Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 May 1907, p. 2

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we" HHWJE+H+++++ . + Allfllll the House TESTED RECIPES. Baked Brown Breadâ€"Two cups sour milk, three cups graham flour, one Clip flour, onehalf cup New Orleans moâ€" lasses, two even teaspoons soda. 581%. one half-cup raisins if liked. Tomato Catsup.â€"â€"Take a tablespoonful of the best corn starch to each quart 0f juice. Stir the corn starch in while the juice is cold and boil down in the usual way. This will make twice the quantlty of catsup and also will keep better. Over Salmonâ€"Take equal DUNS of salmon and mashed or baked potato; mash or crush potato, add salmon, pinch of salt, and piece of butter; mix thir- oughly; make in small patties. roll in cracker crumbs, and fry slowly until brown. Bread Scraps.â€"Don‘t waste the scraps of bread, but cut them up in small square. Put in pan in a hot oven and brown nicely. They are splendid for SOUP. or in hot milk for children, or for tomatoes. Have a. bag to keep the toasted squares hung in the pantry. Cream Puffsâ€"Boil with a large cupful of hot water ouehalf a cupful of butter, stirring in one cupful 0f flour during the boiling; set aside to cool. When cold stir in four eggs, one at a time; do not beat. Drop on buttered paper and bake twenty-five minutes in a fairly hot oven. Serve with whipped cream. Delicious Roasts. â€"â€" Wash the meat well, place it in a large stone crock, and cover the meat with cold water. Dredge well with flour, salt, and pepper to daste, place. a lulnp of butter on top, cover the crock with a. tin cover, and put It in a moderate oven. Get the meat in the oven by 9 o'clock for a 12 o'clock dinner. The ravy will be made in the crock, and t 3 dinner will be easily served. Canning Strawberries. â€" In canning or preserving strawberries if each can is wrapped in newspaper (while the fruit is still hot), to exclude the light, the berries will not lose their rich red color. If ex- posed to the light they turn a brownish color. There often is considerable juice left after canning strawberries, use it to can rhubarb. This makes a delicious sauce. Eggless Fruit Cake. â€" One pound of salt pork, chopped fine, pour one and one-half pints boiling water, stirring constantly, add one pound chopped rai- sins, one pound currants, one-fourth pound citron, two cups sugar, one cup molasses, one teaspoon soda dissolved in warm water; one teaspoon each of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, and enough flour until quite thick. A wine- glass of brandy may be added. Bake in jnoderate oven. ' Pork chops may be made delicious by putting them into a shallow baking pan and pouring over them a well beaten egg (about one egg for every six chops), seasoned well with pepper and salt, and then baked in a rather slow oven for an hour. The egg, forming a light crust over the chops, absorbs the fat and retains the full flavor of the meat. By this me- thod chops, even though not tender, are rendered deliciously so. Drip Coffeeâ€"To make drip coffee in any coffee can, get a pair of small wood embroidery hoops that just fit the top of coffee can. Make a bag eight inches long. A twenty-five pound flour bag di- vided in three makes three bags. Then measure to fit around ring. Cut corners off at bottom. Sew on machine to form bag; hem over hoop. Place it in coffee can. Put in two tablespoons of pulver- ized ground coffee, add one quart of boiling water to filter through, and cof- fee is done. The sack should be emptied, rinsed in cold water, and hung up to dry. Left Over Roastsâ€"After a roast has served for two meals there is often meat. enough for another, although not in good shape. When this is the case out up the meat, mince fine an onion, and the gravy if necessary. slice cold boiled potators and arrange in a baking dish. Set- back on the stove where it will heat through while you are making a tin of baking powder biscuit. After cutting out your biscuits, instead of putting them on a tin put them on the top of the meat pie, slip the whole thing info the oven and bake until the biscuits are done. Chicken pie can be lnadc in the same way and can be served without carving ill a neat manner. Fruit Jellyâ€"Wash and prepare fruit, removing all imperfect parts, boil to ex- tract thc juice, using only granite or porcelain kettle, and solid silver spoon for stirring. Never use tinware if you would have clear jrl.y, and never drain juices over night, as they are apt to sour and look muddy when made into jelly. Commence in the morning, boil, and drain immediately. Prepare