The members of the House of Commons, with one single exception. did themselves credit on Monday in a. discussion following a remark by 001. Sam Hughes calculated to be offensive to a large section of the community. In a debate on immi~ gration a member of the House expressed a hope that some of the clergy expelled from France would ï¬nd their way to Canada. Col. Hughes interjected the remark: “A curse to the country." The member for Victoria and Halibnrton received a, severe eastigation for the insulting- and uncalled-for observation, but he Today, April 18, M. Teefy Esq is receiving congratulations from many friends on this, the 85th anniversary of his birthday. Few men have better reasons for congratulation. Mr. Teefy is enjoying- good health at the age of four score years and live, his mind is as clear as that of a man in the prime of life, and no person can take a deeper interest in books, or newspapers, or aï¬â€˜airs in general than-does our esteemed and respected citizen. He is n6w in his 57th your as Postmasterâ€"the oldest Postmaster in the Dominion, having been appointed in the year 1850, and he is the oldest Justice of the Peace in the County of York, having received the appointment in 1853. He was Clerk and Treasurer of this village for over thirty-two years, and re- signed in 1905, when the village council “caned†him. THE LIBERAL is pleased to join in sincerest congratulations. By an arrangement between the Briaish and the Canadian Govern- mems the postage on British publi- cations entering Canada is reduced from 8 cean :1 lb. to 2 cents 3. lb. :I‘ne reduction should have a good effect in increasing the circulation of British magazines in Canada, and consequently the circulation of American publications will decrease The Liberals of North Toronto have acted wisely in selecting Mr. W. H. Shaw, Principal and Proprietor of the Central Business College, as their candidate at the next Dominion elections. Mr. Shaw has been for Several years a member of the Toronto Board of Education, and his po~ition as Principal of the College brings him in contact year after year with many of the brightest students from all parts of the Province. He has long been inden- tiï¬ed with work tending to the up lifting of his fellow-men. and should he be elected to Parliament he should make a very desirable represent ative. As nearly every person supposed, tbejury on the Thaw trial disagreed. IleVen standing for conviction, and ï¬ve for acquittal. The result will mean a new trial with a repetition in the newspapers of all the disgusting details of the miserable affair. For months past it has been the leading topic both in Canada and the United States. and from a moral standpoint the elfecr. cannot be good for the ris- ing generation. here. The Ontario (y‘uv'crlnntmt will grant a gratuity of $4,000 tu Helen St. John, wife uf the late speaker BL. John, and $1,000 to his daughter, Miss Winnie St. John. ’I‘he farmers In this section of coamry are having much dnlï¬culzy in securing help for the spring Wul'k. Many immigraan have arrived from the United Kingdom. but only an occasional one can be induced cu ICpr farm work, nearly all pre- ferring city life. RICHMOND HILL. Own. A-phl 10-. mo? 0'“: “ Preventics’ will prouiptiy check a. cold or the Grippe when taken early or at, the “sneeze stage." Preventics cure seabed colds as well. Preventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop. Racine. Wis. will gladly mail ynu samples and a hook on Colds free. if you will write him. The samples prove their merit. Check early Gold with Preventics and stop Pneumonia. Sold in Se and 250 boxes by W. A. Sanderson. The principal ofï¬cers of the now as« sociut'inn are Mr. George