Lloonae Auctioneel for the County of Yor': ro- pmuuuy sollclts your patronage and friendly influence sales near-med on the shortest notice sad It reasonaberataa. P. 0. addrels King Linn-ad Auctioneers for the County of York. Illunneudedto on shortestnotiuesnd t tan.- Ionsble rates Patronage solicited Call: by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Licolaeu Auctionesr for the Ceunty of Yo k Good: sold on consignment General lulu no: no promptly anendodco at rouonubh Iol_ ï¬esgdreuco Unionvillo J 'l Enigoon. anio A large stock of Funeral Furnishing! kept at both places. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL O B Gouldiï¬Ã©; Rewcâ€"ohmgrook. agent (or tho thou calls by day and night promptly at- tended to. JOHN R. CAMPBELL AT THE USETML PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. \Vill be Will occupy his predeceswnr' in prepared [.0 do general [1' also to trmlt eye. ear. nose disease-s. DR. H. W. ANDERSON, Dentist, '1‘. F. McMAHON. [Ind erlakers a [In-banners IS PUBLISHEDEVEBY BHURSDAY MORNING VOL. XXIX. I, H. SANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEJN RICHMOND HILL 'ull 'line of Funeral Furnishings ways in stock. Francis Block. THORNHILL, C Omce hours: Tuesdays. 8â€"12 8.. â€"8 p. m. Mpans Tabules cure (Human, mpans Tabuln: at 0mm Oince Hoursâ€"S. 30 a Tumult-o Ofï¬ce. Cor. Czn'lton and Yonge Sta . Tol‘nnto ill be in Richmnnd Hill on W nesday of each Week. Ofï¬ce, next dour north of Stand ard Bunk. ‘6 $1 per annum, in advance. Richmond Hill VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhill. Undertakexs and Emhnlmera 113. s. J'. BOYD. M. B. BUSINESS CARDS. WRIGHT BROS i3°°n- J K MoEwon "WW Wanton Salgeon & McEwen. Knight & Lawrie I. R. C. 8.; L. R. C. P.. Eng. (Succusson TO DR. DEAN) 71mm gum: J. ll. PI entice. ult eye. Ear. nose and throat. l). G. uLoUGu, Emma 42 Pnornxnron DENTIST veterinary W‘dieat. Maple 09. 450 CHURCH ST. genial. ‘. m. to 5p. m. swnr's nf‘flce and 'al pl-argice and ‘oods 0n Wei. v, Ont. Pu i] of A. S. Vogt, Mus. Doc. (Piano), anEJ. E. Anger, F‘. R. C. 0. (Theory). ‘Nedllt‘suzw and Saturdnvs, Room 11 Carlton Chmnbex‘s, cor. Carlton and Yonge Sts., Toronto. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,M. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . Nam bum ‘c COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY R5 L AND BRITISH AM EP“. A ASS. COS. Richmono. Hill JAS. I S. W. Corner Moner to loan on [5nd nndcbnuol marques at stas: rates Auornomoaâ€"Removed to H]. old pout omo; one door west Ontano Bank Newmarkot omenâ€"Three doon aouh of the postomce T BanaEn'erxxox 6 81V Monon- Private and Trust Funds to lowest current, rates. LENNOX & MORGAN Richmoh’dâ€IETIWB'EQe. Stamina Bank Building. ever-y Saturday antler- BOO". Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at. Five Per Cent (5,2 Mulock, Lee, Milliken Clark BAunsu‘sn. Soucnon, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto 0mm. 33 Richmond St. West, \Vesley Buildings. h:~L r" ‘ "“‘ ' Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. R-idhmond Hill che. south-east car- ner o'f Lorne 'Bldg., every Thursday afternoon. MONEY To 1. A G B Lindsey.K 0 G G 1“ Lawrence W Bldout Wadsworth Barristersjolicitors. Notaéiea. &c. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Loin? B!dg:). qu. Adelaide 8: Barristers, Sulictun. Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E.. TORONTO, Canada FRANK BENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBIIF ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN 1‘1 IIJLS J. EARLE N! WTUN Pianist REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS J. EDWARD FRA ‘ CIS Instruction in Piano~playing and Theory ï¬en‘ton. Dunn & Boultbéé Commissioner. Onnvcyancer. etc‘ Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 1’! 0110 Main 3H. Toronto omce. Barristers and sollcllors. NOTARY PUBLIC Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth, WILLIAM COOK lax-rituals. Solicitors, Etc‘ a... “nus.†uux. AUG“ Victoria Sta" Toronto CDHIXBSIOIBR II III RICHMOND HILL, 0NT., THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1.907 '. M. LAING , NICHOLLS LOAN AT LOWEST RATES 1‘ King & Yong. Streells. TORONTO. ' Aurora animal. », 36 Toronto street. In Essentialv, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity 81V Molten! rhono um: 29“ Newman-ht Inn at Dr. Shmup’s Catun-h Remedy. In is a. snow white. creamy. healing antiseptic balm that gives instant relief to Catan‘h of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop. Racine, \Vis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. is some bettér. You can see the bear pattern; for LWenty-ï¬ve cents. Did you see it? Mr. 1. Dukes of Unionville wont. home sick with the mumps, he is engaged t,“ Mr. H. Quantz for the slimmer. Mrs. T. Chester. Temisonm- ing and Mrs. D. Annis. “’hitevale, visited Mrs. E. Brown Wednesday. Our hutchex Mr. Geo. Dukes. Union- ville, supplied his customers with some of his good beef this week. Mr. Gen. Love has purchased a new gate. you will be all right next Hallow’eeu. George. Our merchant, Mr. Ed. Brown. returns home early from the city since he drives his new team. Bout tickets for sale. Miss Jan Emslie is spending the summer with her mother. For Catarrh. let, me send you free igsptjp prqveAmeritrajl‘l-ial size Box of Mr. S. Graham wears a short smile these daysâ€"ins a girl. We are glad to see Miss Edna flouck out again after iheg-‘st-ï¬inus illness. We are glad to see Mr. T. Peach out after the severe cold and still able to make a shadow. Mr. Pupilwau is suffering with a. sprained wrist. MI. Hniney is improv- ing slowly. Arbor day was held by the schools last Friday. Fishing is all the go nuw-a-days. We are sorry to hear that Mr. H. fluggsm’ c'hï¬dren an: very ill. but shag-as it’hey will anon re. cover. Mr.-3."l'ully had a. ploughing ‘bee'last-‘Snluulav. Mr. F. VVilliamsnn has been very sic_k this last week but I thought I Would write a. few linps about, our little hamlet. as I haven’t seen anything in for same time, and thought you wnuld like to hear how wggregetting along: The ï¬ne weather has come at last and the farmers are almost through seeding and their good housewives are turning things upside down and cleanâ€" ing every corner. He Hammad out in dead of night. When mortals seek repose; Did emphasize. \\'Ol'd>. nut, too wise. ‘, Our Lady of the snows." Our Canada the fairest land! BenPath the glowing sun. In not sn bleak The truth to speak. As some, more healthyâ€"none. When King “ Sol " rose from out, the East, And spied old winter’s trick ; He sent his rays. A thousand ways, And mnde him vanish quick. Oh. surely nnw he‘ll take his have. So public his disgrace; He ought. to be, ashamed to see. The frowns on every fnce. Mrs. Graham of Mount Albert is viqiping ijenAds here. (51:13.) P. L. Gmwr. Richmond Hill. May 4, 1907. When sn6w hid all ih'éi'r‘ibod. The ladies donned their winter garb; 1n over-cunts men sped; The da y before. Some women wore. N0 hats upon their head. ’Twas thought old winter had retired To have his summer rest; ‘Vith much surprise Did human eyes. 139th him atirlil their guest. He had not really ll'ft our shores, But only hid he-hind The snow-dra prd-hills, ‘Vhence flowing rills. Ice fetters will unlund. Nothing hut white ahrnnd was semi, Thn'? inches deep, ur mum: 0n fences piles, In many styles, And drifts at every door. The ivnfless bnughs (.