two bags, one of thick, the other of thin muslin. Make bags with two tape loops, one at the top. the other half way down scam at side, to raise or lower; hang on con- I venient hook over table or sink, squeeze but. little through the thin bag, and not at all through the thick one. To one pint of sour juice allow the same of sugar; let juice boil until clear, then add sugar, which previously has been heated in the oven. A few minutes‘ boiling will suf- fice. Pour contents into a. large pitcher throu h a cheesecloth bag drawn over top 0 pitcher to carry any articles which might be in sugar. Fill glasses at once from pitcher; place solid silver spoon in glasses. and you will never break the thinnest glasses. DON'T TIIROW’ ANYTHING A\\'AY. Save coffee grounds for stuffing pin cushions. To keep bullcrlnilk pour cold water on it. When desircd for use pour off the water, and after Using pour more cold water on. Milk treated in this manner will stay fresh for days. Use for Sweatersâ€"With the approach of warm weather sweaters are being flin- cardcd. Do not throw away those that have. the sleeves and upper parts worn. Cut off as close to the top as possible and gather to a band or muslin waist for a pctticoat for smaller child, finish the bottom with a lloln or crocheted edge of yarn. Baking Powder CansvSavc these lin- ti’. you have enough to contain the differ- ent spices. Soak off the wrapper, let dry, buy a small can of white paint. also one of gold cnamcl, paint cans white. When dry letter them with the gold enamel; it. never will wash off. They are airtight, preventing the spices from losing their strength. Napkins for Childrenâ€"Children soil and stain their napkins badly. For .little folks have a supply of napkins made from a good grade of checked loweling, neatly hemmed. These are inexpensive and are easily washed. Longer pieces are nice to put under the children‘s plates to protect the tablecloth. Sandwiches often are left over from picnics and other special occasions. Usually they are not inviting the next day, but may be made so. Warm slight- ly in the oven and to three ordinary sandwiches made from chicken, veal or tongue make a white sauce with one tablespoonful of butter, one tablespoon- ful of flour, one pinch of salt, and one of pepper, and one cup of milk, cooked until thick. Then add the yolk of one egg, well beaten. Pour this over the sandwiches, serve at once. Holders for kitchens can be made from old stockings folded to size required. Run across diagonally each way two or three times to permit wrinkling when washed. Cover .vith strong. washable material, lightweight blue denim is good: run across as in the filling, sew a brass ring in one corner and hang on a hook near the stove. Six are none too many to be thereat. one time, and have a pile in reserve when some are in the weekly wash, as holders are a necessary article in any kitchen. Waxed Paper.â€"It 1's economy to save eVeI‘y Scrap of waxed paper that finds its way into the house. Large sheets of this can be saved from cracker boxes and many small boxes containing candy, raisins, and other fruits are lined with a good quality of waxed paper. This D3- per is suitable for wrapping up lunches. It keeps bread, cake, cheese and other articles moist; is good to paste over jelly glases, pots of jam, and many other uses will present themselves to the economical housewife. The use of un- sealed envelope flaps is a great help in the home. Cut off the flaps and use them to label bottles of medicine, cans of fruit, and cups of jelly. They easily are stuck on and are large enough to hold all you wish to write. Washing Dishesâ€"Take your old rusty dripping pan or roaster that has out- grown the days of its usefulness, give it a coat of paint within and without, buy a wire dish drainer, the larger the bet- ter. set the latter in the former, and you have a great time saver. To economize time still further, use the following me- thod of procedure three times a day: Wash glass and silverware in hot suds; pour boiling water on the silver, it pre- serves its brightness; rub on soft towel; rinse and wipe glassware; wash and rinse in hot water all tin, granite and iron ware; wipe dry; now in this hot rinsewaler wash the chinaware, using soap; fix a pan of slightly soapy luke- warm water (hot or cold mach dishes dry rough); pass dishes one at a time through this water and stand in drainer. In an hour they will be dry and shiny. THE CHILDREN ON THE FARM. Many of our children on the form are growing up with bodies \ch1 fed and clothed hilt they are starving for love. Their lives are so cllcerless, so unchild- like. can we wonder that they grow into hardened men and women? Now is the time to make children happy, while they are children, and the memories of this happiness in afterlife will continue to make them llflPPY: be enthusiasticnvith the children in their studies and play do not be indifferent. or say the cruel words that will cause the countenance to grow sad or dim the bright eyés. We are all living writers, recording on enduring tablets history made up of thoughts, feelings and aspirations. Upon It provides baby with the necessary fat and mineral food for healthy growth. ‘ ALL DRUGGISTS: SOC. AND $l.00. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeemeeee '_b¢¢eoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeéeee Scott'J EmulJion strengthens enfeebled nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and eeegeeeee this depends to a large extent the‘char- acler of those who come after us. In this lies our most powerful training as well as the hottest form it can take. Home is the sacred portal to the outside world. and to have and continue the closest. highest influence on young life is to foster in all possible ways a love for home. We hear constantly of woman‘s rights; rights to compete with man in every walk of life; the rigllt to guide and guard the state, so that the holiest, most sacred ri ht is in dangrr of being ne- glected. he world needs womanly wo- men nnd manly men; to produce them we must give from eighteen to twenty years of home life where abides love. judiciously Seasoned with reason and justice. As a rule, parents do too much preaching; talk is the weakest tool that can be used in the home government. We need personal influence; this bcglns bcfore words can be understood, and like all silent influence: will he the most deepseafcd and permanent. (lhildren are investigators; and the inner mechanism of many things will they lay bare and undcmtand just how they arc. made, if allowed to follow their own inclination. There are varied fuc- ultics latent within the child that will lead him to the investigation of the phe- nomena of the world he has entered. A child will grow symmetrically if he is not pushed too much by the ambition of foolish parents 01" by the teacher who ileâ€" sil'es to push the child for show. W.» must never forch that each child is .x peculiar king or queen in his or her ill- dividual rca‘m. No one has ever come into the world with jusl such a comhb nation of clial'actcristics or possibilities. The child is a broad, deep and grand problem which we are too weak to fully grasp. The best we can do is to be all we would have our child to be, to stand erect in our own place. and hold aloft the light that in the darkness he may see the stumbling blocks, be may see the [sunshine and the storm, and when the journey is fairly begun, each must steer his own boat. We have many men and women, who, when they tli‘l'l\'I‘ at the age of maturity, are twisted into unnatural shapes, and their sharp in clrs must be jostlcd and rubbed into srapc by coming in contact with solid facts, that nature gives us, for the correction of those who are so un- fortunate as to be ferccd inln ill-titling paths by an unnatural training. Natural fitness for a vocation is a pricclcss ad- \antage; mental tendencies usually manifest themselves early. But there is a vast difference between a more bent or taste for a pursuit and a talent. or genius for it; and for this very reason many parents make a sad mistake in pushing their children into a life of their own choosing. Too often by moulding we perform an act. of robbery. Parents‘ love should not push and control so lnuch as it should inspire. Love must not fail to let the soul work out its own salvation. TO \VASH \VOOL BLANKETS. Dissolve a cake of pure soap that has no salt or rosin in it in a gallon cf water, by boiling. Have ready three tubs two-thirds full of cold water from the cistern. Into tub No. 1 pour two- tlnrds of your dissolved soap. One- third of the remainder put into tllb No. 2, and enough into No. 3 to slightly tinge the water; also stir into tubs Nos. 1 and 2 a tablespoonful of ammonia or powdered borax. Place a couple of blankets into tub No. 1, and let soak from one-half to thrcevquarters of an hour; then rub any dirty spots lightly with the hands, and wring with wringer into tub N0. 2, putting other blankets to soak in tub No. 1, with a little more dissolved soap. Wring the blankets from tub No. 2 to No. 3, then into a bas- ket, and hang upon line immediately ly Icne edge, and when half dry turn and hang by opposite edge. Blankets wash- lcsl in this way do not shrink at all, and are as fluffy and soft as when now. Have used the above method for thir- teen yearsâ€"Mrs. T. E. Stubberfield in the National Magazine for May. ..