H. Beard- lnore. M. F. H., Prvsident; \‘V. J. Stark. Secretary: Stewart, Hnustun. Manage-r. Reduced rates, equivuh-nt tn u singlu. fare for the round trip, are nfl’ered on all railways. The Grand New Exlbition in Toronto on May I. 2, 3, and 4. The Shuw prumises to be greater and better than war. and the St. Lawrence Arena. the new building erevted by the City. is admirably suit- ed fur the purpose. There are no less than seventy-two classes dm‘ote'd to the harness. saddle. hunter horses. and ponies. and the sum of $7,000 is dis- tl'ihuu-d. We quote the following from The Banner, hearing on the subject: “ Many of the boys who are now at the High School will be pushing on for an extended career in some one of the higher schools or universities. or seeking positions in large cities where cricket is one ofthe paramount games, and there can be no better or surer introduction nor warmer wel- come to the best circles of social and business society than is awarded a good cricketer, and he is made to feel at home at once, whereas with- out it he would probably never be heard of, and this ought to be a part of every youth's education." If your old suit offends thee. cast it out. and let, Atkinson 8; Switzer sell you n new one. The ï¬rst Canadian National Horse Show will he held ir. Toronto. on May 1, 2. 3, and 4. This is the succa-swr uf [he fanmus Canadian Horse Show. which is now dixided into two palm. consisting uf the Spring Stalliun Ex- hibition in March. and theI Canadian National Hursv Show in May. As it was also the l3lh year of the Show. the unlur-ky number was avoided hy a new m-ganizatinn, rvpresentatixe 0f the whole province. as well as of the city uf Toronto. Now with cricket it is different. There is no reason why a man can- not play the game a whole season, pile up a score of any size, and yet be referred to as a gentleman by his opponents. The game calls for strenuous eï¬ort, yet it is not too severe, and this lS the best kind of physical training. It exercises the muscles, develops the lungs and the heart, and trains the eye and the mind to see accurately and to think quickiv. And, besides, the game has its atmosphere of good sportmanship that gives the players the best idea of honor and respect for an opponent. A meeting was held in Aurora recently for the purpose of organizing a cricket club in that town. The Banner refers to the movement as something to be commended, and expresses a hope that the old English game will be restored to the position it should properly hold. Such games as lacrosse and hockey are certainly exciting, but there has been so much slugging and hammering and tight- ing mixed up in what should be "sport" during the past few years that it is doubtful if those are entitled to the encou‘agement they formerly received. Base-ball, also, is a favorite game with many, but it cannot be denied that many of those known as star base-ball players are also known as “toughe.†This is to be regretted, but it is, nevertheless, true. ‘ eipl‘eSSion of any sueh View as had 1) -en made by the member for Victoria and Hnlihm'mn.†“so far as I have a right to spéak for clue party wlnch I lead" said Mr. Bn'den, “I desire to dissent as emphatically Impossible from the bud not the good manners to with draw the remark. Mr. R. L Bordun, the (“onservanivc leader Was quick to make it, clear that he did not co acur in the insolent expression. CANADIAN HORSE SHOW. ENCOURAG E CRICKET. WMHWJ- ++++is+r€~+Â¥++++w++++++++++ breeds. THE LIBERAL OFFICE P++H++++++i~ Get your Stallion Route Bills at Agents Wanted. $1.00 a year Send [0 cents fon Single Copy, CORRECT ENGLISH, Evanston, Ill. :Ibiun. Twrnty Daily Drills. Business English for the Business Mun. 0011:30qu “’urds: How u; \Vrite ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WH++H+++++++++M+++++++ Thvul. Studies in English Literature. 