edge-s for grader . . . . . Wm. Ough 8; Son, shovel . . . . . Wm. Ulzu'ksnn. mud work . . . . . Rulph Davis, repairs to gluder. James Cairns, ruud \vmk .. . . Estate S. W. Armitage. lumber Jnhn Brynn. cedm‘ posts . . . .. W. J. Dennis. hull rent for Members all present. MinuLes uf last meeting read and cullï¬l'llwd. The fulluwing hills were passed and ordered tu he paid :â€" Joseph Billings. salary. Yunge strwt . . . . . . . . . .. . $ 33 33 supplies . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. NeilMcDom-ldmepuhstuculvert Jnhr] J. Duggan. repuixs to nomination . . .. .. .. . . . . . Jns. Garbct. road work . . . . . . . 14 25 Phillips â€" McMuruhy â€" That the members (If this Unuucil he an com- mittee to meet. the Councils of East, Gwillimhury and Bludford at, Braid ford bridge, on Sutuuiuy. 18th of May. at 1 o'clock (mm. r0. Bradford and Qum-nsvilie mud. The fnlinwing hy~laws received their secnnd readings and passed :â€" A liy-lauv appointing rmul ()VBI'SOFI'S. pound-keepers, fence-viewvls. shcl‘p Valuutms and wire fence inspectul's. Alsn hy-lauv t-u nuthmize the cumin» unlinn (if an agreement hobwevu the- Councils of the Township of King and \Vhitvchnrch respecting the Izmintun. :inco of that portion of Yunge Stu-vi, which fni msth hmuidury line beLWi-en said municipalities. ‘ (in umen 0f Mr. MuMuiuitv CORP-CH adjuunwd to meet at 'l‘u-mpvmm‘c shill. Knitle‘bv, us it (Hunt of Hovisiml The company “.15 the sule right to say wnure cars shall stop to Lake on or let off passengers. except where there is mom than 600 feet. between street; intereseccions. It the company dues not extend the service as per agreement, the city may give another company the right no do so. The city has no other remedy. The city is to pay the costs of the appeal and the costs incurred in the various (‘anadian courts. These are estimated from $10,000 to $15,000. culvert .. . . . . ‘ I Wm. Gould. hardware. . . . . . . . (itqus {{oixds Machinery 00.. Phillipâ€"Burnsâ€"Tlmt the clerk be instructed to notify the Metnvpulitnn Railway Cu. to remove all property lit-longing to [hem frmn the west side of Yonge Street along the Township of King. MCMurchyâ€"Dmcnnâ€"That Thomas Jennings he paid $4.61- fr-r the erection 0f wirv {once :nlung the highway. Mu“urchyâ€"~Phillipsâ€"That the sum of ï¬fty dullul's he paid much (If the assossurs un account of salary. The company need not build lines in any of the new additions to the city unless it thinks them necessary. The ulmve Council met at. Suttnn's Hutel, Sclmmhm'g, on Saturday. April 27. E. J. D Ivis, Iepuirs Ln road Dr. Bremtnn, Bmud of H. Parliament of Cana prorogued by Earl Grey on Saturday, having lusted a little over ï¬ve months, counting the Christmas and Easter vacations. Nearly two hundred bills hnve received the assent of His Ex- cellency. the Governor-General. In an editorial note in our last issue in reference to Travelling Libraries recommended by the Ontario Government the possibility of danger in receiving books that had been in Lumber Camps was referred to. The Government will Lake every precaution against infectious diseases. The Inspector of Public Libraries writes: “The Travelling Libraries sent to Lumber and Mining Camps will be conï¬ned exclusively to such work and will not be used in Old Ontario." 