Hon. J. P. Whitney and: his government are to be commended for the stand they have taken in advising that no licenses be granted in municipalities where local option has been quashed on a mere Leehni- cality. When it can be shown that the will of the, people. is clearly expressed, it is not well to quibble on unimportant points of the law. rate. But the regulation came into force a month after it was passed. Newspapers are generally subscribed for at the beginning of the year. If the publisher has received his dollar on each subscription he now has to ï¬ll his contract and pay half the amount in postage. Of course newspgper men can inform their American friends that their paper subscriptions will be advanced from $1, to $1.50 a. year at the end of the present contract. But to most publishers this Will be an unpleasant task, many as extreme. I nu mama-ru- price of newspapers throughout Canada is 31.00 a year. The former rate of postage to subscribers in the United States was a mere trifle. A rate of of 52 cents a year means ‘ prohibition. That would leave onlyj 48 cents {or the publisher. N0 : weekly newspaper worthy of the 1 name, can be published for 48 cents. i Of course it may be said that where i a number of papers are mailed to the same Post ()flice the postage does not seem so high, as the new rate is one cent for each four ounces or fraction of ‘four ounces. Qum'rie. Qllzll‘l’ie. Had publishers received proper notice they probabiy would have raised no objections to the increased Junior IV.â€"Elln. W'ade. Hattie Nixon. Elmer Orr. Emma McQuarrie. Seuiur II[.â€"â€"Stanley Wntsou. Ruy Cmuks. “'illie Barry. Lester \Valker. Edna. \Vatsnu. "3({131(.'1?â€111.â€"G. VViudas. Edith Clement, Pickering McQuurlie, Willie Hniles. Report of S. S. No.-5. Vaughan for {hp mpth of April. _ Senior IV.â€"Annie Jones. Minnic \Vntson. Florence Nixon. Annie Hoilvs. Gm'tie Thomas. Ethel Mc- quu'rie. Eldon \Vade. Myrtle Mc- [Lâ€"Maud Jonas. JohnnyEOrr, \Vilh-ed “'indus. Fannie Gray. Alvin Bag‘r); -- .- .. --. . r- A Isaac )lcQuM-mo. marine vuuuau, lttlssel Espey. Junior Lâ€"VVillie Jones. Albert O‘Brien, Juhuny Windas. 1 James Cunt)" . Ah'iâ€"n Vluoumoxn HILL. 0117.. May9¢ b @3152 iï¬hsral. II.-â€"Della. \Vade. Emma. my. Flossie “Ed-son, Roy Espey. hin \VaLker, Sidney Jones, Betcha. II.-â€"Viclm‘ Orr. Vem ON. Senior I. 7‘ Hadwen McQum'rie. auc McQum-rio. Earuie Windaa, POSTAL CHANGES. April Report. Eidon \Vade, ’Myrtle as follows :Kâ€"East, Ym'k. W. \V. Thompson, Danfm'th; \Vest York. D. McKenzie. \Vundhridge: North York. James \Vayling, Newumrket. Replying to “One IllLE‘lt‘Sth" we give [he names and addresses nf the Licen_se_>_ Imperial-s ilJ' qu‘k Cuuuty, :17 try Rev. Dr. Jnhn Watson.» (Ian Maclaren) the famous authnr died on Monday at. Mount, Pleasant, Inwa. The cause was hlund~p0isoning from tonsilit‘is. He was taken ill on the 25th of April. 0n motiun the reeve w to interview thv Murle some“ with a View to bonus in aid 0f the imp Centre- street, east. “ Preventius" will pi-omptiy check a cold 01- (he Grippi- when taken early or at the “smwze flags," Preventivs cure seabed-cums as well. Preventics aw little candy cnld (‘nru tabli-ls, and Dr. Slump. Racine. “’is'. will g1 dly mail you samples and u hunk (In Colds free, if you will writ»- him. The sample-s prqu their nn-rit. Check early Gold with Preventics and stop Pneumonia. Snld in 50 and 2.30 hnxvs by \V. A. Sandermu. The milk producers and rutailors in, Toronto and surrnundilag-district have agreed to submit; their dlspute to arbitration hefnre Judge \Vinchester and Mr. C. C. Jamm. Pending a decisin‘n the pmducers will deliver milk as formerly. We have thrown out this week about 40 pairs Children‘s Button Boots. in sizes 7. 