Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 May 1907, p. 6

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PERSONAL PAIIAGIIAPIIS. Interesting Gossip About Some Promi-i nent Peeple. A short time ago the German l-iizipits: ‘ was asked by a \4 ry rir'h l‘ilf‘tillt'.\> what things in the world sht- “Mild likr Iw‘t. “I can tell 3.1M very readily said the. “'l‘hcrt- are four tlizngs I pie, I'lnipres's. fe'.‘ to all n ‘Ix” They are my Kaiser. my kinder. l Ivirche, and my kuciic" my King, my children, my church. and my kitchen). I‘ If big game, was nicknamed “Zealous” by his companions at ltughy. (In lcayaig Brhool he \\'t'Ilt to Switzerland to ll't‘41‘tl‘ l‘il'f'ltt‘li tttitl t'n-l‘ttiiill. ll" lttilit'l' sliit‘tlttl tlic worthy Switxt-h on one 4-t‘L‘ft.ilt)ll by jumping.r into the lthiiie clad in top-boots' A tlth'lx’ \\'Iih'll lit“ Iilltl the riwr. and and gi-n-rit-t-oat. shot had fallen into wanted to get it out. liarl Itobcrts. who has given up hi~ town hotlst" in Portland l’lat-e and guilt“ to live in the country, has tl'illl\f|tl'lllt"\l his large collection of curios to his resi- deuce at l‘:ll1,.'lt“ll|4'l't', near Ascot. the most highly prized is a piwc of dirty whitc rag. very much the. \\1Il'.\\“, for wear; and many seeing it have won- dered what. on earth it was doing amour,r the other curios. It is lllt' “white flag" that General tironje sent to Lord lloberl.» intimating his surrender at l'aardcterg. It is interesting to note how rapidly the members of the English ltoyal I’am- ILV HI‘C tifl'ltllllgr lip llll‘ litil'tll .\]Itrll.\. (if Europe. An English l’riiit-css is on thin l'l'illt't'§~t Margaret of fionnaught, will some day' throne of Norway: another. wear the Swedish crown. The daughter of the late I‘rincess Alice. King Edward's : sister, is now the Czarina; the son of the Duke of Albany is Duke of Saw- (‘oburg-Gotha; the eldest daughter of the Duke of Edinburgh is Crown l‘rin-, cess of Boumania ; .the Crown Princess of Greece is a daughter of King Edward's eldest sister; while a daughter of t’rin- ccss Henry of Buttenbcrg is on the Spanâ€" ish throne. Easily first among lady astronomers is the gifted wife of Sir \\'illiam Huggins. It is not only since her marriage. that. Lady Huggins has devoted herself to star science. The most treasured posses- sions of her early girlhood were a small telescope and star atlas. Sir William Iluggins's house at Tulse Hill is splen- didly fitted for the study of the stars, but Lady Huggins declares that. the first requisite for a British astronomer is a broken heart. If the organ is not. frac- tured already, the vagaries of the terri- ble British climate, to say nothing of London fog and smoke. cutting.r off all observations for weeks together, will I t l “tits. and they a“! begin “tilt; l I Mr. I". (I. st-lous. the famous hunlcr of} In- (Illt‘ Hf, 155mm Relieves 7 3 Spring Catarr I] t t l t l I MISS DOR ‘\ IIAYDI-IN. "\Vithout hesitation I write to thank you for the great relief I have found In your valuable medicine. Vernon. and ‘will call the attention of all my friends suffering with ratarrh to that fact. VBe- sides I cheerfully recommend it to all suffering with catarrh in any form.“# Miss Dora Hayden. St!) 6th St.. S. \\".. “'ashington, D. (l. A CASE OF SPRING CATAIIRII. Mrs. N. I‘. Lawlcr. 423% N. Broadway. Pittsburg. has" writes: “Last spring l caught a severe cold. which developed Into a serious case of catarrh. I felt weak and sick, and could neither eat nor sleep well. “A member of our club who had been curcd of catarrh through the use of PC- runa advised lth- to try it, and I did so at once. I expected help, but nothing ‘ike the wonderful change for the bet- ter Iobservmlalmt’istas soon as I start- ed taking it. In three days I felt much better. and within two weeks I was in [the health. Peruna is a wonderful medicine." __.x.