>1<__ CHILDHOOD AILMENTS. The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in the home has a feeling cf security that her child's health is safe. These Tablets cure such ailments as ,c.tlic, indigestion, constipation, diar- rhoea and simple fevers. They break up colds, destroy worlns, make tecth‘ ing painless and give the child healthy natural sleep. And the mother has the guarantee of a government analyslthat jthe Tablets are absolutely safe. Mrs. illobert \\'iltson. (iolnbcrmerc. Ont. ,sayszâ€"“I filld Baby's Own Tablets just lthe medicine needed to keep children .healthy.’ Sold by all medicine dealers .or by mail at 25 cents a box from The [Dr. Willianls‘ Medicine C0,, Brockville, Out. *4.â€" PUBLISIIED FOR ENGAGED COUPLES. Switzerland has a newspaper specially for engaged couples, says Woman's Life. Agents all over the country col- lcct particulars concerning couples who have become engaged to be married, lend their names. addresses, and parti- culars of their social position‘appear in this weekly journal. Every girl whose name is thus mentionch receives paper for one your free. the subscribers advertisements of their goods to those whose names are so published. _ _____.;a._.. .. __ “HERE \\'O.\lE.\' RULE. In certain villages in Finland there exists a religious sect. whose disciples to take a vow to submit to the wife in all things. The 'ti;cir number as leader. wl; 5c duly it is to sec that the men liohrlve mam. selves, and to punish them if they tram. gress. the, women choose one (ii To paint YOUR HOUSE Inside and outhlthjust the right touch of color for freshness. beauty and strength. To keep YOUR HOUSE cheer- ful and bright throughout sum- mer and winter. TO brand YOUR HOUSE with a quiet elegance amongst. its fol- lows. Price Just right for the purest: and best. Write for our Post Card Series u c." are painted. showing how some houses A. RAMSAY & SON (20.. - Montreal, Est. 1842 45 UHF. maln'p PAINT MAKERS M A 0ij I N 2‘! and 4 Cyclq Engines CANADA Complete Launches HAMILTON MOTOR WORKS. Ltd. HAMILTON. ONT. GREEN SUN OF EGYPT. Reason for Appearance of Color in Relics Relative to Death. Perhaps it is the sun, and not, the moon, that. is made of grccn cheese. The appearance of a green light at sun- set, like many other phenomena sup- posed to have only recently attracted at- tention. was noticed and commented upon by the ancient Egyptians, and more particularly so because in the clear air of Egypt the tints of sunset are pe- culiarly distinct. As the sun thcre descends nearer and nearer to the horizon. and is immensely enlarged and flaming. it suddenly he- comes, for an instant, a brilliant green color and immediately a series of red ravs suffuses the sky in any directions, wall high to the zenith. The same phe- nomenon appears at sunrise,,_but to a smaller extent. Sometimes, just as the last part of the sun's disk vanishes, its color changes from green to blue, and so also after it has disappeared the sky, near the horizon often is green, while towards the zenith it is blue. This was alluded to in Egyptian writ- ings. Day was the emblem of life and night that of death, and the nocturnal sun, being identified with Osiris, thus rendered Osiris king of the dead. The setting sun was green, therefore Osiris, as the nocturnal deity of the dead, was painted green. The splendid coffins of the high priests of Ammon frequently de- pict the green sun and the funeral dei- ties are all colored green. There are il'mumerable instances in the Egyptian relics of representations relative to death being colored green. The practice undoubtedly arose from the green tints of sunrise and sunset. The green sun disk is referred to 5,000 years ago in Egypt. This is the earliest known human record of an astronomical pheno- HIEIIOII. ..._,__.3 THE GREAT CURE. The powers of hypnotismâ€"dcrided by the faculty of half a century agoâ€"are now found of the greatest value by doc- tors and surgeons. Many a patient, whilst in the mesmeric sleep, has gone without a pang through the most excru- ciating operations orâ€"~more I stillâ€"has chatted nonchalanlly with the surgeon all the time. The power of suggestion again is usedwdh success ill quite another SDhCI‘Câ€"YIL, the cure of seaâ€"sickness, of hysteria, and even of insanity. Drug habits, too, soon yield ‘great stretch of imagination, look for- take the drug slave in hand and get him mcsmcriscd into a healthier