Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Apr 1907, p. 6

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E that the HouseE VEGETARIAN SOUPS. Mock Oyster Soup.â€"-Scrape 1011 SQOd sized roots of oyster plants or salsity, and throw them at once into cold water. Then cut. them into small pifces, covri'y with one quart of writir, and Cook grill-E IV for one hour. or until perfectly ten- der. Add a quart of milk, one and one- hfltt teaspoons of salt, a saltspoonful (f popper. a teaspoonful of celery stilt. 1'1 pinch of mate, and two taililesllt‘mllt‘Its of butter cut into bits. Brinf.r ‘0 ”to boiling point, turn into a heated tureen, and serve with oyslri- crackers. Cream of Sweet Potato Soupâ€"This southern delicacy is made by peeling four sweet potatoes, covering with Loil< ing water, and Cooking five minutes. after which they should be drained and the water thrown away. Then cover them with one pint of boiling water, ad- ding a slice of onion, a stalk of chopped celery, a bay leaf, and a pinch of thyme. (lover and cook until potatoes are ten- der, then press them through a colan- der. Add one quart of milk and turn into the double boiler; rub together two, tablespooufuls of butter and flour; add‘ to the soup and cook until smooth; sea- son witli a tcaspoonful of salt and a dash of cayenne, and strain through a fine sieve. Reheat and stir in two table- spoonfuls of thick cream. Serve with tiny squares of toast. . Mushroom and Asparagus Bisque.â€" Take one full can of asparagus, cut. off the extreme tips and put them aside; cut. the remaining parts ofdhc shoots into small pieces about an inch long: cover these with a quart of cold water. adding a teaspoonful of salt; simmert gently thirty minutes and then press through a colander. Add a pint. of milk and a tablespoonful of butter and thick- en with one tables-poonful of cornstarch moistened with a little cold water, us- ing a‘ double boiler for the second pre- paration. Season with a teaspoonful of salt and a quarter of a teaspoonfiil of white pepper, and after it boils strain through a fine sieve; return to the dou- ble boiler and add the asparagus tips and a teacupful of small button musli- rooms; stir until thoroughly reheated andserve hot. Creole Vegetable Soupâ€"Wash and cut into thin slices half a dozen good sized okras; place them iii a saucepan with a pint. of stewed tomatoes and one thinly sliced onion. Cover the whole with two quarts of cold water and slin- mer for two hours; add two teaspoon- !uls of salt, a saltspoon of pepper, and tow tablespoonfuls of butter; when the' butter is dissolved, stir in a tablespoon- ful of chopped green sweet pickle. I t l ‘leltltlf‘tt with impuritlrs. the liver slug. t perhaps lâ€"tliey make pure. rich. red blood. and WIWI‘ i' a fine pink. Put it into a glass bowl Isorb all the moisture, leaving the tea- and place in the ri‘ntre a pile of sliced ther dry and Soft. almond sponge cake or lady cake, every A ventilating.r srrcen for persons slice spread thickly with raspberry jam who cannot. strep \vith {hp “inflows open at. night on account of dampness may be made by fastening a piece of thin angora flannel to an ordinary win- or marmalade and laid evenly one on another. Ilave ready the other pint if cream, flavored with the juice of two lemons, and beaten to a stiff frotti. (30W screen frame. Place this in the ‘Ilcap it all over the pile of cake so as v\vit:dow at night. when the sash is entirely Jo cover it. kitii creams must raised. In the morning the inside of the si’ie‘n will be found dry white the outâ€" side, is quite damp. the air having filler- cil through thc Iliinncl. Soft chi-esc- cloth wrapped loosely talriul a long: handled broom. passed (.vi-r the wallpaper once or twice a lnr’inth. absorbs the dust. 'I'liii:k crusts o' :‘lale Iii-cad rubbtd downward will ,ri'movt- Soil. 't‘i extract grease- paper mix powdered water to the consistency of err-am, syicad it on the spots. and allow it. to ii‘main overnight. when it easily may in- rrm'ivid with a knife or brush. be made sweet. . Indian Tapioca Puddingâ€"flue quart of milk. save, out one ruptiil. scald the remainder. >III' in the taliliwitoiiis Iiiâ€" (Iii'ln meal. IIa‘m- i":tii_v twat iztlitispovins (.i soaked «a and add to the mix» turc tw..-thirds cup iirr'iTassrs mixed with one well beaten mg. a piiii-h of salt and a small pim- .it Illltttl‘. Add last of all the «up I f i-tilil milk and bake three hours in a stvw ovin. tat stains from wattâ€" ._,x‘â€",_ A SPRING TONIC. Dr. “'iliiams' Pink Pills Make Rich, .