Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 May 1907, p. 5

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Hon. G00. P. Graham. the lPfldOI' the. Oppnsitinn in the LucaI Huusv, billed to address Lihurul Cunventh in York County as fulluwszâ€"June North Yul-k at, Newm'u'keL; June at East Tm‘umu. - Mr. and Mrs. L. Richardson of Maple, had tea with Mr. and Mrs. (hm. Reumun nu Sunday. and remain- ed for service in the Methodist church in the mulling. Miss Pearl Frialw of Victor-in Sququ dm-s nut imm'uve as could ht- wished. Everyone who knows hm- udmires bur patience and fortiLudu. The Junior Lwlguc will meet at thv usual hour, 4 p. m., mi Mummy next, i I Umsuhm-l mum Hf the (:hlll't‘h. IL Will he an interesting Band of Hope session Mr. 11. H. Dvwm-l, 1s. (7.. was nom- inated hy the Lihrl'als of South Tumu- Iu as thvir candidate for the House nf (‘umumns at, the next general election. The Victoria Squaw Sunday Schnn] purposa- lmldiug thvir :mnuul field day and entertainmme in the (awning. nu Saturday 1:31!) nf June, notiu-uf which will be gin-II lilll'l‘. Row A. Bi'tlfmd punched a. very thoughtful and inlvl't'stillg willCuLiunnl sermon in tho Methodist church last, Sunday ensuing. Prunes! Pmrws!â€"C:Llilnrni:l prunes. size 80 to 90. 7c. pvr H»; size (it) to 7H 90. per ML; size 30 lo 40. llic. pm- H) Atkinsnn & Swilzvr. The subject of discmn-se mxl Sunday H'rning in the Methodist rhurch will be: “What are yuu hiding?" Rev. A. I’. Blame will preach. Mrs. (Rev. Dr.) Ghown returned to hrr home in the city un Mundav. greatly pleased Mill) the hc-nefit dolived from her stay in town. (w‘rippp. hr( with Preve dursun. Miss Lotti? Sim-(up :md Misti Sadie Inglis nf'l‘nruntu, lva on \Yrdm-sday fur \\’inni[wg. Mr. and Mm. J. Bustnn’l attend the funeral of llnvir uvphvw, Mr. Is; Mitchell. of Tumult“, un Friday lust Th9 L Idivs‘ Aid (if the MI rhurcl) zu'v lmsily preparing to In: als for the people attending (Ill lhl‘ 34th. Mrs. S. M. Brnwn spvntm‘vrSunday w lh friends at Victnrin Squaw. Mrs. Gilhnnro of Tux-unto. and Mrs Sl.¢-\'ehsmn uf \Villnwdnlo, \‘isiu-d Mr and MIN. Julm Beslul'd on Thursday. Sunday" “3th family. mum‘s llm'u Limnd, 115-02. purkuge. lUc.; lU-uz. package, 11.52; Mnuut Hmnillun Brand, lU-uz. package. 100. Atkinson & vaichr. Mr. M. H. Brown, 'I‘m-mvtn, visited with his fuLllvr here- lnst Saturday. . Raisinsâ€"Selch Valencia raisins, .2 lbs. fur 201.2; Cullfm-nia seeded raisins. Ham’s llm-n Brand. IZ-uz. pugkuge. MI. Juhn Richardson, the last of a family of six lll'hlhl‘ls. died in Aux-om on Sunday. aged 68 years. lnturuwnt in the. Auxvm cemetery Tuusdny. The remains were carried to thir lasL resting place by six nephews. On the pnsL [wu Sundays, Sunday School was held in the uuditnrium of the Molhndist church. The painters and deem-nun s are now busily engaged in the hndyof the church. Cunsequvutiy next Sabbath all the services will be held in the schOUI room. Free samples of ” Prmemws" and :L lumklet on Unlds will by gladly mailed ynu. on request. by Dr. Slump. Racine, \Vis., simply to prove nwrit. Pre- ventics lll'L‘ llltll' Candy (‘nld Cure tablets. N0 Quinim-, Im Laxative, nothingharmfulwhatever. l’l'vventics prevents coldsâ€"«ls the name impliesa- when tale?!) early. or at the "Slwvze Stage." Fm- a smth culd or Lu, Miss Elmmm' Lungslntf has returns-d Hum [111- l’hilippines. Mud will spva [he summer with her hmthel, Dr. Lungsmif. \Ve understand that. Dinner and Team will he saved as usual at the Methodist, and I’lesbytel'inu churches on the 24th 01’ May. If it \wre nuL fm mu- chmchvs it Would be difficult to acvmuuwduto all \vhu pntmnize our annual fair on Vicuuriu