UBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHWG HOUSE ‘ ‘3†KING ST- E: RICHMOND HILL.ONT. l FRANK DEN‘I‘UN, Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. IS PUBLISHED EVERY L‘EIURSDAY MORNING VOLXXIX. \Vill m-vnpy his pl i< prepmn‘d Ln do “1‘!†[n (I'm-1L rye, diwuse-s. 1‘. F. McMAHON. “'ill be DR. H. W. ANDERSON, Lioenseu Auctioneer [or the County of Yo k Goods sold on consignment General sales Moe etc promptly attended to at. renaonnvh ntes Residence Uniuuviue all: by day and night, promptly at- tended to. J T Snigoon. Mapie '76 R Goultuug. Newton Brook. agent for the above Licensed Auctioneers forthe Countyo!’ York saleantaudedtoonshortesznoticeand a. ram Bonable rates Patronage snlicited License Auctioneei to: theCouuty of Yor re~ painfully solicits your puï¬ronage and friendly influence snles “traded on the shortest notice Ind at reasonabemtaa. P. 0. address King JOHN R. CAMPBELL Oflice hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"1:. 7â€"8 p. m. J. H. SANDERSDN. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Full line of Funeral Furnishings al- ways in stock. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"$.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. ])1-- E. J. \Voods DE N T EST, Francis Block, ’I‘l-IORNIIILL. Ont. $I per annum, in advancw] ‘0 Undorlakers & Embnlmers. Toronto Oï¬ice, 450 CHURCH ST. Our. Cut-1mm and Yonge Sts , Tm'untn ill be in Richmond Hill on \Ved nvsday of each \vvvk. Otï¬ce, next (1001- north of Stand- ard Bank. I? DR. S. Ripaus Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules: at drugglsts. BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fllornhill. M. R. ( Undertakers and Emlmlmers (SUCL Elie Saigcon ac fllcEwcn. WRIGHT BROS, Knight & Lawrie EDITOR 11’ PROPRIETOB J. ll. Pienncv. l)euti.~'t. D. G. BLOUGII, ‘r. 5.: L. R. (3. P.. Eng. ‘ESHOR T0 Du. DEAN) hnlond Ii ill Wettriuary an ‘inral J. BOYD. M. B. AT THE mum. Maple 'Pdecmw it"s nf‘flCP and gone-n] prm-ticv and ar. nose and throat ihml J K MuEwen Weenon A G S I.indsey.K C G 'd F l. .w-rouce W Ridout Wadsworth II ‘ Bar ‘ (-rs and solicitors. Mouev to loan euland andchnnel mortgages“ lowest. rates Aurornnfliceâ€"Removed to me old post 0310.: one door west of the entrance to the Onhnrm Bank Newman-km ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south 0! the p :5: orï¬ce T HERBERTLENNOX 6 81V MORGAN Aurora. Newmsrkat Hunw Life Building (furmm-ly Frse hold Lnnn Bldg. ). Um. Adphlide 8: Victoria. Sls.. Tnmntn. Rivhmund Hill Oï¬ice. snulb-nast vor- ncr uf Lorne Bldg.. every Thursday :Lftt-rnnon. LENNOX (S: MORGAN Toronto Ofï¬ce, 36 Toronto at reef. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tm'untn Ofï¬ce, 33 Richmond St. \Vt-st, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after» DUOâ€. Maple, Thursday afternnnn. Money to [mm at Five Per Cent, (5%) Mulock, Lee, Millikan & Clark DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS. S. \V. Comer King & Yunge Streets, JAS. NEWTON HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Private and Trust, Funds to 1mm at lowest current rates. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER IN THE ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E lJG‘IN 1‘1 IIALS £21m . Danton, Dunn & Boultbee Riohmono. Hill Pupil of A. S. Yogt, Mus. Doc. (Piano). and J. H. Auger. F. R. G. 0. (Theory). \Vednesdays and Saturdays. Room 11 Carlton Chambers. cor. Carlton and Yonge St:., Toronto. COMMISSIONER, CONV EYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. Phono Main an Barristers. Snliclurs,‘ Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS J. M. LAING Barrister, Solicitor. Etc J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Cnmmissinnex. Conveyancer. etc Insurance. and Raul Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Lindsey. Lawrence- w adsworth. Barristersï¬olicitors. Notaries, ace. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL Instruction in Piano-playing and Theory DI . '1‘ E E 14‘3? HERBERT L. DUNN Bun-ism! s. Solici tt urs. Etc. WILLIAM COOK W. MULUCK BOULTBEF RICHMOND HILL. ONT, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1.007 TORONTO. K. (1. TORONTO. Canada. In Essentiaic, Unity,- in NomEssentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†Phone Main 2984 Newmarket A strange and sommvhat serious} raise was up for hearing hefole Mia; andH-son, Police Magistrate, and Mr. J. H. Sanderson. in the Lorne Hall Monday :I-ill'l'llnnn. Un \lenvsday evening of last week E. J. (‘ahle ol"I‘oront,o, ful‘lllt'l‘iy of [his placv, wont to Mr. Sanderson and insistvd on laying an information against [he pmpric-Lur of the Palmer House for urlling liquor on that day without a license. Mr. Sanderson took his slate")an in writing, and Cable made afï¬davit to the rharge. Mr. Sanderson innnediatoly sent the infoimation to Mr. Ayrost, Govern- ment liwpector for Local Option dis- tricts. The next nnrnlg Cahlk‘ re- turned to Mr. Sandmson. saying he wishvd to withdraw tho cl :1 grs. but, was infnrl'nrd the. papers had been sent to the Governman lnspectm. \Vhen the case came up on Monday, Cahls- was sworn and cross questioned hy Mr. Monahan, acting for the Ontar- io Gnu-rnment. and lny Mr. Henderson. Gable on his oath swure that, he had no recollection of what took place \Vednvsday evening. He did Hot recollect swing strong drink sold or drunk at, the Palmer House. he (lid not, remember going to Sanderson’s house and making any statmnvnt. he did not rva-mbersigning a statement, and if he made an afï¬davit it was not in accordance with truth. His plea was that he. was drunk and did not ‘know what, had taken place. He l swore on Monday that hedid not got strong dlink at the Palmvr House, but had brought it. from the Uity in a SUIIH' half dozen or more witm-sses were afterwards called and sworn. They stale-d they had seen Cable at the hotel nn that, day, but, knew nuthing of strong drink being drunk Ul' purchased. Tho great scmv fur cnnying the ma- (rhinm-v uf the digger is nearly ï¬nish- ed. \\"e expch My how- [he suund uf the whistle in the near future, when rpemtiug in the long swamp drain. The contractors may have the drain. ï¬nished Lhis full in time for “Val-den McHeil In give his‘ assumiutPS in ofï¬ce a. trial trip (vn the canal Lu the city of PPLUI‘lHH'U. Artur [Waring the witnesses the mngistlatvs dismissed the case. The pl'USrl'lltviUll was repn-sented by Mr. Mmmhan, and MI'. Savage by Mr. Fitch. J, J. Sndler was here on business in connecliun with his fruit cleaners. The chevse factory here “pens this \vvuk in charge of a new cheese-maker. The late, Cold Spring will binds-:- the work nf making much thwse for smue time, but the promise is guud. “bet'd Lime and harvest†is secured to us while the- ages roll on. Miss Florence Pilkey and Mrs. \Va-h- Stu-Ir (If Lukx-ï¬eld, :u-c Visiting Kheir lolaLives alt, Muunt lesam. Messrs. A. P. McLean and Maurice Rosenberg of the city of Petra-hum. war" here on a flying visit to the parental huums. Many me complaining of the ex- trmue cold weather we are having this spring. Miss Brodie has returned after spending Sunday in Toronto. Miss Luella. Johnston returned Thursday after ubuut a week with her grandmogher, M_rs. _Coats of Ton-5mm: U A number of the fax-mus are already making m‘mngeuuâ€"uts to take in the excursion over thv C. N. O. to Parry Sound in the mouth of June. Mr. C. \V. Mullny. Public School luspectur, paid 2m ntï¬ciul visit to the schuul lust Thursday and expressed himself as well pleased will) the walk dune hy the pupils. The househnld effects of the late Jushua Oliver were suld by puhlic auction last Friday. The two lluuses [but were offered for sule were bought by Mr. J. Uuombs. The lll‘il'k rrsi- dance has been rented to Mr. C. Millur, of the Sterling Bunk, fyr one ymr. Messrs. Bert and Harvey Jackson started last week for Alberta when: they intt'nd taking up hmncsteads. Mr. Hun-y Devlin of the “800" is staying at the parsonage. and attend- ing the School of Telegmphy in 'l‘mnnlo. Mrs. T. H. Keys was visiting in Toronto over Sunday. The monthly ["991ng of the \Vumvn’s Institute was held at the Temperance House lust \Veduesduyl