Calls by telephone from Richmond Hillcharged to me. LISERAL PRINTING 8 PUBUSHING HOUSE BICHHONDHILL,ONT. Liounseu Aucsioneur le‘r mc County of Yo I; G-sz sold on consignment. (hum-5.1 Hales moo oto promptly umndeém at» L‘easonnbh rnnel ILasiduuao UuiL-uvilie J '1‘ Suigaun. MLp'e License-1 {actioneerstorthe Countyof York suosnssndedboonshurteatnmiuund 0. rev. nunnble rates Patronage solicited nulls by day and night, promptly tended to. G (L Gaul-hug. Newton Breakagem [or the thOVO Licunse Anotioneet for theCounty of Yor ponï¬lully aalxcms your p‘m'ouuga and trim influence sales intruded ou the sLortea', no and It geasonm‘berntaa. P. 0.3.ddmss King ‘Vill um‘upy his D1‘l‘dt‘C(‘s‘<Hl"N uï¬â€™lz-v and is prowu'vd In xlu gl-nwul plw‘ticH and aim In lm-ut. l'Y‘fv mt, nose and thumb «liwumw. “'ill he BHURSDAY MORNING VOL. XXIX. J. H. SANDEBSON VETERINARY S HGE P RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL & THORNHJIL A large stock of aneml Furnishings kept M. hath p}: aces. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, 1'. F. MGMAHON, Full line of Funeral Furnishings al ways in stuck. 051cc Ham'sâ€"8.3"] a. m. tn ])l"- :33. «I. ‘VOOdS DEIJTIST, Francis Block, THORNI‘ULL, Ont. linden-takers & Embnlmvrs. Office hours: Tuesdays â€"S p. m. $1 per annum, in advance.] ‘6 Tm-matu Ofï¬ce. 450 CHURCH. ST. Cul‘. G. ultnn 21nd Ynuge Sis , â€-lnluntu ill he 5.. Richmond Hill on “'61 nusdny 0f each work. Ofï¬ce. next dum- north of Stand- ard Bunk. 12 DR. S. J. BOYD. M. B. VETERINARY SURGEON, Ripaus Tnbules cure dizziness. BUSINESS CARDS. M 11.0. ‘:.L R. K‘. I‘. Eng. (51 (:1 [12:5011'3‘0 DR. DEAN) Undol-tukexs and Emlmhnens WRIGHT BROS, Educ (Eibml Knight 4 [S PU BLISHED EVERY 5031 anond Hi! ill H. W. ANDERSON, ‘1)entizost. Euro: .3: 9309313103 .I. II. P: cnliro. I‘lloruhill. D. G. BLGITGH. wtterium-y :0“ c‘.’ NEcEWou. bales: at d a}: ‘(Iit‘ifl ‘ï¬t 5.9 ' wr1e M aple AT THE ï¬entnl. aty of Y0: re~ :0 and friendly “Lox-test notice Ix McEweu \VosLou 1u.; NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK UHNTON. K. (7. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. MULOCK BOULTBEF A G S l.lndeey.K C H G F luwreuce W Hidout Wadsworth )Iouev to loan oulaud andchuttol mortgages“ lowest rates Aururnnfliceâ€"Removed to the old post omea one door west 0! the anti-nae. to the Outann Bank Nuwumrket omce~Three doors south of the p mzorï¬ce T Hï¬BBEB'l‘L'lCNNKIX G 81V MORGAN LENNOX & MORG Barristers,3011citors. Notaries, 84c. Hmm- Life Building (furnwrly Fr: hold Lnnn Bldg-5.), Cur. Adelaide & Victoria Sis†Toronto. ooxumsxoxznxs ran HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, 52c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFIl‘E . BARRIBTER, Somcrron, NOTARY. ETC. ,Tm-nntn Ofï¬ce. 33 Richmond St. VVu-sf, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. Standard BJnk Building. every Saturday after mm". ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E 14(3â€"ITV RIIIJLS Muplo, Thulwsd 1v after norm. Money to 1mm at Fi\c Pet Cvnt (1' “4) DI. TEEFY: †NOTARY PUBLIC Riohmcno. Hill AG ENC Y R( Instwction in Piano-playing and Theory Pupil of A. S. Vngt, Mus. Doc. (Piano), and J. H. Anger. F. R. C. 0. (Theory). \Vedlwsduys and Suturduys. Room 11 Carlton Chnmlwrs. cur. Carlton and Yunge St-s., Toronto. wgfl JAS. N EVVTON I 1):th T0 LOAN 1min. . Danton. ï¬ï¬ï¬h &‘B6u1£bee J. EDWAHE’ FRANCIS NOTAH‘~ L-z'BHC CUM MISS! ()NER, CONVEYANCER. 1513' rivute and TI'IHL Funds to loan at lowest current rates. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, \V. Corner King & Ynnge Su-Z-ets TORONTO. H. A. NICHOLL‘S Barrister, Solicitor. Etc J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist Toronto 0m REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL Cnmmissiunm. Cnnveynncer. MC Insurance, and Bull Estatu Issuer (vf Mmriage Lice-USPS. hmond Hill Oï¬'icv. snuth-vnst (-4 Hi Luruo Bldg.. every Tlml‘sd afternoon. ouu Main 311 Lindsey. Lawrence w adsworth. Barristers and Solicitors. NOTARY PUBLI Barristers. Sulictnrs, Etc. Burrislexs. Solicitum, Etc WILLIAM COOK FY ROYAL AND BRITISH AME 'A ASS. COS. RICHMOND HILL, ONT, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1.907 A urom. In