mode of living. *____. son: Ashlie nan SOOTIIED BY ZAM-BI'K. Men, womm stores. who have to be on their feet wonderful i to the treatment, and we may, without a. ‘ward to the day when Parliament will- CAIENDAR CURIOSITIES. There are some curious facts about our calendar. No century can bcgin on \\'cdncsday, Friday. or Sunday. The same calendars can be used every ycars. October always begins on the Sumo day of the week as January, April as .luly, September as December. February. March and November also be- gin on the saute days. May, June and August. always begin on different days from each other and from every other month in tho yrar. The first and last days of the year are always the samc. These rules do not apply to leap-year, when comparison is made between days before and after February 29th. V o.â€" CIIIPPLED “'ITII SCIATICA . Made “'ell and Strong by Dr. “'illiams' Pink Pills After Doctors IIad Failed. Mr. H. \V. Awal-t is one of the lead- ing merchants of I-lemford. N. 8.. A M" yf‘fll‘s ago he was a great sufferer from that most excruciating trouble sciatica. He says: “At the time I was afflicted l was living at Baker Sclllc- ment. The attack was so severe that lhad been off work for some time. The cords of my leg were all drawn up and i could only limp along with the aid cf (1 stick. The pain I suffered was fer- l'ible. I was in misery both day and night. Every moment caused me such Pain as only those who have been for- tured with sciatica can know. I was treated by scvcral doctors, but theydid not help me a hit. In fact I almost be- gan to feel that my condition was helpless, when Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. were brought to my attention. I got a half dozen boxes. I tiad used about the entire quantity before I found any benefit. But I was encouraged and got a second half dozcn 1:0ch and before these were all gone cvcl'y vestige of the trouble had disappeared. Not onlythis. bill I was improved in health in every way. as it will be readily understood that the long siege of pain I had suf- fol'cd had left me badly run down. l can't speak too highly of Dr. Williams” Pink Pills. I can‘t. rccmlnncnd them too strongly to other sufferers." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure sciati- ca simply because they make the rich, red blood that soothes and strcngthcns lllt jangled aching nerves. That is why they cure such nerve troubles as neuralgia, St. Vitus donor. and partial paralysis. That is why they cure all ailments due to poor watery blood. That is why they make weary. drspon- (lent. broken-down men and women bright, active and strong. llut only the grnln‘nc pills can do this. and they havo the full name. Dr. \V'illillms' Pink Pills for Pale People. on the wrapper around every box. Sold by medicine dealers everywhere or by Illilll at 50 cents a lox or six boxes for $2.50 by address- ing the Dr. \\'ilylislms’ Medicine (‘43., Brockvillc. Ont. ____.z..___ TO HARRY AFTER FIFTY YEARS. A broken village courtship has just had an interesting sequel. Aftcr more and girls engaged in than fifty years of separation. Mrs. lil- ilcn Briggs. of Stevenagc, llcl'ls, is go. all day, often suffer agonics from chafâ€" mp out of Australia to marry the lover ing sores, soft Corns. .019. land ulcers. generally llczlls. nuc. Montreal. says: “My boy had a sore on his heel which was rubbed by ihi: s'ocking until it became a very bad Twillnd. Zamâ€"Buk took the sol'encss out 1 tan: forced not only to marry, bill also almost instantly. and healed tln:wotnldIl'wllrsell! 1le wonderfully." ZIlIll-Bllk is t'tlu‘lll)’ good LIP cuts. bluiws. eczema. scalp sores. itch, bar- lil‘l'S r. ll. blood poison and all skin inimin: :mil din-ape All stores and druggisls sell at 5106 a box. horny patches. Voi hei- early days. ‘ In other cases long standing antlisemnty-six years of age walking leads to bad lcg. varictlse veins ‘ mi SWL'Qlllf‘flI‘l, and has since been three Zzlm-Buk takes the paint to it being chiefly lradosjmple who sand tout of chafcd sores, prevents suppura-tsnrvived four wives. Now he has com- ‘tion and poison from stockingdyc, and | municatlgd with the Object of his youth- MI‘S. Briggs who is lost trace rf times married. The man himself has fut affections. and is anxious to marry Mrs. K. Watkins. of 26 l-‘orgne Avc- his sweetheart of half a century ago. ____.x¢.. SOME USE. Aunt-JAh. my dear, don’t deceive Fine feathers don't make flna birds!" Nieceâ€"“Perhaps not; but they main clly nice hats." .__._.x.___ A Chinese doctor's fee ranges from 6 cents to 10 cents.

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