\Vv expect a. car-load of " Ruthlmn Star" Pnrtlund Gnu-mt in u f.-\v days. Ruthhun Star is ucknnwlrdged Ln he the lwst, cvmvnt manufaclun-d in Canada. and parties desiring this commodity will lwsl consult. thir own interests by leaving urdel's with H. A. Nicholls ur Mr. Runner ut the U. N. O. stutinn at unce, Just to hand at Atkinsun & S\\’ltZl-'I“S. men’s ï¬ne tlvgliguv shirts, all sizes, cuff attached 70 cts. much. lulu-r quality shin-Ls, svpulnl? cuffs 95 cls.; men‘s 4 plv linen mllm-s. stand up turned, the very lute-st, 2 collars for 23 cls.: very spet-ial Value in men‘s leather belts at 30, 50 and (i0 cts.. you should examine these goods. Mr. “'ellmnn was in [he chain at the Epwurlh League Monday menâ€" ing. Mrs. Ann‘s. “Wight wad a paper on blue The l’ruper Study of tlu- Bible. Mrs. Swine-rand Mrs. Musun sang a duet. and Mrs. Sloan read an acmunl uf a trip from Town“) tn the Paciï¬c cmlsl. “ The memury of quality lingers lung after thu plim‘ is f(-rgust,en.“. Th9 ubc-Vo truthful quutuliun stands at the head of a circn ur issuvd Ivy Mr. H. C. Built-y, uf llw Push Ofï¬cv Stun-9, Maple. The proprietor hrlieH-s in keeping the prices as low as possible, but quality must he kept well to the Hunt. FIRE AT NEWTON BROOK Ahuut 6.30 \Vi-dnvsduy nun-hing ï¬ro hi-nke out in the slaw and (lwvlling house owned and occupied by “fan-en \Vilson. and [mini-e the progress of the flames was stuyvd the building as well as the frame cuttnge on tho uppnsim mum comm-of the sti-vet. mvnvd by Hobart Mchgue, Turmmn, and “(‘CllplPd by John SU‘VPIISOII. wen) hiu-ned to the ground. The fire- was discoveied by Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Grand while waiting for an early car. They iunm-dintt-ly misrd the alarm and amused the family. who with some difï¬culty lum-Iy escaped with their lives. Mrs. \Vilsnn and unmenf [he childrnn had [n he- taken dmvn from an upper window. The hiss to Mr. \Vilwn will ho “hum. $6.000, without a dollar of iux‘urunvr. 'l‘ho McCaguc property was partially lanlt'd. The r‘xw'utjve of the \Vr-st Yurk (‘nuservuliu- AsszwiuLiun will met-L in \Vesluu nu Scull-day tn :u‘I-nugv :1 (lutv for the Ilnlding of n umvenlinn for lhv m'lwtiun uf :l candian fur [he lugislature. Thv meing is (‘illlt‘d for 3 n'chwk. thups ynu are not aware that, Thuums" Phosphate Powder is the \ cry lu-uc thing yuu mm put un your lawns or "50 in yuur gm-dvn. Huwm-er with is lhvcase. Fm-nld meadows it can- nm, be- exm-lled. Try sum» and IIP cun- \'inced. For 5.1% by H. A. Vichnlls. car. They alarm and wit h some with their Rev. D. Nut-mun. missionnrv in Japan. who has hevn home on fur- lough fur lhv past few months. will give nn,illust,I-ab9d tulk. accumpanied by a. large number uf l'rllltl'l'l] slide-s, lie-fon- lho Epwni-th ngne, nu the evening uf \Vvdnesday, the ï¬rst of May. An admission fee of 10 cents will he charged to cm‘m- expenses. A must, intci-rsting evening is looked forward to. Rheumatic sufferers can have a free sample of Dr. Shunp‘s Rheumatic Remedywith hunk (In Rheumatism by simply writing Dr. Slump, Racine, “'is. This hook will explain how Dr. Shoup‘s Rheumatic Remedy success- fully drives Rheumatism out (if the blunt]. This remedy is not. a relief unly. It aims to clear the lnluud eu- tirelv nf Rheumatic puisnns. and then Rheumatism must die a. natural death. Sold by \V. A. Sandei-snn. Mr. \Vyc. Bum†'1‘“, Tuesday fur lthm-lh-wvst. and will spvnd (hr summer on the Pugsluy farm, near [ndmn Head. Rvnuiv‘s garden sm'ds 2 paw-rs fur 5m: L. L. May‘s galdvn svvds‘ 3 Pnpw's fur 5u.: Rvnnk's‘ Jumlxv sugar mange] 30rd, 25-; 1h. package; fin-.9 Dutch Sen unions. Atuiusmn mud Switzcr. “"0 will sylup i115 syrup in 2 hwlevr. Mr. C. W. Many, Public Suhnul Impvclor fur the Nnrlh Yul-k Inspecl- “raw. buid :In ufliviul visit to the Public Schuul hw't' last Friday. The “'umun’s Institute nf Victoria Squam- WI†mm-L nn \Vvduwsduy, April 3H1]. :1L2.3() p.m.. :Lt llu- hnlmx of Mrs. A. E. Jr-lmings. Sulljt-vt: I’nllllly Raising. Lulu-n by Mrs. E. A. Su-ne. Ne-xt‘ Mnuday evening. the Epwm-lh League will In) under Llw hvnd hf 1!)» Mi hilllh‘ll y department. The ludivs nf lhl‘. \V. M. S. will give a. specially inm-vsling m-vuing. (mud music will lu- px-m‘ided. All are “'Q’II'IIHIP. Rev. J. J. Rvddltt. ’l‘m-nnhn, Visited his nmthm'. Mrs. Robert Rmiditt. last; Friday. Mr. Chsu-Ivs MvKuy of Ottawa, spvnt Fritlav and Saturday will! Mr. P. G. Huvugv. Mr. \V. T. Storey. '1': x-nntn. spL-nl: nn'r Snuqu With his mmhex- and Sistvl‘. Mrs. J. Mn :I Hmplv (If Mr. and Mrs _,r r 1â€... o... g I) 0 Mr. J. H. .‘4. Murgnn. i 0 R in lhn' Standard ’mnk U1 ‘ f 9 pas! l'uur ymuw'. has Iw Rxcuuuxn Hun; ONT IJ()(jA]‘S. Mulmhy, Orillin. is spending of works “nth her parents. lrs. 'I‘vufy. sol] fur :l few day~x gx’nldnn H). [in puils at 2.3 cts: gnldt-n Hy. [ins at, 10c. Atkinan & W'right [rendâ€"a paper 1' Study of the Bible. M m. Milan†sang a April 18, 1907 MIC. F. Ellintt. of Unix-vhvwn mum up an (hr L). N. 0. uh Mundny and visit- ed friends wtuming home on \V’edues- In the April MCCLURE'S there is a study of the commerce of dissipation: in American cities. Chicago is the city under study. It was chosen simply because it isa typical American city. and one known by millions of people. The paralyzing of govein- meut. the. ruin and despair. that the sale of dissipation has brought upon the city’s civilization is startlingly delineated hy George Kihbe Turner’s article. The ()ity of Chicago. It. is the story of the husiness organization of vice and of the tremendous forces which are working to destroy our social organiZation in cities. The great, bare. menacing facts of the, operation of this business organization are shown with candor and conserva- tism exactly as they exist. The facts in themselves Constitute one of the most. startling arraignments of Ameri- can life ever brought to public notice. The Mvdival Building in (:unnecl will) Mvh‘ill I'nivm'sity. Mnntl was dvstx-uyu-d by lin- mu-ly Tqu morning. The migiu nf the: ï¬re mystery. Tlu- loss will hv m‘m $5 000. This i~x Lln- socmul disastrous at [he CHEW-rsin within (“0 week Funel-al on Monday M 2 p. m. to Maple leuelory. MCDONALD~AL the rosidonce (If her SiatPl'~ilI-hl“'. Mus. B. McDonald. on Tuesday. Apxi} 16, Miss Janet. McDan- LOOSEMOREâ€"At 95 Churle st, T0- mntu, (In 1211) April. the wife of H. H. Lmnsemore, (If a son. day. FM). 20, at, the British cnnsnlnte, Chung King, China. by Bishop Spell- meyer, of Cincinnati. Ohio, Claude \V. Freenmn. B.A.. M.D.. of Burlington, Ont. tn Florence Lillian. youngest daughter of the late Thomas Mm-lsun, (.f Uakridges, Out, and granddaughter of the late Colonel Allz'u uf \Vond- bridge, Ont. add. in lwx- 89th yt-au. Fuuvml frmn the rmqu-nve this (Thursday)nfterlmon n1 1 o‘clock. to Muuut Flt-“sum conu-tory. The News~No Pure Drug Cuugh Gui-e Luws wuuld he needed, if all )uugh Cures Were like Dr. Slump’s Cough Cure lSâ€"éilld has been for 20 yams. The Nulinnnl Luw now requires that if any puisnns entei into n cuugh mixluie. it must he plinth nn the lnlwl 01' package. Fur this l‘lilSlln numbers. and “(hex-S. shnuld insist, on having Dr. Slump‘s Uivugh Cure. N0 pillSUI‘I-lllzll‘ksnl] DI'. Shimp’s labelsâ€" and mine in the medicine, else it Innst by law he «in the lulll‘l. And it‘s not (mly safe. but it is said in he by those that. knmv it host. a liuly remarkable cough remedy. Take le (-hnnee. pal-Lin- ulai‘ly with ymn' children. Insist on having Dr. Shnnp‘s (Juugh Cure. Uumpare carefully (he Dr. Shunp package wiLh others and see. Nu puisnn marks there! Yun can always he on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shmip’s Cough Cure. Simply refuse to aceeptany other. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. GLASSâ€"0n Monday. April 15th, tn Mr. and Mrs. R. \V. Glass, Couks- town. a. daughter. CRADDOCKâ€"On April 12. 1907. at her Into residence, Maple. Elizabeth, be- Inved wife uf Juhn Umdduck, aged 66 yvm-s. I‘I'CQ'IHI)’ plllchilSr’d fmm \ll'. ()xmhy, Mr. Nicholls is remndvlling a house- on Ynnge sn-oehind anuthm- nn Chm-uh ereet, and Mr. Manir will build on Richmond street. Cunsidemlflv build ing will Man he 11mm around the new 7. N. 0 station. including the grain elevntm IT FITS US EXACTLY. Had the Following paragraph relat- ing Ln he huilding of houses as a safe inn-stmrnL. which appuared in a live papwr in a live Ontario tmvn last wevk. hH-n intrndrd fur Rirhmnml Hill it, cullld nut have hes-n truer in every particular. The local walls as follmvs: “Tllt‘dk'lllulld fur hunws in town is grl-atvvr this yv.u- than iL ever has been. There is scarcely a (lay hut; there is Sullu' pen-sun turning in and inquiring for a house. It is a pity that Some of nur mmwyrd men (In not build a number of hl-use-s. Dwellings that wmild rum. fur right nr u‘n dullars pPl' nit-nth \wvuld liml ready tonants. 'l'hmo is nut a vacant house uf any A numlwr nf pt’llplt‘ are making :u-i-smgvuwms tn rumuwmm the erection uf buildings lm-e as 5mm as thc WPuthl‘ will permit. Mr. Crosby [)urpuSe-s (In-cling a Imusc on tht‘SHUlll \Wat, Ezm-nm- nf his farm on Yonge slleel. Mr. Sh-rling will hnild nn theâ€" Int. ’J'hmo is not a kind in the tuwn Mr. J. H. N. Morgan. who has been in tho Standard Hunk hvru for thv past, four ymrs. has hven prnmhted to a position in [he hunk in (hv thn of Lindsay. Mr. Mman lms wle earn- vtl his pi-mumixm. He Lhuruughly un- tlvt‘stnnds his \vnrk. he is always (:l-lll’lt’ulls with his. pnlrnns. and lu- isdesm-vedly pnpnlnr amt. only in the bunk but as n tibim-n in the ln-st sc-nsu nf lhv- term. Hin many friends and llli'mmintnncvs may IPSL assured that. ho is Wurthy Hf all the good things which in [he future "my be in store for him. FREEMANâ€"\MORTSON‘OD \Vodnes- THE SALE OF DISSIPATION. BUILDING \YILL BE BRISK. MARRIAGES. eWs Notes Gormley DEATHS. BIRTHS. xilding in (:unnectinn nivei’sity. Mnntreul. y ï¬n- mil-1y 'l‘uvsdny iigiu nf the: ï¬re is $3 will hv M'm $500, socmid dis stmus ï¬re I have been nppninted hy the Dov mininn Gnvm-nuwnt tn place humi- grants flnm the United Kingdnm in pusitiuns as fen-m laborers or do- mestic servants in this vicinity. Any pvmnu requiring such help should untifv me by letter stating fully the kind nf help required. when wanted. and wages Offered. The number ar- riving may nut lw sufï¬cient. tn supply all requests but. ever effurt will he made to provide much applicant, with help required. Having a complete X-ray and static electricity appzu-utus, I am ahle to locate fm-eign bodies in the body. and examine fractures of humps. Also to treat NERVOUS DISEASES. