Maple Syrupâ€"4n gym jiu'fl, quart, including jar. 3512.: quart. in soak-(l tins 240.: Imp: quart in bulk 2508.; this is \rl-y quamy and new crop NUT. Alkh A: Switzor. ANTIQUE xï¬Ã©umji’x' inï¬ribs‘A The Tux-onto Snu- Mm-suu thinks 119 w Yiddish. Our-push†him with a lik‘lfl'f yeurs old. in :1 glmd Valium. It Wen: prim A number (If the (‘xwtul'uu of (hp Epwurbh League- uLlondt-d u wovptinu in Avenue Hum} lehudist church given in farewell to Dr. and Mn. Large, prior in their n-lurn tn Hxitish (‘ulumhiu cnust. A huuutimi clwk was presented tn Mrs. Large. Painlms and de-cul-nlm-s are) at, work at the MlemdBLchm-ch. l‘hvb‘undny Schuwl and wu-k-mght suwices will he he‘d in [he auditorium of the (-hurc‘u while the Work in the school room is being (1mm. Murkhmn Village lmpe to have it new past uflioe the owning summer. Mr. Arch. Cumpln‘ll. the Dummisz memlwr fur the riding of Urnilk‘ York, succeeded in getting $5.000 plzu‘vd in the)supplt‘llwlltsll')’ ustiuuues for that purpose. It was stmvd in 1:st week‘s Victm'ia Square correspondence that Ml. 'l‘hunms Frisby had suld u ï¬lly for $150 to Mr. Spenuely of Buxgmw. The ï¬gures were in e: run The price paid was $250. t The May meeting uf 1h†\V. M. will he lu-ld at the home uf Mls. Snulvs to-tialy (Thursday) at; 3 p.1u. A full membership dashed. as it. will he the annual vlectiun ufufliu-rs. Kindly remember to ln'ing the mile boxes. Mr. F. J. Juhnstun. n funncl- assist- ale {cachet in the High thuul hex-v, but at presan Science Muster in the Tohmlu Junction UnHegmle Institute, has had his salary rum-Ll frum $1,200 Garden Seedsâ€"Renniv’s ï¬lm fresh seeds in lithugruphrd pan's. 2 fur 5 (568.; L. 1‘. May’s svvds, 3 papers for 5cm; very ï¬ne yulluw Dutch arts 17 cts. per ll). ALkinsun & Switzvr. An expvrivunr-d hul'nl'ss-mukm'. ul' :ux intelligent yuuth who n‘nmd like to lmwn Lhu buainvss can ï¬nd omplny. men! at Mr. Um. Mcluuuld's by applying ilmuvdiubrly. ’ to $1.400. Tht- \Vvsl Yul k 0mm x vutheAssm'i- Minn will mm-l at \\':*s\« n nu \Iw lllh of Mny Lu nmuiuute u (‘nndidutv I.†(:unlesL the ruling fur the Untnl'in Legislature. MissusEtlwlSwiLZurzuui Ida. u mssand Mesms. A. B. Lila» and 1. 1'1. Sunder- smx \uuk part, in an elm-x-Luimm-ul’, at [he Mt-Hnnlizfl, chmch at. lslmgtuu Mummy (Welling. Mr. R. Shaw and Mr. Br:ch nu Sut- urduy r\‘r~l|illg \n-nl Lu [ht Ully [U at- tund an vm-cunvc mug-Ling nf the T0» rum“ Central LNSU’IL‘L Epwurlh At u lln-t‘Ling nf the Bnul-d of Edu- cnlicm yeslm-duy, lht' tmzder uf Mitbnel Rms. fur and was ucceptvd. Mr. 'I‘. A. Lumnn wus- nppninlcd As- socian E):vl))in€‘r fur the Entrance rxmninutiuus. ‘ Mr. James McLean wlm dird at his In:qu Int, 42. Vaughan, Yunge strut-t, nu “1017111 of January, lvft an estate nf $2.2,UUU. plincipnny of run} estate and cash In the bank. Th? gl'E‘uL “any 01’ the Turnntn (.