Day. Mr. R. H. Davies of the \Vm. Dau‘ics Company. is re-huilding un the site of tho hnnsc burde dnwn a fnw months ago near Luke “'ilcnx. the farmer residence of [he lute H. Q. St. Geurge. Mr. h‘l-nwnin},r ul‘ Anrurn, has the contract for the. ln-ickwm-k. In stuckâ€"Men‘s reudymnde suits. Regal Bland, all sizvs. the lzuvst cuts. near. and stylish. “'9 will Inukt- tn ynur uwusm-e :l genuine Scotch txveod suit for $17.50. Mum-y back if nut satisfied. Atkinson & Swilzvr. @1139 Eflihmfl. Mrs. J. H. Bryllun muplc nf wm-ks in Tn vf Mls. \V. D. Gill‘dlll‘l RICHMHND HILL, 0x1, Muy It Mr. (‘11 1' ()mn \ up; his hul NU dnughtvl‘s. Mr. H. H. Dvwm-t, K. (1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles \Vriglu IJ(')CA];S ilfi . Hall. :I (‘lc'rk in thv Bunk Mnntrwtl. hm: hw-n spend- duys at his hmnc here. a SPRth cnl‘ it up safely :m :s. Suldhy W Aid of the Methmlht nf UlLuw M 1'5. :X. 1s the name implie v. or at. the "Snv )n is spending :1 Tnumln. the guest. Bt‘sl’nril ilLtPlldl‘d :1. spvnt “Tight, p1 m ide the fair and ovul- nnd HS of KS A numhm- uf families have removed tn Hirhnmnd Hill during the past, few months. “'9 wuuld infurm ull npw- m-mr-rs that there is hvre a Public Library and Reading. Room. free to all our citizens. There are in H):- Library nun-v than 2.000 volumes of good hunks. and the leadin magazines in the Reading Rnom. pm) every 'l‘m-sday and Saturday evening from 71090‘clnck. The new postal arrangements :Lfi’ect- ins1r newspapers between Canada. and the UnitI-d States went intu effect on \Vvdnesrlny. May 8. The postage u!) THE LXBERAL will now be one cent pm (-npy. instead of being practically tree he‘retofnre. In consequence sub- srrihvrs in the United States will here- after pay $1.50 :1 year instead of $1.00. The change will, we expect, materially “(f-act our suhsrriptim: list, but the law musL he observed. Those who have already paid in advance will receive the paper fur the full term without extra charge although at a. loss L0 us. lutv llun. J. \V. St. John. TllPllllllllll- utiuns will take place on Saturday. May 25. and pulling on the fullmvmg Saturday. June 1st. The ramming officer will be Mr. Joseph Kevfler, mlilur of The \Vestun Times. 'I‘lnl pupils nf the Puhlic School are prvpeuing a px-ugrummo nf patriotic svlw‘Liuns fur [Empire Day. Thursday, May 23. Teachers and pupils (will mun-h tn the Park where shutt- a(i(11'PS<€‘S will hP gin-n by Rev. Mr. Andursnn, the chairman (If the Board nf Education and nthels. The umlu-rs of [he Emu-d, parents and citizens are iln‘iuad to be present. Credit is due to The Canadian Mag- azine fur bringing to the Mttentitm (If students of literature some interesting side-lights on the characteristics of some 01" the. early Viuturian poets, particularly of Dickens and \Vm-ds- \Vurth. The May number contains an :u-tiele by Mr. O. J. Stevenson, entitled “The Eccentricities of Genius,” in which it is shown that Dickens declined tn enntrihnte towards the erection in \Vestininster Abbey of a tablet to the memory ()f the pnet Cowper. \Vordsâ€" worth supported the prnpnsul, and the ditTei-rnce hetweeu the letters (in the subject. by these twu distinguished writers. is striking and decidedly iu- teresting. The May nuuihet enntnins. :ulsn. several “ell-illustrated articles and five ur six mtpitztl shut-t sturies. Ft'lth:1t.s. <1 rnw huts. twt-ed hutsâ€"- wv have just the right styles. the prupwr size-s. tlw nuns-L fashionable sllmh‘s, all at :I Inns! I'vuwnnzlblc price. Atkinsun & Switzvr. Among thy sm-u-sznl candidates at lhl‘ nu'vnt (-xmuinatinn at, tho Schunl nf S ~ienm- were Mr. F. L. Richardson in wound yt-ar uf tlwuivil engineering. and Mr. F. l’. Jm'kt-s in first year (af Me-L-huni ll and Electrical Engineer- ing. Thvsv vxmninntinns are u very srvere test, and lhuse \vlm pussdesel-ve ('l't‘dib. Tth shnuhl h» kren competition fur lhu $221!.