Miss L. Harrison, Toronto. spent Sunday at her home here. Miss magt of King ing for n. fc-w days with Mr. H. A. Nicheer hus disposed of nlmther lï¬t‘ at" Lhe Crosby Survey to the north (If the village. grim-khan) Township on Satulduy of this we; Miss Alice Stm‘vy camp up frnm the (‘ity Tuesday and spent, her birthday wiLh Irene Mcbiulmn. The Village- Gmuutil have started to im )g-uvu L}: ntre street lvuding to the E; ‘ . 0. stuLinu. Rev. Father (hunt has been appointed Pariah Pxicst fur 'J'hornhill and Richmond Hill. succeeding the late REV. P. McMnlmn. Mae 'ï¬iim’ai. frhssrs. Frank and Carl Stun-9y. 'l‘urnntn, spent. over Sunday wiLh leintivex and fl iends helv. Miss 13. \V‘ilï¬ums of Jurksnn‘s Puinb spent, n couple of days this Week with )n-x- sister, Mrs. \‘V. eriznm. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Chran smut a while on Friday lust in town visiting Mr. and 5113. Bruce. Aurora Bannerâ€"Miss Eva Hill Richmund Hill. spout, Sunday guesL of Miss Ethel Umver. I’runesâ€"Uulifm-uia prunes. size 80 to 90,-6c. per Hr; size 60 [u 70, 91) per 1b.; nae 3610 40, llgc. per 11). Those are \ cry special. Atkinson é; Switzcr. Men‘s flue Muck cushmerv snuksJeg- Mar 250. kind, fur 2(Ju.; Woman's til.- de black (:ushluvre lmse, puir. Atkinson & Switzer. Our civi'm-ns Imst hen e lelt surprised to see l)\'(‘l' two incht-s uf snmv,, when they lose fmm llmr beds Saululay morning. the 4th of May. Mx‘. Elmore Rt-uman has taken a pllsiLiUll for the summer in the Uflice uf Lhe Queen City 0:1 Unmpauy. Lie comumnced \vnrk yesterday. Mrs. Ualuhan and little duughter Kathleen visited with Mrs. Gen. 'l‘hnmpson this week prmious m their n-umving to Detroit their future home. Mrs. A. C. Kline. with hex- little daughter and son, spent. an :Lfturnuun wiLh brrsisier, Miss Kinnie, who has Ween ill with plcui-isy, but who is able to be out again. The last, meeting of the Methodist Qunrzel-ly‘Bmlrd-M'as held on Monday evening. Rt‘pnrts from an over the circuit showed a geneml increase and healthy growth. Golde‘u Syrup â€"- Edwardshurgh Uruwn Brand. in 2~lb. tins. 9.592; in 5-H». pails, 23c.; in bulk, 4.116. per lb. Atkinson & Switzel‘. M’f’. Chris. Homer of Headfnrd is the ï¬rst, tn report a ripe tomato. The plant. came up in a, flower put about. the beginning of the year. and one got, ripe and was eaten uu Sunday of last, week. Mrs. (D1'.)S. D. Ohowu of Toronto, hits decided to spend a week in our snlnbriuus air and has :u‘vanged to stay at, Mrs. Jag. Rumblc‘s. Mrs. Uhowu arrived on Monday. Goose wheat wanted; Milne Bros.. Mhrklmm, pay Tux-onto streep max-ken pricesyand better for it delivered at their mills. Take it, (here now before harvest, and get the big prices. Maple Sprnpâ€"Fine quality maple syrup, wine measure, in gem jars, jar and syrup. 250.; wine measure in seal- ed tins. 24a; imperial quart, in bulk, 25c. Atkinsun & Switzer. Mr. Thomas Newton, Chief of Lord Elgin Uzmnp of this village, has been appointed a. delegate to represent the local camp at a meeting of the Grand Camp. sons of Scotland, to be held at. F’iagara Falls on thé 25th and 26th of une. - 24331313051) HILL The Special rate of 25 cents for the )Veekly AGlobe, 91‘(1£:1-ed“utnm"l‘nni LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, expired on the 30th of April. The rate now charged for that, {)aper for a year is ’75 Cents; The ’eekly Globe contains the magazine sectionp The‘ “Néw Idea. “'uman’s Ma azine." published on Broadway, New ’ork. is '50cents a. year. Owing to the extra. charge on postage. however, -the Can- adian subscribers haveto pay 75 cents. Subscriptions at the latter price are taken at. THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Seeded Raisinsâ€"Finest California. needed raisins. Ram’s HUI'D Brand, 16~oz. ucknge. Ilia; 1?. nz.