“It is difï¬cult to believe that Mr- Robinette will accept a grafter nom- ination for Centre York. That gentleman joined the church not so long since, and it is impossible to believe that a church member will run for Parliament in the interests of the present regime. ‘My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not'." A religious weekly published inlSOthY Toronto draws attention to an‘ address runntly delivered by Mn! I Andrew Carnegie. The }8pel states that the address was a good one, Child Well suited to its audience, but adds :52, Will the Mail and Empire ever miss a chance to sneer at those who express a desire to lead the higher life? Mr. T. C. Robinette, a promi- nent Toronto lawyer, is spoken of asa likely Candidate in Centre Toronto, on the Liberal side of politics. The Mail could not pass by such a favor- able opportunity to take a fling at a political opponent. An editorial note in last Friday‘s edition reads as follows :â€" The monthly ï¬nancial statement of the Dominion, handed out last Friday, giving receipts and expendi- tures up to April 30 in connection with the ï¬scal year ending March 3i last, is the most encouraging state- ment ever issued in the history of the Dominion. Final returns for the year are not yet in, but it is safe to say that when the books for the year are ï¬nally closed they will show a surplus of ordinary revenue over ordinary expenditure of over $18,- 000,000, and a net reduction of debt during the nine months constituting the last ï¬scial period, amounting to about $7,500,000. Some of the other speakers, how- ever. took a diï¬'erent view of the distribution of patronage. Mr. R. 0. Harvey of Vaughan, pronounced it "humbug." His idea was that a good man in ofï¬ce, faithlully doing his duty, should not be interfered with, no matter what his politics might be. Mr. Harvey’s sentiments should meet with the approval of all right thinking men. No one denies the right ofa Government in power to appoint their political friends to vacant positions, but to discharge officials simply to make room for others who are of a different political stripe is both mischievous and un- wise. The Young Prince Edward who may be a future King of England, while servmg as a cadet will have the regulation shilling a week for pocket money. Many a boy might have grown up to a noble manhood had he been restricted in his youth to regulations similar to those which now govern the young prince. There is altogether too much talk f about patronage and “ the loaves and ï¬shes." at Conservative gatherings in Ontario. Hardly a convention is held to nominate a candidate that the i question does not come up. The 1 meeting at Weston last Saturday was no exception to the rule. Several of' those nominated as candidates hinted that Grits in the civil service should be “ ï¬red,†and Capt. T. G. Wallace . of Woodbridge, who declined 21 : nomination gave vent to his feelings i in the following words as reported in i Monday’s Mail and Empire: †The people were told that there were 3 7,000 or 8,000 ofï¬cials appointed by i the late Government meriting dis- i missal. Many of these were still in! the employ of the province. We; deserve justice, now we are in power, i to the victors belong the spoils." Evidently with Capt. Wallace and some others â€justice" and “selï¬sh- ness †are synonymous words. i RICHMOND HILL. Om. POLITICS AND PATRONAG E. May 10. 