‘eriadrn were, Quite-dwp-nn every limb; Each tiny twig Seemed thrice as big, As viewed through snow-flakes dim. Trnes evergreen. n‘erhm‘dvned stood, \Vith unaccustomed weight. Bent low beneath, Their snowy slit-nth. Sublimeiy bm‘c the'fa'eight. Dear iibtle hirds nï¬â€˜righted flew For shelter, where they could. Their songs of praise, They cpuld put raise, WINTER'S FAREWELL DRAMA.â€" May 4th. A scene of wintry splendor Met. the nstunished gaze. As lifting blinds. The startled minds. Behold the snow-clad ways. Cashel Those interested may obtain a copy of the Act and agglication forms for certiï¬cates by a ressing The Secre- tary. Department of Agriculture, Toronto. The Legislature cf Ontario at its recent session 39115895 an lactrespecting stationary engineers in which engineers and employers are alike interested. Briefly stated, its pro- visions are that, after the lat day of July. 1908, no engineeer will be allowed to operate or have charge of a sta tion- ary steam plant‘of 50 horse power or upwards who does not hold a govern- ment certiï¬cate. There are three classes of engineers to whom certiï¬- cates will he granted without the! applicant having to undergo an exam- ination. ï¬rst, those who on the 20th of : April, 1907. (the date on which thel Act was passed) held certificates from an association of stationary engineers " in Ontario, or a marine or locomotivel engineer’s certiï¬cate; second, engineers I who on the above date were in charge of a plant of 25 horse power or over in Ontario; third. engineers who had at any time. previous to the passing of this Act. not less than two years‘ experience in the operation of such a plant in the. provmce. Those who cannot qualify as above will have to pass the examinations which will here- after be prescribed by the Board of Examiners. STATIONARY ENGINEERS CERTIFI- CATES- 48. \Vm. O. McDonald 49. Wm. Brnwnlee 50. James A. McMurchy 51. George Sutton 52. George Elliott 53. Fred Hicks 54. Chris. Thomson 543.. David McKinnon 55. Daniel A. McCallum 56. PeterG Wardlaw 57. Alhvrt vains 58. Arthur Robson 58H. Johnston Egan 59. Jnmes Sloan 60. \Vm. Mutho-snn 6L John Johnston 62. James Kellum 63. Matthew Dix 64. James Elliutt 65. Charles Nnttrt-ss 66. James VVOnd 67. Jacnh Cairns 68. Ale-x. Cameron 69. Jnhn Guwland 70. Junnthnn Fletcher 71. Genrge Millings 72. Wm. Fleming 73. John Dalziel 74. Arch. Patterson 75. Alex. Dick 76. George Krllam 77. Wm. Thnums 78. Petvr Mitchell 79. Thomas Smyth 80. Allwrt Sewn-le- 82. Harvey P. Appleton 83. Jnhn A. McCutcheon 84. James A. Bernath 85. John Train 86. Isaac Fletcher 87. Robert Somervme 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. hâ€"Irâ€"npâ€"‘Iâ€"l .5» ... H 3| hitâ€"AH gcwq 25 hâ€"l =®ms§9+wwr .ON 26. meph Stephenson Juhn Ground Bvrwick \Veldriazk Jame-s Mt-Lmln James Hnï¬vy \Vm. Ruhinsnn Jnnws Murphy .l'nhn Pill-7,0 Henry \Vingvl‘ .lnsuph Graham . Alfred Rumth Bert. Mortsun . \Vm. Glass . Wm. Hart . Henry )6. . Frank Krfl'or . Uhvulvs Line . Frank Rumble . Juhnlflavnge 21. 22. 23. 