Essentialv, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." mntn st 1114. Phone Main 3984 Newmarket 0 Wlmt'n lwr-n tho manor wilh April l "v svenm to be changing (If lule, His Innnds have hvtn ï¬ckle and varied As if he were fe-vling irutu. Hi.» syste-m has sou-mod out. of m-dvr, \Vlm (?:Ill diagnvsv his‘ (list'flflt‘? Bet'nluinfz inch-rd quiu- :I nuinnmzo. His \‘iclims detm-milwd to tc-asv. His prnn'liaos mvne could rely nn, Illusiua IlnN-rtuin and glum; All nature has huwt-d tn his mnndntes, Belated, and hindered lu-cmnr. Annn the land wind in its fury Blmw wildly the «m swuv‘ping gale. \Vhile ruin Hnnds through fruslv air fulling, ‘ Sunn changes thv liquid to huil. And thus are spring plans quite frus- tinted. Poor mnrmls so helpless must wait; His game (if hn-pm‘p In he ended. And hnpe hv will sown emigrate. As Mr. Arch. Cmnpbull, M. P. fur Centre York, has been sharply criticized by some of the City papers for [he stand be tuck in l’urlinnwnt ielutive tn the Radial Elvct‘ric Railway (lumpnny‘s hill. we give below his spewh mkeli {run} liiumu-dâ€"Ed. His stay ham been marked in past decades, \Vith trers oven-laden with gre-en. Inlerminglvd wiLh fruit-growing blossoms, Bare branches no whore to be seen, 'Mr. CAMPBELL. In reference to the. point raised by the hon. member for North Toronto (Mr. Foster). I may say that this Bill was introduced in the Senate, passed the Senate and came down to the House of Commons. I cannot say whether due notice Was given of it or not. but I presume that the Senate Would hardly have passed it and sent it down to us unless notice had been gi\ en. In reference to the point. raised by the hon. leader of the opposition. it will be seen that the Bill gives the company power to build a bridge across that river; also a line from the city of Hamilton to Niagara river, with power to build a bridge. across that than or to enter into an agreement for iunning‘ rights overany bridge across the said river already or hereafter constructed: also to build a line from the city of Bi-antford to a point on the Detroit river, at or near \Vindsor. with power to construct. maintain and operate ferries across the Detroit river. In older to obtain these poivers. I understand that it will be necessary to declare the work to be a work for the general advantage of Canada. In icfei-euce to subsection (c) of section 4, I may say that there was considerable objection to that clause being put into the Hill, but after conâ€" sideration the committee allowed it to pass without any amendment. In the. latter pai- tofsection3 the compan) ask for poner to build into the city of "lo- ronto. That, “as stun-k out at the request of the pronmteis, and the \voids ‘ at or near the city of 'l‘oronto’ Were substituted. In section 6 the company asked for the tight to pur- (base right of way and terminal station buildings in the e ilyof Toronto. 'I hat also was sti ur- k out at the ieqnest of the promoters. \Yliile on my feet I inav say that I pelt-'Utmlly “as VP ry iniu li opposed to the sti iking out those pimisions. The county I represent is sniiounding tl e. city if Toronto. The city of Toronto is the metropolis of Ontario. The. counties all over the province of Ontario contribute \‘eiy laigely of public money to build tip the city of Toronto. In the very es timzites which we. lim 9 before us there are Very large sums of public money proposed to be expended for pro\ iding better postal ai raugeinents in the city of Toronto. enlarging: the armouries. deepening the ( haunt-ls and extending piers. and in ether ways improving the city. The city of Toronto would be no good at all without the country around it. Now. the interests me mot nal. The people from all over the piotince of ()ntaiio want to get into the city oi Toronto: they have a right u. get in there; they want to take steamers to Montreal and to other points; mod I think some ariange~ ment should l-e mad:- ivheielzy thev can get in. A: i; is tovtl ' people But now all is lmre and uns‘ghtly, Not a leaf or a bud can We spy, As though fearful vf leaving their shrltvr. Lest tlu-y should he frnan and div. to get» in the-u steamers to 51 points: amd I wont should 1:: 4 can get in. c \Vhon Richmond