1907 ‘ We cannot understand why a man \should be criticized at such a time. lIt‘ Mr. Carnegie or any other man says a wrong thing or does a mean vact we believe in a fair criticism. On the other hand if he says a good . thing or does a kind act why not give Ihim credit for such. Mr. Carnegie i is giving your after year hundreds of {thousands of dollars for the better. , ment of humanity. It is safe to say i he would have received fill‘ less criticism had he not given away a dollar. Don’t, forget the banana social to he held here on Tuesday evening, 213G inst, under theuu;picusnf the Epwnrth League. A puLI-iutic program will be given in the church and refreshments served in the Hall. The Rev. W. E. Galloway will give an address and there will also be solos. quartettes. glee-s, recitntimm. gramophnne selve- tiuns etc. The Rev. Mr. “’ilsun will occupy the chair. Piles get, quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop‘s Magic Ointment. Please note it, is made alone for piles, and its ucLinn is positive and certain. Itching. painful. protruding 01' Mind piles disappear like magic by its 1159. Laige nickelcanped glass jar 50 cents. Sold' by \V. A. bundeisnn. House cienning is the order of the day. Eat, your meals whenever you cuflget thgm. The pupils of our public school had their picture taken on Monday; of course it can’t help but look Well. Mrs. C. Smith. who has been ill for some time is still very low. We hope soon to hear of an improvement. \Ve notice the boys practising {unt- Quite a number of our citizens intend to take in the Fair at Richmond Hill on Victoria Day. Hal? Men‘s fancy straw hats, 350.. 500.. 750.. $1.00, $1.35. and $1.75. Caps of all kinds. Tweed skidno, 55c; tweed feduras. 50c. Atkinson & Swit- zer. A large and enthusiastic meeting of those interested in football was held in Mr. J. \ankvr‘s sun-e last Saturday evening. It was decided to re-nrgan- ize for thv sensnn. Mr. J. Hadwvn was electr‘d chniiumn and the fullOW» ing ofï¬cers Were numinaled and elect- ed: presidem, Mr. Wm. Walker; manâ€" ager. Mr. Jas. Canwmn: secretarv- treasurvr. Mr. J. Kyle: captain. Mr. L. Hadwen; Lenin mnnmitLen-. Messrs. J. Cameron, W. \Valker, and C. Mal- lny: cnnnnitlre for arranging games. thSSl'S. J. Kyle. E. 0001)“; and . Hadwen; I'DHSPUL. C. Walker. pr team uxpect, to be exceptionally strong as all last year’s players are avuilnhle hrsides a few new members who seem very promising. The team is now open for challenges {mm neighboring clubs. “’9. notice the boys‘ practising foot- ball these evenings. \Vhy not organize a. club for the season ? LN; me send you free. for Catarrh. just, to prove its merit, a trial size. lmx of Dr. Shtmp's Uatarrh Romedy. It; is a snnw white creamy. healing anti- septic balm. Cuntaining such healing ingredients as Oil Eucaliptus, Thynml, Menthol. etc., it give-s instant and last~ ing relief to Uatarrh of the “use and throat. Make the free test and see. fur yum-self what this preparation can and will accomplish. Address DI. Slump, Racine. \Vis. Large jars 50 cents. Suld by W. A. Saudersmz. The Library Board met Tuesday en's-ping. Mem‘fwrs present. Messrs. W. H. Pugsley, R. Shaw, J. H. Brydun and T. I“. McMahon. Minutes of last meeting read and adeLed. The secretary read a letter from the Inspector uf Puhlic Lihraxies nth-ring to lend In this Lihrary Bum-d for three munths u Travelling Library contain- ing about 60 hooks. Shuwâ€"Brydonâ€"Thal; the Library Bnard make upplicatiuu in acetirdauue with regulations for a Travelling Lil)- ra-ry. said application to he. signed by the Chairman. the Treasurer and the Seeretzuï¬v.â€"C;u‘rivd. that “it might have come with greater grace from nearly any other." Speaking of wealth and its uses, Mr. Carnegie saidâ€"" Not till the dollars are transmuted in service for others has wealth completely justiï¬ed its existence. Dollars are only dross until spiritualized, a means Loan end, and miserable is the man, mean and squalid his life, who knows no better than to deaden his soul by mere possession, counting over the hoard which holds him down 01' using his faculties in old age in augmenting the useless stuff which ministers not to any taste worthy of man.