‘vnu-ul Disll'icl Jipwm'lh ngucls is to hv hrld in Yungl- su-vel Methodist thumh uu \Vedm-sday, cunning Min 1;"). Mr. (3h pkg, In) :1 uzum- up spunk the vauml-kvt. Eraâ€"Tin gvlLing up new muszu rugugL-muul~f\‘lmy 2.! Hill. First. pnutuce of U1 m‘xt Mnmluy night at full aLtvndnmw is h-um Prunesâ€"Fine per “L‘ 5.7.9 (30 1 lbs. ianhc.: siz Mrï¬. Sillâ€! and v . .Muhvlmll'. h:|\‘(' H‘mdcuce uu nu†Rev. A. P. Bruce \nll plum-h in the Methodist, church next. hundnyy t‘\l'n- ing. Suhjucu "Mun: the 20m Ucub- ury him-Ll." (inldt-n Syrupâ€" Edwm (klnn-g (‘n-wn m-uml. 21h. Mn: 95 (:13. Much: 51H». [mils 23 (I‘d. ouch. in bulk 41 Cts. px-r lb. Atkinson & Swilzer. [In lit Miss Ida (“118$ is FPUIKUXIQ‘ :I wei‘k “ï¬ll the Mime»; (.‘umphvll uL Isling\()l.. Miss 1mm} l'nm‘k. “:13 \‘ David \Vvllm (Eh? Eiibrrz .on y, no. lbs. I'm RICLIAKNND HILL. 051:. Mu)- Thomwflm Hunt [‘1 nil, Mm, tn the lck Child-en’s Huslnbul will get lhvil' Mars 1:; railing at I‘m; LIBERAL (If My, \\', Schmidt spvnt Sunday at (mug â€"â€"Fine flm-ahy plï¬'llllvs‘ l3 1 2960 Lu 70, quality chI-u 74,2; size 30 (0 4(1. the Ian-gt "' ' Alkuzsun .8; b‘witzvr. ‘u'lus Uhulnht-rluiu (If W‘inni- luusint-ss trip in New ank. {rum lhu City I‘m-suluy and night With friends Inn-v. Wu: printed ‘ Su-phI-nsml uf Nt-“tnll lsiting laml wm-k at, Mr. m's. at llvadl’nxd. t_\f UH: Fiu- Brigade th' (laughing Mrs. u-Innn-d inln their sh't't‘t. ill The van Band is :nu fur “wir ï¬rst 2! M. Richmond H 730 that p: («'51 ml. an )H mild fm lit-mu y that 589. Imp; l'i‘ wry fil extra. I. largest RUIS [907 :lll >11 Ne The lemuins (If the. late Benjamin Llnyd passed (ln-uugh this place hy private car 'l‘uvsduy nicm'nunn. and we-w interred in the AUI'UI’ith‘Illf‘lf’l‘y. Dr‘rvnsud curried nn a successful busi: ness as a merchant at King City far a Innnlwr nf yvzus. and afterwards rmuuu-d u» (hr (‘iu' when- lie had an inHII-nmw and rm! (-stuv.‘ ('flim). Fur many years he held nut enjnyed guod health, ulnl pnssml :In'av last; Sunday at, his lmuw, 19 Admiral Ruud. He is survived by :1 \vidi and three suns. His wife is‘ a daughter of the lnle Edward Stt-vensun nf Aurora. The suns :ll'v lesitleuts-nf Chic-ugh. Miunv- upulis and Memphis. Tenn. Cu]. '1‘. H. llluyd. Pulicv Muglstx'nte of NM?- lnzu‘lu't. is a brother. Deceased was lib years hf uge. audience in tho 1 ensuing “"an R1 :1 xuissiunuz-V in evening when Run 1). Norman. 13. A.. a missiunm-y in Japan. who is home for a ymu' on furlough. gave an il- lustrated talk. under the auspices uf (he EpWHrth L‘uglle. The speaker l'e'ft‘rl'ed [1) Japan as n mummy will; magniï¬cvut natiuunl scenery. a mum. try whuse pimple nrv industrious. and in many “'Nyo prugu‘nah‘e. a people Mr. Jam->5 Lyuns, proprintul- of th9 Morry-Gu-Kuuud. \lw (ll-light of that I10V5uud girls, was here a few days ugu, and made :urungmuvnls [u have his prum-ing stands at Lhe Fair un Victoria Day. The hurï¬es will by in guud (-(mdiï¬un. :md last yrm-‘s musical inslmmmxt will be replaced by it new one. up-lu (late. Miss Pearl Frishy ('f Victm in Sqnzll'v, dun-'5 nut sm-m tn mend as rapidly as could he wished. A Very thoughtful act, \Vus pvrfm-nwd nu Sundnv, whqn hex- Sunduy Scbnul teacher tuuk hm- cluss from Lhe church to her hmue and gave plvasurv to the shut-in une. This was showing a true ucL 0f prac- micul vhrislvinnity. At a nweting 0f the Exm'uxive Cnnnnilteo of the Agrn-ulturul Snvirty held Tuesday evening it was decided tn mu nn t-xvursinn to Pan-y Sunnd