Any man can sign a cheque, but it lakes 3 live one 19 make it count at me bank. It will do no harm to remember that \he man in from never has any kick about the dustiness or the road. “l-‘mher, I am not sure whether I shall one 3" iv: a specialist for the cars or lhe teeth.†6W!“ “Choose the teeth, my boy. everyone has pfr'iOd thirty-two of them. but only two cars.†ls bOI} “Didn‘t you ï¬nd it name for the baby ‘2" has only one wealthy Worms derange the whole system. Momer Graves' Worm Exierminmor de~ ranges worms and gives rest to the suf- Iercr. It. only costs 25 cents to try n and be convinced. flou} foi'w Bakers and others demand- ing strength, co[or and uniformity. “(Hum 21 grouchf’ said Uncle Josh this morning. “is th’ easiest thing in th’ hull ‘larnnl world) It‘s 111‘ gittin’ red uv lh‘ blamed thing that pinchPs, b‘jinks I" counselled Percy. reany moan anyming STRUNGMHITE "1'11 sue Algy in a withering i Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat ï¬elds, the richest grazing land, are in this province. DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH FLOUR AND FEED WRITE US. VE AIJO MAKE SQUEIZN CITY! A BILNDED FLOUR THAT HAS GAINED GREAT FAVOR A5 A GENERAL HOUSEHOLD mu. PURPOSE? FLOUR. Write us for full information aboutcrops, climate and special railroad rates. Telfer & Osgood Local representative wanted in each county. The way some men srget that they cann: ; represth them on :05 CORISTINE BUILDING, MONTREAL. AT YOUR GROCERS Eastern Selling Agents, sue the scoundrel a terrible rage. “.‘ 1g idiot l" ‘uldn't pay any a“ MEANIXGLESS \\’ORD ISSl'E .\0. RXGHT. men live they evidently cannot hire an attorney 1) on the Judgment Da’y. any attention to “‘Blithering‘ do‘ MI. you know," :10: EYE"? hard to choose a "Not at all. He uncle, you see." 20‘07. 1!†ex‘claime He calls me 202 doesn’t Visit 0! South Hug-waving crowd, a 1vred tho slalion ï¬v bands struck up "G( The Lancashires gavl cheers forms From ‘1 lriumphn] march In New Zealand all horse-racing bet- ilng is (lone on the pari-mutuel system. With a population of only 70,000 a pro- at. of $400,000 per annum is made by the Government, and this is applied lo the encouragement of agriculture and horse-breeding. Sir Waller Gilbcy advo- cates the placing of a totalizator on every racecourse in England. The sys- tem would bring in several millions a year to the Chancellor of the Exche- quer. The Lancashires gave three tremendous cheers tor‘thc French. and then began a triumphnl march through crowded and bollaggod streets. Thousands 0! ho- liday-attired people chccrod again and again. At tho (1in Hall the Mayor of- tarrd champagmo, and reminded his hmrers that red mats and red tmu- sars had not fraternized since the (Iri- mca. Then to the Prefecture. another welcome. and more champagne. Then‘ to the ofï¬cial rcsidonce oi the General Commanding the district. who drunk to the “noble British army." A bevy of ladies invaded the Gen- ernl’s saloons to chat with the British ofï¬cers. After serenading them the band was taken off in flag-bedacked tramway cars to lunch. and at 4 o’clock twelve thousand peopleâ€"everybody in the district is more or loss of a musi- cal criticâ€"assembled in the Hippodrome ca] criticâ€"assembled in the Hippodrome to applaud enthusiasticatty. so well did the Lancashire play, notwithstanding their tatigue. The President of the committee went up on the platform and kissed blushing Bandnmster Harris on both cheeks‘ before handing him a great gold laurel leaf. The General Commanding: and at} the ofï¬cers of rank were present in uni- tarm at night. at the banquet in Hotel de t‘Eumpe. A Wide Sphere of Usefulness. â€" The consumption of Dr. T-homas‘ Eclectric 0‘. has grown to great proportions. Notwithstanding the fact that. it has now been on the market for over thirty- ‘one years, its prosperity is as great as ever, and the demand for it in that period has very greatly increased. It is beneï¬cial in all wuntries, and wherâ€" c-ver introduced fresh supplies are con- stantly asked for. In 1850 the fastest steamer afloat was the Asia. She. could do 11 knots, and held (he record until the Persia was iauncnea in 1856 The ï¬rst organs built. in the elevonlh cemury had keys ï¬ve inches in width, which had to be struck with the ï¬st. Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s steniery Cordial is a speedy cure for dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera, summer complaint, sca sickness and complaints incidental to children {eeihing It gives immediate relief to 111050 suffering from the effecls of in- discreiion in eating unripe fruit. cucum- bers, eie. it acls wiih wonderful ra- pidity and never fails to conquer the disease. No one need fear cholera it they have a bottle of this medicine can- venienl. FERBOVIM, WHAT IS IT? the best tonic. It. builds up 1 new life, makes people well am you get. the genuine †Ferrovim 1] boringm Ely-flHil‘Od uin. A! Saved llersoll From a Would-be Bob her in Paris. Miss Kellie McCarthy, an English gir of nineteen, who had gone to Paris t< take a situation as a governess, hac an exciting adventure with a would-ht robber in the Rue anbuteau. TI BETTING BY “TOTALIZATOR. Time tries io age a woman lair, But she destroys the trace; For Time she doesn’t seem (.0 careâ€" But at him makes a face. A TnllIMl‘HAL TOL‘R. AN ENGLISH GIRLS PLUCK. En (vaman Basselt is in the hospitz will be charged wilh nuempka 'IM‘ WHAT IS IT? I“: the name 01 Me. It builds up the syscom, gives lakesApeople well 9nd strong, Be sure u n»- mm 1T (I) Lancashirc‘s Band to aims and Line. march :1 sireels people 4 1r FACETIOUS. the an nd Nays w [L and ies invaded the Gen- chnt with the British serenading them the off in flngâ€"bcdncked lunch. and at 4 o’clock peomeâ€"everybody in are or loss of & musi- fled in lhc Hippodr‘omtI sinslicaily. so well did 1t in nls'-( 31].: Ldu II re with u Rumhuteau among 11 wo‘man rm iexw 3T woman on and led her ‘1ments. 1 her to e] lin the thé H e) in l 11 offer 11¢ en have Ma 1w enl nand [ORGY Suffered Two \‘f‘arSAReliewd in Three Months. KIDNEY TROUBLE “I believe that I z lore give my hig-hc the curative qualiiit Pe-ru-nn For I "What is there about betting at horse races that is so bad {or (he health '1†said young Mrs. Torkins. “I never heard of anything,†answered {he visitor. “Didn’t you? Ever}: time Charm UH: \ mnvx . “Didn’t you? Every time Charm makes a bet he comes home and says there is something wrong with his‘sys- lem." remedies which it 111050 small doses powerful {hat om quil‘ed. The In] tracts is secured (heir work thorou A Small Pill, but PO\\‘erIul.-â€"'1 hey that judge oi the powers of a pill my Ls size, would consider Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills lo be lacking. It is a lil- tlr- wonder among pills. What it lacks in size it makes up in polency. The Mr :an. A company or settlers, m noung ulcu new iown, called 3!, Dictionary. because, as they said, “that’s the only place where peace, prosperity, and happiness are always found." ma and have no pain. lTCll, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every term of contagious Iwi on human rr animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- iord's Sanitary Lotion. it never tails. Sold by all druggists. An artist is a man who puts his dreams into such shape that the rest of the world can realize how beautiful they are A lady writes: “I was enabled to reâ€" move the Corns, mot and branch, Ly the use of Holloway‘s Corn Cure.†Olhers who have h-ied n have me same experience. “Has young Dudléigh any asked the deaf girl’s mother has," replied the dear girl. They are Carefully Preparedâ€"Pills which dissipate themselves in the sto- mach cannot be expected to have much eflect upon the intestines, and to over- come costlveness the medicine admin- istered must influence the action at these canals. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are so made, under the supervis- ion of experts, that the substance in them intended to operate on the infes. ‘tines is retarded in action until they inass through the stomach to the bowels. 1., \vmes: I had not thcn‘ tines pass 335,» replied we de a moustache." 'eruna is exactly this sort of a rem- V. It has saved many people from aster by rendering the kidneys ser- 9 at a time when they were not able bear their own burdens. L writes: have suffered with kidney and I trouble for (on years past. an March 1 commenced using 1 and coniinued for three mo} we not used it since, nor have AN UGLY FAMILY 0! 