8, 9, and 10‘ in all leathers and widths. regularly worth frum $1 to $1.40, at 25 to 600. pair. Batter see them.. :nughton‘s at the Elgin. Severn] articles have rem-ntly appeared in the Tun-onto 1);:in Star in reference Ln Maria Monk \th (.‘L‘Iilllt‘d to be :1 mm. The anmving shun-l, lé'flt’r from our pmtumster “as in svru'd Munday evening:â€" Editm- of Thv Slangâ€"A frimnd sent me. by mail. the refutation uf Maria Monk's tan-called “ Disclusun-s." it is at book of 131 pages. the fullnwing quotation is the Lille paw-t: Au nwfnl g-xposme'of the ah-mtiuus pjnb fin-med by certain indhidunls against, the cl -rgy and nuns uf anm- Canada. thruugh (hr intern-"(inn of Marin Monk. with an auLhI-ntvic nun-zlâ€" tive of her life. from her birth [0 H19 present moment. (183(5), and un "cm:an of her impusitinns. etc. Printed fur Jones and 00., Muntl'eul. 1836." "The bunk cunlnins a unmplete refutation of Marin Monk's “Disrlus- urea." It proves that. she- m'vc-r was a nun. nor connected with u nunnm-y: on the contrary it, pmn-s that she wax committed Lujuil fur llwft: after her lllwratinn from jail, Marin Mnnk he- came an inumtv of the Magdalen Asylum for wpentnnt, female-s. The beak» euntains sew-ml ufï¬dmits hy reliable pen-suns, shmving up her true character. tngn-lher will: sluth-nu) from persons of rvspt-ctnlnlily, who knew her. including Lllutmg hrrmntln-r and severle Plntvsl’ullt miuielms, all proving the unu-nthfulm-ss of the su- cnlled " Disclnsun-s."â€"â€"Z\I. TEEFY. Richmond Hlll. The follmv'ing accounts wore pre- sented: T. & Y. R. R.. freight, $4.5â€: H. Blanchard. wnlk un streets, $5.25: G. NewhH-y, fence posts, $28.80; Jus. Blanchard, digging post hnlps. $15: L. Imws 335mm, lumber, $15.69. ï¬rst sitting uf the Gum-L of Re.- vision was dated for the fourth of June. ' icinnncillnr Sanderson was added to _the committee fm- adjnsLing nmttex-s In connection with the el‘evatm' site. Posters announcing the Annual Fair of the Richmond Hill & Yonge Street Amicultural Society to he held here on the 24th of May. are being dis- tributed. The hill of fare is uhnut the same as usual, but the prize lists show the prizes in several of the Classes for horses larger than ever before. The prizes fur imported draught. stallions are $8 and $1. Best team of heavy draught horses. $15, $10. $5. Span of general purpose horses in harness. $10, $5. Span of agricultural horses in harness. $10. $5. $3. Span of car- riage homes in harness, $10. $6. $4. Span of roadster horses in harnrss. $1Q $6. $4. Gentleman’s turnout, $10. $5.’ Farmers‘ turnout. $10. $5. The regular meeting of the Council was held in the cuuncil chamhm- on Tuesday. Mav 7. Presvnt: [hv l‘e‘PVP and councillors Sandra-sun. Barker. Nichnlls and Trench. Minutes of pre- viuus meeting read and cuuï¬rmvd. Trenchâ€"SnHansonâ€"That the fun:- guing accuman he puid.â€"Cal'l'itâ€"'d. A communication was read from Mr. H. Blanchard asking for an in- cu-ase nf‘ salary. After discussion Councillor Sanderson moved and Councillor Barker secondad .Eheit Mr. Blanchard he paid 17% berm; per hour u'nhil October lst. The motion car- rw . At the regular meeting of the Quarterly Board of the Methodist circuit held on Monday in the Lecture Room of the church at Maple, both ministersâ€"Rev. J. E. Wilson and W; E. Gallowayâ€"received a. unanimous invitation to labor on the circuit for another year. Both invitations were accepted. subject to the approval of the stationing committee and con- Refutation of Maria. Monk mail with a view to obtaining a mus in aid 0f the improvements on entre street, east. Council adjpururdf. _" nu u YORK LICENSE INS