†Child's curt The Bdurd adjourned. We cpver the head! Do you negfl a. PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD. DOMINION HOUSE. Richmond Hill For Sale. Ed gely. Teston almost new Ill. On Friday. May 24. extras will he run from Schmnlwrg at 12.00 noon. and at 10.30 p. In. (this our connecting with Metropolitan lute curs north and south). and vxtms will leave Bnnd Luke Jcn.. Ynnge street, at 1.00 p. m. and midnight. SCHOMBERG & AURORA RY SPECIAL SERVICE 40‘ .1 PENNYROYAL VJAFERS. GOLDEN CONQUEROR â€" Clydesdale stallion. the property (if J. 1‘). 'l‘oesnn. \Vill \‘tnnd at his own sluhlv, Sunny- side Fan-m. Int, 32. can. 1. Muikhum, nezu- 'l‘hm-nhill. 'l‘i-i-ms $11. MACQUEEN'S CHAMPION---0lydesdulv. the pmpm-Iy nf Joseph Burnett. Elgin Mills, will go to Testnn, Ve-llnrv. Maple. Home from Thursday till Tuvsdny. Terms $10. LORD HAMILTON---Clydesdalo, the pmpex-ty 0f T. H. Leggv. Temperance- \ille. \Vill travel through Whit~ church, Oak Ridgl-s. King City. Hume from Friday till Tuesday. Terms $10. PRIDE OF VAUGHANâ€"Clydesdale. the property of Russ .1. Buwes. Cun- cm‘d. \Vill stand at his own stable. TPI'HIS $9. PRINCE DRUIDâ€"Impnrted Clydes- dale, the property of John Palmer, Richmond Hill. \Vill stand at. the All parties interested are hereby re- quested to take natice and govern themselves accordipgï¬. _ _ On Thursday, May 23, u late car will leave Newmarket fur Tm-onm at, 10.45 11).. and an the same night a late our will leave Toronto for Newmu rket 11).. and on the same night a late our will leave Toronto for Newmarket at, 11.30 p. m. On May 2L special extra. service will be provided between Toronto and Richmond Hill. and Newumx'ke-t. for the Annual Spring Exhibition at Rich- mond Hill. and the anmsw Match at Nownnu-ket. lute curs lwu‘ing New- man-km. at 10.45 p. In. for Toronto and leaving Toronto for Newnmrket at 11.30 p. In. PRINCE DRUIDâ€"Impnrted Clydes- dale. the prupelty of Jnhn Palmer. Riclmmnd Hill. \Vill stand at the Puluwr House. Terms $13. DUKE 0F YORKâ€"Clydesdale. the property of W. W. Hudgin. Hume stnlulv, Summit, Hnuse, Oak Ridgos. \Vill lw ut Elgin Mills. Carrvillo, Nuw- tun Brook, Millikan. Uniunvillo, Vic- tm-iu Square. Vundm-f, Aurora. Tl-nns $11. THE COURT OF REVISION for re- vising the Assessms-nt, Halls of the Tuwuship of Vaughan fur the Year 1907. will he held at the Town Hull, Vcllore, (m Maple, May 14, 1907. SPECIAL SE RVICE METROPOLITAN DIV MARQUIS ()F COWAL â€" Impm'tml Clydesdulv. the plUpl'll_\' (vf D. C. Stu-lo. \\'ill go to Headtmd Dnllm. l’nuersun. Uuk Ridgus. Viutmia Square. Elgin Mills. Home stable. Riclmmnd Hill. Trl'llls $l4. RUYAL HATroxâ€"Impm-tod Clydus- (lule, [he prUpH-ty of D. G. Blnngli. \‘Vill [m at Maple. Richmond Hill. Elgin Mills, Oak Ridgvs. Aurm-n, Ketlleby. Hume stublc, King Gilly. Terms $12. ’ SHIPMVI‘Eâ€" Cmriage stallion. the pwpelty W. W. lludg in. Hume stahle Summit House. Igmk Ridg us. \Vill be at, Evmslvy. King Oily. Ann-0m, Richmnnd Hill. Uninnville. Victm-ia Square. Terms $11. MINTO CIIIMESâ€"Trntting-bred still- linn, the px-npe-rly 01' \Vm. Gnuld. Hume stable. Pulmm Hons» Rich- mrmd Hxll. \Vill be at King City, Nnblelnn, Purplevillv, Maple. Ulu-ny's Huiel. Tmms $10. Hmsemvn getting hiHs 01- cards pI-intl-d at, THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce will receive a free nulice during the season as follows:â€" COLIN MACQL'EENâ€"Cl_\'dosd.~.lv. the properly nf W. J. “1-119. 11mm- stahle. Tmnpernncm'ille. \Vill Im at Bullntrne, Aurm-u, Viclmiu Squaw, Elgin Mills. Terms $10. VAUGHAN y». [if ‘r w-‘W‘V Q (‘0 of the Sr! .. ."o' AMPT‘WA'I. con , *“SUHLSLUFifH l. ‘ xv -L:-.".‘rlldc (rights, fur ll (3 13'.- 1. Prunw- (Jer' sow Yum. '1' n“. Cutmdm ‘ 1 Bank ubum ' 0:. ueriunce. (‘1). ma noticed - . ugcsh I nsc. and ' ‘30 11 year ' sting in‘ innit“: Amer- A ‘h‘lrvu I“! NN A: 30.. S‘ IEN’HP‘II ‘ Shh-mini e1. uruvm s u ,. n â€nummcinn-n (‘uny “the nu #r'ill 1| ights. for LLB I?!“ 1 1d, me-u. German . e .11 Bank about 31-"? fun». 