by the new Unnudmn Nun-lln'rn Onlnriu Railway on m- ulu-m, the mm of Junv. Exrursiunisw will he take-n on as fur sunlh as Dnnvan. and as far north as Brechin. Return tickets from Rich- mond Hill will he $1.85. The Agricul- tlual Suciety willduuhllvss he accom- panied by u large crowd as many are anxious Ln who. :m trip (\\‘9{' the new line. Messrs. \V, H. Pugsh-y, J. H. Sanderson and the Secretary. H. A. Nichnlls were nppninted at committee to cmnplete all arrangements. nulls flmled in H907. sired by Marquis of L‘IIHVHI. Mr. D. G. Bluugh :Ilsugiu-s $5 fm- lwst gvlding m ï¬lly fumlrd in 19W). sirrd h)‘ Rnynl Hutton, and $5 furl luwl (‘Ul.fU;Ilt‘di1119U7, sired by the same strulliun. Mr. H. A. NIIIhUHS went to van Suund and ShnHuw Luke this \vw'k on husim-‘Ss in (mum-Minn with lfw pent industry and n-pm-ls fmn' inclws of snnw in Om-n Suund x-n Tue-sduy "Infill-Hg. ’l‘lu- hay is still Illnckudvd whh ire Him-e, and hr saw a farmer drawing a loud uf wund into town on sloighs. The Jlldid'iul (unintuitive of “11- Privy (louncii of Britain has given judguwnt in f;|\ul‘ wfthv Street Railway Unm- puny. and ngnins't the City (cf Tmonm, m the smw-ml puin‘ts in dispute. and yet, we hour nut . an expwssinn of wgreb {mm tho runners ut' (hv Cuunty (If Yul-k. Hmv strungv! Sim-ta 1h» prize lists hnn- lwen printed fur the- l'u'u- Mr. D. U. SL991? [ms 0ff('l'}‘d pl‘iZtN nf $3 and $2 fur lwsl Through a m‘mlnkv we have :1 ï¬rst qunlily Hyslnp “‘llPPl nu our hands. 113.»: hr:ou new, has Dunlnp tires and mljuslalvlv lmmllv lmrs. The cum- puny’s pl'im‘ for this machine is $50.00 hut yvn run lmy it fur Unme :Lml hm e :- llmk a! it anyway. Naugh- lml Brns. Elgin Mills. Slmnp's “In-lunatic Remedy succes. fully (hive-s Mhmmmlism nut, nf tvb" hkmrl. This remedy is Hut, :1 H'lit-f “My. It, aims Lu (219(41' the hlnod on- lirle «If Rhmlumtic puisnns, and then Rhl‘UllHIlislll must. die a. nullu'nldvzllh. SUM by \‘V. A. Sundersnn. .â€". v“..- Riccâ€"Vm-y ï¬m- (llnlicv riv per lh.: pulidwd umgman 1'! per ll»: pnl shed putna I'it'l‘ (i “L: .lm-u rim: 8 vLs. per 11).: ï¬ve 10 cls. [wr H). ALI: Switzvr. RhI-unmliv snlfvrr’rs cun have n free Sunlple uf Dr. Slump‘s Rheumatic Kenn-fly with hunk on Rheumatism by simply “HIng Dr. Slump. Racine. \‘Vis‘. This ln-nk will explain how Dr. Slnmp's lllu-umuliu Remedy success- fully dlin-s leumulism nut, nf t‘h" At; a Ivgnlur mt-(‘ling of Hunt Rich- mnnd. A. U. R. Friday m-uniug, Rm. T. 11. 'l‘rvnch. [Hum-(linu- l’ust.(7|1ivf Rang: r. was prusuutvd wim n P.G.[{.‘s m-x'lilic-nw m-ntly ("mun-(l. The prvs- enhuinn was mud» by Rm. (7. E. an- per. nnd (hr I‘Hfipivnt n-pliod in ap- pruprintt- wot-(h. Mr. Jnhu Pulzm-r has pruvvd the “ppm-trance- A bull“) rvshh-mw and gm muï¬'inp‘; Uh- frmu. (once hedge-J “'1‘ hm'u yvt .1 f! Zt‘lls \vhn (‘nllm implm'e' by ft-Huwing H)!“ rxnmple neighhnl's. Quurtrrly mvoting Will hl‘ hl'ld nu E‘uhdny nvxl, n! th Muthndint church. 1'L-Hquhip nwvï¬ng m 1&3“: preach- ing svrvicx- at 11. and the- Sacral-wilt uf Hw Lurd‘a Supper «flew the prwu'h- ing Svl'vivv. (QHJI'U'I‘IY Board will 1w $15-le .