___ effectually break it for him. â€"_*â€"_â€"_. DEADLY PARALLEL. “You drink beer in winter to make you warm and in summer to keep you, cool," sneercd the maid. “Yes,” admitted the man, “I handle it just as you do openwork.” Then the conversation languished. You cannot be happy while you have earns, Then do not delay in getting I. _ battle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It re- moves all kinds of oorns without pain. Failure with it is unknown. There are at least 40,000 habitual vagrants in Great Britain, and in times of trade depression the number of tramps nearly doubles. Chaplain: “This is your third term in this prison. Are you not ashamed to have your friends see you here ?" Abashed Convict: “Indeed. I am. The prison is disgraceful. The reception- room smells like. a tap~i‘oorn, the cells are dark as caves, the governor is no gentleman. and the table is not fit to sit down to. Ashamed to have my friends come here? I am mortified every time I see them; but what canâ€"I do 'I" The. largest salmon on record was a Russian fish. which Von Siebald declares to have weighed 93 pounds. I'I‘Cll, Mange, Prairie Scratches and (very form of contagious Itch in human or animals cure din 30 minutes by \\'ol- lord‘s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. \Vhen a wrdding party arrived at. St. Mary‘s Parish (jinn-eh. Scarborough. the bridesmaids were told that fli<*_\' could not enter. as they were not wear- ing hats. but on] ywreaths of margin-r- iles. They then placed handkerchicfs over their heads and were admitted. The Finanre Conimitlee of the Ber. mondsey Borough Council rewmmend a reduction of 7d. in the ii in the rate for the next year. The council. before t declaring the rate. will endeavor to in. (tucc the Board of Guardians to return a surplus of £23000. by which a fur- ther reduction of 5d. can be effected. ISSUE NO. firâ€"07. DON’T OVIZRDRAVV YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. To ovcrdraw your bank account. whe- ther mentally or physically. is more stil- cidal even than to overdraw materially. Repair wasted tissues, strengthen shat- tcrcd nerves and rejuvenate your rhcu-. niatic system by visiting the famous Mineral Salt Springs of the “St. Calh- arines Well" of St. Catherines. Ont.. A postal card to .I. D. McDonald. District Passenger Agent, Grand Trunk Railway System. Toronto, will bring illustrated descriptive matter. The housing committee of the Bat- torsea Borough Council have decided that it will he neceSsary to increase the rrnts to make the Latehmcre and Town Ilall Estates as far as possible s<:lf»siip- porting. Cholera and all summer complaints are so quick in their action that, the cold hand of death is upon the victim before they are aware that. danger is near. If attacked do not delay in get- ting the proper medicine. Try a dose of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dyscntery Cordi- al. and you will get immediate relief. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure. . Next to London which has nearly 139.- 000 Jews. Manchester is the town with th: largest Jewish population. It has 28,000. Glasgowva large cityâ€"has only 0,500. and Liverpool 7.000. A LITTLE DIET Is the best: of all diet, yet It: will not make one and muscle but "Ferrovim " Kill.l Try it. All drug and general stores. SI. utt’. as. “If yu‘I mine in a year's time and say you tum» rut touvhtiwl drink. I will refund the money." said the magistrate at “rays in fining a man for an assault, on a constable. Do Not Drlay.