\ simple way of shrinking heavy - - 'ltith is to hand it. on the clothrstiuc .. H » . I Blood. ( _ H , _ R‘d Iltalthgnuu with the fold on the line and sprinkle (told winter months, enforcing ctr-r lit with ”to garden hose. This method is not. gout for light or loosely woven (loth. as the wright of the water will make it sag and lose IIs‘ shape, bill it llx‘ a safe amt rapid treatment for Scotch I\\(’itt\'. soil nc‘. or heavy broadclotlis. l‘ongce curtains are used effectively i‘with oak lwikshelvcs. If the curtains ‘arc shirreil on two rods, one at the top :ttlltI the other at the bottom, the pro- itrrlEOn to the books is quite as elliei- tent as if glass doors are used. The curtains should run ca:ily, however. 'as otherwise access to the looks is diffi- cult. Place, a thtmble on the rod and mois- ten the hem slightly to make the rod slip in a curtain more easily. Mather goods never should be kcotin a. place that is extremely dry, as the heat. will cause the leather to crack, nor in damp places that will make it mol- dy. To frcshori traveling bags and book C-‘IVC‘I’S which have become shabby or spotted. rub them with the well beaten white of an egg. BRITONS All THEIR BEER Confinement in over-healed. badly ven- tilated rtonisâ€"in the home. in the sh ip and in the school~sap the vitality of cvrn the strongest. The blood becomes gisli, the kidneys weakened, sleep is not restful~you awake just as tired as when you went to bed; you are low spirited. have headache and blotrliy SIv‘IIlâ€"ittlllt. is ”)0 condition of thousands of people marry spring. It t‘OItll‘E to all Unless the lit-rod is enriched by a good tonicvby Dr. Williams’ Pink P'lls. These pills not. only banish this feeling. but they guard against. the more Sf‘l‘l» ans ailnzcnts that. usually followâ€"rheu- matism, nervous debility. anaemia, in- digestion and kidney trouble. Ilr. \V‘iltiams‘ Pink Pills are an ideal spring medicine. Every dose makes new. rich, red blood. Every drop of new blood helps to strengthen the overworked nerves; overcomes weakness and drives the germs of disease from the body. A thorough treatment gives you vim and energy to resist the torrid heat. of the coming summer. Mrs. Jas. McDonald, Sugar Camp, Ont., says: “I was badly run down. felt very weak and had no appetite. I could scarcely drag myself about. and' felt that. my condition was growing worse. I decided to try Dr. Williams” Pink Pills and before I had used a dozen boxes I was as strong as ever. My appetite returned and I am now able to do my housework without feeling worn-out. I think Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills the best tonic. there is.” It. is a mistake to take purgativcs In .14 NOTICEABLE DECLINE IN THEIR DRINKING HABITS. Still Retain a Pretty Iligh Average of Spring. Nature calls for a medicine to Consumption â€" Revenue build up the wasted forceâ€"purgatives . . . From Li uors’. only weaken. It is a medicine to act q on the blood, not. one to act on the bowels, which is necessary. Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills are a blood medicine Britain‘s thirstâ€"for intoxicants~is steadily decreasing, It was a bit in- tense during the war period, and some million gallons of spirituous liquors were consumed to drink to old Butler‘s health or confusion to De Wet. but the general trend has been a noticeable de- slrenglhcn cvcry organ of the body: See that the full name. “Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People.” is printed on the pipe clay with’ Serve with triangles of toasted bread. wrarnei' around each box. All other Puree of Lima Beansâ€"Cook one can .sc-callcd pink pills are fraudulent init- at lima beans in a pint of salted water,tt01t0m- 301d 11V medicine (10310“ '1' adding a tablespoonful of grated onion. t by mail at 50 CCYltS 11 DOX‘OI‘ 51X IJOXFS a bay leaf. :1. blade of mace. and tlirceitm‘ $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Ille- clinc United Kingdom since 1899. in the drinking habits of the THE BEER. whole cloves. When reduced to a pulp5 press through a fine sieve. Return to the fire and stir in two coffee cupfuls of milk. and season with a half tea- smonfut of salt and a dash of cayenne. Thicken with one tablespoonful of but- ter and one of flour rubbed to a paste, letting it just reach the boiling point, k: cook the flour. Serve at. once with tiny crescents of