'I‘irirry-sxn-r-m ' -'<‘ ox‘pelience. .tsnx-Lxmm thrul. In )zb‘. ‘ 5; CU. urvnoticed n 17m r‘ ‘1' N’I'lFIl‘. l\.\!| m A.\' ' .- hugesh I expand m '-' m 4;; ('iwulawd 5 Ion up N r. $3.20uyear ‘ Splxrndid ex. «Having a ti inn-rusting ln1 -.~11x.m apocimvn (Hwy 01' the vnliï¬c Amer- . Addrou MUNNlt _..‘() SLIEN’HFI' xnuthx ()J'ce. 21.1 Bmudwu ' ,New Yurk. Public Notice SATURDAY. MAY 25, 1907 Stallion Register. MUNICIPALITY OF at 10 o'clock a. m. CHAS. L. ‘V I LSON, J.UB. MCLEAN. Clerk of Vaughan. ’7. 46-2 Asst. Manager at '2 o‘clock p. m., to hear and deter- mine on appeals against the Assess- ment, Rnll for the current year, of which all persons interested are re. quh-ed to take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. _ Public notice is hereby given to all \thn it, may mucex'n that the ï¬zsn sitting of the COURT OF REVISION for the Township of Markham. will he held in Victoria. Hall. Uniom‘ille, (in Township of Markham 40-2m - THE DUKE is une of the largest, one of the i ï¬nest trotting stallions and stock horses in Canada. THE DUKE served 123 mares lust your and uwi his services this year near Toronto we cumml; St Thm nhill where we expect, to meet, all our frn'mer p Richmond Hill and Aurora. Monday noun THE DUI Thm‘nhill. and at 3 o’clock at Edgvly, and Monday VVondbl-idge. Saturdays he will he at Mark Horse of the week he will he west of 'I‘nl'nntn. Standard Imported Registornd Trotting weighs about, 1300. sired by VVilkie ()ullius, Shernmel by George ‘\ ilkes. Record 2.29;}. 295 seconds. a 1. 58 gait. On the. premises. Concord. :1 well- ln-od Durham hull. also a Well-bred Yorkshire \Vhito Hog. MAURICE EVANS, THE DUKE served 123 mares lust your and owing to the large demand for his services this year near Toronto we cannot send him farther north than Thoi nhill where we expect to meet, all our former pun-om from the districts of Richmond Hill and Aurora. Monday noon THE DUKE will he at Hughes Hotel, Thornhill. and at 3 o’clock at Eilgrly, and Monday night \Voodhridge House. VVoodbridge. Saturdays he will he at Blue}: Horse Hotel. Toronto. The rest. of the week he will he west of Toronto. $15 insures a living colt, payable 10 (lays nftrlr mare foals. If colt comes deformed or dies within that time no charge whatever will he made. Bring your mares to one of the above places and heed to the ï¬nest horse in Canada. A quantity uf seed potntnes-â€"â€"Del- awm-esâ€"fm- sale, on Int 28, con. 2. Vuugbar}: CANADA CYCLE& MOTOR CO. LTD.. “Makers of the “'OI-ld’s Best Bicycks." Toronto Junction. Canada. Branches: VVinnipeg, Vancouver, Melbournt’, Australia. Local Representative J. EYER & SON. BE STRONG! B ‘V. J. LAING, In this w.1y you reserve vour strength, and build up your constitution, while at the same time». you are up-to-date for the bicycle has‘come in earnest, on the broad business basis of UTILITY HEALTH PLEASURE and in the van is plainly Seen It is not often that these two qualities 20 hand imhand. Strength presupposes exercise, and there is no better, no more pleasant, and convenient exerciee to-dny than bicycling. You can get your exercise and fresh air while going to and from your daily duties. Gum at Revisian iom'me, The Massey “SILVER RIBBON †Seed Potatoes. 44-10 SATURDAY, MAY 25, 190? For Service JOHN SLINEY Elgin Mills P‘ Municipality of the Manager. THE DUKE VC. H. STIVER, Clerk. \y 14. 1907. 46 2 Concm-d P. O. largest, one of the host, bred, and one of if 6)137é 46-2 Mnnpy interest propel-Ly 46 t-f +~r++++++++++++e A qnnnt Early \V Money to Loan. E. R. REYNOLDS. I ELPIOTT %/W _ . Stalliunâ€"Seul ln-mvn he by Genrge \Vilkes Triu12.l7. Quarters Ab pl 3: UP-TO-DATE! TORONTO. ONT. to enter I} NOW is a (‘10!) For Sale. 77 Victoria St.. Toronto. THE LIBERAL OFF“ 3U) ï¬l‘: flil e \Vilkes. Dum hy Quarters in a race in [lillmwm 16;} hands )T'I mot-t » per cent. gageâ€"farm Markham pn tn tm ++++ he