42-t-f Huw to use th‘nl. Pronunciations (Uvntury Dictiunul-y) Currect English in the Home. Correct English in tho Schnnl. \tht to say and \tht Not to Say. Cam-age in Letter-\Vriting and Punctu suil. Course in Grammar. How U) increase Olw‘s Vocabulary. The Art nf Unm-ersutinn. Shall and \Vill; Should and \Vm A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH. JOSEPHINE 1'11ch BAKER. Bditol. ++H++++++HM+WM+ LIVE RES‘I’UNHIBLIC AGENTS \VAN'I‘ED TO HANDLE STUCK IN COMPANIES \VE UNDEIHVHI’IIC. G. B. Laselle, Financial Agent (3) THIS OFFER IS ONLY GOOD FOR TW’O WEEKS LONGER. us this :Illnluwnt of U'l’HSlll'y stuck has UUUH lmlrly taken up. uncl which time shares will be aflvangg‘g l_n p: it (4) DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Rmnit nmv hy cr-rtiï¬od cheque or mom-y to tho l[l\d¢~r9igmzd dil‘f-pt." “Qiurrcrt ï¬ngliï¬hâ€" Eï¬uw to me it.†as 361;" ns negotiations are Culnpleu-d fm Lurdvr Lnkv, MlleU't'al Riw'l' and Jul)le '1‘: yuu 35m ugh mï¬aï¬ml Cupllal Stock $500,000 00 500000 shares Incorporated under 'he ()mano Par value, 351 each Mining Companies Incm‘pnmtinn Act Head Ofï¬ce of Company, 152-15.} Bay St, Toronto REMEMBERzâ€"= THBLASALLE BEVELUPMENT Boiimitefl A New \VilliunH Sn-wing Machine A [gm-d as new. Price- $15. Terms Lu pigs Firsbclass cuts for all T0 HORSEMEN (1) WE PAY DIVIDENDS MONTH! (2) \\’E \‘VILL BU Y BACK YOUR INTERESTING For Sale. Partial contents. MRS. CLARK Centre. Street FACTS Regarding (NO PERSONAL LIA BILI L‘Y) INSTRUCTIVE. a ml \Vuuld: HH- \‘V And further, take notice that nftnr the said last memiuncd dau- the executors will prncved to distxihutp the assets of the said estate, among the parties entitled, having rcga-‘d only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice. WILLIAM COOK T Dated April 1. 1907. In the manor of the estate of Anson F. Sloutrenhurgh, late of the Township of Markham, in the County of Ym-k. Farmer. Deceased. Take notice that pursuant to R. S. O. 1897 Chapter 129 and A mending Acts. all parties having claims against, the said Anson F. Stoutvnhurgh. who died on or about the 12th dayuf March last. are required on m- hefm-e the ï¬rst. day of May next. Ln smnd to \‘Villimn (hulk. Barrister, 33 Richmond St. \Vest. Tux-(mu), Snliciuu- fur the Executurs. a statement nf tht‘il' vlaims and the nature of Hm security if any, \Vest. Tommtn, Executurs. :\ Stilt? and the nature of held by them. Nnticr is hereby given pursuant to R.S.0. 1897, Chuptrr 129, Sectiun 38 and amending Acts. that all persons having any claims against the. estate of Adam Diet-man. late of the Town- ship uf Vaughan in the Cuunty of York. Farmer. dPCPdSPd. who died nn or about the 22nd day of February 1907. are require-d (u svnd. on or hefure the ï¬rst day of May tn \Villialu Henry Dice'man. Testnn pvst ofï¬ce. one of the executors of the said Adam Dice- mzm. a full statenwnt of their claims and the nature of the security, if any. held by them. And take notice that after the last mémiuned (late the executors will pmcvrd to distribute the llSSt‘tS of the said deceased amnng the parties entitlrd thereto. having regard onlv tn the claims of which they shall then have reveiwd notice. 33 Richmnnd St. West, Toronto Sulicntnr for EXPCUUII'S. Dated the 27th day of March 1907. Notice ta Creditors 33 Richmond St. w.. Tm-nntu. Solir‘itm- fur thP su id eetnte. Dated the 27th day of March, 1907. 