fried bread. PUDDINGS. Rhubarb Puddingâ€"Wash and peel some rhubarb, cut it into one inch lengths, set it. on the- stove, add sugar to taste, and let it. simmer until cooked; press it through a sieve. and leave it to cool; boil one pint of milk, with a bit/of lemon peel, a bay leaf, and sugar to taste; stir into this, after removing from fire, four lightly beaten eggs; then set it all over the fire until it thickens; when cold stir this custard into the cooked rhubarb, adding more sugar if not sweet enough, and a little grated nutmeg. Make the custard quite thick, as the rhubarb is so watery. Put pud- ding into dessert dishes and heap each dish with chopped cream. Serve ice cold. St. James Puddingâ€"Add one-third cupful melted butter to one cupful each of milk and molasses; mix and sift‘tliree cupfuls of flour, three teaspoonfuls bak- ing powder, one-half teaspoonful each of' salt, cloves, and allspiee, and nutmeg; add to the first mixture with three-quar- ter pound of dates cut into pieces. Steam two and one-half hours. Serve with cream sauce. Beat. white of one egg until stiff, add the well beaten yolk; beat. in gradually one cupful of pow- dered sugar; beat one’lialt pint of thick cream, diluted with one-third eupful milk until thick; flavor with one-halfz tt-aspoanful vanilla and add gradually to the egg mixture. Floating Islandâ€"Take a quart of rich cream and divide it in half. Swreten one pint of it with loaf sugar. and stir into It. suflieient currant jelly to Color s.¢66e It 'may be made almost antiseptically clean ammonia. aside for a quarter of am hour. Squeeze | water. ”We flowers separate-1y. | on the principle of a pillow case. mak- ' ing them tight. to avoid wrinkling. Have 11 ed it. is slipped off and replaced at. once \VltII the Second one. lures emu; slowly to when dish easily may be cleaned. with oats. sescsaaeéa At least, so says a Board of Trade return. Britons are now drinking only about a quarter of a gallon of wine per head of the populationâ€"quite a remark- able falling off. Their beer-emisuniing dicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. _..._. .x. SENSIBLE SUGGESTIONS. . , capacity has been a varyinrr one. In Stair rods are cleaned easily when P . _ ‘~ ~ . 189] there was consumed 30.2 rallons tarnished. Wash them in soap and {3‘ per head of the community. From this high point it fell yearly until in 1:59rl- it was 29.5 gallons. From 1894 it rose steadily until it. reached 32.6 gallons in 1899, since which year it has again steadily declined, until in 1905 it amount- ed to not more than 27.7 gallons. THE PLACE. Low as the figure sounds, it is stifli- cieut to enable Bi-itisliers to retaiiitliird place amongst the bcei'oi'uiliei-s of the world. The Belgians, with their con- sumption of 48.8 gallons per head per annum, are far and away ahead cf the British, while the Germans, with their average 23.3 gallons per head, fol- water and then polish with a cloth and a drop of oil: and dust ’over with finely powdered rotten stone. ‘Coffce as a DsmIeeIanLâ€"Illfany ex- periments with coffee have proved it to be an excellent disinfectant. The best method of using,7 it for the purpose is to dry the raw teen in the oven, pound ii in a mortar, and then roast the pow- der on a moderately heated iron plate, until it assumes a dark brown lint, when it is fit for use. Then sprinkle it in dishes, or lay it on a plate in the room which you wish to have purified. If soot has fallen on the carpet or rug, quickly cover it with dry still- be- I ore sweeping and not a mark will be low Great‘Brilain in the table. The left. ‘ Bavarian drinks his 51% gallons per Sponges will not bear boiling. They annum, and coiisedumtty that State holds the breer-driiiking record. TIII’. SPIRITS. As spirit-drinkers Britons are the fortu- nate occupants of quite a lowly place in the list, Denmark, Austria. Ilungary, Licrn‘iany, Holland, Sweden, France, the United states and Belgium each, in the iorder named, exceeding appreciably the tninrâ€"tenths of a gallon of spirits that is annually consumed per head of the population of the l'nited Kingdom. TIII‘Z RIi\EXUE. The total amount of revenue derived from alcoholic beverages in the United States during the period 1901 to 1905 averaged over 3240000000 annually. compared with £3ti.000.0tl0 so raised in the United Kingdom and £3-l.000.0titi in Russia. France comes next with .£IT.- 000.000 per annum. then Germany with .