THE ANNUAL FAIR. YELLAGE COUNCIL N ews Notes héigéve was instructed tlw Markham township MAPLE A. J. HUME, Clerk. SPECTORS FRIDAY, May lOâ€"Auction sale of houses. lan. household furnitnrsl. etc, at the residence of the late Joshua Oliver, Maple. Sale at 2 p.211. Terms: â€"â€"Househuld effects. lots. flame house and lug hnuse, cash: britk dwalling. ten pvr cent. on day of sale. balance. in 30 days. Saigenn 3: McEwm-n, aucts. PRINCE DRUIDâ€"Ilnpurted Clydes- dalv. the. prnpel'ty of John Palmer; Richmond Hill. \Vill sL-and‘ at the Palmer Hnuse. TH ms $13. properly of \V. .l. \Velh. Home strahlv. TempH-nnl-millv. “'ill he at Bullutl‘nt’, Aurm'n. Victmiu Square, Elgin Mills. Terms $10. MARQUIS 0F UOWAL â€" Impnru-d Clydl-sdul». the pmpvrly (vf I). U. Steele “'ill gu LU Ht‘udfmd, Dnllul'. Pattersnu, Unk Rillgl‘s, Victm in Square, Elgin Mills. Hume stable. HiI-hnmnd Hill. 'l‘r-rms 85H. I lrhnrwrm-n getting bills or cards printl-d "I THE“ LIBERAL Ofï¬ce will rem-in» n fl'('t‘ nnlice during the season as fulluws:â€"â€"â€" RiI-hnmnd Hill. 'l‘r-rms $24. ROYAL HATTONâ€"[mpm-Lvd Ulydt‘s- d‘ulu-v [he propm-ty nf l). G. Blough. \Viil [m at anlP, Richmnnd Hill. Elgin Mills, Oak Ridgvs. Aurm-u, Kettlvhy. Hume bLuhlv. King City. Terms $12. GOLDEN CONQUERUR â€" CIydPsdnle stallinn. the propurw of .I. E. 'I‘eemn. W'ill stand at, his uwu Stnhlu, Sunny- side Farm, Int 32., CIIII. 1. Markham. near Thou-"hill. Terms $11. MACQU EEN’S CHAMPIONâ€"4â€ydvsdale, the property «If Jusvph Burm-Lt. Elgin Mills, will go to Trstnn, Vellm-e. Maple. Home from Thursday till Tux-sday. ’l‘vrnw $l0. LORD HAMILTONâ€"Clydesdale. the pmpel'ty of T. H. Leggv, 'l‘anm-ance- Ville. \Vill travrl thrm‘ngbx W‘Eï¬t- chum-h, Ouk Ridgu-s; King City. Hum» fmm Friday till Tuesday. Terms $10. PRIDE OF VAUGHANâ€"~Clydesdnle, the prnperty of Ross J. Buwe-s, Cun- cm-d. Will stand at his own stable. Terms $9. LEGAL DIRECTâ€"Rhndsh-r stallion. [he pl‘an-l'ly (If \V. G‘ Ellis. Bvdfurd Park. \Vill stand at†his uwn stable. 'l‘t'l‘llls madv knnun on application. LAIRD MACQUEENâ€"Clydt'sdnlv. the- pmlwuy «If \V. J. VVvllx'. Home smhlo. Tenn[Mu-:umte-ville. \Vill ht.- nl; Kettlehy, Nuhlvtun. Vvllore, King City. Terms $l0. COLIN MACQUEENâ€"Clydesdule. the ++++M+++++++++++++++++++4 + NOW is a GOOD TIME .g. + ~a- 4, t? to enter the well»known 4. §++++M+++H+++M++++M%+¢ 45-2 ference. The ministers u er? paid in full, “pm-la :lnmeu an increase in mvmhvrship, nnd k'\('l')' (Ir-pm-tmeut was said n: he in a plospm‘uus cun- diLinn. Bupm-ls Wen-r elmulu'aging from every quarter. Snapâ€"This “‘H‘k, 1‘ lb. hur pu’re white cmtflï¬s‘mr‘p. mm: (5 Inn's bun- light, sung-259.; 7 hum hmhxl‘d's l’lu'e Sump, 25¢â€? Drï¬umw .5“). har, 2‘.c.; TOW!) Talk Bur, 9c.: 6 “Hrs Eclipse Snap. 25m; Nulllhn bump, Illndr in Canada. 5 lmrs fur 24m. Atkinson & SwiLzl-r. properly 4 stamp. Tel Bullutrm‘, Elgin Mills A quantity of seed potatoes-â€"Delâ€" awaresâ€"for sale on 10!. 28, con. 2. Vaughan. A pure-bred Yorkshire White Boar, two years old, for sale. Cheap. The Com-t of~Révisinn for the village of. Richmond Hill will hold its ï¬rst: session for the current; year on Tues- day, June 4. 1907, for the purpose of- hearing complaints and appeals inguinst the assessment of the said vil- age. The Court will sit, in the Council Chamber on the above date at 8 o’clock in the evening, and all whom it may concern are requested to gov~ em themselves accordliugly. 'A. J. HUME, Clerk. Richmoniflm, May 8, 1907. 