'l‘he city of Toronto and the Street Railway Company have lung been in dispute over their agreements. Sev- eral points in dispute have been taken from one court. [.0 mmthcr, and it seemed dilï¬cult to see huw the matte: would end. Several items, however. were settled In the judg- ment of the Judicial Cummit'ce of the Privy Council last week. The Street Railway won all along the line. The judgment means that:â€" {531:2 flihern’l.‘ RICHMOND HILL tho lsim-ss The third session of the tenth Inllowe 6 cts. King Cuuucn ntul . On. May 2. 1007 ll Health km .". $ 33 a; 16 UU Hulluwe 1800 U “U siml thu- 6-! 5t) (K) 30 35 1 Mrs. Hulls-t of Chester. spent the ! week end wiLb Mrs. and Miss Hamil- ! “"3; n ,I In," , ,1 AL- ,,u ‘ Junim- IV.â€"Cum Locke. Cora Jack- son. Russ Kolfer, Ehnmd llubb, Edna Reed. ‘ Senior [ILâ€"Frank Mnrtvn. ; Junim' Ill.-â€"\Vzu‘r¢-n \Vhilmm-r. Sid Smith. Frank Locke. Raul» \\'hitnmrv, 'Luum Morton. Edgar \Villiams. Jim Aiming. SCHil‘l' Il.-â€"Alvin Robb, Gm-dnn Anderson, Nurnmn \Villiums. Russ Andersnn. Rny Wurlry. Huwm-(l ’l‘hm-nbnck. Lilly Lynn. .106 Koffc-r. 1 Junior part ILâ€"Jue Guldvn. Allan About, 70 miles of Hands in the County (If York were (‘U\'9I‘(‘kl last Thursday by :m nutmnuhile p;|l'l_\' Lons.stingof HumDr. Remnnv. fliinislm of Public \Vm-ks; A. \‘V. (Jilllhpilv‘fl, Ontm-iu (-mnniissiunm- of gum] “unis; \V. H. Pugsley. Ununcy Unumnllm: \Vm. Dnhit'. chairman of Iln- gum: roads cmulniltev uf thu- Ontmnn )li-Lm lmague: and E. M. ’\\'ilrnx. Sl'tfH'l'rll'y uf the Ontario Mum] Lei-gum 'l‘hv purpnsv was In examine thv swamâ€: uf h-ghwny that, have [won l'llll'l'l'd in the cmnpvtiLinn of [he Onturin Moun- League im- Lhe hvst impnn'ed mile c-f I'u-ud wam-e Aug. 31 next by \m'iuns “Municipalities in the county. Th.- jndgus in the cnmpI-Litinn aw: A. \V. ()ulnplw“. \V. H. Pugser illld \Villinnl Unhil‘. Thursday they qulniuvd [he siulv nf me Hmds hefme unprove- um “Ls :m- started. Thr- presvnce of the minister Inf puhâ€" n- wurks was rugmdwd as signiï¬cant. ::~ shun. ing lbw keen interest which be Is hiking in the campaign fur good wads (hruugliuut the- pnn illl'r‘. 01w uf the entries by Tunmln Junc- tion is Dundus-su-eet, the [Rain sLI-ret of Hip Lowâ€. This will he put in ï¬l‘SL- class yondition. Annthm' sectiun m: lhe ngstuu-rmul, near the hunt cluh, at pram-11L in a had state, will be im- prm‘ed by Scaxhuro 'l‘uwnship. Olin-r l‘lltl'lt‘s are: Mnrkhum. a mile- strip north of the Town of Markham. and a mile vi] the side line in i-hn‘ semrml cunm-ssiun; Toronto Junction. :1 mile on the \Vestnn rmid. stunting north Dundus street; East. Tun-nu». u mile on Dszurlh rund., and Main street; York Township. two miles on tho Dun Mills road. north fmm D:mfm-th rond. and St. Clairm-enue, tlua fund which passrs Upper Canada Cnllpgv. he,lequ Bathursb and Dul‘furin screen. Mrs. Marshall nf Tommtn, lute Pine vac, is the guest of Mrs. Cusgnn 