-Lt:i.5t)l‘t.0flll and Austria-Iluiigary with $212,750.00“. No fewer than 28 per cent. of the to- tal national revenue of the ['nited King- dom and of the United States is raiscd b;' taxes on drink. by being placed in boiling water, to which has been added a Iaittle strong Cover the vessel and set the sppnge \ig» rously and rinse in cold Flowers dipped in the melted wax of candle ends will keep fresh for at least a week. Small flowers, like pansies. may be dipped in bunches, roses and .\Iake \Ilp covers for the ironing board two for each board, using.r them alterâ€" ately. and when one needs to be wash» To clean granite ware. where mix- liave burned on them, half till the vessel with cold water, add a gen- pinch of waxliing'soda, heat boiling point. then empty. \Wmn wet shoes are removed fill them The oats. it is said, will abâ€" - soot +h§ INDL'S'I‘RII'IS OF INDIA. cease “7313 India. the land of mystery, is rapidly. “15:. The effect of malana lasts a long tuner 3 coming to the front in various fields of i .' Q! _ industry. Britain's Indian Empire pos-. T 5 You catch cold easily or become run- Q smug no fewer tililttLli fifteen coaliicltls.5 ‘ t\‘.’h§I-} iron is- wtirte on an extensivc “‘ _\ down because 0f the after effect” Of malaria" é tseale in three districts. two of which t . .. «. Strengthen yourself with SCOft’J‘ 6 tare si‘tuated'iii flip inimedite vicinity of E I , ltalenda. l\oi ate oil fields wanting; mu J10”; iii-ventcen morelor this important cen‘ . ‘J’CS are cngager in its Illt vistry in the ¢ It builds new blood and tones up your nervous é ”am-tines of u. llgt‘ll ‘dlliI Amati. while system. ltritiaeco cultivation is. another valuable ¢ (3 tassel to .-\\'>'dlll as \\'['It as to Madras. ALL DRUGGISTS: ¢ 6' @ééééfiéééééééfifiééééééééfii 5°C. AND $I.OO. @t ‘“ t ilk :lls‘llt all some people can do to $9 ‘ikiiip from being done. tSI-t's?" A A. RAMSAY No mattter what you are going to paintâ€"the house, porch, blinds, fence, interior woodwork, barnâ€"you will find the right in RAMSAY’S PAINTS. Ask your dealer for Ramsay’s Paintsâ€"or write us for Post Card Series how some houses are painted. Pointer in Paint paint to do the painting right. “ C," showing a SON 60., Paint Makers, MONTREAL. Establ'uhcd 1812. \sac M‘t BANKING Send for Booklet, Moncy to Loan; â€"___-A-._ , ATTA CKIZD BY OSTIHCIIES ly 0[ the Big Birds Give Pursuit to a Cyclist. While cycling to the Nicveld Moun- tains, South Africa, the other day I had rather an exciting and what might. have proved a dangerous experience, writes J. \\‘. New, in the Beaufort. \\‘est'I‘iiiies. l was attacked by about twenty ostrielr es. Fortunately I was well mounted and managed to outdistancc them, with the exception of one, a very fine specimen cf a male bird. who after giving (‘IIH>L‘ for over two miles caught up to me and gave a vicious kick at the machine. T“ en and sent me sprawling among rocks and bushes. Not. being satisfied with the Work and damage already done, be amused himself by jumping and sitting on me, and kept me prisoner for over an hour and a half. At last I managed to break a bush and struck the bird sev- eral times. and by brandishing it before him suceeded in eventually frightening it away. ___>p___ BABY‘S FRIEND. “Before I got Baby‘s Own Tablets my baby was troubled with colic and voiii- itmg and cried night and day. and I was almost worn out. But after giving him the Tablets for a few days the trou- ble disappeared and you would not know it was the same child, be is {so healthy and good~nalured now." This is the gratefultesfimonialof Mrs. George Howell, Sandy Beach, One, and it tells other mothers who are wornâ€"out caring for cross sickly children, how they can bring health to the little one and ease to themselves. Baby’s Own Tablets promptly cure the minor ailments of little ones, and there are no cross, sick- ly children in the homes where the Tab- lets are used. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine ($0., Brockville, Ont. ___.x.___ \YANTED ECONOMY. “Maiia,” said Mr. 'tlones, upon one of his worrying days, “it seems to me you might be more economical. Now, there's my old clothes; why can‘t you cut them down for the children?" “Because they are worn out when you are done with them," answered Mrs. Jones. “It‘s no use making over things for the children that won't hold to- gether. smart as you are." “Well, I wouldn‘t. have cupboardsfull of things mildewing for want of wear, ifI was a woman, that's all." grumbled Jones. “A penny saved is a penny earned." That was in March. One warm day Ein June .'