8k]! anon-ally described by the 17 t3 forms it resists ordinal". camp‘s!»er cured by Weaver's uechon wnh Weaver's Syrup 3S mOS‘ an Alice: "I‘ll let you )n‘t tell anybody." Lse not to tng jt, but .I to repeat it." ge correctly. Women : figure Geo )0] can re anomer w Lt makes up in potency. The which it carries are put up in 12111 doses, because they are so i that only small doses are reâ€" Thc full strength of the ex- ; secured in this form and do rk thoroughly. VERY INJURIOUS. FIZER, Mt at I am well and] there big-host connmndaï¬on l1 ualilies of Forum." For Kidney Trouble. . Simser, Grant, Ontaric FAM‘ILY o! skln diseases In the on. ;cribed by ‘be word Eczema. In 3U resists ordinary treatment but i: med by Weaver's Ceer usd in coi- of settlers, in naming their a r616, have poor heads That may be whg it is a)- ble (or one to gure her atlle but Powerful .-â€"They a wise m man can {flee mdmhs. nor have Hell Sterlin g, Ky kiss me if you Willie: “1 proâ€" I won’t pmmise about {our occupation . “Indeed he “He's raising and Mad poor head? nqu INF 5. Any two meals at a boarding house are together less than one square meal. 6 If a line be drawn through the op- msito ends of a boarding house passing through all the rooms in turn. the stove pipe which warms the boarders will be within that line. 7. On the same bill and on the some side or it there shall not be two charges for the same thing. 8. If there be two boarders on the same floor, and the amount ot side of the one be equal to the amount of side rf the other. each to each, and the wrangle between the landlady and the one boarder be equal to the wrangle be- tween the landlady and the other board- er. then shall the Weekly bills of the two boarders be equal, each to each. For if not, one will be the greater. then the other bill is less than it might have been, which is absurd. When a man is a genius he feels that he has the privilege of taking a drink whenever he wants one. For drainage and irrigation Holland has me astonishing total of 1,900 miles {o'canais and ditches. THE JOY OF LIVING It you want to realize all the joy there is in living in this Canada of ours m. Springtlme you should ride a wheel; ll brings you in touch wlux nature. It gives you Exercise, Fresh Air, Sunshine. So 1w The Massey “Silver Ribbon,“ Cleveland. Perlecl, Braulford, lmp‘erlal, Rambler, and Blue Flyerâ€"wlth the latest improvements, guaranteed always smooth, easy and pleasant going. Ma nufaclurcd and guaranteed by A11 boardix rding house tim : and The 1 I‘ m Any on t] nether 31‘ A DOMESTIC EUCLID. ;and1ady m rms by a a [in nous no and) CANADA CYCLE AND MOTOR 00., LIMITED. Toronto Junction, p1‘( Deï¬nitions ldy Branchosszinnipe-g, Vancouver, Melbourne. Aust. RIDE A GOOD WHEEL AND FEEL THAT YOU ARE ALIVE On Your Savings “ a. .0"; ‘w‘ RUST Gaul- “BANKING BY MAIL" It oxplalns how our Savings Department Is no (unhcr from you than your nearest mail bop MAKERS OF THE “'0 “LBS BEST BICYCLES Send for booklet Ely one W ever so far will D0811 Compounded Quarterly are the same ne boarding are equal to 1rdini s an lions uced to her of proposi- ch has 1‘0 from any boarding is Capital and Reserve $2,900,000 ' house oblong In a variety of fabrics. style: a nd pn' in all Iizes for women, men 56:: children, and guaranteed by your own dealer. 1‘ and stock in trade or old established muvin van business; horses, vans In ï¬rst-018.3! comm on: spot, cash; owner wlahes to mm; invostigate.â€"John J. Biggn, London, Ont. OUNG MEN WANTEDâ€"FOR FIRE- men and bi'akcmen; experience un-‘ necessary; over 500 positions open at tho‘ prment time; high wages; rapid promo- tion to engineers and conductors; 875 to $200 per month; insirucliona by mail w your home without interruption with! present occupaï¬on; We assist each stu- dent in securing a position; don't. delay; write to-day (or free catalogue, Instruc- lions and application blank. National Railway Training Schooli Inc., 1432 K.. Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn, USA. LID! DURTAINS IIITIIII AIIIIOM‘ DYIIHE 00.. In 1". Ilontrell Mrs. Peckem : "Here's an invitation to my cousin's wedding. Will you go?" Peckem "No, I hale weddings. 1 some- times wish I hadn‘t. attended my own." NFTEEN HUNDRED BUYS 000nmâ€, OHENILLE CURTAINS Illa nll llndn of bonus Hull-u. cllo wm. w \u thou!- your: Toronto Canada. nvno a OLIAHII LIKE NEW.