1-. Miss Fluronce Lundv SpvuL a few (luvs with Miss Stella Murphy uf Divan-view Farm. Mr. Henry Wilson had quite an exciting and also painful oxpx-rie-nce (mp evvning Inst, wet-k. Hr- wu< driving towards Elgin Mills. when tlw spil‘itk'd Cult he was driving hecume frith-nl-d at snme boys near the foot-hull tivid. stal'tvd to run and hvcumw lit-yund cuntrul. Mr. \Vilsm) was Lln-uwn nut nn his shoulder and was prvtly wall used up. The horse and buggy wvre fmmd nvxt murning pructimlly un- hurb, althnugh Mr. \Vilsnn is the loser of a large crate ni eggs which he had wth him. “’9. are plvasvd to see Mr. B. Grady has fully rectum-ed from his wren- nltnck of pneumonia and is urnund "gain as usual. Frank Burnett. um- pnpulur ynung fnnulmll and hockey plnye-r. has hm-n Conï¬ned In his bed for sum? wweks wuLh an injury in his leg, sustnivml 4. nine uf the hnckey mutvhvs lust Winn-r. The doctor says Frank is doing wvll but must remain in lied fur :umthm- three weeks at least. Mr. I). Kerswill hasulmut cnmplvlvd the foundatiun for his new lmuw. Mr. \Vutsnn of Aumm is dnillg thr- \vm-k. Miss Louie Naughtml spent uver Sunday with hPI‘P. Part I. â€" John Snider. Gibbuns, Muv Keffer. Mr. Frank \Vellmzm of this place has left. for Cobalt. Miss Phillips of Oak Ridges. paid a. short visit last \ve'ek to Mrs. l“. Dibb hero. The following is the school ropurt for April. Summ- I\'.â€"Rn|ly Kcï¬cer, “'illie H9881 Junior part ILâ€"Jue Guldvn. Allan Smith, Manx Smith. Victor Hngg. Luura Anuing. \Viunie Robb, Hazel Mnljmn. Han-old “’illimus. McLend lunch 1 mqu tn Sync; :1: visitors SONS OF SCOTLAND. .1.†MCD« bad be u 9. cl!»“ not ROAD INSPECTION. Gnd SILVK prt-ssvd 1? ho [he I Elgin M1113 Ed gely. mg by Bros. Newtnn. nilnnd ()uwie. After served the mm):ng singing Auld Lang mm: the King. The the hope that this ‘ lust ocmlsinn. but 0f Tun unto, her pun-ems an inter- progress mbcrs of 1' part _uf Albert (If FRIDAY, Mny lUâ€"Anctiun snlr (vf [must-s, lan. huuwhuld l'urnitunu vth at, llw rusidI-nw “I th Inu- Joshua Oliver. Mapll'. Sale at 2 p.111. Terms: â€"Hnu.~'ohuld rfl’w-ls, lulu. frulllt‘ hlllh'l' :md lug hnuw. cash: brivk dwelling. ten p--r cr-nL. ml day of wall-i, hnlnux-o in. 31) days. Suigeun 3L McEwe-v 'x ++++++++++++++M++++++++++ HOUSE PAINTER. Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. increasing ailment, cnuwd him to seek special treatment. The operatinn seemed to he suceessful. as he had witten cheerful letters to his brothers and sisters speaking: hnpefully of ihe nutcume. There must, have been a sudden relapse, fut 9mm afler canw the telegram zmnuuueing his death. The iMeI numb took place on Suturduy. Apr. 27. Services at the grnn- weâ€: conducted by Rev. F. Ellinlt nf Rieh- mond Hill. 2111 nld friend of the family. MARQUIS 0F COWAL â€"â€" Impm-trd (ledvsdulp. the pmpI-rly uf l). U. Steele. “'ill go to Hvsulfmd. Dullur. Pattersnu. Uuk Ridges, Viuuuin Square, Elgin Mills. Hume stably. Rin-hmnnd Hill. Tc-rms $H. ROYAL HA'l‘TONâ€"Illlpurth Glyllt-s- dale. the property of l). G. Blough. \Vill hï¬ uL Maple. Richmond Hill. Elgin Mills, Oak Ridgvs. Aurora. Ketllt-hy. Hume blflhlc‘, King City. 