â€"-\\'hrn, throuin debili- tated digestive organs. poistm finds its way into the blood. the prime consid- eration is to get the poison out as ran- ‘idly and as thoroughly as jxissible. De- la; may mean disaster. I’armelee's Vegetable Plll> will be found a most valuable and effective medicine to assail the inrtudcr with. They never fail. They go at once to the seat of the trc-u- lite and \vcrk a jurruiancnt cure. a dispttit‘, and agreed to leave it to the military expert, “What bullet." they asked. “do you consider Ill'f‘ deadlith '3" for several minutes he remained in a truth study. Then he looked up with the air of one who had settled the matter finally and definitely. “The one that hits," he said. An editor is a man who Is liable to grammatical blunders, toothache, typo- ggaj-Iiicnl errors. and lapses of memor', and usually he has half a million people watching to catch him tripping mm W” “1“ “"“""l L, 21.11 of people who want to be odihrs! “Is Mrs. Schnorer in?" asked t 0 caller. "Yes, ma‘am." answered 1. e maid-oball work in the boarding house. “She's in her room." “Are you sure?” “lcs. nia'am. I just overheard her tak- ing a nap." The)" llful NOT IIEREDITARY the Decision of “10 Medical .-\s.~tu'iation. It" old flu 2y (f tiriimtaiptmn Irv-in: Iif'i-ittary has let-n I'tlltttit‘lt‘ll' cxpiwl- ' IV the trivia-t fliilkll.‘ «f the Itintisli .\]‘tl.ttl. .\F\‘ii'ifllltlt. lAII‘lIllllilutll '< 1mr»-Iy and «ii‘y a pint diwasn. Ibiti "uh; wralintws and unfrav'trd chi-st. \\h.« h l.\ «1 liillit lily ('mlhliltlllwllitl tr lll‘ ‘‘1l.l(il‘lll mpwittlly f.t\t.i‘.tt- Mal and - lltllm its' ft r the l(J«l;_‘lllt‘ltl :tttd 1lht- d-\c2opm it if mill.\iilltl'lI-ill i; ' is lltlt‘l't‘lt.'i\l.\‘. ttiie (l lllt' \\ti'ltl< tuml fanmis pbysttlans >ln‘lll. lit> hf-‘ >tudyiiij; lll|\ <I,\"...\t* and finding a «'ui'v‘. ‘.\~ a result llt‘ gun to the world the: most i‘viiiarltablr and #tlt‘i"‘\\flll cure f41' liilwrt'ttiosis. and all the t't lltlllb‘ ii~i that bad tip It: ll. ‘Iitt lillll.illl rare. That one ,thiiin” unilvract’s the lit" work of one «i liht- worlds greatest benefartt rs. 'Ihmi» Ixztiidx' inn ll thousands mvo Illt‘il' life to 1'".\t'liittt'. Spat-c [It‘l'lllllS only (no tes- titimliy now: "St‘tt‘l‘ttl \\4il‘tl Hl'.\\'- year: ago my wife was s. .\il‘ltiti>l}‘ ill of lung trouble as for months to be unable to walk, at which time a. irlcil physician loll ltli‘ that the lli\I dress that I wriiid buy for hrr would be a shroud. 8hr tisrd I’syt-hinn‘ and is how reasonably \\t‘ll. “Ancthwr easn that came under my notice was Mr. Galbraith. "Ills was an extreme case: ap- parently. so far as I could judge, a hopeless case. and yet he is; now so much improved as to be away on a visit. Previous to going he was gaining at the rate of 3%, j’x'tunds per week. and was again quite well and able to walk about. The dot-tors absolutely gave him up." REV. t‘. E. BURN-ill. Baptist Minister. Fort-st, Ont. I’sychine is .a worltHametl remedy in the cure of all those troubles that lead to Consumption. such as coughs. colds, La Grippc. chills. bronchitis caâ€" tarrh. night sweats‘ and all stomach and wasting diseases. At the druggists, 50c and $, or write Dr. T. A. Slo- cum, Limited, 179 King street. W., To- ronto. ___.p___ FA STOOD THIRD. “I've got a wonderful boy,“ said the father of live. “My oldest. I mean. He came to me the other night with a sub- jcct for composition. hand to write it for him. I put down my paper and wrote, it. I flattered myself that I did rather well with that coiiipmi- tion. it having been some time since I had had occasion to write one.