45-1 Court of Revision " £3..me ' - égmw _ . TORONTO. ONT. BULB ï¬dd- urn Samoa 3 free, full :bcy Clnl 11mm Iron Canada's High Grade Commercial and Shorthand School. Our grad- uates are always successful. Their superior training enables the-m to get and hold excellent push-inns. The pupils who graduate from oursclmol are in the Highest and best sense trained for business life. No vacatinns. Commence nuw. (Analogue free. Seed Potatoes. PUBLIC NOTICE (Cor. Yang: and Alexander Sts.) Stallion Ho.glsser. JOHN 'SLIN‘EY H. R. ’HELSE. Victoria. Square. For Sale. Auction Sales. ï¬dd- m lam. but thou Inn mm Shmbl‘o,.Pmflmd. nuclei" W. .l. ELLIOTT, Principal. m. CONQUERUR â€"- Clydpsdule pl'Ule'LV Hf .I. E. 'I‘eesun. at his uwu stnhlv, Sunny- Elgin Mills P. Rtmdsh-r stallion. G‘ Ellis. Bvdfurd at“ his uwn stable. on nppl'iCErtfuu. vâ€"Clydt-sdnlv. the- ?. “'ollx'. Home w‘ille. \Vill hI.‘ nl; this-llillfllllellb (if Lrvusury stock shu res will be advanced tin p1 _ Standard Imported Registered Trotting Staininnâ€"Sval brown. 16;} hands, weighs about. 1300. Sit-ed by Wilkie Collins, he by Genrge \Vilkes. Dun) by Sherumel by George \Vilkes. Record 2.29:}. Trial 2.17. Quarters in a race in‘ 29} Syconds. a 1.58 gait. .______ -_--_._.. n.u I A , p A‘ L, L l, .l ».‘J ..u._ Al AL“ as singn n'srn'cgnï¬xtimns are completed fur sew-ml l'ivh pl'4!pt‘|“,it‘s in Cobalt, Lurder Lake, Mfllltl't'nl Rive-r and James annship. (2) VVE VVILL BUY BACK YOUR SHARES AT THE PRICE PAID if you are not satisfied. (3) THIS OFFER 18 ONI{Y_ GO_OD FOR :l‘XVQ “WEEKS LONGER. n3 THE DUKE is one of the largest, one of the host bred, and one of the ï¬nest trotting stallions and stock horses in Camudzl. THE DUKE served 123 mares last. year and owing to the large demand for his services this your near Toronto we cannot send him-farther north than Thomhill where We expect, to meet; all our fm lllt-‘l' [Hill'an from the districts of Richmond Hill and Auroral Monday noon TH E DUKE will he at Hughes Hotel, Thornhill. and at. 3 o’clock at Edgely, and Monday night \Voodlu-idge House. \Voodhx-idge. Saturdays he will be at. Black Home Hotel. Toronto. The rest. of the week he will he west of Toronto. $15 insures a living colt. payable 10 days after inure fuula. If colt comes deformed or dies within that time no charge- whatever will he made. Bring your mares to one of the above places and: biepd to the ï¬nest, horse in Camdm AS A BUSINESS PRGPGSITEON IT PAYS TURIDE A BEGYSLE The most generally recognized time and health-saving and pleasuregiving device of the present cenmrv Prolong your life by riding a wheel to and from work. It is wonderful what a good effect wtll be exerted on your health by even this amount of regular exercix‘e, fresh air‘and sunshine. Then think of the pleasure it gives you 40-2111 Head Ofï¬ce of Company, 152â€"154 151 REMEMBER:â€" W. J. LAING, A n ideal mountâ€"made to last and CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR (Ea-“Limited. “Mak cycles." Tomato Junc_t.ion._ _Bnmch§s:__ \Vilmig On the premises. Concord. 8. well» bred Durham bull. also a well-bred Yorkshire White Hog. MAURICE EVANS. * H38 LASELLE BEVE'LQMEG a" Capital Stock $500,000( 500000 shares Incorporated un ar value, :51 each Mining Companies (1) WE PAY DIVIDENDS MONTEILY. The 44â€"10 There are no stops when riding the Far Service Manage!" THE DUKES: Massey “Silver Ribbon†Lo Junction. Branches: Winnipf Aust. Lucle Representative, J. E? FACTS Regarï¬mg Concord P. 0. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY has been nearly Lnkvn up A New \Villiums Sewing Machine as good as new. Price $15. Terms Lo suit. 711', EKG For, Sale. REYNOLDS. 77 Victoria. Sn, Toronto. go while it lasts. ms of the \Vorld‘s Best Bi- ag,. Yancnuvex, Melbourne, & SON w will he largely increased rich playpen-ties in Cobalt, MRS. CLARK Centre. Street manned Iftel which tinn- H)l' ()ntario nation Act )ntO