-puckuge, 10c.; b. Hamilton bmnd, 16-uz. pack- age, 10c. This is special value. Atkin- sun & Switzer, ~ Rheumatic sufferers can have .1 free sample of Dr. Shoo ‘s Rheumatic Remedy with beak (in lieuuiutism by simply Writing Dr. Slump, Racine, \Vis. This book will explain how Dr. Shoop‘s Rheumatic Remedy success- fully drives Rheumatism out of the blood. This remedy is not at relief unly. Iteiiins to clear the blood en- tii'elv of Rheumatic poisons, and then Rheumatism must die a natural death. Sold by‘ W. A. Sanderson. H; () (3 FARM ER’S ATTENTION ‘, ONT†May Glam; has been ’xiest fur 'J'hm-nhill Council meets Mus. D. Hill. reek is visit 9. 1907 of HIV 1’« nut expat [um kc by [hr The Eichruond Hm Fife Bl’fgï¬tde ufé :n'mnging for flu excursion (war the tuPll‘UpUllLiln Railway to .lncksun’s Paint the latter part of June. It is expeuu-d Lh'e (-xu-nsiun from New- Mrs. John McKenzie wishes to thank Llw m-creLnry. Mr. R. McLeod} and Lin: Suns 06' ,Scullmldyfv?‘ the courtesy almwd' her and fur the prumplnc-ns in which tin-y paid the claim, $500, nu thu life of her late hus- lmud. Rev. Alfred Bedfurd of Aux-um. will On Sunday next prequel) Educational Sermuus ut llc-mlfux'tl at, 10.30. Victor- izL b-(Junre M 2.15. and here ub the MmhmlisL Clnulch at 7. Mr. Béd’fé‘l’d" is (me of nur must, diligent pu‘lpit students. bright with nrigiual thought and always repays a careful hearing. lim‘. Mr. Brace will tune the Educ» tiunal Sunday at Aurum axlsu. The annual 1)i\‘ll iclv Rally uf the Ep- w‘nrlb Leagues is to he hold at the Yungc ELI-rot Methodist church on \lem'sduv next, May 15. Rev. 3. T. Barth-Lt of Cnhmn'g, the newly-11p- pninu-d Ynung People's Travelling Secretary, will give the address of the vwniug. Excvllcnt singing is expect- ed. (Jungwgutmnul singing is to he led by the curlwt. The leagues (In [his cintml nrc zunuxging to attend in huge numbers. Mr. Mulluy‘s repays PPM} at) the last nn-cting of the Bumd uf Education indicated that. am- PuMic Schuul is doing good wmk. The inspector pointed out the Dem-ssin at new blawklumrds, new seats etc.. and rrmunmunded that each of the teachers he giw-n a duydux-iug the yea: in which Lhey might visit, ()Lher schools, and get, ideas from enchuxher. The (tummittve has secured some of Onrm~in's most talented Artists tor the ounceâ€, m be held in the Agricultural Hall on the evening at the 24th of May. The perfonners will include Mr. Box-L Hnnpy, comic \‘aculist; Miss vasiv lr\iug, Hamilton’s best rmder and entertainer; Mx‘. Gen. F. vadley. ius‘erm-ntulist; Miss Eva. Ca‘tlxhe’rt. Custumfl character- \ oculist mnl dancer; and Mr. Harold Rich pianu soloist and accompanist. thh’a ï¬ne nogligee shirts. coat style, W’. G. & R. make. lvgnlzu‘ $1.50 quality. for SI, Ge‘mr’s flue nrgligec shirts. Hung Brand, 700. each; you'd think these were $1 shirts. Gent’s 4- ply linen collars, 2 for 2.30. Atkinson & SWHZBI'. Mr. D. M. Boyle of Langstnï¬. has purchased from Mr. l. H. Plentice of Uniunville one of the latest and must up-tn-dxte 20 hurse power Tlactiun Engine and \Vind Stacker. manufactured by the VVat.ex-loo ()0. Mr. Boyle has been a, successful thresh- ex- fur the last few seasons and intends to give lï¬s many customers the wry best. uttentiun, and no doubt will be able to with this outï¬t as the Separator also is new. Latest, improvemean always welcome. REPORT OF HIGH SCHOOL FOR APRIL. FORM IV. G. Brown . A. Mil:le.,,... C. Kinnie . . . . ‘ A. McConnghy G. Dickinson .. L. va. . . . . . ‘ 4 H. Smith . . .. E. Alcombrack A‘ Winch . . . . ‘ Fomu III.