Richmond Hill A. M. 6.50, 7.50. 9.50, 10.50, 11.50. P. M. 12.50. 1.50, 3.50. 4.50. 5.50, 6.50. 7.50. 9.50. Bond Luke Junvtinn A. M. 7.05. A.â€" M. 5.45, 6.45. 745+, 8.45. 9.45. 10.45. 11.45. P. M. 12.45, 1.45, 2.45. 3.45, 4.45, 645+. 6.45, 8.45. V'Néï¬'luui’kel Station A. M.. 6.00 8.00, 9.00, 10.00. 11.00, 12.00. 1: 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00. "‘J‘iuï¬-n'liin Ax'M. 6.35. 7.35. 8.35, 10.35, 11.35. P. M. 1235.135, 2.35 4.35. 5.35, 6.35, 9.35. Bond Luke Junvtinn A. M. 7.05. 8.05. 9.05. 10.05. 11.05. P. M. 12.05,, 3.05. 4.05. 5.05. 6.05. 7.05, 8.05. 10.05. Aux-0m A. M. 7.20. 8.20. 9.20. 10.20, 11.20. P. M. 12.20. 1.20. 2.20, 3.20. 4.20, 5.20. 6.20, 7.20, 8.20. 10.20. Newmarket (Huron SL.). Arrive. A.M. 7.40. 8.40. 9.40. 10.40. 11.40. 1’. M. 12.40. 1.40. 2.40, 3.40. 4.40, 5.40. 0.10, 7.40, 8.40, 10.40. GOING SOUTH. Aux-0m A. M. 6.15, 7.15, 8.15. 10.15. 11.15. P. M. 12.15, 1.15, 2.15 4.15, 5.15. 6.15. 7.15. 9.15. Bond Lake Junction A. M. 6.30. 7.30. 8.30, 9.30. 10.30. 11.30. P. M. 12.30. 1.30, 2.30, 3.30. 4.30. 5.30. 6.30. Richmond Hill A. M. 6.45. 7.45. 8.45. 9.45. 10.45, 11.45. P. M. 12. 5. 1.45, 2.45. 3.45. 4.45. 5.45. 6.45. 7.45. 9.45. Thm-nhill A. M. 6.55. 7.55. 8.’5. 9.55. 10.55. 11.55. P. M. 12.55.1551, 2.55, 3.55, 4.55, 5.55. 0.55. 7.55. 9.55. C. P. R. Ux-m-sing. Arrive. A. M. 7.4-0. 8.40. 9.40. 10.40. 11.40. P. M. 12.40 1.40. 2.40. 3.40. 4.40. 5.40, 6.40. 7.40. Camp Elam. B O S â€"Meo¢l second and {aunt Wndnuday I 1‘ of Temperanceâ€"Meets nut Wednesday 0! Mb mouth flu Brigadeâ€"Mean am Monday of every bomb Public Library and Reading Room-Open Tummy. and Saturday evanings. Epvgorth Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Monday Junior Epworth League meets every Mon~ day afternoon at 4. Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3 p. m. In. and and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at 11 a. In Presbyterian Church~80rvices at 11 a. m., and w. . Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting edneadny evening. Boman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- mto Sundays ans 3.. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Services “10.30 a. m.. and 7 p. :3. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer looting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M ~Meets Mon- day on or before full moon CourtRichmond. A 0 F â€"â€"Keets second and BM]; Fglduy A -. "v .., ,LA AL:..) m-A....~A..-v Hours for issuing Money Orders: ..600 N. B.â€"â€"Regiatered letters must be baudod in n least Fifteen \{iuutes earlier than the above mentioned hours (or closing. VVvdnmduy and Saturday evenings a. lnlv cur leaves 0. P. R. ()rnssing fm- Newnmx-ket and intexuwdiute points all: 11.30 p. m. . _ . A . 1 ml‘il'lJl-yr \Vvdnesduy nnd Saturday night M luLv cur will l(‘il\’(‘ vamarkvt Station for ‘l‘nrnuto and intermediate points at, 10.45 p. m. fUuunect with Schomherg & Aurora Railway. EXTRA SERVHE ON ALL HOLIDASS. W. H. MOORE. Manager 'Ivy LBdgeTA 0 U orgaoh gpnth_ A 11.30. 12.00. . M. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00, 5.00. (100+, 70‘. 9.00. 'l‘hornhill A; M. 6.35. 7.3.3. 8:315j Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Until further notice Mail: will be closed at the Richmond Hill Pout Oll'lco as follows :â€" MORNING 835 EVENIN G . Change in Time Table Newmm-ket (Hump “8%).†Lgï¬iyg, C. P. R. ()i-nssing(Tornutn). Lpnve. »A. M. 6.00; 7.00. 8.001‘. 9.00. 10.00. POST OFFICE NOTICE 2.40. 10.40. Beginning July 30th. [906 GOING NORTH OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. l‘ustmaster Village Directory. MONEY ORDERS Wâ€"dfloeti thiri Wednesday 8 â€"Meo¢u second and {aunt l5. 9.15, L 15.3.15, 7.00, M. 4.00, New pam cash, and the 1 you use and price as paper. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Large stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, and Ready-mixed Paints, from the best makers. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill Poultry Netting, oiled and an- nealed; also Galvanized Wire,: Garden Tools of all kinds; Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes; every- thing in season at reasonable prices. Eavetroughing and Tinsmithing all kinds attended to. A lot of remnants on hand which will be sold less than half price. Full stock of Furniture at less than Toronto prices. We buy for Cash and sell for Cash, and the purchaser gets the beneï¬t. Jacob yer & Son. patterns, new designs, for 1907. Bought in the best factories for the purchaser will have the beneï¬t of the price. Pay for what and return the balance. Bordering to match paper at the same AP‘O \Ve have snlid ('mnfmt in the way of m BLANK ETS AND ROBES NIARNESS FOR MAN 08 BEAS Let Me SeEi You a Chatham Meaghan? . Savage and in fact evvrything in the line of HARNESS. BLANKETS, ROBEs. MITTB. COATS. GAUNTLETS. and many other articles necessary for ynur harness room, and your comfort whendriving. and all other house furnishings are of the best quality. style. materinland ï¬nish. We sr-ll reliable goods at n-asonululo prices. OUR ARNESS Toronto ........ Purrv Sound Have just received a car cement. TORONTO, MOSKOKA ANDPARRY SOUND \Vill be at the yards, Thorn- hrl] Station, G. T. l{., every \Nednesday and Saturday to wait on those who wish to draw their own coal. Parry Sound Toronto The pmprivtnr of Pleasant, View Herd Holstvin Cattle and Breeder (If Impmved Chvslel' White Hugs. Lot 29. lst Cum, Vaughan (Thumhill) has for sale snuw gtgugl young stuck. Thm-onghlnI-d blill Add hog k9 service on the preluisivsn W. H EW I 80 H HOUSE PA UV TER, Glazier, Grainer and Pap: :- Hanger. ORDER EARLY. SUPPLY LIMITED. Spencer Seedless Apple Co_ of Having purchased the above business from H Winger & Son I am prepared to give every satisfaction to my patrons. I have on hand a good supply of Hard and Soft Coal which will be deliv- ered at lowest market prive. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO RY. Calls from aj,gjstance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Washaeo Toronto. BUMme mm; mm { .....Loa.v65 20 p.111. Washngo... †. Arrives 001). 7.1. Inmrumziou. c . ., «ity kaut Olhce, cor. ng and Tummo Sm, Main 5179. and all Agents. Toronto. 'TflE éIBEEJZLo' $1.00 IN ADVAROE. PLEASANT VIEW SZE-IO].:<L".EI LINE Deposits may be made or wilhd This form of account is specially suital an attend to Ihe banking whcn in to! by the survivor without delay or cost. THE SIANDARD BANK Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. WINTER SERVICE PARRY SOUND PASSENGER Thornhiil l). (). l3A E. M. Byrne, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT MAPLE. MARKHAM AND STOUFFVXLLE Spence? Seedless Apple \VASHAGO LOCAL RICHMOND HILL BRANCH BTHBUUND SOUTKHOUND Nonrasocx: SUOTEBUUND BETWEEN D. G. GOODERHA M Head Office JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS HAI 3 made or withdrawn by (ï¬ber of the two mcmbcxs of: household. isspccially suimblc for thos: living in the country, as either membcr xking whcn in town. In cast of dcath. the money may be withdrawn mr delav or cost. Write or call for further panicukus. ‘ ' 8i- Vi(:t(u'in. St 6:35 2)“ Arrive 10.00 a.‘ .Lenve 8.30 6. Arrive 3.10 p‘ Leave 9.30 3 Arrive 4.10 p. P1 ‘0 Dl‘i1 QO 1 ESTABLISHED 1.73 OF CANADA FARM qlmrle les Threshers’ Coal on hand. such [11' m Deputy Minister nf tlw Inu-riur. N. liâ€"Unuulhnl'iZI-d publication Of this advertisement, “ill nut he paid fur. 3L6“: 37-tf Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. such pr'rsnu reading Will) [he miner or mutht-r. (3) If the sotilm- has his pm'mnnt‘nt residence upvn fanning land owned by him in the \icinity of his homestead. the requirements as to residence may he sabisfled by residence upvn the said land. _ Six months‘ notice in writing should he‘ givvn tn the Cmnmissiuner of Du- uiinion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patvnt. Tux-011w. Canada CANADIAN NORTH-WEST NY even numbered section of 1 Dmniniun Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, nnL reserved. may he humeâ€" sLeaded by any persun who is the sole head of a family, 01' any male, nvex' 1% years of age, to the extent of one. quarter Section nf 160 acres, more (11' Entry must lie nmde personally at the Inca] land nfï¬ce fur the district in whieh the land is situate. The limm-stender is required to per- lm-m the mmtlitiuns courier-ted there- with nndet one, of the folluwing plans: (1) At least six months’ lesidem-e upt-n and eultimtion of the land in each year for three years. (2) If the father (er mother, if the father is (let-eased) of the hmnestender resides upon a farm in the vicinity of A seven rmnned cuttage, brick \‘elwe‘l' in good repair with \vnodslu-(l attached and twu urn-es of land nu sw'nnd con. 0f Vaughan within mu- mile of the corporation of Rirhmnml Hill-(1nd Hose to "haul. Apply in Feb. 7, 1907 WESW - BURT. Saturday, June 8, The Next Sitting of Divxsinn Court rm No. 3, County of York, will be held' in the Court Room. Michael Bros.. Richmond Hill HOM ESTEA D REG ULATIONS Set-dlvss \Vinh-I Beautiful red I )‘ulluw. Size and flnvt [mm'e juiov Exce-llent keeper. 'l‘levsâ€"lxardy and thrifty grmwr. Abundant lllï¬â€™ll‘t'l'. Petullvss blossoms, frost, and I'Mll pnwf. Suitable for all apple gmwing sec Llnlls of Canada. H. A. NIUHOLLS Real Estate- A: RICHMOND HILL Cnmnwncinq at 10 a. m. A G ENTS \VANTEI) Toronto, leined Toronto SYNOPSIS OF T. F. MCMAHON CLERK \\'. \V. CORY. ._ON_ WOOD tute Agent Richmond Hill P. U c0101 milur u be r Il'ivt 3‘ dolu nldwin min