\tr. Jones went peering about the cuplmards looking for something he couldn‘t find, and turning things gitâ€"1p) erally inside out. “Maria. where’s my light dustâ€"coat?" he bellowed. “Cut it down for Johnny." . “Aliem! Well, where‘s the brown onrt I bought last summer?" i “t'2l0tlics~bag.'" mumhltd .\Irs. .lozies.f who seemed to have a difficulty in her; SDI‘CCII at that moment. “.lust made it into a nice one.” 5 “\\‘lirre are my shepherd‘s-phiid trou-; screamed Mr. Jones. “tint them down for Willie." “Heavens!" groaned her I'tll\I't'lIltI.t Tticn. in a voice of thunder. “\\'lierc‘ have my blue and white braces git to?" “Made a beautiful ft‘mtlvall belt for IIar-' r3." said .\Irs. .Ionrs. . “Maria." asked the ask/rushed man; in a subdued voice. ”would you mind telling me what you have done with my silk hat? fer the baby. have you?" I “Oh. no. iii.\' dear. ’ answered his wife. (t.- Safe and Profitable Forwarding your savings by mail to the Union Trust is just as safe as if you deposited the money personally. Acquire the saving habit. 4% ALLOWED 0H DEPOSITS Interest compounded quarterly. Balances always subject to cheque. THE UNION TRUST 00., Limited 174-176 Bay St” Toronto. ___.__ _" m__m'_â€"~_ . "' which broke four spokes and the huh. I ’I You have not. cut that drwn 1(tlrv8.‘ 5- ta' titty BY MAIL i “Banking by Mall." Safety Deposit Vaults to Hunt. basket. It is full of nice plants, and‘ looks lovely.” “Great Scott” Mr. Jones never mentions economy suggests cutting things downâ€"he has lzad enough of itâ€"quite cured, in fact. ____.x.__. BY INTENTION. When a Scotehinan has no argument at. his tongues end to defend his own “III. of conduct which another may have criticized. it may safely be inferred that 'Iiis ancestry has a strain from some other nation. A man who has an estate in Scotland took his new plownian to task for the wavering furrows which were the result of his work. “Your drills are not. nearly so straight as those Angus made,” he said, severely. “He would not have left such a glebe as this.” “Angus didna ken his work," said Taimnas. calmly. contemplating his em- ployer with an indulgent gaze. “Ye see, when the drills is crookit the sun gets in on all sides, an’ 'tis then ye get early ’taties." -4.“ DEI’TII OF GREAT LAKES. Lake Superior's greatest. dc th is 1,003 feet. Michigan‘s 864, IIuron's 570, Erie’s 2M. and Ontario 738 feet. The bottom of Superior is 401 feet below sea level, of Michigan 233, of Ontario 491 feet. The bottom of Huron is 11 feet above- sea level, that of Erie 369 feet. Ontario, the smallest of the great lakes. is rela tively the deepest . If these bodies of water could be drained the basin of On. tario would present striking contours as compared willi the basins of the much larger lakes. __..,1.____ THE ENDLESS CHAIN The doctor-man has got me cinched, For when I'm feeling ill I go to him. He cures me up And then sends in his bill. But. when I see what it, nas cost I get so sick again I have to have his servicesâ€" Behold, the endless chaigl CANADlle/ENTOR’S EXPERIENCE INTERESTING INCIDENT BY A FAMOUS PATENTEE. \Ir. \Vm. Wilson. of Craigie \'illa, London 'Ont.). the inventor of the “itâ€" sun Fruit. Case. now adopted by the (lanadiau tIth'l'llIIICIII. tells an interest- ing expeiieiice ,yvhich shows the heat- rug and antiseptic value of Zam-Buk, the herbal balm. He says: “I httdtwo poisoned wounds on my leg, which w: re very >UI'0 and inflamed. They caused me ntltt‘tl pain and suffering, and al- though I tried several salves they re- fiiscd to heal. Zaiii-Buk was recom- mendel and I applied sonic. It acted splciid'dly and in a very short time healed ttzv wounds. “At atzritlcr time I sustained a nasty cut. Zaiii~liuk took away the soreness almmt instantly and win elosi‘d and IttilIt‘iI IIII‘ wound. I have also u<ed Elam-link for other injuries. and I time no hesitation in expressing my high opinion «it lt~ value. It without. doubt. a splindid limirehold balm!" Zuni-link blood poismi. cats,. is L‘III t“ bru~ s". vilvl wounds. running sores. ul- cwrs. limit. spring {‘I'IIptI'lIIC, St‘fltp «rt-s. l""/.t‘.‘lli'J. itch. barber's rash, :lll'll~. scalda and all skin injtnies and All druggists and stores sell igr-nts a box. or from Zam-Iluk I‘m-onto. for price. Remember, it cheerfully; “I‘ve used it for a hanging Is purity herbal.

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