39-4 And take further notice that. after the will last mentioned date. the said Eliznlwth M"Lv:m will plum-99d in dis- tribute the :ISSPXS of IhH Silill det-wLM-d anmng the purtiw entitled therein. having regard only to the claims of which she shall then nme received notice. R. S. U. 1897. Chapter 129. Soctiun 38 and Amending Acts, that all pursuns hming rlaims :Iguinst tln- estutv 0f Jnnws MI-Lt-an. late nf HN' annship nf Vaughan. FHl-nu-r. dermsvd, whn die-d on m- about. lhr‘ 171]) day nf Jun- unry 1907. m1: required tn .wnd on or before May lst‘ nvxl, tn ICISZnIu-Ih Mc- Lean. widow of th said James Mc- Lean, Richmond Hill. a fin“ statement of lhn-irt-Inimsund lhs- nnun'u (If [he set: :ity. if any, held Iw Lhem. Notice to Creditors 40-21†Notice to Creditors 0n llw prmnisus. (Innenrd, :1 well- hrvd Durham hull. also n. wlen-vd Yurknhire \Vhite Hug. 4041 A I-vgiste months uld. Arm: Tun-INN}! SHARES Nl‘ltif‘o ‘ ~he|ehy given pursuant to SVILLXAM (300K AMY ()l \VILLIAM COOK, Tm VOW!) hmud der. Hither to the: Company or For Service JOHN DEVINE. Lnt 42. can. MAURICE EVANS. For Sale. For Sale GEO. RICA M AN. [ered lersey hull culf‘ :34. - win by luv-g it’ll propel-Lu Richmond Hill Row, and six young THE PREUE PAlD if Toronto. C(mcmd F ll] Vaughan. innron 8N )lnllt the fr Slump cents. For Catm'l'h. lot, just to prm‘e merit, Dr. Shnnp‘s Catarl' snnw whitv, crmmg balm that gives CuturI-h of the mm +¢++++++++++++++++++-{‘+++++ a. .g. :{i' NOW is a GOOD TIME 4- '? to entt-r the wellâ€"known 1 If you would have strong Hearts. strong d!- gestion, strengthen these nan'as-- r>estab11all them as needed. with .,. flmg’s Heart Strength. or Heart Weakness. means Nem Strpnmh. or Nerve Weaknessâ€"nothing more. P03. itivvly. not one weak heart in a hundred is, in ltâ€" eelf. actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that rally is all at fault. This obscure nerveâ€"the Cardiac. or Heart Nerve -simply needs. and must have. more Dower. more stability, more controlling. more governing ltrength. Without that the Heart must continue to fail. and the stomach and kidneys also In" these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why. as a. medicine. Dr. Bhoop's Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ainng Hearts. Dr. Shoop ï¬rst sought the cause of all this painful. palpitating. suflocab- Ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorativeâ€"this popular prescriptionâ€"is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It buï¬ds: It strengthens; it offers real. genuine heart, help. SPRING AND SUMMER am TRADE MARKQ DESIGNS ' COPYRIGHTS &c. Anynnn sending a shank and doscrl tlon may quickly nsunrmin our (\annn free w mthor an Invvnlion m pmhnhly putentnhlo. (‘nmmunlcn- Mons strictly confldentlnl. Unndhnnk on l‘ntcnt; cc 3. frvc. ()lgost nzcncy for lam-urnâ€: pnlcmn. moms mien (hroflzh Nunn IE Co. recon; megial notlca. without. elm-g0 in mg A handsomely illustrator! weekly Immest Mr. mllmkm of any nniennul: journal. Terms. 33 a year; fnnr mom“ a 81. Sold [pyl|l[pewsdp;|lern} MUNN & {#13 Canada's High Grade Commercial and Shorthand School. Our grad- uates are always successful. Their superior training enables tlwm to get and hold excellent positions. The pupils who graduate from our school are in thr Highest and best sense trained for business life. No vacations. Commence now. U.|cnlcgl|e fl'm'. (M1611 natm Best qualizy. M\ bluLk 0t \‘Vonktus for , ELLIOTT Scientiï¬c Emerim. CORNER YONGK $299 A Month W. A. SANDERSON anr is now complete cumprising (not. Yonqe n. Tailor, Richmond Hill THE BRITISH CANADIAN TORONTO. ONT. will FlllLI Mela Short? hv Mm] in 'lses and (u rune, 11w \“ supply M lussuuta rim 1. let, me 59nd you free merit a Trial Size Box of 7ateu-I'h Remedy. [c is a reumy. healing n ntiscptiu gives instant relief tn a nose and thrunt. Make J. ELLIOTT, Principal. i361 Breadway, an \V is (1 Alexander Sta.) Biuc \‘\. what] U h ‘l “tt‘US. +++++++++++ 1E 82 BLOOR TORONTO SundL H'rlll . (“h Low prices Address Dr. 111:}: jars 5U “this, I'SUH ‘fnrk he