24. Fisher Thomas Baker Alfred Hart John Gordon Thomas Kel’fer Hiï¬un Kvtfer Charles McNeil John (Iraddock 26:1. Joh n Fresh 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 34. 35. 3 . 37. 38. 40. . Isaac Murray Gemge Crook George W'utson \Valtor Anderson James A. Mitchell Jonas Shunk Robert Jones John Richards Jnmos Scrivener John Blnugh Ralph Sutton Ruhert Brownlre Arthur L. McNeil John M. McCallum Ann-0n Fenwick Alex. Brysnn . Jams-s Devins Charles Huson Wm. VVatsnn Andrew Stewart . Fred Cousins . \Vn). O. McDonald 40. 41. 42. 43. 45. 46. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP PATHMASTERS FOR £907. Get my rates and prices before do- ing business else-a where. Deering Farm Em- plements Richmond Hill Agem for Fire and Life In- ‘S‘umnce P:an 1Lâ€"Fanny Evans. May Rudd7 Harry P0010, Ernest Glarkv, Melvin WV:tLy._ Is on every wrapper of Doctor Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery because a. his list of the ingredients composing it is sprinted there 'in plain English. Forty ‘ years of experience has proven its superior :worth as a blood puriï¬er and invigorat- y ing tonic for the cure of smmnchdisorders and all liver ills. It builds up the run- "down system as no other tonic can in ; which alcohol is used. The active medic- inal principles of native roots such as Golden Seal and Queen’s mmne and Mandrake root. Bloodroot dad Black Cherrybark are extracted and preserved by the use of chemically pure, triple- ‘ reï¬ned glycerine. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce at Bnï¬alo, N. Y.. for free booklet which quotes extracts from well- niaed med- lcal authoriti such as Drs. artholow, King. Scud e . Coe. Ellingwood and n host of othe ,showlng that these mots ded upon for their curative all weék state of the stomach, accom led y indigestion or dyapepsis as well i ll blilousor livercomplaintn and In wasting diseues" whereaihero Is los flesh end gradual running down ‘ strength and system. i 1he“Goldenrhiedlcamlenke§ Junior IV.â€"-Llnyd Whitmm‘e‘ Charlie Bowoa. Dvssn Poole, Eustnn Harrison. Louise \Vitty, Nmnmu Buwos. ‘Seninr Iï¬.-â€"â€"Edna Fisher, -Nn-lli9 Vanderhnrgh. Junior III.â€"Ernie P0010, Percy Harrison, Lyle Murphy. Senior Il.~Arthur Bowma. Fwd Gel-dun. Hawar‘d Bukm‘. Hazel Page. Gvrtie Evans, Hilda Ellis, hams-R‘ka: Grace Gordon. Btu-tie. Baker. Lily Evnns. Helen “’hite. Purl Lâ€"Winie Ellis, Ollie Murphy. BPI'L “'itty. Dorothy Gordon, Marjuriu C(‘mpt-I'. The following is rilhe school repnr fogApril. _ Sen'iur IV.â€"Irmm Gordon. Hem-y anes, Stella \Vitty. Vern Heamnn. “’ilfrr‘d Kefl'vr. «W Thus all skin aflectlom. blotchea. plmp es and eruptions as well as scrotnlous swel- llugs and old open runnlng sores or ulcers are cured and healed. in treating old running sores, or ulcers, «1.2. 15 well to h:- sure their heallng to applyto them Dr. Plerce's All-Heallng Salve. If your drug- glst don't. happen to have thls Salve lu stock, send ï¬fty-four cents ln postage stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invallds’ Tlotel and Surï¬al Instltu Bufl'alo. N. Y., and a large 1 of the " ll-Heallng Salve†will reach you by return post. 9 Van non ownâ€"4‘ on on-nn§ A anti-n. nn.‘ flog, nure 11m, anfl ,so You can’t. afford to accept. a secret. nos» trum as a substitute for this non-alcoholic. medicine 01" KNOWN couposrrm. no: even thou h the urgent. dealer may thereb ma. eamuo big er roflt. Dr. lerce’s Pleasant. el eta regn‘late The Badge-of Ednéé‘ty ices Eï¬e stomiï¬ï¬ [Single copies, 3 cts. Concord. A\ID “makes invigorates m9 N0 45