness of his disappointment was beyond words. He faced months more of conï¬nement and llicn the strain of another trial. After some lwords of encouragement from his lawyers Thaw braced himself and followed his prison guard into the court-room. lle S..ppcd into his chair a! the head of the table reserved for the lawyers for the defence so quietly that few of those in court. noticed him. TIIE PRISON ER'S \VIHS. Evelyn Nesbit. Thaw slipped into the room from the door which leads to the JUstice's chambers. Instead of taking I101 accustomed seat she swung a chair beside that in which her husband sat. She knew the result; she had been told by the lawyers who made the ï¬ght. for her husband's life and liberty. As she sat close to him Thaw dropped his right hand toward her, caught. tier gloved hand, and held it fast. Sonic court attendant pressed a but- ton. and a flood of light relieved the cloudy April afternoon by the glare of many electric lights. (.Zlcrk Penny arose from his seat and called to Thaw to stand and face the jury. lie then turned to I’oreiiian Deming ll. Smith and called to him and his eleven associates to face the defendant. I THE SCENE IN COURT. Thaw stood up. In the glare of the. electric light his face showed plainly the pallor that comes from long imprison~ ment. The lines from the curve of his nostrils down to the chin seemed to have deepened as if the keenly sharp- ened plough of adversity had suddenly furrowcd them. A few moments befdre he had sat. with his pilifill little treasures i-i his lap all neatly parcellcd and ready carry them to the outer life, of which ho had been deprived for nearly a year. He had even ariang-cd for a tour abroad with his wife. As Thaw rose lié'thi‘ew back his heavy shoulders and put his chin in the air. He looked squarely at Foreman Smith and Mr. Smith looked‘ at Justice Fitz- gerald. The end of the case was brought quickly. Clerk Penny asked ii the jury had reached a verdict. Mr. Smith said simply that it had not. He then plumped himself into his chair and Thaw sank into his. I i’) linue firm at last week's advance, $5.t5 being paid today for the best. Butcher cattle wereooffered freely. Ordinary choice sold from $4.75 to $5, medium from $4.30 to $1.60; choice cows sold up lo.$I-.25, with ordinary quality ranging from $3 to $3.50. Trade in stockers and feeders contin- ues to improve. Prices for choice ranged up to $3.85. common stuff is not wanted. Mitch cows are steady, and prices show little change. Veal calves are slow and prices easy at ï¬le to 60 per pound. Sheep are 50c higher at $5.50 to $6 for ewes and $4.50 to $5 for bucks and culls; grain-fed ' lambs are a little ï¬rm-er at $7.50 to $8; spring lambs are steady at $11 to $7.50. The market for hogs continues easy. Selects are quoted at $6.65 fed and watered. __,x‘_â€"_ A MONSTER CRUISER. CHARGED “’ITII MURDER. Leopold Koeller Charged with Killing llis Housekeeper. A deSpatch from Strati'ord says: Leo- pcld Kocller, 106 Romeo Street, was on Friday night placed under arrest, icharged with the murder of his house- 'kecper, M‘s. arriet Dewing, who was burned to death in the house on Thurs- day, Koeller being alone with her in the house at the time. The coroner's jury examined Ix'oeller, who told the story of the accident. His story does !l'lOt hold together well, however. Al- ;lliough the woman's clothes caught on [fire and were burned off from her body, there was nothing in her room. where he claims the accident happened, to start the fire. Again, he says he grasp- ed the women while her clothes were. blazing fiercely and threw her to the floor, but yet he recgivcd no burns whatever himself. The carpet. upon which the woman was placed by Kocl- Invincible, One of Britain‘s Great .Trio, Inc in trying to extinguish the flames Successfully Launched. A despatch from Newcastle, England, says: The British armored cruiser Iii- vincible was launched on Saturday from the Elswick shipyard. She is one of the trio of largest cruisers in the. world, of which the first, the liidoniitable, was launched March 16. Under the Admir- alty order the greatest secrecy was ob« served. in order to prevent any details regarding the new warship leaking out. Iler dimensions are the same as these of the liidomitable, namely, she is 17,250 ions, is 530 feet long, exceeding the old armored cruisers by 50 feel, has turbine engines, and is expected to attain the high speed of 25 knots an hour. The armament of these three cruisers in< eludes eight 12-inch guns, almost equal- ing the main battery of the Dreadnought. -4. _- _. AFFLIC'I‘ED JAMAICA. ___,. Cattle Dying of Droughtâ€"More Ilcavy Shocks at Kingston. A despatch from Kingston, Jamaica, says: Sleepers were thrown oul of their beds by a shock" of earthquake early Tuesday morning, but the damage done to buildings was immaterial. A drought is killing the cattle on the island and is ruining the crops. The insurance cem- panies are trying to arrange a com- promise in the cases in which they are not protected by an earthquake clause in their policies. _â€"â€"*â€". REV. F. E. CORY DROWNED. Missionary Loses His Life Near Machml. Methodist 'showed only two marks of fireâ€"one ex- actly beneath where the body had lain and the other about 18 inches to the right side. The ceiling is about six feet three inches high in the centre of the room. and painted white. but it bears no marks of fire or smoke on its sur- face. The lantern iii the room con- tained only a very small quantity of oil. and appeared to be in perfectly safe condition. Two half-burned matches iwere found on the floor nearby. Koellcr 'was arrested and put in jail, the indict. meat being murder. 1 â€"â€"â€"â€".nâ€"â€"â€". A KILLED ON THE RAILWAY. Grinishaw Sliannonville. Mr. Marshall Struck Near A despatcli from Belleville says: Mar- shall Grinishaw, one of the oldest. and List-known residents of the country, was killed by mail train No. 6. leaving this city at noon on Friday. about half a mile west. of Shannonvillc. He was on the way home after visiting his idiiiighter. and was walkingr on the track. , ll-'- apparently did not hear the approach- 111;: train from the west. and stepped over on the south track and was struck on the back and instantly killed. being lthrown a cl’iiisiderable distance iiilo the ditch. Ilis liomeovas in Shunnonvillc. u .*â€"â€" .â€" BOER “'AR IIEROES‘ MONI‘MENT Earl Grey Will Be Present at l'nvcilinq in {\Ionlrcal. A despatch from Montreal says: The Governor-General will be present at the A dOSPatCtl from MilCLCOd. Albt‘l‘tfl. vunveiling on May 24, of the monument says: The man who was drowned here in Dominion square to the memory of on Saturday in Old Man River was Rev. the Canadian soldiers Frederick Elston Cory, a missionary of lives in the south African War, the Methodist Church. He left iiiuchod their Princi- pal Peterson. chairman of the Citizens' who lost for his mission field near Lethbridge, Committee that raised the funds for that having just finisth writing on his ex- erection of the monument, has been in-i animations. the old country. His r911}|i\'05 all I‘i‘Side in formed that the statue is on the way, Police and Citizens are from Paris to Havre, and as soon as 1 diligently working with grappling irons is shipped from Havi-e preparations will( in search of the body. -_.___.1._ _,_ b-i commenced for the unveiling. Ah. rangements will be made tic-have ov Russia is said to be massing troops department of the within representd Prices con-,cn the Persian frontier. the ceremony.