‘lt‘h prize In he given the succmsiul fHuUNI” [rum n1 lhv Fair on the 24L!) of Muy. A number nf teams have nrgunized iu surrnumling distiicm, and mum: (if them hme already bigllifird their intention in t-nduan'ur Lu curl y nfi" th trophy. wich svn it, cultural Sm attend tln- 1' Thv Prmincin] Calumet on Monday druids-Vi upun the dutv fur tlw [rye- vlot'liun in “"vst Yul-k tn fill the vucum‘vy musml by the death of the lutv Hun. J. \V. St. John. TllPlllllllill- utiuns will take place on Suturduv. Ulll'.\‘ill:lg has been scintiut l‘u lv'ust than get {iv pl-i n t P The childrou's dvpnrt-ment- in the June numlvm' of the New Idea \Voumu’s Magazine (mutnins an un- usual numher of good things. The third of the \Vundol Talus nf Nurthern Lands appears in this issup: it tells huw Sif. the wife uf Thur. the thundH-god. lost her beautiful hair. and the l'vvenge tukvn (m Lnki. wlu; cmnmlltvd the theft. This is a splendid uppmtunity (n 1% ymu- children hvcmne fzunilim. early in life, with picturesque Nurse mylvhnlngy. “ Ho“ Aligglvs Shod His Skin"cuntninsinst!uctii‘vinfmmutinu about :1 pet snake who was kept. in :L ten-m-ium. Thv third in a sou-ins of Ohmic dmu‘ingq hy Juhn R. Bray, picturing th lifo (if :1 missiunnry's liulv huv and his fl imuls in thejungle. Cnnllil Our citizvns w \VEST YORK BYE-ELECTION. M A Y CANADIAN MAGAZINE. Tht MAKE I \Vnumn’s Missionary Sucir li-‘l Squaw. intend hulding :e-s nu Sunday. May 19. ELI C a. [m N EW [ht FOR THE CHILDREN “ EMPIRE "DAY. “wingx' I the lifn and his f1 9 :Idw-ntu a), and h Iped him ¢ 595 and d1 zvns \n-re pleased to see in v again Mr. Gm». [.m-k. \vhu Cumim-d tn his hmnu with u-sm'm-ul mullth past. MI. «1 is prvsidvnt of the Agri- iucit-Ly lmpus [n he zlhlu L0 - Fair on the 21th of May. S. P. S. EXAMS. mm USE OF LIBRARY. POSTA L LAW. lll g .lnokn Thvl hx lm'd With a nd the ty of their Miss I é+++++++++++++++++++++++Â¥h Let me mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop’s Restorative, and my Bunk on either Dyspepsia. The Heart. or the Kidneys. Address me. Dr. Shonp, Racine, \Vis. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart; 0r Kidneys. ale merely symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don‘t make the rommon error nf treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment. and not, the cause. \Veak Stomaeh nervesâ€"the inside neivesâ€"means Stomach wer- ness. always. And the Heart. and Kidneys as well have their controlling or inside nerves. \Veaken these net res. and you inevitahlv have weak vital organs. Here, is whexe Dr. Shonp’s Restorative has made. its fame. No other remedy ever claims to treat the “inside neryes.“ Also for hloal- ing. hilinusness, bad breath or com; plexion. use Dr. Shoop‘s Restorathe. “'rite, for mv free Bonk now. Dr. Slioop's Restorative. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. At the annual meeting of [b0 “3 ~ man’s Missionary Sucivty. the follow- ing officers were PIrCLHl:â€"- Presidvnt. Mrs. A. Newton. lat Vice-President, Mrs. Brm-v. 2nd Vice-President. Mrs. Mul'tsun. 3rd VichI-L‘sidvnt. Mrs. Sunk-s. Recording Secretary. Mrs. Amos. \Vlight. Corresponding Sccrelm-y. Mrs. Swit- Treasurer. Mrs. l. Croshy. Librarian. Mrs. Besturd. Organist, Mrs. Hume. The fullnwing is tlw financial [ppm-b for the yi-nl' Pridng May 15:â€" Mrmhership fees, $2l.00. Rest fund. $3110. Missionary Sunday, $18.88. Easter thunk-nifm-ing. $12.15. Mite Buxns, $8.53. Cradle rull, $2.80. Nine CH)! Salliâ€"Receipts, $89.70; Expenses. $18.25: Balance, $71.45. Total. $140.81. Life Mcmlwrship. which ls simply hnnm-zn-y, was conferred upon Mrs. A. Nrwtun. Mm. l. Crosby. and Mrs. Mmtsun. The members are glad to x-e-pm-t :1 successful year in all the. de- pnl‘tluents of Work. 29 I‘ STOVERrâ€"At Almim. May 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred SUIVPI‘.ildflllghtt‘l'. ++++++++++++++H+M+++++++ from 80c. to $1 50. 