quex-noon. ‘ Seedsâ€"\Ve have a full range of every kind (If seeds. Mung]: and turnip Sl‘L'dS of every variety and at ruckâ€"bume prices. Rennie‘s giant yellow mangle in packages at 20c. lb. Shillolt uniuns at. 5c. quart. Naughtou Bros., Eigin Mills. Mount Pleasant. A STRANGE CASE. Headford Maple. THE DANGER OF SUMMER SEPA- RATIONS. Long summer separations between husband and wife are unwise tempor- ary divorees that often leave. a. long trail of Shl'l'OW, grief and misunder- standing. They do not actually wreck home and happiness, but they are an unnecessary risk. like " rocking a hoatn†a foolish experiment that may overturn and swamp it. ‘ \Vhen one member of the home ï¬rm takes a long solitaire vacation and the other stays at home in loneliness Cupid, though blind, sees trouble ahead. With two who love. each other the temporary Separation may he the thin edge. of the wedge. of a permanent growing apart. These solo vacations force each Into a new environment in which the other has no part; they lessen the SWeetness of mutual depend- ence; they break the. continuity of loving conference and constant con- ï¬dence: they make it. easier for each to face life’s roblelns alone instead of hanrl-in-ham . 'I‘hz- rpgular annual exodus of the Wife, heranse she has a restless desim tn get away smne-whex-o. because she has friends whn insist on her nccnnr- panying the-In. or because she fears the ne'ighhols will think she cannot afford in go awayâ€"these are- the forms of voluntary sepamtinn ful' weeks and months that are dangerous and some- times even prove a. short cut from mflrimnny tn alimony.‘ GOLDEN \VEDDING. On Wednesday. May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Innes celebrated their golden wedding at their home on Richmond stre’et. in this village. Mr. Innes was born in Cumminston, Aberdeenshire. Scotland, in April. 1527. and lived there till coming to Canada in May. 1854. Mrs. Innes, whose maiden name was Mary Ritchie, was born in Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland. and lived there and in the city of Arbroath till coming to Canada in June. 1856. She is a niece of the late Mr. John \Velsh of this village, to whose home she came on her arrival in Canada and with whom she lived until married. Mr. and Mrs. Innes were married by the late Rev. Dr. Taylor, formerly of Aberdeenshire. at his home. Jarvis street. Toronto, on May 8,1857. Since then they have lived at Elgin Mills. Thornhill, Buttonville, Gormley, and for the last twenty yeais in Richmond Hill, where he and his eldest and lyoungest sons, \Villiam and John L.. lhave been carrying on their present ‘ extensive business under the ï¬rm-name of L. Innes & Sous. Their other son, Alex. R., who for ï¬ve years taught in the High School here, has, for the last ï¬fteen years, been mathematical and science master in the. Port Elgin High School. Besides the three sons there are living fourteen grandchildren and two gt eat-grandchildren. At the fain- ily re-nnion of the forty present all were immediate relatives. Besides the three sons and their wives there 'were present eleven grandchildren, one granddaughter-iu-lztw and two great-grandchildreu. Amongst the others were Mr. Innes’ brother. George. his wife and three daughters from Toronto; Mrs. and Mr. Robert Powell, a sister and brother-inâ€"law of )Mrs. Innes, also from Toronto; Mr. ' and Mrs. \Villiam \Velsh of Thornhill, Mi. and Mrs. James Donald of Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. Cairns Marsh and family of Richmond Hill. The old family home was tastily decorated [with roe; and cal'uzltions for the oc- l casiou. At the close of a sumptuous l wedding dinner an address from their ’childreu and grandchildren to the 1 aged couple was read by \Villiam and l a gold-headed cane, suitably inscribed, [Was handed to the father by Alex- ander, and a gold brooch set with din.