'l‘I-rms $12. GOLDEN UONQUEROR « (Hydexdnle stallinn. \hv pI'UpHI'LV uf .l. 11). 'I‘ves‘vn. \\'iH stand at, hxs nwn stable", Sunny- side Fun-m. Int, 32, con. 1. Markham. near Thm-nhill. Terms $11. T. Klinck of Stoufl'ville. Mr. Klim-k smne yum-s ago. after the death of his wife nnd LM: children. remule to Yellowgruss, Sas‘k. where he umk up land. successfully (:nmplt'ting hi» seLLh-uu-nt dnLivs. Sum-Lime hefure Hmseme‘n getting bills or cards printi-d at THE LIBERAL Oflice \\'|†receive a free notice during lln- season as fullmvsz~ LEGAL DIRECTâ€"ledslvl‘ Shininn. the pI-uprrly of \V. G. Ellis. Bn‘dford Pfll'k. \Vill stuml uL his uwn slnhlt‘. Tel-Ins [mult- kmm'n nn application. LAIRD MACQUEENâ€"Clydt‘sdnlv. tho prupvuy of \V. J. \Velh. Houn- stahle. Temper"nuvvillo. “'ill bu at, Kettlehy, Nuhlelnn, VVHOI'E‘. King Uity. Terms 8;“). COLIN MACQUEENâ€"Clydesdule, the property uf \V. J. \V'elh. limm- stahle. Telllpk’l':nllll(‘\iâ€P. \\'ill be «L Bullatrue, Aurnrn. Victoria Square, Elgin Mills. T911115 $10. Just tn px-uve memt Dr. Slump‘s Cutun†snow whiLe, cream} lmlm that gives Catarrh of the nose the free test and Slump. Racinv. ‘3 Mr. James _K|iuck hf Ye-llnwgruss, Sums†(“rd in Minnmlpnlis, Minn, ufu-I-umh-rgning :In nperutinn in one of the hospitals [hr-re. On request, of I-elntives hPH‘. the remains were sent tn Aurm-u fur interment in the finnin pint beside his wife and (-hildren. in Aurora Cemetery. Mr. Klinck was burn at Victm-in Squaw nlmut65 yearn ago and was at brother uf Mr. Juhll Klinck of 2nd um. Murkhzun, and Mr. immcuurs-r lwtwL-en city and nmlutry cautpm The \iuiturs km on the Huh} car fur hmmn W. HEWISON Calls from a. distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL ‘;~»:--w.;-z.++++++++++++++++++~w». jg/ ELLIOTT i'iyflf/iZM/n% T n D n u m n W m Canada's High Grade Commercial and Shorthand School. Our grad- uates are always successful. 'l‘lwir superinr training vm-hlvs them (0 get and huld excellent positions. ’I‘lw pupils who graduutofrnm nurschcml are in the Highest and best sense trained for business llie. Nu vacutiuns. Umnuwncc free. Complete Shorthand Course (our (4) months, with books. May to Auuust in- clusiva.$3t.00; or three months. $30.00. Co n pIete Com man-cm! Course, books in- cluded. 10! four months as above. $37 00; or three months. 553 00. (Iï¬er good only for bummer mcnthu. Write at. once. mm courses at special rates. SummerSahool R. A. Farquharson, B. A. British '1' C-atun-l [ll pl'uVP TORONTO. ONT. (Cor. Yams and Alexander Sta.) to enter the well-k nowu Stallion H;.gxsce1‘. DIED IN THE \\'ES'I'. NOW isa GOOD TIME Lun'h, Ivt me 59nd y “we merit a Trial .9in p‘s Oahu-h Remedy. )m by Aucmon Salas. Canadian Business Coil. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. HOW. healing- instant and thro Address Dr. Large jars 50 Anderson. UJonlogue Iyxrpgvl'trd :9 Box (If It is a Intiseptic relief to Toronta Make It’s ll‘putfltinll that counts, and a reputation for 5 is the gnamntee liehind every snip. In choosing your bicycle, price is not the first can: lion, so! vice. quality. The best is the cheapest in the end, hut, the best if The safest standard of merit is recmd. There-fuse ’ Ribbon." It is nut by any llll’flns thw most expensive. 