~but I hardly expected the enconium I got from him. The next day at dinner time and slapped me on the back. “'Ilurrah for you. Pop 2’ he cried. ‘You are all right. You stand third in the. class.” "’ THE REMEDY. Tramp: “Madam. I am suffering from indigestion." . Lady: “\\'hy, Im sorry. do to help you " . Tramp: “Madam. you can cure me in- stantly by giving me something to digest.” \\‘hat can I AS TQ EXTRAVAGANCE. Spendall: “If I’d known you were so ‘ you." would never have let you.” Prevent DISOI‘t,lt‘I‘.â€"-AI- the first symp- toms of internal disorder, Parmelee‘s Vegetable Pills should be resorted to inniiediatcty. Two or three of these salutary pellets, taken before going to Led. followed by doses of one or two pills for two or three nights in SUCCҤ_ sun, will serve as a preventive of al- torls which follow in the train of that fell disorder. The means are simple when the w try is known. Public-houses in the L'nitcd Kingdom munbercd 90.727 in the year lXHI. In 1904 the number w as only 91.502. and it is still steadily tllIlllIll.\lllllg. Help your children to grwv strongand robust by cl'iuntcrachng ease in children is worms. Remove, them with Mother Graves’ Worm Extermina- tor. It never fails. Sea Lords, one t‘ivil Lord. and a Parlia- mentary and Financial Secretary. The latter gets the best pay of allâ€"namely. 510.000 a year. It Lays a Stillmg Ilaud on Painâ€"For pains in the joints and limbs and for rheumatic pains. neuralgia and lumba- Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil is withâ€" out a peer. \\'ell rubbed in, the skin absorbs it and it quickly and periiian- ently relieves the affected part. Its value lies 'in its magic property of re- moving pain from the body, and for that good quality it is prized. The United Kingdom produces some 000,000 cycles yearly, of a value. of 3% million pounds, and of these exports nearly 50,000. ONE OF THE BEST old time remedies for all skin ejections! such as Eczema, tngworm. Scold- end and stm 1m- aflactgo Ia Veaver’s crate. t is an ointment the 3 brought to of to thousands. IIrilish i Ittlii llil" i'\t‘l‘ lilt‘.\~i‘ili He asked me off-i he, came rushing home. hurried up to me. extravagant I would never have married. Mrs. Spendall : “If I hadn‘t been, papa t tacks of dyspepsia‘and all the (list'oltt-I anything thali causes ill-health. One great cause of dis- ‘ The. Admiralty is conlrt‘illrd by four“ I AND IIIS PEOI‘LE. Occurrences In the Land That Ilclgtu Supreme tn the Commercial \\'orld. I’ive snakes. earh ‘2 feet in l'llg'lll. ‘l‘u’tVe I‘vvw'ti killrd at t’crt Isaac \iihip’r. tt'l nwail. l.Iciit,-tieiir-r;il l’tori-a-n will assume ‘c. inmand (f the Atdrrsliot cwrps on Deâ€" li'tllil‘t‘l' I III to Kr .Iiillll I‘rt-iicii. ‘ .\'ii.e‘ren \('~~i‘l.\‘. adult-gating: H.000 ,I<lt~. have been llx'llilll’llttl from the ,t'Iydo .stiipbuildsti; yards duiuipr March. l \\‘hill‘ ploughing II] a iirld at \lonks :Itisbtu‘otigli ll‘ltti'lm) a pit ughmaii turnvd up a lttman (w ppcr coin duh-d :ttil. ; lord Methune has opened a raw ‘t burr-h Lads' Ilrigadi- drill hall at IIIuIi \\‘ycombe. on a site ,-_’i\en by liar] tiarrnigtt'in. l-’l'ltll‘t‘$< Christian in ]rl’t\l(lt“ at the annual Stillllllf'l‘ sale of the lloyal .