- ‘lllOHdS to the mother by John, as a. ltoken of respect and good-will from l children and grandchildren. This Was ‘ suitably replied to on behalf of the re- l Cipients by Mr. James Donald. Many 1 other valuable preSenta were received * from the otherguests present. Hearty ï¬ congratulations were. expressed by all fpresent, to .Mr. and Mrs. lanes. A The themry that, husband and wife should he separated norasinnally so that they may apprm-iute each other the Innre is a dangerous doctrinv. Vacutinns with Puch other may he m-w miniature honeymoons. bringing renewed lnve to Imlh, but long vacatinns from each (:Lher are what, the insurance cmnpanio-s term “extra.â€" hazardnns risks."â€"â€"V‘Villium George JUI‘dUl] in the June Dvlineator. The best XXX white wine vinegar, 300.. per imperial gallon;_ XXX gnlden syrup vinegar. 301‘. per imperial gal.; XXXX Lung Puint cider \ inegar. 30¢. per imperial gal. Those Vinegars are the very best, the Lung Point Cider vinegar being extra special. Try it. Atkinson & Switzer. happy evening was 9 ent in gmm-s, Scotch songs. etc.,‘ all joining at thv close in Wishing the aged couple many years of continued health and happi- uess. At a meeting of the “fest ank Cnnsvrvutives ln-ld at \Vvstnn nu Sut- uI-day, Dr. Gudfrey 0f Mimic“. receiv- (d the nomination for the hye-elvctiun fur Llw Local House. which will be held on the ï¬rst of June. By a. dvcisinn delivered in the Division Unurt. on 'l‘nvsdny Judge Moi-sun holds that it is 'nu infringe- ment, of the Lord's Day Act fur a. 11's- mnramt ketlpor to sell to his (‘ll!<[()lllt‘l‘5 candies, “ranges, ice urn-am and other delicacies. on Sunday or any other Mr. G. F. Mnrter. :m ex-momlwr of the Prminciul Purliunwnt. at one time leader of tho Unuservutive party. died at his hnme in 'l‘umnth Friday morn- ing nftPr a lung. lingvring illnnss. Dvrvusml had 1106‘]! for many yam-3' an earnest. worker in the cause of tmnpor- nm'v. o sue women as are not. seriously an t, of heath but who have exacting duties to pertor either In the way of boom;- in Id cares or In social duties and tune- as we a ursing mothers. Dr. Pierce’o Favorite P rlpuon has proved a. most. valuable su rung tonic and Invigorat- geflous slcknes? lug nervlne. “B: it; a, w. - , su eons knife w I .lxevf, sgldogn have to be emgloved If this most. Vulgahls: Get my rates and prices before do- ing-business else- Where. ~â€"-â€"_â€"r,...» ,__._,rvr _ , to in good time. The"F}1VorlLe Prescrip- t on" as proven a great, boon to expectant. mothers by preparing the system for the coming of baby, thereby rendering child- birth safe, easy, and almost. painless. Bear in mind, please that Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is not a. secret or patent medicine, against which the most. intelligent people are quite naturally averSe, because of the uncertainty as to their composition and harmless character, but is a MEDICINE 0F KNOWN COMPOSI- TION, a full list of all its ingredients being printed, in plain English, on every bottle? wrap er. An examination of this list of ingre ienis will disclose the fact that it is non-alcoholic in its composition, chemic- ally pure, triple~reï¬ned glycerine taking the place of the commonly used alcohol, in its make-up. In this connection it may not be out of place to state that the “Favorite Prescription" of Dr. Pierce is the only medicine put up for the cure of woman’s eculiar wea'nesses and ailâ€" ments, an sold through druggists. all the ingredients of which have the un- animous endorsement of all the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice, and that too as remedies for the ailments for which " Fayoriie_Prescription " is recommended. _ , A_ .1 “flaunt-.40 ‘unl Fire and Life In- Deerng Farm Im- plements N. 3. Glass vvnnw;.v.w..l, ...V_,, A little book of these endorsements will be sent to any address, post-paid, and absolutely free if you request same by tal card, or letter, of Dr. R. V. Pierce, ui'falo2 N. Y. b Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure con- stipation. Constipation is the cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. Easy to take as candy. Richmond Hill :voided. The gyeratlng 0| Interest To Women; [Single copies, 3 cts. Edam News Notes. Agent for surance AND .â€" Lima VJï¬ï¬ 3M No 46 much