7 r 7 V J’. G. Aye! 00.. Lawn“, no mar-acme“ o! 9 SARSAPARILL er PILLS. CHERRY Pm um Old A SUMMER SESSION is lwld at, the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. TORONTO, dur. ing July and August. Students may em-ull any Lime with equal advantang \Vrile fur catalogue and snwiul summer rate of this Do you like it? Then why be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer’s Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair. But first of all, stop your hair from coming out. Save what you have. Ayer’s Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. It feeds the hair-bulbs; makes weak hair strong. My Hairis Scraggly brown and white. Suits Underwear, in flesh, Boots, Shoes, and Clot‘. - Arm. Savage The best kind of a testimonial â€" “ Sold (or over sixty years.” Fine light Summer Latest in Straw Hats, sp .1nd best, sch \V. M. S. BIRTHS. T. M. WATSON, Principal SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PBCTORAL. 4"? +++++++++++++~§ + ++++++++++ ++++++WH+++++++HW +++++~2~+++ 4.4. €221.52 fijfiflfiflés“ ‘ 31.39 m manna. iTHIu §-+ 'i'+ $+++++ +++++++++++++M++++ ++ +++++++++++++ +4.4- In dependable, seasonable merchandise await you here. Priced extremely low to make buying easy and interesting for the economically- 1ncHned. A Magnificent Line Of Gent’s Furnishings MPn’s Fine Negligee Shirts. sizes 14%. 15. 155, and 16, 70c. Four-ply Linen Cullzu's, all sizes, 2 for 231:. Needed “Things” We sell for cash only and that 18 Why we can make such interest- ing reductions in our Wfodel (3}1-0- cery Department. Compare these prices. GnIden Syrup. in five-lb. tin pails, Edwardshurgh Brand. 230.: Maple Syrup, in gem jars. syrup and jar, 250; GUIth Dates, 551:. ML; Choice Figs, 5c. Ih.: Lyn-g9. Flo-shy Prunes. 7C. “1.; Polished Rangunn Rice. 50. 1b.; Carolina. Rice, 10c. 11).; California. Seeded Raisins, full 16 ()2, weight, 100. package; 3 cams good Cum, fur 250.; 3 cans good Peas for 250. RICHMOND HILL +++++++$+++++++++++++++ ++-Â¥+++++++++ Atkinson 8: Switzer T imer Bargains If you are preparing to build, we are prepared to serve you with the latest May 16, 1907 Richmond Hill Hardware Stare Our prices are to your interest. Get them before buying. We also stock Washers, VVringers, \Vheelbarrows, Wire (annealed, steel, or copper), Paints, Oils, Varnishes. We guarantee you a mechanical job on Eavetroughing, Roofing, and General Tin- smithing. ++++++-§-+H++++++++r++++++++++' k+++++++ The latest in hats, caps, shirts, collars. 'I‘lle IRIISV Big Store Builders’ I-Iardvvare C. SOULE§ Having I). complete X~my and static electricity apparatus, I am able to lncate fun-jig!) bodies _in the baby. and examine fractures of bones treat NERVOUS DISEASES, RHEUMATISM, Momsw I such as Cancers. etc. Being a. Hospital. examine disease, patient 8] them for m and L Ofii RICH MOND HILL, ONTARIO Subscribi DR. S. J. BOYD a. graduate of Moorfleld's By ,1. England, I am prepared L e the interior of the eyes fo and test for glasses. If should require glasses I oxdc 1' him. and Lhrnut work a specialty. convenient. *nienc to 1h 0. Railway LIBER +++++++++ ++é+++ 3 for specialty. 3 Metropo stations. 1. Also In CHRONII‘ GROWTBS. AL

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