‘ W. Carleton.“ L. Soulea . . . . . D. Cuupel . .. F. Hickson ‘V. Scott . R. Page. .. l. Punyl. . H. “'e'lsh 0. James 11‘. Zt’age . . . . . M. Byam .. A. Palmer . J.‘ Elliott. .. S. Read . . . . . M. Helmkuy G. Topper... FORM 11. A. Calhoun H. Hislop ._ E. Cosgmve N. Morgan W; Ground .K . . M. Boyle. . . . . . . E. \Vutson . . . . . \V. Redditt E. McNuir. 0. Morgan . . . . G. McDunald. . .. I. Max-sh A . . . . . . H. Naughtun P. Hugenuan. . M. \V’ntsm) . , , . . J. Gamble. M. Vanderburgh ,FORM 1. - 0, Hoover . . . . . J. Scott . L. Gunderham E. Quantz . .. H. K911). P. Grist; . . H. Murphy P. S. INSPECTORS REPORT. McMahon. . Bmwn .. ., McNaughton Buer . . . . . Murphy . . . . . Tupper' _ . . . Richardson . Ulice . Brydon Buse. . . 1‘?ng inupe! Lu the Puiut, will be (nymph-ted 24H! hf May. CONCERT FOR 21TH. TH RESH ING OUTFIT. CARD OF T HANKS. TOTAL TOTAL . .518 . .398 . .139 TOTAL . 803 ..719 680 .653 “647 ..580 ...560 . 559 TOTA L ..549 “542 .504 84 l 81 4 772 758 695 634 594 590 582 51-1 483 472 . 466 . 439 . 408 . 399 326 322 301 291 283 382 270 207 552 529 518 476 456 509 446 112 64 (59 59 65 65 51‘ 72 M'. Risehmugh B. Rt‘l‘d . . . . . . . R. Jarksnn F. Hicks . . . . . . L. Ketfcr .... A few speciais from the grocery counters: Spinx Snlmun, 10c. can: 3cuns Pens. Cum. or large size Pork and Beans. for 2'50: 3 packugrs of Gusto 0r 7 burs Eclipse or Slur Laund- ry Soup. for 250.; ï¬rst quality Dim-b Sl-tt, Onions at 150. (mare. Naughmn's at the Elgin. M. C. Coagruve H. Lueshy . A. Jackson L. McDonald L. Rankin . M. 'Ban‘ . . . . G: Mnr'sh L, N‘uughtnn Z. Bull . . . . . . E. Campbell \V. Pulnwr . H. Fmr . . . L. Manir . H. Palmer . . 1. Little . R. Little . . ., E. Reulnan . GRAINGlmâ€"In Richmond. Hill Sun- day, May 5. to Mr. and Mrs. FuGrï¬ilr gel, a dnugbyey. .n‘ n-v 1 D BRACEJKt the Parsonage.Richmond Hill. Tn‘osduy, May 7, to Rev. and Mrs. A. P. Brace. a son. BOYLRâ€" LELLmTTE-AL O y r i n g :1 Cottage. Langsmff, un Thursday. May 2, 1907. by the Rev. John Gibson. Rector of Trinity church, Andrew Oliver. second son of David M. Boyle. to Alice May, vnungpst daughter of \Villiam Lclliutte of Thm‘nhill. HEISEâ€"AL Gm‘mley‘,’ Mav 8, 1907. VVesluy youngest srt‘h"of John Heise. Fum-l-nl Friday at 10 11.111. lntenm-nt at, adjoining ceme-trl'y. ++++++++++++++++MH++M++ $+++++++++++++++¢$+++++++ï¬ Vundm-burgh . Bn-ukey.. . . . . . mar . . . . . . . . . \Vilson . . . . . . . Kinuugh . . . . . . anes.. .. ’Farr Clement ‘ Chapman . . . . . Smith . . . . . . Unless than is daily action 0! me bowel], poisonous product: no absorbed. cnusing headâ€" ache. binousnesr. nausea (iv-pepsin, and mu: preventing th- Snrumrnia frnm doing its belt qgrk. gun-’3 Pm. are liver pills. Act gently. ui Â¥egۤhï¬i Mag-3.9 yer’s If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the Sar‘saparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him won't if; A SUMMER SESSION ing July and August. Students may enroll anv time with equal advantage. \Vrite for catalogue and special summer rate of this oldest and best school. is held at the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSIXESS CGLIEGE, TORONTO,_dur- We Trust Doctors], A coupon will be given with every 25 cent purchase. Save your coupons and bring them thd take your choice of’a piece of china. In time you will have a cmnplete set that has cast you nothino. See our window. Ask fur coupons. Boots, Shoes, Clothing. and Gent’s Furnishings ’ [MIR VIGOR. Aqua cum-- ' ' CHERRYâ€" PECTORAL. w. Mve no secrets 1 We pubu-h tho {annulu- of All our medicinal. Dinner Set Arm. Savage 1 Richmond Hill MARRIAGES. FREE! DEATflS BIRTHS. T. M. WATSON, Principal ...352 “347 .345 . 