'YhH-(Ifnre ride a Mussvy “Silver Rihlmn," manufm ICANADA CYCLE & MOTOR ($0.. "Mnkms nf Ll“ Tumnto Junction. (.‘nnada. Branches;â€"\Viunipog, Aust. I mum. REPRESENTATIVE. rxj’ Tms OFFER Is ONLY (2001) FOR TWO \VEEKS LON thisulluhm-nt (-f trrnsnry stuck lms 1mm nearly tukvn up. arm-r \1'.‘ shun-(is will In) uï¬vnm'ed In par. Standard Imported Registmwl Twit,ng_m;u1liu:1-â€"â€"Svul In-mvn. 1611):Inds, weighs uhuut 1300. Sirr‘d by \Vilkie Unllills, he by Genrgv \Vilke‘s. Dunn hy Sherxnael by (image ‘Vilkvs. Recuka 2.23)}. Trial 2.17. Qllill‘lf‘l's in A race in 29; secnnds. u 1.53 gait. THE DUKE isnneof the largest. one of (be [Wat bred, and onv of the finest, trotting stallions and stuck lmrses in Ummdu. , , . , Â¥ ‘ . . , .- y -.. -_...,, __- , -_, ,, N THE DUK E served 123 In.†(*5 lust year and “wing to the large demand for his services this year near Ttmmtn “'P cummt svnd him f‘ll‘Lhr’l‘ nm-th than Thmnhill when-v \ve- expvct to nva all our fm'lm-l' putmns from the districts uf Richmond Hill and Alli-um. F: iduy mum TH E DUKE will he at, Hughes Hutel. 'l‘hnrnhill, and M. 3 u’clnck at lflduely, and Mnmluy night “'urdhridgc Huus». \Voudbridge. Saturdays he will he at Black Hui-5L- Hulvl. Tmuutn. The rest, of the week he- will he west of TUTUHLU. $15 insures n. living cult, [myuhll- 11) days after mun: fuulw. If volt comes deformed (‘1' divs within that time In: charge- whntm‘m' will he made. Bring yuur mares In one of me uhuve places and hlevd m the- ï¬m-sL burs:- in Canada. Therefore anything that will save money is worth look- ing into. The Massey “Silver Ribbon†as smm us unguliatiuns are cumph‘l: Lurdm- Luke, Munlrr-al Rivm- and Jun LIVE RE§PUNSIBLE AGEN'I‘S \VANTED T0 HASH! COMPANIES \VE UNDERW'RITI‘I. ‘ yuu nre nut sutis " m anit nuw by m-rtiï¬t-d chéqmz m- mum'y mdor, u-ilher tn the Cumpany m in thu-rpilrldqrsigm-d (“Hi 7 , ,,,,,, ___ ‘__A__ .A.. .-_‘¢.,..-- -_...A.‘.’ v.- Time is may TheLASMLE DWELGPW 500000 shares Imorpu Par value, “$1 each Mining Cu Head Ofï¬zc of Compmv. 152 REMEMBER:â€" W. J. LAING, 44-10 u) 1) ELA YH ARE DANGEROUS. (l) “'E PAY DIVIDENDS MONTH LY. ’l‘hg Du For Service “"19 \VI LL BUY BACK YOUR Mn nagcl‘. premises mm hull, 2115c White Hug. LURIUE EVA “Ask your friend who rides one Laselle. Financial Agent FACTS Regarding (DIICI) .‘EYER &_ SON 1N0 PERSOFAL LIABILITY) npiln} Stock $500,000 00 Incorporated under the Ontario I Mining Cumpames lncmporation Act wmusmm we†I- bred 5 w 2 Fusmm! FRAME HIPS will save your time fut SHARES w svvrfral I‘mvvwbip. lit 454 Bay 5! , l‘ E. R. REYNOLDS, 77 Victoria 8b., Toronto. New fur years of faithful servic considex \Villiaun M Balms :9 will he lurgfly {um-("mud rich prnpurLivs in L‘ohult. 31R tun not rid If it has the round. rm) and guaranteed h Vurld‘s Best Bicycles. mcuuwr. Mellmul-m :xLiun; it is szltisf mng by Lhe‘p‘xjia- UFODIO ing Mmrhin Trrmsl STOCK KN lit ER. :I: :1) thin A“) if « lt