Hill, April 25,1907. \ 'c‘l'e glad that his term is (‘xpiI-ing. W'ilh ploasuw \vc hid him gund-hye; \Vill nnL snun fm'get, his strange unï¬t-s. The buvnnts may give lt-usuns. why. (MRSJ P. L. GRANT. Pt, annwtinws su smiling und gmlinl. Then hupc in the human hrmnst; dawn", "hon In! a swift snuw bTizzm-d darkens, And white (3()\'(‘l's gurdr-ns and lawn“. MR. CAMPBELL’S SPEECH. APRIL. coming in on the Mlmlm line along the lake shuw, the: anhtnn Mills line. the \\'(-stun line. the Metropolitan line along Yonge Street 01' the line through Scm'hum and Mnrkhnm, when they reach the Inn-dam of the city. are dumped down thm-o. whether it is raining or snowing or cnld m hut, nnd haw to Walt for another car. Mr. W. F. MACLEAN. Dues nut the hull. gu-ntlmnan think that the Ontario legislature ought; to make prnvisinn fur all Lhnt kindpf business? ' Mr. (V‘vAMPBl‘ZLL. 1 do not care who makes: the arrangement; it ha". to he made. I say that people from the. country surrounding the city of To- ronto are not going to submit to this much longer. I do not care whether it is the fault of the Toronto Street Railway Company or the corporation of the city or the provincial govern- ment; I am speaking for the people. They have submitted now for a good many years. Many women and chil- dren route to Toronto on these line“, especially on market days. with their baSkots and things of that kind. and it is a very great hardship for them to be. dumped in the rain or snow or cold as they often are, when they reach the borders of the city. In the city of De- troitand other American cities we ï¬nd cars from a hundred miles around run.- ning right into the middle of the city. Why should we not. have the same thing in Toronto? I know that the people of the. city of Toronto want every obstruction removed; they want the. people from one or two hundred miles distant to come and do their trading in the city. i am not prepar- ed to say whose the fault is. If the committee had given the com- 'pany the right as they should have, to run into 'l‘oionto and erect. their terminal statiom there. then the people all around tln- country could go into that city without having to sub- mit to the inconvenience and expense of changing cats. The penpl“ of the townships of Scarborough and othets represented by the hon. member for South York (Mr. \V. F, Macleah), the hon. Minister of Justice (Mr. Ayles- Worth) and the hon. member for llalton (Henderson) and Perl (Mr. Blain). Want to get llltu the (-ity and these hon. gentlemen ought to stand up with me and iuï¬ist on that right. Dqu HENDERSON. The Hun. gentlc-mun ought to stand up with the ban. members fm- Hulum (Mr. Hender- sun) and Pe-el (Mr. Blain). F. G. Cox. second son of Senatm' Cnx. died suddenly nf pueumnniu in Toronto eurly Tuesday mvming. Deceased was 40 years of age. The license commissinnms have refused to grant, a. license Ln lllv proplietors of the new Scurlmu.‘ Beach Amusement Park, who drsircd 3 been: and wine license. Mr. CAMPBELL. I hupe then we shall all stand tugether and insist that when nur pimple wamt tn go tn the- grent ult'l'l'nplllls 11f Unuu i0 they shall be enabled to gu withnut bring cum- pelled to change cars and wait at a. junctinn point w1thuut sl19lte1. \Ve should insist on the same pimisinus lvt-ing made that 1111- 111:1le in (“my "llltlt‘lll city in tho United States. \V.» slmuld insist that whether you have (‘Ullll‘ one hunxlrcd or ï¬ve hun- drwd Illllt‘s. you should gu in yuur mil- \V:Ly cur right to the centar 0f the city. I dn not care whetln 1' they [my 11.1mtl1erl'nre. The city may tukv cun- trul «If the: curs if they like; that 13:1. minor (lt'tilll. But- prnrisinn must he nuule that [ht-SP pouple will nut, he put to tlmt inconvenirncv, and he ztllle tn gvt right into the limit (if the city. It is their money which is helping tn develupand build up that city. mad I varnestlv (-nll 0n the Minister 11f J 11st- ine (Mr. Ayleswurth) tn take such steps as will rrsnlt. in furnishing this n/‘cmnumdutinn which the pcnple hm u l)t't‘ll desiring fvr years; Fivld Sec-(iszr-unit-S imprnvvd giant sugar lva in 1 H). packages 23 cts: giant sugar umngcl in 1 1h. Duckngb’s 23 618.: Tankard (-l'mun sugar