\‘ hoot of Art Needlework. \\'ltlt_'ll is to b* held in May. ‘ l’or sixty years without a break the aged sexton of I-laslon t'hurch. Suffolk. ,has sung.r in lllt' choir, which he joined lat the age of :23. ‘ ’l‘wo visits are to he paid to Alderâ€" ,shtd flll\' .xummrr by the lx'ingione for the purpose of holding a royal review on Laffan‘s I‘lain. Funeral volleys fired over the grave (if a young naval oilirer at Apuldram have had the curious effect of cracking one of the church bells. An army ve'eran has died at Ipswich in his 96th year in the perSon of Alfred Johnson. who served at Inkerman, Al- ma, Balaclava, and chastopol. A SCt‘N‘n of her own working has been given by the Princess of \\'ales to the London section of the Australasian Exhibition of \Vomcn's \\'ork to be held in Melbourne. Bravery characterimd the Conduct of Police Constable, Plat-kett, of Hackney. ,who, in stopping a runnaway horse. ‘was dragged 50 yards. He holds reâ€" wards from the Royal Humane Society for saving lives from drowning. Summoned at Dover for not sending this little girl Rose. aged eight, to school, Ilarry Philpott said the child ‘praetieally kept house, at the same time ilookinpr after two younger children and her mother, who was subject to fits. Dover has been selected for this year‘s competition of the National Ailillery Association, the high elevation of the guns on the cliffs making it more suit- able than Shoeburyness, where the pre- jyious competitions have been held. celluloid t Starch , >llc't't>~lt,ll is Easier Ironing gives better finish on things starched with Celluloid Starch, the only no- boil cold-water starch that can’t stick. You will like it best, once you try it. Buy it by name. Anygooddealer. ‘S 'a v e s L a b o râ€"-) ‘T i m eâ€"- t Linen, 1‘00 100 â€"-..â€"â€" lN MERRY on) ENGLANDI I\I£\\'S BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL shrink Does fit Doesn’t Pen- Angle ' Underwear . has the soft warm feel the skin enjoys. Doesn’t itch. Made for men, wo- - .men and little folks, in a variety of styles, fabrics and prices, 9/: 7471th Ila/'4’ l We authorize every dealer in Pen-Angle Underwear to replace. at c ill cost, any garment faulty in material or making ". ,-""§;,.i:r,‘ ,.._)1':_:.; . . A pure, hard Manitoba . ._ flour for bakers and others demand- :ing strength, color and uniformity. 'QSTRGNG &WI-IITE AT YOUR GROCERS ODEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH FLOUR AND FEED. WRITE U5. WE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN ClTY.‘ A BLENDED FLOUR THAT HAS CAINED CHEAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL HOUSEHOLD 'ALL PURPOSES' FLOUR. unnarniduttcriua __ II'N’I} '-' ' '~ if.” .,i , CARPET DYEING aura“; Efi'f3i3‘°3ll§‘&3° 00. Bond pawl :21: :1: 2:33:34, will, OUNG MEN WANTEDâ€"FOB FIRE. men and brakemen; experience unr necessary; over 500 positions open at the present time; high wages; rapid promo- ' tion to engineers and conductors; $75 to $200 per month; instructions by mail at. your home without interruption with present occupation; we assist each stu- dent in securing a position; don't delay; [write to-day for free catalogue, Instruc- tions and application blank. National tailway Training School. Inc.. 1432 I(., B-'.s'oii Block. Minneapolis, Minn. USA. 'STAMMERERS The ARNOTT NETHOD Is the only lost- c-l method for the cure of Stnmmartn . 1! treats the CAUSE. no! meroly the H BIT. and Insure: natural speech. Pamphlet. par- ticular: and references sent on request. ‘THE ARNO‘TT INSTITUTE I BERLIN. om, CAN, I FOR SALE. 300 LIGHT DYNAMU In good running order. Bar- gain for cash. S. FRANK \VILSON, '73 Adelaide Street “'est, TORONTO. In 1897 only “.406 British emigrated to Britiin North America. The number has been growing since then by leaps and bounds. and last year reached 07,133, of whom 75,664 were English. i g . i t 40 o _' On Your Sayings i Compounded Quarterly Send for booklet : “B ANKING BY MAIL” It explains how our Savings Department Is no further from you than your nearest mall b3}; I Capital and Reserve ‘7 t $2,900,000 ’3 Temple Building, THE union TRU$T 09st. IMITED Toronto

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