‘\I«1n(lsny_"mel;ing at 7.30, in MI‘. Thea-e \\‘ u‘risun MEETING OF EXECUTIVE. INTERRED AT AURORA. LEL‘TUR E ON J A PA N. ms at huge- :md appreciative in tho Methodisl chum-h Inst. 1 Pulzm-r has granny iuu ‘ "ppm-manu- uf his hand- Nice and grounds by r0- r- fI-mll. (once and spruve v hm'v yt-t .1 few 01 her citi- ‘mlld impmn- thvli‘ ï¬lm-us I); [Dr rxumpk- set. by their A BARGAIN. ' 1101- 45 cls. n rice 5 (:13. w 6 ch‘. pvl‘ 11).: Carolina, Atkinsnn & Being a gradnute of Mom-ï¬eld‘s Eye Hospital. England, I am prepared to examine the intm-iur of the eyes {or diseasv, and test, fur glass“. If :L patient. shuuld require glasses 1 Older them fur him. Nose and thmut Work a spvcinlty. Ofï¬ce mmvenivut. Lu the Metropoli- tun and C. N. 0. Railway stations. Having a. cnmplete X-my and static plrctricity apparatus. I sun able to locate ful‘é‘igl) bodies in the body. and examine fractures of bumps. Also to treat NERVOUS DISEASES, CHRONIC RHEL'MA’I‘ISM, Moamu GROWTHS, such as Cancers, etc. Being a graduate of Mnm'fleld's Eye Hospital. England, I am prepared to examine the inturilw of the eyes for +++++++++++++++++++++i~++++ “dbl/c. J. BOYD f+++++++++++++++++++++++++ who have been prominent in the “’(Il'hl during the bust few yvui‘s. The lvNure was illustrated by owr ()lll‘ hundred tit-“‘5, in Lhc- hands «if Mr. K. M. ()lipsham. WIth an vxmvllvnt slut-enplicun. The Cullmttinn uf \{Mrs “H3 \‘l'l‘y ï¬ne showing feude-l ('Mh‘UI-r“ shrinesnnd templcm prominent citizens of the country. and many nf the churches in Lhc district, in which Mr. Nl'l'flmn preaches and works. Ahnut 1h» middle of the helm-e- Miw Mary Trench sung thv Japanese Nutiunnl Anthem with grind effect. ucmunpnniori ml the urgau liy Miss Milli? 'l‘i-vm-b. At the clusv tho l(‘l‘tul'l'|‘ was trlldr‘l'vd a hearty \‘ute of thanks. (m motion of Messrs. R. Shaw and I. Crushy. After nihging. Rev. A. P. Bram: pm- nuumn-d tlw benediction. The chair BECTKWI‘I‘ â€"â€"-At Viutmiu Squaw April 27. Lo Mr. and Mus. Box-km. :a sun. nuunu-d lhc- hvnedictinn. The chair was um-npivd by M)‘. T. F. MJMHMUH. Rm; Mr. Norman Pxpn-ssed slmng faith in Japan as n. missionary ï¬vld. and made an earnest, plea fur funds tn carry the gospel to that distant, land. during July and August mmhlvs smdvnts tn thin a cnurse- Ht, any Iinmnudï¬nishwithtmtinta-x'ruplinn. Write fur untalhgue‘. British Ameri- can Business College. Toronto. the oldvst and best. One frequent cause of had blood in a sluggish liver. Thu pruduceu conulpatlon. Poisonous suhntahccu no xheu thanth into ï¬ne blood. Keep the bowel: open with Ayer’l Pull. Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad bloodâ€"Aycr‘s Sarsaparilla. Doctorshave endorsed it for 60 years. Does Your Heart Beat Complete stock of Men's, VVomen’s and Children’s Boots and Shoes. Specially low prices in Men’s buits again this week A choice style, the Broadway and the Varsity cut Neat pat- terns Alterations in our clothing free of charge. overalls, and Men’s Black. Working Shirts, Flannelette and Colored Shirts. Fï¬ll line of Gent’s Furnishings, Spring Un- derwear. Waistcoats in many designs for summer. RICH MOND HI LL, ONTARIO OUR SU MME R TEB M w. have no aemcn W0 publish the