337 . .832 .. 321 . 317 412 41) 379 3&0 363 313 311 805 302 297 24 l 239 223 182 178 17-1 (54 WWHMH++++M++++++H+W+ Â¥+++++++++++++++ -%+++++++++++++4 +H+++++M+ W-H+++++++++HH~++++++++ Complete Shorthund Course tour (-1) mombmwvith books. May to August in- clusive,83+.00; or three months. $30.00. Complete Commercial Conrso, books in_ ‘cluded. to; four months as above, $37 00; or three months, 333,00. Offer good only for summer months. Write at. once. Mail courses at special rates. SummerSchool Yonge 1nd Bloor Sls‘ R. A. Farquharson, British Canadian Business Coll. ++++++++++++++++++++++++H HM+++++++++++H++ i;+++§+++++W+++MM+HH+H+++++++++++++++++++ QEE’MBEQJM. ' mu m mam. One Fact Counts We Quote Maya, 1907 Richmond Hill Hardware Stare If you are preparing to build, we are prepared to serve you with the latest Our prices are to your interest. Get them before buying. We also stock Washers, VVringers, VVheelbarrows, Wire (annealed, steel, or copper), Paints, Oils, Varnishes. We guarantee you a mechanical job on Eavetroughing, Rooï¬ng, and General Tin- smithing. These goods are backed up with a quality worthy 01 our highest com- mendation. ATKINSON 82 SWITZER Builders’ Ilard‘vare more than a thousand insinuations. You want facts when you have a hard-earned dollar and want to in- vest it. It was no guess work that earned that dollar and you want no guess work in spending it. You want to know the Goods, you want to know the Price, and you must have conï¬dence in the dealer that the goods are the same on the in- insrde as on the surface; that they wear as long as you say; that the quality is there, and so on. This is the import of the adâ€"our past deal. ings will inspire the conï¬dence. Follow these items closely. Fetch the ad. to the store with you. We have everything We advertise and have plenty lor all. Men’s Black Cashmere Hose, 95, 10, 10;, and 11 sizes. 230. pair. Men‘s ï¬ne Negligee Shirts, 14. 145, 15, 15;. and 16 sizes, 70c. ench. Men‘s 4-ply Linen Collars, 1% inch width, 2 for 23¢. These are very special value. Fine Valencienne Laces, Insertions to mulch, at 3, 31}, 4, 5, 60. yd. Fine Embroideriee; InSertioï¬Ã© to'match, at, 5. 7, 10, 13c. yd. \Vuman‘s vaeian Vests, short and long sleeves, at 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30c. each. ,, SMILES Toronto Being a. graduate of Mom-ï¬eld‘s Eye flospitnl. Euglund, I am prepared tn examine the interior of the eyes for disease, and test, for glasses. If :1 \patient should require glasses 1 Older “them for him. Nose and throat work n speciuity. . Ofï¬ce convenient to the Mctropoii- ftan and U. N. 0. Railway stations. Having a. complete X-ray and static electricity ap mums, I am able tu locate foreign Odies in the body. and examine fractures of bones. Also tn treat NERVOUS DISEASES, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, M03311) GROWTHS, such as Cancers, etc. THE - LIBERAL RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO S ub scribe for DR. S. J. BOYD ++++++++