b rt in lb. packages 30 cts per 1h: prize Swede turnip in 1h. packages 22 cls; Elephant swwlu- tux-nip in 1h. packngcs 22 cls. Atkinsnn & Switzu'. This week it, is our painful duty In I'H'nrd the death of Belle. helm ed wile of M r. A. l‘lnl‘isnl] and eldvstduughtvr of the late Charles Nixon of Hupe. Shy had sulfvrwl frum a vvl'v lung illness and until quite recently, hupes \\’(‘|et‘ntt‘lt.llnrd nf her rt-cmerv hut; in spituuf the lie-st nn-dical aid and loving care (if friends. she giew worse and passed :1“ ay vn \Iunllavafh- -1 nm n. She \\'::s')1'actii:;nlly bright nu Sunday and [allied cheerfully with u munher of fin-lids who called (0' see her. On \Vednestlny :lfaprnuun her remains were followed to their list resting plnr‘e by many rvlutiw-s and friends. Beside: hvr huflmnd ~~he leaves one liLlle (laughter Durnthy. Allmf hm- snrruwing relatives bun: the deepest. sympathy in their bereavement. N ews N ones. .1ap1e .33.??{13‘ Get my rates 81D C1 prices before doâ€" muI-ning. -rs have - ,2 u. we mg business 8183» Sun hmu' ° d"“"“ where. 'Deering Farm plements Tn honn expvrt, in I'Q'uding human mum-s» is just In: \vnluuhlv tn A young lawyer as a knuwlvdge nf In w ; it is :m vnluaihle to a. physician as a knuwledgu 0f medicinp. ’l‘hv man who can l'l'ud human) naturv. \vhn um "size up" u. person quickly, who can arrive at :m ucvnrntv rslinmte of clmrnctvr. no matter whut his vm-Minn,nr pl'nfo'edsinlh hns :1. great udvuntuge qrer others.»â€" †Success Magnzlhv. “ PI-i-ventics" will pimnptiy chm-k :unlll or tht' Grippv when lulu-n vurly m-nt thi- “slim-7.0 statue." l’i'i-vemius cure St‘dLPd (adds as well. l’l‘ffluliticd lll'r‘ little randy L‘Ulll (‘lll'I‘ tnhlx-ts. and DI'. Slump, Racine, “it will gl dly mail you snnipli-s and n In uk UH (Ynldu fro“, if you will wrilw him. The smnpli-s pluve [hr-iv "writ. Chock mu-ly Gold with Pn-vmitics and slap anunumiu. Huld in 51- and 25(: luvx. s by \V. A. Sa‘nrlm-sun. Naturally makes them shrink from the indelicate questions, the obnoxious ex- aminations. and unpleasant. local treat,- ments. which some physicians consider essential in the treatment of diseases of women. Yet, if help can be had, it is better to submit to this ordeal than let the disease grow and spread. The trouble is that so often the woman undergoes all the ann once and shame for nothing. The i’ women who have been cured I) erce's Favorite Prescrip tlon wri reciation oi the cure Which dis the examinations cures debilitating arams. irregularity and female weakness. It always helps. 1:. almost always cures. It is strictly non- alcoholic. non - secret, all its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper; con- tains no deleterious or habit-forming drugs, and every native medicinal root entering into its composition has the full endorsement oi’ those most eminent in the several schools of medical practice. Some of these numerous and strongest of pro- fessional endorsements of its ingredients1 will be found in a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle, also in a booklet mailed free on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. These professional en- dorsements should have far more weight than any amount of the ordinary lay, or non-professional testimonials. N. J. Glass Fire and Life In- The most. intelligent women now-a-dmys insist on knowing what they take as med- icine instead of opening their mouths like a lot of young birds and gnlping down whatever ls offered them. “ Favorite Pre- scription" ls of xxowx COMPOSITION. 1:. makes weak women strong and sick women well, Richmond \wme‘nisi'i‘av DIE Presérï¬:tâ€"ioh on receipt. of stam‘fs to paï¬ex use cf mailing only. Ben to Dr. . . Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.. 31 one-cent. stamps for paâ€" pc'r-chzered. ox: 59_st.a'1nps fox: cloth-bound. ,; . ##"A r" V If sick consult. the Doctor, free of charge by letter. All such communications are held sacred] conï¬dential. nâ€" D:n....n n Dlmr. nan! Dunn“ inw‘loï¬vofo FD}. Piei‘éé’s Pleasant. Pellets Invigorata and regulate stomach, liver and bowals. Bfï¬ieréér‘g Medical Adviser ls sent f'req ' The Modesty of Women [Single copies. _3 cts. Agent 1"or 813131109 Hill A.\'D 131w;