formula. at .11 our medicines. Arm. Savage Richmond Hill We b 3. O. Ayer 00.. Levon, Inn. A to maul-ohms" at yer’s T. M. WATSON, Principal BIRTHS. “All! "0011. AGUE CUBE. CHERRY PECTORAL. L. lumps & Sons are having :1. c:n' Inad of No. 1 feed cum to :u-xivu in a. few days, which they am: prepared Lu sell at 58 cts. per bus.. at Maple stutitvn at $22.00 pu- (on, ground in tuns lots at. Mills. Parties requiring any Wuuld do We)! to secure it at once. 43 1f. A registered Jersey bull calf, months nld. Apply ï¬r. a“.--.‘v +++++++++ ++vr++++++++++++++++++++q ~§- +++++++++++++++++++M ++++++++++ +++++++++++~x~++++ Cheap Feed. +++°1~+¢+%W'$+++M+M+M%¢++ +40!"me L. INNES & SONS Richmond Hi For Sale. GEO. RFAMAN. If you are preparing to build, we are prepared to serve you with the latest Our prices are to your interest. Get them before buying. We also stock Washers. W'ringers, \Vheelbarrows, Wire (annealed, steel, or copper), Paints, Oils, Varnishes. We guarantee you a mechanical job on Eavexroughing, Rooï¬ng, and General Tin- smithing. Richmond Hill Hardware Store May 2, 1907 We Quote One Fact Counts +++++++~§ ++++++++++é ++++é+++++++++HWM; W Richmond Hill. These goods are backed up with a quality worthy ot our highest com- mendation. ATKINSON 82 SWITZER Builders’ Ilardxvare C. SOULES Fine Einï¬niideri'eé; Insertions to match Men's Black Cashmere Hose, 03. 10. 105, and ‘11 sizes. 23c. pair. Men's ï¬ne Negligee Shirts, 14. 14.3. 15. 153. and 16 83295, 700. each. Men's 4-ply Linen Collars, 1} inch width, 2 im- 23c. These are very special value. Fine Valencienne Laces, Insertions to mutch, a; 3. 33. 4} 5._(§c. yd. 7 , ,_v‘...v w. I-nluuvu‘ uu v, 7. 10, 13c. yd. W'uman‘s Hygeian V9319. short and lor‘g sleeves, at 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30c. each. more than a thousand insinuations. You want facts when you have ; hard-earned dollar and want to in- vest it. It was no guess Work that earned that dollar and you want no guess work in spending it. You want to know the GOOds, you want to know the Price, and you must have conï¬dence in the dealer that the goods are the same on the in- insrde as on the surface; that they wear as long as you say; that the quality is there, and so on. This is the import of the adâ€"our past deal- ings will inspire the conï¬dence. Follow these items closely. Fetch the ad. to the store with you. We have everything we advertise and have plenty lor all. +++H~+++++++++~ +++++++++++++++~1 I havc been appointed by the Do- mininn Government to place Immi- grants fmm the United_Kingdom in pusitions n8 farm laborers Ur du‘ mastic servants in this vicinity. Any pt’l's‘lnl requiring such help should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of help required. when wanted. and wages ()tfered. The number ar- riving may nut be sufï¬cient, tn supply all requests but every effort will be made to provide each applicant with llulp quuireu. T. F. MCMAHON. Canadian Government Employment Agent. lï¬ghxppnd Hill, Ont. 34~tf Farm Laborers and Domestics EIJE Llï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚ï¬a $1.93 IR ADVERSE. +~b+++++++++++++ at 5.