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, Moxwm GROWTHS, such as Cancers. etc. Being a. graduate of Moorfleld‘s Eye Haspital. England, I am prepared to Pxnluille the interior of the ayes for disease, and test for glasses. If a patient shnlxldl'oql,ii1'e glasses I mder them) for him. Nose and throat work a specialty. Ofï¬ce mmveuient tn the Mt-trupuli- tun and U. N. 0. Railway stations. Farm Laborers and Domestics TUESDAY. April 30â€"Auctiun sale of lmusu-hold furniture. PEP", (m the px'mnisos. 2nd can. Vaughan, (1 milo west of Rivhnmnd), Hill the pruputy of Juuws \Vigluore. Also the brick house uud two uchs (If land. No resorve. Terms mall. Sale M, l n’clnck. Suigeun & McEwen, Auctimv eel-s. SATURDAY. April mâ€"Allctinn nuk- nf Huusehnld flu-nimri’ PUL, ubSLeole‘s )m-nvrs. vaum Brook. Ynnge street. “1? property uf Charles Bull. Terms six months. Sale at, 1 o'clock. J. H. Prentice. Auctinnt‘vr. h: We have a large range to choose from. Quality of the very best and a ï¬t unequaled anywhere. Prices from $750 to $20 Full line ofgents furnish- ings, boots and shoes. \Ve also make Suits to order and OverCOats. In Siver's old stand during July and August vuahlvs students tn hegiu u cum-39 at any timenndï¬nishwitlnmtinra-x-ruptinn. \Vrito fur catalnguv. British Ameri- can Business College. Toronto, the oldest and host. umdian Gnvernmunt Empluymont Agent. Richmond Hill, 0m. 34-:f For Spring Suits and Overcoats For Th in, PoorBlood aux-byte. Ay A no mam; qeris But even thla grand Md medicine cannot do m but work I! the liver 1: Inactive and the bowell constipued. For the but poluihle ro- unus. ynu should take Imulve (lanes 0! Ayu'l Pm: while ukmg the Barsapullla. You can trust a medicine tested 60 years! Sixty years of experience, think of that! Experience with Ayer‘s Sar- saparilla; the original Sarsa- parilla; the Sarsaparilla the doctors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. RICH MOND H I LL, ONTARIO DR. S. J. BOYD We have no tool-ah! We publllh (he formulnl of all our medicines. OUR SUMME R TERM Arm. Savage Auction Sales. 3.0.A nr 00.. Lowe m HID mgr-clan" of“1 T. M. WATSON. Principal MCM AHON. Richmond Hill I'lAlR VIGOR. AGUE CURE. CHERRY PEflTORAL. magazine part. Send your subscriptiuns at once. The offer applies t “'9 are prepared to send THE LIBER‘ for one year for $1.25. No better Weekly in Ontario than The Special Combination Offer for April +++++++++++M++é +++++++++++ +H+NW*MW -:-++4++++++++-:-+++++++++++e++++++++++- +++++++++++++M ++++++++++++++++ 5'44â€!- ("l-+4â€!-+H++++M+++HHM+WWW+++++Â¥ Both For $1.25 Apl i1 18, 1907 If you are preparing to build, we are prepared to serve you with the latest Our prices are to your interest. Get them before buying. We also stock Washers, VVringers, VVheelbarrows, Wire (annealed, steel, or copper), Paints, Oils, Varnishes. More than the actual cost of manu- iacture. Such bargains were never offered Here Below But He At ATKINSON & SWITZER’S Richmond Hill Hardware Store But Little Can Get All He Wants \Ve guarantee you a mechanical job on Eavetroughing, Rooï¬ng, and General Tin- smithing. . Builders’ Hardware C. SOULES The prices now named by Atkinson & Switzer, who might charge much more for such goods And can easily procure the very nicest Summer Underwear for At practically the very lowest prices and this is only one of the bargains Always gives his customers the z (1‘ vantage of close purchases. For ready cash in hand he 3nd THE LIBERAL and THE WEEKLY GLOBE +++++++H++ ++~Â¥+++H+++++++++M . McMahon Publisher THE LIBERAL RICH .‘JOND H Ginbe. including the illustrated hold or new aubscriben